The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 21, 1955, Page 8, Image 8

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    Music Contest Results
o o O
Piano solo — Superior, Bil
Parsons, Neligh; Lanone Sisson
Ainsworth; excellent, Lois Wad
dington, Neligh; Betty Kapper
man, Rock County H.S,; Slyvic
Harder,0 O’Neill; Nancy Kennell
Miscellaneous — Excellent, St.
Mary’s, piano duo.
Clarinet solo—Superior, cMild
red Fling, Ainsworth; Joan Mc
Clurg, Rock County H.S.1; ex
cellent, Cecilia Arbuthnot, St.
Mary’s; Alta Mae Lyons, O’Neill.
Saxaphone solo — Superior,
Karen Estes, Rock County H.S.;
excellent, Duane Rankin, O’Neill.
Bass solo — Excellent, Erwin
Reiser, Butte; Larry Anderson,
Rock County H.S.
Trombone solo — Superior,
Richard Wiese, Neligh.
French horn solo— Superior,
Donna Lou Turner, St. Mary’s;
& excellent, Arvis Armfield; Butte;
Marion Moseman, O’Neill; Gae
Foster, Rock County H.S.0 ^ c
° Cornet and trumpet solo—
Superior, Beth Galloway, Rock
County H.S.; excellent, cFreeman
Walz, Neligh; Bill Wolff, Butte.
Flute solo—Superior, 0Mardy
o Johnson, O’Neill; Excellent, Kay
Sandall, Rock County H.S.; Mar
ilyn cLindberg, O’Neill.
Miscellaneous groups —0 Super
ior, O’Neill.
Saxophone quintet — Superior,
St. Mary's.
Saxophone Trio — Excellent,
St. Mary’s. o
Druid quartet-5-Superior, Ains
worth. " 0
Trombone quartet — Superior,
0 Neligh.
Trombone trio—Excellent plus,
Ainsworth.o 0 ° 00
Horn quartet—Superior—Ains
worth. c o 0
Brass sextette—^Superior, cButte,
Ainsworth. = o o o
Brass quartet—Superior, Ains
worth. o 0 0 8
Girls’ triple trio—Superior,
St. Mary’s, O’Neill, Rock~ Countyc
H.S. 0 c
Girls’ octette—Superior, St.
Girls’ sextette—Excellent, O’
Neill, Rock County °H.S., St.
Mary’s. 0
Girls’ quartet—Superior, Ains
Girls’ quartet, miscellaneous—
Superior, Rock County H.S.
Girls’ trio— Excellent, Butte.
Girls’ high voice—Superior
Bonnie Burival, St. Mary’s; Pat
ricia Grenier, O’Neill; Sandr?
Harper, St.., Mary's; Mildred
Fling, Ainsworth.
Girls’ low voice — Superior.
Rita Jilg, St. Mary’s; Patricia
Mullen, St. Mary’s; excellent,
Beth Withee, Ainsworth.
Boys’ low voice — Superior,
Ron Peterson, Neligh.
Boys’ medium voice^-0 Super
ior, Don Schmitz, Butte; David
Andersen, O’Neill; excellent? Ray
mond Donohoe, St. Mary’s; Dale
Osborne, Ainsworth. c.
Boys' quartet—Excellent, Ne
ligh; Ainsworth. c
Boys’ high voice — Superior,
John Grady, Ainsworth; George
Shoemaker, St. Mary’s; excellent,
Kenneth Fling, Ainsworth.
Girls’ medium voice-4-Excel
lent, Liane Gillespie, oNeligh;
Connie Borrow, Rock County
H.S; Beverly Dix, Butte;0 Jeanne
Overman, Rock County H.S.;
Marlene Waflth,0 Butte; cKaren
Lindnll, Neligh; Alta Mae Lyons,
O’Neill. „
Bass clarinet quartet—Super
ior, Ainsworthf Rock County
H.S.; excellent, cSt. Mary’s.
Clarinet quartet — Superior,
SL Mary’s; <_0’fteill. 0 °
Cornet 3 trios—Superior, Rock
>£!ounty H. S.; Ainsworth; excel
lent, Neligh.
