The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 01, 1955, Page 9, Image 9

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    Reverend Burnham
Arrives at Amelia
Free Methodist Pastor
from Oklahoma
AMELIA—Rev. and Mrs. Al
bert Lugmsland and son, Ken
neth, moved to their new home at
Kansas City, Kans., on Friday,
August 19.
About 50 friends gathered at
.their home the previous evening
for a farewell party. The new
mmister, Rev. Burnham, and his
wife and their baby daughter,
are now situated in the parson
age having come from Oklahoma
to serve the Free Methodist pas
Other Amelia News
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Skulla of
Howells spent several days last
week with their daughter, Mrs.
Marvin Doolittle.
Ralph Barnes went to Bayard
Saturday, August 20, to bring his
family to their home here. They
had been visiting at the home of
Mrs. Barns’s sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman
and Marcia attended the funeral
of Mrs. Widman’s aunt, Mrs. Bes
sie Smith, at Ainsworth Saturday,
August 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sageser
and little daughter of Kansas
City, Mo., visited his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Vern Sageser, last week.
Gary Small of Atkinson spent
Saturday in Amelia visiting
friends. He had been in Kansas
City, Mo., where he accompanied
Floyd Sageser to three of the
league baseball games. Gary
plans to enter Wayne State
Teachers college this fall.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Faith and fam
ily of Creighton and Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Pierce and family visited
at the Frank Pierce home Sun
day, August 21. Vernon, son of the
late Clayton Pierce, serves in the
navy and has only two years tp
serve before completing a 20
year term.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees were
in Omaha the early part of last
week where they visited their
son, Bill, and family. They re
turned home Wednesday, August
Mrs. Lew Backaus returned
home Monday, August 22, from
Niobrara where she had at
tended the wedding of her
cousin’s daughter, Miss Pat Stub
ben and Marvin Peterson. Mrs.
Lindsey and Florence accom
panied Mrs. Backaus and visited
old friends whiile there.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Doolittle
and sons, Jackie and Billie, and
Clinton Doolittle visited from Fri
day until Sunday in Scottsbluff
with Clinton’s daughter, Dixie,
and son, Randy Doolittle.
Miss Carol Burge of McPherson,
Kans., came home last week to
spend three weeks’ vacation be
fore entering college at Green
field, 111.
Donald Adams entered the
Norfolk Business college Monday,
August 21.
Bdgar Peterson went to Lincoln
Saturday to get their new bath
room fixtures which they are in
stalling in their newly built
Cleve Sigman and Bob Sawvel
of Marrell visited Cleve’s father,
Charles Sigman, and friends in
the Amelia community Friday
and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo and
family visited Mrs. Waldo’s sis
ters, Mrs. Ed Vescio and Mrs.
Harold Sinclair, and their families
in Omaha from last Thursday
until Saturday.
Dinner guests Sunday at the
Vern Sageser home were Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Sageser and daughter
of Kansas City, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs.
Bower Sageser and Sandra of
Manhattan, Kans.; Dode Sageser,
recently of Sedro Wooley, Wash.;
and Mr. and Mrs. Link Sageser.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman and
Marcia joined the group for the
Dean and Lynn Prewitt recently
purchased a new Ford Victoria.
Miss Leone Fix and little
nephew, Larry Fix, returned
home Saturday from Scottsbluff
where she had been visiting her
brother, Gale, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Watson and
family were in Norfolk Thursday,
August 25.
Several ladies of the WSCS
cleaned the Amelia school house
Tuesday, August 23.
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Waldo at
tended the Wheeler county fair
at Bartlett Sunday. They planned
to meet Mrs. Waldo’s sister and
brother there for a family picnic.
Mr. and Mrs. William Raff and
son, Albert, of Creighton visited
Mrs. Lindsey and Florence Sun
Mrs. Gene Thompson and
children have been visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Dierks at Scottsbluff recently.
The Tenus Madsen home was
damaged somewhat by fire caus
ed from the hot water heater.
