The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 04, 1955, Section 1, Page 7, Image 7
o Council Proceedings June 7, 1955 Council met at regular session. Present: Mayor Marcellus, Councilmen Heermann, Merriman, Golden and Stutz. Absent: Crabb and Johnson. Meeting was called to order oy the Mayor. Minutes of previous meetings read and approved. , Motion by Stutz, and seconded by Golden that the following bills be approved, on the General fund: Director of Internal Rev enue ... 74.90 Edna Yantzi . 40.t)0 Lohaus Motor Co.27.25 O. E. Davidson Plumbing .. 6.00 Henkie & Joyce Hdw.23.17 Spelts-Ray Lbr. & Coal Co. 250.36 Fuller Sand & Gravel. 2.45 Wilson Texaco Co.25.00 Leo S. Tomjack . 50.75 Raymond Calkins . 40.00 Ray Orsborn .. 18.00 Nebr. Fire Chiefs Ass’n. 3.00 DeEtta Beilin . 20.00 John McClellan.267.50 Donohoe Construction Co.. 110.00 O'Neill Fire Dept.100.00 Texaco Co. 25.87 Consumers Pub. Power Dist.359.17 Director of Int. Rev.104.10 Ray Orsborn. 78.00 Lloyd K. Brittell .140.00 Howard Newton .239.60 Harry R. Jolly.189.80 Raymond Smith .256.40 Lew White Motor Co. 1.00 Sargent & Sowell .552.21 L. M. Merriman . 7.15 Kersenbrock Texaco .117.46 Contingent Fund . 16.68 Western Auto Store . 45.80 L. O. Johnson .129.00 W. E. Osborn . 32.00 xxcivi antJK., ur.110..UU Hugh O’Neill Benson .150.00 Kansas-Nebr. Gas Co.26.07 O’Neill Auto Supply . 3.00 Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill. 101.80 Foree Tire & Supply. 5.00 Board of Park Comm.245.00 Harry Smith Motor Co. .. 180.03 Joe R. Nekolite ..167.52 Roy Lanman ....'. 59.00 Joe F. Wert .219.60 O. D. French . 40.00 Art Holz .189.60 Joe Sivesind .256.40 On the Water fund: Director of Internal Rev.. 33.70 O’Neill Transfer . 1.71 Kelly Plumbing . 6.72 Western Supply Co. 59.00 Contingent Fund . 45.34 W. E. Orsbom . 19.00 Raymond Calkins . 26.00 Ray Orsbom . 4.00 Builders Providence Inc. .. 23.92 Capitol Supply Co. 32.07 Rockwell Mfg. Co. 91.02 The Frontier . 98.95 Consumers Pub. Power Dist. 307.74 Director of Int. Rev. ...... 27.30 Dolores Douglass . 60.20 Postmaster . 189.30 N. W. Bell Tele. Co. 34.90 Island Supply Co. 1.80 E. J. Shane_!. 135.00 Western Auto Store. 6.17 Walter J. Schmohr . . 160.07 James Havranek, Jr. 85.00 Neptune Meter Co. 18.89 Operations & Maintenance Specialties . 15.55 Hersey Mfg. Co. 39.92 T. S. McShane Co. 13.50 Layne Western Co.1023.50 Don R. Douglass . 280.00 , O. D. French . 50.00 On the Pavement Bond Fund .$117.65 o DR. J. L. SHERBAHN % Block So. of Ford Garage Complete X-Ray Equipment O’Neill, Nebraska The vote on the above motion was as follows: All aye. Motion by Stutz, seconded by Golden, that North Nebraska Builders be granted building per mits for house 24 feet 8 inches by 36 feet 8 inches to be located on lot 25 Gilg and Ressel’s Subdi vision of all of Block 2 and the North one-half and the southwest one-fourth of Block 5 of McCaf ferty’s Annex to O’Neill. Also house 36 feet 8 inches by 24 feet 8 inches to be located on lot 29 of the above addition. Both houses to be completely modern. Motion carried. Motion by Merriman that the City loan to the Park Board of Commissioners if needed $500.00 for the use of Public Rest Rooms being constructed in the City Park. Motion carried. Motion by Heermann, seconded by Stutz, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and enter into a lease agreement with the Central Finance Corpor ation for a lease of Police Car. Aye: Merriman, Stutz and Heer mann. Not Voting, Golden. The Mayor made the following appointment to the Auditing Com mittee: Heermann, Merriman and Stutz. Motion by Golden and seconded by Heerman, that the above ap pointments to the Auditing Com mittee be approved. Motion car ried. Motion by Stutz, seconded by Heermann, that Mrs. J. D. Mc Manamy be granted a building permit for a three room house 20 feet by 20 feet all modem with no basement. House to be remod