The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 25, 1955, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tarade of Stars’
Boyd Fair Feature
Three - Day Exhibiton
Opens Today
SPENCER — The doors will
swing open today (Thursday) for
the 11th annual Boyd county fair.
Headlining the entertainment
will be a galaxy of television,
stage and radio stars from the
United States and Europe.
The stage program, to be
o presented Friday and Saturday
evenings at 8:30 o’clock in the
baH park, is heralded as the
“Parade of Stars”.
These include Lee Slade, a
masterful master - of - ceremonies
who does instrumental imitations;
Miss Rose Dale, a whirlwind tum
bler, acrobat and dancer; Miss Jo
Ann, an arial tumbler extraor
dinary; Miss Maupin, who is a no
velty acrobat direct from the
Chicago theater; the Aerial Wil
lards, direct from Sweden and
smash stage hits throughout
Europe; the Cases, a duo of
youthful adagio dancers; Velda
Brune, a wizard on the organ;
Rosa the elephant, a performer
which will thrill youngsters and
old alike, and Mattise, who will
’» climax the stage show each eve
ning with a breath-taking per
formance on a high pole from the
119-foot level.
Today (Thursday) is designat
ed as entry day. Judging of 4-H
home economics starts at noon.
In the afternoon there will be a
4-H tractor operator’s contest and
a midget baseball game between
the Spencer and O’Neill teams.
This evening there will be a band
concert at 7 o’clock and an all
star game at 8:30.
Players from Atkinson, Butte
and Naper will clash with a
team made up of best perform
ers from Lynch, Fairfax and
Friday and Saturday are desig
nated as entertainment days with
the “Parade of Stars” climaxing
eaoh evening.
On Saturday night, starting at
10 o’elock, Joe Lukesh and His
Czechmasters, famous radio re
cording orchestr, will play for a
dance which winds up the 1955
Boyd fair.
cording orchestra, will play for a
have been booked for the gay
midway. Other Friday highlights
include a 4-H judging contest at
1:30 p.m., and a band concert at
7 pjn.
Saturday highlights include a
parade at 1:30 p.m.; kid races at
3 p.m.; band concert at 7.
The Niobrara Valley Hereford
Breeders’ association will offer a
stocker-feeder calf to a 4-H’er
from one of these counties: Boyd,
Holt, Rock, Brown, Keya Paha,
Antelope or Knox, in Nebraska,
or Charles Mix or Gregory coun
ties in South Dakota.
(See advertisement elsewhere.)
‘Good Neighbors’
Stack Engelhaupt Hay
CHAMBERS — The following
“good neighbors” gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Englehaupt on Friday, August 12.
to stack hay:
Ernest Young, Sam Young,
Henry Weber, Ralph Maas, Ray
mond Klabenes, Gene Halsey,
Keith Halsey, Clarence Grimes,
Clarence Young, Dick Young, Ed
Harvey, Roland Harvey, Hugh
Carr, Darold Carr. Walter Jutte
and Art Miller.
Helping to prepare the dinner
and afternoon lunch were Mrs.
Ernst Young, Mrs. Sam Young
and Mrs. Ed Harvey. Mr. Engle
haupt suffered a heart attack a
few weeks ago.
m a Lesson
BaCK-tO- in Thrift!
School Needs
Classic cut Orion sweaters
made for Penney’s by a new
costlier spinning process!
Greater beauty, longer wear!
Glowing shades: Red, maize,
blue, others. Sizes 7 to 14.
Slipover __ 2.98
Striped! Penney’s boys’ soeks
reinforced with nylon at
wear-points . . . where back
of shoe rubs ankle! Combed
cotton nylon - reinforced at
heel, toe.
Sizes 6 to 10Vi
4 pair $1
Thirft price! New style! Boys’
flannel shirts of soft Sanfor
ized* cotton suede in fall
tone and new, heather-tone
plaids! New smart short col
lar. Machine washable.
Sizes 10 to 18 1.49
Sizes 2 to 8 ... 1.29
♦Won’t shrink more than 1%
. ._ ^ ik :
Colorful boys’ shirts of Dan
River cotton gingham. Woven
plaids in handsome fall-tones.
