The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 07, 1955, Page 6, Image 6

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    Walter Fick Heads
Community Club
Inman Group Plans
No July Meeting
INMAN—The Community club
3 met Monday evening, June 27, at
the high school assembly room for
a combination regular and an
nual meeting. T. D. Hutton was
in charge.
The following officers were
elected: Walter Fick, president;
Kenneth F. Smith, vice-president;
Doris Butterfield, secretary; Elsie
Krueger, treasurer; Ernest
Brunckhorst, James McMahan and
Mr. Hutton, trustees.
Two films were shown follow
ing the business session by Mr.
. Smith. A lunch of sandwiches,
cake and coffee was served. The
club will not meet in July.
Other Inman News
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mattson
drove to Sioux City on Monday,
June 27, to meet John’s mother,
Mrs. I. L. Matson and his neph
ew, Vernon Pratt of Meadowlands,
Minn. They visited in the Matt
son home until Saturday morning
when Mr. and Mrs. Matson took
them to Soiux City where they
took a bus for their home in Min
• Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Watson en
tertained at a dinner at their
home on Tuesday evening in hon
or of Col. and Mr. Clifford Op
per. Guests included Mr. and Mts.
E L. Watson and Mr. and Mrs.
John C. Watson and family of O’
Neill. On Wednesday morning Mr.
and Mrs. Watson and daughter,
Carolyn, took Colonel and Mrs.
Opper and children to Omaha
where they took a plane for
Washington, D.C. The OnDers
have spent the past two weeks
visiting here.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brittell
and daughter of Norfolk were
Sunday guests in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. David Morsbach and
girls. They were accompanied
home Sunday evening by their
daughter, Judy, who spent a week
visiting in the Morsbach home.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Crosser and
sons of Tekamah were weekend
guests in the David Morsbach and
Earl Miller homes. Miss Lois
Morsbach, who had spent a week
in the Crosser home, returned
home at this time.
Clayton Krueger, who attends
Wayne State Teachers college,
spent the weekend visiting his
brother, Roger, and with other
relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Cunning
ham and family of Chadron spent
the holiday weekend visitng in
the home of Mr. Cunningham’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cun
ningham. They were accompan
ied home by Sharon Cunnning
ham, who will visit there for a
few days.
Cal Geary of Lyons arrived
in Inman Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutton
and daughter of Omaha are visit
ing Bob’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. D. Hutton, and Vicki.
Miss Murl Keyes of Mesa, Ariz.,
° is spending her vacation with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
Emmet Stamp has returned
from Muskegon Heights, Mich.,
where he visited a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins
and grandson, Roger Tompkins,
left Saturday for Omaha where
they will spend several days vis
iting in the home of their son
and daughter-in-law, Dr. and
Mrs. Charles A. Tompkins.
Miss Carolyn Watson spent the
Fourth of July in Oakland visiting
friends. She will also visit friends
in Fremont for several days, be
ing gone about 10 days.
Supt. and Mrs. Gerald Nelsen
and boys returned home Saturday
evening after spending two weeks
in Wyoming visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Harte and
family of Remsen, la., arrived
here Friday and spent the Fourth
of July weekend in the home of
his brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Harte, and family.
Miss Barbara BruAckhorst of
Sioux Falls, S.D., arrived home
Friday where she spent the week
end in the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brunckhorst.
She returned to Sioux Falls on
Miss Kay Coventry of O’Neill
arrived home Friday evening and
spent the weekend in the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Coventry, and Bill.
James Pinkerman, jr., Barbara,
Jimmy and Sally of Omaha ar
rived Sunday and are spending
several days visiting in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coven
try and boys.
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Moore and
children of Lincoln spent several
days the past week visiting Don
ald’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Moore, and also his grandmother,
Mrs. Anna Clark.
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Lusk
and daughter, Jo, of Jamestown,
N.D., arrived Sunday afternoon
and spent the weekend visiting
their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
James McMahan. They left Tues
day for Denver, Colo.
