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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1955)
Future Subscribers FELVER—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Felver of San Bernardino, Calif., formerly of O’Neill, a son, weigh ing 7 pounds 12 ounces, bom at 10 p.m., Tuesday, August 9, in San Bernardino. The mother is the former Lou Ritts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ritts of O’ Neill. Mrs. Ritts has been visit ing the Felvers for several weeks. The infant is the Felvers’ first child. SPENCER—Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Spencer of Lynch, a daugh ter, Starla Jean, weighing 7 pounds 3 ounces, born Friday, August 5, at Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. VAN FLEET — Mr. and Mrs. Bud Van Fleet of Royal, a daugh ter, Veronica, weighing 7 pounds 4 ounces, bom Saturday, August 6, at the Tilden hospital. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William O’Connor of Emmet and Mr. and Mrs.'John Van Fleet of Oakdale. RAASCH— Mr. and Mrs. Dale Raasch of Omaha, a daughter, Ranae Ann. Mrs. Raasch is the former Alta Pollock of Riverside, near Ewing. MUSIL—Mr. and Mrs. Francis Musil of O’Neill, twins,son, Ken neth Paul, weighing 6 lbs. 8V4 ozs., daughter, Kathleen Mary, weighing 6% pounds, born Fri day, August 5, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. OBERLE—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oberle of Dorsey, a daughter, April Marie, weighing 6 lbs. 5% ozs., born Friday .August 5, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. BLAKE—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blake of O’Neill, a daughter, Nancy Ann, weighing 6 lbs. 15y4 ozs., born Saturday, Augst 6, at St. Anthony’% hospital, O’Neill. HEISS—Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss of Page, a son, weighing 6 pounds 15 ounces, born Monday, August 8, by Caesarian sectional at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. LOF—Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lof of Omaha, infant twins, a boy and a girl, adopted this week. Mr. Lof, brother of Mrs. Earl Hunt of O’ Neill, is the 1955 champion of the O’Neill open golf tournament and is known here. Play Advances in City Golf Tourney First round play in the city golf tourney opened Sunday at the Country club. Results: Championship flight: James Clifton of Orchard defeated Paul Walker, Ted Lindberg ousted H. J. Lohaus, M. J. Golden defeated Ben Grady, A. J. Jaszkowiak de feated Tom Liddy. Pairings for next round. Jaszkiowiak meets Golden, Lindberg tackles Clifton, Walker plays Liddy, Lohaus faces Grady. There will be no consolation play in the champ ionship flight because of the double elimination policy. First flight: Gordon Drayton of Orchard defeated Dr. H. D. Gild ersleeve 1-up in 20 holes, Mar vin Miller defeated Jack Simons Ivan Kaiser eliminated Dr. E. M. Gleason, Dale Kersenbrock, Knoaxea oui iviarv oumisuii, uaie French bested John Conard, Dr. Rex Wilson eliminated Palmer Skulborstad, Short Hunt bested Bud Cole, Lawrence Haynes hit John McCarville. Next round: Drayton meets Miller, Kaiser plays Kersenbrock, French tack les Wilson, Hunt plays Haynes. Second flight: Fred Appleby defeated Harold Connors, Ivan Pruss defeated Jim Earley, Jim Coker defeated Rev. Thomas Hitch, Bill Watson licked Herb Kaiser. Next round: Appleby faces Pruss and Coker plays Wat son. Third flight: Jerry Schmidt defeated Bill Miller, Bill Artus ousted Jim Becker, Bob Cole beat Don Templemeyer, David Schaffer eliminated L. A. Bec ker. Next round: Schmidt faces Artus and Colt; plays Schaffer. There will be consolation play next week in the first, second and third flights. o Returns from Eastern Trip— Miss Mary E. Carney returned Tuesday, August 2, from a six o weeks’ vacation trip to the East coast. She visited relatives and friends in cities in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and in Wilmington, Del. On her return trip she visited in Wash ington, D.C., Cincinnati and Day ton, O., and Chicago, 111. In Newark, N.J., she visited Miss Mary Cullen, a former resi dent here. Patti Kaiser Weds Richard Spittler EWING—Dr. and Mrs. L. R. Sutcliffe of O’Neill announce the marriage of their niece, Miss Patti Kaiser of Chicago, 111,, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kaiser, to Richard Spittler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Spittler of Ewing. Their marriage took place in Las Vegas, Nev., on Friday, July 22. Attendants were Mrs. Jerry Clark, cousin of the bride, and Mr. Clark of Las Vegas. Mr. and Mrs. Spittler will make their home in Omaha where Mr. Spittler is a law student at the Creighton university. Sick & injured DELOIT—Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bauer went to