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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1955)
Official Proceedings of the • Holt County Supervisors vjiNein, Nebr. June 27, 1955 10:00 A.M. Motion by Tomlinson, seconded by Floor, that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Road Fund in pay ment of same. Motion carried. John Angus, hauling gravel .$ 51.00 Arbuthnot Oil Co., gas & oil . 14.39 Joe C. Batenhorst, driving truck . 57.00 Bill Brewster, diesel fuel & Sas -. 214.50 Kenneth Cadwallader, hauling clay . 360.00 Eankert Service, gas & oil 145.97 Frank Determan, road la bor . 147.00 Floyd Frahm, cat & patrol operator . 287.50 Floyd Gettert, loading gravel . 262.50 Albert Holbrook, loading & hauling gravel . 308.70 Wm. E. Kelly, patrol op erator . 185.85 Missouri Valley Machinery Co., repairs . 14.14 Lyle McKim, patrol operat or . 233.80 Eugene Norton, driving truck . 118.00 Eugene Norton, driving truck . o no Raymond Norton, driving truck . 16.50 O’Neill Auto Supply, sup plies . 1.95 Page Oil Co., diesel fuel. . 57.91 Flatt Oil Co., diesel fuel.. 260.21 Pollack Sand & Gravel, gravel & hauling gravel 513.00 Fred Roberts, road labor.. 193.20 Geo. C. Robertson, insur ance premium . 49.28 Calvin Seger, road labor.. 304.50 Ed C. Smith, supplies .... 10.94 Spelts-Ray Lumber Co., repairs & supplies . 2.34 Stoney Service, gas . 70.97 Al’s Texaco, gas & sup plies . 19.73 Clede Trobaugh, road labor 111.00 C. E. Win term ote, repairs & repairing. 44.65 Delbert Anson, patrol op erator . 327.15 Arbuthnot Oil Co., gas & oil . 35.15 Ed Brandt, elegrader op erator . 336.25 Walter Brown, road labor 111.30 Coyne Hardware, repairs . 15.92 Donald L. Dankert, spray ing roads. 500.00 Fees Repair, Repairs & re pairing . 16.90 Galyen Motor Co., payment on Ford truck . 400.00 Island Supply Welding Co., repairs . 52.00 C. W. Kirkland, patrol op erator . 10.50 Lester Marks, road labor 29.00 Eli McConnell, road labor 178.50 Niobrara Valley Electric Membership Corporation, electric service . 1.60 Raymond Norton, driving truck . 76.00 Norwood Repair Shop, re pair . 26.50 Vincent L. Osborne, ma chine hire . 564.68 Dean Perry, road labor .. 105.55 Pollack Sand & Gravel, gravel & hauling grav el . 478.80 Richard G. Read, bulldozer & patrol operator. 248.45 Art B. Sanders, patrol op erator . 308.70 Servall Towel & Linen Co., laundry service . 2.50 R. D. Stevens, motor grader operator . 297.75 Taylor Motor Co., repairs 18.06 Frank Tracy, motor grader & patrol operator . 273.42 12:00 Noon. On motion the board adjourned until 1:00 P.M. O’Neill, Nebr. June 27, 1955 1:00 P.M. Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present. Motion by Frickel, seconded by Barthel, that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Bridge Fund in pay ment of same. Motion carried. Edgar Bulau, bridge labor. 141.55 Central Supply & Equip. Co., culverts .. 1029.32 Central Supply & Equip. Oo., culverts .1259.62 Nelson Brayton Co., lum ber .1830.24 Earl Porter, bridge labor.. 66.50 ElmerJSchaaf, bridge labor 16.15 Anton Weichman, bridge labor . 308.00 Wheeler Lumber & Bridge Co., lumber & piling ... 988.20 Joe Burda, bridge labor .. 248.90 Central Supply & Equip. Co., culverts . 85.91 Chicago & North Western Railway Co., freight charges . 833.20 Petrometal Industries, sup plies . 63.26 Lester Porter, bridge labor 219.45 Frank Seger, bridge labor. 248.90 Wheleer Lumber, Bridge & Supply Co., lumber_ 842.40 Motion by Barthel, seconded by Ernst, that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Mail Route Fund in payment of same. Motion car ried. Les Andrus, hauling dirt... 60.00 Fritz Brandt, hauling dirt 150.00 Geary Enbody, hauling clay 90.00 Melvin Andrus, hauling dirt 90.00 Donohoe Construction Co., machine hire . 45.00 Dean Perry, mail road labor 90.00 Motion by Tomlinson, seconded by Batenhorst, that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Road Bridge Fund in payment of same. Motion carried. Ed Brandt, labor. 39.00 Continental Oil Co., diesel fuel . 73.42 Coyne Hardware, supplies. 1.08 Foree Tire & Supply, sup plies . 40.10 Eli McConnell, labor . 12.00 Nebr. Tractor & Equip., re pairs . 