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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1955)
FOR SALE FOR SALE: Fryers, 3 lbs. and over, $1 each.—L. A. Ott, phone 6-F310, O’Neill. 14p35 FOR SALE: Grocery stock and fixtures. Reasonable rent. Good money - maker for man and Wife. Will give possession to suit buyer. Herbert Nielsen, In man. 14-16p85 EVINRUDE Outboard Motors o. SALES & SERVICE WM. KROTTER CO. West O’Neill ~—— - Phone 531 FOR SALE: One purebred regis tered bull, 2-years-old, priced right. — C Bar M Hereford Ranch, O’Neill. I3tf FOR SALE: Like new 2-piece Kroehler living room suite, $50. —Midwest Furn. & AppL, West O’Neill. 14c FOR SALE: 1—1931 Chev. coupe; 1—24-ft. trailer house.—Cecil Sparks, O’Neill. 14-15p60 WE REPAIR ALL MAKES OF SEWING MACHINES Necchi — New Home — Elna Sales and Service MIDWEST FURNITURE & APPLIANCE West O’Neill 8-15c HOOVER SALES & SERVICE i WM. KROTTER CO. UPTOWN HARDWARE & APPL. Phone 496 — O’Neill FOR SALE: 1946 model 20 Mas sey-Harris tractor. Would make excellent rake or mower tractor or second tractor. Price $335.— Wilbur C. Smith, Inman. tfc FOR SALE: Insurance of all kinds.—See Virgil Laursen, O’ Neill, phone 434. 29tf SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone.—Con tois Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf CARS & TRUCKS 1951 IHC 190 for semi, o 1950 Ford %-ton. 1955 IHC demonstrator D-Z pick up .. ?.f?. $50 1947 Diamond T for semi. Shelhamer Equip. Co. O’Neill, Nebr.—Phone 570 FOR SALE: Apples, 1% miles west of Midway, $1-$1.50 per bu.; also crab apples. Trees sprayed.—Mrs. Paul Woidneck, Francis and DeLores Woidneck. 13-14c BEST BUYS! 1951 Plymouth, 2-door. Clean. 1950 Ford tudor, radio, heater, seat covers. 1952 Ford tudor, radio, heater, seat covers, overdrive, very clean. 1947 Chev. convertible. COME IN AND SEE US! We like to trade!! Shierk Motor Co. Phone 430 212 South 4th — O’Neill FOR SALE: 2—Good used TV chairs, $15 and $25.—Midwest Fum. Co., West O'Neill. 14c FOR SALE: 1953 Chev. 2-ton, like new; 4-yd. gravel box and hoist, A-l. We trade.—Hoerle Service, Ewing, phone 2642 Chambers. ll-19p FOR SALE: 7-ft. John Deere trail mower.—Albert Latzei, phone 6-FU, Ewing. 14p35 FOR SALE: Indian Chief motor cycle, completely overhauled and painted, $125; also 1941-’45 Harley - Davidson motorcycle, like new, will trade or sell. — Wayne Rowse, Chambers, phone 2475.14-15c FOR SALE: No. 1 sweep teeth, oak, $1 to $1.25.—J. H. Davis, O’Neill, phone 241-W. 12-14pl35 FOR SALE: Aeromotor wind mills, and towers, galvanized stock tanks, 8- and 10-foot sizes. — John Sobotka, Inman, Nebr. 7tf FARM MACHINERY 1942 fuel M. 1941 fuel H. Farmall 20. 1948 Gas C. 1936 B John Deere. 1950 John Deere MT. New No. 31 mowers. IHC 24 mower. 27V mower. 25V mower. Allis mower with wheel and pow er lift. New Holland baler. Oliver Automatic baler. 16-ft., 4-in. grain auger. Sargent stacker loader. Sweep to fit Farmall. Sweep to fit John Deere. Attend Atkinson Hay Days and Win an American Stacker Loader! Shelhamer Equip. Co. O'NeilL Nebr.—Phone 570 FOR SALE: Spring fryers, $1. No phone.—Nina Burival, 3 mi. N. and Vi east of the Drive-In the ater, O'Neill. I2tf FOR COMPLETE DETAILS, and free help in engineering your sprinkler system and informa tion on liberal credit terms, see BILL BOWKER Phone 468-W O’Neill, Nebr. 32c FOR SALE: Good used studio couch, $9.50. — Midwest Furn. Co., West O’Neill 14c USED CARS 1950 Chev., Belaire. 1951 4-door Studebaker (Land cruiser) . 1949 Chevrolet. 1946 4-dr. Studebaker Champion. 1946 Ford tudor. 1952 Studebaker 2-ton truck. 1951 Ford V8 truck, LWB. SMITH MOTOR CO. “Home of Studebaker” Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: One pair of 4-48” width and one pair of 2 - 48” width pull drapes in a brown geometrical print. — Phone 511-W, O’Neill. 