Neligh where Mr. Bauer consulted a doctor Wednes day, August 3. . . Pete Thiele is somewhat improved and is able to be up and about some with the aid of a cane at the Old Plantation in Elgin. . . Mrs. Minnie Reimer, 91, is suffering with infection at her home in Ewing. . . Ray Hanel was injured when his pickup over turned on a country road Satur day evening, July 30. His wife and three children were uninjured. Hanel suffered a double fracture of the left arm and a dislocated j shoulder. He was taken by Jim Hawk to the Antelope Memorial hospital where he was hospitalized for a week. CHAMBERS — James Grimes entered St. Anthony’s hospital Sunday for a few days’ observa tion. . . Word was received Sunday of the serious conditiion of Mrs. Norman Paxton of Sedalia, Mo., who was stricken with polio. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Thorn ton, left early Monday to be near her. . . Henry Walter was taken to St. Anthony’s hospital in O’ Neill Sunday for medical care. . . William David is a patient in Clarkson hospital in Omaha. WALNUT — Marvin Vovah, cream and egg man who was seri ously injured in a one-car acci dent about three weeks ago, re turned to his home this week from a Sioux City hospital to which he had been taken by ambulance. It will be some time before he will be able to be out on his route. He and his wife and daughters resident Verdigre. Going to Sioux City were Mrs. Vovah and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Haack. O’NEILL—Mrs. Henry Schlue ter, who has been spending the summer at the University of Ne braska, was hospitalized there for a week with a virus infection. She has returned here. Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson went to Norfolk Wednesday for medical treatment. . . Mrs. John Murphy was released Monday from the hospital after a week’s stay. . . Miss Genevieve Biglin broke her right hand recently. LYNCH—Delores Mellor arriv ed home Friday from the Ortho pedic hospital in Lincoln where she had spent seven weeks. She had undergone an operation wherein a leg bone was shorten ed. She will have to resort to crutches for some time but is getting along fine. . . Joe Slechta, sr., is confined to his home with a heart ailment. INMAN — Mary -Lou Sobotka youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Sobotka has been a medical patient at St. Anthony’s hospital the past several days. . . Miss Linelle Tompkins was able to return home from St. An thony’s hospital on Sunday. . . Melvin Michaelis was admitted to St. Anthony’s hospital on Sunday as a medical patient. REDBIRD — Delores Mellor, who has been a patient at the or thopedic hospital at Lincoln for many weeks, is now at home and feeling fine. . . Larry Halstead has infection in a gland under his arm and had to be lanced. . . June Carson is taking shots for a severe case of poison ivy on her arms and legs. DORSEY—Joan Aim, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Aim, had the misfortune to be thrown from her pony Friday. She was badly shaken up but she was much improved by the next day after home treatment. LYNCH—Mrs. V. Jehorek has confined to her home the past week due to a heart ailment. AMELIA—Bill David is a pa tient at Clarkson hospital in Om aha. . . Ralph Rees has been a patient in the O’Neill hospital the past week. Guests Here— Mrs. Amy Beckenhauer ot Montrose, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Beckenhauer of Nor folk visited at the Roy Lanman home Monday. The ladies are sisters of Mr. Lanman. Mrs. Amy Beckenhauer’s granddaughter was queen of the Rose Bowl parade in Pasadena, Calif., last year. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cronk of Caldwell, Ida., came Sunday to visit friends and relatives. Considerable late news matter omitted this issue will appear next week. 400-600 Head of Cattle • There will be between 400-600 head of cattle for the reg ular weekly sale to be held today (Thursday). From 200 300 of these will be yearling heifers and steers. There will be 50-100 calves, and the balance of the run will be mixed consignments of butcher and feeder cattle. • The hog sale will get underway at 11:30. Please bring in your hog consignments early. Already 100-200 feeder pigs have been listed for the sale. • Plan to attend the sale today. O’Neill Livestock Market Phone 2, O’Neill Mrs. Anna Clark at 87 th Milestone INMAN — Mrs. Ralph Moore and Mrs. E. E. Clark will enter tain at “open house’’ on Friday afternoon, August 12, from 2-4 o’ clock in honor of Mrs. Anna Clark who will be celebrating her 87th birthday anniversary at the Moore home. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Other Inman News Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Luben and family of Oak spent the weekend visiting in the homes of Mrs. May Fraka and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Luben. Buddy Boies of Ewing is spend ing a few days visiting his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Luben. Ralph Sholes and Tom Clark who are employed with the Tele phone company at St. Paul spent the w’eekend visiting in the homes of Mrs. Violet Sholes and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark of O’ Neill spent Sunday afternoon visiting Mrs. Violet Sholes. Jimmy Pinkerman returned to his home in Omaha Sunday af ternoon, after spending the past month in the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coventry and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hiatt arrived Monday from Alburquerque, N. M., and spent a few days visiting Mrs. Hiatt’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Spath. Mrs. Pauline Anderl of David City spent the past week in the h<3lne of her son, Francis and also visited her sister, Miss Elsie Kruegar. Ricky Vidlak of Omaha is spending a few weeks in the home of his grandfather, Karl Keyes, and his uncle, Donald Keyes. iue maw met last rnursaay at the Methodist church for a social session and to make furth er plans for their bazaar to be held this fall. Mrs. Charles Gilligan and daughter, Jo Ann, of Sioux City spent several days visiting in the home of Mrs. Gilligan’s brother and sister, Joe and Beatrice Gal lagher the past week. Miss Kay Coventry arrived home Wednesday morning, Au gust 3, from O’Neill where she spent the past two months in the Gerald Hansen home. She was accompanied home by Kath leen and Jolene Hansen, who will spend two weeks in the James Coventry home. Mrs. John Gallagher, Mrs. James Gallagher, Miss Beatrice Gallagher and Mrs. Charles Gilli gan and daughter, Jo Ann attend ed party at the home of Mrs. A1 Hamik in O’Neill on Tuesday af ternoon, August 2. Art Clark of Burwell was an Inman visitor the past week. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark drove to Sioux City Sunday to meet their daughter, Mrs. Roy Tjessem, and two daughters of Maywood, 111., who will spend a couple of weeks visiting in the Clark home. Dr. and Mrs. Donald Moore and family of Lincoln were Sunday callers in the home of Donald’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moore. Their two year old son re mained for a longer visit with his grandparents. Mrs. James Cronk of Caldwell, Ida., was an Inman visitor on Monday afternoon renewing old acquaintances. Mrs. Alta Lockman of Stuart was a guest in the home of Miss Mildred Keyes on Sunday. 5 7 Present for Spath Clan Reunion AMELIA—The annual reunion of the family of the late Fred and Fredricka Spath was held Sun day, August 7, in the‘city park at Plainview. After a basket dinner, the af ternoon was spent visiting, play ing ball and cards. A special fea ture was a scrapbook of pictures taken each year at the reunion, and kept by a granddaugh ter, Mrs. George Fullerton of Amelia. She has pictures of the past four years. Before departing for their respective homes, ice cream was purchased, and ice cream and cake were served. There have been four babies added to the family the past year and there have been no deaths. The oldest member present was Gus Spath of Inman, a son of the Fred Spaths, and the young est was Sandra Jean McMillen, daughter of Sgt. and Mrs. Keith McMillen of Offutt air base, Om aha. She is a great - granddaugh ter. There were 57 members pre sent: Gus, Charles, F. W. Spath, Mrs. Dick Foster and Mrs. Ray Royal, who are the sons and daughters of the late Fred Spaths, were all in attendance. There are 22 grandchildren, 14 of which were at the reunion, these present were: Mrs. Meta Foster, Plainview; Mr. and Mrs. Gus Spath, Inman; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Royal, Norfolk; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spath, Chambers; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Spath, Jill and Judy, Aurora; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Spath, Dale and Donna, Dixon; Mr. and Mrs. Ar nold Spath, Rodney, Maureen and Nelda, Laurel; Mr. and Mrs. Al vin Heese, Karen, Terry, Bobby and Patty, Page; Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Royal, Rita and Eddie, Norfolk; Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton, Phyllis and Dale, Am elia; Frank Spath, Chambers; Sgt. and Mrs. Keith McMillen and Sandra Jean, Omaha; Mrs. Mary Lou Price and Jackie, Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Foster, Larry, Julie and Janice, Plainview; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Foster, Richard and Stevie, Creighton; Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Mathine, Eddie, Jimmie, Cheryl and Bobby’ Creighton; and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Albin and Ricky, Plainview. Art us Children Have Party— The William Artus children, Ellen, Nancy and Charlie, were hosts to a group of neighbor hood children Tuesday. After re freshments games were played. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dixon and Michael of Casper, Wyo., arrived Tuesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walker and Mrs. Henry Schlueter and Ricky. t Dorsey News Mr. and Mrs. James Wiley call ed at the Carson sisters Monday afternoin on their way to Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Slack enjoyed a visit Sunday with Mrs. Slack’s neice and husband, who live in South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Cihlar at tended the circus at Norfolk Mon day. Ronald Crawford of Lynch is helping Edward Carson put up hay. A number of the Dorsey people attended the farmers union picnic at Niobrara on Sunday. Several of the young people were on the musical program. The Dorsey baseball fans at tender the baseball game Sunday evening between Lynch and Spencer. On Monday evening Mrs. Soren Sorensen of Page called on a few old Dorsey friends and looked over a few of the old homes in the vicinity. She called at her old home, she said the rooms in this home seemed so much smaller than they had when she was a child. Reverend Walstad and family of Niobrara are vacationing this month by tenting on the Steele creek near the home of Lee Brady. They were Sunday dinner guests of Lee Brady’s. The Lucky Clover 4-H mem bers have been working diligent ly on their exhibits for the Au gust 11 achievement day. William Conard and Robert Wi ley transacted business in O’Neill, Monday. Mrs. Francis Neeley and son and daughter of Seattle, Wash., are here visiting relatives and friends, they are making their home with her brother, Charles Scholmeyer during their stay. They visited in the Willis Butter field and Jack Heese homes last week. Her son spent the weekend helping Jack Heese put up hay. 4 India Fanners into Holt Homes (Continued from page 1) cutural training and they all speak English. Chodhury, who eats no beef, is leader-captain of a cooperative multipurpose socie ty and manages a 500-acre farm. Jadhav for three years has own ed a 75-acre tract and raised vege tables. Rajan, the only one of the group who is married, is a gener al supervisor of a 70-acre fruit and vegetable farm, and Singh manages a 97-acre farm in one of the most densely populated areas of the world. He comes from northern India. The group will be honored in O’Neill Friday evening by the Holt county rural farm youth group. Too Late to Gassify CARD OF THANKS I WISH to thank my many friends who have sent cards and such nice letters and when able will answer each.—Yours truly, Mrs. L. C. Rakow, 21432 Military Road, Seattle, Wash. 15c Real Estate FOR SALE: 400-acre ranch, well located. Close to O’Neill. Very productive. Hay and pasture, Terms. Immediate possession. FOR SALE: 150-acre farm. Boyd county, south of Spencer. Im provements. A productive farm. Alfalfa, pasture and farm land. Terms. Immediate possession. Good price. FOR SALE: House and lots. FOR SALE: Business property, well located in O’Neill. Virgil L. Laursen Insurance, Real Estate, Loans O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 434 15-16 CARS & TRUCKS ' 1951 IHC 190 for semi. 1950 Ford %-ton. 1955 IHC demonstrator pickup. D-2 pickup . $50 1947 Diamond T for semi. Shelhamer Equip. Co. O’Neill, Nebr.—Phone 570 FOR SALE! ICE CUBES Mac’s Bar 15-18c FOR SALE: 5 good milk cows, one 15-month-old Hereford bull. 1954 Chev. % -ton pickup, duals, deluxe cab, overload springs, heater, combination box.—Rob ert Matthews, O’Neill. 15p FOR SALE: Child’s play pen, good condition. —Phone 486-W, O’ Neill. 15c WANTED: Responsible party to take over spinet piano on low monthly payments. Can be seen near here. For information write— Box 584, Sioux Falls, S.D. 15-16c FARM MACHINERY 1942 fuel M. 1941 fuel H. Farmall 20. 1948 Gas C. 1936 B John Deere. 1950 John Deere MT. 14—ft. John Deere drill. New No. 31 mowers. IHC 24 mower. 27V mower. 25V mower. Allis mower with wheel and pow er lift. New Holland baler. Oliver Automatic baler. 16-ft., 4-in. grain auger. Sargent stacker loader. Sweep to fit Farmall. Sweep t® fit John Deere. Shelhamer Equip. Co. O’NeilL Nebr.—Phone 570 FOR SALE: Two power mower chassis complete without mo tor.