Mrs. Robert Gillahan and
daughter of Lawrence, Kans., ar
rived on Friday and are spending
a couple of weeks visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo P.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coventry
took their son, A/3c Ronald Cov
entry, to Columbus on Saturday
evening, where he took the train
for Tacoma, Wash., for further
[ training. Ronald had spent a fur
lough here.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Mossman
and daughters of O’Neill spent
the weekend in the Ernest
Brunckhorst and Leo Mossman
Coventrys Feted
on 25 th Anniversary
INMAN— A picnic supper was
held at the community park Sun
day evening at 7 o’clock in hon
or of Mr. and Mrs. James Coven
try, who were celebrating their
25th wedding anniversary. Their
anniversary date was July 3.
Those present Included Mr. and
Mrs. James Coventry, Kay and
Bill; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cov
entry, Dick and Bob; Mr. and
Mrs. James McMahan; Kenneth
Smith, Yvonne, Beverly and Bert;
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mattson;
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Moore of
O’Neill; James Pinkerman, jr.,
Barbara, Jimmy and Sally of Om
aha; Mr. and Mrs. James T. Lusk
and daughter, Jo, of Jamestown,
N.D., and Miss Faye Brunck
Mr. and Mrs. Coventry received
several gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. Coventry were
guests-of-honor at a dance Fri
day evening at the Summerland
dance pavilion in honor of their
wedding anniversary. Refresh
ments were served during inter
Open every evening during the
months of July and August. —
Keating Implement, Atkinson.
Estimate of Expenses of the City of O’Neill
The folowing is an estimate of the expenses of the City of O’
Neill, Nebraska, for the fiscal year commencing the first Tuesday in
May, 1955, and ending the first Tuesday in May, 1956.
Wages and Salaries as provided by Ordinance .$ 14,000
Maintenance of Police Department . 13,000
Maintenance of Water Works . 8,500
Operation of Water Works . 8,500
Improvement of Wa|.er Works . 5,000
Street Lighting . 7,000
Street maintenance, construction, and repairs of sidewalks
and crossings . 12,500
Sewer Improvement Bonds, principal ad interest . 9,000
"Water Improvement Bonds, principal and interest. 10,500
Maintenance of Fire Department . 1,500
Maintenance of Sewer System . 5,000
» Improvement of Sewer System . 5,000
Support of Band . 500
Municipal Publicity . 1,000
Parks and Grounds . 4,000
Support of Airport . 1,500
Miscellaneous . 10,000
.. 20,000
. 1,200
Total .$134,200
Entire receipts of revenue for the fiscal year ending the first
Tuesday in May, 1955, were as follows:
Water Collection .$ 27,000
Holt County Treasurer . 40,000
Licenses, Occupation Taxes, etc. 5,000
Other resources . 32,500
Total .$104,000
City Clerk.
Attention, Adults!
Monday evenings will be reserved for
adults and their children, starting Monday,
July 1 1th
Pool Hours — Starting Today
1 PJtt. Til 9 P.M.
O’Neill Municipal Swimming Pool
Don Templemeyer, Mgr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott S. Conner ... on their golden wedding day.—The Frontier Photo.
Conner Open-House
Attended by 150
Ewing Pair Marks
Golden Wedding
EWING — One hundred fifty
persons signed the guestbook on
Sunday afternoon, July 3, during
the open-house observance of Mr.
and Mrs. Scott E. Conner. The
couple was observing their golden
wedding anniversary, and the af
fair was held in the Methodist
church parlors.
Ralph Belmer of Wisner, a son
in-law, was master-of-ceremonies
for the program.
At the conclusion of the pro
gram, gifts of silver were present
ed to the honorees.
Among the guests present were
the following who attended the
1906 wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
Conner: Mrs. Mabel Boies of Ew
ing; Joe Shanner, Mr. and Mrs.
