Official Proceedings of the Holt County Supervisors O’Neill, Nebr. May 16, 1955 10:00 A.M. Holt County Board of Equaliz ation met on this date accordim to Statute. All members present except Flood. Meeting called tc order by the Chairman. The day was spent receiving complaints and comparing rea estate values. 5:00 P.M. On motion the board adjourned until May 17, 1955 a1 10:00 A.M. KENNETH WARING County Clerk FRANK CRONK Chairman O’Neill, Nebr. May 17, 1955 10:00 A.M. Holt County Board of Equaliz ation met as per adjournment. Al] members present except Flood. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. A few people were in to protest the values on their real estate that had been reappraised by the “Wil kins Associates.” Valuations were compared of similar real estate and checking of real estate cards. 5:00 P.M. On motion the board adjourned until May 18, 1955 at 10:00 A.M. KENNETH WARING County Clerk FRANK CRONK Chairman O’Neill, Nebr. May 18, 1955 10:00 A.M. Holt County Board of Equal ization met as per adjournment. All members present except Flood. Meeting called to order by the Chairman, and the day was spent receiving and filing com plaint cards that had been re ceived protesting the valuations on real estate, to be 'acted on at a latefr date. 5:00 P.M. On motion the board adjourned until June 8, 1955 at 19:00 A.M- * KENNETH WARING . County Clerk FRANK CRONK Chairman 6 _ 0 O’Neill, Nebr. June 8, 1955 10:00 A.M. Holt County Board of Equal ization met as per adjournment. All members present. Minutes of the previous meetings of May 16, 17, and 18tji were read and ap proved as read. The day was spent checking and reviewing complaints and re valuations in connection with the “Wflkins Appraisal Company” and their representative. 5:00 P.M. On motion the board adjourned until June 9, 1955 at 10:00 A.M. KENNETH WARING County Clerk FRANK CRONK Chairman _ O’Neill, Nebr. June 9, 1955 10:00 A.M. Holt County Board of Equal ization met as per adjournment. All members present. Complaints were taken on the new valuations of the “Wilkins Appraisal Company,” to be acted on after a recheck has been made on the property affected. 5:00 P»M. On motion the board adjourned until June 15, 1955 at 10:00 A.M. KENNETH WARING County Clerk FRANK CRONK Chairman o o « ■ 1 ■■ - ■ O’Neill, Nebr. June 15, 1955 10:00 A.M. Holt County Board of Equaliz stfon met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting cEilled to order by the Chairman. Minutes of the previous meetings of June 8 and 9th, 1955 were read and ap proved as read. The day was spent checking personal schedules. Motion by Batenhorst, second ed by Flood, that Dvorak Bros, assess their cattle equal between Sheridan and Stuart Precincts. Assess tractor and machinery in Stuart Precinct and the clerk be instructed to send notice of the change and the date of next meet ing. potion carried. Motion by Barthel, seconded by Flood, to change John McGrew personal assessment schedule on cattle from School Dist. No. 136 to No. 44 and L. O. Rhodes per sonal assessment schedule on cat tle from School Dist. No. 136 to No. 44. Roy Rhodes personal as sessment schedule on cattle from School Dist. No. 136 to No. 44, and the Clerk be instructed to send r.oticq,of the change and also date of next meeting. Motion carried. Motion by Barthel, seconded by Frickel, that the following busi ness schedules be raised on in ventory; Shelhamer Equipment Company .