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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1955)
Future Subscribers MEIER—Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meier of O’Neill, a son, Walter Eugene, weighing 8 pounds 7 ounces, bora Monday, September 26, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’ Neill. Grandparents are Mrs. Geary Enbody of Emmet and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Meier of Pres cott, Wise. LAMPERT—Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Lampert of Orchard, a son, Steven Gregory, weighing 7 pounds 1 ounce, born Saturday, September 24, at Atkinson Me morial hospital. GOEBEL—Mr. and Mrs. An drew Goebel of Stuart, a daugh ter, Linda Kay, weighing 7 pounds 3 ounces, born Wednes day, September 21, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. SCHAAF—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schaaf of Atkinson, a daughter, weighihg 8 pounds 1 ounce, born Sunday, September 25, at Atkin son Memorial hospital. MULLER—Mr. and Mrs. Thom as Muller of Lynch, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 1 ounce, born Thursday, September 22, at Sa cied Heart hospital, Lynch. k ASHER— Mr. and Mrs. Jenr Asher of O’Neill, a son, weighing 6 pounds 14% ounces, born Wed nesday, September 21, at St. An thony’s hospital, O’Neill. HOLLIDAY — Mr. and Mrs. Don Holliday of Omaha, a son, weighing 6 pounds 10% ounces, born Thursday, Setember 22, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. PETERSON — Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Peterson of O’Neill, a son, weighing 8 pounds 1 ounce, born Friday, September 23, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. HART — Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hart of O’Neill, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 4% ounces, born Saturday, September 24, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. DAVID — Mr. and Mrs. Lyle David of Chambers, a son, weigh ing 6 pounds 7% ounces, born Monday, September 26, at St. An thony’s hospital, O’Neill. FRY—Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry of Ewing, a daughter, Jane Mar garet, weighing 7 pounds 6 ounces, born Wednesday, Sep tember 21, in the Tilden hospital. Mrs. Fry and daughter returned Monday from the hospital. Sivesind Becomes Chief of Police Joseph Sivesind has been ap pointed chief of police here and the appointment by Mayor Alva Marcellus has been confirmed by the city council. The city has been without a chief since the retirement of Joe Wert on June 1. Other members of the force are John Skinner and Gerald Brown. The mayor appointed the fol lowing committees. Police—Councilman Fred Heer mann and Marvin Johnson; sew er and water—Councilmen M. J. Golden and Joe Stutz; fire— Councilmen L. M. Merriman and Golden; airport — Councilmen Emmett Crabb and Johnson. MARRIAGE LICENSES Gene William Lierman, 22, of Amelia and Miss Erna Edna Pen ner, 28, of Omaha, on September 22. They were married by Rev. H. Clay combe on September 23. Cornelius L. Murphy, 22, of Stuart and Miss Joan Frances Kallhoff, 21, of O’Neill on Sep tember 26. John Donald Henkenius, 23, of Elgin and Miss Shirley Ann Sehi, 19, of Clearwater on September 26. | Vi Charles Ray Gartner, 24, of Columbus and Miss Delores Irene Doolittle, 22, of Amelia on Sep tember 27. Son of