5.74 O’Neill Auto Supply, repairs 8.13 Myron Papke, hauling clay . 380.00 I , Paul J. Kaup, labor. 330.00 Glen Cobb, gas, oil, parts & repairing .204.05 Dankert Service, supplies . 3.85 Floyd Gettert, labor . 64.50 Nebr. Tractor & Equip., re pairs .. 166.90 Nelson-Brayton Co., gas & supplies . 94.66 Vincent Osborne, machine hire . ..923.50 Shelhamer Equip. Co., tire repair .... 1.00 Motion by Ernst, seconded by Barthel, that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Unemployment Re lief Fund in payment of same. Motion carried. Coufal Market . $115.20 John R. Gallagher. 11.00 Miller Grocery Store .... 91.00 Shelhamer Foods . 136.00 Mrs. Roy Thurlow . 25.00 Council Oak Store, Atkin son . 38.00 Lester Marks . 10.00 New Outlaw Grocery Store 17.00 Dick J. Timmerman. 15.00 Marie Wehrly . 60.00 Motion by Frickel, seconded by Flood, that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Medical Fund in payment of same. Motion carried. Atkinson Memorial Hospi tal . 18.80 Drs. Brown & French. 20.00 Clara Fuller . . .. 33.86 Dr. H. C. Henderson . 3.00 Christine Hoffmeister .... 160.30 Christine Hoffmeister _ 13.05 Johnson Drug . 1.04 William McKathnie . 2.70 O'Neill Drug. 6.50 Schultz Drug .65 St. Anthony’s Hospital ... 61.05 Thompson Nursing Home .. 86.00 Anna Weller. 36.70 Drs. Wilson & Langdon ... 4.00 Atkinson Rx Pharmacy .. 10.50 Brown Drug Store . 14.49 Rosalie Goldfuss . 20.00 Wayland K. Hicks, M.D. .. 60.00 Christine Hoffmeister .... 21.20 Dr. A. J. Kubitschek. 2.00 Frank C. McClanahan, Jr., ivi.u.»z.uu Dr. N. P. McKee. 36.00 Dr. James E. Ramsay. 7.50 Seger Funeral Home. 70.00 Thompson Nursing Home .. 25.00 Mrs. Roy Thurlow . 25.00 Wilson Drug. 12.50 5:00 P.M. On motion the board adjourned until June 28, 1955 at 10:00 A.M. KENNETH WARING County Clerk FRANK CRONK Chairman Major Squire Part of Big Exercise— Maj. George R. Squire, son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Squire of O’Neill, has been assigned to headquarters of '“Exercise Sage Brush” at Langley air force base, Virginia. The exercise, a joint army-air force maneuver to be staged in Louisiana in November and De cember, is now in its planning stage. Some 110,000 army troops will take part. Major Squire, previously as signed to the 50th signal battalion corps at Ft. Bragg, N.C., has been in the army since 1940. The major’s wife, Charlotte, and four children live at 1138 S. Six teenth st., Las Vegas, Nev. Edward S. Earley of North Bend is spending i several weeks visiting relatives and friends here. T. J. Brennan left Friday after spending 10 days visiting here. Legal Notices (First pub. July 7, 1955) NOTICE OF SALE LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale issued by the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in an action pending in said Court wherein Mary McManus and others are plaintiffs, and Ann McManus and others are defendants, being Case No. 14898, directing me as Referee to sell the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot 26 and Lot 27 in Block 22 of the Original Town of O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, I will sell said real estate at pub lic auction on August 8th, 1955, at 1:30 o’clock P.M. of said day at the front door of the Courthouse in O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska. Terms of sale, twenty per cent cash on date of sale, balance on confirmation. WILLIAM W. GRIFFIN, Referee. 10-14c (First pub. July 7, 1955) Juilus D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT N. 3969 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF ANNA W. Mc ARTNEY. DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribut ion of estate and approval of final account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on July 27, 1955, at 10 o’ clock, A.M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 10-12 (First pub. July 21, 1955) John R. Gallagher, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL No. 4048 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF JOE SENGLE MAN, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the probate of the will of said de ceased, and for the appointment of Jake Sengleman as