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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1955)
Ewing Captures Class C Honors Balers, Keya Paha Indians 2d EW3NG — The Ewing high school TigeTs, sporting a strong track and field team this season squeezed past Atkinson high and Springview (Keya Paha county high) in district class C com petition Thursday at Bassett. Springview qualfied in six events; Ewing qualified in five; Atkinson, four. O Ewing grabbed 40 points; At kinson and Springview tied for second with 39 points each. Other scores: Mullen, 25; Sargent and Rushville, 19^ points each; St. Joseph’s of Atkinson, 15; St. Mary’s of O’Neill, 11; Taylor, 9; Stuart, 7. TRACK EVENTS 100-yard dash—Won by Bob Hobbs, Ewing; Slattery, St. Joe, second; Dorrence Hobbs, Ewing, third; Donohoe, St. Mary’s fourth; Atkinson, fifth. Time; 10.4. 220-yard dash Won by Keith Gibson, Ewing; Donohoe, St. Mary’s, second; Huddle, Mullen, third; Bob Hobbs, Ewing, fourth; Dorrence Hobbs, Ewing, fifth. Time: 22.7. 440—Won by Keith Gibson, Ewing; Sheppard, Springview, second; Decker, Sargent, third; Butterfield, Atkinson, fourth; Ludemann, Springview, fifth. Time: 52.4. 880—Won by Rothchild, At kinson; Linse, Springview, sec ond; Rossman, Atkinson, third; Cook, Springview, fourth; Sch midt, St. Mary's, fifth. Time: 2.09.1. Mile—Wbn by Wyatt, Spring view; Timmerman, Stuart, sec ond; Brewster, Stuart, third; Payas, Atkinson, fourth; Fulkin, Atkinson, fifth. Time: 4.55.2. 120-yard high hurdles—Won by Carr, Rushville; Clay, Spring view, second; Lee St. Joseph, third; Kokes, Taylor, fourth; .Tuton, Springview, fifth. Time: 1G.2.5. 180-yard low hurdles—Won by Carr, Rushville; D. Frickel, Atkinson, second; O’Neill, Sar ent, third; Slattery, St. Joseph, Legal Notices (First pub. May 12, 1955) John R. Gallagher, Attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 4034 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, May 6, 1955. In the Matter of the Estate of Hester M. Hansen, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment bf John C. Watson as Administra tor of said estate, and will be heard June 2, 1955 at 10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 2-4c - fourth; Hodson, Taylor, fifth. Time: 21.6. 880 relay—Won by Ewing; St. Mary’s, second; Mullen, third; tie for fourth, Springview and At kinson. Time: 1.38. Mile relay—Won by Atkinson; Springview, second; Mullen, third; Rushville, fourth; Ewing, fifth. Time: 3.46.5. FIELD EVENTS Pole vault—Won by Kokes, Taylor and R. Frickel, Atkinson; French, Mullen; D. Frickel, At kinson; G. Tuton, Springview; and Focken, Atkinson; tie for third. Height: 9 feet, 6 inches. Spotput—Won by Zurek, Sar gent; Hobbs, Ewing, second; SquiJ-e, Sargent, third; Rector, Mullen, fourth; Gibson, Ewing, fifth. Distance: 48 feet. High jump—Won by Tuton, Springview; Z;urek, Sargent; Small, Atkinson; Rector, Mullen; and Talbot, Rushville; tie fox second. Height: 5 feet, 7 inches. Broad jump—Won by Slattery, St, Joseph; Huddle, Mullen, sec ond; Talbot, Rushville, third; Frickel, Atkinson, fourth; Hod son, Taylor, fifth. Distance: 21 feet 4 inches. Discus—Won by Sweet, Mullen; Wentworth, Springview, second; Hand, Ewing, third; Zurek, Sar gent, fourth; Hobbs, Ewing, fifth. Distance: 131 feet, 8 1/8 inches. Numerals Awarded Track Competitors The following high school track athletes from the O’Neill area have been award numerals by Track Coach Jerry Lee of the University of Nebraska. ATKINSON—Don Butterfield, Vernon Anderson, Gerald Ander son, Don Frickel, Vernon Roth child, Ronald Frickel, Gary Small, flue blue; Delbert Ross man, Paul Payas, Jim Osborne, Paul Focken, Earl Tooker, half blue. O’NEILL — Kenneth Backhaixs, Duane Alton, Dick Gaskill, Ed Gatz, Bob Sanders, full blue; Frank Fetrow, Ed Ritts, half blue. ST. MARY’S (O’Neill)—Tom Schneider, Ray Donohue, full blue. Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Gerber and family of Lexington were Friday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Claxxson. EDW. M. GLEiJfSON DENTIST 2d Floor Gilligan Rexall Bldg. Ph. 240 - Box 149 - Hrs. 8:30-8 PAUL SHIERK INSURANCE AGENCY O'NEILL, NEBR. Insurance of All Kinds Bos. Ph. 430 Res. Ph. 235 t St. Mary’s Letter Winners for 1954-’55 Pictured above are the 1954-*55 St. Mary’s academy lettermen. They are (left-to-right): Front row—Jerry Schmidt, Bruce Weier, Jim Enright, Gaty Holly and Terry Donlin; center row— Coach Don Templemeyer, John Connot, Ray Donohoe, Tom Head, Jim Becker, Jim Froelich, Matt Hynes and Rev. Thomas Hitch -- (athletic advisor); third row—Max Bohn, Tom Schneider, David Schaffer, Terry Wanser and Jerry Cuddy. These athletes were voted into the club after having become eligible by participating in the required number of quarters in basketball and football and earn ing sufficient points in track.—The Frontier Photo. - <s> Tom Head (left) and Tom Schneider (right) were honored by Coach Templemeyer for having been “all-round” athletes at St. Mary’s the past year. Both were leaders in football, basket ball and track.—The Frontier Photo. O’Neill News Mrs. Francis Schoenle of East Moline, 111., visited several days this week with her father, Jer rold Dusatko. He is a patient at St. Joseph’s in Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Froelich went to Hartington Sunday to visit their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Wanser, and family. Mrs. Froelich remain ed to visit for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clyde and family and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rohrer visited Sunday in Naper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruffing. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Cronin spent Saturday and Sunday visiting Miss Genevieve Biglin, R.N., in Sioux City. Mrs. Charles Fox, sr., accom panied her son, Lyle, back to Hastings Sunday where he is a sophomore at Hastings college. Dr. and Mrs. O. W. French, Mrs. Frank Biglin and Joe were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. Dale French and family. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gettert and family were Sunday guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Liable, in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grage spent mother’s day at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Regan, at Inman. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Spittler and Rose Lee of Ew ing, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk and family of Ewing and Jack Spit tler of Ewing. Mrs. Hugh O’Neill visited from Friday until Sunday at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Walker. I f CERTIFIED HYBRID SEED CORN Go to SCOVIE’S for HARTZ Seed Com — the Best Flats IOWA 306 _$9.00 Per Bu. IOWA 4249, IOWA 4297, HARTZ 22, HARTZ 44 $9.50 Per Bu. 50c Dis. per bu., all varieties, for 5-bu. lots RAIN GAUGE FREE with purchase of 2 Bus. or more! WE HAVE A REPLANTING AGREEMENT All Early Hybrids WESTERN AUTO STORE . . . O’Neill — “SCOVIE’S” — Gift Suggestions for the Boy or Girl GRADUATE Cara Nome Cologne and Cara Nome Stick Cologne—3.75 Value, now ..._ 2.00 Springwood Cologne Net and Springwood Stick Cologne—4.50 Value, Now 2.50 White Mink Toilet Water Reg. 3.00—Now _ 2.00 Other Gift Suggestions: PEN AND PENCIL SETS—Parker, Eversharp MANICURE SETS — BARBECUE SETS LIBBY GLASSWARE — CAMERAS — BILLFOLDS COMB AND BRUSH SETS — COSMETICS — CANDY LAZY SUSANS — ELECTRIC STEAM IRONS Get Your Moth Crystals, Moth Balls and Sprays NOW! A COMPLETE LINE OF ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS Vaccines - Syringes - Needles - Etc. GILLIGAN’S REXALL DRUG - - O’Neill PHONE 87 Tune in “Voice of The Fron tier”, thrice weekly! Real Estate Transfers WD—Milford Juracek to Fred Juracek 4/22/55 $8500 Lot 5, Block 22 Bitney’s Add. Atkinson. WD—Anna, Agnes, Margaret & Grace Joyce to Anna Agnes, Margaret, & Grace Joyce 3/21/55 $1 NW,%-SWy4 9-29-12 & NEi/4 7-31-13. WD—Lena Kirchmer to Cecil Bergstrom 4/19/55 $3000-Lot 4, Blk 7, Ewing. WD—Wm McIntosh & wf to Wm W. McIntosh Lot 14, Blk 48, McCafferty’s O’Neill April 26. WD—Roy Connon to Anna Brown 9/29/54 - West 90 ft Lots 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23, 24 in Block 40 of Riggs Addition to O’Neill. WD — Niobrara Valley Elec Mem Corp to John W. Walter 3/4/55 $3125-Part of Sec 29-26 12 & WTM> lot 9 Blk F-Perkins Annex-Chambers. WD—Loren F. Burgess to Nebr conf