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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1955)
Future Subscribers o O o DURRE—Mr. and Mrs. Emesl Durre of Chambers, a son, borr Wednesday, May 11, in the Tilder hospital. Mrs. Durre is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Carson of Chambers. Mrs. Durre’s maiden name was Patricia Car son. FUNK—Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Funk of the Deliot commun ity, a daughter, Mary Alice, born Wednesday, May 4, in Antelope Memorial hospital, Neligh. Mary Alice has three sisters. NEWMAN—Mr. and Mrs. Her bert E. Newman of Stuart, a son, Herbert E. HI, weighing 6 pounds 13 ounces, born Sunday, May 8, in Atkinson Memorial hospital. VANDERBEEK—Mr. and Mrs. la Verne Vanderbeek, a son, James Lee, weighing 5 pounds 11% ounces born Wednesday, May 11, at St. Anthony’s hospital. BILSTEIN — Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Ebstein of Amelia, a daughter, Peggy Lynn, born Sunday, May 1. Junior, Midget Hopefuls Start Workout®— The American Legiori-sponsor er junior and midget baseball program is underway and George Head, manager is calling for more candidates. Practice sessions are being held on Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 6:30 p.m. Aliy boy born on or after Sep tember 1, 1937, can compete in junior Legion ball; those bom on or after September 1, 1939, can play midget or junior ball. A league schedule is being furnished by the state Legion headquarters. O’NEILL LOCALS Mrs. Guy Cole returned Sun day from Seward where she visited friends for four days. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rohrer will leave Sunday for Denver, Colo., to attend tiie eigth grade gradua tion of their granddaughter, Patty Rohrer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rohrer. They will be gone a week. ® The Elkhorn Project club will sponsor a food sale from 1 until 4 Saturday afternoon at Shel Mr. and Mrs. Albert Henning and family of Atkinson were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. ann Mrs. Russel Yusten. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson and family. Mrs. Lonnie Flakus of Neligh visited Monday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Galla gher. Legal Notice {first publication May 12, 1955) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney Estate No. 4037 NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska May 11 1955. In the Matter of the Estate of Agnes Soukup, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Joe Soukup as Administrator of said estate, and will be heard June 2, 1955 at 10 o’clock A.M., at the County Court Room in O’ Neill, Nebraska. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 2-4c (First publication May 12, 1955) LEGAL NOTICE In accordance with the School Laws of Nebraska, I am required to dissolve District No. 71 of Holt County and attach the terri tory there of to other school dis tricts for the reason that said District No. 71 has provided no school for a period of three will be held in my office at the wil be held in my office at the court house in O’Neill, Nebraska on May 26, 10 A.M. ALICE L. FRENCH County Superintendent o 2-3c REX W. WILSON, o M.D. ROBT. M. LANGDON, M.D. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS 128 W. Douglas St., O’Neill. Phone 138 ] 1 Rural & City PHILLIPS “66” PRODUCTS New & Used Tires Greasing 8t Washing Borg s ‘66’ Service PROMPT TANKWAGON SERVICE Phillips **66" Station Phone S62 HHMBKja Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Miller of Star announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Lois (above) to Richard L. Keilholz. Miss Miller was graduated from Page high school and Grand Is land Business college. She is employed as secretary for an ice cream company in Oak land, Calif. Mr. Keilholz is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Keil holz of West Lafayette, Ind., and was graduated from West Lafayette high school. He at tended Butler university and is now in the navy. A late sum mer wedding is planned. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S (O’Neill) Admissions: May 4—Mrs. Ro bert Kersch, Lynch; Walter Clifford, Chambers; Mrs. Henry Kuhfahl, O’Neill. 5—Melvin Sch mit, O’Neill); Grayce McGraw, Inman; Mrs. Alfred Miller, Win ner, S.D., Coleen Collins, O’Neill; Lynda Hopkins, O’Neill; Mrs. E mil Tomsik, Atkinson; Conita Bazelman, O’Neill. 6 — Maude Rowse, O’Neill; Mrs. William Grothe sr., Emmet; Mrs. James O’Donnell, Atkinson; Fred Fors lund, Ewing: Jolene Stutz, O’ Neill. 7— George Colman, sr., In man; Clyde Streeter, O’Neill; Billy Sehwenk, Chambers; Jans Pedersen Chambers. 8 — Dercy Abart, Emmet; Mabel Shobe, Page; Dwain Strong, O’Neill; Mrs. Frank Parkins, O’Neill. 9— Mrs. Lyle Hornback, O’Neill; Mrs. Maxine Vanderbeek, O’ Neill. 10—Dorothy Lee, Brown lee; Mrs. Thomas Ressel, Page. 11—Dercy Abart, Emmet. Dismissals: May 4—Mrs. Frank Biglin, O’Neill; Gary Dean Rey noldson, O’Neill; 'Mrs. Alvin Kloppenborg and baby boy, Emmet; James C. Flannigan, Stuart; Mrs. Melvin Emde and baby girl, Chambers. 5—Russell Gene Cobb, Stuart; Kathleen Clifton, Orchard; Mrs. A. F. Rowan, Mills; Mrs. Bessie Roth erham, Inman. 6—Melvin Sch mit, O’Neill; Clifford Walter, Chambers; Mrs. Henry Kuhfahl, O’Neill. 7—Lynda Hopkins, O’ Neill; Coleen Collins, O’Neill; Mrs. James Soukup (expired), O’Neill; Mrs. R. H. Shriner, O’ Neill; Jolene Stutz, O’Neill; George Colman, sr., Inman. 8— Walter Richard, Chambers; Mrs. Robert Kersch and baby girl, Lynch. 9—Mrs. Emil Tomsik, Atkinson; Billy Sehwenk, Cham bers, Barbara Soukup, O’Neill; Dercy Abart, Emmet. 10—Dwain Strong, O’Neill; Mrs. James O’ Donnell, Atkinson; Grayce Mc Graw, Inman. 11—Clyde Street er, O’Neill; Mrs. Walter Horn back, Spencer; Mrs. Alfred Mil ler, Winner, S.D.; Dorothy Lee, Brownlee; Mrs. Lyle Hornback, O’Neill; Mrs. Thomas Ressel, Page. Hospitalized: Dercy Abart, Emmet; Mrs. Lois Adams, Cham bers; Simon Bosn, O’Neill; Mrs. Alfons Beelaert, Ewing; Conita Bazelman, O’Neill; Mrs. George Bay, O’Neill; Fred Forslund, Ewing; Mrs. William Grothe, sr., Emmet; E. L. Kelley, Chambers; Albert Otte, Winner, S.D.; Linda Ohri, Spencer; Jens P. Pedersen, Chambers; Mrs. Frank Parkins, O’Neill; John Pruss, Emmet; John Richter, O’Neill; Maude Rowse, O’Neill; Mrs. Mabel Shobe, Page; Mrs. Maxine Van derbeck, O’Neill. SACRED HEART (Lynch) Admissions: Dr. E. B. Bradley, Spencer; Mrs. Mary Fusch, Lynch; Baby Steven Kennis Han sen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kennis Hanson, O’Neill; Wilmer Land holm, Spencer; Mrs. Annie Lewis, Butte; Mrs. Hildor pgren, Spen cer; Miss Lilian Olson, Bristow; Mrs. Barbara Peklo, Lynch; Claude A. Rutledge, Lynch; Mrs. Josie Scheinost, Spencer. Dismissals: May 2—Harold Mc Roberts, Lynch; Aimer Berg, Bristow; Mrs. William Bruce and Baby Girl, Bonesteel, S.D. 3 — Mrs. Molly Petersen, Spencer. 4— Romald Remter, Spencer; Mrs. Edward Streit, Lynch. 5—Charlie Hrbek, Verdel; Mrs. Dwight Mi canek and baby girl, Lynch; Mrs. Max Rossmeier, Bristow. 6-—Ba by Lynn Alan Streit, son of Mr. Erward Streit; 7—Baby Robert Koenig, son of Mr. Alphonse Koenig, Spencer; Master William Mo hi, Butte; Gerald Rossmeier, son of Mr. Max Rossmeier, Bris tow. 8—Mrs. Abe Guthmiller, Anoka; Mrs. L. H. Black, Verdel; Mrs. Ernest Wright, Redbird. ^Wp jTI * HHB: M HOTEL [go MANY 112 1 H § I il i 1 t I JBRVHHMVhI Jr-I I I >1 ,-l M 11 u LmrJtJlgA ^'T 'Tilly All' . o ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: May 3—John Schmidt, Atkinson, surgical; Mrs. Clyde Davis, Atkinson medical. 4 —Margaret Nightingale, Atkinson, medical. 5—Mrs. Eugene Hoffman, Stuart, medical. 6—William Sie bert, Atkinson, surgical; Stanley Thomas Rheszotarski, Atkinson, surgical; Wesley Cobb, Stuart, medical; Mrs. Walter Smith, Stu art, medical. 8—Mrs. Herbert Newman, Stuart obstetrical. Dismissed: May 3 — Johnny Schmidt, Atkinson. 5—Mrs. Clyde Davis, Atkinson. 6—Mrs. Charles Shane and daughter, Atkinson; Thomas Rzeszotarski, Atkinson, kinson. 