Ewing News The Past Matrons and Star Kensington club were entertained Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harriet Welke. Mrs. Anton Nissen of Page was an out-of town member in attendance and Mrs. Sidney Adrian of Wichita, Kans., a former member of Jeph thta chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, and a past matron, was a guest. Mrs. Maud Brion conducted the business session, followed by a social afternoon. Refreshments were served by the hostess. The MYF of the Ewing Metho dist church was entertained Fri day evening by the MYF of the O’Neill Methodist church. Swim ming and a wiener roast provided the evening’s entertainment. At a tending from Ewing were Alvera Shilousky, Tamzan Ptterson, Car olyn Tams, Maryetta Peterson, Janelle Hoke, Robert Hobbs and Dorrence Hobbs. Rev. and Mrs. Lee Brigden and son, Gary, ac companied the group. Mrs. Evo Vandersnick was the honored guest at a surprise birth day party held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Vandersnick in Ew ing Friday evening. Cards, games and visiting provided entertain ment. The birthday cake, baked by Mrs. Victor Vandersnick, was served with ice cream for refresh ments. Mrs. Agnes Bartak returned home last Thursday from Plain view where she had been a guest at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Bennett. Mice ina Bennett returned home Wednesday, July 20, from Lincoln where she had visited relatives for a few days. She was accompanied by Mrs. Wayne Shrader. Max Angus, who has spent a furlough at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Angus, and other relatives, has gone to Smoky Hill air force base at Sa lma, Kans. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Angus, ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Char les Good and many other Ewing ites, went to Clearwater Friday evening to attend the free day cel ebration. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tuttle and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Angus enjoy ed the free day celebration at Or chard Wednesday eevning, July 20. Mrs. Mick Hobbs has moved to the Maud Boies property. Her husband is in the armed forces and is stationed at Ft. Carson, Colo. Mrs. Kittie Fry spent Tuesday and Wednesday, July 19-20, at the home of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ruggless. Mrs. Kittie Fry attended a fam ily party at the home of her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink, and family on Sun day. The get-together was in hon or of the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Willie Shrader. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hahlbeck and son, Jerry, returned Saturday from a vacation trip to western Nebraska and Wyoming. Miss Fern Pruden and her mother, Mrs. J. L. Pruden, and Mrs. Donna Carson of Chambers returned home Friday from a va cation trip through Colorado. They also took Mrs. May Gemmill to her daughter’s home in Lander, Wyo. AI1C /llllCl lean UCgiVii auAiucw; served dinner at the American Legion club to the relatives of the Bergstrom family on Tuesday, the day of Cecil Bergstrom’s fu neral. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doud from Thursday until Monday were her brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoffman of North Platte. They were accompanied by his two nephews, George and Steven Cox. Paul Doud of Page was a Sa turday overnight guest at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Latzel, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Beelaert and son left Wednesday, July 20, for their home at Spokane, Wadi., after spending several days vis iting relatives in Ewing and vi cinity. Miss Cathy Christon, who is home on vacation from a Yank ton, S.D., hospital visited Wed nesday and Thursday, July 20-21, at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Bee laert, and family at Orchard. On Monday, Miss Cathy Chris ton was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harper and family at O’Neill. Mrs. Harper is Cathy’s aunt. Miss Cathy Christon and cou sins, the Misses Sandra and Janet Harper of O’Neill, spent Tuesday, July 19, at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Patras of Clearwater spent Sunday at Grove Lake near Roy al picnicking and fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn spent the weekend at Kearney where they were guests of their daugh ter and son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Fred Prellwitz, and son. Doctor Prellwitz recently was graduated from the University of Nebraska in dentistry and has opened an office at Kearney. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Angus of Lincoln were weekend guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Angus and Mr. and Mrs. Watson McDonald. Miss Ina Bennet returned home Monday after spending the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bennet. On Sunday eve ning, they all were guests at the Willard Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Morris, George and Kay of Des Moines, la., were weekend guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Bomer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson accompanied their son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Olson, and family of Clearwater to Stanton on Sunday where all attended a reunion of the Olson family. Mrs. Eva Kaczor and her brother, Joe Nickolite, visited on Sunday at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yelli and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Knick, both at Plain view. Miss Irene Kaczor and a girl friend from Norfolk spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Eva Kaczor. Miss Donna Mlnarik of Norfolk spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mlnar ik. Other guests at the Mlnarik home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Schroeder and Peg gy of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Serr of Clearwater. Mrs. Elvin Hamilton and chil dren came home Saturday from a week’s visit with relatives in Creighton and Venus. Returning Saturday from a fishing trip into Wyoming last week Alvin Gibson, Durward Loughrey, Elvin Hamilton, Dick Edwards and his brother, Ben Ed wards. Mrs. John wunner was tne guest of Mrs. Bertha Wagner at the Orchard Garden club show and tea Monday, July 18. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Christon were Mr. and Mrs. Evo Vander snick and daughter, Mildred, and granddaughter, Patricia, of Park City, Mont “Pappy” Butts of Des Moines, la., also visited Mrs. Marie Beelaert. He was a shipmate of her son, A. M. Belaert. Mrs. Ernest Norwood was an honored guest on July 17 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sawyer at Royal, the occasion celebrating a birthday anniver sary. Other guests were Mr. Nor wood and grandson Phillip Nor wood. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tuttle went to Niobrara on July 16 to get their daughter, Leonora, Judy Tinsley of Ewing and Shirley Tinsley of Clearwater. The girls had spent a few days at the youth Bible camp. Leonora and Judy are members of the Sunday school of the Methodist church at Ewing. All reported a very good time. Tomjack Home Scene of Family Picnic— EWING—A family get-togeth er was held July 17 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack. Long tables under the shade trees on the lawn provided sett ing for the picnic dinner. Five members of the group had birth day anniversaries during the month of July. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Reed James, Mrs. Lillie Taylor, grandmother of Mrs. Tomjack, all from Tilden; Mrs. Grace'Tay lor of Council Bluffs, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Taylor and family of Petersburg; Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Hopkins and family of El gin; Mr. and Mrs. Garnet James, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Taylor and Phyllis, Mr. and Mrs. Orvall Mil ler and Ronnie, all of Oakdale. Private Wyant at Stevedore School— Army Pvt. Donald E. Wyant, son of Mrs. Laura Wyant of O’ Neill, recently was graduated from the transportation school’s stevedoring course at Ft. Eustis, Va. Private Wyant was trained to load and unload cargo and to maintain freight records. Wyant entered the army in January, 1955, and received basic training at Ft. Ord, Calif. He at tended O’Neill high school. Return from West— LYNCH—Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Darnell returned home from an extended vacation trip to the West coast. Singing quartet coming . . . represent world’s most unusual university. _ Bob Jones Group Coining to Chambers CHAMBERS— An outstanding sacred musical program will be presented at 8 p.m., on Wednes day, August 3, in the Memorial Baptist church at Chambers by the Bob Jones university quartet. Representing the “world’s most unusual university” in Greenville, S.C., the ensemble will offer an in teresting and unusual program during which a brief gospel mes sages will be brought by one of the young men. Among the fea tures of the program will be a number of medleys, some of which are interwoven with appro priate scriptural readings, and a speoial arrangement of Bach’s classical “Jesu, Joy