Mrs. Madsen was aroused from
her sleep and smelled the smoke.
The floor joist was burned and
cupboards were damaged.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kellogg of
Arlington, Wash., and Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Schade were supper
guests at Raymond Kenny’s last
Thursday evening.
Misses Myrtle White, Lois
Burge, Elaine and Dorothy Fisher
left Wednesday to attend school
at McPherson, Kans.
Norton - Peterson
Nuptials at Stuart
STUART—Miss Norma Norton,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Asa
Norton of Stuart, became the
bride of Manfred Peterson, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Axel Peterson of
Brocksburg, on Monday after
noon, August 22, at the Stuart
Community church.
Rev. D. D. Su performed the
ceremony at 2 o’clock in the pres
ence of the immediate families.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a grey suit with
white accessories. Her jewelry was
a gold necklace and earrings and
she carried a bouquet of white
The bridesmaid, Miss Lois
Finch, wore a light blue suit and
carried pink carnations.
Amie Peterson of Brocksburg
served his brother as bestman.
They wore business suits with
white carnation boutonnieres.
Mrs. Peterson graduated from
Stuart high school with the class
of 1954 and has taught in the
Brocksburg school the past year.
Mr. Peterson served in the
army during World War II and is
engaged in farming and ranching
with his father.
After a wedding trip to Yellow
stone park, the young couple will
be at home on a farm near
Former CFNeillite Feted—
Mrs. George Hammond enter
tained a group of friends Wednes
day at coffee in honor of Mrs. W.
C. Stephenson of Ambler, Pa.
Mrs. Stephenson is the former
Mary Jo Finley, daughter of Dr.
W. F. Finley.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Moses took
their grandson, Billie Moses, to
his home in Lincoln Sunday.
at Butte
Sunday, Sept. 4
Music By—
and Her Orchestra
SUNDAY, SEPT. 4 - 8:30 P.M.
3 Heat Races — Consolation Race — Feature Race — Tag Race
Championship driver trophy on display. Medals will be awarded
feature and consolation race winners during 1955 season.
Adm.: Adults, $1; ages 12-16, 50c; children under 12, FREE.
t I
for low or high pressure
portable main lines
Ames-Weld Lo-Hi Aluminum Pipe with rugged
Steel couplers is lower in cost, easier to move and sprinkier • FURROW • FlOOD...
couple, built to take a beating. With Hi-Head ... only Ames offers you a com*
Ring Locks it handles pressures of 100 pst. Also plefe |ine of portoble Irrigation
available with Flo-Control Pressure Oates for systems. Free engineering
furrow watering. service. For full details phone
or write us today.
SYSTEMS Established 1910
West O’Neill Phone 373
C. H. Fisher Grabs
Open-Class Honors
SPENCER — Folks in Boyd
county are still talking about the
Parade of Stars, a show troupe
that wowed fairgoers Friday
and Saturday night. Instead of
the 10 acts orginally booked, two
last-minute additions supplement
ed the colorful stage show which
played before large crowds both
nights at the ball park.
Fair officials said the 4-H en
tries in both livestock and home
economics were the greatest in
number in history. Two Holt
countyans were fair judges. Mrs.
Orville Indra of O’Neill judged
the home ec entries and Stanley
Lambert of Ewing was livestock
Cattle entries in both 4-H and
open-class represented a 30 per
cent increase over last year.
Grand champion steer honors
in open-class went to C. H. Fisher
of Spencer with a Hereford en
try and Mr. Fisher also won
grand champion open-class hon
ors in the female division with a
Grand champion 4-H steer, a
Hereford, was shown by Helen
Sire of Butte. Curtis Nelson of
Bristow exhibited the reserve
champion steer and grand cham
pion 4-H heifer.
The stocker-feeder calf given
by the Niobrara Valley Hereford
association was awarded to Tony
Wewel of Newport. Four H’ers
from nine counties were eligible.
