Befriends Aged A/lc John D. Binkerd (above^, son of Mrs. ' Melvin Spangler of Ewing, is now sta tioned at Milden Hall, East Anglia, England, at an air force headquarters. He is pictured with a friend—an aged English woman, Mrs. Colomon of Great Yarmouth, a North sea port. Airman Binkerd has 15 more months to spend in England during his enlistment. Riverside News Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Jensen spent a week fishing in Minnesota. They returned home Wednesday night, June 22. Anna Marie and Janice Jensen stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier during their folks absence. Mr. and Mrs. Grtnt Mott and family visited Saturday. June 18, with relatives at Newport. Ronnie Mott stayed until Tuesday, June 21, when his grandfather brought him home. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Babcock of Wisconsin recently visited the Archie Johnston family. Archie and Mr. Babcock were overseas buddies in World War II. The Happy Hollow 4-H club met Saturday, June 18, at the home of Sandra and Doug Shra der. Mrs. Lynn Fry was hostess to the Seek and Share club Tuesday, June 14. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and sons and Mrs. Kittie Fry were Sunday, June 19, dinner guests of the Bert Finks. Mrs. Fry spent a few days visiting Lee and Ava. Father’s day guests at the Will Shrader home were: Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader and family; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston and girls and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wettlaufer and Gary. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shrader attended a banquet at Grand Is land Saturday evening, June 18, when their son, Lloyd, received his diploma from the Grand Is land Business college. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mott were Sunday, June 19, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Elliot. The Happy Hollow 4-H club held a roller skating party at the Neligh roller rink Monday night, June 27. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock called at Rollie Snells and Loren Libby’s homes near Page Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter were shopping in Neligh Friday. Mrs. John O’Dea of Ottumwa, S.D., formerly Edna Bennett, is visiting relatives here for a couple weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Potter of Sioux City were weekend guests of the Z.' H. Frys and George Montgomerys. The ladies are cousins. Janell Hoke spent the past week at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Alvin (Genevieve) Nelsen, near Plainview. Mrs. June Battagliae and two daughters have visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pollock the past two weeks. On Sunday they accom panied Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pol lock to Omaha where they will visit a few days before returning to their home in California. Altha Lou Miller, Larry and Sonny Hand, Maritta and Merna Miller, Wilda Johnson and Ron nie Mott will return Wednesday from a week at the Free Metho dist youth conference at Ansley. Sandra Shrader, Linda Tuttle, Sharon Johnston and Dianne Shrader returned Saturday night from a six-day encampment at the United Presbyterian youth conference near Milford. Rev. W. J. Bomer was dean of men and Mrs. Carl Christon was a counsel lor of girls. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nelsen and Jimmy and Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Gunter were Sunday dinner guests at the DeWitt Hoke home. Janell Hoke was celebrating her 15th birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier visit ed the Duane Jensens at Newman Grove Sunday. Dale and Betty were celebrating their wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Potter were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry. Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Hoke and Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. Rol Hord and Mr. and Mrs. George Mont gomery helped Mrs. Harold Jones celebrate her birthday anniver sary at her home Friday evening. To West Coast— Mrs. Harry Petersen and daugh ter, Miss Jane, departed last week for a vacation on the West coast. They visited points of interest en route by car, including Boulder dam. O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs.. G. C. DeBacker and daughter, Miss Diane, and son, Rev. Thomas DeBacker of Omaha, arrived home Saturday after a two-weeks’ visit in the East. They visited Washington, D. C., on three occasions and Miss Diane made a sidetrip to New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Don Petersen went to Lake Andes Tuesday where they attended the wedding of Mrs. Petersen’s sister, Miss Patricia Padrnos. Pamela Peter sen was a flowergirl. Mrs. Peter