David Loy and James Van Ev
ery, all of OINeill; Mrs. Olive
Truhe of Winner, S.D.; Mrs. Per
ry Lichty, sr., of Royal; Mrs. An
na Smith and Ernest Trowbridge,
both of Inman.
Mrs. Truhe and Mrs. Lichty are
sisters of Mrs. Conner.
Refreshments were in charge of
the WSCS. Garden flowers car
ried out the color theme of gold
and-white. The three-tier wed
ding cake, baked by Mrs. Perry
Lichy and Mrs. Otto Storm, made
up the centerpiece for the table.
Mrs. Ralph Belmar of Wisner
and Mrs. Gladys Nothem and
daughter of Eureka, Calif.,
poured. In charge of the guest
book was Mrs. C. E. Van Brig
gle of Gordon, sister of Mr.
Many pictures were taken dur
ing the afternoon. Cal Stewart of
the “Voice of The Frontier’’ was
also present, taking pictures and
making a tape-recording of an in
terview with Mr. and Mrs. Con
A phonograph record will be
given to Mr. and Mrs. Conner
Mr. and Mrs. Conner became
the parents of 10 children. The
oldest and youngest died in in
They have seven living daugh
ters and one son. Two daughters,
Mrs. Guy (Dorothy) Couch of
Oregon City, Ore., and Mrs.
Charles (Ethel) Mayes of Glide,
Ore., were unable to be present.
Redbird News
The Redbird Lucky Clover
club met for a recreation and
health meeting at the Scottville
hall Friday night. Claranna Car
son and Marilyn Graham gave a
demonstration for using tourni
quets. Gordon Barta played sev
eral selections on his accordian.
Guests were Mrs. Anna Carson,
Billy Wilson of Gregory, Janice
Crawford and Veronica McDon
ald of Lynch, Mrs. Howard Wells
and daughters and Wilma Wells.
Those from here attending the
wedding of Barry Baker and
Donna Smolik at St. Anthony’s
Catholic church at Fairfax, SJ}.,
were Mr. Nick Baker, Mrs. Ray
Wilson, Mrs. Alvin Carson and
Mrs. Willa Schollmeyer, Bruce
and Bardy.
Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Pinker
man are in Omaha on business
for a few days. Mrs. Guy Pinker
man and Mrs. Fay Pinkerman
are caring for their small son.
Earn Wilson of Gregory, S.D.,
cam e Sunday to visit relatives
over the Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Mitchell
visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Mitchell at Butte
and her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Eiler of Spencer.
LYNCH—Keith Eiler- of West
Point, N.Y., visited his sister, Mrs.
Richard Courtney, June 8.
LYNCH—Mrs. Art Stewart is
| visiting relatives oin California.
•*» • bosinoat
mrd or • color catalog, bo
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Mr. and Mrs. Scott S. Conner ... on their wedding day, Jan
uary 10, 1906.
Wed in South
Miss Janet Strong (above),
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Strong of Norfolk, formerly
of O’Neill, and Pfc. Lawrence
Stevens of Ft. Hood, Tex., ward
married June 9 at Oklahoma
City, Okla., in the First Chris
tian church. Reverend Sheridan,
pastor, performed the double
ring ceremony.
C Are
REDBIRD—The Scott Comm
unity Project club held its last
meeting for the summer with
Martha Hiscocks. Following the
business meetings. Willa Scholl
meyer gavs a report on “Under
standing the Teenager.” Lunch
eon was served.
Other Redbird News
Mr. and Mrs. William Crawford
and family of Atkinson spent
Tuesday, June 28, with Mr. and
Mrs. Bud Mitchell. Mrs. Craw
ford is a sister to Bud.
Wayne, Donna and Charles,
children of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
Luber of Butte, spent the past
two weeks with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank McDonald.
