f Celia News The Milton McKathnie family and Mrs. Emma McKathnie visit ed Mrs. Blanche Rouse in O’Neill and were dinner guests there Sun aay. Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKathnie i and Mrs. Emma McKathnie visit ed the Lloyd Evans home Sunday evening. The Jack Bartlett fam ily of Boulder, Cole., and Ted Ald ridge of Vancouver, Wash., were there, too. Mrs. Bartlett, Mrs. Ev ans and Ted Aldridge are sisters and brother. They are former Ce lia residents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar and girls and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Groff visited the Leroy Hoffman home Monday evening, July 18. Karen, June, Danny and the Focken twins visited the Emil Colfack home Wednesday, July 20. Caroline Schlotfeld stayed at the Victor Frickel home while her parents were in California. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Terwilliger went to Nebraska City last Thurs day. They returned Sunday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schlotfeld went after their children, Darrell, Layton and Nancy, at Blair, Ban croft and Pender. Mr. and Mrs. Schlotfeld returned from south ern California Wednesday, July 20. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Moeller and daughter visited the William Ma loun home Monday evening, July 118. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck and Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun and Billy were in O’Neill on business last Thursday. Rev. and Mrs. Frank Payas and family visited at the Clarence Focken home Wednesday evening, July 20. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Ellwanger visited the Emil Colfack home on Tuesday, July 19, Albert Em mons and Mrs. Clarence Focken went to French Lick, Ind., to take a load of things to Mr. Emmons’ folks, Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Em mons. Herbert Emmons came back with them and on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Albert Emmons and Herbert went to Indiana where the Albert Emmons will make their home. Friday. Dorothy Scott was a dinner guest of the William Maloun fam ily Monday, July 18. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck were Saturday night supper guests at the George Beck home. _ Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hoffman and sons visited the Duane Beck home Friday evening. The Emil Colfack family visited at the Chuck Dobias home last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Ross visited the Marvin Focken home Friday evening. Markita Hendricks went home with Frances Chaffin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Braun and famliy brought a picnic dinner and visited at the Marvin Focken home Sunday. George Wallstrum of Ansley spent Saturday night at the Mark Hendricks home. He is employed south of Atkinson. Mrs. Victor Frickel attended Lutheran Women’s Missionary league Tuesday, July 19. The Mark Hendricks family were dinner guests at the Omer Poynts home. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McDowell of Atkinson visited the Poynts home. The Victor Frickel family were Sunday evening supper guests at the Bill Coleman home. Russell Hipke of Stuart hauled oats for Emil Colfack last week. The Emil Colfack family took Mrs. Colfack’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Arp of Butte, with them and visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben Herrmann at Naper. They were dinner and supper guests there. Dickie Frickel spent Saturday night and Sunday with Diane Tooker in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith and family were O’Neill visitors last Thursday. Mrs. Leroy Hoffman attended Ladies Aid in Atkinson Tuesday, July 19. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heiser and son called at the Duane Beck home last Thursday evening. Charles Dobias and sons, Roger and Rodney, sprayed cattle at the William Maloun home. Duane Eeck helped with the cattle. Mr. Dobias also sprayed for Alex For sythe and Dorothy Scott. Mrs. Eeck visited Mrs. Maloun while the men were there. Regional Deaths Robert Beckwith NELIGH — Funeral services were held Wednesday, July 20, at Glenville, 111., for Robert Beck with, 42, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Beckwith of Neligh. Robert died Sunday, July 17, in a hospit al at St. Joseph, Mich., of polio meningitis. Survivors include his wife, two sons, one daughter, his parents, two sisters and one broth er. John >1. Bonge NELIGH — Funeral services were held Monday, July 18, in Neligh for John M. Bong, 77, who died Friday, July 15, at Antelope Memorial hospital in Neligh after a lingering illness. Survivors in clude his wife, one son, three daughters, 12 grandchildren, five sisters and two brothers. Mrs. Edna Curtiss BASSETT — Funeral services were held Monday, July 18, for Zylpha Edna Curtiss, 63, who died July 15 at the Bassett hospit al. Survivors include husband, four sons, seven grandchildren, one sister and two brothers. Ralph Evans ELGIN—Ralph Evans, 70, of Lincoln, former resident of the Elgin community, recently died at his home in Lincoln. Survivors include his wife, two brothers and one sister. Fans — Fans. Just received an other shipment of fans.