$10,000.00 J. M. McDonald . 11,000.00 Moore-Noble Lumber ^ Company . 12,000.00 Johnson Drug Company. 4,500.00 O’Neill Drug Company. 4,500.00 American Gear. 15,000.00 Saunto . 2,000.00 Schmuqcker Welding .. 2,000.00 Glen Cobb . 5,000.00 Ward Flannigan .■ 6,000.00 Stuart Sundries ...... 1,500.00 Shain Firestone Store .. 1,500.00 Gibson Store, Ewing .. 1,500.00 Spelts-Ray Dumber CompEmy . 5,000.00 and the County Clerk be in structed to send notice of change &od increase of the assessments of the foregoing motion and also to ; be notified of the next meeting of the board of Equalization. Motion , carried. The Clerk was instructed to send notices of the following rais es on real estate: Elmer Hagensick; O’Neill O T Blk. 22, Lot 1 N 89. ft., Lot 2 No. 89 ft. Raise in valuation from $7,460.00 to $8,475.00. Allan P. Jaszkowiak: O’Neill Fa hys Second Addition, Blk B., All Lots 14 & 15, pt. lot 17, raise in valuation from $4,820.00 to $5,260.00. Donald R. & Irene Clyde: O’Neill McCaffertys Add. Blk 49, N% Lot 6 to 8 inclusive, raise in valuation from $1,175.00 to $1 - 225.00. ’ Betsy Aim: O’Neill O.T. Blk 17, lots 6, 7 E^fe, raise in valuation $1,650.00 to $1,945.00. 5:00 P.M. On motion the board adjourned until June 23, 1955 at 10:00 A.M. KENNETH WARING __ County Clerk FRANK CRONK Chairman O’Neill, Nebr. June 23, 1955 10:00 A.M. Holt County Board of Equaliz ation met as per adjournment. All members present. Minutes of the previous meeting of June 15, 1955 were read and approved as read. The letter from R. H. Parker, regarding the lowering of the tax es on property of Lots 22 and 23, Hlk 21, Original Town of O’Neill, Nebr., was read before the board. Motion by Frikel, seconded by Barthel, to leave as is as the Board has no power to act on 1954 taxes. Motion carried. The following persons appeared before the board to protest their raise in valuation: American Gear; Moore-Noble; R. E. Evans; O’Neill Drug; & R. E. Evans, Johnson Drug; Glen Cobb; Shain Firestone, Ewing; Saunto. After discussion the board de cided to have a thorough check made by a representative of the State Tax Commissioner’s office on the inventory of the business schedules. The remainder of the afternoon was spent checking real estate with land owners. 5:00 P.M. On motion the board adjourned until June 24, 1955 at 10:00 A.M. KENNETH WARING County Clerk FRANK CRONK Chairman O’Neill, Nebr. June 24, 1955 10 A.M. The Holt Co. Board of Equaliza tion met as per adjournment. All members present. Minutes of [ meeting of June 23 were read and approved as read. The Board, Wilkins Appraisal Co., County Assessor and Soil Conservation office spent the fore noon reviewing and re-checking seme of the territory of Inman Township. 