The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 12, 1955, Page 7, Image 7

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    The Chisholms ... to reside in Dayton, O., upon their return
from Florida.—O’Ne'ill Fhoto Co.
o ____ * '_ -'.“i
Dr. Wiltse Chosen
» to Address Grads
o Butterfield, Sobotka
Inman Royalty
o INMAN—Dr. Earl W. Wiltse
will speak at commencement ex
ercises at the Inman public
school auditorium at 8 p.m., on
Wednesday, May 18.
The seniors are Richard Sobot
ka, Vickie Hutton, Don Kelley,
Shirley Butterfield and Ronnie
The annual junior-senior ban
quet was held Friday night at the
Town House in O’Neill, followed
by a prom in the school audi
torium. Decorations featured an
Oriental motif with blue sky and
lanterns hanging from silver stars.
Shirley Butterfield was crowned
queen; Richard Sobotka, king.
In front of the throne was a
silver fish pond in which small
fish were swiming. At the op
posite end of the room was a re
freshment stand and orchestra
shell. Tiny bells tingled in the
breeze and hung from pink trees.
Other Inman News
The Inman Cemetery associa
tion held its annual meeting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
M. McMahan on Monday evening,
May 2. New officers were elect
ed: Kenneth F. Smith, president
Earl L. Watson, secretary; Mrs.
° James McMahan, treasurer; Mil
dred Keyes, trustee for two years.
The officers visited the cemetery
on Wednesday evening, May 4, to
see what should be done before
memorial day. Mrs. McMahan
served lunch to the group after
the meeting.
Mrs. A. N. Butler entertained
the Royal Neighbors lodge at her
home on Wednesday afternoon,
May 4. Following the regular
meeting, the time was spent so
cially after which Mrs. Butler
served refreshments.
me inman conee ciud mei
Thursday at the country home of
Mrs. Blanch Rouse. A covered
dish luncheon was served at noon
fbllowed by a short business ses
sion and a social period.
Ralph Sholes and Tom Clark,
who are employed with the tele
phone company, spent the week
end visiting in the Violet Sholes
and E. E. Clark homes.
Miss LuElla Watson of Atkin
son spent the weekend visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. il
Mrs. George Dodge of New
port spent the weekend in the
El mpr and Melvin Mlchaelis
homes and also the Uoyd Smith
Mrs. Clara Volquardsen of
White River, S.D., spent a few
days recently in the home of Mrs.
Anna Kopejtka and Mary Ann.
Wednesday, April 27, cajlers
were Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Chilar
of Redbird. Mrs. Volquardsen,
Mrs. Chilar and Mrs. Kopejtka
are sisters.
Tuesday evening, April 27,
callers in the home of Mrs. Anna
Kopejtka were Mr. and Mrs.
Walt Kopejtka and family of El
gin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kopjtka
and family of O’Neill, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Kopejtka and family
of Spencer, and Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Kopejtka and family and
Oscar Eaton of Inman.
Monday, April 25, visitors in
the Kopejtka home were Mr. and
Mrs Frank Pavlik of Verdigre.
Mrs. Pavlik is a sister of Mrs.
Anna Kopejtka.
Phyllis J. Seger
Weds Air Officer
Miss Phyllis Jean Seger, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seger
j of O’Neill, and Lt. Leslie L. Chis
j holm, jr., of Wright-Patterson air
force base, Dayton, O., son of Dr.
and Mrs. Leslie L. Chisholm, sr.,
of Lincoln were united in mar- j
riage at a 3 o’clock afternoon
ceremony Sunday, May 8, at the
Methodist church in O’Neill.
Rev. Wallace B. Smith, pastor,
officiated at the double-ring
rite before a chancel decorated
with spring flowers, bridal
wreath and white tapers.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore a gown of
schillie embroidered tulle accent
ed with appliqued flowers. The
fitted bodice featured a scooped
neckline with wrist-length taper
ing sleeves the' bouffant floor
length skirt was accented with a
nylon ruffle edging. A fingertip
veil of illusion net fell from her
Elizabethan bonnet. She carried
a bouquet of white carnations
and stephanotis.
Mrs. M. E. Davis, jr., was ma
tron-of-honor for her sister. The
bridesmaids were the Misses
Donna Crabb of O’Neill, Joan
Fflug of Norfolk and Peggy Mc
Quiston of Pender.
Mrs. Davis’ gown was waltz
length and of rose taffeta. She
wore a matching bandeau and
carried a colonial bouquet of
daisies. The bridesmaids’ dresses
were blue taffeta styled like the
matron-of-honor’s gown. Their
bandeaux were blue taffeta and
the carried colonial bouquets of
daisies. .
George Chisholm of Lincoln
was bestman for his brother.
Jack Coffman of Lincoln, Jess
Crump of Omaha and Gene Seger
ushered. They wore navy blue
suits with white boutonnieres.
The Misses Charlotte McVey
of O’Neill and Charlene Tewel of
Valentirie lighted the candles.
miss twiner Kinnier, organist,
accompanied Miss Lois Harder,
soloist. Miss Harder sang, “O
Promise Me”, “I Love Thee” and
“The Lord’s Prayer.”
