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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1955)
Future Subscribers RESSEL—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ressel of Page, a son, Vincent Eugene, weighing 7 pounds 7% ounces, born Thursday, August 11, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’ Neill. The Ressels have one other child, Ricky Keith. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry E Ressel of O’Neill; the maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cullen of Page. TWISS — Mr. and Mrs. Earl Twiss of Norfolk, a son. This makes a family of two sons and two daughters. Mr. Twiss is a for mer residen tof Deloit. BAILEY—Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bailey of Spencer, a son, Steven Edgar, weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces, born Friday, August 12, at Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. FRAASH — Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fraash of Fairfax, S.D., a son, weighing 8 pounds, bom Monday, August 15, at Sacred Heart hospi tal, Lynch. CLASSEN—Mr. and Mrs. Paul Classen of Spencer, a son, bom Monday, August 15, at Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. BURGESS—Mr. and Mrs. War- ; ren Burgess of Lincoln, a son,! weighing 7 pounds 2 ounces, bom j Friday, August 12, at Lincoln. The infant was born on the 35th wed ding anniversary of his paternal grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Burgess of O’Neill. WOODWARD — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woodward of Stuart, a Son, Shale Bruce, weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces, bom Friday, August 12, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. HOFFMAN — Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hoffman of Chambers, a daughter Lorie Kathleen, weigh ing 6 pounds 8 ounces, bom Sat urday, August 13, at St. An thony’s hospital, O’Neill. STERNS—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stems of Atkinson, a daughter, Evelyn Kay, weighing 7 pounds 7 ounoes, born Friday, August 12, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. WITMUSS—Mr. and Mrs. Art Witmuss of Fairfax, S.D., a daugh ter, weighing 8 pounds 4 ounces, born Tuesday, August 16, at Sa cred Heart hospital, Lynch. HICKOK—Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hickok of Atkinson, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces, bom Monday, August 15, at the Atkin son Memorial hospital. GIBSON—Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gibson of Atkinson, a daughter, ■weighing 8 pounds 1 ounce, born Tuesday, August 16, at the At kinson Memorial hospital. GRADY—Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Grady of O’Neill, a son, John Wil liam, weighing 7 pounds 2 ounces, born Monday, August 15, at St. thony’s hospital, O’Neill. The Gradys have another son, James. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Grady of O’Neill; the maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Pray of Ft. Dodge, ' la. HUGHES— Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hughes of Inman, a son, born Monday, August 8, in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hughes taught in the Inman school last year. HART—Rev. and Mrs. Lester Hart of North Bend, a son, weigh ing 7 pounds 6 ounces, born Sat urday, August 13, at North Eend. Mrs. Hart is the former Florence Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Robinson of Page. WALTON—Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walton of Winnetoon, a daughter, bom Wednesday, August 3, at the Creighton hospital. The Waltons formerly lived in the Venus com munity. They now have three boys and one girl. TANGEMAN — Mr. and Mrs. Orland Tangeman of Chadron, a son, James Lean, weighing 7 pounds 14 ounces, born Saturday, August 13, at the Chadron hospi tal. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Tangeman of Chambers are the grandpar ents. No rain for almost five weeks in the Deloit area. Some corn is being cut for feed and ensilage. There was a short hay crop. LEGAL NOTICES (First pub. August 18, 1955) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT No. 4027 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF ALICE E. BRIDG ES, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of estate and approval of final ac count and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on September 7, 1955, at 10 o’clock, A.M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 16-18 (First pub. Aug. 18, 1955) Charles E. Chace, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL No. 4053 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA ESTATE OF HERBERT J. HAMMOND, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the probate of the will of said deceas ed, and for the appointment of Charlotte E. Hammond as exec utrix thereof, which will be for hearing in this court on Septem ber 8, 1955, at 10 o’clock A.M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Jiidge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 16-18c Redbird News Mrs. Lee Brunmeier and daughter, Sandra of Omaha vis ited her sister, Mrs. Howard Wells and family last week. San dra plans to visit in the Wells home until Labor day. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pinkerman took their sons, Randy, Delmar and Danny, to the circus in Nor folk Monday, August 8. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Balis of In diana visited Pinkerman relatives last week. June, Claranna and Rexford Carson and Johnny Hills of Rush ville went to Lynch Sunday eve ning with Ruth Osborn and her folks to go swimming. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull left Friday evening to spend a few days with friends, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Streit of Wichita, Kans. Bruce Schollmeyer is helping Leroy Hull with chores. Mr. Meyers of Lynch painted the outside of the Redbird school district 3 last week. Rollin Hughes of Norfolk is spending a few days with his family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hughes and Rodrick. Rollin attended the Norfolk Junior college the past two years and plans to enter the University of Nebraska this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carsten and Hallie accompanied Mr. and Mrs, Glen Stewart of Lynch to the Burwell rodeo Saturday. Dale Neely of Seattle, Wash., spent last Thursday night and Friday with his cousins. Bruce Schollmeyer, and was a guest of the Redbird 4-H club at Leroy Hull’s on Friday. Mrs. Bill Wilson and family and cousins, Irene and Arlene Wilson, all of Gregory visited last Thurs day evening in the Ray Wilson home. Mrs. Don Bare of Lynch went home with them Friday to stay with the little folks of the Bill Wilsons while they and the Dewain Wilson family attended the Burwell Rodeo. Mrs. Francis Neely, Carolyn and Dale went to the Rodeo at Burwell Saturday with Mrs. Mary Tomlinson and son of O’ Neill. Clyde McKenzie and Ray Wil son helped Ernie Wright with haying on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Truax and Judy of Schuyler spent the week end here with relatives. They brought Velma Crawford home as she had been visiting Walter Kruse at the Orthopedic hospital at Lincoln. REPORT OF MON., AUG. 15, SALE 190-240 lb. butchers, 16.50-17.25; 78 head at top money; only 18 head below 16.50. 240-320 lb., 15.50-16.50. Bu. sows to 300 lbs., 14.75-15.75; few on up to 16.05. Wet feeder sows, 14.50 14.75. Sows, 300-400 lbs., 13.50-15.75; 400-550 lbs., 12.00-13.90. Feeders, 131-170 lbs., 14.00-14.90. Pigs, each 6.25-15.00. Stags, 10.00-13.00. Dairy cows, 96.00-127.50. List feeder hogs and cattle week in advance for advertising. For Top Market Prices; For Sales and Service, Consign to Verdigre Livestock Market SALE EVERY MONDAY W. LLOYD BRADY, Owner and Mgr. Phone 86 Verdigre ____ REDUCTION — on — Well Drilling and Repairing CONTACT: WHITE’S WELL SERVICE © * For New Reduced Rates ★ Trenching for Water Lines ★ Underground Cable ★ Underground Gas Lines CALL OR SEE WM. J. WHITE — Phone 260 — OR — ROBERT WHITE — Phone 298-J — O’Neill — . ■ ■: r.... Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY'S (O’Neill) Admissions: August 10—Mary Kathleen Clark, O’Neill; Mrs. Raymond Dobias, Stuart; Mrs. Teresa Rooney, O’Neill; Harry Sparrow. 11—Mrs. Thomas Ressel, Page; Mrs. Herman Block, Or chard; Mrs. M. L. Jensen, Stuart; Mrs. Lee Ohri, Spencer; Stanley Chmiel, Ewing. 12—Mrs. Henry Winkler, Atkinson; Mrs. Louis Zastrow, O’Neill. 13—Mrs. Donald Hoffman, Chambers. 14—Thomas Enright, O’Neill; Dennis Bridge, Royal. 15—Mrs. J. B. Grady, O’ Neill; Caroline Backaus, Amelia; Loren Doty, Dakota City. 16—Mrs. J. W. Marshall, Freeport, Kans.; Janet Faith Marshall, Freeport, Kans.; Richard Eugene Kopejtka, Spencer. Dismissals: August 10 — Jack Waldron, O’Neill; Mrs. Alma Thorell, Bristow; Max Wanser, Ewing; William F. Gallagher, O’ Neill; Ambrose Biglin, O’Neill; Mrs. Chris Serr, Gregory, S.D.; Mrs. Tom Blake and baby girl O’Neill; Dennis Finley, Page; Ronnie Schmit, O’Neill; Melvin Michaelis, O’Neill. 11—Mrs. Ray mond Dobias, Stuart; Miss Char lotte Evans, Atkinson; James Grimes, Chambers; Mrs. Frank Oberle and baby girl, Dorsey. 12 —Viona Burgett, Amelia; Harry Sparrow, Orchard. 13 — Henry Walter, Chambers; Laurence Chipps, Chambers; M. F. O’ Donnell, O’Neill; Robert Shoe maker, O’Neill; Mrs. M. L. Jen sen, Stuart; Mrs. Herman W. Block, Orchard; Mrs. Leo Ohri, Spencer. 14—Mrs. Thomas Ressel and baby boy, Page; Simon Bosn, O’Neill; Kathleen Clark, O’Neill. 15 — Dennis Bridge, Royal; Thomas Enright, O’Neill; Mrs. Louis Zastrow, O’Neill. 16—Caro line Backaus, Amelia. nucuiib, Harvard; Mrs. Lois B. Adams, Chambers; Mrs. Minnie Bay, O’ Neill; John Berger, O’Neill; Stan ley Chmiel, Ewing; Mrs. Ada Cox, Chambers; Loren Doty, Dakota City; Mrs. J. B. Grady, O’Neill; M. B. Higgins, O’Neill; Mrs. Don ald Hoffman, Chambers; Richard Kopejtka, Spencer; Mrs. Donald Krotter, Stuart; Mrs. J. W. Mar shall, Freeport, Kans.; Janet Faith Marshall, Freeport, Kans.; Mrs. Teresa Rooney, O’Neill; Jess Wills, Emmet; Mary Lou Sobotka, Inman; Mrs. Henry Winkler, At kinson. SACRED HEART (Lynch) Hospitalized: John Adams, Spencer; Dr. E. Bradley, Spencer; Mrs. George Classen, Spencer; Louis Hanzlik, Niobrara; Anton Hegberg, Bristow; Miss Lillian Olson, Bristow; Mrs. Barbara Pek lo. Lynch; Mrs. John Selle, Butte; Mrs. Edgar Bailey and son, Spen cer; Wallis Blair, Spencer; Mrs. Vincent Jehorek, Lynch; Henry Lueken, Winner, S.D.; Mrs. Ches ter Ross, Spencer; Mrs. Ed Fraasch and baby boy, Fairfax, S.D.; Mrs. Paul Classen and baby boy, Spen cer. Dismissals: August 8—Mrs. Rob ert Johnson, Bristow; Baby Kala Rae Anson, O’Neill. 9 — Mrs. Charles Malcom, Spencer (expir ed); Mrs. William Spencer and baby, Lynch. 11—Virgil Crawford, Lynch. 12—Master Norman Niel son, Lynch; Mrs. John Miller, Spencer. 13—Baby Michael Dean DeVall, Spencer; Mrs. Harold Dicket, Spencer; Harry Walker, Lynch. 14 — George Courtney, Lynch. 15—Ted Crawford, Spen cer. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: August 7 — Robert Batenhorst, Stuart, medical. 10— Mrs. Delbert Marcellus, Stuart, medical; Mrs. Henry Werner, At kinson, medical. 12—Mrs. Robert Woodward, Stuart, obstetrical; Mrs. Edward Sterns, Atkinson. 13—Herbert Stevens, Atkinson, medical. Dismissed: August 8 — Luther Jackson, Atkinson; Mrs. Ernest Swanson, Bassett. 9— Lawrence Kaup, Stuart; Elvon Chace, At kinson. 12—Mrs. Delbert Marcel lus, Stuart. 