13-14c HUNT’S Plumbing & Heating COLEMAN BLEND AIR FURNACES — Gas or Oil Kohler, American & Briggs PLUMBING FIXTURES Paw Paw for Your Septic Tank Water Systems Gas & Electric Water Heat ;rs Phone 399 — O’Neill We Give Gold Arrow Stamps USED CARS 1954 PONTIAC 4-Dr. Star Chief. Loaded with accessories. 1955 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. Bel-Air. Still has that new smell. 1953 PONTIAC 4-Dr. 6 Chieftain. Ideal for the family. 1950 DODGE 4-Dr. Coronet. Clean —Clean — Clean! 1951 DODGE 4-Dr. Cornet. A black beauty. 1952 PONTIAC 4-Dr. 8 Hydra matic. Why pay more when you can get a car like this? AND TAKE A LOOK AT THE BEST LOT OF OLDER USED CARS IN TOWN — 1949 Ford V-8 2-dr. 1948 Dodge Custom Club Coupe (really a little cream-puff). 1946 Pontiac 4-Dr. Streamliner (all leather interior). 1947 Chevrolet 2-dr. (sounds good —runs good—is good). 1948 Ford V-8 2-Dr. Cheap trans portation. 1949 Chevrolet 2-dr. We’re not fooling anyone — this car is a wreck! WM. KROTTER CO. PONTIAC SALES & SERVICE WEST O’NEILL PHONE 531 FOR SALE: Good used single mattress, $7.50; used full-size mattress, $7.50; used coil spring, $5.00.—Midwest Fum. & Appl., West O’Neill. 14c Sprinkler IRRIGATION SEE US or write if interested in Sprinkler irrigation. We will be glad to figure your system for you, with the help of qualified irrigation engineers, at no obligation. Call or Wkite Wm. Krotter Co. O’Neill NPebr. DEALERS IN A-M SPRINKLER IRRIGATION ITS LIMING TIME AGAIN AS SOON as the small grain is harvested, it is one of file best times to put on the lime that is needed. Call us for delivered prices anywhere in the county. Telephone 5111. J. F. BRADY CO. Atkinson, Nebr. 12tf Sales & Service NECCHI Sewing Machines Midwest Fum. 6c Appl. — West O’Neill — 6tf GAMBLES . . O’Neill Three awfully good Bikes for Girls PRICED to move while they last; Cne—Girls’ 24-in.. Two—Girls’ 26-in. Refrigerator Ready to go! _Only $6 per month FOR SALE: 1950 Jeep. —'Virgil Laursen, O’Neill Insurance Agency, phone 434. 14c FOR SALE Good, serviceable Vz~ % -ton combination pickup, rea sonable. — Call 483, O’Neill, evenings. 14c Visit Fox Home— Mr. and Mrs. George Brainard and family of Atkinson were Sunday dinner guests at the Charles Fox home. DISCOUNT on Sprinkler Equip. 420-ft. of six-inch water main available now at big discount BILL BOWKER - Phone 468-W — O’Neill New Machinery 10, 12, 14-ft. hay rakes. 12-Ft. Easy Flow fertilizer spreader. J-D spreaders. Farmhand loaders, bulldozers, grapple forks. J-D disc tillers most sizes. J-D-D oils, greases and batteries. Bale ties, cable. Plymouth baler and binder twine. Sweep teeth. Used Machinery IHC tiller, 13-blade. J-D tiller, 5- or 6-blade. Krause tiller, 13 blade. J-D thresher machine, 22”, good. J-D 10-ft. binder. No. 55 J-D combine, 12-ft. 1948 John Deere A tractor, fully equipped. 1946 H John Deere. IHC F 20 tractor. J-D tractor cultivator. No. 52 plow, two 16” bottoms. J-D 4-wheel spreader. 2—16-inch J-D plows. 4-Section lever harrow. Harry R. Smith Impls. Your John Deere Dealer Phone 562 — O’Neill Open Evenings from 7 to 9 REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE O’Neill Real Estate TO SETTLE THE ESTATE OF THE LATE ETTA SHRINER. TAXES ON ALL PROPERTY PAID TO JANUARY 1, 1955. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS, DE TAILS AVAILABLE ON RE QUEST FOR POSTER. Property No. 1 (John Deere bldg.), near main business dist. Subj. to lease. 50’xllO’ with 20’x30’ addition. Also 180’ sales lot adj. Paved. Large display, of fice space. Excellent investment property. Property No. 2 (mod. dwelling & 4% lots), SW section of city, First and Hancock sts. 7 rooms first floor, 4 finished rooms in basement. 