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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1955)
Celia News Visitors at the Ed Hoffman home are Mrs. Amelia Hoffman’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nachel, and granddaughters, Margaret and Mary Ann Sokolov asky of Fremont, also her sister, Mrs. Mary Johnson of Nickerson. All were Wednesday night, Aug ust 10, supper guests at the Le Roy Hoffman home. Mr. and Mrs. Leo McGrane and daughter, Mary Katherine, of Omaha and Harry and Katherine McShane of Atkinson were Sunday dinner and supper guests at the William Malouji home. Mary Katherine was an overnight guest. Mr. and Mrs. McGrane spent Monday at the Maloun home. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Samms and family of Wichita, Kans., left Wednesday, August 10, for home after 10 days’ visit with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Ham merberg, and sister, Mrs. William Maloun, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Shepard and family of Omaha were Monday evening, August 8, supper guests at the LeRoy Hoff man home. Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun and son and Mr. and Mrs. D. F Scott were Friday evening visit ors at the O. A. Hammerberg i home/ 1V1I. dim iviia. riairn xvuinuii j and family were Tuesday evening, August 9, visitors at the August Troshynski home. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heiser and Gerald were Sunday evening visitors at the Duane .Beck home. Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun spent Tuesday evening, August 9, at the O. A. Hammerberg home. Mr. and Mrs. Parker Wilson of Tennessee arrived last Thursday for a visit at the Alex Forsythe home. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg spent Saturday at the William Maloun home. Dorothy Scott was a Saturday afternoon visitor there. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Kilmurrv spent last Thursday at the Fran'C Kilmurry home. E. W. Samms and children and O. A. Hammerberg were Tuesday, August 9, visitors at the Connie and Victor Frickel homes. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman and sons were Monday, August 8, dinner guests at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Amelia Hoff man. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mahel and granddaughters of Fremont and Mrs. Mary Johnson of Nickerson. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg were Sunday dinner and supper guests at the Merrill Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Debias and sons were last Thursday eve ning visitors at the Emil Colfack home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease and Mr. and Mrs. William Spann at tended the Burwell rodeo last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKath nie and family attended a picnic dinner Sunday at the home of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Hansen of Inman. Others present were Miss Murl Keyes of Valentine, Carol Pruss of O’Neill, Mrs. Blanche Rouse and son, Mar vin, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Keyes, * -1 Mildred Keyes and Karl Keyes and son, Donald. Miss Lois Adams of Spencer was a Monday, August 8, visitor at the Ray Pease and Duane Beck homes. Miss Adams has been hired to teach the Celia school. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck were Monday, August 8, dinner guests at the George Beck home in At kinson. Karen and Junie Focken visit ed Lois Seger Sunday afternoon at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fullerton of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks and family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks and family spent Saturday afternoon and were supper guests at the Paul Nelson home at O’Neill. Pvt. Jon Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson of Lyons, visited friends and reiatives the first of the week. He has been stationed at Ft. Bliss, Tex. Ronnie Frickel, Paul, Bill and Doyle Focken were Sunday after noon visitors at the LeRoy Hoff man home. Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman and sons were Friday O’Neill visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease, Mr. and Mrs. William Spann and R. M. Pease of O’Neill attended the circus in Norfolk Monday, August 8. The hay days program was en joyed by most of the Celia com munity. Atkinson’s good rain a few days earlier cooled the tem perature and made the days more enjoyable. ivir. ana Mrs. George rsecK speni last Thursday at the Duane Beck home. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and family and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Arp of Butte visited Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Ellwanger of Butte Sun day. Paul Focken did chores To* Lawrence Smith and family while they attended the Pine creek camp at Long Pine from Fridav until Sunday evening. The Clarence Focken family visited the Alfred Schaaf family Sunday evening, August 7. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schlotfeld and family and Pvt. Jon Johnson of Texas were Wednesday eve ning, August 10, visitors at the Ed Bausch home. Mrs. Mark Hendricks and Leon returned home Wednesday, Aug ust 10, from a trip to Miltonvale and McPherson, Kans. Arlin stay ed with his brother, Robert, and family at McPherson. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chaffin and family and Markita Hend ricks were Sunday dinner guests at the Omer Poynts home. Mrs. Omer Poynts helped Mrs. Mark Hendricks with canning on Friday. Hazelhorst Family In Reunion— LYNCH—The Hazelhorst fam ily annual reunion was held at the Niobrara state park Sunday, August 14. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hazelhorst of Plain view; Mr. and Mrs. Casper Hazel horst of Bristow; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hazelhorst and family of Spencer; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Au diss of Anoka; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rossmeier and children of Sidney; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vonasek and daughter of Verdi gre. « From Lynch were: Mr. and Mrs. Lorie Micanek; Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Moody and sons; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Havranek and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Streit and family. Frequent Stuart Visitor Dies— STUART — B. C. Engler re ceived word of the sudden death of Charles McMullen of Omaha on Wednesday, August 10. Mr. and Mr$. Engler went to Omaha on Friday to attend the funeral rites. Mr. and Mrs. McMullen have been frequent visitors at the B. C. Engler home and have many acquaintances here. Mrs. McMul len is a cousin of Mrs. Engler. Two O’Neillites on Baseball Tour— Robert Clouse and Zane Shep ard, both of O’Neill are going on the sixth annual Jack Payne radio WOW, WOW-TV baseball tour August 27. A large number of baseball fans from the mid west area will see major league baseball in Chicago, 111. REX W. WILSON, M.D. ROBT. M. LANGDC'N, M.D. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS 128 W. Douglas St, O’Neill Phone 138 O’Neill Aerial Spraying Service CORN ROOT WORM, weeds in small grain, corn and pasture. We have Miller’s Chemicals to sell and use. SPRAYING by air has been done since 1926. Phone 582-R-2 — O'NEILL — New Deal Oil Co. 1 Due to the new street improvements, our front is partly tom up. We can still sell you GAS and FUELS t! IN THE FRONT. We can also serve you EAST of New Deal from the three new gas pumps. Remember, we can SAVE you money! We always appreciate your business! * i New Deal Oil Co. Open 25 Hours a Day These 4-H clubbers are engrossed in the elec -ric mator exhibit at- the Holt county achievement day affair last Thursday at the American Legion auditorium in O’Neill. Left-to-right: Jerry Taylor, Happy Hollow club; Omer Frost, Cleveland club, and Lynn Gallagher, Elkhorn Valley club.—The Frontier Photo. Admiring the display of vegetables on 4-H achievement day were (left-to-right): Bobby Clif ford, Sandhill Wranglers club; Richard Beilin, Willing Workers; Paul Reed, Kitty Clover, and Nancy Wray, Willing Workers (in background).—The Frontier Photo. « . __.; ■, 1 :* ... METHODIST CHURCH (Page-Inman) Rev. Lisle E. Mevvmaw, pastor Thursday, August 18: Page WSCS meeting; Inman adult fel lowship family basket supper in O’Neill city park at 7 p.m.; Page choir practice at 8 p.m. Sunday, August 21: Inman Sunday church school at 8:45 a.m.; followed by morning wor ship at 9:45; Page Sunday church school at 10 a.m.; followed by morning worship at 11 o’clock, at which the junior choir will sing; Page young adult basket dinner in Page park; Page MYF at 8 p.m. Tuesday, August 23: Inman church band and choir practice at 8 p.m., followed by MYF. Wednesday, August 24: Page WSCS prayer circle at 9 a.m. Thursday. August 25: Inman WSCS meeting at 2:30 p.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST (O'Neill) Corner of Sixth and Grant John Thomas, minister Sunday, August 21: Bible school, 10 a.m.; communion and preach ing, 11 a.m.; youth fellowship hour, 7 p.m.; evening worship at 8 o’clock. Bible study and prayer session Wednesday, 8 p.m. Youth singspiration and Bible story hour Thursday, 10 to 11:30 a.m. In the name of Jesus Christ we bid you a sincere welcome to these services. CENTER UNION (O’Neill) Rev. C. P. Turner, pastor Sunday, August 21: Sunday school, 10 o’clock; preaching ser vice at 11; young people’s meeting at 8 in the evening; preaching service following the youth ser vice. The Wednesday evening pray er meeting and mission study will meet in the church