12 noon. On motion the board adjourned until 1 P.M. 1 P.M. Holt Co. Board of Equal ization met as per adjournment. All members present. TUT ntinn tiro r— moJn L.. Ti_: _i -- A. a , seconded by Batenhorst, that the SEVi of Sec. 26-32-14 be raised from $1690 to $2250.00 and the clerk be instructed to send notice of the change. Motion carried. Motion by Batenhorst, seconded by Flood, that the following rais es be made on personal schedules and the clerk be instructed to send notice of the change. Supervisor Barthel introduced the following Resolution and moved its passage and adoption. Motion seconded by Supervisor Tomlinson. Such Resolution is as follows: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Holt County Board of Equalization has con cluded its hearings, investiga tions, and deliberations on the matter of equalization of real and personal property valuations for assessment purposes for the year 1955, as well as the various pro tests and objections from tax payers with regard to their indi vidual assessed valuations on real and personal property, and have also considered the matter of equalization of such valuations on real and personal property be tween the various Towns, Vil lages, and Townships of the County with relation to each other, and, WHEREAS, this Board, having carefully considered the facts and circumstances, and the evi dence produced in the various hearings, protests, and the matters presented to the Board, and being advised in the premises, does find ad determine that the assessed value of the various parcels of real property and items of per sonal property, for the purposes of taxation for the year 1955 in said County of Holt, shall be set and fixed in the amounts and as here inafter set forth. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLV ED BY THE BOARD OF EQUAL IZATION OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, that for the taxable year 1955, the assessed value for purposes of taxation of the fol lowing described pieces and par cels of real estate, be set and fixed in the amounts in dollars set forth opposite each described tract of land as follows, viz: STOCK CAR RACES * King’s Speedway NORFOLK, NEBR. Sunday, July 31 $1,000 IN PURSES — STRICTLY STOCK Adults — $1.00 (tax paid) — Under 12 years. 50c RACES START AT 8 P.M. SHARP — GATE OPENS 6:30 ASSESSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION: VALUE N%, N^swy4 . Sec 26-31-12 $ 4355.00 NEy4t N^Nwy4, sEy4Nwy4, NEy4swy4 .. sec 23-31 12 3475.0c swy4 . Sec 11-31-12 1630.00 Ey. .. Sec 2-31-12 3610.00 . Sec 1-31-12 3560.00 swy4 .. Sec 2-21-12 2095.00 NWy4 . Sec 17-32-12 2805.00 . Sec 9-32-12 3015.00 swy4swy4 . sec 1-32-13 245.00 N%, N%S%, SEy4SEy4 . Sec 1-32-13 3665.00 AH . Sec 21-31-13 5485.00 Ny.NEy4f NEy4NWy4 . Sec 2-32-13 1570.00 E%, Ey.W% . Sec 35-33-13 3390.00 W^NWy4 . Sec 35-33-13 700.00 SEy4 . Sec 2-32-13 1105.00 E^s . Sec 8-28-12 6510.00 . Sec 35-29-12 4970.00 NEy4 . Sec 17-29-11 3045.00 NWy4 . Sec 24-32-12 1520.00 N£y4 . Sec 24-28-12 2950.00 Ny>swy4, SEy4swy4 . Sec 27-28-12 1995.00 Ny>SEy4 . Sec 29-28-12 5250.00 SEy4NWy4, S% . Sec 19-28-12 4670.00 s% . Sec 20-28-12 4865.00 Ey,, swy4 ..4 Sec 32-28-11 7000.00 NWy4l SEy4 . Sec 29-28-11 4865.00 nwi/4 . Sec 32-28-11 2815.00 seV4 . Sec 10-28-12 1600.00 NEy4 . Sec 30-28-12 2400.00 Ey> . Sec 15-28-12 4525.00 Pt NEy4SEy4 .'