Former Pastor Weds— CHAMBERS — Robert Fricke, jr., and Barbara Joan Savine1 were married in Indianapolis, Ind., Sunday, September 11. Mr. Fricke is the oldest son of Rev. and Mrs. Robert Fricke, sr., for merly of Chambers. The bridegroom is a law stu dent in Indianapolis. WAGONER DIES INMAN — William Wagoner died recently at Fairbury. Mrs. Wagoner is the former Lorena Kiefer, daughter of the late George and Luella Tompkins Kiefer. Mr. and Mrs. Leach . . . when they were married September 25, 1905, at Pierce. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY”S (O’Neill) Admissions: September 21 — Mrs. Jerry Asher, O’Neill; Mrs. Don Holliday, Omaha. 22—Char 1 e s Maulding, O’Neill; Mrs. Thomas Donlin, O’Neill; Law rence Farewell, Atkinson; Mrs. Walter Fox, Bassett. 23—Mrs. Leonard Peterseon, O’Neill; Har vey Cullen, Page; Mrs. Mabel Boies, Ewing; Mrs. Donald Kell ner, O’Neill. 24 — Thomas En right, O’Neill; Mrs. Roland Hart, O’Neill; Mrs. Ross Vorce, O’Neill; Ralph Stowell, O’Neill. 25—Ed ith Castleman, O’Neill; Mrs. Walter Meier, O’Neill. 26 — Mrs. Lyle David, Chambers; Mrs. Ce celia Sands, Ewing; Martin A. Schelkopf, O’Neill; Gary Lauts, Spencer. 27— Mrs. Duane Gray, O’Neill; Shirley Neal, Atkinson. Dismissals: September 21—Mrs. Cliff J. Fleming, Ewing. 2—Mrs. Lloyd Durre and infant daugh ter, Ewing; Ernest Smith, Bas sett; Robert Jurgensmeier, O’ Neill. 23 — Carl Krogh, O’Neill; Mrs. Richard Jarman, Chambers; Marian Reynolds, Hadar. 24 — Charles Maulding, O’Neill; Mrs. Mabel Boies, Page. 25—Dorothy Friedel, O’Neill; Mrs. Jerry Ash er and infant son, O’Neill. 26— Mrs. Don Holliday and infant son, Omaha; Ralph Stowell, O’Neill; Mrs. Glen Sprague, Stuart; Paul Roth, Chambers; Mrs. Leonard Peterson and infant son, O’Neill. 27—Edith Castleman, O’Neill. Hospitalized: Mrs. Lois B. Ad ams, Chambers; Mrs. Minnie Bay, O’Neill; Simon Bosn, O’ Neill; Harvey Cullen, Page; Law rence Farewell, Atkinson; Floyd Frahm, Page; Ann McManus, O’ Neill; Mrs. Ross Vorce, O’Neill; Mrs. Lyle David, Chambers; Mrs. Thomas Donlin, O’Neill; Thomas Enright, O’Neill; Mrs. Walter Fox, Bassett; Mrs. Duane Gray, O'Neill; Mrs. Donald Kellner, O’ Neill; Mrs. Walter Meier, O’Neill; Mrs. Cecelia Sands, Ewing; Mar tin A. Schelkopf, O’Neill; Mrs. Margaret Scofield, O’Neill; Mrs. Millie Seger, Emmet; Mrs. Nick Weber, Butte. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admited: September 19—Da vid Wallace, Atkinson, medical; Gilman Davis, Stuart, medical; Mrs. Alfred Stracke, Stuart, medical. 20—Mrs. Andrew Goe bel, Stuart, obstetrical; Miss Catherine Laible, Atkinson, sur gical. 22—Mrs. Herman McDan iels, Atkinson, surgical; Herbert Stevens, Atkinson, medical; Wil liam Walters, Atkinson, med ical. 24 — Mrs. Harry Lampert, Orchard, obstetrical; Mrs. Frank Schaaf, Atkinson, obstetrical. 25 —Mrs. Florence Smith, Charles City, la., accident; Mrs. Doris Parson, Charles City, la., acci dent; Mrs. Lyle Damero, O’Neill, surgical. Dismissed: September 19—Mrs. George Bosn, O’Neill; Mrs. Ralph Mlinar, Stuart. 21 — Mrs. Lau rence Greenfield and daughter, Newport. 