eled from a garage. Said house to be located on the south one-half of lot 8 in block A, O’Neill, Hag eriy s Addition. Motion carried. Motion by Golden, seconded by Merriman, that Spelts-Ray Lbr. and Coal Co. be granted a build ing permit for house 36 feet by 30 feet on the north 115 feet of lot 4 and west 25 feet of lot 3, block 6 Original Town of O’Neill. House to be completely modem with full basement. Motion carried. Motion by Stutz, seconded by Golden, that Spelts-Ray Lbr. and Coal Co. be granted a building permit for house 40’8” by 24’8” on lot 27 and south 28 feet of loi 28 in Gilg-Svenson Subdivision of Blocks 3 and 4 McCafferty’s An nex to O’Neill. House to be com pletely modern with full basement. Motion carried. Motion by Heermann, seconded by Stutz, that Orville Peterson be granted a permit to build a ga rage 18 by 20 feet on lot 14 Block 1 Mathews Addition to O’Neill. Motion carried. Motion by Stutz, seconded by Golden, that' Consumers Public Power District be granted author ization to install new lights at the Northeast comer and the West side of Ford’s Park. Motion car ried. Motion by Golden, seconded by Merriman, that the Council au thorize Don R. Douglass to file water bill of D. S. McCage against the property at which said water was used. Bill to be filed with J. Ed Hancock, Treasurer. Motion carried. Upon motion the Council ad journed until 2:00 P.M., June 10, 1955, at which time they wall re ceive bids and other business. A. MARCELLUS Mayor 3. D. FRENCH City Clerk June 10, 1955 Council met as per adjourned from the meeting of June 7, 1955. Present: Mayor Marcellus, Councilmen Golden, Crabb, Heer mann, Merriman, Johnson and Stutz. Absent: None. Motion by Merriman, seconded by Heermann, to purchase fixed base stations for police office and changing present police car unit to operate on a two frequency from Schneider Electric, of Omaha, Nebr. Total amount of expendi ture not to exceed amount of $400.00.. A ballot vote being taken with a majority vote in favor of above motion. Said motion was by the Mayor declared carried. The Mayor appointed Norman Gonderinger as legal advisor to the City of O’Neill for the re mainder of the year at the retain er fee of $100.00 per month. Motion by Stutz, and seconded by Golden, that the appointment of the Mayor, of Norman Gonder inger as legal advisor to the City be approved. Motion carried. Upon a vote by the Council as a whole, J. E. Stutz was elected as President of the Council for the balance of the fiscal year. Motion by Crabb, seconded by Heermann, that Edith Castleman be hired to the position of Collect ing the City Water Bills and to take care of the New Ladies’ Lounge and also to handle the calls in the police station. Motion carried. The matter of opening bids for the construction of the new city water well then came before the meeting. The following sealed bid was filed and the City Clerk opened the same, which bid read as fol lows, to-wit: Layne - Western Co. in the amount of $9,883.00 covering drill ing, casing, installation of pump, moving of wiring and controls and other well improvements. Moved by Golden, seconded by Johnson, that the following reso lution be adopted, to-wit: RESOLUTION Be it resolved that the Mayor and City Council of the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, find and de clare that the bid for the drilling of new city well, casing same, in stalling pump and furnishing ma terials and labor for other well improvements of Layne-Western Co., Omaha, Nebraska, in the amount of $9,883.00 is the lowest and best bid. Be it further resolved that the bad as set forth of the Layne Westem Co. be and the same is hereby accepted. Pa -i ♦ At* t*Ar a! frA/1 4Un4 t U A Mayor and City Clerk be, and they hereby are instructed and authorized to enter A to a con tract on behalf of the City of O’ Neill, Nebraska, for the drilling of said