. Sec 25-29-12 1020.00 . Sec 6-29-11 6405.00 swy4 . Sec 6-29-11 3145.00 wy. . Sec 9-25-12 5430.00 NEy4NEy4, SyjNEy4 . Sec 4-26-14 2300.00 ATT 1 / n __ . _ + . o*rv; O1J.0.UU . Sec 24-26-14 5240.00 NW% . Sec 27-27-13 1550.00 NEy4 . Sec 8-25-13 1400.00 Sy>SEy4 . Sec 21-28-14 . 470.00 swy4 . Sec 31-33-15 1260.00 EM>SWy4 . Sec 22-28-14 310.00 swy4Nwy4, w%swy4, SEy4swy4 . Sec 33-28-14 645.00 NEy4, SEy4swy4, NEy4SEy4, sy>SEy4, E^NWy4 ... Sec 1-27-15 2140.00 NWy4 . Sec 6-31-15 2555.00 Nwy4, SEy4 . Sec 7-31-15 4215.00 A11 . Sec 8-31-15 6550.00 NEy4 . Sec 1-31-16 2330.00 N% . Sec 16-27-13 6180.90 SWy4NEy4, NWy4 . Sec 6-33-14 1705.00 . Sec 6-33-14 2790.00 A11 . Sec 8-33-14 4610.00 AU . Sec 17-33-14 5135.00 AH . Sec 18-33-14 5600.00 A11 . Sec 19-33-14 5560.00 NWy< . Sec 20-33-14 2270.00 NWy4NWy4 . .. Sec 30-33-14 305.00 swy4, S%SEy4 . Sec 26-33-14 1190.00 .. Sec 20-33-14 2595.00 V4 . Sec 21-33-14 1015.00 .. Sec 28-33-14 2670.00 E%E%, N%NWy4 . Sec 29-33-14 2070.00 SEy4SEy4 . Sec 22-33-14 175.00 . Sec 27-33-14 2435.00 bJ!jy4 . Sec 32-33-14 1075.00 W*NWy4 . Sec 33-33-14 635.00 N%, N%SEy4, swy4, S%SEy4 . Sec 35-33-14 2240.00 E^NEy4, SEy4 . Sec 34.33.j4 840.00 Lots 7-8-9 . Sec 30-34-14 1450.00 N%NE%, SWy4NEy4, NWy4, N%S% - Sec 31-34-14 5705.00 NE^, swy4swy4 . Sec 1-33-15 1575.00 “°t 6 . Sec 2-33-15 330.00 SEy4SWy4> Lot 4 & 5. Sec 2-33-15 735.00 All 10 less Lot 4 . Sec 10-33-15 5610.00 NE14NE%, S%NE%, SE14 Lots 8-9-10 .. Sec 22-33-15 1560.00 .*. Sec 24-33-15 2470.00 NWy4NEy4, NEy4NEy4 . Sec 25-33-15 700.00 w%NEy4, E%Nwy4, swy4, w%SEy4, SEViSEyj . Sec 19-25-14 4450.00 swy4Nwy4, wy>swy4 . Sec 20-25-14 1720.00 W%NWy4, swy4, S%SEy4 . Sec 29-25-14 4640.00 AU . Sec 30-25-14 8675.00 NEy4, Ey.NW% . Sec 31-25-14 880.00 E%NEy4, NWy4, Nwy4swy4 . Sec 32-25-14 3425.00 SEy4NWy4, SEy4 . Sec 27-30-15 4465.00 E%NE%, SWy4NEy4 . Sec 27-30-15 1870.00 E% . Sec 22-28-14 2326.00 N%NE%, N%SEy4> S%NEy4 . Sec 28-28-14 1695.00 A11 . Sec 31-28-14 2485.00 . Sec 30-28-14 892.00 . Sec 29-28-14 1103.00 Sy.NEy4, Pt N%NE%, W%, SE*4 . Sec 32-28-14 2502.00 "I72 . Sec 1-32-16 4238.00 EJ4 . Sec 2-32-16 2719.00 AU . Sec 10-32-16 5166.00 SEy4NEy4, Sy>' . Sec 3-32-16 2730.00 Ey-Nwy^ swy4Nwy4, swy4 . sec 2-32-16 2400.00 AU . Sec 4-32-16 6330.00 AU . Sec 5-32-16 6020.00 AU . Sec 6-32-16 4020.00 E%NWy4> NWy4NWy4 . Sec 7-32-16 3100.00 AU . Sec 8-32-16 4230.00 . Sec 9-32-16 5570.00 AU . Sec 11-32-16 5280.00 s% . Sec 24-33-15 2470.00 NWy4NEy4, NEy4NEy4 ... sec 25-33-15 700.00 NEy4SEy4, S%SEy4 . Sec 2-33-15 2040.00 SEy4NWy4, S% . Sec 10-33-15 2691.00 Eol 9 . Sec 30-34-14 647.00 AU . Sec 6-27-14 2222.00 AU . Sec 5-27-14 3120.00 AU . .. Sec 10-27-14 12960.00 AU . Sec 9-27-14 7334.00 AU . Sec 21-27-14 8970.00 W%NEy4> NWy4, w%swy4 . Sec 15-27-14 5095.00 AU . Sec 7-27-14 5918.00 . Sec 17-27-14 3947.00 E^ . Sec 18-27-14 6614.00 N%, SWy4 . Sec 29-27-14 9139.00 E^ .. Sec 31-27-14 5295.00 Nw^4 . Sec 32-27-14 3419.00 AU .. Sec 8-27-14 6965.00 AU . Sec 4-27-14 5661.00 NEy4SWy4, SEy4SEy4, N%SEy4 . Sec 11-27-14 5674.00 . Sec 16-27-13 6180.00 SE^4 . Sec 14-27-14 1150.00 . Sec 28-27-14 3105.00 . Sec 1-27-15 1050.00 SEy4SWy4 . Sec 1-27-15 490.00 S%SEVi, E%NWy4 . Sec 1-27-15 840.00 AU . Sec 12-27-15 5565.00 N%NWy4 . Sec 14-32-16 590.00 N%, SW% . Sec 15-32-16 4045.00 AU . Sec 17-32-16 4480.00 NEy4, E^SE^i . Sec 18-32-16 1680.00 All . Sec 20-32-16 5350.00 E^E^ . Sec 19-32-16 1205.00 AU .... Sec 21-32-16 6240.00 AU . Sec 22-32-16 5600.00 AU . Sec 27-32-16 7950.00 AU . Sec 28-32-16 9450.00 N% . Sec 7-33-14 2770.00 AU . Sec 9-33-14 3590.00 SW^4 . Sec 7-33-14 1390.00 SEy< . Sec 7-33-14 1400.00 . Sec 31-33-14 2437.00 7 & 8 . Sec 30-34-14 805.00 N%NE%, SWy4NEy4, NW^4 . Sec 31-34-14 3272 00 NEy4NEy4, Lot 8 to 10, S%NEy4 . Sec 22-33-15 1560.00 SE^4 . Sec 1-33-15 1260.00 NW% . Sec 1-33-15 1225.00 2 & 3 . Sec 10-33-15 1000.00 NEy4NE% lot S%NEy4 . Sec 10-33-15 1920.00 SWy4, E% . Sec 23-33-15 4790.00 SE^4 . Sec 22-33-15 1855.00 swy4swy4 . sec 1-33-15 350.00 Lots 4 & 5, SEy4SWy4 . Sec 2-33-15 735.00 ^ 6 . Sec 2-33-15 330.00 ,1 9 Sec 3-33-15 95.00 N%SW%, NWy4SEy4 . Sec 11-33-15 1010.00 SEy4SWy4, NEyiSE%, S^SEyj . Sec 11-33-15 1345.00 swy4swy4 . Sec 11-33-15 2995.00 AU . Sec 12-33-15 5070.00 All . Sec 13-33-15 4900.00 All .... Sec 14-33-15 5100.00 . Sec 24-33-15 2590.00 NWy4 . Sec 8-25-13 2100.00 NEy4 . Sec 8-25-12 2955.00 All . Sec 12-25-13 8070.00 . Sec 13-25-13 2870.00 NWy4 . Sec 23-25-13 1045.00 W^NEyi . Sec 23-25-13 615.00 e^8 . Sec 14-25-13 2465.00 All . Sec 11-25-13 7140.00 sy>Nwy4, N%swy4 . sec 2-25-is 1945.00 NWVi . Sec 24-25-13 1270.00 wy>sEy4l s%swy4 . sec 2-25-13 2190.00 E%w% . Sec 14-25-13 1520.00 . Sec 2-25-13 2135.00 swy4 . Sec 3-25-13 2005.00 E% . Sec 1-27-12 5215.00 NEy4 . Sec 2-27-12 2495.00 W%NEtt, E%NWy4 . Sec 12-27-12 1835.00 SWy4NWy4, W% . Sec 4-28-13 4105.00 All . Sec 7-28-13 5725.00 SEy4 . Sec 3-28-13 2560.00 NWy4 . Sec 10-28-13 1745.00 Sy.SEy4l NEy4 . Sec 10-28-13 3580.00 swy4swy4 . sec 11-28-13 770.00 swy4 . Sec 30-29-13 3050.00 . Sec 30-29-13 3165.00 NEy4 . Sec 30-29-13 3280.00 SEy4 . Sec 30-29-13 3150.00 NWy4 . Sec 34-27-12 2860.00 SWy4 . Sec 20-27-12 1400.00 . Sec 34-27-13 2705.00 S% . Sec 19-27-12 3970.00 swy4 . Sec 8-27-13 2335.00 NEy4> NEy4NWy4 . Sec 23-27-14 1750.00 Ail . Sec 12-27-14 9065.00 WM> . Sec 17-27-13 5325.00 S% . Sec 7-27-13 2890.00 E% . Sec 1-27-14 1430.00 nm», NEy4swy4, N%SEy4> swy4SEy4 .... sec 6-27-13 3075.00 N%, swy4 . Sec 13-27-14 4260.00 NWy4 . Sec 24-26-13 2820.00 NEy4 . Sec 28-26-12 2765.00 NWy4 . Sec 8-26-12 2705.00 NWy4 . Sec 19-26-12 3015.00 All . Sec 31-27-13 3680.00 EVz . Sec 25-27-14 2700.00 SEy4 . Sec 13-27-14 4190.00 All . Sec 18-27-13 9860.00 N>6 . Sec 19-27-13 4955.00 S% . Sec 19-27-13 2430.00 NMs, N%swy4, SEy4 . Sec 24-17-14 * 5830.00 NWy4 . Sec 20-27-13 2650.00 Syfe . Sec 20-27-13 2850.00 All . Sec 30-27-13 4325.00 All . Sec 29-27-13 5110.00 NWy4 . Sec 28-27-13 1660.00 S% . Sec 21-27-13 3780.00 NEy4NEy4, S%NEy4, SEy4NWy4 . Sec 21-27-13 2520.00 Ny.Nwy4, Nwy4NEy4, swy4Nwy4 . Sec 21-27-13 2490.00 S%s% . Sec 32-26-12 3400.00 . Sec 2-26-12 5790.00 SWy4 . Sec 23-26-13 3995.00 NWy4 . Sec 22-26-12 2260.00 NWy4 . Sec 26-26-13 2385.00 SWy4 .