Wrinkl-shed finish. Machine
washable. Styled with long
sleeves, rounded collar.
Sizes 10 to 18 . J Qg
Jr. boys’ sizes, 2 to 8 1.49
(WV.'.vfl ■ ■ ■ _ 71 H
Thrifty! Rugged! Penney’s
dungaree model corduroys for
boys. Cut over proportioned
patterns with bar - tacking,
rivets, zipper fly! Gripper top.
Cut extra long.
Sizes 4 to 10
..11(1. .V.V.V^MVM
Thrifty, handsome boys’
slacks of 14% - ounce sheen
gabardine blended of rayon
nylon-Dacron adding extra
wear, fine crease retention!
Machine washable.
Sizes 10 to 20
Boyd Couple Weds at Ewing
Miss Elizabeth L. Tanner and Myron Armfield (above) were
married Thursday, August 4, at the home of the bride’s mother in
Ewing with Rev. William J. Bomer performing the ceremony. Mrs.
Armfield is the daughter of Mrs. Cecil Bergstrom of Ewing and
Fred C. Tanner of Spencer. Mr. Armfield is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Otis Armfield of Anoka.—O’Neill Photo Co.
O’Neill News
Pvt. William D. McElvain of
Maywood, 111., came Sunday to
spend a five-day leave with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mc
Kenneth McKim went to Om
aha Sunday to spend a week vis
iting with his sister, Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gatz and
Mary Elizabeth and Miss Marga
ret McElvain left for a week’s
fishing and camping trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moses
and son of Lincoln were visitors
at the H. S. Moses home. They
came Saturday and left Tuesday.
Mrs. Dale Kersenbrock and chil
dre and Mrs. M. J. Wallace spent
a few days last week at Wahoo
visiting their brother and son, Dr.
Steven Wallace.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ritts and
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lorenz spent
Saturday in Chambers attending
the fair. That evening they were
dinner guests of Mrs. Mary Nei
mand at Chambers.
Mrs. Ada Spangler and Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Lorenz were Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Greig at Stuart.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brittell and
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Brittell of
Neligh spent Friday night and
Saturday at the Arnie Mace, jr.,
home and attended the Chambers
Mrs. C. E. Jones entertained
several friends August 17 in hon
or of the birthday anniversary of
her husband.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Juran
and Kenny spent the weekend
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Kahler, at Bonesteel, S.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Beck and
Roger of Verdigre were last
Thursday visitors at the Kenneth
Juran home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spainhauer
of Sheridan, Wyo., came Friday
to visit the Stanley Holly family.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Boyd of
Omaha visited Derickson relatives
over the weekend.
Joe Rohde and son, Walter, of
Dallas, S.D., came Wednesday
evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. Mike
London. Walter stayed here while
his father is visiting relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gaskill
Rene and Connie of Neligh were
Sunday dinner guests at the E. E.
Gaskill home. Dick Gaskill, whc
is working in Neligh, was also up
Edward Graham of Omaha spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs
Harry Graham.
Miss Lois Harder left Wednes
day morning for Plattsmouth
where she will teach elementary
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Likewise oi
Omaha spent the weekend in th«
Ed Gunn and E. E. Gaskill homes
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Harding
spent Sunday at Ord visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Norman.
Miss Ellen Lambert of River
ton, Wyo., and Mrs. George Lam
bert of Clearwater came Sunday
to visit Mr. and Mrs. Reed Herley
and family.
Santi Haivala of Buffalo, S.D.,
and Miss Winnie Waara of Buf
falo, S.D., came last Tuesday tc
visit the Dwight Harders.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Appleby and
family left Sunday for Lake Oko
boji, la., to spend a few days va
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nekolite spent
Saturday evening at the D. R.
Douglass home.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Novotny came
Sunday to visit the Stanley Holly
Justice Court
Dale Frank, no brakes, $10 and
costs, July 28, Kirk.
Gerald Smith, driver for
Freightways Truck Lines, over
weight, $10 and costs, August 5,
Jack Milner, driver for W. W.
