The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 18, 1955, Page 9, Image 9

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    41st Antelope Fair
Opens Next Week
Stock Oar Racing
to Be Feature
NELIGH — The 41st annual
Antelope county fair will be held
at Riverside park fairgrounds in
Neligh August 27 and 28, and for
the first time, offers a free ad
mission to the grounds. The only
charge will be for grandstand
and bleacher seats, and the reserv
ed box seats.
Officials of the association have
made every effort to make this
year’s event colorful, entertaining
and, because of the free gate, open
to .all. Thursday, August 25, is
entry day, and Friday, August 26,
judging day for all 4-H and open
class livestock. The livestock show
is the biggest in the history of
the fair with entries far exceeding
previous figures.
i i
h ' :
• 1
* I'
Northeast Corner
of 4th & Douglas
Phone 167
Eye* Exatalned . OL&saes Fitted
Office Hour*: »_6 Mon. thru Bat.
- _ - _ .. |
A new 100-head capacity
barn has been added to the 125
head barn on the grounds and
assurance is at hand that both
will be filled.
On the two program days, Sat
urday and Sunday, August 27
and 28, there will be afternoon
and night programs comparable
with the best county fairs in the
state. On Saturday afternoon the
usual band music, midway and
other attractions will be high
lighted with a program by the
Valentine 4-H Saddle club featur
ing an all quarter-horse show.
There will be a relay horse race
and two county horse races. The
Antelope county Saddle club will
be featured in two-abreast barrel
race and four-in-line barrel race
and other events. There will be
Snyder’s boxer dog act, motorcycle
events and a balloon ascension.
Saturday night’s program features
J. C. Michael’s big two-hour
“Starlight Revue”—something new
in the way of high class entertain
ment. Following this there will
be a big square dance with the
Waddingtons in charge.
Stock car racing is the big
feature Sunday afternoon with
the best drivers in this territory
competing in the currently pop
ular attraction.
Lang & Lee in a sensational jug
gling aet and several other fea
tures top the afternoon billing.
Sunday night the “Starlight Re
vue” offers the thrills and the
best in a variety of acts by per
formers famed in their profession.
Also another big square dance on
specially - built platform on the
grounds is in store.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Prescott
were weekend guests at the Mar
vin Anderson home.
- a lesson
m _ __ -_
Perfect companions for fall
skirts — Penney’s smooth
looking sweater classics of
finest Orion specially spun
. for extra softness. They wash
beautifully, never need block
ing. You’ll find them in a huge
range of mix-match colors,
sies 34-42.
Cardigan . 4.98
Machine - washable! Boys’
sheen gabardine slacks. With
self belt, zipper fly, cuffs.
Long-wearing rayon - nylon
blend in many rich colors. 10
Jr. boys’ sizes 2-10 . 3.98
Boys’ fine quality combed
cotton T - Shirts, Athletic
Shirts, and Briefs. All are
machine - washable in luke
warm water. Sizes 2-16.
T-Shirts .... . 59c
Athletic Shirts . 39c
Briefs. .49c
Roomy full cut! Roys’ Rigr Mac
jeans. 10-ounce* denim is
Sanforized, machine - wash
able. Zipper fly, rivets at all
strain points. Sizes 6-16.
*10-oz. per sq. yd.; formerly
8 oz. on 28”x36” fabric.
Boys’ polo shirts in pastel,
deep, hi colors! Black, white,
too! Snug-fitting combed cot
ton with nylon - reinforced
crew neck. Sizes 4-18.
Popular s*ripes! Boys’ polo
shirts. Nylon-reinforced rib
bed crew neck prevents sag
ging! Fine combed cotton; vat
dyed colors. Sizes 4-16.
Miss Joan Burhans
Weds Marine Officer
(Photo at right)
STUART—St. Boniface Catho
lic church here was the scene of a
wedding Saturday, August 13,
when Miss Joan S. Burhans,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B.
McGrew of Stuart, was united in
marriage to Marine Capt. Jesse L.
Gibney, jr., of Clearwater, Fla.,
son of Col. and Mrs. Jesse Lewis
Gibney, sr., of Clearwater, Fla.
The double ring 10 a.m., cere
mony was performed by Rev.
Anthony J. Paschang.
The men’s choir of St. Boniface
church sang for the nuptial mass
with Miss Mary Coufal at the or
The church was decorated with
bouquets of gladioli.
Given in marriage by her fath
er, the bride wore a gown of rose
point lace and nylon tulle, over
slipper satin which was styled'
with molded bodice featuring a |
portrait neckline. The long, taper
ed sleeves ended in bridal points
at the wrists. The billowing tulle j
skirt accented by lace motifs, lace
peplum and side panels, fell into a
chapel length train.
