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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1955)
* ' *• FOR SALE FOR SALE: Grocery stock and fixtures. Reasonable rent. Good money - maker for mah and wife. Will give possession to suit buyer. — Herbert Nielsen, In man-_ 14-16p85 FOR SALE: Fryers, 3 lbs. and over, $1 each.—L. A. Ott, phone 6-F310, O’Neill. 16-17p65 FOR SALE: Full size, 120 bass “Dallape” accordion. Tone vari ation controls on both treble and bass. An ideal instrument for a professional accordionist. —E. Kirschman, 702 E. Clay st, O’Neill, phone 452. 15-16p FOR SALE: Well-built bottle gas range.—Mrs. Ivan Cone, phone 491-J, O’Neill. 16c E VINRUDE Outboard Motors SALES & SERVICE WM. KROTTER CO. West O’Neill Phone 531 FOR SALE: One purebred regis tered bull, 2-years-old, priced right. — C Bar M Hereford Ranch, O’Neill. 13tf SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone.—Con tois Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf FOR SALE: Insurance of all kinds.—See Virgil Laursen, O’ Neill, phone 434. 29tf HOOVER SALES & SERVICE WM. KROTTER CO. UPTOWN HARDWARE & APPL. Phone 496 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Solid oak dining room set, good condition, reasonable. —Call 268-R, O’Neill. 16c FOR SALE: Two power mower chassis complete without mo tor.—Mrs. Lod Janousek, ph. 476-W 15tfc FOR SALE: 1946 model 20 Mas sey-Harris tractor. Would make excellent rake or mower tractor or second tractor. Price $335.— Wilbur C. Smith, Inman. . tfc FOR SALE: Late model “Shure” microphone, complete with floor stand and cord.—E. Kirschman, 702 E. Clay, O’Neill, phone 452. 15-16p60 FOR SALE: Allis-Chalmers 2-row com picker; International 2-row com binder; F-20 winch; used Forney welder. — Burge Farm Supply, Chambers. 16-19c BEST BUYS! 1950 Ford tudor, radio, heater, seat covers. 1952 Ford tudor, radio, heater, seat covers, overdrive, very clean. 1947 Chev. convertible. 1942 Buick. 1937 Chevrolet 4-door. COME IN AND SEE US! We like to trade!! Shierk Motor Co. Phone 430 212 South 4th — O’Neill FOR SALE: 1953 Chev. 2-ton, like new; 4-yd. gravel box and hoist, A-l. We trade.—Hoerle Service, Ewing, phone 2642 Chambers. ll-19p FOR SALE: 2- and 3-year-old registered Hereford bulls and yearling heifers. All Larry Domino breeding. See them at the farm, 3 miles west and 3% miles south of Gregory, S.D. For further information call or write —Clark L. Hansen, Sioux Falls, S.D. Business phone, 4-5611; res. phone, 2-6422. 15-16c FOR SALE: Aeromotor wind mills, and towers, galvanized stock tanks, 8- and 10-foot sizes. — John Sobotka, Inman, Nebr. 7tf FOR SALE: Spring fryers, $1. No phone.—Nina Burival, 3 mi. N. and % east of the Drive-In the ater, O’Neill. I2tf FOR COMPLETE DETAILS, and tree help in engineering your sprinkler system and informa tion on liberal credit terms, see BILL BOWKER Phone 468-W O'Neill, Nebr. 32c USED CARS 1950 Chev., Be la ire. 1951 4-door Studebaker (Land cruiser). 1949 Chevrolet. 1946 4-dr. Studebaker Champion. 1946 Ford tudor. 1952 Studebaker 2-ton truck. 1951 Ford V8 truck, LWB. SMITH MOTOR CO. “Home of Studebaker” Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Used IHC 10-ft. pow er binder.—Austin Hynes, O’ Neill. 16p FOR SALE: Large barn, 32’x70’. Other buildings. Write—Donald Willuts, Orchard, phone 29-F14. 16-17c60 14 CHOICE USED CARS All Bargains 1953 Olds. Super motor, power brakes, runs like new. 1951 Chevrolets, Fords, Mercurys, Kaisers priced $395.00 to $695.00. 1949 Chevrolets and Kaisers, priced $295 to $395. 1946- ’47-’48 Fords, Hudsons, Kai sers, $95 to $250. 1952 Willys car. 1952 Willys 4-wheel-drive ton pickup. 1947- ’48 Willys Jeeps. 2—1947 Diamond T trucks, good grain boxes, 16-ft. Two-ton Ford truck, 18-ft. grain and stock rack, runs like new. Price .... $795 1940-’41-’42 Fords, Chevrolets, your choice $69 or 2 for $125. Outlaw Implement Co. IN WEST O’NEILL 15-16 HUNT’S Plumbing & Heating COLEMAN BLEND AIR FURNACES — Gas or Oil Kohler, American & Briggs PLUMBING FIXTURES Paw Paw for Your Septic Tank Water Systems Gas & Electric Water Heat :rs Phone 399 — O’Neill We Give Gold Arrow Stamps SPRINKLER IRRIGATION WADE ’ RAIN’S FREE PLANNING SERVICE For sprinkler irrigation. If inter ested see us or write us. A spe cial Wade ’ Rain field techni cian will gladly call and help you plan the right layout for your soil and crops. There is no obligation to you in connection with any part of Wade ’ Rain’s planning. It’s a service we are glad to render in the interests of better farming everywhere. J. F. BRADY CO. Atkinson, Nebr. 15-16c USED CARS 1954 PONTIAC 4-Dr. Star Chief. Loaded with accessories. 