The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 11, 1955, Page 9, Image 9

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    0 Rev. Ivan Turner
Gets Assignment
Rev. Hand Will Go
to Edison
RIVERSIDE — At the Free
Methodist conference at Ansley
last week, Rev. F. A. Hand was
assigned the Edison church.
Rev. Ivan Turner will serve the
Riverside church this coming
year. The Turners have one mar
ried son.
Other Riverside News
Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier and
Mrs. Richard Napier recently at
tended a seed com dealer’s meet
ing and supper at Brunswick.
i 11 . —.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Retke of In
man visited Friday afternoon at
the Z. H. Fry home. They plan to
go to Oregon soon where his par
ents, sister and family are living.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lofquest and
children of Fremont are spending
a week’s vacation at the Edna
and Bill Lofquest homes.
Mrs. James Henderson spent
the past week at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Dqn Larson, and
family. They took her to her
home in Ainsworth Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Spangler
and children spent Sunday at the
home of her parents near Clear
Mrs. Dave Pollock, Mrs. Bert
Fink and Mrs. Howard Miller at
tendel the funeral of Mrs. E. J.
Bild at Page Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrol Switzer,
Jerry, Judy and Jackie of Whit
tier, Calif., arrived Saturday for
a visit with relatives here and
with the R. L. and Norris George
families at O’Neill.
Altha Lou Miller visited at the
Boyd Howard home near Bruns
wick Wednesday, August 3. She
formerly taught in that school
Norman Bomer visited a few
days recently at the home of Jer
ry Spangler.
A supper honoring the birth
day anniversaries of Nancy Na
pier, Mrs. Bessie Napier, Alfred
Napier, and Phyllis Jensen was
held at the Richard Napier home
Sunday evening. Families present
were Z. H. Fry, W. M. Napier,
Glenn Harpster, Duane Jensen,
Alfred Napier, Wayne Frys, Dale
Napier, Richard Napier and
Ralph Munn.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emsic and
family of Omaha were overnight
guests at the Z. H. Fry home Sa
turday. They were having a
wees s vacation and planned to
visit the Stanley Rickerts at Far
son, Wyo., Yellowstone park and
the Black Hills. Joanie Emsic re
mained with Frys.
Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
Ora Switzer were Mr. and Mrs.
Darrol Switzer and children, Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Miller and children
and Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Swit
zer and family.
The Ora Switzers are expecting
guests this week, namely Mr. and
Mrs. Don Robbins and children of
Rochester, Minn., Mr. and Mrs.
Don Butler and sons of Princeton,
N.J., and Ruby, Alberta and Cleo
Butler of Omaha.
Sherilyn and Joline Fink of
Denver, Colo., are visiting their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
r xnlt, this week and Gary is visit
ing Timmy and Bruce Fink near
nalph Shrader went on an in
teresting trip Thursday. He was
one of a group of one hundred
who went by bus from Laurel to
visit the DeKalb Seed research
farm in Drayton, 111. Bernard
Schacht, Loren Wilson, Charley
Menning and Henry Stelling went
from the Orchard territory.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Miller
and children visited her sister
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink and
grandchildren visited the Lee
Fink’s Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller
and Altha Lou called at the El
mer Trowbridge and Earl Ste
vens homes near Page Sunday,
and family and her mother, Mrs.
Ida Calkins, at Croftin Sunday.
They also visited the Gavins
Point dam near Yankton, S.D.
t i_] r«i_3__: • a_3 i_ • _ _
j_auju kjiix viontu iuo ytu
ents over the weekend. Lloyd has
only three more weeks at the
Grand Island Business college.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and
daughters and A. C. Gibson were
supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Lou Vandersnick Friday evening.
Julie Fry was an overnight guest.
Rev. and Mrs. William Bomer
and children were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Miss Lucille Rotherham spent
a few days at the Bill Lofquest
home this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Graver and
family, whose home is in Illinois,
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt
Gunter and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fink and
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Fink and
family of Fremont were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock ac
companied the Kenneth Pollock
family to Yankton, S.D., and the
Gavins Point dam Sunday. They
report that it is much dryer up
that way than here.