In showmanship, Curtis Nelson
was awarded a purple ribbon and
Helen Sire placed second with a
blue ribbon. Douglas Dix of Butte
ranked third and Lowell Fisher of
Spencer placed fourth.
Redbird News
The Henry Meyers family of
Hatsings visited last week with his
cousin, Mrs. Bud Mitchell, and
her husband.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carson and
family returned last Thursday
from a two-day tour of the Black
Hills. They also visited relatives
at Gordon and Rushville.
Mrs. Junior Wilson, Chad and
Rocky of Verdel and Mrs. Robert
White of O’Neill visited in the Ray
Wilson home Friday.
Little Duane Eilers of Spencer
visited the latter part of the week
with Mr. and Mrs. Bud Mitchell.
The Carroll Bjornsen family of
Sioux City visited her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mellor, a few
days before leaving for their new
home in California.
Mrs. Jack Hughes entertained
relatives at a dinner Sunday hon
oring Mrs. Frances Neely, Carolyn
and Dale of Seattle, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pinkerman
and Veldeen spent the weekend in
Omaha with their son, Reggie
Pinkerman, and family and other
relatives there.
The Bill Wilson family of Greg
ory, S.D., were Sunday supper
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wil
Many families from here at
tended the Boyd county fair at
Spencer Saturday and Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. John Hurd of
Lynch visited Saturday in the
Virgil Pinkerman home as it was
Virgil’s birthday anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Carson are
moving to Lynch. They have been
employed at the Albert Carson
farm-ranch the past year. Mrs.
Carson will teach the Lloyd Tuch
school near Verdel.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Mitchell vis
ited last Thursday evening in the
Charles Mitchell home near Butte
as relatives were there from In
Doris Halstead accompanied
Reverend Walstead and others to
Hastings Monday to attend a
youth conference. She plans to re
turn tonight (Thursday).
Fined for ‘Herding’
on Neligh Street—
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Grenier re
turned last Thursday following
an extended tour of Western
states. A coincidence of their trip
was the encounter of an aged
Californian operating a fruit
stand. The man, a Mr. Johnson,
said he was fined “four calves”
for herding cattle through
Neligh’s main street many years
ago. ( ' < <
The Greniers were gone 13
Sauers Offers Reminder
on Picnic Date—
Roy M. Sauers of Long Beach,
Calif., reminds The Frontier
readers of the Holt County Picnic
association’s annual gathering to
be held Sunday, September 11,
in Griffith park at Los Angles,
Calif. Many former Holt county
ans living in southern California
and present Holt residents visit
ing there make it a point to
attend the reunion.
O’Neill Saddle Club
Plans Picnic—
All members of the O’Neill
Saddle club are invited to attend
a picnic at the new grounds on
Sunday, September 4.
Come early, bring your family
and picnic dinner and come
prepared to work, a spokesman
said. Seats from the former arena
will be moved to the new loca
Ends Furlough—
Pvt. Elmer Schwager, who is
stationed at Ft. Meyers, Arling
ton, Va., left Saturday morning
after spending 20 days with his
relatives at Ewing.
WD—Raymond J Grof to St of
Nebr 5-5-55 $50- Part of Lot 16
in NWy4SWy4 Sec 33-30-16
WD—Ruby Martin to Raymond
Shoemaker & wf 7-26-55 $1200
Lot 7 Blk B- Chambers
WD — Wm G Beha to Paul L
Beha 10-3-47 $1500- SEy4SEy4
33- sy>swy4 34- TWP 29- Range
WD—Paul L Beha to Matthew
G Beha 7-26-55 $3000- Interest
in SEy4SEy4 33- S%SWy4 34-29
WD— James Humpal 4-29-55
$190- East 46.3 ft of Lots 47 & 53
in 32-30-14
METHODIST (Page-Inman)
Rev. Lisle E. Mewmaw, pastor
Thursday, September 1: Page
WSCS meeting; Page choir prac- :
tice at 8 p.m.