Sgt. and Mrs. Virgil Wilson of
Hastings and the Bill Wilson fam
ily of Gregory, S.D., were week
end guests in the Ray Wilson
home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert White
of O’Neill were callers.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Miller plan
ned to leave Tuesday evening
for Lincoln to visit their daugh
ter, Delores, at a hospital there.
Mrs. Fay Pinkerman entertain
ed the Dorsey Ladies Aid Wed
nesday, June 29. A large crowd
was present. The hostess served
a 5 o’clock luncheon,
family and Mr. and Mrs. Don
Bare were Sunday evening dinner
Bre were Sunday evening dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Car
sten and Hallie.
Mrs. Howard Wells had as
guests last week her sister, the
former Joan Ross, and husband
and baby of Wshington.
Sunday evening visitors in the
Elmer Hull home at Niobrara
were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull and
Leroy, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hull
and family of Iowa, Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Rhianek and Claude Hull of
Monowi and Mr. and Mrs. Wy
ne Boelter and son of Verdigre.
Page News
The Thursday evening bridge
club members v/ere guests of Mrs.
Melvin Roach. Mrs. Alton Brad
dock had high score and Mrs.
Dan Troshynski received the tra
veling award. Mrs. Harold Kelly
was a guest. Mrs. Carl Max will
be the July 14 hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French,
sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn
French, jr., and Stephanie were
supper guests in the home of Dr.
and Mrs. O. W. French at O’Neill
Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Tallon of Omaha, Dr. and
Mrs. Ivan French of Wahoo, and
Mr. and Mrs. Dale French and
family of O’Neill were also guests.
Eric Neilson and Orville Han
sen and families of Creighton
and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Han
sen were surprise guests Sunday in
the Roy Hansen home. The oc
casion was Mr. Hansen’s birthday
anniversary. In the evening, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Thompson and
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen
were guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dobbins,
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen, Mr.
and lvirs. Frank Snyder, Mrs.
Fannie Stewart, Mrs. Carrie Ter
ser, Mrs. Hester Bdmisten, Mrs.
iNeU lvicintosn and Miss Viola
naynes enjoyed a picnic dinner
ana supper at the Allen Haynes
nome, ivionday July 4.
Mr. and ivirs. Les Riege and
Bonnie were weekend guests in
me home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. D. Horrocks, at Tilaen.
Bonnie stayed for a longer visit
with her grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Brad
docit, Dale and Mrs. Dick Buxton
of Omaha were weekend visitors
in the Alton Braddock and Wil
liam Buxton homes at Page and
at the Heiter home at O’Neill.
They returned to Omaha Tues
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williamson
of Castleford, Ida., arrived Sun
day for a week’s visit with his
mother, Mrs. Celestine Willam
son, and with his brothers-in
law and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. I.
O. Wood and C. P. Leach. On
Monday the group went to the
home of their brother, Harold
Williamson, and family at Stuart
to spend the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stewart and
family of Ralston came Sunday
morning to Page where they were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Stewart. Other guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Stewart, Mrs. Hat
tie Stewart and Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Smith and Linda. On
Monday the same group spent the
day with the Smith family. The
Stewarts returned to their Ral
ston home Monday afternoon.
Dale Wood of Lincoln came
Saturday and took his grandpar
ents, Mr. nd Mrs. R. D. Copes,
home with him for a week’s visit.
A family reunion was held
Sunday at the Christian church
parlors at Winner, S.D. Mr. and
Mrs. John Redlinger and their II
children and their families gath
ered together for the day. Mr.
and Mrs. Arnold Redlinger, for
mer residents of O’Neill, came
from Pamona, Calif. Others were
there from Boulder, Colo., Minn
esota, Oklohoma, Omaha and
Page and the others were from
near Winner. Mr. and Mrs. Reu
ben Redlinger and family attend
ed from Page. Lorell Pickering
took care of the chores during
their absence. They returned
Monday evening.
Mrs. Carrie Taylor and daugh
ters, Floma and Hazel were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. William
Neubauer and Miss Grace Merry
man the Fourth of July. Mrs.