14—Herbert Stevens, Atkinson; Robert Batenhorst, Stu art. Dorsey News Mr. and Mrs. James Wiley spent Wednesday evening, August 10, at the Edward Carson home. Mrs. Mary Wolfe attended Re bekah lodge Tuesday evening, August 9, in Lynch. Mrs. Faye Pinkerman has been enjoying a visit with relatives from Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pickering were painting the district 32 school Wednesday, August 10. On Wednesday, August 10, Mr. and Mrs. Pavlik of. Verdigre and their son and daughter-in-law were supper guests and spent the evening at the Rudy Cihlar home. Mrs. Cihlar and Mrs. Pavlik are sisters. Beverly Carson returned home Tuesday, August 9, from a 10-day vacation in Lincoln. Hazel Marie Johnson spent a few days in Crete and she and Beverly came to Nor folk where Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson met the girls and they all attended the Ringling Brothers circus. The Lynch Legion auxiliary members were entertained in the Lee Brady home last Thursday. A lunch was served. The Dorsey community was well-represented in O’Neill last Thursday. Some attended the weekly livestock sale, some the 4-H achievement day, and others took their children to have the second polio shots. Mrs. Vera Johnson, her two sons of Spencer and Oro, Iris and Marcia Baldwin of Colome, S.D., spent Friday at the home of Mrs. William Pickering. They called on the Carson sisters in the evening Mr. and Mrs. John Hurd of Lynch were Sunday dinner guests at the Claude Pickering home. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Landreth of Page visited at the Willard Aim home Sunday. George Thierolf of Creighton was a dinner guest Sunday at the Edward Carson home. He also called on the Carson sisters. Return from Coast— Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Gillespie returned Saturday from a month’s visit with relatives at San Gabriel, Cailf. % - 4 : t Sick & Injured O’NEILL—Clyde Bowden was taken to St Joseph's hospital, Sioux City, Friday by ambulance. . . . Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson went to Norfolk Wednesday, August 10, for medical treatment. . . Carl Eelzer returned last Thursday from the Veterans hospital, Grand Island, where he had been a pa teint since March. . . F. J. O’ Donnell was transferred Satur day from St. Anthony’s to an Om aha hospital. . . Dr. L. A. Carter was taken by ambulance Tuesday to St. Elizabeth’s hospital, Lincoln. . . . Jack Gatz, who is! stationed in Hawaii with the infantry, broke three fingers recently. . . Mrs. Theresa Rooney, 80, mother of James W. Rooney, is recovering from an emergency appendectomy performed Wednesday, August 10, in St. Anthony’s hospital. PAGE—Mrs. Roy Stewart is suffering from a blood infection. . . . ‘Mrs. Ben Juracek of Cedar Rapids was called to the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Anna Clasey Sunday night. . . Mrs. Richard Heiss and son, Kevin Bruce, re turned Monday from Our Lady of Lourdes hospital at Norfolk. . . Mrs. William Klinetobe went to Omaha on Sunday where she en tered the University hospital for a checkup following surgery. DORSEY — Evelyn B a r t a , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta, was on the sick list Wed nesday, August 10. . . Darla Pick ering, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pickering, had a throat in fection and was taken to a doctor in Lynch Friday. She is “much improved.” . . . Mrs. William Pickering has been suffering from an eye infection. She is “improv ing.” INMAN—Mrs. Bessie Rother ham of Inman has been seriously ill for two months, but has shown “some improvement.” . . Melvin Michaelis was able to return home Tuesday, August 9, after spending a few days in St. Anthony’s hos pital receiving medical care. EMMET—Mr. and Mrs. Herman Janzing and son, Ronnie, of O’ Neill and Mrs. Joe Babl and son, Wendall, went to Omaha Friday to see G. D. Janzing, who is a pa tient in St. Joseph’s hospital. His condition is “about the same.” DELOIT—Mrs. Pearle Baskett is a patient in the Lutheran hos pital, Sioux City, following major surgery. . . Mrs. Parks took Tom my to O’Neill last Thursday for his second polio shot AMELIA—Miss Caroline Back aus was a patient in St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill on Monday and Tuesday where she under went minor surgery. Rockets Win 8, Lose 6 Thus Far The O’Neill Rockets baseball team thus far this season has won eight games and lost six. Batting average for the team is .305, ac cording to Dick Tomlinson, Rock [ ets manager. Bob Reimers and Lowell Nes bitt lead the regular players with a .400 clip followed closely by Jack Hughes with a .391 mark. Dick Tomlinson, pinch hitter and team manager, has a .417 average in 12 trips. Danny Helmer, relief pitcher, posts a .400 score. Averages: AB Hits Runs Dick Tomlinson, f . 