23’x26’, quiet, many trees, spacious lawn, alum, comb, windows. Pvt. well for watering. Property No. 3 (modem dup. apt.), 124 So. Madison, 24’x24’, close-in. 3 rooms each, also elec, ranges, hot water heaters, rentals $35 each per month. Built in 1946. Property No. 4 (wholesale-retail industrial lots). Only desireable lots left in growing little city. Bordered on west by U.S. 281, which admits all visitors to O’Neill from south. Paved. Property No. 5 (concrete block bldg.) 30’x70’ on lots 90’xl80\ Built 8 yrs. ago. On city’s north side. Ideal for body shop, hatch erty, storage, subj. to lease. I can be reached at the Shriner residence between 10 a.m.., and 9 p.m., daily. For details, inspection, immediately contact: JAMES R. MARNE, Executor O’Neill, phones 136-W or 73, or— JULIUS D. CRONIN, O’Neill, Attorney. 14c FOR SALK: Houses and lots in O’Neill; farms and ranches in the area. Licensed real estate broker.—See Virgil Laursen at O’Neill Insurance Agency, phone 434. 8tf FOR SALE: House and three lots for sale at 220 West Douglas on highway 20 and 281. — Mrs. Henry Martin, O’Neill. 10tf FOR SALE: GOING GROCERY BUSINESS in Orchard, Nebr. This includes fixtures, freezers and groceries. Very reasonable rent on build ing. This is a wonderful oppor tunity to own your own business in a very good trading com munity. Priced right. Walter G. Schacht Real Estate Broker Neligh, Nebr. Phone 159 13-14c FOR SALE: Good 160-acre im proved farm near O’Neill.—Geo. C. Robertson, O’Neill. 45tf I HAVE opened an acreage ad jacent to O’Neill and will sell either in acreages or lots. — Harry E. Ressel, O’Neill, lltf IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured? —See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 44tf FOR SALE: A small residence. Plenty of furniture goes with it to run the place. On city water and lights. $1,200 will buy this ready to move in house. No mortgage on it now. Let me show it to you.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 12tf FOR SALE* IMPROVED 80 acres 2 miles SE of Inman. 20 acres cultivated, 30 in pasture and 25 in hay. Passession if sold soon. Price $7,000—Fisher Realty Co., Nor folk, Nebr. 8tf Real Estate AND Businesses For Sale SEVERAL GOOD BUILDING LOTS IN O’NEILL. IF YOU ARE PLANNING A NEW HOME, LET ME SHOW YOU SOME GOOD LOCATIONS. 7- ROOM HOUSE located one block south and 1% blocks east of the stop light. An older prop erty that needs some repair, but well worth the money. Has ex tra lot that can be sold off at good price . $6500 3-BEDROOM HOUSE one block west and one-half block north of the school. This is the John Gilstrap home. Has had recent remodeling, including a new, completely modern kitchen. Just the location for the school kids. Only . $6500 8- ROOM HOME, CLOSE IN. SOUND AS A DOLLAR, BUT NEEDS SOME MINOR REPAIR AND DECORATING. TAILOR MADE FOR THE “DO IT YOURSELF” ENTHUSIAST. THIS COULD BE ONE OF THE BEST INVESTMENT PROPERTIES IN TOWN' THE ROY JOHNSON HOME, be tween 5th and 6th on Clay street. One of the finest loca tions in O’Neill. Three bedrooms living room, dining room, kitch en, and bath on one floor. Base ment has bedroom and bath. Price . $11,500 THE RALPH LEIDY HOME, be tween 7th and 8th on Fremont street. This is a lovely three bedroom home with everything in the way of modem conven iences for comfortable and eco nomical living. THIS HOME WILL BE OFFERED AT AUC TI O N FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 5, AT 7:30 O’CLOCK. MAKE A DATE NOW TO IN SPECT THIS PROPERTY BE FORE THE SALE. EXCEL LENT TERMS. FOR AN AP POINTMENT, JUST CALL 468-W. SUMMERLAND DANCE PAVIL ION at Ewing. This well-known dance spot has been a money maker for years and the right person can do very well with dances, skates, and a class “C” beer license. With this pavilion go 80 acres of land, some of which is good meadow. Good living quarters, 3-car garage, and miscellaneous outbuildings. SELLING YOUR HOME, FARM OR RANCH? IF YOU ARE THINKING