Friday, September 2: Rev. Leon
Foster, mobile minister, will be at
Inman for the day and evening to ]
help with plans for the annual
fall festival. Come if you can.
Monthly MYF skating party at
Sunday, September 4: Inman
church school at 8:45 a.m., follow
ed by worship at 9:45 a.m.; Page
church school at 10 a.m., followed
by worship at 11 a.m.; Page MYF
at 8 p.m.
Monday, Steptember 5: Page
community day (labor day).
Tuesday, September 6: Inman
choir and orchestra practice at 8
p.m., followed by MYF.
Wednesday, September 7: Page
WSCS prayer circle at 9 a.m.
Thursday, September 8: Inman
WSCS meeting at 2:30 p.m.; In
man official board meeting at 8
I1K81 Jr K£.StJ I I kivlAIN
Rev. J. Olen Kennell, pastor
Sunday, September 4: Sunday
school, 9:45 a.m.; worship service,
11 a.m.
Monday, September 5: Spiritual
life group meeting, 2 p.m.; men’s
Bible study hour, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, September 7: West
minster fellowship rally, 7:30 p.m.
The senior high Westminster fel
lowship extends an invitation to
all seventh, eighth and ninth
graders to attend this special
meeting. Meeting of the session,
trustees and building committee,
8 p.m.
Thursday, September 8: The
Women’s association meets at the
church with Mrs. R. H. Parker as
Rev. C. P. Turner, pastor
Sunday, September 4: Sunday
school at 10 am.; The Gideons
will be in charge of the 11 p.m.,
service. All are welcome to these
services; young people’s meeting
at 8 o’clock in the evening;
preaching service following the
young peoples’ meeting.
Midweek prayer meeting and
mission study will meet Wednes
day evening at 8 o’clock in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lor
Corner of Sixth and Grant
Rev. John Thomas, minister.
Sunday, September 4: Bible
school, 10 a.m.; communion and
preaching, 11 a.m.; Youth Fellow
ship hour, 7 p.m.; evening wor
ship 8 o’clock.
Wednesday, September 7: Bible
study and prayer session.
In the name of Jeeus Christ we
bid you a sincere welcome to
these services.
Rev. Duane Dauber, pastor
Sunday, September 4: Sunday
school 10 a.m., Carl Colfack;
superintendent; worship service
11 a.m.; youth service 7:30 p.m.;
evangelistic services 8 p.m.
Prayer service and bible study
Thursday 8 p.m.
(702 E. Clay, O’Neill)
Rev. E. Kirschman, pastor
Sunday September 4: Sunday
school for all ages, 10 a.m.; wor
ship 11 a.m.; Christ’s Ambassa
dors, 7 p.m.; evangelistic rally, 8
Midweek service, Wednesday,
8 p.m.
Alder, Davis, Carl
Among Enlistees
The following army enlistments
in this area have been announced
by Sfc. James R. Lyons of the
O’Neill recruiting station:
Anton L. Sibbel, Paul S. Host
ert and Kenneth Weber, all of
Butte, enlisting as a “buddy
group” in the signal corps.
John J. Larsen of Merriman,
for engineers; Leonard D. Alder
of Verdigre, for airplane mechanic
school; Owen M. Davis of O’Neill,
for track vehicle repair school;
Marvin D. Carl of Ewing, for ra
dar school.
Everett A. Densberger of
Johnstown, for ordnance corps;
Clarence L. Peters of Neligh, for
regular army (unassigned).
These men were sent to Camp
Chaffee, Ark., for processing and
Forrest Maple in
Sioux City Hospital
ORCHARD — Friends held a
two-day haying bee this week at
the Forrest Maple ranch and put
up 110 acres of hay.
Mr. and Mrs. Maple have been
patients in a Sioux City hospital
Two of the occupants in the
second car died from injuries re
ceived in the collision, which took
place at the junction of U.S. high
ways 20 and 81 near Osmond.