7—Wesley Cobb, Stuart; Mrs. Eugene Hoffman, Stuart. Hospitalized: Frank McShane of Atkinson. Sick & Injured AMELIA — Charlie Sigman has been crippled for several weeks with an injured knee, which was thrown out of place as he attempted to push some sticks out of his way. He has been getting around with the aid of a cane. . . Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Sammons, Rochelle and Duane visited Mrs. Bertha Sammons Sunday. She is improving nicely and may be able to be home in a couple of weeks. PET .TOT—Mrs. Frank Bohn visited her mother, Mrs. Alphons Keelaert, in the O’Neill hospital on Thursday. Mrs. Beelaert is suffering with shingles . . . Judy Bartak suffered a broken finger when the car door was slammed on it. Doctor Fox of Spalding cared for the injury Tuesday, May 3 . . Mrs. Ellis Schrunk under went a tonsilectomy Monday, May 2, at Neligh. . . Mrs. Clarence Shavlik was a patient Sunday at Antelope Memorial hospital. PAGE—Mrs. Marie Beelaert’s condition in St. Anthony’s hos pital is improved. . . Mrs. Anna Clacy has been very ill with a heart ailment. Mrs. G. D. Godsey of Audubon, la., and Mrs. Ben Juracek of Cedar Rapids arrived Friday to be near her. . . Mrs, Bertha Reed is suffering from a pinched nerve. . . Loren Rakow is critically ill in a Fremont hos pital. INMAN—Miss Grayce McGraw entered St. Anthony’s hospital on Thursday for medical treatment. She had taken a bad fall at her home earlier in the week. . . Mrs. Bessie Rotherham, who has been a patient at St. Anthony’s hospital for several weeks, returned home last week. Her sister from Omaha is helping with her care. EWING—Mrs. Hazel Kimes is staying in Omaha near her son, Dal, a patient in Children’s Me morial hospital. . . Waldo Davis departed Sunday for Kansas City, Mo., where he entered the Divine Brothers clinic to undergo three major surgery operations. EMMET—Chip Cole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cole, is suffer ing from an ear infection. . . Dar cy Abart entered St. Anthony’s hospital on Sunday. . . Mrs. Alvin Kloppenborg and baby son were dismissed from St. Anthony’s hospital on Wednesday, May 4. CELIA — Roger Hoffman sprained his ankle quite badly at school Thursday, April 28. . . Bil ly Milner is recovering from a bad burn on his arm received at school recently. CHAMBERS — Walt Richards returned Sunday from St. An thony’s hospital. Amie Mace is caring for him at his home. . . Jim Peterson was taken to St. Anthony’s hospital Saturday. O’NEILL—Ira H. Moss is stiU confined to a Sioux City hospital suffering from a skin ailment. >- CHAMBERS NEWS Twelve men consisting of county 4-H club leaders, mem bers of the fair board and others interested gathered at the fair grounds to “run cement” for the foundation of the new 4-H club building, which will be erected in the near future. The building is to be 32x60 ft. The old building which was inadequate, has been sold. Darrol Baker of O’Neill was guest speaker at the Amelia and Chambers Methodist churches Sunday Morning, May 1. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Rubeck and Katheryn of O’Neill have moved to the place three miles east and 10 miles south of Cham bers, owned by Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell. » 2 Clubs Entertained by Mrs. Lohaus— Mrs. H. J. Lohaus entertained the members of the Delta-Dek and Martez bridge clubs at her home last Thursday evening fol lowing dinner. High scores were won by Mrs. Edward M. Galla gher, Mrs. Homer Mullen and Mrs. Lohaus. Golden Rod Meets— Mrs. Herman Janzing enter tained the Golden Rod club at her home Wednesday evening. r Announcing . . . OUR ONCOMING Registered Hereford Bull SALE at WINNER, S.D. Monday, May 23 Offering Will Include 45 HEAD of Supreme and Aster Breeding • C. M. Christensen & Son Dundee, Minnesota and Reliance, So. Dak. Emmet News Mr. and Mrs. Paul Newton and family were guests at the Bill Kramer home at O’Neill on Sun day, May 1. Mrs. Robert Cole and sons were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Humpal, of At kinson April 30 and May 1. Mrs. R. E. Chace and Mrs. C. B. Adams, both of Atkinson, visited Mrs. Charlie Abart on April 29. The Wayne Bates