Her double fingertip veil of im
ported silk illusion was held in
place by a tiny pill box of lace
and pearls.
She carried a white orchid and
lily of the valley on a white
prayer book.
Miss Maureen Batenhorst,
friend of the bride, was maid-of
honor. Her ballerina length gown
was fashioned of blue crystallette
with a matching head piece. She
carried a bouquet of blue and
white carnations.
The flowergirl, Dianne Kay
Gettman of Norfolk, niece of the
bride, wore a floor-length dress
of white nylon and carried a bas
ket of daisies.
Lt. John V. Gibney of Clear
water, Fla., was his brother’s best
me uriutjgl uum WUIC xua ilia.
rine dress uniform and the best
man wore his army dress uni
Ushers were William Gettman
of Norfolk and Richard Flynn of
The bride’s mother wore a
dress of navy nylon lace over
taffeta with white accessories and
the bridegroom’s mother chose a
sky blue sheath dress with white
accessories. They each wore
white carnation corsages.
A wedding breakfast was
served to 80 guests at the home
of the bride’s parents.
Mrs. William Gettman of Nor
folk, sister of the bride, was in
charge of the guestbook. Miss
Theo Weichman was in charge of
the gifts.
Mrs. Gibney is a graduate of
Stuart high school, class of 1952,
was graduated from the Elec
tronic Radio and Television
school of Omaha and has been
employed by the government at
Washington, D.C., and Long
Beach, Calif.
Mr. Gibney is a graduate
from the University of Missouri
where he was affiliated with
Kappa Alpha fraternity and at
tended the U.S. Military academy
at West Point, N.Y.
The couple will spend two
weeks honeymoon in Nassau,
Bahama Islands.
They will make their home at
Twenty Nine Palms, Calif.'
Out-of-town guests included:
Col. and Mrs. Jesse Lewis Gibney,
sr., of Clearwater, Fla.; Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Dahlsten, Mr. and Mrs.
John Nelson, all of Clay Center;
Mr. and Mrs. Nels Nelson and Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Wrey, all of Spald
ing; Mrs. Alfred Peterson of
Bartak on ‘Cook’s’
Tour of Europe
DELOIT—Keith Bartak, son of
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bartak, who is
stationed in Germany, was on a
15-day leave recently in England.
France and Holland. He is now
visiting Switzerland, Italy and
It might be said the young ser
viceman is having a “Cook’s tour”
of Europe.
Last Thursday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Ewald Spahn, Mr .and Mrs.
Mosel, Jackie and Mona visited at
the Bartak home and enjoyed
colored slides Keith had sent
from Europe.
O’Neill News
Mr. and Mrs. John McCarville
went to Ellsworth, Minn., Wednes
day. Mrs. McCarville and children
will be gone about two weeks. Mr.
McCarville will return Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dailey were
hosts to Mrs. Mose Gaughenbaugh
of San Francisco, Calif., a few
days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Schindler
of Omaha spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
mond Stowell.
Mrs. Richard Farrier and two
daughters of Rapid City, S.D., are
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
D. D. DeBolt. They came Sunday
and will stay a week.
Open every evening daring the
months of July and August —
Keating Implement, Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Emerson of
Oakdale and son, John, visited at
Jeanette Derickson’s home Sun
Ralph Rosenkrans of Neligh
called Saturday at the Jeanette
Derickson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Mahin
and daughter and Mr. and Mrs.
Lambert Classen and daughter of
Meadow Grove visited Sunday at
the home of Mrs. Georgia But
Money to Loan
— on —
Central Finance
C. E. Jones. Manager
O'Neill : Nebraska
Mrs. Jesse Lewis Gibney, jr., the former Joan Burhans of Stu
art . . . Augrust bride.—O’Neill Photo Co.
Attend Lyons Reunion—
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Merriman
attended a family reunion at Ft.
Randall Sunday. Sgt. James R.
Lyons and children accompanied
Mrs. D. B. Lyons of Winner, S.
D., Mrs. Merriman’s sister, re
turned with them to take care of
the Lyons children while their
mother is visiting in Portland,
■ ■ —....
Venus News
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Barker and
family of Salem, Ore., arrived at
the “Grandma” Evans home late
Saturday evening where they are
visiting with the latter’s father
and grandmother. Mrs. Barker is
the former Marion Evans. They
vrill visit with her mother, Mrs.
Rose, and brother-in-law and sis
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Rader, at
Brunswick the latter part of the
w eek. On Sunday, August 21, they
plan to be present at the Grimton
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Caskey
visited with the latter’s family
near Winnetoon Sunday.