1955 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. Bel-Air. Still has that new smell. 1953 PONTIAC 4-Dr. 6 Chieftain. Ideal for the family. 1950 DODGE 4-Dr. Coronet. Clean —Clean — Clean! 1951 DODGE 4-Dr. Coronet. A black beauty. 1952 PONTIAC 4-Dr. 8 Hydra matic. Why pay more when you can get a car like this? AND TAKE A LOOK AT THE BEST LOT OF OLDER USED CARS IN TOWN — 1949 Ford V-8 2-dr. 1948 Dodge Custom Club Coupe (really a little cream-puff). 1946 Pontiac 4-Dr. Streamliner (all leather interior). 1947 Chevrolet 2-dr. (sounds good —runs good—is good). 1948 Ford V-8 2-Dr. Cheap trans portation. 1949 Chevrolet 2-dr. We’re not fooling anyone — this car is a wreck! WM. KROTTER CO. PONTIAC SALES & SERVICE WEST O’NEILL PHONE 531 SAVE $650 TO $850 On a new Mercury car at the Asi mus Garage, adjoining the Out law Implement Co. Lowest prices on new and used cars in north Nebraska. COME IN . . . GET OUR PRICES 15-16 Sprinkler IRRIGATION SEE US or write if interested in Sprinkler irrigation. We will be glad to figure your system for you, with the help of qualified irrigation engineers, at no obligation. Call or Write Wm. Krotter Co. O’Neill Nebr. DEALERS IN A-M SPRINKLER IRRIGATION IT’S LIMING TIME AGAIN AS SOON as the small grain is harvested, it is one of the best times to put on the lime that is needed. Call us for delivered prices anywhere in the county. Telephone 5111. J. F. BRADY CO. Atkinson, Nebr. 12tf Lynch News The Herbert Rossmeier family from Sidney is here this week visiting the Hazelhorst and Ross meier families. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Audiss of Anoka spent Sunday with rela tives here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hajek of Den ver, Colo., spent last week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Koscan and family of Butte were Sunday visitors at the Wallace Courtney home. The Mike Stenger family enter tained relatives from Humphrey the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Placek, Larry and Melvin returned home Saturday, August 13, from a week’s visit in South Dakota. Sales & Service NECCHI Sewing Machines Midwest Furn. & Appl. — West O’Neill — 6tf GAMBLES . . O’Neill Three awfully good Bikes for Girls PRICED to move while they last, One—Girls’ 24-in.. Two—Girls’ 26-in. 2 — Refrigerators Ready to go! Only $6 per month DISCOUNT on Sprinkler Equip. 420-ft. of six-inch water main available now at big discount BILL BOWKER Phone 468-W — O’Neill FOR SALE: 1950 Ford, as I am leaving for the service. —Bob Fritton, O’Neill. 15-17p85 New Machinery 10, 12, 14-ft. hay rakes. 12-Ft. Easy Flow fertilizer spreader. J-D spreaders. Farmhand loaders, bulldozers, grapple forks. J-D disc tillers most sizes. J-D-D oils, greases and batteries. Bale ties, cable. Plymouth baler and binder twine. Sweep teeth. Used Machinery IHC tiller, 13-blade. J-D tiller, 5- or 6-blade. Krause tiller, 13 blade. 1948 John Deere A tractor, fully equipped. 1946 H John Deere. J-D tractor cultivator. No. 52 plow, two 16” bottoms. J-D 4-wheel spreader. 2—16-inch J-D plows. 4-Section lever harrow. Harry R. Smith Impls. Your John Deere Dealer Phone 562 — O’Neill Open Evenings from 7 to 9 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Houses and lots in O’Neill; farms and ranches in the area. Licensed real estate broker.—See Virgil Laursen at O’Neill Insurance Agency, phone 434. 8tf FOR SALE: House and three lots for sale at 220 West Douglas on highway 20 and 281. — Mrs. Henry Martin, O’Neill. lOtf AT PRIVATE SALE O Neill Real Estate TO SETTLE THE ESTATE C*’ THE LATE ETTA SHRINER. TAXES ON ALL PROPERTY PAID TO JANUARY 1, 1955. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS, DE TAILS AVAILABLE ON RE QUEST FOR POSTER. Property No. 1 John Deere bldg., near main business dist. Subj. to lease. 50’xllO’ with 20’x30’ addition. Also 180’ sales lot adj. Paved. Large display, office space. Excellent investment property. Property No. 2 (mod. dwelling & lots), SW section of city, First and Hancock sts. 7 rooms first floor, 4 finished rooms in basement. 