Chatfield, no trip permit, $10 and
costs, August 8, Kirk.
Kenneth I. Marr, driver for
Nash-Finch Co., overweight on
capacity plates, pending, August
15, Richardson.
Harry M. Schrodt, driver for
Auto Transport, Inc., excessive
height, August 15, $10 and costs,
Arthur Silversmith, driver for
Herman J. Lauritsen, excessive
length, $10 and costs, August 15,
Stanley H. Dorville, driver for
Clarence Hoffman, no reciprocity,
pending, August 12, Richardsor.
Kenneth I. Marr, driver for
Nash-Finch Co., overweight on
capacity plates, pending, August
15, Richardson.
Buzz Sow Post Hole Digger Groin Mower
Lime Ola’s New Low-Priced Farm
welder with the amazing ”Arc
Booster* that makes welding easy.
U welds, cats, solders, brazes . . .
assess charges batteries.
* Stretch the usefulness of your
farm equipment . . . make your
farm chores easier by building
hundreds of different farm tools
yourself with arc welding. Farm
ers everywhere are altering har
rows, cultivators ... building
handy farm equipment with the
low-priced Lincoln farm welders.
Today, welding costs so little.
Actually, a farm welder saves
many times its original price in
the first year alone.
(no obligation)
Ask for the Free “Build-A-Tool” Plans showing equipment you can
build with arc welding.
Others as Low as_ _$163
Phone 2511 Chambers
Deloit News
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer and
Elayne plan to attend a wed
ding reception today (Thursday!
for Shirley Weber, daughter o?
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber of near
Bartlett, and Jack Moore at the
Weber home on the Beaver.
Mr. and Mrs. B .A. Cratty visit
ed their son, Harlan, and family
in Omaha last weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harpster
and sons were present Sunday for
a farewell dinner at the United
Presbyterian church in Ewing for
Rev. and Mrs. William Bomer and
family. The Bomers are moving
to Oklahoma City, Okla.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack
met Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Tomjack
and son of Hastings, Mr. and Mrs.
R. Beaudin and daughter and Mr.
and Mrs. Gene Ray and daughter
of Omaha at Columbus Sunday
for a picnic dinner.
Gene Tomjack, who is in camp
in Texas, will be home for a few
days the latter part of the week,
Mr. and Mrs. Foster Felkers’
daughter and two children from
California recently visited in the
Felker home. They accompanied
an uncle to Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thiele’s
daughter, Lillian, and four chil
dren of Alliance have been visit
ing at the Carl Thiele home. The
two older children have spent the
past two months at the Thiele
Pleasant Brook in
Final Meeting—
On Tuesday August 16, the
Pleasant Brook 4-H club held its
last meeting of 1955. Thirteen
members were present. Each one
brought the articles he had made
and put them on display. Each of
the members also brought some
thing for lunch.
The club will be reorganized
in February, 1956.
Visitor Lauds
New Bartlett School
DELOIT—Mrs. Henry Reimer
was a recent visitor of the new
high school building at Bartlett.
According to Mrs. Reimer it is the
only steel structure of its kind in
the state, it cost over $280,000 to
erect, excluding the fixtures.
She described it as “one of the
finest schools in the state.”
Open house was held Sunday,
August 21, from 2 to 5 o’clock.
The superintendent of the
school, Mr. Price and members of
the board of education were pre
sent to conduct tours through the
building. Refreshments were
Holt Countyans Plan
Los Angeles Picnic
The annual picnic for Holt
countyans and former residents
will be held in Griffith park in
Los Angeles, Calif., on Sunday,
September 11.
This was announced this week
by Roy M. Sauers of Long Beach,
Calif., who is secretary of the Holt
County Picnic association.
Riversiders Held
Social, Swim Session_
The Riverside 4-H .club held
a rosary and meeting at Matt Be
has on Tuesday night, August 9.
The president counted the
number of 0-10-2’s the members
need and they will be ordered.
A social meeting was held Sun
day in the O'Neill park and in
cluded swimming.