water well, casing 'ame, installing pump and for other wa ter improvements, with the con tractor as hereinbefore set forth, upon the contractor furnishing proper performance bond. A roll call vote being taken upon resolution, resulted as fol lows: AYE: Golden, Crabb, Heer mann, Merriman, Johnson and Stutz. NAY: None. Whereupon the Mayor declared such resolu tion duly passed and adopted. Upon motion the meeting ad journed. A. MARCELLUS Mayor O. D. FRENCH City Clerk July 5, 1955 Present: Mayor Marcellus, Councilmen Heermann, Crabb and Stutz. Meeting called to order by the Mayor. Minutes of previous meetings read and approved. Motion by Crabb, seconded by Stutz, that the following bills be allowed and paid, on the general fund. O. D. French . 40.00 Lloyd K. Brittell.140.00 Art Holz .189.60 Joe Sivesind.280.00 Gerald Brown .280.00 Joe Nekolite .133.56 James Havranek, Jr.117.00 P. C. Donohoe, Agent.22.50 W. F. Finley, M.D. 9.00 Central Fisance Corp.120.00 Contingent Fund . 46.43 O’NeiU Auto Co. 4.94 Hunt’s Plumbing .288.43 Earley Oil Co.64.50 Arbuthnot Oil Co.129.72 American LaFrance Foam lie Anderson Fire Equip. Co. .100.00 Norman Gonderinger.100.00 H. J. Hammond, Agent ... 17.24 Lew White Motor Co.72.47 Consumers Public Power Dist.359.17 Harry Smith Motor Co.25.10 Soc. Sec. Tax .201.37 James HaVranek, Jr.22.00 J. F. Wert .219.60 Howard Newton .239.60 L. O. Johnson . .. 169.60 Raymond Smith .280.00 Edith Castleman . 64.63 Chas. Fleming . 64.00 Western Auto Store. 21.54 Coyne Hdw.84.83 Schneider Electric . 7.98 Dutton-Lanison Co.235.97 Shelhamer Equip. Co. 5.89 Gillespie Electric . 3.48 Coast to Coast. 13.29 O’Neill Neon Co.15.00 Donohoe Const. Co.130.00 Don C. Petersen Clothing 285.25 George C. Robertson, Agent 51.00 Keith Abart, AgL . 40.00 Zep. Mfg. Co.203.95 Kansas-Nebr. Nat. Gas ... 13.03 Borg’s Phillip’s “66” .180.00 Director of Int. Rev.120.10 Chas. Fleming . 22.00 On the water fund: Don R. Douglass.230.00 O. D. French .20.04 James Havranek, Jr.24.00 Coyne Hdw. Co. 4.58 Kelly’s Plumbing . 8.95 Capitol Supply Co.39.58 Kansas-Nebr. Nat. Gas_ 13.04 Consumers Public Power Dist.442.14 Director of Int. Rev.72.90 Dolores Douglass. 60.20 Walter J. Schmohr.147.40 Western Auto Store . 5.08 Contingent Fund. 10.40 Hunt’s Plumbing . 13.31 N.W. Bell Tele. Co.20.70 Island Supply Co. 1.80 Borg’s Phillip’s “66” . 38.30 Soc. Sec. Tax . 67.40 The vote on the above motion was as follows: All aye. Motion by Crabb, seconded by Heermann, that Mrs. I. B. (Lil lian) Simonson be granted a per mit to build a garage on Lot 2 in Elock 35 Fahy’s Addition. Garage to be approximately 14 by 20 feet vfi frame construction. Motion cai ried. Motion by Crabb, seconded by Heermann, that the State Wide Construction Co. of Omaha, be granted a building permit for a new house 24 by 32 feet with no basement, concrete floor, one story asphalt shingles, and of frame construction. House to be locat ed on lots 4 and 5 in block 17, Mathews addition. Motion car ried. Motion by Stutz, seconded by Crabb, that Clare Coulthard be granted four (4) building permits to be located on lots 33, 34, 35 and 36 in Gilg-Svenson Subdi vision of Blocks 3 and 4 in Mc Cafferty’s Annex. Houses to be 24 by 30 feet of frame construc tion, with no basements. Houses to sit in line with other houses in said subdivision facing to the west. Motion carried. Upon motion the council ad journed until July 6, 1955 at 10 a.m. A. MARCELLUS Mayor O. D. FRENCH Clerk ROUND BALES never buckle If you’ve become impatient with broken bales in your bam or feedlot stack, try round bales next. They’re rolled in layers, which prevents buckling, a method possible only with the Allis-Chalmers ROTO-BALER. Round bales are firm and tight, yet are self-feeding in the rack or on the ground. * Best of all, uniform round bales nestle together, . like cigarettes in a package, to lock each other in place. More hay goes in a given area when bales are round. See us today about the way you can prevent broken bales — with a home-owned Allis-Chalmers . ROTO-BALER. ROTO-BAIER !