23’x26\ quiet, many trees, spacious lawn, aluminum comb, windows. Pvt. well for watering. Open-House Sunday, Aug. 21 AFTERNOON and EVENING At the Shriner residence. Come and inspect this lovely dwelling. Property No. 3 (modem dup.t apt.), 124 So. Madison, 24’x24-, close-in. 3 rooms each, also elec, ranges, hot water heateis, rentals $35 each per month. Built in 1946. Property No. 4 (wholesale-retail industrial lots). Only desireable lots left in growing little city. Bordered on west by U.S. 281, which admits all visitors to O' Neill from south. Paved. Property No. 5 (concrete block bldg.) 30’x70’ on lots 90’xl80\ Built 8 yrs. ago. On city’s north side. Ideal for body shop, hatch ery, storage, subj. to lease. I can be reached at the Shriner residence between 10 a.m., and 9 p.m., daily. § For details, inspection, immediately contact: JAMES R. MARNE, Executor O’Neill, phones 136-W or 73, or— JULIUS D. CRONIN, O’Neill Attorney 14-15c FOR SALE: Locker plant consist ing of concrete block building, 50x22, with 115 locker boxes, nearly all rented. — Geo. C. Robertson, phone 534, O’Neill. 45tf Ranches For Sale HOLT county 1,080-acre ranch, good improvements, modern home. Hay, alfalfa, pasture and 30 acres under cultivation, very attractive price, terms, Dec. 1, 1955, possession. 409-ACRE ranch, all hay and pas ture, improved, on highway south of O’Neill. Terms and immediate possession. Priced to sell. HERE’S A 160-acre farm. Boyd county, south of Spencer. Im provements. A productive farm. Alfalfa, pasture and farm land. Terms. Immediate possession. Good price. Virgil L. Laursen Insurance, Real Estate, Loans O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 434 16c 480-ACRE FARM FOR SALE 2 Miles North of Butte Consists of three quarters land. 220 acres broke, 230 acres pas ture, 30 alfalfa, 6-room house and good outbuildings. Farm is equipped with REA. CLARA HAHN Butte, Nebraska (S blocks from drug store) 16-17p FOR SALE: IMPROVED 80 acres 2 miles SE of Inman. 20 acres cultivated, 30 in pasture and 25 in hay. Possession if sold soon. Price $7,000—Fisher Realty Co., Nor folk, Nebr. 8tf FOR SALE: Six-room house to be moved. Located 17 mi. north of O’Neil] on highway 281.—O. J. Drueke, O’NeilL 50tf FOR SALE: Good 160-acre im proved farm near O’NeilL—Geo. C. Robertson, O’Neill. 45tf I HAVE opened an acreage ad jacent to O’Neill and will sell either in acreages or lots. — Harry E. Ressel, O’Neill, lltf MISCELLANEOUS HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator and Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf L-O-A-N-S 4% Federal Land Bank Long Term PRE-PAYMENT PRIVILEGES ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM ASS’N O’Neill, Nebr. IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured? —See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 44tf WE NEVER SLEEP A PHONE CALL brings us on the run. Phone 404-W. Used car parts, car repairing, elec tric and acetylene welding, body shop. Strong’s Repair Shop VERNON STRONG, Prop. North Seventh — O’Neill I AM at my office again in O’Neill, Nebr., and have East ern money to loan on farms and big ranches. No loan too large if plenty of security.—See or write to R. H. Parker, O’NeilL Nebr. 51tf FOR SALE! ICE CUBES Mac’s Bar 15-18c LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN: From Aug. Smith pasture since Fri. morning, Aug. 12, one 2 yr.-old Hereford bull. Branded F Lazy J, left hip. Notify Holt sheriffs office if found. 16c O. E. (“Oakie”) DAVIDSON Plumbing & Heating “The Best Work for the Least Money” GAS WATER HEATERS & FURNACES Phone 126 — O’Neill I HAVE just returned from a winter tour of Florida and 7 of the Southern states, and I am back at my office again, and have plenty of Eastern money to loan on farms and ranches. Also loan money on city residences and business buildings.—See or write R. H Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 51tf AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THORIN Farm Sales a Specialty Phone 207 — O’Neill Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill GILL ELECTRIC: See John Gil strap for all your electrical wiring and equipment. I ser vice all makes of appliances.— O’Neill, phone 568-W. 45tf FOR CROP hail insurance and to buy or sell real estate. — See Keith Abart, phone 520, O’ Neill. 