Wesleyan Meth Ch 4/28/55 $2000-Part of Wy>SWy4 Sec 17 29-13. WD—C. E. Cavanaugh to Har old L. Gilman & wf 4/19/55 $6000.Wy.E% 15-25-13 except 3 & 3/8 acres in SE corner. WD — Maurice Graham to Richard G. Nelson 4/22/65 $3700-Lot 16 Blk O- Fahy’s Park Add-O’Neill. WD—W. B. Gillespie to Wles ton D. Whitwer & wf 3/31/55 $10,000-West 80 ft of Lots 16, 17, and 18, Blk 16-Matthew’s Add ition to O’Neill. Referee’s Deed—Wm W. Grif fin-Ref to Charles W. Fox 3/29/ 55 $ 160-Strip of ground 4 rds wide of west side of NEy4 31-32 11. WD—C. M. Stevens to Arthur D. Grass & wf 4/5/55 $9000-NE ■ y4 29-29-9. Tune in “Voice of The Fron tier”, thrice weekly! Richard Edwards s Ewing Board W a n s e r , Bergstrom Take Posts EWING—Richard Edwards of the Farmers State Bank was elec ted chairman of the village board at a meeting held Tuesday eve ning, May 3, at the public lib rary. The new members, Max Wan ser, street commissioner, and Cecil Bergstrom, water commis sioner, were sworn in by the re tiring chairman, Ralph Munn. Loyd West will again serve as clerk and Allan Pollack is the new treasurer. Duward Lough rey, street commissioner, is also retiring from the board. The village dump was a topic of discussion at the business meeting but no decision was reached concerning methods of improving conditions and care. Other Ewing News Mr. and Mrs. Earl Billings left Friday to spend mother’s day at Hastings with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunaway, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson have been enjoying a visit from her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, of Beatrice. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Bomer and family were entertained at a 1 o’clock dinner on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan were hosts at a 1 o’clock dinner on mother’s day with the follwoing guests: Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Spittler and Roaslie; his parents—Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Gragge of O’Neill; also Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk and family. Fri day evening guests at the Regan home were Mrs. Lee Spittler and Roaslie, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tcmjack made a busines trip to Omaha on Friday. ° MILLER THEATER — Atkinson — Fri.-Sat. May 13-14 Sun.-Man.-Tues. May 15-15-11 — - - HAVING SOLD ur land and agreed to give immediate possession, we will offer the fol- I lowing personal property at public auction on the premises, located 3 miles west of Cham bers and 4 miles south, on— Monday, May 16th Sale to Start at 1 o’clock Lunch by Legion Auxiliary 30-Head of Dairy Cattle-30 5—Wisconsin Holstein past yeartling HEIFERS 2— Black white face past yearling HEIFERS 3— Black white face first calf HEIFERS 3—Black white face MILK COWS 1—Holstein MILK COW 1- Jersey MILK COW 2- Jersey MILK COWS 6- White Face MILK COWS 7- Bucket CALVES I 28—Leg-Hamp. Young Hens (full production) 1—Rooster I | Machinery and Equipment | 1949 Farmall A Tractor Power Mower For A I Wood Saw to mount on back of A tractor Over Shot Hay Stacker (good) V-8 Hay Sweep Chev. Truck Hay Sweep 2—12-ft.-Hay Rakes 2-Rake Hitch John Deere Hay Baler Com Sheller Pump Jack (new) Briggs Stratton Motor Wagon & Rack Rubber Tire Running Gear & Rack Manure Spreader 8-Ft.-Stock Tank (new) Hand Tools & Other Mis cellaneous Articles; Reg istered Brand and Irons I Harness - Collars - 2—Saddles - Bridles 1 I Household Goods i Plastic Trim Sofa-Bed Davenport Round Dining Table 4—Chairs Great Western Wood Heater (good) Silvertone Table Phono graph & Records Ivory Enameled Copper Clad Range 32-Volt Toaster 32-Volt Vacuum Cleaner (with attachments) 3 2-Volt Fan 3 2-Volt Iron Inverter - Electric Motors I H C Cream Separator with motor good 32-Volt Welder 32-Volt Soldering Iron 32-Volt Air Compressor Wiring & Bulbs Sanitary Cot Heatrola Heating Stove Drop-Leaf Table Blue and White Enameled Range Round Oak Heating Stove 3 2-Volt Cabinet Radio 32 - Volt Table Model Radio Uther Articles loo Numerous Too Mention TERMS OF SALE: Strictly CASH. No property to be removed until settled for. Ray & Lucinda Shoemaker Owners COL, ED THORIN, O’Neill, Auct. CHAMBERS STATE BANK, Clerk