—Mrs. Lod Janousek, ph. 476-W 15tfc Swimming Feature of Birthday Party AMELIA—Dale Fullerton, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton, celebrated his 13th birthday anni versary Friday with a party at the park in O’Neill. Swimming was the main recreation. Those present were Vernon and Darla David, Richard Grimes, Jo an and Beth Fullerton, Elaine Spath, Melvin Seger and Phyllis Fullerton. Late in the afternoon the group returned to the Frank Spath home where ice cream and cake were served. Other Amelia News A charivari crowd gathered on Saturday evening and visited the newlyweds in this community. First stop was at the home of Mrs. Gertie Adair, where they charivaried Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schmitt. Mrs. Schmitt is the for mer Joan Adair. From there the group went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thompson, and back by the way of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Clemens’ home. Mrs. B. W. Waldo is expecting a visit from her sister, Mrs. Edna I Davis, and her brother, Varce Zinkon, from California. They planned to be here for the Bur well rodeo. Evelyn and Shirley Thompson returned home the week of July 30 from Kearney, where they had been attending summer school. Mrs. Orland Fryrear and Miss Arlis Edwards are attending the teachers’ course in O’Neill. Gloria and Roger Retzlaff of Lynch visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Retzlaff, the past week. Mrs. Bernard Blackmore and Mrs. Link Sageser attended a meeting of the Rebekah lodge in O’Neill Friday. Glenn White and daughters, Myrtle and Venita, Elaine and Dorothy Fisher went to Ansley Saturday to attend the Free Meth odist conference. Mr. and Mrs. Ed White and Mrs. Julia White called at Ray Coolidge’s Sunday. Mrs. Clyde Burge and family and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fisher at tended church services at Ansley Sunday. Mrs. Van Robertson and Mrs. John Walters of Chambers and Mrs. Vern Sageser went to Springview Monday to attend a garden club meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kenny went to Norfolk to attend the circus. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Will Thompson and Marilyn and Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley Thompson were among those attending the Thompson family reunion at the Burwell park Sun day. Those from a distance at tending the reunion were Mr. and Mrs. John Kellogg and their daughter, Hope, and her family of Arlington, Wash., and Mrs. Lulu Carpenter and her daughter, Wanda, and family of Scottsblnff. Mr. and Mrs. Hienie Frahm and Patty visited her mother, ' Mrs. Maude Forbes, Sunday. The Frahms are driving a new Stude baker. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Andersen and son, Lloyd, visited his mother, Mrs. Edith Andersen, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coolidge, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coolidge, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge and Mr. and Mrs. Ed White went to Pal mer Friday to attend the funeral of Glen Nickolas. Mr. Nickolas is a cousin of Elmer and Ray Cool idge and Mrs. White. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus visited her brother, Bill Vrooman, and family near Venus Sunday. Miss Donna Rae Peterson visit ed friends in Denver, Colo., last week. She returned home Wed nesday, August 3. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson, met her in Grand Island. Mrs. Julia White returned home Friday from York and Lincoln where she had been visiting rel atives the past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred James and son, Jesse, have been vacationing in Wyoming and Arizona. They have visited friends and relatives along the way. Mr. and Mrs. Max Dixson and 1 - a little nephew, Roger Fix, of Scottsbluff visited Mrs. Dixson’s mother, Mrs. Alice Prewitt, and family over the weekend. Roger Fix will stay with the Prewitt3 for a while. Gaylen Fix, who had been here most of the summer, *> his home at Scotts bluff with the Dixsons. Mr and Mrs. Elmer Fix and daughter Leone, and granddaugh ter, Sheila Fix, went to Bird City, Kans., Friday to visit relatives. * They returned home Sunday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Fix took: care of the ranch chores while the were away. I -— - _ STOCK CAR RACES King’s Speedway NORFOLK, NEBR. Sunday, August 14 $1,000 IN PURSES — STRICTLY STOCK Adults — $1.00 (tax paid) — Under 12 years, 50c RACES START AT 8 P.M. SHARP — GATE OPENS 6:30 OUR FAMILY GRAPEFRUIT tiWCB 40c 2 — 46-Oz. Cans_ ® » NASH com* 87t 1-Lb. Limit _ StfMR aqc 5-Lb. Bag_T7 ---. CRESCENT SLICED BACON-- -2 lbs. 59c CUDAHY CHOICE BIB STEAKS \lbs- (or S1.00 CUDAHY CHOICE BEEF BOASTS-Lb. 39c RING BOLOGNA or MINCED HAM-3ik$t.QQ ASST COLD CUTS Lb 39c --- SUNSHINE HI HO Lb Pkg ADAMS FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 2 Cans MINN. PACK W.K. CORN 4 303 Cans_49C VANILLA ICE CREAM 1/2 Gallon —59^ MISSION PEAS 3 303 Cans_39$ OUR FAMILY SALAD DRESSING 45c ARMOUR CHOPPED BEEF -3cans98c NUTRENA - DAVID HARUM CASH FOR FEEDS CASH FOR I YOUR-YOUR CREAM and SHELHAMER poultry rppo SUPER MARKET COUNTRY PICKUP Prices Effective August 11-12-13 ON POULTRY