•.. Sec 18-26-13 3060.00 NEy4, N%SEy4 . Sec 8-26-11 1925.00 N% . Sec 9-25-10 2200.00 W%NEy4, NWy4 . Sec 6-25-11 4280.00 syfe . Sec 4-25-11 6275.00 NEy4, NEy4SEy4) S%SEy4 . Sec 26-28-14 1750.00 swy4 . Sec 22-27-13 1620.00 N% . Sec 22-27-13 2690.00 S% . Sec 12-30-12 4720.00 SEy4 . Sec 4-30-12 2580.00 NEy4l W%SEy4 . Sec 30-30-11 4370.00 NWy4 . Sec 21-30-11 3735.00 Ey-Eyfe . Sec 14-32-11 1600.00 S% . Sec 13-32-11 2200.00 SWy4 .. Sec 12-32-11 1640.00 NWy4 . Sec 13-32-11 1660.00 NEy4, NEy4SEy4 . Sec 10-32-11 1730.00 swy4 . Sec 6-31-11 2655.00 wy>swy4 . Sec 17-32-11 575.00 E%SEy4 . Sec 18-32-12 660.00 S%swy4 . Sec 7-32-11 690.00 AH . Sec 25-32-11 9960.00 All .. Sec 23-32-11 6025.00 All . Sec 24-32-11 6060.00 NEy4NEy4l s%NEy4, SEy4Nwy4, E^swy4, SEy4 . Sec 34-32-10 4500.00 w% . Sec 9-31-10 3380.00 E% . Sec 9-31-10 2530.00 NW% . Sec 5-31- 9 2425.00 N 100 A NE% . Sec 6-29 9 2230.00 w% . Sec 5-29- 9 4290.00 S 60 A NE^i . Sec 6-29 9 1420.00 SE% . Sec 6-29 9 3530.00 AH . Sec 7-29 9 7410.00 N%, SE14 . Sec 5-29-10 4945.00 AH .. Sec 6-29-10 7230.00 All . Sec 32-29-16 8195.00 Sy>NWy4, swy4 . Sec 6-28-16-183A 1815.00 NW% . Sec 13-28-16 2720.00 N%NEy4 . Sec 7-26-16 650.00 Sy.NEy4, SE*4 . Sec 6-26-16 1585.00 AH . Sec 36-28-16 8590.00 E% . Sec 6-28-16 3825.00 swy4, W%SEy4 . Sec 11-28-16 2545.00 NE% . Sec 14-28-16 2425.00 S%N%, SEyi . Sec 10-31-16 2240.00 E%swy4, S%SEy4 . Sec 9-31-16 1120.00 Ny>, N%S%, s%swy4 . Sec 21-28-14 2720.00 E% . Sec 32-29-14 3665.00 W%NWy4 . Sec 3-28-14 1230.00 NWy4, N%swy4 . 3545.00 SE^4 . Sec 15-28-14 1450.00 AH . Sec 32-29-16 8195.00 w% . Sec 23-29-14 6015.00 W%NEy4 . Sec 16-29-14 1430.00 NEy4 except Pt NEy4NWy4, Corner of NEy4 . Sec 5-29-14 2705.00 SEy4 . Sec 5-24-14 2945.00 NE^4 . Sec 8-29-14 3450.00 sw^4 . Sec 9-29-14 2610.00 NEy4, N%Nwy4, SEy4Nwy4, NEy4swy4, N%SEy4 . Sec 33-28-14 1742.00 E^ . Sec 31-30-14 7065.00 NEy4 . Set 31-31-14 2283.00 . Sec 4-30-14 1960.00 E% . Sec 20-31-14 4000.00 nw^4 . Sec 29-31-14 1910.00 swVNWy4 . Sec 12-30-10 1200.00 sy>swy4 . Sec 1-30-10 1160.00 S%, NEy4 . Sec 12-30-10 6660.00 Ny>SWyi . Sec 1-30-10 1315.00 SEy4 . Sec 1-30-10 3055.00 ; NW% . Sec 3-30-10 3020.00 NEy4, SEy4 . Sec 4-30-10 4710.00 .. Sec 9-30-10 6415.00 ] s% .Sec 9-30-10 4960.00 ] SE^4 . Sec 11-30-10 2710.00 < . Sec 15-30-10 5640.00 < Sy>NWy4 . Sec 12-30-10 1330.00 ! N^S%, S%, SW% . Sec 15-30-10 4425.00 \ ^ . Sec 22-30-10 3820.00 £ . Sec 22-30-10 3960.00 . Sec 27-30-10 3800.00 ( NE»4 . Sec 20-30-10 2495.00 W% . Sec 21-30-10 5532.00 N%SEy4, SEy4SEy4 . Sec 19-30- 9 2350.00 W%NWy4, SVt . Sec 22-30- 8 3480.00 SEy4 . Sec 30-30- 9 1 655.00 S%NWy4, S% . Sec 20-30- 9 7340.00 N%NWy4f W% . Sec 15-30- 9 4075.00 EMs . Sec 29-30-10 5485.00 . Sec 28^30-10 4800.00 N%, SW%, SEy4 . Sec 30-30-10 6780.00 NEy4 .. Sec 31-30-10 2310.00 NEy4, SEy4 .. Sec 32-30-10 5190.00 w% . Sec 32-30-10 4675.00 SWy4 . Sec 34-30-10 2735.00 SEy4 . Sec 