Emma Canaday and Misses Nelle
and Grace Wood were guests al
Dance Planned
in New Hall —
STAR—The first formal use of
the newly-built Ash Grove com
munity hall will be made Satur
day night. A committee of four—
including Leonard Juracek, Clay
ton Nelson, Bernard Montgomery
and Max LeMasters—will sponsor
a dance. Invitations have been
The hall was built during the
past few months on a membership
basis and was informally put to
use during the Fourth of July
Ewing News
Mrs. Lena Kirschmier had as
weekend guests at her home
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Wolverton
and son, Kenneth, of Pilger; Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Neisius and son of
Pilger; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Kirschmier and family of Wich
ita, Kans. Other guests who call
ed during the weekend were Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Crotty and "son
of Wichita, Kans., Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Stevens and daughter,
Dixie, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Snyder
and son, all of Orchard. A picnic
dinner was enjoyed on the lawn
at the Kirschmier home on Sun
Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs
and Mr. and Mrs. William Lof
quest returned home Monday
from a vacation trip into the
Badlands of South Dakota.
A family picnic was held on
July 4 at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Ruby. Present were
their son, James, home on fur
lough, and his wife, Dorothy, and
children, who have made their
home at Norfolk for several
months, also Mrs. Gene Ruby
and children, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Beeleart and family of Page,
Hazel Ruby, Elsie Chase, Mrs.
William Spence.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ruby and
family left Wednesday to return
to Virginia where Mr. Ruby will
be stationed with the navy.
William Spence and son, Lyle,
accompanied by Wyne Fry spent
the weekend fishing at Valen
Friday evening guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Spence were Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Loseke and daughter, Jackie, of
The Forum group of the United
Presbyterian church enjoyed a
picnic at the farm home of Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Miller. Members of
the Seek-and-Share club were in
vited guests. A picnic dinner was
enjoyed with games and sports
for afternoon fun.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Saiser en
tertained Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Grim at a 6 o’clock dinner at
their home Tuesday evening,
June 28.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Woeppel
and family of Storm Lake, la.,
spent the holiday weekend in
Ewing at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Woeppel.
Lester Woeppel of Omaha was
also a guest at the parental home.
Glen Tuttle and friend of Mer
idan, la., are enjoying a week’s
vacation with home folks.
On Sunday, July 3, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Tuttle entertained at a
family dinner party honoring the
birthday anniversary of their
oldest son, Glen. Other guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Vearl Tuttle
and family, Mrs. Hannah Tuttle,
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tuttle and
daughter, Dean Tuttle, all of
Recent guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson were
his sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Ruppenthal,
Pauline and Nadene of Yakima,
Wash., and Mrs. Vincent Pierson
of Cheyenne, Wyo. They also
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Pierson in Ewing.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pierson,
their daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Pribnow,
and daughter of Cedar Rapids,
la., attended family reunion at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Cleveland in Orchard on
Sunday, July 3. The guests of
honor were Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Cleveland and family of
New York.
Lois and Jerry Furley of Mad
ison are guests at the home of
their grandmother, Mrs. Eliza
^beth Angus, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Angus and
her mother, Mrs. Edith Black, al
so Mr. and Mrs. Gearld Black
and family celebrated the fourth
of July in Neligh.
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies ac
companied by Mrs. Rose Bohn
and family spent Sunday, July
3, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Bohn.
Chambers News
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Medcalf,
Bobbie and Kathy of Sioux City
spent Sunday and Monday with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H.
Medcalf and Mr. and Mrs. E. R.
Mrs. Mike Hart and son, Ro
land, of Hazel ton N.D., who are
attending college at Chadron,
spent the July 4 weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo
dore Moss, and brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Resinger and
son of Sheldon, la., spent from
Saturday, July 2, until Monday
with his sister, Mrs. Elmer Wan
dersee. They went from here to
White Horse ranch north of Stu
art and then to the Ft. Randall
dam before returning home.