sen and Pamela remained in Lake Andes until Sunday when Mr. Petersen brought them home. Robert Beckenhauer reported for military duty at Ft. Belvoir, Va. He will attend officers’ en gineering school. He left O’Neill Sunday and reported on Thurs day. Mrs. George Hammond gave a luncheon last Thursday in honor of Mrs. Gowan Miller of St. Paul, Minn., who is visiting in the Dr. W. F. Finley home. Miss Kathryn Grady of Den ver, Colo., went to Atkinson Sunday to spend several days with the C. E. Chace family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Francis of Washington, D.C., are visiting in the Dr. W. F. Finley home. Mrs. Paul Montgomery, Clare and Julie left Saturday for their home in Baker, Ore. They had been spending a two-week vava tion visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Grady. Mrs. Harrison Hobey of Stuart left Saturday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bright. Venetian minds, prompt deliv ery, made to masure, metal or wood, all colon.— J. M. McDon alds. tf Gary Allan Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Anderson, left Sunday for the Methodist youth camp at Ponca. Mrs. I. J. Kinsman of Colum bus has been assisting in the Golden hotel in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Anderson and family spent Saturday in Norfolk. Mrs. Ed Tsotta of Pilger and Mrs. Frank Clements spent Sun day in Ewing visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bower. Monuments of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer. — Emmett Crabb, O’ Neill, phone 139-J. 37tf Mrs. Arthur Tibbetts is in Ft. Campbell, Ky., visiting her son, Cpl. Larry Tibbetts, who is a paratrooper. He is to be sent ov erseas July 6. Warren Burgess came Friday night and spent the weekend with his wife, who is staying in the home of his parents. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Burges. Mrs. Faye Brittell and Carol returned Sunday from Neligh where they had been visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dickie Femeau for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kiecha fer and son, Donald, of Plainview, Mr. and Mrs. Darel Bright of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bright, Mr. and Mrs. Ardell Bright, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hobey and Donald Maw of O’ Neil were Sunday visitors and dinner guests In the Ramon Bright home. Afternoon Meetings for Summer Months— The Pleasant Brook 4-it club met at the Eliot home on Tues day, June 21. All members were present except one. It was voted at this meeting to give $5 to the building fund at Chambers. It is for the 4-H ex hibits. It was also decided at this meeting that for over the summer months, meetings would be held at 2 in the afternoon. We talked of plans for our 4-H club picnic. It will be decided at the next meeting where and when it will be. Next meeting wil be held at Schmisers. Mrs. Schmiser and Mrs. Louis Funk will be co hostesses. Farm Work Seekers May Apply— Volunteer placement repre sentatives, working with the Ne braska Employment Service, are being assisted in this area by Wil liam Beyer of Stanton, farm ser vice representative. Farm hands seeking harvest work should make known their desires and availability to William Miller at O’Neill courthouse an nex basement, Joe Kokes at At kinson, Ed Wink at Chambers, Julian Sojka at Ewing. Visits Here— Mrs. James Harty and children of Denver, Colo., formerly of Scottsbluff arrive^ June 19 to vis it her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Si mon Bosn, and Mrs. W. H. Harty. Bride-Elect Feted— Mrs. J. F. Bangs was hostess at a pre-nuptial shower last Thursday evening honoring Miss Frances Reimer, daughter of County Judge and Mrs. L. W. Reimer. Guests included a group of former classmates of Miss Rei mer and Mrs. Bangs. Miss Reimer will become the bride of Richard Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson Sun day, July 17. Now on Display at— Consumers Public Power District 4WH-9004 Vm S if ^» &k PRICES FOR JULY 1st+2»ur neighbor wants one too! } I CAWKEASE .1 1 LEMONADE (f 1 1 CONCENTRATE *11 o «-“• 29c 11 Sm CANS I tender beef _ „ _ MIWIITE STEMS 1 SWIFT’S I calami 1 ton* 2a esssx" ■"* SUMMER > SAUSAGE . I SWIFT’S I I premium . J I BRAUMSCHWEIGER'_ WATERMELONS SUGAR-SWEET ■■■IIAI IP lc ™ M SUNKIST LEMONS CRISP CUCUMBERS - —■•• » EBSLStiSmHKm' tt* GLOSSY, RED-RIPE I TOMATOES 19 — GRANULATED BEET ^ W.SWEETS % t'' o WOLFF'S OLIVES CUMIT / BAG PLEASE ) AIIFFftl ASSTD. SANDWICH M X w™. COOKIES tst Z9* fT°rn CIRCUS (M-MALLOW) «A x MAN7 M% PEANUTS 29 ^ ^'kshoestring Ml V m POTATOES SSf■ iifi r . ' > l * i © ■ I , SJ5& opecial PRICE GOOD THRU JULY 9th --—• I FINEST ^ vie no. 2% can t PORK&BEANSZr Sum-Mid vlA* 1 WILSONS „ 0t- \ MM | BEEF CA“ g * i