23—Gilman Davis, Stu art; Mrs. Michael Schaaf, Atkin son. 25 — Mrs. Andrew Goebel and daughter, Stuart. Hospitalized: Joe Rocke, At kinson; William Walters. Atkin son, Mrs. Doris Parson, Charles City, la.; Mrs. Florence Smith, Charles City, la.; Mrs. Herman McDaniels, Atkinson; Mrs. Lyle Damero, O’Neill; Catherine Laible, Atkinson; Lelea Garwood, Atkin son; Anna Ahle, Atkinson; Mrs. Stanley Johnson, Atkinson; Hen ry Gruenberg, Atkinson; Mrs. Frank Schaaf and daughter, At kinson; Mrs. Lew Verzal and daughter, Atkinson; Mrs. Harry Lampert and son, Orchard; Davis Wallace, Atkinson. SACRED HEART (Lynch) Hospitalized: Mrs. George Clas sen, Spencer; Mrs. Vincent Je horek, Lynch; William Mulhair, Lynch; Mrs. Thomas Muller and baby girl, Lynch; Mrs. J. S. Nel son, Bristow; Miss Lillian Olson, Bristow; Mrs. Barbara Peklo, Lynch; Miss Janice Prokop, Bris tow; Mrs. John Selle, Butte. Dismissals: September 19 — Gene Bomar, Norfolk; William Elsasser, Lynch. 20—Emily Kay Hargens, Spencer. 22—Mrs. Mary Wolfe, Redbird; Mrs. Carl Frisch and baby boy, Winnetoon. 23— Billy Rosicky, Lynch. 25—Baby Bardy Schollmeyer, Redbird. 26 —John Adams, Spencer. T roshynski-Powell Nuptials at Alliance PAGE—Miss Mary Troshynski of Page became the bride of Lloyd Powell of Alliance in the chapel at St. Agnes academy at Alliance on Saturday, Septem ber 17. Monsignor Keller offici ated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski of Page; the bridegroom the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pow ell of Hemingford. Engagement Told— DELOIT—Mr. and Mrs. Aug ust Kallhoff of Tilden have an nounced the engagement of their daughter, Donna Mae, who is now employed at the county agent’s office in Neligh. Novem ber 23 has been chosen for the wedding date. Frontier for printing! ■s" 1 • "" " .. ...~ VENUS NEWS Dennis Von Seggern, left for Wayne, Sunday, September 4, where he will attend college. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Roff and son, Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. Art Von Seggern, Betty Jean, and Dale Lee motored to Sioux City Sunday, September 4, where they attended the ice capades. Howard Tyler helped Harry Caskey with the building of a new chicken coop. Mrs. Laura Block is again the teacher of the Midway school. Her son, Harold, is teaching the Middlebranch school. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Woodworth visited at the Lyle Davis home Wednesday, evening, August 31. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser were visitors there earlier the same evening. Those who attended the poultry meeting at the Orchard Legion club Thursday evening, Septem ber 1, were Mrs. Fred Uilhir and Annett, Mrs. Herman Dorr, Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser, Mrs. Arden Laursen, Mrs. Vincent Jackson, Mrs. Russell Ickler, Mrs. Charles Kotrows, Mr. and Mrs. H. Well man and. Mr and Mrs. Mervin Strope, jr. Lyle Davis has been busy cut ting silage at the Irvin Held, Ir * e vin Woodworth and Claude Ho ward farms. digre visited with his sister and family on labor day. Youths to Spencer— «r Nine Young people from the Methodist church here attended a sub-district rally held Sunday at Spencer. “OLD RELIABLE” MARKET REPORT Tuesday, Sept. 27th Auction Cattle receipts 3,000 head. Including 72 straight carloads, it was one of the finest quality offerings sold here in a long time. A tremendous crowd of buyers responded liberally in their bidding, making for a 50 cent and more higher market. A new season high of $21.00 was reached on 60 head of 650 pound yearling steers from the Mike Higgins consignment. 