The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 21, 1955, Page 4, Image 4

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    Celia News
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease visited
R. M. Pease Sunday. Mr. Pease
and his father visited at the
Walter Pease home Sunday after
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Bellman,
Lonnie and Jo Jane and Alex
Forsythe visited the Connie Frick
el home last Thursday evening.
Garold Frickel is visiting his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Mr. and Mrs. William Spann
visited the Ray Pease home Sun
Caroline Frickel visited Jo Jane
Bellman Friday. In the afternoon
Mrs. Connie Frickel, Caroline
and Jo Jane went to Neligh to get
Ronnie Frickel, who had been a
patient in the hospital there.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken
and family attended 4-H Friday
evening at the Skip Smith home
in Stuart.
Mr. ana Mrs. Albert Emmons
came from Omaha to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Focken, for two weeks. Mr. Em
mons received his separation pa
pers from the service Saturday.
They plan to go to Indiana to
make their home later.
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Smith
and family visited at the Law
rence Smith home Friday evening.
* Vickie Frickel spent, last week
at the Leroy Hoffman home.
° Mrs. Leroy Hoffman attended
club at Mrs. Marie Miller’s home
3 Wednesday, July 13.
Sunday evening supper guests
at the William Maloun home
were Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck
and Alex Forsythe.
P. W. Kilmurry was a Saturday
dinner guest at the Frank Kil
murry home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith
were Sunday dinner guests at the
Jesse Hupp home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mitchell,
Carol and Boyd visited the Joe
Hendricks home Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. George Beck vis
ited Sunday at the Duane Beck
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammer
berg went to Wichita, Kans., Sun
day to visit their daughter, Mrs.
E. W. Samms, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks
and family were Monday after
noon visitors at the O. A. Ham
merberg home.
Bob Risor of Butte visited the
Joe Hendricks home Wednesday,
July 13.
Friends of the Gus Suhr family
tendered a farewell party Tues
day evening, July 12. The Suhr
family is moving to Battle Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Omer Poynts and
“Grandpa” Blow were Sunday
guests at the Mark Hendricks
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Balcomb
and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Reynolds,
all of San Bernardino, Calif., and
Miss Marguerite Reynolds and
Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander
of Omaha were Wednesday, July
13, dinner guests at the Alex For
sythe home. The ladies are all
cousins of Alex and his guest,
Mrs. Lon Bellman, and family,
who are visiting him. The group
visited Mrs. Lloyd McDowell of
Atkinson before returning home.
Mrs. McDowell formerly taught
the ladies at Griswold, la.
Friday evening guests at he
Alex Forsyhe home were Mr. and
Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg, Mrs. Le
roy Hoffman and sons, Vickie
Frickel, Mr. and Mrs. William
Maloun and son, Mrs. Connie
Frickel, Ronnie and Caroline. Mr.
and Mrs. Lon Bellman, Lonnie and
Jo Jane of Nogales, Ariz., who
have been visiting at the Forsythe
home, left Saturday morning for
Sioux Falls, S.D., to visit his
sister, Mrs. Dyce Bowman, and
Mr. Bowman.
Mrs. David Roan, Mrs. Charles
Phipps and Mrs. David Adams
visited Mrs. Joe Hendricks last
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Constable
came Saturday from Worthing
ton, Minn., to visit Dorothy Scott,
also Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Scott and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dobias..
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dobias
took their sons, Roger and Rod
ney, to Orchard to play a game
of baseball there Sunday.
Dorothy Scott visited the Wil
liam Maloun home Tuesday eve
ning, July 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Constable,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dobias and
family and Dorothy Scott were
Sunday dinner guests at the D. F.
Scott home.
1V11 1>. u. A . OV.UU wao a Uitan.
fast guest at Dorothy Scott’s Mon
day morning.
Mrs. Beryl Beck had a picnic
at the park honoring her son, Den
ny, on his 10th birthday anniver
Those attending were Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Frickel and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Vere Kaplan and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Vince Kap
lan, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beck, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Elder, Mrs. James
Gans and son, Caroline Frickel,
sary. Those present were Mr. and
Hayes, Vernon Whitehead and Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Jonas and family.
Regional Deaths
Mrs. Mabel Cross
TILDEN — Funeral services
were conducted July 7, for Mrs.
Mabel Cross, 52,who died at the
Tilden hospital Monday, July 4,
after a lingering illness. Survivors
include: Her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Oppen of Creighton, one
daughter, one grandson, one sis
ter and one brother.