2tf L. Guthmiller < REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. WANTED WANTED TO RENT: Hay and alfalfa, or will bale for share or cash.—K. C. Hunt, O’Neill. 4tf WANTED: High school boys to board and room.—Call 540-M, O’Neill. 16c35 WANTED: Custom hay cabling anywhere in Holt or Boyd county. — William and Kennis Hansen, O’Neill, Meek route, phone 2-F23. 16-19c WANTED: Naper public schools need one seventh and eighth grade teacher, one high school teacher qualified to teach typ ing, other subjects optional. One man teacher to coach basketball and other subjects optional. — Casper Engelhaupt, supt. Naper schools, Naper, Nebr. 16p55 WANTED: Responsible party to take over spinet piano on low monthly payments. Can be seen near here. For information write— Box 584, Sioux Falls, S.D. 15-16c FOR RENT FOR RENT: Furnished and un furnished apts.—A. E. Bowen, phone 515, O’Neill. 6tf FOR RENT: Sanders for floor and furniture. — Spelts - Ray Lbr. Co. 47 tf FOR RENT: Unfurnished apart ment, 4 rooms and bath, very nice. Close in.—Hagensick La dies Wear, O’Neill. 7tf FOR RENT: Three nice sleeping rooms, close-in.—Phone 485-W, O’Neill. 15-17p FOR RENT, Floor polisher and waxer.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. FOR RENT: 6-room house, mod ern except heat.—Kieth Abart, phone 520, O’Neill. FOR RENT: Furnished apartments with natural gas for cooking.— Mrs. Edna Coyne, phone 535, O’Neill. 16tf FOR RENT: Modem rooms, also a nice garage.—Mrs. Anna Don lin, phone 485-W, O’Neill. 16p35 FOR RENT: 3-room house with bath.—Phone 537, O’Neill. 16tf FOR RENT: Partially furnished 4-room apt. wuth bath; also sleeping rooms.—Phone 537, O’ Neill. 16tf CARDS of THANKS I WISH to thank St. Anthony’s hospital staff and all my friends who sent flowers and cards while I was in the hospital. MRS. CHARLES NUTTER AND DENNIS 50c WE WISH to express deep grati tude to the many friends and relatives for their acts of kind ness, sympathy and the many spiritual offerings received dur ing our recent bereavement. Sincere thanks to Rev. Timothy O’Sullivan, St. Patrick’s choir and Biglin’s for their assistance during this time. — Dennis A. McCarthy, Sr. M. Helen, Sr, M. Immaculata, Mother M. Pa trice, Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Dencey and family. 16c Inman News Mrs. Jennie Crosser entertained the LL club at her home on Wed nesday afternoon, August 10. The time was spent socially. Mrs. Crosser served refreshments. Arbutus Rebekah lodge met Wednesday evening, August 10, for a regular session at the IOOF hall. Karl Keyes, noble grand, was in charge. Following the business session refreshments were served by Mrs. Rosara Ko pecky, Mrs. Ruth Hansen and Mildred Keyes and Elsie Kruegar. The WSCS met last Thursday at the Maxcy memorial addition. Mrs. Melvin Lorenz, president, presided. Mrs. Harry Snyder had charge of the devotionals. Plans were made to serve dinner and lunch to the hay crew. Mrs. Mewmaw and Blanch Rouse were hostesses and served lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolfe and family of Amelia were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGraw. Members of the Zions league of the RLDS church held a camp fire meeting and weiner roast Sunday evening in the Page park. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sholes and daughters were callers in the home of Mrs. Violet Sholes Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Vivian Martin of O’Neill was a Monday evening caller in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vem Wrede, Chucky and Holly. A group of men mowed and stacked the hay belonging to the Methodist conference on Monday. The ladies of the W$CS served dinner for the group at the Maxcy memorial addition at noon and sent lunch to the field in the afternon. Miss Murl Keyes came Friday from Valentine and spent the weekend in the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Keyes. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brunck horst and family attended a fam ily reunion at Page on Sunday, j The picnic is an annual affair. i O’Neill News Miss Jean Sullivan spent the weekend in Omaha with her sis ter, Miss Joan. Mrs. Grant Peacock returned Saturday from Lincoln where she has been attending school on a scholarship awarded her by the Holt County Tuberculosis associa tion. She took a two-weeks’ course in health education. Sunday morning at 9 o’clock St. Rose’s guild held a coffee hour at the Andrew Ramold home. Mrs. Ramold is the chairman and Mrs. Robert Shoemaker is the cochair man. There were 23 present. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ressel at tended the Burwell rodeo Satur day. After the rodeo, they drove to Merna where they visited Sun day with relatives. Mrs. John Reichert, Mrs. Dru silla Reichert and Miss Martha Boshart of South Dakota came Sunday to visit relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bartos of Central City spent Sunday eve ning at the Robert Mathis home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomlinson of West Point were visitors at the H. W. Tomlinson home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tomlinson called on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rossmeisr returned Sunday from a w’eek’s fishing trip to Minnesota. Venettan blinds, prompt deliv ery, made to measure, metal or wood, all colors.— J. M. McDon alds. tf — J HIT_ _ "**• AUIO. vjrxctxn rracucK and boys went to Oakdale Tues day evening to attend an open house honoring the 80th birthday anniversary of her father, Homer Lowery. Mrs. Mary Cook of Selby, S.D., came Sunday afternoon to visit Mr. and Mrs. George Head. She left again on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Riley Leonard and Mrs. Alan Parr of Niagara, Wise., visited Mrs. Dorothy Bar rett and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Havranek Sunday. Mrs. O. A. Herley of Neligh came Tuesday and stayed until Saturday at the Reed Herley home. The Brownie troops held a Brownie day camp at Ford’s park Wednesday from 8:30 a.m., until 1 p.m. The time was spent swim ming and taking part in games. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Drake and son, Dee, of Tulsa, Okla., came Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Houser. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Krause and daughters of Albion spent last Thursday evening at the Howard Manson, Reed Herley and Vernon Lorenz homes. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davis returned Tuesday from Helena, Mont., after spending a week there attending the reunion of the service unit he was attached to in the army. They were accom panied by Ed Tunnell of Electra, Tex., who had been visiting them for the past week. He left Wed nesday for his home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leise of Chicago, 111., arrived to visit Mrs. Harold S. Leise. Mr. and Mrs. George McCarthy and Miss Beverly McCarthy left for Philadelphia, Pa., to attend the national. Knights of Columbus con vention. They will go on to Nor folk, Va., to visit Edward McCar thy, who is in the navy air force. Monuments of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer. — Emmett Crabb, O’ Neill, phone 139-J. 37tf Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunt and family went to Omaha over the weekend to visit her mother, Mrs. E. W. Devereaux, and other rela Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Langan re turned Saturday from Columbus after spending two months visit ing their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Langan, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Snyder. Miss Joann Langan is attending a short session institute in Nor folk. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper and family of West Coving, Calif., are visiting relatives and friends here. Luther Larson of Lucas, la., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Larson and family of Anaconda, Mont., and Mr. and Mrs. J. Larson, also of Anaconda, have been visiting at the Robert Larson home. Gene Lawrence of Bloomfield spent Saturday evening at the Emma Lawrence home. Krugman Family in Plainview Reunion The annual Krugman family reunion was held at the city park at Plainview Sunday, August 14, with 61 persons present. Attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Krugman, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Krugman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krugman and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krug man and family, all of O'Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Krugman and