Mr. Maple, seriously injured,
may have to spend several
months in the hospital.
Streeters Mark
35th Anniversary—
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Streeter
returned last Thursday after a
visit with their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Huebert and children, of Witchi
ta, Kans., and with their son and
his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Gene
Streeter, and family of Lincoln.
Their trip coincided with their
35th wedding anniversary. The
Streeters observed drouth dam
age between here and Wichita.
See Passion Play—
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shaw and
Linda returned Friday from a
week’s visit in South Dakota and
Wyoming. At Spearfish they vis
ited Howard Plank and witnessed
the Passion Play. In Wyoming
they visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Wolfe and family.
METHODIST (Chambers)
Rev. J. M. Hodgkin, pastor
Sunday, September 4: Sunday
school, 10 a.m., Eugene Baker, su
perintendent; worship, 11 a.m.
The Woman’s Society of Chris
;ian Service meets today (Thurs
lay) at the home of Mrs. Arthur
rangeman with Mrs. Alvin Tan
geman as co-hostess. Mrs. T. E.
(Uderson is program leader, Mrs.
-lair Grimes, worship leader.
(RFD, Ewing)
Rev. J. Olen Kennell, pastor
Sunday, September 4: Worship
service, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday-school,
10:30 a.m.; picnic dinner at the
:hurch, 12 noon. Meeting of Sun
day-school teachers.
Pastor, Wife Going
to National Meet—
Rev. and Mrs. E. Kirschman of
the Assembly of God church here
will attend the 26th general coun
iil of the Assemblies of God to be
held at the Municipal auditorium
in Oklahoma City, Okla., starting
today (Thursday) and continuing
through next Wednesday. Thou
sands of ministers and delegates
are expected to attend.
Features will include talks by
Gov. Raymond Gary and U.S. Sen.
Robert S. Kerr; a vesper service
in which the national radio pro
gram, “Revivaltime,” will origi
nate; a missionary rally and an
outdoor evangelistic rally.
Deloit News
A number from here participat
ed in and attended the Wheeler
county fair Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller and
family visited their son, Leonard,
who is in training in Wyoming,
and spent several days in the
Mrs. Ralph Beaudin and Jan of
One* ha spent last week at the
Ralph Tom jack home. Jan is a
guest this week at the Tomjack
home while her parents are on
Wheeler county high school
started Monday. Judy Werkmeis
ter is a sophomore; Nancy Paul
and Judy Bartak, juniors; Jesse
Felker and Patsy Day, freshmen.
The heat was terrific the last
two weeks. The mercury hit 105
Friday. No rain for seven weeks
except for a light sprinkle last
Thursday morning and about one
fourth of an inch Sunday evening.
James Squire acted as president
of the Wheeler county fair board
this year and a fine fair, rodeo
and program were presented.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Hupp
and family visited Mr. and Mrs.
Pete Roudybush and family on
Wednesday evening, August 24,
Guests at the Leonard Larson
home last week were Mrs. Lar
son’s two nieces from Culver
City, Calif. They visited the Har
old Mlinar family at Atkinson
last week and on Sunday attend
ed a picnic in Norfolk where Mrs.
Larson’s sister from California
was also a guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sehi returned
last week from a trip to Califor
nia where they visited relatives.
A dinner was held Sunday at
Fred Maben’s for about 40
relatives to meet Mrs. Galen Ma
ben, who arrived last week from
Regensburg, Germany. Mr. and
Mrs. Maben were married last
spring in Germany while Galen
was in service. They will be at
home on a farm southwest of
Mrs. Henry Reimer and Elayne
vistied at the Harold Olson ranch
home at headquarters last Thurs
travel is oemg nauieu nom cow
ing to highway 80, graveling east
of four corners.