Pvt. Arvyn Newhaus of Camp
Chaffee, Ark., son of Mr. and
Mrs. Art Newhaus, is spending his
furlough at his home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Heggemeyer
and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Heg
gemeyer and son of St. Charles,
Mo., returned to their home after
a week’s visit with their son and
brother, George Heggemeyer, and
family. The John Heggemeyer
family resided in the Venus com
munity manv years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pospeshil
returned to their home Saturday,
August 5, from a seven-weeks’
trip through the state of Utah.
They report a “very enjoyable
and educational trip.” Mrs. Pospe
shil remembered all the members
of the Work and Fun club with
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. LeMasters
motored to Grand Island Friday
and returned Saturday. They were
guests of their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. David
Darr, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pierson
and family of Torrington, Wyo.,
and Pvt. Richard Pierson of Tex
as visited with Mrs. Pierson’s sis
ter, Mrs. Art Ennen, and family
last week.
LYNCH—Albert Jehorek flew
here from San Diego, Calif., on
Friday to be at the bedside of his
mother, who was critically ill at
that time.
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Beckwith
and Wayne of Emmet called at
the Guy Beckwith home Sunday.
Dciolt News
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reimer of
Lincoln visited Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Temple and daughter in
Hastings and Mr. and Mrs. Lucien
Taylor and family in Grand Island
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack
have been on a three-weeks’ va
cation in Washington, Oregon and
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson
and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rossow
attended the 50th anniversary of
the Lutheran church in Elgin on
Sunday, August 7.
The Deloit Pinochle club met
with Mrs. Frank Miller last Thurs
day afternoon. Mrs. Lillian Cass
of Alliance, Mrs. Otto Reimer of
Lincoln, Judy Werkmeister and
Nancy Paul were guests. Prize
winners were Mrs. Lambert Bar
tak, high; Mrs. Cass, low; Mrs.
Miller, traveling. A dessert lunch
eon was served. The next meeting
will be with Mrs. Wayne Paul on
September 1.
Mrs. Wayne Paul, Nancy and
Larry, and Marilyn Paul of Ore
gon were in Sioux City Wednes
day, August 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Bartak
and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Paul and
family attended a farewell party
Tuesday evening, August 9, at
Norfolk for the Max Paul family,
who left for their home in Oregon
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Paul and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Max
Paul and family of Empire, Ore.,
called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Maulding in O’Neill on Tuesday,
August 9.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Paul at
tended a family reunion at the
home of Nina and Daryl Paul of
Elgin Sunday. There were 55 rel
atives present.
Mrs. Otto Reimer of Lincoln
spent Wednesday night, August
10, at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Sisson. She called
on Mrs. Reimer in Ewing Wednes
day evening.
Max Paul left for his home in
Empire, Ore., after spending part
of his vacation at the Wayne Paul
and Lambert Bartak homes. Mrs.
Paul and family left Wednesday,
August 10, by train from Grand
Grover Shaw spent the past
three weeks at the Frank Miller
home while Tomjacks were on
Missionaries Coming!
Carl and Bette Shafer
Methodist Missionaries to Cuba
. . . will present their work in pictures and
message Friday, August 19, 8 p.m., at the
First Methodist Church in O’Neill
Emmet News
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Fibak of
Bassett and Mr. and Mrs. Belmer
Brobancha and family of Harting
ton were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Bates Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Webber, Mrs.
Johnson, Carlene and Donna 'Bal
linger, Vivian Marie Ritts and the
Leo Weichman family were Fri
day dinner guests at the Joe
Winkler home.
Mrs. Alvin Kloppenborg, Pa
tricia and Robert were guests of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Wortman of West Point, all last
Mrs. Frances Knapp and grand
sons of Atkinson visited Mrs. Jim
O’Connor Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Brockman
and Connie and Jerry were guests
at the Elmer Brockman home at
Burwell Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fox and
Sherry went to Grand Island Sat
urday afternoon to get their two
sons, Steven and Roy, who had
been visiting at the Joe Luth
home for two weeks. All returned
home Sunday night.
Lew Meyers of Lynch and Mr.
and Mrs. Den Meyers and chil
dren went to Oakland on Friday
night and returned home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar
and girls visited at the Henry
Patterson home Sunday evening.
Joe Ziska and Merle Foreman
called at Dean Perry’s Sunday.
Mrs. Vernon Hoxsie and chil
dren and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and
Barbara visited at the Allen Mil
ler home Friday afternoon.
The G. Owen Cole, William Ar
tus and Dale French families pic
nicked at the Country club Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Claussen, La
vern and Kenny, and Eddie Eth
ington left Wednesday, August 10,
for California where they will
spend about two weeks sightsee
ing and visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Strasheim
of Omaha were guests at the
Charles Abart home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Tenborg,
jr., and Mrs. Ann Cadman and
i their father, William Tenborg,
left Friday for Wallingfort, la.,
where they visited Roy and Law
rence Tenborg, sons of Mr. and
Mrs. William Tenborg, jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tenborg
of Fremont visited Mr. and Mrs.