William Kruse
CREIGHTON—William Kruse,
a farmer north of Creighton, died
Wednesday, July 13, at the
Creighton hospital. Survivors in
clude his wife, three daughters
and one son.
William Horstman
CREIGHTON—'William Horst
man, a farmer north of Creighton,
died Wednesday, July 13, at the
Creighton hospital. Survivors in
clude four daughters and one
Jim Kernan
LONG PINE—Funeral services
were conducted Wednesday after
noon, July 13, for James Ker
nan, 72, at the Willow Valley
Community chapel east of Long
Visitors Here—
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ray of
Tilden were Sunday afternoon
visitors at the Dale Perry home.
These Gals Volunteer as Swim Teachers
This sextette of O’Neill young women have
been serving as volunteer swimming instructors
at the Municipal swimming pool here. Left-to
right: The Misses Margaret McElvain, Mary
Elizabeth Gatz, Konnie Kurtz, Jeanne coie,
Elizabeth (“lbs”) Schaffer, Mary Lou Wilson.
(Not pictured: The Misses Shirley Schultz and
Mary Ryan.)—The Frontier Photo.
Bassett, Stuart Swim Pupils Total 45
Completing American Red Cross-sponsored
learning-to-swim classes last week at the O’
Neill Municipal pool were these 45 kids (above),
whose homes are at Stuart (30 miles away) and
I _ 13*
Bassett (50 mlies). Last year, during the first
season for the new pool, 450 youngsters learned
to swim. Classes are conducted in the fore
noons.—The Frontier Photo.
ARC Swim Lessons
Coming to Close
The Municipal swimming pool
will be closed to the general pub
lic at 6 p.m., Friday, July 22, and
at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 26
Red Cross swimming lessons
will conclude today (Thursday),
but private lessons will be offer
ed beginning Monday. (See ad
elsewhere in this issue.)
A volleyball court has been
constructed in Ford’s park south
of the pool for the use of the pub
lic. Plans are being made for
adding horseshoes and other rec
reational games for the benefit of
the large number of picnickers.
O’Neill News
Mrs. Harry Petersen and Miss
Jane returned Sunday from a
five-weeks’ trip to California.
They visited Mrs. Petersen’s
mother at Redland, Calif., and
other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Porter re
ceived word from their son, Lt.
Allen Porter, who is stationed at
Yuma, Ariz., stating that he is
flying with a training squadron
employing rocket jet aircraft.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ramold,
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schneider, Mr.
and Mrs. Wendell Babl and Mr.
and Mrs. Andy Ramold attended
a family reunion of the Morsett
family held at Ainsworth Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Rector of
Marysville, Wash., left Sunday
after spending two weeks here.
They were to stop at the Hugh
Ray home in Loveland, Colo., on
their way home.
Debbie Eisenhauer of Cham
bers is staying in the home of
her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
D. C. Schaffer, while she is taking
swimming lessons at the O’Neill
Ewing News
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Smith and
family, who have been guests at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Archer, left for their
home at Denver, Colo., on Tues
day, July 12. They made a short
stop at Grand Island to call on
her brother, Maurice Archer, and
family at Grand Island.
Ed Archer and his father, John
Archer, went to Elkhorn on
Thursday where they got Mrs.
Ed Archer and children, who have
been visiting relatives there. The
Ed Archer family are guests at
the home of his parents in Ewing
this week. They live in St. Louis,
Paul Doud of Page was a caller
at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Doud, on Sun
Mrs. Ruth Spangler visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Doud on Monday.
The selling out of the Ewing
Dry Goods has attracted large
crowds to Ewing the past week.
The youth club, Junior Mis
sionary Society, met Wednesday
evening, July 13, at the annex of
the United Presbyterian church.
This group is sponsored by the
Missionary society of the United
Presbyterian church.
On Thursday Rudolph E d -
wards and son, Wayne, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lar
Mrs. Carrie Bernhardt visited
! at the home of her friend, Mrs.
Amy Jacobsen, a few days ^ this
xm. a**u XTiig. M-aJ --
Sandra went to Omaha on Thurs
day to get their daughter and sis
ter, Miss Mary Alys Dierks, who
will spend a three-weeks’ vaca
tion with homefolks.
M. H. Dierks and his daughters,
Mrs. Wilda Carr and family and
Mrs. Sidney Adrian and Kay,
were dinner guests on Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
Dierks and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Black and
family and his mother, Mrs.