Miscellaneous group — Super
ior, St. Mary’s.
o Girls' glee—Superior, Ains
worth; St. Mary’s; O’Neill; ex
cellent, Rock County H.S
, Madrigal and vocal ensembles—
Superior, Ainswdrth.
c Piano solo—Superior, Marilyn
Maries, Tilderf; Gloria Ullarick,
Tilden; Bonnie Lear, Keya Paha
County H.S.; excellent, Patricia
Squire, Wheeler County H.S;
Faye Rutherford, Page; Nancy
Nelson, Keya Paha County H.S.
- Boys’ glee— Superior, Atkin-’
r son. o o ■
Saxophone c solo — Excellent,
Rose Duvall, Atkinson; Judy
Simmons, Page. o
Clarinet solo — Superior
minus, Mary Fisenes, Spencer;
Melophone solo — Excellent,
Sherry Stewart^ Page.
Henritt^ Coats, Stuart.
Bass clarinet solo— Excellent,
Philip Fisher, Spencer.
P Whistling — Superior, Judy
Simmons, Page.
o Bass solo—Superior, Dennis
Angel, Spencer; Charles Phipps,
Atkinson; excellent, Tom Ander
son, Tilden.
Baritone horn — Excellent,
Judy Sieler, Spencer.
’ Trombone solo—Superior, Don
Blockman, Tilden; excellent, Tom
Angel, Spencer.
) C £ --—
Flute solo—Excellent, ° Cathy
Corkle, Tilden.
Cornet and trumpgt solo—Ex
cellent, Larry Roach, P a=g e;
Wanda Stevens, Page; Gary
Deckert, Tilden.
Saxophone quartet—Excellent,
Clarinet trio—Superior, Keya
Paha Countly H.S.
Brass sextette — Excellent,
Clarinet quartet — Superior,
Spencer; excellent, Tilden; Spen
Cornet trio—Superior, Tilden,
Spencer. 0 0
Horn quartet—Excellent, Spen
Girls’ glee—Superior, Tilden;
Atkinson; excellent, Niobrara;
Mixed chorus—Superior, Til
den; excellent, Atkinson.
Girls’ sextette — Superior;
Stuart; Tilden; Atkinson; excel
lent, Wheeler County H.S.
Boys’ quartet^- Superior, Til
den; excellent, Atkinson.
Boys’ octette— Excellent, Til
den; Atkinson.
Girls’ octette—Excellent, Atk
3 Boys’ low voice — Superior,
Jerald Hallock, Keya Paha
County H.S.; excellent, Jack
Hytrek, Stuart; Don Edwards,
rsoys’ medium voice—Superior,
Herbert Mignery, Wheeler
County H.S.; excellent,' Wayne
Forgey, Keya Paha County H.S.
Girls’ high voice—Superior,
Raedean Kramer, Stuart; Mar
ilyn Peterson, Stuart; Audrey
Coxbill, Atkinson; F. Jean Fis
cher, Tilden; excellent, Jeanette
Kirkland, Atkinson; Jeanne Whit
wer, Tilden; Marvel McCoy,
Keya Paha County H.S.; Marcia
Miller, Niobrara.
Girls’ triple trio — Superior,
Tilden; excellent, Spencer; Atk
Madrigal — Excellent, Atkin
Girls’ medium voice—Super
ior, Frances Warner, Tilden;
Shirley Warneke, Tilden; Karen
Garwood, Atkinson; excellent,
Kay Henderson, Orchard; Althea
Clark, Wheeler County H.S.;
Judy Marshall, Niobrara.
Girls’ low voice — Superior,
Janice Nelson, Tilden; excellent,
Mary Reikofski, Tilden.
Piano solo—Superior, Sharon
Flowers, Clearwater; excellent,
Sharon Huwaldt, St. Frances de
Chantal; Ruth Kuhl, St. Frances
de Chantal; Phyllis Martin El
gin; Betty Schlenz, St. Boniface;
Charlene Chocolusek, Verdigre.
Miscellaneous—Superior, piano
duo, St. Frances de Chantal; ex
cellent, piano duo, St. Boniface;
piano quartet, St. Boniface.