33-30-10 2665.00 S% . Sec 32-30- 9 4t455.00 NEy4, NEy4NWy4 . Sec 29-30- 9 3020.00 All . Sec 28-30- 9 4800.00 swy4, Nwy4SEy4 . sec 27-31- 9 3420.00 NWy4 .;. Sec 34-31- 9 2130.00 E%NEy4 . Sec 34-32- 9 1670.00 SWy4 . Sec 7-31- 9 1545.00 NWy4 . Sec 6-31- 9 3195.00 wy>swy4, SEy4swy4 . Sec 10-26-11 700.00 Ny>, SEy4 . Sec 31-26-10 5585.00 N%N% . Sec 35-26- 9 3055.00 Sy>SEy4 . Sec 1-26-10 I 940.00 SWy4SEy4, S%SW% . Sec 6-26- 9 1520.00 NWy< . Sec 27-28- 9 1665.00 . Sec 28-28- 9 3020.00 E^NEy4 . Sec 4-26- 9 1030.00 NEy4 . Sec 23-27-10 2650.00 NM>NWy4 . Sec 23-27-10 625.00 SEy4 . Sec 23-27-10 2170.00 s%swy4, wy.sEy4 . Sec 30-26-10 910.00 E^swy4, SWyiSEyt . Sec 18-27-16 890.00 W»£NEy4, SEy4NE% . Sec 19-27-16 1105.00 ■ N%NWy4> SEy4NWy4 . Sec 19-27-16 2000.00 WVfeWyfc . Sec 14-28-11 2630.00 seV4 . Sec 14-28-11 2580.00 Ey.swy4 . Sec 14-28-11 1195.00 . Sec 15-28-11 4680.00 ne^4 . Sec 21-28-11 2675.00 w% . Sec 21-28-11 4805.00 seV4 . Sec 21-28-11 2805.00 NWV4 . Sec 22-28-11 2725.00 swy4 . Sec 22-28-11 2870.00 E%NEy4 . Sec 23-28-11 1310.00 W%NE%, NW*4 . Sec 23-28-11 3600.00 swy4( N%SEy4, swy4ssy4 . sec 23-28-11 sees.oo SEV4SEy4 . Sec 23-28-11 990.00 NW:/< . Sec 24-27-11 2423.00 NWy4 . Sec 24-28-11 3215.00 SWV4 . Sec 24-28-11 2315.00 NEy4 . Sec 25-28-11 4135.00 NWy4 . Sec 25-28-11 3830.00 swy4 . Sec 25-28-11 2860.00 NEy4 . Sec 26-28-11 2365.00 NWy4 . Sec 26-28-11 2470.00 swy4 . Sec 26-28-11 4080.00 SEy4 . Sec 7-27-10 2930.00 . Sec 33-27-10 5190.00 . Sec 20-27-10 4715.00 w%, NEy4 . Sec 5-27-11 4100.00 (Continued on page 12) Legal Notices (First pub. June 23, 1955) SHERIFF’S SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in an action pending in said Court wherein Ethel Cole is plaintiff and GLEA H. WADE; FLOR ENCE WADE; GEORGIA O. RASLEY; GLEN FALLS INSUR ANCE COMPANY; AND LOUIS VITT, are defendants, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash a1 the front door of the court house in O’Neill, Nebraska, on the 1st day of August, 1955, at 10 o’clock A.M., the following described premises in Holt County, Nebras ka: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Southeast Quar ter of Section Thirteen, in Township Twenty-nine, north, Range 12, west of the 6th P.M. in Holt County, Nebraska, thence straight north 454 feet, thence due west 528 feet, thence due south 454 feet, thence due east 528 feet to the point of beginning, containing approximately 5% acres, to satisfy the following sums due the following persons in the or der following: Georgia O. Rasley, $4,825.08, with interest on $4,721.30 at 5% and interest on $103.78 at 7% from September 21, 1954; Ethel Cole, the sum of $765.80, with interest thereon at 6% from September 21, 1954; Glens Falls Insurance Com pany, the sum of $2,577.50, with interest thereon at the rate of 6% from September 21, 1954, and Louis Vitt, the sum of $510.14, with interest thereon at 5% from September 21, 1954; and $33.75 costs of suit and accruing costs. Dated this 28th day of June, A.D., 1955. LEO S. TOM JACK, Sheriff of Holt County, Nebraska. 