Zoe Ann and Becky Huffman
spent Monday and Tuesday, Aug
ust 22 and 23, at the home of their
grandmother, Mrs. Huffman, in
Elgin while their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Huffman, at
tended the Legion convention in
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bartak and
Mr. and Mrs. Sunderman, sr., left
last Thursday for a trip to Georgia
to visit Mr. and Mrs. Sunderman
and daughter. Mrs. Sunderman
was formerly Shirley Bartak and
her husband is in service.
Applications for jobs for staff
ing state weighing scales are be
ing accepted by the Nebraska de
partment of roads and irrigation.
Applicatoin blanks may be ob
tained from Richard Carter, fifth
floor, state capitol, Lincoln, and
the applications must be post
marked before midnight Septem
ber 10.
Wins Prize At
Madison Fair—•
Mrs. Eugene Love of Madison
a former Venus girl, was a win
ner of a bushel basket of gro
ceries in the Mary Moore apron
contest held at the Madison fair
on Wednesday, August 24.
Mrs. Love is the former Ellen
Butterfield, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Lyod Butterfield.
Sally Stewart
Is 4-Years-Old—
Little Miss Sally Stewart was
honored at a party for a group of
neighborhood children Wednes
day. Sally was 4-years-old. She
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Carroll W. Stewart.
Traveling Emblem
Presented at Meeting
INMAN — Arbutus Rebekah
lodge met in regular session Wed
nesday evening, August 24, at the
IOOF hall. Karl Keyes, noble
grand, was in charge. Eight mem
bers from the Atkinson lodge at
tended and brought with them
the traveling emblem. They pre
sented a program.
Refreshments were served by
Estella Keyes, Lena Butler, Ellen
Brown and Doris Butterfield.
Other Inman News
The WSCS met last Thursday
at the church for a regular ses
sion. Mrs. Melvin Lorenz, presi
dent, was in charge. Mrs. Harry
Snyder led the devotional hour.
Materials for the bazaar were dis
tributed. Refreshments were serv
ed by Grace Gannon and Ruth
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hutton
and daughter of Bassett were
Sunday visitors in the home of
Richard’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. D. Hutton, and Vicki.
Mrs. W. E. Kelly took her son,
Don, to Norfolk Saturday where
he will attend Norfolk Junior col
Bob Coventry accompanied Air.
and Mrs. Gary Wrede and son to
Denver, Colo., Sunday. Bob will
spend a week visiting in the
homes of his aunts, Mrs. Francis
Dempsey and Mrs. Robert Col
Mr. and Mrs. John Mattson
left Sunday morning for Minneso
ta where they will spend the next
10 days vacationing and fishing.
They will also visit John’s mother,
brother and sister at Meadow
lands, Minn.
Mr. ana Mrs. Kenneth Coven
try and son, Dick, left Sunday
morning for Brown Valley, Minn.,
where they will spend several
days fishing and sight-seeing.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson drove
to Omaha Monday morning, tak
ing their daughter, Miss Carolyn,
who will enter the Immanuel hos
pital to receive training as a nurse.
Mr. and Mrs. James Banks and
family moved on Monday to Bart
lett where Mr. Banks is employed.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trower of
Primghar, la., called on Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Moore Monday morn
Henry Butterfield and son, Ger
ald, and Mr. and Mrs. Livelle But
terfield and family attended a
reunion of the Butterfield families
at Ford park in O’Neill on Sun
day. There were 52 present and
Henry Butterfield had the dis
tinction of being the oldest mem
ber present.
Miss Yvonne Smith of Norfolk
spent the weekend here.
Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Hutton
and family, who have spent the
summer in Glacier National park,
called on Graydon’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. T. D. Hutton, on Thurs
day evening. They then left for
Creston where Graydon is on the
school faculty.
Miss Genevieve Hanley left
Friday for Deer Lodge, Mont., af
ter spending the past month here
visiting in the home of her sister,
Abbie Hanley.
Mrs. Earl Watson and daugh
ter, LuElla, and aunt, Mrs. Olive
Johnson, drove to Norfolk on
Wednesday, August 24, where
they visited Mrs. Watson’s broth
er-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Stuart Hartigan. Mrs. John
son remained for a longer visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Crouse of
Hastings, la., spent several days
the past week visiting Mrs.