1500 head of steers weighing from 700 to 965 pounds sold in a range of 18.25 to 20.65, de pending on weight and quality. 70 spayed Angus heifers from Circle E ranch sold at 18.40 for a new season high with nearly all loads selling at 17.00 to 17.75 a hundred. Choice steer calves sold from 22.00 to 23.50 and heifer calves of equal quality sold from 19.00 to 20.00 cwt. Special notice: Over the next 6 weeks, we are limiting the number of head for any one auction to 2,500 head. This as sures you sellers that you will not run into any excessive runs. We will need your coop eration to do this. Will you please list your cattle in ad vance? For next Monday’s calf auction we can still use around 500 head of calves. For next Tuesday’s stocker and feeder auction, we can use up to 700 head more. Just phone 5141 Atkinson and list your consignmenst—help us to help you. Thanks. Atkinson Livestock Market Phone 5141 Atkinson, Nebr. Too Late to Gassify FOR SALE: 1948 Plymouth, ex cellent condition, cheap.—Jim Donohoe, O’Neill, phone 478-W. 22c FOR SALE: Double bed and new mattress.—Ann McManus, O’ Neill. 22c WANTED: Woman companion to care for semi-invalid lady. Share nice home. Nominal sal ary.—Inquire box D, The Fron tier. 22c m 4 A BIG TRADE-IN NOW FOR YOUR OLD STOVE ON ANY NEW MATCHLESS GAS RANGE t • TRADE and SAVE. Start enjoying a new, match less Gas Range now. Al ways faster, top burners jump to work at a touch of the control. Big, roomy oven ... needs no watch ing . . . has automatic temperature control. Ask your Kansas-Nebraska manager about a big U'liyefsflMAodeijiM cp money-saving trade now. SOAO50 EASY TERMS AVAILABLE WITH YOUR GAS BILL "there's no cooking like matchless GAS cooking** i.iiimiiiuimihia 4HUU1UAIIHIIIIIIMIIM 5./ For Dependable GAS Service - - - —- •' L - " " o o 'J | rEggi^ _____ FRIDAY-SATURDAY SEPT. 30, OCT. 1 Double Feature “TIMBER JACK” — and — “AFRICAN ADVENTURE” SUNDAY-MONDAY-TUESDAY OCTOBER 2-3-4 DICK POWELL * DEBBIE REYNOLDS ANNE FRANCIS ADDED SHORT WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY OCTOBER 5-6 f Family Night “SEA DEVILS” ALSO WOLRD’S CHAMPION FIGHT SAL E PINEAPPLE if ifOiCE . _ ®cs‘- 2 46-Oz. Cans_C po/aroK 10 Lbs_29c SO Lbs_$1.29 MWES BU. BASKET $1,98 MISSION ! .* Ssfe'f ' ■' 3 No. 303 • If ppSHpi «> ■ '■ , ■ m AUNT JEMIMA 3 Vi-LB. PKG. PANCAKE FLOOR 45c HARK KARO SYRUP 12 gai. 59c SWANS DOWN CAKE MIX-Pkg. 25c RAKTPrrp SHORTENING.- -31k 79c MINN. PACK WHOLE KERNEL . v 4 No. 303 Jg| Cans_*gp ipfr ip’ i ———.—— _ Madison County, Homegrown Watermelons lie GOLDEN VALLEY 2 LBS CHEESE 59C GALDEN VALLEY R.S.P. CHERRIES_ 2 303 cans 45c FIG or SNOWBALL COOKIES _Lb. 29c 2 BOTTLES CATSUP 39 C TIDE-Giant pk*67c 5-LB. BAG SUSA* 49 C SUNSHINE CRACKERS_2 !bs. 49c | QUAKER OATMEAL_Lg. pkg. 37c BUTTER u 59C • • o * • PORK msmzzc FINEST QUALITY GROUND BEEF__2 lbs. 69c CUDAHY’S THICK SLICED BACON_2 lbs. $1.19 BEEF ROAST * 391 ROASTING CHICKENS_Lb. 45c WHITING FISH — 10-lb. box $1.19 T-BONE or SIRLOIN STEAK n 5 9* I SWIFT FULLY COOKED PICNIC HAMS lb 39c f __ OUR MARKET TODAY OUR MARKET TODAY FRESH, LARGE H. HENS_Lb. 16c EGGS-Doz. 3Jc COX_Lb. 7c I NUTRENA FEEDS DAVID HARUM COMPLETE EGG CBLS., 100 lbs. $4.50 D.H. 20% EGG GRAN., 100 lbs. $4.25 20% EGG CRUMBLES, 100 lbs... $4.75 D.H. 26% BALANCER, 10 Olbs.$4.65 , 40% HOG BALANCER, 100 lbs. $5.50 SOYBEAN MEAL, 100 lbs. $4.75 BEEFCAKE “22", 100 lbs_$3.95 TANK AGE, 100 lbs- $5.25