Marvin, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krugman, Lyle and Delons, Mrs. Lena Doerr, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Peters and Shirril, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Dielze, all of Creighton; Mr. and Mrs. W. Hayes and Deb bie of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Her man Dibbert and family of Os mond; Mr. and Mrs. Leland Peters and family of Norfolk; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gieselman, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gieselman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Gieselman and family, Mrs. George Reimers and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Erbst j and family, all of Bloomfield. The oldest person was Edward j Krugman; the youngest was Garry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krug man. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hayes came : the longest distance. Schrader Succeeds Huffman in Post Auxiliary Launches Member Drive EWING—Wayne Shrader is the new commander of the American Legion, Sanders post 214, at Ew ing. Other officers elected at the last Thursday evening meeting were: R. H. Shain, vice-com mander; M. B. Huffman, adjut ant; Alfred Napier, finance; Jay Eutler, service officer and pub licity; Ralph Munn, child welfare. M. B. Huffman is the retiring commander. Other Ewing News Pvt. Mick Hobbs talked on Sunday afternoon to his wife and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs. He is stationed at Ft. Carson, Colo. Mrs. John Wunner spent the weekend at Stanton and Norfolk with relatives. Ben Larsen is transacting busi ness at Wood, S.D., this week. Miss Donna Mlnarik has re signed her position at Norfolk and will begin September 1 to work at the office of the county treasurer at Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. James Mlnarik and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Schroeder and daughter went to rxeugn on ounaay wnere uiey joined others for a family re union at Riverside park. The McClenahan family gathered at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woeppel on Sunday. The honor guest was Ivan McClenahan, who is home on furlough and will leave on August 24 for Japan where he will be stationed for two years. A picnic dinner was enjoyed at noon. Attending from Ewing were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson and their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Pribnow, and daughter of Cedar Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Nini and daughter, who have been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sturbaum, and also her sister, Mrs. Allan Pollock, and family left for their home at Beaumont, Tex., on Friday ac companied by Miss Patsy Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Burnett of Rapid City, S.D., are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Borden accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Claude Burnett of Rapid City, S.D., to Burwell where they visited Mr. Borden’s sister, Mrs. Lila Black. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Noffke and family spent the weekend at the home of his mother, Mrs. Pauline Noffke. Linda Noffke remained for a longer visit with her grand mother. Mrs. Frank Noffke and daugh ter, Maxine, accompanied by Mrs. Pauline Noffke and granddaugh ter, Linda Noffke, went to Nor folk on Tuesday. Mrs. Pauline Noifke and Linda visited at the home of her daughter, Mrs. El mer Owens, and family. Miss Vina Wood, who is em ployed at Ralph’s store in Ewing, is enjoying a vacation trip through the East where she will visit her nephew and family in Virginia. Friday evening Mrs. Waldo Davis and daughter, Marie, ac companied by Mrs. John A. Wood and her mother, Mrs. Lewis Tank of Norfolk, attended a shower at Orchard for Miss Mari lyn Schacht, who was married to Douglas Barton, Mrs. Davis’ nephew, on Wednesday, August 17. Dinner guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Ruggles were Mr. and Mrs. Wal do Davis and family. In the af ternoon, the Ruggles family went to Omaha and the Davis’s visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schacht at Orchard. Waldo Davis is substituting on the mail route for Charles Roth erham. Mr. Rotherham and fam ily are spending a week in Om aha, Lincoln and Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Secrist from California and Mrs. Mabel Wilson from Yakima, Wash., left for their homes on Friday accom panied by Mrs. Ada Secrist, who will make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Wilson, at Yaki ma. Lt. Merton Dierks returned to Smoky Hill airbase at Salina, Kans., on Sunday after spending a furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks. Mrs. Wilda Carr, who has spent the summer vacation in Ewing at the home of her father, M. H. I Dierks, returned to Holdrege on Sunday where she will again teach vocational homemaking. She was accompanied by her daugher, Connie. Mary Catherine and Pat will remain with their grandfather until school begins. Miss Joellyn Eacker came home on Monday from Lincoln. Her mother, Mrs. Ralph Eacker, went after her. Mrs. Ralph Eacker returned home from Grand Island on Sa turday where she had taken her daughters, Mrs. Gene Ruby and family and Miss Joellyn Eacker. They are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Fuller and family. Later, Miss Joellyn Eack er will go to Lincoln to visit friends. Mrs. Florence Butler and her sister, Miss Anna Van Zandt, en tertained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Sheehan and two daughters from Omaha. Mrs. Ralph Tomjack was a caller on Monday at the Van Zandt home. Mr. and Mrs. Tom jack are back from a vacation trip through the western states and Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rakow of Seattle, Wash., arrived Wednes day, August 10, to spend their vacation with her mother, Mrs. Hazel Kimes, and family. Weekend guests at the home of Mbs. Hazel Kimes and family were her son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kusek, and children of David City. ivir. ana Mrs. jtmmet Metcalf and family of Sedro Wooley, Wash., are guests at the home of her brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kruntorad. The Metcalf family also visited rela tives in the Chambers vicinity. Guests at the Ray Sedivy home from Friday to Monday were Miss Marie Cray and Miss Regina Ma gee,, both of Lebanon, Ore. Miss Cray is the sister of Mrs. Sedivy. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee, ac companied by their son, Merle Lee of Omaha, enjoyed a few days vacation which they spent visiting relatives. At Columbus, they were guests of Mrs. Lee’s brother, Blaine Spes, and family; at Fullerton, they visited her sis ter, Mrs. Kate Sendoske, and at Scottsbluff they were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Tomjack. They also went on a sightseeing trip into Wyoming while in Western Nebraska. Dinner guests at the Floyd Lee home on Wednesday, August 10, were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tom jack and family from Quaeley, Wyo. The official board met Wed nesday evening, August 10, at the parlors of the First Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thoendel and family attended a wedding at Petersburg on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Cressel Anderson and family of Bloomfield visited on Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Casper Larson. secretaries Make Quarterly Reports EWING—At an officers’ meet ing of the Women’s Society of Christian Service held Wednesday afternoon, August 10, at the par lors of the Methodist church, the following department secretaries made quarterly reports: Mrs. William Spence, Miss Anna Van Zandt, Mrs. Anna Pollock, Mrs. Florence Butler, Mrs. Harold Harris, Mrs. Lee Brigden, Mrs. Henry Fleming, Mrs. L. A. Hobbs and Mrs. Earl Billings. Other officials in attendance were: Mrs. Ralph Eacker, presi dent; Mrs. J. L. Pruden, secre tary, and Mrs. R. G. Rockey, treasurer. Guests were Rev. Lee Brigden and son, Gary, Mrs. Perry Saiser, Mrs. Will Conner, Mrs. Sam Bor den, Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard and Mrs. Earl Van Ostrand. Fancy work was the past time. Mrs. Henry Fleming, the hostess, served refreshments. Alice’s Beauty Shop (In Former Apparel Shop Location) Phone 263 — O'Neill TEEN HOP FOR ACES 19 AND UNDER Sponsored by Jr. Chamber of Commerce Friday, Aupst 19 8:00 P.M. TO 11:00 P.M. LEGION BALLROOM - O’NEILL DOOR PRIZE Music by Marlin Frahm’s Orchestra Dancing Contests of All Kinds and Just Plain Dancing PARENTS WELCOME FREE Teen Admission 50c