at 8 o’clock and will be in charge of Rev. and Mrs. Jerry Sandal, missionaries from Cuba. WESLEYAN METHODIST (O’Neill) Rev. Duane Lauber, pastor Services will be dismissed Sun day so that all may attend the Nebraska conference camp meet ing being held on the new camp ground, 13 miles west of O’Neill. Services will start at 9:45 a.m., 2:30 p.m., and 7:30 p.m. There will be services each week night at 7:30 p.m., at the Wesleyan camp grounds. i— METHODIST (O’Neill-Emmet) Rev. Glenn Kennicott, pastor Thursday, August 18: Emmet WSCS at Beckwith home, 706 East Everett, O’Neill. Friday, August 19: Dorcas circle at O’Neill Methodist church, 2 p.m.; Carl and Bette Schafer, Methodist missionaries serving in Cuba, will conduct a service at the O’Neill church, 8 p.m., social hour at close. Sunday, August 21: O’Neill worship at 8:30 a.m., church school following; Emmet worship at 9:45, adult church school fol lowing. (September 4, the usual hour of services will be resumed: O’Neill worship at 11 a.m.; Em met worshrip at 9:30 a.m.) Monday, August 22: WSCS school of missions and pastor’s school will convene on Wesleyan university campus at Lincoln. The Kennicotts plan to attend. ASSEMBLY OF GOD (O’Neill) (702 E. Clay) Rev. E. Kirschman, pastor Sunday, August 21: Sunday school for all ages, 10 a.m.; wor ship, 11 a.m.; Christ’s Ambassa dors (youth), 7 p.m.; evangelistic rally, 8 p.m. Sermon subject: “Ov er 1,000 Gamblers in O’Neill.” A special rally featuring Rev. E. M. Clark, producer and director of “Revivaltime,” the national ra dio broadcast of the Assemblies of God, as speaker. His family will furnish special music for the ser vcie. This rally will be held on Monday, August 22, at 7:45 p.m. The monthly midweek mission ary service, formerly scheduled to be held Wednesday, August 10, was postponed until this coming Wednesday at 8 p.m. BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN (RFD, Ewing) Rev. J. Olen Kennell, pastor Sunday, August 21: Worship service, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O’Neill) Rev. J. Olen Kennell, pastor Sunday, August 21: Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; worship service, 11 a.m. FATHER DIES AMELIA — Mrs. Clyde Wid man received word Tuesday of the serious illness of her father, D. L. Fancher of Ainsworth. Mr. Fancher died later that evening and funeral services were held Friday, August 12 at Ainsworth. Attend Education Conference— Miss Lucille Mitchell of Stuart went “back to school” last week. Miss Mitchell took part in the fourth annual leadership confer ence of the Nebraska State Educa tion association at Kearney State Teachers college August 7-9. Miss Thelma Young of O’Neill, treasurer, also attended. I Prairie Schooner Mobil Homes I WE FINANCE — WE TRADE O’Neill Trailer Sales — Phone 254 DICK TOMLINSON, Prop. Mrs. Mitchell Again Heads Church Group STUART — The Women’s So ciety of the Community church met Thursday, August 11, in the church basement with 19 mem bers present and two visitors, Mrs. Everett Wilkens of Bassett and Mrs. Anna Kozisek of Port land, Ore. Devotions and the lesson “God Has Spoken” were lead by Mrs. Jane Cobb, assisted by Mrs. Charles Moses and Mrs. Berlin Mitchell. The missionary' committee re ported the quota of articles for the home mission schools and foriegn mission hospitals were completed. The annual election of officers was held. Reelected were Mrs. Berlin Mitchell, president; Mrs. George Keidel, vice - president, and Mrs. Wilber Moon, treasurer, Mrs. Ray Greenfield was elect ed secretary for the year 1956. A lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Leonard Roberts, Mrs. Donald Krotter and Mrs. Mahlon Shearer. Other Stuart News Mr. and Mrs. Ed Muesch and family, Henry Fuelberth, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fuelberth and fam ily attended the Fuelberth fam ily reunion at Page on Sunday, August 14. Robert and Donald Fuelberth returned home Sunday after spending a week at the home of their uncle, Walter Fuelberth, at Creighton. Mrs. Anna Meusch, John and Carl visited Sunday at the Vin cent Obermire home near Atkin son. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jerman and Penny of Verdigre, Mr. and Mrs. Don Fox of Bassett and Jimmie Norton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Nachtman and Adolph. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wymore and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mc Clure of Council Bluffs, la., were overnight guests at the Mahlon Shearer home on Mon day, August 8. They were enroute to the Black Hills. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. McVay re turned from Yellowstone park where they had spent a week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cigrand re turned Friday from Colorado where they had spent a weeks’ vacation. Their children spent the week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Shearer. The Cigrand family returned by way of Council Bluffs to their home in Cascade, la. Diane Gettman of Norfolk came Thursday, August 11, and will stay with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John McGrew, until school begins. Capt. Jesse Gibney, jr., of Clearwater, Fla., arrived here Tuesday, August 9, and spent the remainder of the week at the John McGrew home. Mrs. Anna Kozisek came from Newcastle, Wyo., Sunday, August 7, and will visit relatives and friends here and in Iowa before returning to her home in Port land, Ore. Mrs. Kozisek formerly lived here. Ewing News Monday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edwards were Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tuttle and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Saiser en tertained at a 6 o’clock dinner on Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Metcalf of Sedro Woolley, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edwards and daughters entertained the neighborhood kids at a weiner roast at their home Wednesday evening, August 10. The Upper Room society and the Methodist men sponsored a fellowship dinner on Sunday after the worship hour and Sunday school of the Methodist church. Tables were arranged in the par lors of the church where the din ner was served. A devotional period was conducted by Rev. and Mrs. Lee Bridgen before de parting about 3 o’clock. Pfc. Marcus Pierson, who has been stationed at Ft. Knox, Ky., and been sent to Ft. Lewis, Wash. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson. A family get-together was held at the Riverside park in Neligh on Sunday evening, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rakow of Seattle, Wash. A 6 o’clock picnic supper was enjoyed. Others present were: Mrs. Hazel Kimes and sons, Dean and Dal, and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Filsinger and family, all of Ew ing; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kusek and children of David City; Mrs. Ber tha McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott, all of Neligh; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Conner of Or chard; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peterson and daughters of Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Latzel and daughter were Sunday guests at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doud of Orchard. On Tuesday, August 9, Mrs. Clarence Latzel and daughter ac companied by her mother, Mrs. Alfred Doud and Shirley and Mrs. George Latzel and Virginia, were O’Neill shoppers. Miss Virginia al so made a trip to the dentist. Mrs. Clarence Latzel accom panied by Mrs. Paul Doud of Or chard were ' Neligh visitors on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs and Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs and family drove to Ainsworth on Sunday. _ ROYAL THEATER — O’NEILL — Sunday, Monday, Tuesday — August 21-22-23 Hr.y*c— ........... r ERNEST K. GANN’S BEST-SELLER! ACTUALLY FILMED IN HON&K0N&! ! I : I | MILHAtL KfcNNIt • UfcNfc BAKKY ] t— i D 1 where the BIG 1 PxxJvcsdby BUDDY AOiltR the Royal Pirtures Plav ^..d^EDWASDDMYlffVK J Pictures riay | bv ERN€ST *. GANN Adults 50c; children 12c. matinee Sunday, 2:30 All children unless in arms must have tickets. SMS luIR_ ... ... t Get the leader In looks Only Ford brings yod the styling of the famous Thunderbird. Note the low roof line, the long body, the flat rear deck . . . the fresh clean beauty of Ford’s years-ahead design. , • Get the leader in V-8’s You get V-8 power from the V-8 leader when you buy Ford. You get Trigger-Torque “GO” . . . quick response in emergencies ... a new < feeling of security and confidence. • Get the leader In ride You’ll find even the smooth roads seem smoother with Ford’s Angle-Poised ride. Front springs are tilted back to absorb bumps from the front as well as up and down, to cushion your ride. • Get a top dollar trade Now’s the time to buy a brand-new ’55 Ford. Your present car will never be worth more! And our leadership sales pace puts us in position to make you an extra-good deal right novol • Get long, low terms High trade-in is only part of our “deal” when it comes to buying a Ford. Ask about our long-term pay ment plan. You can tailor your pay ments down low! It’s convenient, tool # Get top resale value For years, Ford has returned more of its original cost at resale than any other car in the low-price field. Ford’s worth more when you buy it.., worth more when you sell it! 9 If you are interested in a used car, be sure to see our or other used car selections! ru Come In for the deal of your life during our Summer Bandwagon Sell-a-braflonl 4 LOHAUS MOTOR CO. GREAT TV, FORD THEATRE, WOW-TV, THURSDAY, 8:30 P.M. ^ • #