Mrs. Dale Reiter and sons vis
ited at the H. Miller home Thurs
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry, Julie
and Jody and Mr. and Mrs. Lou
Vandersnick were Sunday dinner
guests at the A. C. Gibson home,
celebrating Marcia’s birthday an
McPharlins Leave
for Denver—
Owen McPharlin of Denver,
Colo., drove to Omaha to meet his
brother, Roy, who flew in from
his home in Hammond, Ind. They
both arrived Monday to visit their
mother, Mrs. J. H. McPharlin.
until Wednesday when all three
left for Denver where they will
visit with Owen and Mrs. Mc
Pharlin’s daughter, Mrs. A1 Se
Under the Lights
Sunday, August 14
— 8:30 P.M. —
Heat Race — Feature
Consolation — Trophy Dash
0 |
I •*
Shoe Sale
• Women’s and Misses’
Windup of Our Special Sale
I . Plan NOW to enjoy
Q A Up 1 fl O/n f Now Till September 15, 1955
No Fuel to Carry In—No Ashes to Carry Out
If your home has no basement, a MOORE’S GAS
HEATER is the easy way to get clean, carefree, econ
omical heat, Moore’s gives you circulating heat just
like a furnace, plus an abundance of cheerful,
radiant heat like a fireplace.
No coal to put in—no ashes to carrv out . . . no dirt
... no soot. Just light the pilot in the fall and
turn it off in the spring.
ORDER NOW. SAVE 10%. And enjoy solid comfort
next winter. See your Kansas-Nebrasha manager
Easy Terms Available With Your Gas Bill
For Dependable GAS Service
Grinding out the miniature hay bales for the traditional Atkinson celebration are (left-to-right):
Earl Elsberry (left foreground), Lavern Osborne, William Seger and Mayor Willard Linville, who is
feeding the baler. Seated in center (facing camera) is John Henning.—The Frontier Photo by Elwood
Emmet News
Mrs. Esther Harris of O’Neill
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Cole, Mr. and Mrs. John Conard
and Mrs. P. W. McGinnis Monday
evening, August 1, in honor of her
daughters, Miss Ruth Harris of
New York City and Mrs. Deraid
May of Omaha, and her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Harris of Pierce. Her guests
on Wednesday evening, August 3,
were Mr. and Mrs. G. Owen Cole,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cole and
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schaffer.
Tuesday afternoon, August 2,
the South Side club met with Mrs.
Walter Pease at her home. Eight
members and two guests were
present. Mrs. Ernie Harris was a
guest. Roll call was current events.
Mrs. Joe Winkler and Mrs. Pease
served a lunch. The next meet
ing will be held with Mrs. Fritz
Brockman on September 6.
Miss Donna Newell of Lyons
was a guest at the Leo Tunender
home from Saturday afternoon
until Sunday.
Miss Norma Lou Foreman of
Omaha called on Mrs. Jesse Wills
Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Conard en
tertained Mrs. Deraid May and
children of Omaha, Ruth Har
ris of New York City, Mrs. Esther
Harris of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. R.
B. South of Inman and Mrs. P.
W. McGinnis at a picnic supper
i Jr. nonor oi ivnss Harris.
Mrs. Gilbert Fox and Barbara
were guests of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Tomlinson, from
last Thursday until Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar and
daughters of Atkinson were vis
itors at the Fritz Brockman home
last Thursday evening.
The Bernard Dusatko family of
O’Neill moved to their farm Tues
day, August 2.
The Wayne Bates family were
visitors at the Charlie Abart home
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Owen Cole and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cole were
guests at the H. D. Gildersleeve
home in O’Neill Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Perry went
to Omaha Saturday night on bus
iness, returning home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold McMillan
and daughters of Newport were
guests at the Cecil McMillan home
Mrs. Mary Lewis called on Mrs.
Joe Winkler Monday morning.
Misses Mary Lou Conard and
Norma Lou Foreman, both of Om
aha, were weekend guests of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Con
ard and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Clarence Farr of O’Neill visited
with friends in Emmet Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cain and
Mrs. Josie Ash visited Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Winkler Wednesday eve
ning, August 3.
Pvt. Jimmie Fritton arrived
home Wednesday afternoon, Aug
ust 3, to spend a 25-day leave
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Fritton.
