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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1955)
* Weds at Norfolk Miss Glenna Lou Strong (above), daughter of Mr. and • Mrs. Harold Strong of Norfolk, and Lloyd Nay', son of Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Nay of Albion, were married September 4 in Nor folk. Robert E. Miller, Wife Wed 25 Years STAR—Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Miller, residing two miles west of Star, were honored Thursday, September 22, on their 25th wed ding anniversary. About 65 friends and relatives gathered at their home to spend the evening. Those present wrere: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frerichs and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tim merman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Boelter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Derickson and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. William Der ickson, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Juracek, Irma and Lyle, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Block, jr., and family, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Block and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce John . son. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Revell and Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Juracek and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krugman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Mil ler and Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson and family, Mrs. Hulda Miller (Mr. Miller’s moth er), Miss Marsha Sue Montgom , ery, Mrs. Bill Hibbs and Donald Linquist. Ice cream, cake and coffee were served. Two decorated wedding cakes were gifts from their daughter, Miss Joyce, and Mrs. William Derickson. Mr. and Mrs. Miller received many gifts and greeting cards. They were presented a bedspread by the Star Get-Together club. Mrs. Miller is club president. Robert Miller and Mable Block were married September 22, 1930, at St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran church near Walnut with Rev. Clarence Peters offi ciating. Mr. Miller is a son of the late E. A. Miller and Mrs. Hulda Mil ler of Star, and Mrs. Miller is a daughter of Carl Block and the late Pearl Block, former residents of .the Walnut community. The Millers have four children —Harold, Joyce, Earl and Melvin. Other Star News Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson and sons spent Monday evening, September 19, at the Ewalt Mil ler home. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hibbs and family spent Sunday in Orchard with the Clarence Juracek fam ily* Wyn and Larry Johnson spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller and Barbara. Grandson in Hospital— Mr. and Mrs. Harden Anspach went to Lincoln Sunday, Septem ber 17, to be with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Keith Anspach and family, while little Stevie Anspach was in the hospital. O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gibson visited his brother in Lincoln Thursday. Little Miss Janet Lampert is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira H. Moss. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith and Mr. and Mrs. George Hart ford were Thursday, September 22, guests at the Bernard Pon gratz home, and Sunday evening guests in the Hugo Holtz home. Mrs. Leonard Dusatko and daughter, Kathleen, visited Mrs. Francis Schoenle Thursday af ternoon, September 22. Miss Lou Moss of Omaha spent the weekend visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira H. Moss. Mrs. Harold Calkins entertain ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Con Calloway of Ainsworth; her niece, Marcia Jackson of Ains worth; and Mrs. J. R. Bruns and Mrs. Irma Redd at a party hon oring the birthday ajftniversary of her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Shaw have returned from a six-weeks’ visit in the West. They visited their daughter, Mrs. Ambrose I 1 1 ... Rohde, and family at Kennewick, *.-sh.: Mrs. Shaw’s brother, Thomas Carney, also at Kenne wick; a niece, Mrs. Felix O’Neill, of Lind, Wash.; a nephew Thom as Carney, and family at Pasco, Wash.; and their son, Ralph, and family at Crowley, Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Vandersnick of Ewing spent Wednesday, Sep tember 21, at the Frank Clements home. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Summers ac companied Mrs John Diel and Dorothy of Bassett on a trip to Sioux City on Sunday, Septem ber 18. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Froelich returned Sunday night after spending the weekend in Hart ington vsiting‘their daughter and son in-law, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Wanser and family. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. DeBolt went to Omaha Thursday where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Ned Allendorfer. Mr. and Mrs. N. V. Butler and family of Newport visited Sunday with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. DeBolt. Miss Sadie Derickson returned Monday from the University hos pital in Omaha. Enrollment to Begin on Hospital Plan O’Neill business firms having four or more employees will be offered hospital-medical protec tion by the Blue Cross - Blue Shield plans during the semi-an nual enrollment campaign which begins Monday, October 3, and will continue through Friday, Oc tober 7. Virgil W.