Executor thereof, which will be fer hearing in this court on August 11, 1955, at 10 o’clock A.M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 12-14c (First pub. July 28, 1955) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 4049 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, July 25, 1955. In the Matter of the Estate of Ce cil A. Bergstrom, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Lester E. Bergstrom as Adminis trator of said estate, and will be heard August 18, 1955, at 10 o’ clock A.M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 13-15c (First pub. August 4, 1955) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4045 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, July 28th, 1955. In the matter of the Estate of Verna R. Robertson, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims against said estate is November 25, 1955, and for the payment of debts is July 28, 1956, and that on August 25, 1955, and on November 26, 1955, at 10 o’clock A.M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 14-16 I’—. T~ t The Frontier Woman . . . Apple Sauce Can Be Special Dish By BLANCHE SPANN PEASE, Homemaking: Editor Now that August is here and tomato plants are starting to pro duce, the day will soon be rolling around when you’ll be starting to can tomatoes. Likely you can tomato juice. I have a trick or two for extra fla vor that I use when putting up to mato juice. First of all, I don’t peel tomatoes that I prepare for tomato juice. I cup up a kettle full of washed tomatoes, quarter ing them. To each six-quart kettle full, add one large chopped onion and a sweet pepper, which will be enough to flavor the juice. When the tomatoes are cooked, I run them through a food mill so the onions and pepper are not actually in the juice, just their flavor. Or you can cut up onion and pepper and put them into a square of gauze or a tea ball and drop them into the juice when bring ing it to a boil, removing it before canning. We like to serve tomato juice at our house with a dash of celery salt to top it off, or a dash of Worcestershire sauce. I have told you this many times before but there always remains a new subscriber or someone who hasn’t tried it, so I’ll remind you again. When canning apple sauce, buy a gallon of crushed pineapple. For each quart of apple sauce, mix in about a half cup to a cup of crushed pineapple It makes com mon apple sauce a special dish Some folks like to put some red hots in with apple sauce, it colors it rosily and gives it a cinnamon flavor. CARDINAL RELISH Two pounds medium beets (about nine beets), one small on ion, J/2 red pepper, two cups very finely shredded- cabbage, y4 cup prepared horseradish, 1 % tea spoons salt, ^ cup sugar, 1% cups vinegar. .rare oeeis. urina beets, onions and red pepper, using fine blade of food chopper. Measure two cups. Add remaining ingredients, mix well. Heat to boiling. Simmer 10 minutes. Seal in hot sterilized jars. Makes two pints. RED TOMATO CATSUP If properly made, this catsup will have a nice red color. It makes about two pints of catsup. Eight pounds ripe tomatoes (about 25 medium tomatoes), one cup white vinegar, 1% teaspoons whole cloves, 1% teaspoons brok en stick cinnamon, one teaspoon celery seed, one tablespoon chop ped onion, y4 teaspoon red pepper, one cup sugar, four teaspoons salt. Combine vinegar and spices. Cover. Heat to boiling, remove from heat, let stand. Scald and peel the tomatoes. Mash, add on ion and red pepper. Heat to boil ing. Cook 15 minutes, stirring oc casionally. Put through food mill or coarse sieve. Add sugar, heat to boiling. Cook until mixture is re duced one-half, 45 to 60 minutes. Strain vinegar and spice mixture, discard spices. Add vinegar and salt to thickened tomato sauce. Heat to boiling, simmer to desired consistency, 30 to 40 minutes, stir ring frequently. Seal in hot, ster ilized jars. — tfw — ‘Emmet Reader* Wins Subscription— Dear Blanche: Even during the summer months, something hearty often tastes good. Our family likes kraut, pork and apples. This re cipe serves six. KRAUT, PORK, APPLES Six pork chops, salt and pepper to taste, two tablespoons