OF SELLING YOUR HOME IN O’NEILL OR SURROUNDING TERRITORY, I’LL BE GLAD TO INSPECT AND APPRAISE IT AND OFFER PROMPT, COURTEOUS, AND EFFICIENT SERVICE. JUST PICK UP THE PHONE AND CALL ME AT 468-W. DO IT NOW! 320-ACRES on running water northeast of O’Neill. Fenced, but otherwise unimproved. Con sists of approximately 60 acres of the very best of bottom meadow and the balance is good buffalo grass pasture. Here is a dandy half-section that will show excellent returns on the price . $50 320 - ACRE STOCK FARM in northeast Holt County. Good set of buildings, wonderful creek through farm. This farm possesses an irrigation right and has about 50 irrigable acres of good land. The pasture is roll ing, timbered, well watered and well grassed. One of the few places where a man can acquire his own well paying place for a modest outlay of money . $50 A BUSINESS BUILDING in Spencer. Formerly housed the Ralph Black International Agency. A lot of floor space, good display windows, extra lots on the highway. You can buy this building really worth the money. If you are looking for a location for a business, see me at once. ROOMING HOUSE lN SPENCER. Mollie’s Hotel is for sale due to reasons of health. Here is a rooming house now operating and equipped completely. This could make someone a nice spot to retire, keep occupied, and have an income. The price will agree with you. SOUTH DAKOTA RANCH that will accommodate 500 cows and carry over a part of the calves. Fronts on the beautiful Randall Lake, with unexcelled water fowl shooting, deer hunting and fishing. First class house, fore man’s house, plenty of corrals and buildings. HAVE SEVERAL BUYERS FOR BUSINESSES. IF YOU WISH TO DISPOSE OF YOUR BUSINESS, CONTACT ME AT ONCE. Bill Bowker Agency O’NEILL, NEBR. Phone 468-W FOR SALE: Six-room house to be moved. Located 17 mi. north of O’Neill on highway 281.—O. J. Drueke, O'Neill. 50tf FOR SALE: Locker plant consist ing of .concrete block building, 50x22, with 115 locker boxes, nearly all rented. — Geo. C. Robertson, phone 534, O’Neill. 45tf FOR SALE: Houses and lots; a new 3-bedroom house, close to school, FHA accepted, full base ment. —See Virgil Laursen at O’Neill Insurance Agency, phone 434. 14c MISCELLANEOUS HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator and Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf L-O-A-N-S 4% Federal Land Bank Long Term PRE-PAYMENT PRIVILEGES ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM ASS’N O’Neill, Nebr. WE NEVER SLEEP A PHONE CALL brings us on the run. Phone 404-W. Used car parts, car repairing, elec tric and acetylene welding, body shop. Strong’s Repair Shop VERNON STRONG, Prop. North Seventh — O’Neill I AM at my office again in O’Neill, Nebr., and have East ern money to loan on farms and big ranches. No loan too large if plenty of security.—See or write to R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 51tf O. E. ( Oakie ) DAVIDSON Plumbing & Heating “The Best Work for the Least Money” GAS WATER HEATERS & FURNACES Phone 126 — O’Neill FOR CROP hail insurance and to buy or sell real estate. — See Keith Abart, phone 520, O’ Neill. 2tf AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THORIN Farm Sales a Specialty Phone 207 — O’Neill Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill GILL ELECTRIC: See John Gil strap for all your electrical wiring and equipment. I ser vice all makes of appliances.— O’Neill, phone 568-W. 45tf L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. I HAVE just returned from a winter tour of Florida and 7 of the Southern states, and I am back at my office again, and have plenty of Eastern money to loan on farms and ranches. Also loan money on city residences and business buildings.