- Leach, enrollment representative, will call on own ers or managers of O’Neill busi ness firms. St. Anthony’s hospital and Holt county physicians, participants in the Blue Cross-Blue Shield plans, are cooperating in the enrollment campaign. In 1954, Blue Cross payments to St. Anthony’s hospital totaled $13,127.07 for care received by 233 Blue Cross members. Holt county physicians received pay ments totaling $12,751.50 for 394 medical, surgical and obstetrical services rendered to Blue Shield members. (Details in advertise ment on page 11.) Frontier for printing! Mrs. Maggie Knapp, Ex - Resident, Dies Mrs. Maggie Knapp, 74, who lived for many years north of Ancar in northern Holt county and later resided at Monowi in Boyd county, died Sunday, Sep tember 4, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Hyatt, in Dequincy, La. She had been ill about a year. Funeral services were conduct ed Wednesday, September 7, at Dequincy and burial was there in the family lot. Her son, Ed Hood of O’Neill, attended the rites returning to O’Neill last week. Mrs. Knapp’s first husband, James R. Hood, an early resident of northern Holt, died many years ago. She left Nebraska in 1915 to make her home in Louisiana where her second husband, John R. Knapp, died in 1924. The late Mrs. Knapp twice made return visits to Holt coun ty. Her most recent visit was two years ago. The family place is now occupied by Ed Hood. Survivors include: Sons — Ed Hood of O’Neill and David Knapp of Dequincy; daughters — Mrs. Frank (Minnie) Hyatt and Mrs. Mrs. Buck Myers, both of De quincy; 17 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. To Valentine— Mrs. Larry Schaffer and Mrs. Guy Cole went to Valentine Thursday, September 22, to at tend a “Cowbelle” meeting. Mrs. Darrel Hesse of Randolph called Sunday at the Jeanette Derickson home. Real Estate Transfers WD — Ferdinand Krutz Jr to Fred R Salak & wf 9-14-55 $425 So % lots 1 & 2 Blk I- O’N & Hagerty’s Add- O’Neill WD—James L Berigan to Char lotte Barnes 8-27-55 $570- Part of NEy4 Sec 4 Twp 29- Range 14 10 acres WD—D D Parsons to Charlotte Olivia Barnes & Hus 4-21-55 $3, 500- East 60 ft lots 6 & 7 Blk 29 Bitneys Add- Atk WD — Herman R Schrader to James W Galyen 9-10-55 $5500 Lot 1- Blk 18- Bitney’s Add- At kinson September Birthdays Are Noted— Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Prescott of Fullerton were weekend guests in the Marvin Anderson home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Day of Johns ton and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Prescott and family of Dixon and Mrs. Tillie Anderson of Laurel spent Sunday with them. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyers and family of Atkinson were Sunday evening callers. The visitors were here to cele brate September birthday anni versaries of eight members of the family. Mrs. Allen Prescott baked and decorated a three-tier birthday cake with names of honored guests written upon it Mr. and Mrs. John Grutsch, sr., entertained several guests at a card party honoring Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kimbrough of Ge neva. Venetian bllnWs, prompt deliv ery, made to measure, metal or wood, all oolors.— J. M. McDon alds. tf ! Sobotka Returns from France— Joe Sobotka returned home Thursday, September 22, from France after spending two year* there with the army. MILLER THEATER — Atkinson — Fri.-Sat. Sept 30, Oct 1 e Sun.-Moc.-Tues. Oct. 2-3-4 *• * Wed.-Thurs. Oct 5-( XflfUMAL I JUNGL I MIT MfMUU • JM Money to Loan — on — AUTOMOBILES •TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance Corp. C. E. Jones, Manager O’Neill Nebraska -i DANCE Butte Legion BALLROOM Sunday, Oct. 2nd JESS GAYER and His Orchestra ^SUPERB«M!SS APRICOTS... 4"^ $f | ■ SUPERB GRAPEFRUIT HEARTS... 6 *3® $1 S a SUPERB W®4* PEACHES.A '**#* L 1 SUPERB FRUIT COCKTAIL.4"*J® $1 f 4 MORNING LIGHT ^ CHERRIES.. 5 H9&* $1 9 ■ HARTEX %rumJhk PI NEAPPLE-4W^S & P *i SUPERBMS* CORN.*1 i dNB H A-41 ! SUPERB MEDIUM SWEET PEAS.. 3 SUPERB CUT « BEANS-5*cfa st SUPERB CUT SPEARS ASPARAGUS.. 4 S1 FINEST PORK and BEANS.91 &1* MORNING LIGHT SWEET PEAS. . . 7"can? $f MORNING LIGHT TOMATOES-6N<&J $1 SUPERB THREAD SAUERKRAUT.... 8*«3® * T OLD MANSE JELLIES UgSUf. ■ 5 S< CANNED GOODS SALE LASTS THRU OCT. 8tK? OTHER ITEMS TOR SEPT. 300,ondOCT. MONLf ! ( HERE’S THE SECOND CANISTER ON OUR.. 1 ( ONE-A-WEEK PLAN > ( Hcuothcym ) < SUGAR \ CANISTER l, $i.8s value ; i! i c j i ' ’ ■m IN GLEAMING ALUMINUM \ C WITH COPPEJ2-GLO COVERS. > -g. ■y wi o | QUANTITY EIGHTS RESERVED « j POPULAR BRANDS +vm CHEWING GUM S,,. 67* CHOC.,BUTTERSCOTCH, VANILLA €&&& , SANDWICH CMKIf$*& Z9* SWEDISH , MINTS 'oozfKS 29* BLUE ’RIBBON 0IE015< blB. PACKAGE... ^ 1 . .— BROWN and POWBRRWD I IU6Afe | LUSCIOUS TOKAY j Grapes_ IU. S. NO. 1 WASHED RED PONTIAC POTATOES 10 “ 35* I CRISP, JUICY RED JOMTHAI APPLES I WESTERN WONDER QUICK-FROZEN STRAWBERRIES IQc SLICED. SWEETENED. 10-OZ. PKG. . A W BABY BEEF SALE! [ BABY BEEF 1 ROASTS | SHOULDER I CUTS. Lb.. 1 ^B BABY BEEF to BOIL, lb... 15c I BABY BEEF STEAKS ACkc ■ I ALL CUTS, LB..■ SWIFT’S ESSEX SWIFT’S PREMIUM ^jj Summer Sausage Braunschweiger WkgLlJL^ A M | ! SWIFT’S PREMIUN ss. PICNICS | o 0 o 0