fat, one No. 2 Vfe can kraut, 2% cups sliced apples, y4 cup brown sugar. Season pork chops with salt and pepper. Melt fat over medium heat, add chops and brown well on both sides. Turn saurkraut into a shallow baking pan, top with apple slices and sprinkle with brown sugar. Cover and bake in moderate oven of 350 F. one hour or till pork chops are ten der. Here are some hints I find use ful. When cleaning ducks, dip them into boiling water, wrap in newspaper and again in a turkish towel. The feathers and down will come off very nicely. You can keep flower bulbs dry and unbroken by storing them in empty cartons. “EMMET READER” . ■ 1 . 11 . —1 Frontier Woman Needs Letters— We need seasonable letters for using in The Frontier Woman. For each letter that we use in this department we give a three months’ subscription to The Fron tier. WTiy not write us one? Write about anything interesting to our women readers. Send your letters to Blanche Spann Pease, The Frontier Woman, Atkinson, Nebr. Be sure to put The Frontier Wom an notation on the envelope of your letter. Boyd Extension Planning Done LYNCH — The Boyd county council of home extension clubs met Wednesday, July 27, for the summer meeting at the court house in Butte. Mrs. John Femau, vice-chair man, presided in the absence of the chairman, Mrs. Tom Bowers. The council heard reports of the 4-H fair committee, achievement day committee, and made definite work plans for the coming year. October 4 is the date set for the council’s fall meeting. County Agent Ronald Gustafson met with the group. Twelve of the 13 presidents of the clubs in Boyd county were present. Other members of the council are: Mrs. Don Allen, secretary; Mrs. Ben Woodruff, treasurer. Other Lynch News Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence John son of Omaha were house guests this week at the Harry Mulhair home. Mrs. txi Johns returned Sunday from a several days’ visit with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johns of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Orr of Ore gon are here visiting the parental Ed Whetham home, also other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Heiser and Rosemary were O’Neill visitors Wednesday, July 27. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Slechta, jr., and son visited at the Ed Whet ham home. Mr. and Mrs. Art Veseley of Monowi visited at the Jerry Sixta home Saturday. A/lc Leo Kalkowski and a friend from Smoky Hill air force base, Kans., spent the weekend here at the parental George Kal kowski home. Mr. and Mrs. Victor McKenzie of Spinnard. Alaska, are here vis iting relatives and friends. The Vernon Elsasser family of Winner, S.D., were visitors this week at the parental Bill Elsasser home. Mr. and Mrs. Vince Jehorek were business visitors in Johns town Wednesday and Thursday, July 27 and 28. Mr. and Mr. Frank Weeder were Winner, S.D., visitors last Thurs day. The Boyd county Knights of Columbus council held its July meeting at the American Legion hall at Butte Thursday, July 21. Mrs. Kate McDermott of Omaha is visiting at the M. P. Stenger home. The Boyd county Knights of Columbus council members and their families held the annual pic nic at the West Lake, west of Spencer, Sunday. Games were played during the afternoon. Vis iting and a picnic dinner were en joye. Mr. and Mrs. George Thayer of Hooper spent the weekend here at the L. Huber home and visited other friends. George Kalkowski and son, Corky, were business visitors in Neligh Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schindler and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Schind ler attended the funeral of Mrs. Ed Alford of Bonesteel, S.D., on Tuesday, July 26. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Halva were -«■—mmmm. business visitors in Butte Wed nesday, July 27. Mrs. LJoyd Mills and Mrs. Rob ert Kersch visited relatives in Spencer Wednesday, July 27. Mr. and Mrs. William Veseley and family of Verdel were Tues ay, July 26, visitors at the Frank Fisher home. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schoche maie rof Bonesteel, S.D., were business visitors in O’Neill Fri day. Their thre children visited their grandparents, the Albert Kalkowskis, during the day. Visit Scottsbluff— Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brill returned Sunday after spending two week’s vacation visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Brill in Scottsbluff. Phone us your news! f1 1 1 — Alice’s Beauty Shop (In Former Apparel Shop Location) Phone 262 — O’Neill O’Neill Aerial Spraying Service CORN ROOT WORM, weeds in small grain, corn and pasture. We have Miller’s Chemicals to sell and use. SPRAYING by air has been done, since 1926. Phone 582-R-2 — O'NEILL — AUTOMATIC DRYER for only 50 | (Installed price except vent and A ■ pecial wiring, if required.) J * * Universal Dryers May Also Bo Purchased Through Your Favorite Gas Appliance Dealer ® m _______ Wait no longer now you can have a Model 44 FREE 30-DAY TRIAL In Your Own Home No longer need you risk sunstroke during the summer or frostbitten fingers in winter. Try a Universal Dryer in your own home for 30 days. Then you be the judge. See if it isn’t the biggest appliance J bargain and biggest labor saver ever. Easy Terms Available With Your Gas Bill 'smsmsMD For Dependable GAS Service O ; 4 ' ’ W SflSR ' • ' - ' " ' ^"V" ' " ■ o Ml FRIDAY-SATURDAY AUGUST 5-6 Double Feature “RIDEN SHOTGN” Randolph Scott Western “SAVAGE MUTINY” A Thriller! SUNDAY-MONDAY-TUESDAY AUGUST 7-8-9 ADDED SHORTS WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY AUGUST 10-11 “RACHEL AND A STRANGER” A Historical Buck Night — Bring ’Em All $1 —__ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 6 & 6, in Block “O” in Fahy’s Park Addition to O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska. POSSESSION: Upon approval of sale contract by owner, purchaser may have immediate possession! I 3-Bedroom Custom Line as low as I $500 / ™ HOMES accepted lot • New NATIONAL HOMES available in O’Neill’s North Heights addition, or on your own town or country lot any i where in the area. • Numerous floor plans and designs from which to choose. • Low monthly payments. NORTH-NEBRASKA BUILDERS FRANCIS GILG — HARRY E. RESSEL Phone 150 Phone 548-M , - _ • .. DANCE .. AT O’NEILL American Legion Auditorium & BALLROOM Saturday, August 6th ACES OF RHYTHM ORCHESTRA ^^^^dm^Adult8^^Student*^50»c^^^j A 3-Bedroom Home in O’Neill . WILL BE OFFERED AT PUBLIC AUCTION On the premises, located between Seventh and Eighth streets on Fremont, OR 2 blocks south of the traffic stoplight and I blocks east, on — FRIDAY, AUGUST 5TH — Starting at 7:30 P.M. (Note the Time) — I The New Ralph Leidy Residence It consists of three bedrooms, living room, dinette, kitchen, bath and utility room, all on one floor. Plenty of closets, lots of electric wall outlets. The kitchen has everything A full base ment wUh an amazing amount of clear space. Words will not adequately describe this house. It „ the finest of heating plants, lots of windows, each of which is equipped with an aluminum self-storing combination storm window and screen. Aluminum storm doors and screens on both rear entrances. The floors are of excellent oak throughout. The basement is DRY with * ye?ti a?°n- t ffara8re With Paved drivew*y- »ots give a total of 90-foot front by 170 feet deep. Mr. Leidy spent hundreds of dollars landscaping the yard with trees, shrubs and flowers and maintained a wonderful garden. The Leidys built this house for their permanent home and gave it meticulous care. They have moved permanently to Arkansas and this is your opportunity to own this excellent property. t-- - - TERMS OF SALE: 20% down day of sale. Balance due upon approval of tide by purchaser’s attorney. Excellent financing is available to accept able parties by owner. If you are inter ested in arranging a loan, be sure to con tact the broker before the sale date. “ W1*h *° mfpect this ProPerty, call the broker, BILL BOW KJiK, any time between now and the day of sale for appointment. MATr TUC TTMC AC 0 AI C. Due the extreme heat, and the busy season, this lll/lL lllC lllrlC Vl JaLl! auction will be held in the EVENING. The date* Friday, August 5, at 7:30 P.M. Sale to Be Conducted by: BILL BOWKER AGENCY BROKER ERNIE WELLER, Auctioneer