Geary Enbody Wednesday, Aug
ust 10.
Joe Jurgensmeier of O’Neill
spent Monday in Emmet.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Martens
called on Mrs. P. W. McGinnis on
Saturday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex McConnell
are staying at the Joe Wagman
home this week while the Wag
mans are away on a trip.
Mrs. John Tenborg spent a few
days in Omaha attending a music
Mrs. Bessie Burge, June and
Harold attended a family reunion
at Central City Sunday.
Donna Perry visited her great
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Newton, Sunday afternoon.
The George Brainard and Don
Focken families of Atkinson were
Sunday dinner guests at the Floyd
Brainard home.
Mr. and Mrs. Claule Bates of
O’Neill and the Wayne Bates
family attended a family reunion
at a Norfolk park Sunday.
Ricky Weichman, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Weichman, is
spending a few days this week
with his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Winkler.
The Ernie Kloppenborg family
and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Way
man and Marjorie were dinner
guests at the Henry Kloppenborg
home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Babl call
ed at the Dean Perry home Mon
day morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schaffer
attended the Burwell rodeo Sat
urday. Their son, Dewey, stayed
with his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dewey Schaffer and remain
ed overnight at their home.
Mrs. Don Meyers and children
visited from last Thursday night
until Friday at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merle De
Long of Page.
A surprise birthday party was
held Wednesday afternoon in hon
or of Mrs. Gilbert Fox. Guests
were Mrs. Charles Fox., sr., and
Carol, Mrs. George Brainard, Su
san and Lawrence, Mrs. Fritz
Belzer and boys, Mrs. William
Kelly, Mrs. Charles Fox, jr., Mrs.
George Bosn and children, Mrs.
Vernon Hoxsie and Mrs. Wayne
Fox and Sherry. All enjoyed a
lunch of ice cream and cake.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rost of Om
aha came Tuesday, August 9, and
visited until Friday with Mr. and
Mrs. Geary Enbody.
Mr. and Mrs. William Tenborg
of Washington state visited Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Abart last
Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Mary Lewis visited Mr.
and Mrs. William Claussen Sun
Miss Rita Clare Hoehne of O’
Neill was a guest at the Raymond
Richards home Friday. She help
ed Mrs. Richards prepare for the
4-H club meeting which was held
there that evening.
Rev. Francis Price went to Om
aha Monday.
Mrs. Albert Strous and son
Larry, of Crete and Mrs. Alforc
Brozowsky and son, Allen, ol
Stanton came Friday evening
and visited until Sunday after
noon at the George Skopec home
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dailey vis
ited Mrs. P. W. McGinnis Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bates left
Tuesday for a few days’ trip to
Omaha, Sioux City and Crofton
to visit relatives. Their son, Gray
don, will spend this week as a
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fore
man of Battle Creek. Mr. and
Mrs. John Kee are staying at the
Bates home doing chores and
caring for the Bates girls.
Mr. and Mrs. William Tenborg
and family of Washington state,
Mrs. Jack Nickert of Seattle,
Wash., Mrs. John Kennedy of
Tacomah, Wash., and Mrs. Vem
Swick of Clinton arrived Tuesday,
August 9, to visit at the Geary
Enbody home. Mrs. Nickert, Mrs.
Kennedy and Mrs. Swick left last
Thursday night to return home.
The Vernon Hoxsie family were
guests at the Fred Prawitz home
at Royal. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Hieter were also guests there.
Alta Mae Lyons is staying at
the Wayne Fox home assisting
Mrs. Fox.
Paul Shierk
Insurance of All
Bus. Ph. 430
Res. Ph. 235
Butte Legion
Sunday, August 21
and His Orchestra
• O'
' • i
'6MM Of Value
SAUSAGE_1-Ib. roll 29c
DRIED BEEF.. .Pkg.33c
FRANKS_3 lbs. 1.00
KOOL-AID... 3 pkgs. for 10c
Taste Good
2-Poond Box_
BACON_2-Ib. pkg. 1.05
Pound__ 29c
” I I .—.. I
DILL PICKLES_Qt. jar 33c
BANANAS 2 lbs. 29c
U.S. No. 1 Red
10 Lbs._—_29c
100 Lbs_2.79
I 1
PEAS_5 - 303 cans 79c
WHEATIES ___ 12-oz.pkg.21c
Delsey White Toilet
Toilet Tissue
2 Rolls_25c
KLEENEX _ 400 count box 27c
Fourth Street Market
l *