> an Allh-CHalmare trademark. BUY OF THE YEAR the Allis-Chalmers WD-45 — More Performance for MARCELLUS IMPL. CO. Phone 5 West O’Neill ° Jaycees Van Week, Gilstrap, Janousek and Baker . . . Fremont-bound.—The Frontier Photo. ..—-— Burke Wins 5-4 in 10-Inning Fray The Burke, S.D., baseball team eked out a 5-4 win over the O’ Neill Rockets in a 10 - inning game played at Carney park last Thursday evening. Roland Everetts, O’Neill’s hurl er, held the Burke team to two hits during the first nine innings, but gave up one hit and four bases on balls during the 10th. The Rockets managed only one score in the last stanza. . Boxscore: Burke .000 010 200 2—5 2 2 O’Neill _000 003 000 1—4 7 2 Ainsworth Cops BASSETT — Ainsworth town team avenged an early 11-5 de feat by Bassett by handing the Rock county team a 11-7 defeat on the losers’ diamond Sunday night. It was a loosely played game with Bassett committing nine err ors and Ainsworth four. Ainsworth—401 311 100—11 10 4 Bassett-310 100 020— 7 8 9 Johnson and Richerson; and G. Bussinger, L. Fischer (5) and D. Young. Bassetts’ next game is tonight (Thursday) against Stuart here. Win 8, Lose Z According to Dick Tomlinson, the Rockets’ manager, the O’Neill team has a record of eight wins and five losses thus far in the season. Burke has won 22 games and lost only two. The Rockets will play Spencer in a game at Carney park tonight (Thursday) and will take on Ainsworth here Sunday, August 4, in another night game. Chambers Midgets in 7-5 Triumph CHAMBERS — The Chambers Midget baseball team defeated the Inman Midgets, 7-5, in a game at Chambers Sunday, July 31. Return From State Camp— Harold Cobum and Miss Ra mona Wayman returned Sunday from the rural youth state camp held at Curtis Friday through Sunday. Several baseball games were played. Special interest sessions were held on “Camera Tips and News Flashes” and “Alert Today—Alive Tomorrow”. Sunday morning church ser vices were held for everyone. Af ter a ball game, the camp Was adjourned. — By Ramona Way man, reporter. Ewing News Mrs. Frank Tomjack of Bay Town, Tex., was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Tomjack the past week. This week she is visiting relatives in the Ewing community. Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Paulsrud of Pacifice Palisade, Calif., were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Munn and family. They were enroute to Minnesota to visit relatives. Allen Peterson, who was em ployed at Kimball, spent the weekend at home. He was accom panied by Frank Martinius of Gibbon. Both boys left Monday for Gibbon where they have em ployment. Miss Mary Alys Dierks, who has had a three week’s vacation from her duties at an Omaha hos pital, returned to Omaha on Thursday. Mrs. Lena Kirschmer moved her household goods to Pilger over the weekend. She will make her home there to be near her daughters and their families. Second Lt. Merton Dierks is enjoying a two-weeks’ furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks. He is stationed at Smoky Hill air base at Salina, Kans. Philip Norwood, who has spent several weeks with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Norwood, left Monday for his home in Midwest, Wyo. Mrs. Lyle McNabb and sons, Mick and Lyle, of Omaha were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rotherham and other relatives the past week. Regional Deaths Frank Clark ATKINSON— Funeral services were held at Titonka, la., Mon day, July 22, for Frank Clark, 76, a newspaper publisher. Mr. Clark, a former Atkinson man, died July 19 at his newspaper office in Titonka. Survivors include two sons and one sister. To Open Bids on Atkinson School ATKINSON — The Atkinson board of education