—Scovie’s Western Auto, O’Neill. 13c \ MARKET REPORT “OLD RELIABLE” Tuesday, July 26th Auction o Cattle receipts 641 head. A large supply of cattle at all centers coupled with a fat cat tle trade which has little bounce left, shoved most classes of cattle slightly lower this week. Most stockers and feeders looked $0.50 to $0.75 lower than a week ago. How ever, the offering today lacked as many quality kinds as our sale last week. Slaughter cattle, too, moved at lower figures, mostly S0.50 cwt. below last week, Steers mostly $18.00 to $20.00 while $17.00 to $17.75 bought pretty good kinds. Some 350 lb. steers sold for $18.70 while the heavier end of these cattle brought $18.35 cwt. Supply of heifers was not as heavy as a week ago. Most kinds brought from $15.00 to $17.00 cwt. Good beef cows mostly $10.00 to $11.00; good cows mostly $9.00 to $9.75. Canners and cutters $8.00 to $9.00 cwt. Bulls mostly $11.00 to $13.00 cwt. WE ARE ANTICIPATING A LARGE RUN FOR NEXT WEEK AND HAVE SENT OUT ADVANCE ADVERTISING. IF YOU HAVE CATTLE TO SELL EARLY CALL ERNIE WELLER OR DEAN FLEMING AND LIST THEM TODAY! O ° Atkinson Livestock Market Phone 5141 Atkinson, Nebr. I ~ To Wed in Fall Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whetham of Spencer announce the en gagement and approaching mar riage of their daughter, Miss Phyllis Mae of Omaha, to Har old Winkler of Rapid City, S.D., son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wink ler of Emmet. Miss Whetham was graduated from Spencer high school in 1951 and has been employed by Mutual of Omaha the past four years. Mr. Winkler finished radio and TV school in Omaha and at present is em ployed in Rapid City. The mar riage will take place September 3 at Emmet. Overnight Trip— The Girl Scout troop and the leaders, Mrs. H. L. Lindberg and Mrs. Jack Arbuthnot, went to Long Pine Tuesday. They camp ed overnight and returned home or. Wednesday. Chambers News Eighteen members of the Re bekah lodge of Burwell were guests of the Winona Rebekah lodge of Chambers Friday eve ning. The visitors presented the program. Mervin Shultz of Inman, w'ho attends Bible college at Lincoln, and was visiting relatives here, took Bill Major to St. Edward Sunday to visit friends at the old peoples’ home. Orin Gibson of Lincoln and son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson of Flint, Mich., were Friday overnight guests in the D. E. Gillette home. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sexton and Nadine left Saturday on a two weeks’ vacation in Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Newhouse returned Saturday from a week’s vacation spent visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Newhouse and two boys at Wichita, Kans. Returning they drove through Missouri to Lincoln and spent Friday night with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Newhouse and children. Mr. and Mrs. JNewton Baker and two sons of Glacier, Wash., came Friday to visit her brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Adams, and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Almond Jenkins and family and her father, Mr. Wilkenson, of Sedro Wooley, Wash., arrived Tuesday, July 19, to visit her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert Hoge. Mrs. Chet Fees, sr., returned Monday, July 18, from Los An gles, Calif., where she had spent four months with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Farrier and Richard. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neilson and Mrs. Holloway were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cook and Mrs. John Wintermote. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens and children of Atkinson were Saturday evening callers in the E. R. Carpenter home. Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell, Mrs. Charlotte Honeywell and Mrs. Eva McCloud, Mr. and Mrs. Seymore Harkins and Mabel, Mr. and Mrs. William Knox and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Knox were Sunday dinner guests in the Clarence Knox home. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Winterstein of Lincoln spent Tuesday, July 19, with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. George Thomson. Abdou Salem and George Ma loley of Lexington and Joe Daas of Chambers drove to Winner, S.D., Monday. Mrs. K. W. Miller of Neligh spent from Sunday, July 17, until the following Friday at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Gartner, help ing care for her new grandson. The Beautiful Valley Garden club met at the Adams-Smith park July 5 for a wiener roast and a potluck dinner. Fourteen members and one visitor were present. Af ter dinner at 12:30 the business meeting was called to order by the president. After a social time, the group adjourned to meet Aug ust 2 at the home of Mrs. Elwin Robertson for an afternoon ses sion. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller and children are spending the week visiting her parents at Redfield, S.D. JUSTICE COURT Ronald Hansen, driver for Abel and Clark, overload on axle, $50 and costs, July 22, Richardson. Melvin Eugene Griff, speeding at night, $15 and costs, July 24, Lawrence Rudolf. Frontier for printing! Miss Joan Beed to Wed August 6— CHAMBERS— Miss Joan Beed was honored at a prenuptial show er on Saturday, July 23, at the parlors of the Methodist church. Miss Diane Hoffman was in charge of the program. Others participating were Kay Eisenhauer, Mrs. Robert Beed, Cleone Beed, Donnis, Bruce and Kevin Hoffman, Russell Beed, Mrs. Bernice Hoffman and Mi chael Fees. The life of the bride-to-be was featured—past, present and fu ture—in songs and dialogue, fol lowed by gAmes. Refreshments of ice cream, cake and iced tea were served by a group of friends. Miss Beed’s marriage to Dennis Kaup of Stuart will take place on August 6. ‘American Indians’ Discussion Topic— CHAMBERS — The Women’s Society of Christian Service met Thursday, July 21, at the home of Mrs. Clair Grimes. Mrs. R. K. Platt conducted the devotionals. Mrs. Louis Neilson presented a missionary lesson on “Our Amer ican Indians”. The vice-president, Mrs. E. R. Carpenter, conducted the busi ness session in the absence of the president. The next meeting will be held on August 4 at the home of Mrs. Herman Holcomb. Card Club Honors Kersenbrocks— The Pinochle club had a picnic Sunday afternoon at the John Kersenbrock home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Kersenbrock, who were recently married. Cards were played with Mrs. Joe Neimeyer winning high and Mrs. Roy Low ry, low. Phone us your news — 31. Mrs. Heeb Spends 3 Weeks in West EMMET—Mrs. Agnes Heeb re turned home on Tuesday, July 19. after spending about three weeks visiting friends and relatives in the western states. She spent most of her home with her niece, Mrs. Jess Smith, and family of Belle vue, Wash. Mrs. Heeb also visited her brother, Tony Dixon, whom she had not seen for 50 years. He has been in “poor health” and has been in a hospital. She also saw old friends, in cluding Mr. and Mrs. Don Boyle. Mrs. Boyle is the former Katie Keeley, who resided northwest of O’Neill on the old Hoehne place. She also visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hagerty. Mrs. Heeb returned home by train from Portland, Ore. She had visited a niece, Mrs. John Law yer, and family. Mrs. Lawyer formerly lived at O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murphy re turned by way of California af ter visiting relatives there. Mrs. Heeb had accompanied the Mur phys to Washington. O’Neill News Stanley Young of Lincoln visit ed over the weekend with friends in O’Neill. Joe Grietens of Los Angeles, Calif., is here visiting the R. G. Shelhamer family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deermer and family of Atkinson were last Thursday afternoon visitors at the C. G. Shellhase home. Miss Mary Sullivan is spending te week with Mrs. Pat Sulivan. Kieth Shellhase and family of Atkinson were Sunday dinner guests at the C. G. Shellhase home. Mrs. John McGill came Satur day to visit for a week with her mother, Mrs. Pat Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. John Buhlmann and daughter, Marilyn, of Bartlett were Saturday evening callers at the Gordon Watson home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young re turned home Sunday from a trip to Nashville, Tenn., where they visited with his brother-in-law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Drake, and his father, E. E. Young. They also were at Evans ville, Ind., where they visited with their daughter, Mrs. Hugh Bryan, and family. Mrs. J. P. Ryan, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Anna Donlin, and other relatives, re turned to her home in Bonesteel, S.D., Thursday, July 21. Mrs. Clara Van Hove and daughter of Bristow visited Tues day with Mrs. Charles Manson and Mrs. Henry Martin. i i i i *1 i i i i i i Store and dry your corn for full profit BUTLER corn storage BUILDINGS and Force-Aire drying equipment Now you can safely harvest your com with up to 24% moisture ... cut field losses. Then store and dry it on the farm ... get full support prices. New Butler com storage buildings keep ear or shelled com clean, bright and dry. Butler Force-Aire drying fans and ducts reduce moisture to safe, “grade-standard” levels in 3 to 5 weeks. Bolted building goes up fast and easy in days instead of weeks. Capacities, 5,000 to 100,000 bushels. Meets USD A storage and re-sealing requirements, eligible for ASC loans and fast, 60-month tax writeoff. Pay as little as 20% ,g— - down under ASC loan program. , f buy in sf* *$ y°Ur **st \ I V°r°9e hidings. / I COAff ih SOON! / lutlw fww-AIrt lqt«nl drying dutf sydwi 1 I Farmers Lumber Supply Co. Bassett, Nebraska O S / M*r tBEf / cvi8r BBBf M /tr'‘KS 4 I CWOppED 4/5 / flj // P°* I CANNING | 19.LR I SUPPLIES J ! Jar rings, caps, I I 11^ 'lids, jars, Certo,I LUv J Pen-Jel, Sure-Jell, I J jelly glasses. I A §■ ■■ ■§ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ^ I CHASE & SANBORN (nationally advertised) ___ SUGAR-SWEET, RED-RIPE WATERMELONS Wolffs WEEN Owns NtX/OJAn. 33*1 Wolffs^ Olives NO. tO JAR. A3* Sum-P-Aio SZSSS&&* 10* PALMOLIVE SOAP, 3 rvd £wrs25fi or 2 oath sue 25 ^ CASHMERE BOUQUET, 3r*g ion,&t~-Zw/t»fiJ'\ 2 CANS ^O' HARTEX CRUSHED I PINEAPPLE! JUICY. LUSCIOUS ELBERTA P ACHES I I : ' " ' % I SUNKIST EXTRA-JUICY LEMONS | ^™■■■■■■mm**ihimmmmmmmmmhbhminmmmmmmmh iiii i if r~T i ~ 11 — irr - ■■■ ..