12 5 .417 Lowell Nesbitt, 3d . 53 21 .400 Bob Reimers, 2d . 25 10 .400 Danny Helmer, p . 10 4 .400 Jack Hughes, c .... 46 18 .391 Maynard Morrow, 1st . 50 17 .340 Robert Carroll, f .. 9 3 .333 Milo Gorgen, f_ 55 18 .327 Dan Kelly, p _ 49 13 .265 Darrel Graham, ss 51 13 .255 Joe Connarro, 2d.. 9 2 .222 Vernon Gorgen, f.. 50 11 .220 Fritz Holz, f. 34 7 .205 Gene Couch, p-f... 20 4 .200 Roland Everetts, p 12 0 .000 Total .480 146 .305 Frontier for printing! Too Late to Classify CARS & TRUCKS 1951 IHC 190. 1950 Ford %-ton. 1955 IH demonstrator, %-ton. 1947 Diamond T for semi. D-2 pickup . $50.00 Shelhamer Equip. Co. O’Neill, Nebr.—Phone 570 FOR SALE: Fryers for your freez ers, $90c each, alive. Inquire at The Frontier office. 16c FARM MACHINERY 14—ft. John Deere drill, good con dition. 6-ft. Dempster drill. 12-ft. Superior drill. Allis-Chalmers mower with wheel and hydraulic lift. IHC mowers, all models. Sweep to fit John Deere. Sweep to fit Farmall. Sargent loader stacker. 1950 Farmall M. 1941 Fanqall M. 1948 Farmall C. 1942 Farmall H. 1950 John Deere MT. Farmall 20. Farmall 30. Case side delivery rake. Oliver Automatic baler. New Holland Automatic baler. Shelhamer Equip. Co. O’Neill. Nebr.—Phone 570 HELP WANTED: Experienced waitress.—Myrt’s Cafe, O’Neill. _ 16tf WHILE THEY LAST! Your Choice of Used Kerosene and Gas R^frigerotors $10.00 Shelhamer Equipment O’Neill — Phone 570 FOR SALE: 1—1931 Chev. coupe; 1—24-ft. trailer house. — Cecil Sparks, O’Neill. 14-17p • : ; •v**' Mrs. Anna Clark Feted on Birthday 70 Sign Guest Book at Open-House INMAN—Open-house was ob served at the Ralph Moore home on Friday afternoon between 2 and 4 o’clock in honor of Mrs. Anna Clark, who was observing her 87th birthday anniversary. About 70 guests signed the register, including the following from out-of-town: Mrs. Roy Tjes sem, Sandra and Nancy of May wood, 111.; Mrs. Dolores Stevens and Eric of Stanton; Mrs. Esther Alderson and Miss Lillian Wads worth, both of Tilden; Mrs. Eliz abeth Ticknor of San Diego, Calif.; Miss Murl Keyes of Valentine; Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Clark of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Clark of Burwell called last Thursday to extend best wishes as they were unable to be here on Friday. Mrs. Clark was born at Ma rengo, la., the daughter of George and Elizabeth Green. She came to Holt county when she was 20 years-old. She was a school teach er and taught the Cottonwood school. When she was 21, she married Edgar A. Clark and they became the parents of five children: Mrs. Elmer (Ina) Rogers of Granite Falls, Wash.; Mrs. Ralph (Mil dred) Moore of Inman, Arthur G. Clark of Burwell and E. E. (Gene) Clark of Inman. She has f 14 grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren. Mr. Clark died several years ago, also a son, Leslie. Mrs. Clark has lived in Holt county since coming here as a young woman with the exception of two years which the family spent in Winona, Minn. Other Inman News Roy Tjessem of Maywood, 111., arrived Saturday and will spend this week visiting in the E. E. Clark home. Mrs. Tjessem and two girls have been here the past week. Mrs. Charles G i 11 i g a n and daughter, Jo Ann, returned to their home in Sioux City Sunday afternoon. They had spent the past two weeks in the home of Beatrice and Joseph Gallagher. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Tomp kins and family left Sunday for the Black Hills where they will vacation for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. James McMahan drove to Laurel on Sunday where they attended a picnic at the Laurel park in honor of Mr. Mc Mahan’s aunt, Mrs. Nellie Burns, who was celebrating her 80th birthday anniversary. Miss Carolyn Watson spent the past week in Valentine as a houseguest in the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Slusher, and sons. Mrs. Ernest Brunckhorst and son, John, drove to Sioux Falls, S.D., on Friday. Miss Barbara, a patient in the Sioux Valley hos pital, returned home with them and will be home about a month. Jerry Wildman and Dick Pierce are employed at the Ralph Gar wood place west of Chambers. Another Dance Is Scheduled STAR—There will be a dance at the Ash Grove community hall, Sunday evening, August 21. All members are invited. Other Star News Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller and Barbara were Sunday visitors at the homes of Mrs. Hattie Boelter and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boelter and family. Misses Diane and Barbara Snyder were visitors last week at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Siders at In man. Mrs. Lysle Johnson and sons and Mrs. Roland Miller and son called at the Ewalt Miller home Wednesday evening, August 16. Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson, Wyn and Larry were among the guests at the weiner roast at the Wilbert Widhalm home Sunday evening honoring Susan Wid halm’s birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boelter and family and Mrs. Hattie Boel ter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller and Barbara Mon-> day evening, August 8. Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller and Barbara and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Murphy spent last Tuesday eve ning, August 9, at the Lysle Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nekuda of Omaha, were visitors at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Juracek and family. The Star Get-Together club met with Mrs. Robert Miller Wednes day, August 10. Miss Kay Hibbs spent a couple of days last week with Norma Timmerman. ONE FIRE The O’Neill fire department was called to one fire this week. A small grass blaze was reported at the O’Neill airport Monday evening, but was brought under control before any damage was done. Mrs. Loretta Hynes and daugh ter, Miss Helen, departed Wednes day for Denver, Colo., where they will visit Mrs. Hynes’ son, Ed ward, and family for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Holly and family returned Tuesday from a vacation in Florida. DR. DONALD E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Phone 2101, Spencer, Nebr. DR. J. L. SHERBAHN Vz Block So. of Ford Garage Complete X-Ray Equipment O’Neill, Nebraska 1 AUGUST ' 18-19-20 | • VEGETABLES • \ POTATOES 10 Lbs.-29c 50 Lbs.-$1.29 CELLO BAG CARROTS 3 pkgs. 25c RED GRAPES — 2 Iks.. 29c FROZEN STRAWBERRIES Per Pkg.-______ 29c HI-WEST FROZEN PEAS or CORN 2 pkgs. 29c ADAMS FROZEN ORANGE JUICE_2 for 29c ALL WHITE BREAD FINEST QUALITY I Minced Ham | I 3 Lbs._79c HORMEL’S TENDER, SWEET, READY-TO-EAT I HAMS s’" 45c LIVER SAUSAGE-----Lb. 39c I Wieners 2 Lbs—69c I BACON ENDS & PIECES-Lb. 19c I ■ * FINEST QUALITY I GROUND BEEF 2 Lbs. for- _ 69c DRESSED, DRAWN, PAN-READY I FRYERS F 98c | OUR FAMILY ORANGE JUICE 2 46-oz. cans 05c ~Y~ DEL MONTE CRUSHED / PINEAPPLE--No. 2 Can 29c f GOLDEN VALLEY — CREAM STYLE | CORN-3 No. 303 cans 39c ■1-* SUNSHINE KRISPY " CRACKERS-2-lb. box 49c \ BULK MACARONI_2-lb. pkg. 41c \ CANNING SUPPLIES: i JAR CAPS—2-Piece—Caps & Lids_ Doz. 29c I I JAR LIDS-2 pkgs. for 29c T" / I GOLDEN VALLELY ICE TEA BLEND_Glass 29c PET MILK_ -2 cans 27c I SWANSDOWN ANGEL FOOD CAKE MIX_Pkg. 43c mmmam paper napkins__2 Pkgs. 2sc BEET 5-LB. BAG SUGAR 49c BUTTER-NUT COFFEE ik-87c JUST ARRIVED — ANOTHER TRUCKLOAD OF DELICIOUS OKLAHOMA WATERMELONS LARD 2 Lbs. —29c CASH BUYERS C|JEI II A MED RETAILERS CREAM dflELnAIVlEll NUTRENA POULTRY - EGGS FOODS FF.F.ns . *' v. ^ • ,, i •