—See or write R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 51tf NOTICE: Anyone desiring deliv ery of NORFOLK DAILY NEWS in O’Neill, contact Ran dy Lyons, O’Neill, phone 424-J. 14-15p60 LOST: Between Ewing and O’ Neill on Saturday morning, a universal joint for tractor mow er. Finder please return to Ray Orsborn, 812 East Benton st., O’Neill, and receive a reward. 14p50 Former Residents Here— Mr. and Mrs. John Abbott and granddaughter, Sally Pazik, Caro lyn Clevenger of Bellingham, Wash., and Mrs. Ralph Mills of New Plymouth, Ida., left for their homes after spending their vaca tion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Claus sen. They also visited relatives in Iowa. They are nieces of Mrs. Claussen and were for merly of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clifford of Atkinson visited the M. B. Hig ginses Sunday. CARDS of THANKS I WISH to thank all my friends and relatives for the cards and gifts sent; the prayers offered and the visits while I was in the hospital. I especially thank Reverend and Mrs. Schwenk for their visit while I was there. I appreciated it all so much. JUDY THOMSON 14c WE WISH to express our heart felt thanks to our many neigh bors and friends for all their kindnesses and thoughtfulness during the illness and death of our loved one. LORAN M. KRUSE KAREN AND JAMES 14p50 WE WISH to express our sincere thanks to our relatives, neigh bors and friends for their many acts of kindness and help, for the cards and letters of sympa thy and the floral offerings at the time of the death of our loved one. A special thanks to the American Legion auxiliary for the dinner served the day of the funeral. MRS. CECIL BERGSTROM AND FAMILY 14c THANKS to the relatives, neigh bors and friends who came to us in our greatest hour of sor row and contributed all that human kindness could suggest to help and comfort us. Your kindness will never be forgot ten. —Mr. and Mrs. Don Lineback and family. 14p50 I WISH to thank my relatives, friends and neighbors for the cards, flowers and visits while I was hospitalized at St. An thony’s; also wish to thank the hospital staff and Doctor Fin ley for his kindness in bring ing me a radio to help pass my time. MRS. W. F. GROTHE, SR. 14p50 I WISH to thank the hospital staff, Doctor Wilson, and all the friends and relatives who sent cards and letters and visited me while I was in St. Anthony’s hospital. 14c MRS. EARL FARR FOR RENT FOR RENT.: Several houses. — Virgil Laursen, O’Neill Insur ance Agency, phone 434. 14c FOR RENT: Furnished and un furnished apts.—A. E. Bowen, phone 515, O’Neill. Gtf FOR RENT: Sanders for floor and furniture. — Spelts - Ray Lbr. Co. 47tf FOR RENT: Unfurnished apart ment, 4 rooms and bath, very nice. Close in.—Hagensick La dies Wear, O’Neill. 7tf FOR RENT, Floor polisher and waxer.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. FOR RENT: 6-room house, mod ern except heat.—Kieth Abart, phone 520, O’Neill. WANTED WANTED TO RENT: Hay and alfalfa, or will bale for share or cash.—K. C. Hunt, O’Neill. 4tf WORK WANTED: Full-time of fice, 2 years experience, book keeping, typing and shorthand. —Doris J. Miller, phone 495-M, O’Neill. 14p35 FOR SALE: 6-room house, in sulated, to be moved. Located 3 mi. east, 1% south of Mid way.—See Art Remter, O’Neill. 12-14p85 WANTED: 2,000 BU. OATS on new Interna tional Harvester refrigerator and freezer. KEATING IMPL. CO. Atkinson 13-14c HELP WANTED: Want middle aged lady to care for aged lady in her own home. Steady em ployment—Call or write, Edith J. Davidson, phone 42 or 264, box 231, O’Neill. Visit Mr. Higgins— Harry McNally, James McNally and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Eman uel and family of Dodge were Sunday visitors in the M. B. Hig gins home. They visited Mr. Hig gins in St. Anthony’s hospital. Cubs Picnic— The Cub Scouts held a pack meeting Wednesday night at the Scout acreage. A picnic supper was held for their families. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Thousands to Be Filled (to $4,479.50 yearly to start) MEN & WOMEN, Ages 18 to 55 Clerks, Internal Revenue Agents, Railway Mail Clerks, Ac countants, Post Office Clerks, Mail Carriers, Imigration Service . . . Customs Service, Veterans Administration, Stenographers, Typists, Storekeepers, Assistant Meat Inspector, and more than 50 others to choose from. Instruction now being given. For com plete information write today. Steady employment. CONTINENTAL TRAINING P.O. Box 785, Omaha, Nebraska Send Me Full Information: NAME . AGE . ADDRESS .PHONE NO. My present working hours are . >-— WSCS Plans Fall Bazaar at Inman INMAN — The WSCS of the Methodist church met last Thurs day afternoon at the church for their regular session. Mrs. Hazel Lorenz opened the devotional period and Mrs. May Watson had charge of the lesson. The fall bazaar was discussed and it was decided to meet again today (Thursday) at the church annex to further plans for the bazaar. Everyone is cordially in vited to attend. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. Herbert Nielsen and Mrs. Jennie Crosser. Lunch was served. Other Inman News Arbutus Rebekah lodge met in a regular session Wednesday eve ning, July 27, at the IOOF hall. Karl Keyes, noble grand, was in charge. Several from this community attended the rosary at the Biglin funeral chapel on Wednesday evening, July 27, for Miss Grayce McGraw and also the funeral services on last Thursday morn ing at St. Patrick’s Catholic church in'O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips and two children, Carolyn and David, have returned to their home in Huron, S.D., after visit ing in the home of Supt. and Mrs. Gerald Nelson and boys several days. mr. auu ivus. w. r,. rk.euey ana two daughters, Kay and Anne, spent the weekend in Columbus visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Kel ley and Neal. They also attended the horse races. Postmaster James M. McMahan and Postmaster B. H. Stevens of Page attended a postal meeting Monday night, July 25, at Bruns wick at the home of Postmaster G. E. Bentz. Mrs. McMahan spent the evening with Mrs. Stevens at Page. On Tuesday evening, July 26, Postmaster and Mrs. McMahan and Miss Frances Rotherham, postmistress at Ewing, attended a postal meeting at the home of Postmaster and Mrs. B. H. Ste vens at Page. Mrs. Stevens served refreshments at the close of the meeting. Miss Mary Barnes of Albion spent Tuesday, July 26, here vis iting her friend, Miss Carolyn Watson at the I. L. Watson home. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Retke left last week for Quincy, Wash., where they will be employed at the dairy of the son-in-law and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Smith and family. The Retkes ex pect to be gone a year. Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGraw and two sons of Ft. Morgan, Colo., arrived Wednesday evening, July 27, to attend the funeral of his aunt, Miss Grayce McGraw. Mrs. i Sid Sharbons and children left for their home in Savage, Mont., on last Thursday morning after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chudomelka for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore re ceived word last week that their son, LeRoy who was recent ly inducted into the army and sent to Camp Chaffee, Ark., has been sent to Camp Carson, Colo., and arrived there the middle of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Wat son arrived here Wednesday eve ning, July 27, and visited until Sunday morning in the home of Tom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Watson. They had just return ed from 10 days spent in Gulf port, Miss., and Mobile, Ala. They left Sunday afternoon for their home in Rapid City, S.D. Miss Murl Keyes of