Crouse’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Pearl Cary.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roe and
family of Omaha were visitors in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Mossman during Jie past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jxmald Funk and
son of San Antonio, Tex., were
visitors in the home of Donald’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maden
Funk several days the past week.
They are now visiting Mrs.
Funk’s parents in Bonesteel, S.D.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark- left
Friday morning for Aitken, Minn.,
where they will vacation for a
couple of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Conger, sr.,
have arrived home from Omaha
where they spent a few days
visiting in the home of their son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Conger, jr., and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore and
Mrs. LeRoy Moore of O’Neill left
Friday morning for Colorado
Springs, Colo., where they spent
the weekend visiting their son
and husband, Pvt. LeRoy Moore
who is stationed at Camp Carson.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Watson
and daughter, Miss LuElla, drove
to Holdredge on Saturday. Miss
LuElla will teach in the school
system there this year.
Mr. ana Mrs. Kennetn smith
returned Friday evening after
spending the past week on a wed
ding trip in Colorado and Wyom
Mr. and Mrs. C. Penwell and
Mr. and Mrs. Werkmeister and
family of Madison were recent
visitors in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Vaden Kivett and Keith.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rutledge of
Lynch were Tuesday callers in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
P. Gallagher and family.
Miss Beverly Smith entertained
a group of girls at a slumber par
ty on Wednesday night, August
24, at her home in honor of Miss
Brenda Colman, and Miss Lin
elle Tompkins entertained at a
slumber party Sunday night at
her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins
were Utica visitors on Sunday
and Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson and
Sam left Tuesday morning for
Aitken, Minn., where they will
spend a 10-day vacation. Mrs.
John Watson and children of O'
Neill accompanied them as far as
Wells, Minn., where they will vis
it Mrs. Watson’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. A. Preston.
Miss Edith Gallagher went to
O’Neill Tuesday where she will
be a senior at St. Mary’s academy
this year. She spent the summer
at the country home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Galla
gher, east of town.
Ben Cunningham and daughter,
Sharon, returned Monday frcww
Chadron where they visited in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Terrance
Cunningham and family.
Ben Venteicher, 63,
Dies in Hospital
ORCHARD — Ben Venteicher,
63, who operated a green house
at Orchard for many years, died
at 11 p.m., Thursday. August 25,
in a Norfolk hospital. He had
suffered a long illness.
Funeral services were conduct
ed at 9 a.m., Monday, August 29,
from St. Peter’s Catholic church
in Ewing. A rosary was offered at
8 o’clock Sunday evening at Or
The late Mr. Venteicher for
merly lived in the St. John’s com
munity, many years ago he oper
ated a dray line in Orchard, and
was known in nearby com
He had been hospitalized at
Lincoln before entering a Norfolk
Survivors include: Widow;
daughters—Mrs. Harry Lease and
Mrs. Thomas Goeken, both of Om
aha; sons—Sylvester of Norfolk,
Ferdinand of Omaha and Ray
mond, who resides in Iowa; 17
WD-Henry F. Heiser to Ed
ward Heiser 8/17/55 $1- % Int
in NWy4-W^NEV4-SWV4SEy4 13
-N%N% 24-32-14.
Central Finance
C. E. Jones. Menugwr
O'Neill : N«br*»*>
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CELERY — Lg. Stalk.. Lb. 10c
80 -Count_12c
PAPER PLATES .... Pkg. 12c
CATSUP_ 14 oz. 19c
Pik-Nik Shoestring
4-0z, Can_19c
AEROSOL BOMBS .... Ea. 59c
BANANAS_2 lbs. 29c
LEMONS_Lb. 15c
FLY RIBBON_6 for 25c
ROLL SAUSAGE ________ Lb. 35c
Van Camp
ORANGE JUICE .____. 6 cans $1
Swift’s Premium
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