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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1955)
How Would You Like to Sec a Picture 35-Ft. High and 80-Ft. Wide? B« Here Sunday-Monday-Tnesday, May 15-16-17 if—iiil_, THE FIRST ONE IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA -for the Showing of: coco^ --- O'Neill Drive-In Theater ' .. .-. O £ . - ° Riverside News Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry and Ot to Retke spent the weekend visit ing the Frank Emsics in Omaha. Deanna Em sic was attendant to the queen in the May day fes tivities held at their school Sa turday afternoon. Miss Eva Cummings of York < visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mil j 1 ---- -- — | ler the forepart of last week. Several members of the Seek and Share project club attended a May day tea at Brunswick Tuesday afternoon, May 3. Duane Hord was honored at a birthday anniversary party Mon day evening, May 2, at his home. Guests were Rev. and Mrs. Wil liam Bomer and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Switzer, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter, Levon and Paul, Jim Gunter, Mrs. DeWitt Gunter, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Na pier and children. Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Hoke and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Montgomery and Robert. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Anson and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Butterfield visited friends in Wisner recent ly. Mrs. Jim Pollock and Norman and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sturbaum were mother’s day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pollock and Patsy. Mrs. Earl Day, Mrs. Don Lar son and children, Mrs. F. A. Hand and children, Mrs. Grant Mott and children and Mrs. Jackie Reiter and sons,and Mrs. Jerry Bader and sons attended the rur al school track meet in Neligh Friday, May 6. They enjoyed a picnic dinner in the Riverside park at noon. Mrs. DeWitt Hoke and Clayton, Mrs. Fern Rexin and Diane and Gordon Shrader also attended the track meet from district 86. Mr. and Mrs. Elza Wolfe of Erickson visited their daughter, Mrs. Walter Miller, and Walter Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Raasch of Omaha spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Art Busshardt and girls and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pollock and daughters of Neligh joined them for a mother’s day dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry had as their Sunday dinner guests A. C. Gibson, Marcia and Keith. Mrs. Robert Tams and Mrs. Lionel Gunter and Paul attended a 4-H meeting in O’Neill Satur day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Napier and Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Mont gomery and children were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Anson call ed on Mr. and Mrs. Dana Lyons at Inman Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Kittie Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Vandersnick and children and Mrs. Jessie Retke were mothers day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry. Judy Gunter spent several days last week visiting at the Will Shrader home. Jack Strode of Stuart called at the Grant Mott home Friday af ternoon. Mrs. Dale Reiter ana sons oi Albion visited at the F. A. Hand home several days last week. Mrs. Dean Bader and sons of Omaha spent the weekend with her homefolks, the Hands, who had the pleasure of having their six children home and all attended baccalaureate services in Ewing that night. Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson and family entertained the Larsons on mother's day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Riemer and Elayne, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Temple and Twila, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chris ton, Mr. and Mrs. El mer Pahl and Mary and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Starr and Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry, Julie and Jody called at the Jim Bar tak home Monday evening. Mother’s day guests at the Leo Miller home were7~Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller, Sandra Tellander and Jay Butler. They were also celebra ting Joanie Miller’s eighth birth day anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Napier and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harpster and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier and girls and Rev. and Mrs. William Bomer and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier. Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry, Mrs. Earl Day, Mr and Mrs. Dale Na pier, Mr. ana Mrs. Wayne Fry and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Munn and children were Thursday evening supper guests of the Richard Napiers. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter and sons and Jim Gunter were mother’s day guests of the Verl Gunter family at Nelligh. George Mitchell celebrated a birthday anniversary Monday, May 9, also Mrs. C. Don Vogel, formerly of Ewing. Attends School— Mrs. C. L. Brady, jr., returned Friday from Hastings where she had spent a week attending a dressmaking meeting. To Wed in August William Schroder of O’Neill announces the engagement of his daughter, Miss Mary Ann (above) to Stanley G. Young, son of Mrs. Guy Young of O’ Neill. Miss Schroder was grad uated from O’Neill high school with the class of 1953; Mr. Young was graduated from the same school in 1949. The bride elect is presently employed by the Del Norte county Chamber of Commerce. Crescent City, Calif., where she is residing with her mother, Mrs. Carl Caruso. Mr. Young an air force veteran, is employed by the Nebraska highway department at Chadron. METHODIST (Page-Inman) Rev. Lisle E. Mewmaw, pastor Thursday, May 12: inman WS CS meeting at 2:30 p.m.; Inman choir practice at 7:30 followed by MYF; Inman official board meet ing at 8 p.m., in the Elsie Krueger home Page choir practice at 8 p.m. Sunday, May 15: Inman church school at 8:45 am.; Inman soil stewardship Sunday observance at 9:45 o’clock with Rev. Leon Foster, mobile minister, as guest preacher. Reverend Foster will meet with the commission on fi nance and Lord’s portion com mittee at 2:30 p.m.; Page church school at 10 a.m.; children’s day and baptismal services at 11 o’ clock; baccalaureate service in each community at 8 p.m. Wednesday, May 18: Inman commencement program at 8 p.m. CHRIST LUTHERAN (O’Neill) 7th and Clay Sts. Rev. E. G. Smith, pastor Friday, May 13: Family night, 7:30 p.m.; the building committee is sponsoring a family night at which a report of progress to date will be given concerning our building fund. Pictures will be shown and refreshments will be served. Bring the entire family. Sunday, May 15: Worship, 9 a. m.; Sunday-school, 10:15 a.m. Monday, May 16: Young peo ple’s play rehearsal, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 19: Adult in struction, 8 p.m. A series of dis cussions based upon the teachings of the Lutheran church. This week the doctrine of holy com munion will be presented. All are welcome. ASSEMBLY OF GOD (O’Neill) Rev. Wayne Hall, pastor Today (Thursday) there is a fellowship meeting at Neligh. Services at 2:30; 6;30 and 7:45 p.m. Sunday, May 15: Sunday school at 10 a.m.; worship at 11 am.; boys’ and girls’ story hour at 7:30 p.m.; evening services at 8 o’clock. Christ’s Ambasadors meeting has been changed from Tuesday evening until Sunday evening at 7 o’clock. • Wednesday, May 18: Paul Pugh, a missionary from South America, will be speaking. You will thrill to hear of God’s work in this land. ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN (Chambers) Rev. Howard Claycombe, pastor Today (Thursday): Ladies aid, 1:30 pm. Saturday, May 14: Confirma tion class, 10 am. Sunday, May 15: Nursery Sun day-school and adult Bible class, 9:30 a.m.; divine worship. 10:30 a.m. Monday: Vacation Bible school will be held from May 16-27, Monday through Friday, 11:45 a.m. All children of Sunday-school age are invited to join this special opportunity for fellowship and Bible study. CHURCH OF CHRIST Corner of Sixth and Grant John Thomas, minister Sunday, May 15: Bible school, 10 a.m.; communion and preach ing, 11 a.m.; youth fellowship, 7 p.m.; evening worship at 8 o’ clock. Bible study and prayer ses sion Wfednesday, 8 p.m. METHODIST (O’Neill) Rev. W. B. Smith, pastor Friday, May 13: Dorcas society, 12 noon, at church; “Wings Over Jordan” cancelled; training ses sion for all of next year’s official board including the commissions, 7:30 pm Sunday, May 15: Junior choir practice, 9:15 a.m.; church school classes, 9:45 a.m.; worship, soil and souls observance, 11 a.m.; sermon: “Soil, Life’s Foundation; MYF cabinet, 1:30 p.m.; bacca laureate, 8 p.m. Monday. May 16; Wesleyan ser vice guild, 8 pjn,; installation of officers. Tuesday, May 17: Adult fel lowship, 8 p.m.; Mrs. J. L. Jay to give talk and show pictures on Hawaii. Wednesday. May 18: Com