Mrs. Bessie Burge and June at
tended the old settlers’ picnic at
Atkinson on Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. William Serck visited Mrs.
Mary Lewis Sunday afternoon.
The Don Meyers family were
guests at the Lew Meyers home
at Lynch Sunday.
Henry Patterson attended a
Saddle club get-together at Albion
Mrs. William Newton visited
Mrs. Dean Perry and children on
Friday morning.
The Ed Etherton and Fritz
Murphy families, Mr. and Mrs.
Leon Beckwith and Mr. and Mrs.
Orville Hitchcock visited Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Winkler last Thursday
Miss Ruth Harris of New York
1 City was an overnight guest of
Mr. and Mrs. John Conard last
Thursday and visited at the Rob
ert Cole home Friday morning.
Gilbert Fox was a supper guest
of Mr. and Mrs. George Braiuard
Friday evening.
Mrs. G. Owen Cole entertained
at a coffee in honor of Miss Ruth
Harris Friday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Brockman
and Connie and Jerry attended the
annual Brockman family reunion
at Grand Island Sunday. They also
visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Tercell
at Hastings. Their daughter, Con
nie, is spending this week at the
Tercell home.
The Bob Meyers family of
Newport were guests of the Don
Meyers family Wednesday eve
ning, August 3.
Mrs. P. W. McGinnis visited
Mrs. William Grothe, sr., Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hoxsie
of Chambers were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Vernon Hoxsie last
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. James Earley of
O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Cole attended the horse races at
Columbus last Thursday.
William Serck and Leona took
Linda and Leah to Fremont Sun
day where they will stay a week
at a camp.
Mrs. Charlie Abart, Mrs. Henry
Kloppenborg and Mrs. Norman
Wayman and Marjorie visited
Mrs. Agnes Gaffney Saturday af
XVXi . ctnu 1VXXJ>. WllllClIIl V^XrfUSOCil
were guests of Mrs. Mary Lewis
and brothers Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schaffer
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Hanson and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin
Forrest at dinner last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hoxsie
and LeRoy and Fred Prawitz of
Royal were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Michaelson at Blair
from Saturday evening until Sun
day evening. Sandra and Terry
retured home with their parents
after spending the past week at
the Michaelson home.
Mrs. Bessie Burge and June
visited Mrs. Ralph Fritton Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Perry and
Donna and Ed Winkler visited at
the George Skopec home Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schnoel of
Excelsior, Minn., visited Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Winkler Monday. They
were enroute to California where
they will spend their vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Owen Cole
served on the dinner committee
at the Country club Sunday. Mr.
and Mrs. John Conard and Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Cole attended the
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Luth were
Friday overnight guests at the
Wayne Fox home. Steven and
Ray Fox returned to Grand Island
with Mr. and Mrs. Luth to spend
two weeks.
Mrs. Stella Kendall and Mr.
and Mrs. Deraid Kendall spent a
| weekend recently at the Wayne
Fox and James Kendall homes.
Tuesday, August 2, Mrs. George
Brainard entertained Mrs. Char
les Fox, Mrs. George Bosn,
Chuckie and Karen, Mrs. Walter
Meier, Mrs. William Kelly, Mrs.
Gilbert Fox and Barbara, Mrs.
| James Earley and Catherine and
i Barbara in honor of Mrs. Fritz
j Belzer and baby, Robert. Mrs.
Belzer and baby received many
Return From Texas—
Mrs. Cecil Spry and family re
turned to their home at El Paso,
Tex., after spending a month visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Katie
Sterns and her daughter, Mrs.
Elmer Wiseman of Page.
Frontier for printing!
Washingtonians Are
Feted in Page Park
STAR — About 75 relatives
gathered at the Page park Sunday
for a picnic dinner and a social
afternoon to honor Mr. and Mrs.
Roscoe Eld son and family of Burl
ington, Wash., here on a visit with
friends and relatives. Mr. and
Mrs. Edson are former Nebraska
Those present for the occasion
were: Mrs. Hattie Boelter, Mr. and
Mrs. Reed Risinger and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Risinger
and family, Mr. and Mrs. FYitz
Backer and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Franklin Risinger and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Roger Risinger and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller and
Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Boelter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Waring and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Boelter and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Boelter
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Eld Bright, Mr.
and Mrs. Ramon Bright, Mr. and
Mrs. Darrel Bright and family,
Mrs. Vince Jackson and son, Mrs.