of Man’s De siring.” In addition to a number of quartet selections, the program will also include several solos and duets. CHURCH OF CHRIST (O’Neill) Comer of Sixth and Grant John Thomas, minister Sunday, July 31: Bible school, 10 a.m.; communion and preach ing, 11 a.m.; covered dish lunch at 12:30 p.m. At about 2 p.m., ap proximately 25 young people of the church will leave in a group in cars for Niobrara Christian service camp at Niobrara state park. They will return the fol lowing Saturday morning. Eve ning worship at 8 o’clock. Bible study and prayer session Wednesday, 8 p.m. In the name of Jesus Christ we bid you a sincere welcome to these services. METHODIST (Page-Inman) Rev. Lisle E. Mewmaw, pastor Thursday, July 28: Inman WSCS meeting at 2:30 p.m.; choir prac tice in each church at 8 p.m., fol lowed by MYF at Inman. Sunday, July 31: Inman church school at 8:45 a.m., followed by worship at 9:45 a.m., with fifth Sunday offering for world service; Page church school at 10 am., followed by worship at 11 a.m.; sub-district MYF planning confer ence at O’Neill park at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 2: Page joint meeting of King’s Daughters and WSCS at 8 p.m., with summer Christmas party for Omaha city mission. CENTER UNION (O’Neill) Rev. C. P. Turner, pastor The Holt county group gather ing will meet in the Homer Ernst grove next Sunday, July 31, at 10 a.m. The Sunday-school will meet in the grove. There will be special music and message fol lowing the Sunday-school at 11 a.m. Basket dinner in the grove at 12 noon. Missionary Dix from Belgian Congo, Africa, will be the afternoon speaker, with other numbers in music and song. Everybody come and enjoy the day. Preaching services in church in evening. Mrs. Loy, Granddaughter Note Anniversaries— Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Holliday and family of Grand Island spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. Holliday’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Loy. Saturday was the ninth birthday anniversary of Laura Jean Holliday and the 67th anniversary for her grandmother, Mrs. Loy. They have celebrated all but one anniversary together. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Holliday of Page and Miss Vera Howard of Orchard were guests. Others stopped in during the evening Cake and ice cream were served. Frontier want ads work! REAL. ESTATE TRANSFERS WD — Josephine Janousek to George Janousek 7/18/55 $1 — 30 ft. x 135 ft. commencing 150 ft. north of SE corner of Blk 8—Mc Cafferty Annex—O’Neill. WD — R. S. Swenson to Clara Coulthard 7/13/55 $1 — Lots 33 34-35 and 36—Gilg & Swenson’s Subdivision—O’Neill. WD—Charges H. McManus to Edward C. McManus 2/1/55 $1 —Lot 3 Blk E% Fahy’s 2nd add —O’Neill—Subj to encumbrances. WD—Edward C. McManus, et al., to Walter J. Schmohr 7/21/55 $3300—North one-half of Lot 2 Blk E—Fahy’s 2nd Add—O’Neill. I WD—Charles H. McManus to Edward C. McManus 2/1/55 $1— North half of Lot 2 Blk E — Fahy’s 2nd add—O’Neill—Subj. to encumbrances. WD—Inez L. Paulter to Blake Benson 6/29/55 $1 — NEy4NWy4 12 SWy4 1 Twp 31—Range 12. O’NeiH News Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Golden re turned Friday from Cheshire, Conn., where they had spent near ly two months. For several weeks Mr. Golden was in a Waterbury, Conn., hospital where he under went emergency surgery. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Sullivan of Lincoln were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Grady. The Sullivans are former O’Neill res- • idents. Open every evening during the months of July and August — Keating Implement, Atkinson. 10-15 The Misses Hilda and Helen Gallagher have left for LaCrosse, Wise., to visit Drs. F. J. and E. E. Gallagher. Mr. and Mrs. Faye Brittell and Mr. and Mrs. Dickte Femau vis ited Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller in In man. Venetian blinds, prompt deliv ery, made to masure, metal or wood, all eolorm.— J. M. McDon alds. tf Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fetrow went to Hastings Wednesday, July 20, to attend a General Electric meet ing there that evening. The Femaus had a femily re union Sunday in honor of their youngest son, Jerry, who left for the air force on Monday. Mrs. Blanche Kryger of Neligh visited Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Burgess. Mrs. D. D. DeBolt visited with her brother-inclaw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Towle, at Nor folk Saturday. Gary and Dennis Harding, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Harding of Fullerton^ Calif., arrived at O’ Neill July 4 to spend the summer with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harding and Mr. and Mrs. Axel Borg. J. L. McManamy and niece, Miss Sharon Hancock, went to Denver, Colo., Saturday where Sharon will remain for a two weeks’ visit with relatives. Mr. McManamy’s home is in Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Havran ek spent Sunday in Atkinson with her mother, Mrs. Dorothy Barrett, and with Mr. and Mrs. James Havranek. Brownie troop 2 met Monday afternoon at the Reed Herley home. The afternoon was spent 1 making necklaces. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lofflin vis ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. DeHart, at Ord on Sunday af ternoon. Monuments of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. ... monu ments from the factory to the consumer. — Emmett Crabb, O’ Neill, phone 139-J. 37U Mr. and Mrs. Art Ricketts and son of St. Edward were visitors Sunday at the home of her sister Mrs. Stanley Longenecker, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Lans worth and family of Hastings came Saturday and are visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Johnson, jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Phil brick attended the Odd Fellows picnic at York Sunday. Glad Time Again! Come to the LAMB FLOWER GARDEN for rlads. cut fresh every ajn., except Sunday. No deliveries. Phone 568-R, O'Neill DANCE Butte Legion BALLROOM Sunday, July 31st LITTLE JOHN BEECHER and His Orchestra 1 Rural 8c City PHILLIPS “66” PRODUCTS New & Used Tires Greasing & Washing Borg’s ‘66’ Service PROMPT TANKWAGON SERVICE Phillips "66” Station Phone 861 STOCK CAR RACING Under the Lights _______ , » Bristow Speedway Sunday, July 31 Starting 8:30 P.M. THRILLS — SPILLS CHILLS DR. DONALD E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Phone 2101, Spencer, Nebr. Amateur Preliminary RODEO Thursday, July 28 — 8:30 P.M. ★ Grand Entry and Saddle Club Drill ★ Bucking Horses ★ Wild Steer Riding ★ Calf Roping — Races THRILLS AND SPILLS GALORE! § NO GATE CHARGES O’Neill Saddle Club Arena New 1955 Combination REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER • CONVENIENCE—PLUS • PERFORMANCE—PLUS • ECONOMY—PLUS ' Not to mention a new versatility in refrig eration for all kinds of foods! From crisp, fresh vegetables to frozen fruits, meats and desserts for every occasion right at your finger tips ready for instant use! Right now is the time to replace your present single-purpose refrigerator with a new, 1955 Electric Combination Refrigerator Freezer with completely Automatic De frosting! Low Down-Payments -Easy Monthly Terms AT YOUR FAVORITE ELECTRIC DEALER’S OR I wmaituiir A Double Bargain in Better Living! I h h m Big, Exciting, Bargain-Packed. Buy Now! You SAVE Plenty! DRESSES Easy-care fabrics in styles for playtime, choretime and partytime. Priced to sell. You save up to % and even more. One Group_2.99 \ One Group_4.77 One Group_6.77 HOUSE DRESSES New-this-season frocks. Cotton prints, plisse and ginghams. Come early for best pick! Each_2.44 I GIRLS’ DRESSES Regular styles, sun-dresses and play-togs. 3 to 6x, 7 to 14, sub-teens. Plenty of summer ahead, dress them up and save. 1.47 1.97 2.99 MEN’S SPORT SHIRTS Men’s cotton, easy wash shirts. Short sleeves. Solid colors and prints. E«k 1.77 BOYS’ SPORT SHIRTS I One Group Cotton Plisse _ 97c One Group— Nylons & Fancy Cottons_ 1.47 MEN’S BOYS’SWIM TRUNKS Assorted styles and colors. Hurry! 97c 1.47 MEN’S DRESS STRAWS Smart-looking, cool, comfortable straws. Buy a new one now. Several styles and colors. 97c and 1.47 WOMEN’S SHOES Clearance of all summer sandals, loafers and wedgies. Grouped for easy selection. 12.88 3.88 4.88 I NYLON HOSE Sheer all-stretch nylons. Give you perfect, comfortable fit. Beige shade. Each Pair__ $1 I TOWELS Large 25x48 and 24x46 solid color towels. Seconds, but you will be amazed at the quality. Stock up now! Each-$1 BOYS’ JEANS Sturdy 8-oz. blue denim jeans. Reinforced and sanforized. Sizes 6-8-10 only. Each Pair_\ Q9 I JEWELRY One group assorted styles and colors. Earrings, necklaces, bracelets. Each - 55c tax incl. FABRICS I Save on cool summer fabrics. New-finish cottons, nylons, etc. Grouped according to type. Sew and save! 87» 57c 37c I SLEEPWEAR I Ladies’ Plisse Gowns. Regular or short lengths. Each _ 1.66 I Girls’ Plisse Pajamas and Gowns. 97c and 1.47 I CHILDREN’S PLAYTOGS Summer-type cotton shorts, bib-alls, sun-suits, etc. 77c and 1.47 I LADIES’ SPORTSWEAR I Clearance of blouses, bras, shorts, skirts, etc. Broken sizes and assorted styles. Hurry for best pick. 77c - 1.47 - 2.77 11