Valentine visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs F. E. Keyes over the weekend. Tommy Tompkins left Friday for his home in Omaha after spending the past three weeks here in the homes of his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. r. Tompkins, and his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Tompkins and family. Elroy Nelson of Oakland spent the weekend here in the I. L. Watson home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Romig of Superior and their two grand daughters, Iletta and Linda Lar son of Fremont came Saturday and spent the weekend in the home of Mrs. Romig’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tomp-* kins. They left Monday morning for Casper, Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Watson en tertained Mr. and Mrs. James Gallagher and family at dinner at their home on Wednesday eve ning, July 27, in honor of Miss Marilyn Gallagher and Miss Car olyn Watson, who were celebrat ing birthdays. Privates Oscar Eaton and Lyle ilopejtka left O’Neill Sunday morning with company D of Ne braska 195th national guard tank battalion for a two week encamp ment at Camp Ripley, Minn. Clayton Kruegman, a summer student at Wayne State Teacher’s college, spent the weekend here in the home of his aunt, Miss El sie Kruegar. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Werkmies ter and family of Madison were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vaden Kivett and Keith. Mr. .and Mrs. Don Luben and girls of Wisner spent Sunday in the May Fraka and Charles Lu ben homes. John McGraw of Ft. Morgan, Colo., is spending a few days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGraw. Miss Gayle Noe has returned to her home at Allen after spend ing a few weeks with her uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Alexander. Calvin McClurg Chosen for Chorus ATKINSON — Calvin McClurg, 1955 graduate of Atkinson high school, again has been selected to sing in the National Future Farm ers of America chorus which will sing at the national FFA conven tion in Kansas City, Mo., in Oc tober. This will be the second time McClurg has sung with the na tional FFA chorus. He was cho sen last year to be one of a group of five from Nebraska. McClurg, who sings tenor, was one of four Nebraska boys chosen this year to sing with the chorus which will consist of about one hundred members. There were o more than 450 applications. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McClurg of Stuart and was president of the FFA chapter here last year and secretary be fore that. He was active in the student council and vocal music as a soloist and in other music groups. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harding and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Brenden and sons, Michael and Ricky, of Whiting, la., were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Claus sen from Wednesday, July 27, until Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Schoenle of East Moline, 111., visited Friday afternoon at the Henry Benze home. REPORT OF MONDAY, AUG. 1, SALE 190-240 lb, butchers, 15.90-16.65; 240 lbs up, 14.20-15.95. Sows to 300 lbs., 14.20-15.65; 300-400 lbs., 12.75-14.65; 400-500 lbs., 11.25-12.60. Feeders, 130-190 lbs., 13.75-14.50. Stags 10.10-11.40. Boars, 6.60-8.80. Will be open to receive stock Sunday evening—7:30-10 o’clock. For Top Market Prices; For Sales and Service, Consign to Verdigre Livestock Market SALE EVERY MONDAY W. LLOYD BRADY, Owner and Mgr. Phone 80 Verdigre I MIDCONTINENT I Baler and Binder I TWINE 7.60 I Per Bale I • Midcontinent twine is backed with an unconditional guarantee to work in I your “Roto Baler” or binder. Its high ten- I sile strength and uniformity make it the I best for all your twine needs. Emmet Hay Co. I ■ Emmet, Nebr. ■