Edith Black, left Thursday to re
turn to their home at Seattle,
Wash., after visiting relatives in
Ewing for the past 10 days.
Mrs. Martha Hill and her
daughter, Mrs. Valgene Krieter,
and son also her daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Kenneth Hill, returned home
Thursday from North Platte
where they had spent a few days
visiting relatives and friends.
Mrs. Valgene Kreiter and son
went to Redbird on Friday where
they will visit a few days at the
home of her husband’s parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kusek of Da
vid City and Mr. and Mrs. Merle
Filsinger and family spent Sun
day at the home of Mrs. Hazel
Kimes and sons. The Kusek chil
dren, who had spent the week
with their grandmother, returned
home with their parents.
Floyd Bergstrom of Newcastle,
Wyo., has been a guest this past
week at the home of his brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Bergstrom, and other rela
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sievers anti
granddaughter, Betty Zane Ha
maker of Gillette, Wyo., were 6
o’clock dinner guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard
on Thursday.
On Sunday evening Mrs. Earl
Billings was surprised when Mrs.
John Wunner, Mrs. Grace Briggs
Mrs. John Archer and Mrs. Ber
tha Urban arrived to join her in
celebrating a birthday anniver
sary. The self-invited guests
served a picnic supper.
Mr. and Mrs. John Latzel were
hosts at a family party held at
their home on Wednesday eve
ning, July 12, honoring their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Everett Vorhies, and
daughters of Kalispel, Mont., and
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Vorhies of Olympia, Wash, a
picnic supper was enjoyed. Pre
sent were Mr. and Mrs. Eddie
Kaczor and family, Mr. and Mrs
August Thiele and other rela
A reduction of all house dress
es! Sizes 12 to 20; 14Vi to 24»/2;
extra large sizes 46 to 50.— Ha
gensick Ladies’ Wear, O’Neill. 12c
'funeral Directors
Day Ph. Night Ph.
38 487-R or 200
First Natl Bank Bldg.
Cool refreshing idea
from the land of sly blue waters
A bit of the cool refreshment of this en
11. chanted land is yours—right now! —with a
•fluK frosty bottle of Hamm’s Beer. Just reach
B 0. . . and discover the flavor that wins a
brand new customer every 31 seconds—
day and night! Discover refreshing Hamm’s
Beer—from the land of sky blue waters.
Theo. Hamm Brewing Co., St. Paul, Minnesota
i i
^ 1 ^ ^
Refreshing as the enchanted land it comes from
> Save on Cool, Nylon-Trimmed <
I Regularly 1.98 each
* Half A AQ
) Slio I ■ • "Tru-Maid” 5-Star Cotton (
| ” • Cool, Crisp and Lightweight a
Full .i aa • ylon Trimmed Top, Bottom
) Q.. "I RQ • Wash Easily, Need No Ironing I
| I ■ VV • guy Several—Low, Low Price {
I Hot Weather favorites at a tempting price! So easy to care for, (
| easy to wear. Comfortable half-slip has 8 inches of dainty nylon .
" trim at the hem, a no-roll elastic waistband. White in sizes small, I
| medium and large. Full-length slip is smooth-fitting, feels cool. |
White in sizes 32 to 44. Buy these lovely no-iron slips for yourself,
8 buy for gifts and save on every one; money, time, work! f
k 11J-7530. 7730 A
| Plisse Panties j
• 's? 37 < |
k Hollywood style briefs! Dainty g
" lace and nylon net trim the leg *
8 openings. Snug elasticized waist- 4
band. White in sizes 5,6,7
P IIS-4402 f
9 l- ~ '
b£-,"“ OfiHiHHf
We must make room for Fall merchandise arriving daily. Doors open Thursday morning
at 9 o’clock; sale ends Saturday night, July 30.
______ |
Choice of sizes, styles . . . you’re certain to find what you
want at a price you can afford to pay!
Were 17.98 - Now12.98
Were 12.98 & 1498-NOW. 10.98
Were 10.98 - NOW_ 8.98
Were 8.98 - NOW_ 6.98
Dan River—
GINGHAMS - Now_4.98
BATHING SUITS — Reduced_2!%
I Your Choice_ .. $2
Special Rack — A Few —
Were 2.98 and 3.98
now... i.98
Miscellaneous Summer—
Women’s Cotton
In Broken Sizes
DRESSES-Greatly Reduced
One Rack of
(Were much more!)
No Returns, Alterations or Lay-aways, Please
O'Neill Style Shop
Leona Hynes Mrs. M. A. Schelkopf