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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1955)
Lynch News Mr. and Mrs. Jake Serk were in Ewing Tuesday, July 21, to attend the funeral of Cecil Berg strom. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Tanner of Virginia called on Lynch friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Hewitson and family of Gary, Ind., are here visiting relatives. Rev. and Mrs. Morris Buden sick of Wayne were houseguests at the Thomas Shrunk home sev eral days last week. Dick Tanner of San Diego, Calif., called on Lynch friends last week. 0 Mrs. Celeste Kauffman of Co zad spent Monday, August 1, with Mrs. Lois Harris. The Ambrose Englehaupt fam ily of Spencer were Lynch visit ors Sunday, August 1. Pauline Mulhair was a busi ness visitors in O’Neill on Thurs day. Mrs. Grace Edson and Mrs. Don Allen and children visited an aunt in Scotland, S.D., on Sunday. Margaret and Irene Stenger motored to Petersburg Sunday, July &1, and spent the day there with her sister, Mary Stenger. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Bjornsen and children left last week for their home in California, having spent several weeks visiting re latives here. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Purvianee were Spencer visitors Tuesday, August 2. Mr. ana mis. nunc uui-ciucr returned home from a 10-day va cation trip. Wayne Blair of Spencer was a business visitor here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Whetham ac companied their son-in-law and daughter, the Dale Orr’s to Wash ington state for an extended stay there. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heiser and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mulhair attended the races in Columbus Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. Kube, sr., of Crofton have been here taking care of their son’s children and looking after farm chores while Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kube are in Rapid City, S.D., called there on account of the critical illness of Mrs. Kube’s father. Mrs. Kube’s father died and funeral services were held at Crofton on Saturday, August 6. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weeder o were business visitors in O’Neill on Thursday. They visited at the Frank Kayl home north of Spen cer in the evening. Beverly Carson is visiting friends in Lincoln this week. Mrs. Joe Slechta, jr., spent Monday afternoon, August 1, with Mrs. Vince_Jehorek. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Courtney and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Web ber plan to leave this week for an extended trip to the coast. Mrs. Martin Jehorek spent Tuesday afternoon, August 2, with her twin sister, Mrs. William Hamek, to celebrate their birth day anniversary together. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Webber spent Monday evening, August 1, at Martin Jehoreks. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Long visited at Floyd Long’s in O'Neill Sun day, July 31. Mrs. Jonas Johnson spent sev eral days with the Marlowe John son family at Bristow last week. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Miller of Butte were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Billy Wells. Joyce Spencer of Lincoln spent several days at the parental EYed Spencer home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rohrberg and baby returned to their home in Norfolk after several days stay here making preparation for the beginning of school in September. Mr. Rohrberg is shop instructor and will teach the beginners this year. Mrs. Olive Dexter spent Sun day at the Eld Dexter’s near Am elia. Wesleyan Church Notes Anniversary LYNCH—A special anniversary service was held at the Lynch Wesleyan Methodist church Fri day evening, August 5, with Rev. Morris Budensiek of Wayne giving the sermon. The church was organized in 1947 with Reverend Budensiek as pastor. A large number attended the anniversary services. Rev. J. K. Cunningham is the present pastor. Former Railroader at Lynch Expires LYNCH—William Pence, 81, of Lincoln, died Friday night, August 5, following a stroke. He had been bedfast for several months. The late Mr. Pence was a for mer Lynchite. He was a railroad man and lived in Lynch in the early nineties and later returned here to make his home. About five years ago he moved to Lincoln. Mr. Pence was a brother-in law of Theodore Norwood. Funeral services were held in Lincoln Monday, August 8. 0 Neill News Mrs. Jim Maly of Lynch was a dinner guest Tuesday, August 3, at the Jerry Halva home. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Janzing of Atkinson were Sunday evening guests at the Herman Janzing home. Charles W. Jones of Spring field, Mo., is visiting his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth R. Jones. He at tends Central Bible institute in Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Berner were in Norfolk visiting over the weekend. Miss Delores Swift of Cham berlain, S.D., arrived Wednesday to spend a few days at the Ken neth Juran home. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones went to Polk Sunday where they at tended a Nelson family reunion and picnic. Mrs. J. P. Murray of Spencer spent Tuesday, August 2, in O’ Neill visiting her mother, Mrs. Anna Donlin. Mrs. John Harrington departed Sunday for Salt Creek, Wyo., where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Paul Combs, for a few weks. Mr. and Mrs. John DeWitt went to Columbus Sunday to vis it Mr. and Mrs. Joe Langan and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Snyder. They returned home Sunday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Lang don are leaving today (Thursday) for Sun Valley, Ida., to spend a week’s vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grenier and Carroll, Miss Patricia Kal hoff and Harlan Sawyer of Ains worth attended the circus in Norfolk Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Larson spent Saturday in Genoa visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. William Donovan of St. Francis, S.D., and their two grandsons, Billy and Bobby of Spalding, were overnight guests Thursday at the Mike London home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lorenz visit ed Mrs. Elmer Lorenz and Linda at Plainview Sunday afternoon. Mrs. John Walmer of Orchard visited Monday at the D. N. Loy home. Mrs. F. M. Kerns of St. Joseph, Mo., came Saturday to visit the Lansworth families. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lorenz of Ewing visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lorenz Sunday evening. Mrs. Howard Holliday and children, who have been visiting her perents, Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Loy, returned to their home In Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lans worth returned Thursday to their* home in Hastings after a visit with the Lansworth families. Mrs. Howard Manson went to Hay Springs Monday, August 1, to visit at the Athel Fuller home. She returned home on Thursday, August 4. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Peterson of South Sioux City were Saturday visitors at the Loren Doty home. Mrs. Rita Mattson and son, Tony, of Rushville are here spending a few days at the Wil liam Murphy, jr., home. Mrs. Mattson and Mrs. Murphy are sis ters. Mrs. Oscar Maudlin and son, Gregory, of Lancaster, Calif., were visitors for the past two weeks at the home of her brother, Jack Everitt, and family. Mrs. Maudlin and Mrs. Everitt went to Columbus and Independence, Kans., to visit Mrs. Maudlin’s sis ters. They were gone a week. Mrs. M. J. Wallace went to Greeley Sunday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Harold Connors, and family. She returned home on Tuesday. The Misses Barbara Becker and Jean Powell, of Kansas City, Mo., were weekend visitors at the home of Miss Becker’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Becker. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schoenle of % Excelsior, Minn., visited Friday afternoon at the Henry Benze home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manstedt and children of Wahoo visited in the Ray Bettenhausen home Wednesday, August 3, enroute to the Black hills. AA only JmKJ days left! install bryant ai/fomafic gas hekt now Better hurry! Only 20 days left to take advantage of Kansas-Nebraska’s 10% savings offer on new Bryant gas heating equip ment. Buy now—save 10%—get immediate installation be fore the fall rush begins. Ask your Kansas-Nebraska manager to recommend the Bryant heating appli ance best suited to your home. Order now and pay later with your gas bill. SPECIAL OFFER ENDS AUGUST 31 o For Dependable GAS Service NEBRASKA HOLT COUNTY'S SIXTY-THIRD ANNUAL EXPOSITION _ Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday (Entry Day) (Judging Day) (Two Big Entertainment Days) BIIGUiT 'H-ia Premium Awards HUNDREDS of DOLLARS EXHIBITS You 11 find exhibits galore at the Fair — the showplace of Holt County. Four-H and Open Class entries in all forms of livestock, farm, school exhibits, garden produce and handiwork. This is the one time in all the year when Holt countyans and their neighbors may view in fine, im pressive array the best that our soil has to offer. BAND MUSIC Music will be furnished during the Fair by two of our own Holt County musical organizations—the Page Band, under the direction of Leonard Sawyer, on Friday, August 1 9th, and the O’Neill Municipal Band, un der the direction of Charles B. Houser, on Saturday, August 20th. Con certs at 1 p.m., and 7 p.m,. each day. RODEO UNDER THE LIGHTS! Friday and Saturday Evenings.August 19th — 20th You’ll witness a bigger and better rodeo under the lights. A hundred bucking broncos, countless untamed steers and calves ... a show produced by one of the master showmen of the midwest — Walt Plugge of Bartlett. Rodeo starts at 8 p.m. Improved lighting and seating facilities! "ZTZZZr st’500 ,N pu*s*s Versatile, talented and colorful trick rider. .""... . - „ CUTTING HORSE CONTEST EACH AFTERNOON season! “Stillwell Shorty” Mann <200 IN PHIZES Bullfighter and clown extra - ordinary; ~ • • W » •% W Wm W V guaranteed laughs aplenty! GRAND LIVESTOCK PARADES Friday, August 19th —1.30 P.M. — Saturday, August 20_1:30 P.M. Traditionally one of the highlights of the Holt County Fair! CARNIVAL STARLIGHT SHOWS * Games of Skill * Ferris Wheel * Kiddie Rides * Side Shows * Fun for AD - BASEBALL Each Afternoon Friday, Aug. 19th STUART vs. CHAMBERS Saturday, Aug. 20th EGIN vs. CHAMBERS DANCING UNDER THE STARS I Each Evening I Music by Johnny Mullen’s Orchestra € \