Grace Edson, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Allen and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Held and Mr. and Mrs.
Roscoe Edson and family.
Other Star News
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Johnson
were Sunday guests at the Lysle
Johnson home.
The Nels Linquest family spent
the past week vacationing in Min
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mudloff, Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Krugman, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Thamish and Mr.
and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, jr.,
sponsored the dance at the Ash
Grove hall Saturday evening,
a ..._a r*
ClUgUOl u.
Mr. and Mrs Lysle Johnson and
sons spent last Thursday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller
and Barbara.
A swim party Tuesday, August
2, for the little folks was spon
sored by Mrs. Elmer Juracek and
Mrs. Albert Derickson. Those
present were Mrs. Lysle Johnson
and sons, Mrs. Ed Tharnish and
children, Mrs. Bill Hibbs and
sons, Ronald Derickson, Sherye
Dee Nelson, Marsha Slattery, Mrs.
Roland Miller and son, Bonita
Welke, Beverly and Donnie Lin
quist, Brenda Cole, Mrs. Elmer
Juracek, Irma and Lyle, Barbara
Miller, Deane, Barbara, Kathy and
Ruth Snyder. Refreshments were
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waring,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Butterfield
and Mr. and Mrs. Vince Jackson
will sponsor the dance for all
members at the Ash Grove hall
Saturday evening, August 13.
Barbara Miller visited at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Lysle
Johnson, and family, accompany
ing them home last Thursday
evening and returning home Sum
Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson ol
Star witnessed the splintering of a
telephone pole, struck by light
ning on their way to O’Neill last
Thursday during the thunder
storm which put the telephone
service out of commission for
several days in the Star area.
Visit Guard Camp—
Mrs. Lowell Nesbitt and Mrs. E
W. Kramer visited their husband:
over the weekend. They are at
tending the national guard sum
mer camp at Camp Ripley, Minn
While there they also visited a
Lake Miltona. Others in the par
ty were Mr. and Mrs. Alber
Arms, Mr. and Mrs. Clarenc*
Lindgren and Mr. and Mrs. Gem
Keres of Lincoln.
Thomas Nightengale, 81, entertained the Atkinson old settlers
Sunday on an old fiddle while A. G. Miller, master-of-ceremonies,
looked on. Nightengale said he acquired the Italy-made instrument
years ago from an opera artist who was performing at the Boyd
theater in Omaha.—The Frontier Photo.
Northeast Corner
of 4th & Douglas
Phone 167
Eyes Examined . Glasses Fitted
Office Hours: *_5 lion, thru Bat.
Parka Coats Defy
Coldest Weather!
Warm wool
Men’s Sizes
Wear-packed cotton sa
teen parkas with mouton
lined, detachable hoods.
Green, grey, olive drab;
34 to 46.
Parka Coats
Sizes 6 to 20
Cotton sateen parkas
with wool interlining*
quilted to rayon. Fur
lined hoods. Grey, green,
olive drab.
AD Wool
Boys’ “Forty Be
low” surcoats; ray
on linings. Dynel
collars. Grey, red,
blue plaids; 4-12.
Boys’ 4 to 12
Nylon-fortified ray
f on and acetate gab
ardinJe. 70% wool
interlinings quilted
to rayon. Charcoal,
Boys’ Gabardine
Wool interlinings
\ quilted to sturdy
rayon linings
IV *°18 9.95
m \ Rayon and acetate gab
WU\ ardine is nylon-fortified
r for added wear. Surcoats
KJ shed creases, soil, mois
ture, and wind. Charcoal
grey, brown, and navy
blue. Get yours now!
Stay - Neat
Men’s Sizes
Rayon and ace
tate sheen gab
ardine repels
spots, creases,
snow. Quilted
wool interlin
ings. Navy, black,
charcoal grey or
brown; 34 to 46.
Men’s Sizes
12.95 1|
__ __
Nylon-fortified rayon and ace
tate gabardine surcoats shed
snow. Quilted
wool inter linings. Grey, brown;
; 34 to 46. iMlsilvflilpftS’-ii, a 3:,-III