The following meetings are to
be held in the next few weeks:
September 11—Business meeting
at the Charles Boyle place. Roll
call to be “number of 0-10-2’s I
have handed in”. Books are to be
completed by this meeting; Sep
tember 13 — Club rosary at the
Charles Boyle place. — By Mary
A. Janzing, reporter.
Nuptials Announced
Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Landreth of
Page announce the marriage of
their daughter, Janice, to Ray
mond Harmon, son of Mr and
Mrs. M. L. Harmon of O’Neill, on
Monday, August 8.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Davis, jr.,
of O’Neill were attendants of the
bride and bridegroom.
A/2c Jerry Fox, son of Mrs.
Earl Fox and the late Mr. Fox,
arrived Saturday for a visit with
his mother. He has been stationed
near Ipswich, England, with an
air service unit. Airman Fox has
reenlisted for six years. He was
unable to return to the United
States last month when his father
Mrs. Andy Kurtz of Pasadena,
Calif., went to visit her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Johnson of
Leave for Dlinois—
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moler and
son, Don, and daughter, Mrs.
Lawrence Murray, are leaving to
day (Thursday) for Capron, I1L,
to visit their daughter and sister,
Mrs. Jim Motocek.
Glad Time Again!
Come to the
for glads, cut fresh every
except Sunday. No deliveries.
Phone K68-R, O'Neill
Donohoe Const. Co.
John E. Donohoe, Phone 447-W
“Jim” Donohoe, Phone 478-LW
I Prairie Schooner Mobil Ha
O’Neill Trailer Sales — Phone 254
Thursday-Friday-Saturday -- August 25-26-27 1
Thursday, Aug. 25 (Entry Day)
Forenoon—Entering all 4-H exhibits except livestock.
Afternoon—Judging of 4-H home ec exhibits; 4-H trac
tor’s contest; baseball—O’Neill Midgets vs. Spencer
Evening—Bard conrert; open-class entries; baseball—
All-Star game with $125 purse.
Friday, Aug. 26 (Program)
Forenoon—Judging; 4-H and precinct booths; open-class
farm products and home economics.
Afternoon—4-H music contests at school; dress review
at school.
Evening—Band concert; open-class entries; baseball_
ball park (8:30).
Saturday, Aug. 27 (Program)
Afternoon—Big Parage (1:30); kid races (3:00); band
concert (3:00).
Evening—4-H dress review in Community Hall (7:00);
Parade of Stars at the ball park (8:30); dancing at
Community Hall to music of Joe Lukesh and His
Famous Radio Recording Orchestra.
The Parade of Stars
Only Two of the Ten Big Acts on Stage at
the Ball Park ►
Lovely MISS ROSE DALE, lauded and praised for her whirlwind,
fast aerial tumbling, acrobatics and clever dancing . . . does Chinese I
spilt from two chairs atop two tables, spreading tables apart into
a split in mid-air! A great starlette!
Geo. W. Nelson Shows
On the Midway
Free Rides for Children
Tickets can be obtained from any advertiser in
the Fair Book, Fair Superintendents or at the
American Legion booth.
Great Fair Entertainment
Variety - Fun
— - -
Coming to Spencer direct from big time night spot entertainment
bookings, MISS JO ANN is a sparkling acrobatic doing aerial
tumbling. She radiates youth, energy and unique ability and is
sure to please!
Other Stage Stars Include:
• LEE SLADE, Master of Ceremonies
Masterful and clever MC, he does several instrumental
• THE CASES, Adagio Dancers
Breath - taking lifts and splits — television stars, youthful
• VELDA BRUNE, Hammond Organ Wizardry
_ Background music, personality and rare skill.
Coming direct from Sweden, grueling gyrations, adroit ma- 1 i
neuvering, twisting and leaping, a truly sensational European
• ROSA, the Performing Elephant
Professional paces and she’ll win your heart. Thrilling sight for
youngsters and oldsters alike.
• MISS MAUPIN, Acrobatic Dancing
Direct from the Chicago Theater stage, real athletic artistry.
• MATTTSE, High Pole Actor
He’ll close the show by ascending to 119 feet with dazzling high
pole performances.
8:30 P.M., Ball Park