Mr and Mrs. Zane Rowse, Vir
gil David, Verle David of Cham
bers and Mrs. Clarence Logerman
of Brunswick drove to Lincoln
Sunday to visit their brother,
Earl, at the Veteran’s hospital.
Verle and Virgil stayed the others
returned Sundy evening.
O’Neill News
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Loy
and family of Enid, Okla., spent
from Friday until Monday after
noon at the home of-his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Loy.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Van
Every had as their Sunday guests
his daughter and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Sanford Gamel of Bel
Rose Mary Babl, Jim Schmitz,
Mary Schmitz and Lnuie Pier
son attended the Fourth of July
celebration and rodeo at Fairfax,
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Kelly
and son, Russell, of Omaha came
Wednesday and stayed until Sun
dy in the Ivan Pruss home. They
were accompanied by Mrs. Wil
liam Slater of Anita, la.
Connie Pereroom is now -em
ployed at the Lee store at O’Neill.
STUART—Mr. and Mrs. Ward
J. Flanigan went to Lincoln Sat
urday and Mr. Flanigan entered
the Veterans hospital Sunday for
Frontier for printing!
f C
KiSBffii * ifipST 2 °
Free Tax Rider
Stuart News
Airman and Mrs. Robert Fox
arrived here Sunday night for a
short visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilfred Seger. They
are enroute to Baltimore, Md.,
from Holloran AFB at Alomogor
do, N.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Seger
took their daughter, Mrs. Char
les Dawson, and Stevie to Grand
Island Sunday where she left by
train for her home in Long
Beach, Calif. She has been visit
ing her for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Fox of
Columbus spent the July 4 week
end with relatives in Stuart and
About 30 members and parents
of the Stuart Elkhorn Valley 4-H
club motored to Pickstown, S.D.,
on July 4, for a picnic. Parents
who accompained the group were
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Murphy, Mrs.
Art Givens, Mrs. Harold Givens,
Mrs. Jim Hoffman and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fox of
Alamogordo, N.M., Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred Seger and Lowell attend
ed a family picnic at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Don Kaup of
Newport on July 4.
e? »is i •
Everett Miner returned Sun
day, July 3, from the first Nat
ional Aberdeen-AnguS conven
tioh at Stillwater, Okla., June 30
through July 3. He was accom
panied by Denzel Anderson of
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Synder
of Lake View, la., and four child
ren came Saturday and remained
until Sunday in the Ivan Pruss
home. Mrts. Kelly, Mrs. Synder
and Mrs. Pruss are sisters.
The following described Holt county rural school buildings will
be offered at public auction, on the premises on the date and at
the hour designated below:
' District No. 14
Former District No. 12 school house, size 12x14 feet, located six
miles north, 1 mile east of Phoenix.
District No. 14 school house, size 18x30 feet, insulated and wired
for R.E.A., floor sanded and inside repainted in 1954 Practically
new roof, building in good condition. Oil burner heater, 275 gal.
drum (fuel), two outdoor toilets. Located 3 miles north, 4 miles
west, 1 Vi miles north of Midway, or 3 miles east, 2 Vi miles north
of Phoenix.
District No. 84 barn, located 3 miles east, Vi mile south of Phoe
nix. All these to be sold at District No. 14 school house.
Secretary — Arthur O’Neill
District No. 34
SATURDAY, JULY 23 — 2:30 P.M.
School house 16x24 and contents. Barn 14x25. Located twenty %
miles north of O’Neill on highway 281.
Secretary — George Mellor
District No. 208
School house 22x22 and contents. Condition of building fair.
Small barn and toilets. From school house 34—1 mile north, 2
miles east, 1 mile south and Vi mile east.
Secretary — M. A. Miller
District No. 224
School house 24x16 and contents. Located 1 mile south, 1 mile
west, Vi mile south Midway.
Secretary — Loyal Hull
Col. Ed Thorin, Auct.