Following the ceremony a
reception was given in the church
parlors. The bridal table, cen
tered with the wedding cake,
was decorated with daisies, spring
flowers, bridal wreath and white
candleabra. Miss Jean Zimmer
man of Lincoln was in charge of
the guest book and Mrs. E. L.
Miner the gifts. Four friends of
the bride from Omaha assisted the
V-’esleyan Service Guild with
the serving.
The couple will spend several
weeks in Florida. For traveling,
the bride wore a navy blue linen
suit with pink accessories. They
will be at home after August 20,
in Dayton, O.
Mrs. Chisholm was graduated
from O’Neil high school in 1951.
She attended Wesleyan University
in Lincoln and is a student now
at the University of Nebraska
school of nursing in Omaha.
Lieutenant Chisholm was grad
uated from the University of
Nebraska and until he entered
the air force was attending the
University of Nebraska college of
medicine in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Walker
entertained at a dinner Sunday
honoring Mrs. Hugh O’Neill.
Quests were Mr. and Mrs. Blake
Benson and Stanley, Carroll O’
Neill, Mrs. Henry F. Schlueter
and Rick and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Benson and family.
350-400 Head of Cattle
There will be between 350-500 head of cattle on hand
today (Thursday) at our market for our regular sale. There
will be one nice consignment of 60 head of two-year-old and
heifer calves, weighing between 400 and 500 pounds.
The run will be exceptionally heavy due to the dry con
ditions. If you need good Stocker and feeder cattle you will
find them at the sale today.
Also to be sold are three saddle ponies suitable for saddle
club horses. Plan now to attend today’s sale.
O’Neill Livestock Market
Phone 2, O’Neill
Amelia News -
Mrs. Elsie Doolittle and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Doolittle and
sons, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Ken
nedy and sons visited at the Tom
Doolittle, sr., home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gruenberg
; of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
! Gruenberg, Linda and Carrol
Anne of Stuart, and Mr. and Mrs.
I William Fryrear were mother’s
day dinner guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Orland Fryrear.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce at
tended church in Chambers Sa
Elmer Oetter helped frank
Pierce fix fence Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Wilson and
sons of Hot Springs, S. D., visited
her brother, Harlan Dierking, and
family Sunday morning. They
were dinner giffests at the home of
her father, Alfred Dierking, in
Chambers. One of the Wilson j
boys was ill with the mumps and
was unable to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman
and Marcia, Mrs. D. L Fancher
and Vem Sageser were Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Link Sageser.
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott, Mrs.
Gloria Landrum and Sally, Mrs.
Mamie Sammons, and Mrs. Fred
Watson were dinner guests at
Asa Watson’s Sunday.
Donna Rae Peterson of Lexing
ton spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pe
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnett
were mother’s day guests at the
home of their daughter, Mrs.
Glenn White, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo
were hosts to their mothers, Mrs.
B. W. Waldo and Mrs. Frank
Searles, and family on mother’s
Mrs. George Withers enjoyed
a short visit from her son from
Topeka, Kans. They were here
overnight Thursday enroute to
A few of the members of the
Amelia progressive dub attended
fun night at Chambers Thursday,
evening. Those representing the*
dub were Mrs. Clyde Widman,
Mrs. Mae Sageser, Mrs. Florence
Rees, Mrs. Eva Backhaus and
Florence Lindsey.
There will be a shower for
Miss Sandra Gilman Sunday, May
15, at the Amelia Methodist
church annex.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnes and
family visited Pickstown, S.D.,
Mrs. Stella Sparks and Lonnie
were dinner guests Sunday of Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Doolittle, sr.
Mrs. Gertie Adair and Ralph
were dinner guests Sunday of Mr.
and Mrs. Hienie Frahm. The din
ner was in the honor of the
birthday anniversary of Mrs.
Frahm and Ralph Adair.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Oetter and
girls visited at the home of their
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Klentz, and family who live near
Mr. and Mrs. Bll Vrooman and
family of Venus visited at the
home of his sister, Mrs. Lew
Backhaus, and Mr. Backhaus on
Gene Lierman, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Lierman, ha^ been
seperated from the army and ar
rived home Friday. His parents
and sister met him at Grand Is
Mrs. Art Doolittle, Dale and
Delores, and Mrs. Bob Adair and
son went to Columbus to visit the
Jerry Tesch family. Mrs. Tesch is
the former Ramona Doolittle. The
Teschs’ two little daughters had
been “very ill” following tonsil
ectomies. They are “much im
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Robak and
sons, Lee and Frank, of Omaha
spent the weekend with her
mother, Mrs. Lee Sammons. Miss
Raedee Wickham accompanied
them and visited her grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce.
They all returned to Omaha Sun
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fisher and
Dorothy went to Clearwater Sun
day to visit Mrs. Fisher’s mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge and
family visited his mother, Mrs.