family visit ed Mr. and Mrs. John Kee of O’ Neill Sunday, May 1, Mrs. Mary Lewis and brother, Henry, and Eddie Ethington were guests at the John Claussen home on Sunday, May 1. Mrs. Fritz Belzer and children, Mrs. George Bosn and Children, Mrs. Bill Kelly and Mrs. Walt Meier and daughter were guests of Mrs. Wayne Fox and Sherry on Wednesday, April 27. Mrs. Bessie Burge, June and Harold visited at the Bill Luben home, the Francis Clark and with Charlie Harding on Sunday after noon, May 1. Miss Mary Helen Benze of O’ JJeill was a April 30-May 1 guest of Mrs. Jerrold Dusatko. Mrs. Leonard Dusatko and children and Mrs. Henry Benze and children visited Mrs. Jerrold Dusatko Sunday, May 1. Mrs. Bernard Pongratz and Bernalda visited Mrs. John Grutsch Friday morning, April 29. Joe Winkler and Harold went to Rapid City, S-D., Tuesday af ternoon, April 26. They returned Saturday. Enroute they visited ^ the Raymond Winkler home at North Platte. Mrs. Henry Patterson attended club April 30 at the Mrs. C. E. Jones home at O’Neill. Harold Winkler went back to Omaha on Sunday afternoon, May 1. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rug gless attended the Guy Lombardo show at Norfolk Monday, May 2. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith moved to O’Neill on April 28 and Mr. and Mrs. Derrold Beck with will move onto his father’s farm in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ruggless and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith were dinner guests at the Orville Hitchcock home at Atkinson on Sunday, May 1. The Gilbert Fox family and the Vernon Hoxsie family were sup per guests at the George Brainard home Wednesday evening, April 27. The Emmet children were very busy exchanging and delivering May baskets on May 1. The men of the parish of the Epiphany church served break fast in the St. Michael’s hall Sun day morning, May 1. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meiers and baby visited at the Geary Enbody home Friday, April 29. Murphy’s Entertain— Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Murphy en tertained his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Murphy, Felix Sulli van and Mrs. Kenneth Ellston Sunday at dinner. $$$ S-A-V-E '$$$ BUY a Perpetual Farm Policy Costing $8.00 per $1,000 first year; $3.50 for each subsequent year; cancellable at your request. Or a five-year Dwelling Policy costing $11.80 per $1,000, In a responsible company. Prompt and equitable loss adjustments. From .. L. G. GILLESPIE, Agent, O’Neill F-R-U-I-T Mice SALE ADAMS ORANGE JUKE 46-Oz. Can_29c DEL MONTE TOMATO JUICE 2 46-Oz. Cans_49c OUR FAMILY GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 3 46-Oz. Cans_70c DEL MONTE CRUSHED — PINEAPPLE_2 No. 2 Cans 49c SNO - CROP FROZEN — STRAWBERRIES _2 Pkgs. 59c OUR FAMILY — Strawberry PRESERVES 2 12-0z. Jars 59c COOKIES ....._Lb. Pkg. 29c OUR OWN VANILLA — ICE CREAM ^-Gai. Only—59c 4 TENDERIZED — MINUTE STEAKS - Lb_49c REGULAR OR OLD - FASHIONED — RING BOLOGNA - Lb.___33c ARMOUR’S — PORK SAUSAGE ~ Lb. Roll_29c MINCED HAM—Loaf AAC PICKLE & PIMENTO—Loaf <W MACARONI & CHEESE—Loaf_V " ARMOUR’S STAR THURINGER — SUMMER SAUSAGE-Lb_49c FINEST QUALITY — GROUND V II V u II u 3 Lbs for BEEF ; "■ • >*■ - . ■ ' -4 . ! * ■ ' I • FRESH KILL - ICE PACKED . FRYERS i ON HAND AT ALL TIMES NASH AND BUTTEENLi _ • ..JiliiSM. I No Limit | Per Lb. Cl^f C GOLDEN VALLEf CREAM-STYLE — CORN 0 No. 303 Cans_39c OLD ENGLISH, CUT — GREEN BEANS 2 No. 303 Cans... 27c PILLSBURY — PANCAKE MIX 3U>Pki.-.--47c 'BUTTER ""‘i"." _ ! NORTHERN — TOILET TISSUE 3 Rolls-25c POST TOASTIES &n Ptg.27c DUNCAN HINES ANGEL FOOD — CAKE MIX Pkg.-49c GRAPEFRUIT 6 l«f--— 29c I EMO 2 S535c HI - WEST — FROZEN PEAS 2 ^ 29c FROZEN CORN 2 Pkgs-- 29c | HATCHERY PRODUCE and FEEDS I A Complete Line of Feeds — FOR — HOGS - POULTRY - CATTLE | NUTRENA andDAVlD HARUM 1 Place Your Order NOW ! I BABY CHICKS ONLY $|A r/\ PER 100 I MAY . lA*JU JUNE DEL. I WHITE ROCKS - WYANDOTTES - WHITE LEGHORNS AUST. WHITES - LEG. HAMPS - LEG. ROCKS MAY 14-15-16-18-19-20 SHELHAMER FOODS j