decided at a meeting Monday evening to ad vertise for bids for a new seven room elementary school building. The building will include six grade rooms and a kindergarten multi-purpose room. Bids will be opened at 7:30 p.m., August 25 by the board. There will be general contract and heating, electric and plumbing contracts. Howard Strong of Norfolk is the architect. The board approved his plans at their meeting Mon day. Bond issues for $155,000 were passed some time ago at an elec tion here. Club to River for Breakfast— EWING—The Golden Gleaners 4-H club met Friday evening at the scout headquarters. There was a good attendance answering to roll call with their favorite flower. For the next 10 days, all members will be busy with their projects for completion for achievment day to be held at O’ Neill on August 11. Today (Thursday) at 6 a.m., the club will hike to the Yellow Banks for a breakfast Miss Carolyn Tams presided at the business sessino. Mrs. Robert Tams, leader, was in charge. Games were played during the hour for recreation. Phone us your news — 51. O’Neill Jaycees Brush with Reds A delegation of O’Neillites, rep resenting the newly - formed Junior Chamber of Commerce, Saturday went to Fremont to at tend a quarterly state meeting. In the delegation were President Cecil Baker, Vice-President Allan VanVleck and John Gilstrap. Another vice-president, George Janousek (pictured with the dele gation) was unable to attend. Dates for the fall meeting and annual convention were fixed. The O’Neill group was pictured in the Fremont daily newspaper as representing the vanguard of convention arrivals. Baker, VanVleck and Gilstrap had a minor brush with the tour ing Russian “agricultural delega tion” at the Fremont Country club. The O’Neill Jaycees were directed to the wrong club. Upon arrival they went to a refresh ment counter and found them selves in a group of thick-tongug ed foreigners. “Who are those characters?” queried Baker, who couldn’t fathom the unintelligible gibber ish. “Those are the Russians on tour,” a Fremonter explained. Baker quickly escorted Van Vleck and Gilstrap out of the place and resumed the hunt for the Jaycee luncheon headquarters at the Fremont Field club. The Fremont Chamber of Commerce was host to the reds at the Country club. Farm Loan Group Pays Dividend— A five percent dividend pay ment was announced this week by the Elkhorn Valley National Farm Loan association of O’Neill. More than five hundred farm er and rancher stockholders of the organization in Boyd, Holt and Wheeler counties will receive checks totaling $8,891.75, Lyle P. Dierks, secretary-treasurer, re ported. The payment was made possible by a dividend which the associa tion received from the Federal Land bank of Omaha, Dierks said. Directors of the association are Frank C. Kruntorad of Ewing, president; Wilbur L. Moon of Stuart, Clarence I. Mohr of Butte, Frank C. Spath of O’Neill and Emmet J. Revell of Star. John Schmidt of Atkinson is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Johin Schmidt. Cardinals to Field 8-Man Grid Team SMA Joins Niobrara Conference St. Mary’s academy will partici pate in the Niobrara Valley con ference this fall in eight-man football. With football season just around the corner, Coach Don Temple meyer has requested that all boys who plan to attend the academy and wish to participate in football get in touch with him before Sat urday, August 6. The academy will play an eight game schedule with five home games and three away. September 9—Spencer, here. September 23—Butte, there. September 30—Niobrara, there. October 7—Springview, here. October 13 — Lynch, here (homecoming.) October 21—Bonesteel, there. October 26—Verdigre, here. November 3 — Bartlett, here (six-man). Poultry Breeds Named in Roll Call— PAGE—The Eagle Hustlers 4-H club met at the home of Hugh Troshynski on Tuesday evening, July 