Bessie Burge, near Emmet Sun
day. Mrs. Clyde Burge talked to
her mother, Mrs. Halcomb, at
Eureka, Calif., by phone and
could hear “very well”.
At Marcellus Home—
Sunday evening dinner guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. B.
Marcellus were Mr. and Mrs. D.
B. Marcellus and Carroll of
Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rent
schler and family of Atkinson,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus
and family of Atkinson and Mr.
and Mrs. Billie Marcellus and
Justice Court
William Glenn Moore, driver
for Dubuque Packing Co., pend
ing, April 26, Donald Richardson.
L. H. Maddux, no reciprocity,
pending, April 27, Jack W. H.
Melvin Snider, driver for
George Wrenholt, Clearwater,
overweight on capacity plates,
pending April 27, Jack W. H.
John Paller, no reciprocity,
pending, Jack W. H. Crouch.
Wilbur Spangler, seine, pend
ing, hearing set for May 6, April
27, Jerome Behm.
Lyman Gubler, driver for Dub
que Packing Co., overweight,
pending, April 29, Donald Rich
Alvin C. Veik, overweight on
capacity plates, $30 and costs,
April 20, Harold Cramer.
Olin Fuller, intoxication, pend
ing, April 30, R. L. Gude.
Vine Jiracek, intoxication, $5
and costs, May 2, R. L. Gude.
Douglas Dale Krause, driver
for Woodbury Chemical Co., no
reciprocity, $15 and costs, May 2,
Harold Kramer.
Richard Helffner, $25 and costs.
Ernest W. Zettle, $14, speed
ing, May 5, Sergent Shorney.
Rueben Bablitz, $29, May 6,
no reciprocity.
William Ross, 10 days in jail
and $10 costs, disturbing the
peace, Officer Harry Jolley, May
James Closson, 10 days in jail
and $10 costs, disturbing the I
the peace. Officer Harry Jolley
May 9.
Delmar Bowers, $25 and costs,
reckless driving.
Robert White, earless driving,
$25 and costs, Officer Harry
Ernest Aerhart, auto theft’,
bound over to district court.
Robert Hunter, auto theft, bound
over to district court.
Mary Weber Honored
on 87th Anniversary—
ATKINSON—Mrs. Mary Web
er celebrated her 87th birthday
anniversary Sunday, May 8, at
the home of her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Guests were her daughter, Mrs.
Charles Gonderinger; her son,
Frank Weber, and family; her
granddaughter. Mrs. Lyle Lower,
and family of Valentine; and her
grandson, Norman Gonderinger,
and family of O’Neill
Three daughters, Miss Rose
Coufal, Mrs. V. E. Shaver, both of
Pueblo, Colo., and Mrs. Julia
Groeger of Platte Center, and one
son, Lewis Weber of Omaha,
were unable to attend.
Receive Call—
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Everitt and
family were dinner guests Sun
day at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McElvain.
Mr. and Mrs. McElvain received
a call Monday evening from their
son, Pvt. Billy McElvain, from
Ft. Ord, Calif.
Becomes Engaged—
BRISTOW—Mr. and Mrs. R. 1
Johnson of Winnebago have an
nounced the engagement of their
daughter, Miss Marjorie Rose, to
Charles Alden Drickey of Chi
cago, 111., and son of Charles
Drickey of Bristow. Th’ey are to
be married June 13. Miss John
son is paster of the Methodist
churches at Bristow and Spencer,
To Minneapolis—
Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry Lof
XI in left Tuesday for Minnea
polis, Minn., where he will at
tend a Gamble store meeting
from Wednesday until Saturday.
•Her mother. Mrs. W. L. DeHart
of Ord, is staying with JoLee
during the Lofflin’s absence.
■ o
will be in O'Neill on
9 A.M. to 5 PJM.
At the Hotel Golden o
Glasses Properly Fitted
Eyes Scientifically
Dr. Edw. J. Norwood. O.D.
from Crawford, Nebraska.
Hey Pordner ... you don't t
need pockets bulgin' with M
• gold dust to buy the best ° m
cuts of beef from ..... v
FROZEN FOODS owrnvwi 1
PICS 2 for 59c
JUICE l Cans55c
2 PROS. 59c
Pork Beans 3 no. 2 cans 35c
SALMON 2 lb. cans 75c
BLEACH 2 QTS._____ 35c
SOAP 4 BARS...... 29c
CANDY 2 lb. pkg_49c
A ^^k ^^k
\LB. ...,5c!
j] Grapefruit ;
I i 10 for 45c [
| J4 LB. Cello Bag;
i 49C i
i . . .
LB. 37*
STEAK LB.___49c
WIENERS 4 K 99^1
BACON SQUARES 2 LBS.... _ 45c »
S, BACON 3U loot
. • * ■ ! .. i ,«■* HR
NOA THERN TISSUE 3 rolls. ........ /9C J
01E0 4 lbs._ 89c | POP CORN LB. . . 7C {
°'K' | LIQUID LUX 0 ■
COFFEE LB-69c | SOAP can_ 35c I
RpUIII half I
ncnill GALLON.... I
' ™ *