mencement exercises, high school auditorium, 8 p.m. CENTER UNION (O’Neill) Rev. C. P. Turner, pastor Sunday, May 15: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; preaching ser vice, 11 a.m. There will be no evening ser vices because of the graduation exercises. We will join with the —.. -* 8" ■ 1 iii graduation exercises in town. Midweek prayer meeting and mission study will meet in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lorenz Wednesday evening at S o’clock. Frontier for printing! ^vwwwwww^ BIG SAVINGS!! ; , UNPAINTED CHESTS ; 11.88 : \ *c 3-Drawer * ' 16.95 Value i Sturdy chests built of clear Ponderosa pine offer I welcome storage space at substantial savings! Well d built of all wood—no cardboard—they have roomy ^ drawers, modem flush bases. It's easy and fun to f finish or paint them with HOMEguard products from a our paint department. " 4- DRAWER CHEST, 18.95 Value. 13.88 4 5- DRAWER CHEST, 19.95 Value. 15.88 DOUBLE DRESSER, 9 drawers. 22.88 I * dTH $X MKT ROBIN COFFEE I tt III tf I • ITIlm I • DRIP or REGULAR Phone 93-W — We Deliver Lb....... 85c DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIX 29* WHITE.. DEVILS FOOD .. YELLOW.. SPICE .. MARBLE.PKG. “ W ROBIN HOOD FLOUR ... $3M COUPON IN EACH BAG GOOD FOR 50c ON NEXT PURCHASE SALAD BOWL DRESSING 47* MRS. TUCKER’S SHORTENING S TIDE . . GIANT PKG. 691 UNIT ■ . REG. PKG. 27« MAZOLA . . PINT 35C.QUART 67e ■ POST RAlStW BRAN.uvor 17 POST TOASTIES.n-oz. 19 GRAPE RUTS .mo 19< GRAPE NUTS FLAKES_ ■ . 1WI 21* SUGAR CUSP.. 23* All-Meat Skinless — FRANKFURTERS „ Lb. 43c Heat Sealed Pack — SLICED BACON _ Lb. 49c Swift’s All-Meat — MINCED HAM_3 Lbs. 99c Picnic — HAMS _Lb. 29c Swift’s Longhorn — CHEESE_Lb. 39c Supreme or Manchester — FIG BARS_ 12-Oz. 27c CRACKERS_Lb. 35c Stokely’s Finest — ORANGE JUICE __7—6 Oz. Can* $1 Stokely’s Finest — BREADED SHRIMP_10-Oz. Pkg. 53c Stokely’s Finest — FISH STICKS _ 8-Oz. Pkg. 42c Green ONIONS or Green Top RADISHES Bunch_ 5c EXTRA FAltfCY CUCUMBERS Lb__ 19c U.S. No. 1 CALIFORNIA Head LETTUCE Lb- 12c “OLD RELIABLE” MARKET REPORT Tuesday, May 10 Auction Cattle recepits 772 head. Our run of cattle greatly ex ceded all adavnce listings and as a result we had buyers kind of market with Stocker and FeedeT prices $1.00-$200 cwt. lower. With drought condit ions beginning to show many ranchers had consignments in. Light yearling steers were in best demand with the better kinds selling from $20.00-21. 50 cwt. Good lands from $18. 00 to $20.00 cwt. with cross breds on down to $13.00 cwt.; 2 year old steers in short supply mostly $18.00-$19.50 cwt.; Heifers were selling from $14.25-$16.00 cwt. on the lighter kinds; 2 year old feed ing heifers mostly $13.00-$14. 50 cwt.; Good cows with cal ves at side $85.00-$l 10.00 per pair. Butcher cattle were only 50-75c cwt. lower with good beef cows selling from $11.00 -$12.00; Cutters from $9.00 10.00; Canners and low cut ters $7.50-$8.75; Beef bulls $10.00-$11.75 cwt. NEXT AUCTION TUESDAY. MAY 17th THE OLD RELIABLE Atkinson Livestock Market Phone 5141 Atkinson, Nebr. . REPORT OF MON., MAY 9, SALE FOUR CARS BY RAIL 190-250 lb. butchers 16.60-17.40. 183 head 17.00 up. 250-335 lb. 14.50-16.85. Sows to 400 lbs. 13.70-15.00. 400 to 590 lbs. 12.89 14.05 wet sows 13.00-14.20. Bred sown 43.00-57.50 each. Sow and Utter 64.00-78.00. Feeders 125-150 lb. 11.10. « For Top Market Prices; For Sales and Service, Consign to Verdi gre Livestock Market SALE EVERY MONDAY W. LLOYD BRADY, Owner and Mgr. Phone 86 Verdigre Samsonite Set For men and women the gift that carries your love! Mmim Com wMi r*n*o<<obl« moko-up tray, »oa lor ovorytiiing da mtii lor ovornigirf, taroror tigIt*. $1740 PW» T«c Ladies' Wardrobe..$25.00 O'Nite Convertible.$22.50 O'Nite Regular...$19.50 All prices plus lax A glamour gift for the girl graduate . . . beautiful Sam" sonite luggage! She’ll delight in its luxurious appear ance ... its roomy woman'planned interiors. And, a complete set comes to about half what you’d expect to pay for luggage of such fine quality! Only Samsonite has these exclusive features: • Better-than-leather finish wipes clean with a damp cloth. • Packs more clothes in less space... carries them wrinkle-free. • Made to "take" rough handling... lasts for years and years. Available in Bermuda Green, Rawhide Finish, Altigator Finish, Colorado Brown, Saddle Tan and Admiral Blue. We Now Have in Stock All Sizes and Colors That Are by SAMSONITE. Select Your Choice Early! Other SAMSONITE Styles As Low As_§15 McCARVILLES CLOTHING SHOES for the Entire Family