9-13 OM News Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyers and family and Barney Walton of Atkinson were Sunday evening guests at the Marvin Anderson home. Mrs. Ed Casey and son, Timo thy, of Omaha were visitors here Saturday. They were to meet Mr. Casey at Plainview. The family resided in O’Neill about seven years ago. Mrs. Merrill Best entertained 10 guests Monday at 4 o’clock with a party honoring the eighth birth day anniversary of her son, Jim my Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Peterson and family of Neligh spent Sunday - with Mr. and Mrs. Ardell Bright. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Ware and family returned to their home in Whittier, Calif., after spending 10 days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bowen. Rosemary and Gene Chace of Atkinson are visiting their grand- • mother, Mrs. H. J. Hammond, while their parents are at Roches ter, Minn. Mrs. Dickie Fernau came last Thursday evening and stayed un til Sunday at the Faye Brittell home. Mr. Fernau came Sunday. They spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fernau. Warren Burgess came Friday evening from Lincoln and return ed home Saturday, taking his wife and family back with him. They had been visiting in the home of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Burgess, for the past two weeks. Harold Hammond and Bill Bowker went to Perryton, Tex., last Thursday and returned homei Friday. Mr. Hammond left Friday evening for Omaha to return to his home in Eureka, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Morgan re ceived word that Mr. Morgan’s sister-in-law, Mrs. J. H. Morgan of Phoenix, Ariz., died Saturday night. (First pub. July 7, 1955) NOTICE OF SALE LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale issued by the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in an action pending in said Court wherein Mary McManus and others are plaintiffs, and Ann McManus and others are defendants, being Case No. 14898, directing me as Referee to sell the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot 26 and Lot 27 in Block 22 of the Original Town of O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, I will sell said real estate at pub lic auction on August 8th, 1955, at 1:30 o’clock P.M. of said day at the front door of the Courthouse in O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, rerms of sale, twenty per cent cash on date of sale, balance on confirmation. WILLIAM W. GRIFFIN, Referee. _ 10-14c (First pub. July 21, 1955) John R. Gallagher, Attorney VOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL No. 4048 ZOUNTY COURT OF HOLT i COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF JOE SENGLE VIAN, DECEASED. rHE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a >etition has been filed for the >robate of the will of said de based, and for the appointment if Jake Sengleman as Executor hereof, which will be fer hearing n this court on August 11, 1955, t 10 o’clock A.M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. COUNTY COURT SEAL) 12-14c 32% Liquid v. NITROGEN BOOSTER1 The "f