26. Sixteen of the 22 mem bers answered roll call by naming and describing a breed of poultry. The “Helping Mom and Dad class under the leadership of Frank Beelaert put on several demonstrations which included setting the table, washing the dishes and reporting on a book. Members were privileged to have Darrel Heiss talk to the club on judging. At the close of the evening, Mrs. Troshynski served lunch. The next meeting will be at the home of Sharon Miner near O’ Neill on August 9. — By Brenda Faye Beelaert, news reporter. Housewarming— Mrs. Harden Anspach went to Dorsey last Thursday to attend a housewarming given there for her daughter, Mrs. Charles Marston. She returned home Friday. Omaha Market Paces Field A big cattle run Monday made Omaha the largest livestock mar ket. Fat cattle trade was weak to mostly 25-50 cents lower, in stances off more, but big water fills took up some of the price slack. Numerous steers and year lings sold at -19.50- $22.25, with better steers to $22.60 and $22.75. Fed heifers sold to $21.75, mixed yearlings to $22. Plain quality killer cattle were $19.25 down. Steers at $22.75 weighed 1310. Heavier steers included 1358 pound Minnesotas at $22.25. Cows sold 25-50 cents lower at $8.50-$12.50, a few young west ern cows to $14. • Stocker and feeder trade was 50 cents and more lower, yearling stock steers $16 to $19, replace ment heifers $15.25-$17.50, steer calves to $21. Butcher hogs were 25-50 cents lower, weights from 180-300. $15.25-$16.50, around 125 head $16.75, latter figure lowest since March. Sows sold steady to 25 cents lower, 270-550 pounders $12-$15.50. Among recent- sales at Omaha for strippers from this area in cluded Louis Pofahl, 20 steers, wt 1235, $21.50. Stuart News Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stekibach and son of Texas City, Tex., spent several days last week at the James Nachtman home. The Steinbachs formerly lived here. Mr. and Mrs. Don Fox of Bas sett were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Nachtman on Tues day, July 26. Charlie Mitchell and son, Ivan, of St. Paul visited with his uncle, Rudolf Mitchell, at the Berlin Mitchell home on Tuesday, July 26. Rev. and Mrs. D. D. Su left on Monday for a vacation in Yellow stone park. A/c and Mrs. Edmund Kaup ar rived here last Thursday to spend his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaup, jr. Tune in “Voice of The Fron- - tier”, thrice weekly! A9v QmJUXit. Whether it’s a card, colorful catalog, envelopes, letterheads, billheads . . . in fact no matter what you need in the printing line, be sure to consult with us before you place your printing order. .Frontier PROMPT DELIVERIES Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 51 — O’Neill Attention, Home & Prospective Home Owners FIRE and EXTENDED COVERAGE INSURANCE FIVE-YEAR period at $11.80 per $1,000.00 ... a company with over $4,500,000.00 assets. Prompt settlement of losses. " „ Low cost! L. G. Gillespie Ins. Agency — O’Neill Now Open for Business WE RE-OPENED our cafe this week and are now serving meals, lunches, snacks as usual. We hope you’ll stop in soon! MYRfS CAFE . . . West O’Neill ^I i CUDAHY’S PURITAN THICK SLICED BACON_2-lb. pkg. 98c CUDAHY’S RRAUNSCHWE1GER. lb. 39c CUDAHY’S — PICNIC SPECIAL TANG_2 cans 69c BUTTER-NUT COFFEE I Lb._85c BAKERITE SHORTENING. 3-lb. can 69c HONEY BOY SALMON..... 1-lb. can 39c REGULAR SIZE LIFEBUOY SOAP. 3 bars 19c CHARMIN — 4-PACK TOILET TISSUE.. 1 pkg. 31c VAN CAMP NO. 2 CANS PORK & BEANS ....6 for SI ■CUDAHY’S PURITAN ALL-MEAT MINCED HAM_Lb. 35c 3 POUNDS . $1.00 CUDAHY’S PURITAN — Open Kettle Rendered LEAF LARD..... 2 lbs. 31c CUDAHY’S FRANKS_Lb. 29c CLOROX ..... 1/2 gal 29c ALL SWEET MARGARINE ....2 lbs. 47c ELBERTA PEACHES_Lb, 15c U.S. NO. 1 — NEW GREEN CABBAGE_Lb. 5c U.S. NO. 1 — RED PONTIACS POTATOES..... 10 lbs. 37c FOURTH STREET MARKET We Deliver phone 93_w |