Saxophone—Excellent, Barbara
Breger, Meadow Grove; Jeanette
Glompe, Clearwater; Gladys
Minarik, Verdigre.
Bass horn solo — Superior,
Keith Pavlik, Verdigre; excellent,
Archie Sonoler, Verdigre.
Trombone solo — Excellent
Sam Watson, Inman; Kay Coven
try, Inman; Lunette Wieting,
Meadow Grove; Ann Pebanz,
Meadow Grove.
Clarinet solos—Excellent, Sally
Wintz. Clearwater; Laura Pro
kop, Verdigre.
Cornet solo — Excellent, Gary
Kuchar, Meadow Grove.
Clarinet quartet — Excellent,
Verdigre, Chambers.
Saxophone quartet— Excellent,
Clarinet trio—Excellent, Clear
Miscellaneous small groups—
Excellent, Meadow Grove, Inman,
Chambers, Clearwater.
Girls’ trio—Superior, Elgin.
Girls’ quartet—Excellent, El
Boys’ quartet—Superior, Elgin;
excellent, Clearwater.
Girls’ octet—Excellent, St. Bon
iface. O
Mixed quartet — Superior,
Girls’ triple trio — Excellent,
Mixed octet—Superior,, Elgin.
Miscellaneous vocal—Superior,,
St. Ludger’s, St. John the Bap
tist; excellent, St. Boniface.
Girls’ high voice — Superior,
Betty Kay Conger, Elgin; excel
lent, Marjorie Topf, St. Frances
de Chantal; Betty Vogt, St. Lud
ger’s; Carolyn Armstrong, Elgin;
Charlene Chocolousek, Verdigre.
Girls’ medium voice—Superior,
Helen Saxon, St. Frances de
Chantal; Betty Neyens, St. Lud
ger’s; Helen Carey, St. John the
Baptist; excellent. Rita Cahoy,
St. Boniface; Carol Ziems, Clear
water; Sharon Flowers, Clear
uigii voice — superior,
Robert Anderson, Elgin.
Boys’ medium voice—Superior,
Jerry Taylor, Elgin; excellent,
Melvin Ahlers, Clearwater.
Boys’ low voice — Excellent,
Harlan Haake, Clearwater.
Girls’ low voice — Excellent,
Mary Lou Webster, St. Ludger’s;
Ruth Tharnish, St. Ludger’s; Hel
en Taute, Elgin; Virginia Nissen,
Elgin; Jeanette Glampe, Clearwa
Girls’ glee club—Superior, St.
Boniface; excellent, St. John the
Boys’ glee club—Excellent, St.
Boniface; Clearwater.
Mixed chorus— Excellent, St.
Boniface; Clearwater; St. Lud
Class B
Superior— Rock county high,
Ainsworth; excellent, St Mary’s,
O’Neill; excellent-minus, Neligh.
Class C
Superior, Tilden; superior-mi
nus, Keya Paha county high; ex
cellent-plus, Spencer; excellent,
Orchard, Niobrara, Atkinson; ex
cellent-minus, Stuart.
Class D
Superior, Clearwater; excellent,
Deloit News
Mr. and Mrs. William Gibbs
and David of Norfolk were week
end visitors at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Lodge and
family and Mrs. Alice Lodge of
Norfolk were Sunday guests at
the Wayne Paul home.
Mr. Elam of Falls City spent
the Easter weekend with his
daughter, Mrs. Stanley Huffman,
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Paul, Mr.
and Mrs. Lambert Bartak, Mr.
and Mrs. Ewald Spahn and Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Grimm were
Tuesday evening, April 12, guests
at the Melvin Rexin home in hon
or of Mrs. Rexin’s birthday an
Judy Bartak spent the weekend
at the Wayne Paul home.
The Wulf-Reimer cemetery
meeting will be Sunday, May 1,
at 1:30 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Spahn
and LaVern were last Thursday
evening callers at the Wayne
Paul home.
Plans are being made for the
Ewing alumni banquet to be held
on May 17.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bartak vis
ited at the Cliff Lodge home at
Petersburg last Thursday eve
Mary Miller visited Nancy Paul
Sunday afternoon.
An Easter guest at the Lambert
Bartak home was Miss Jackie
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer
and Elayne, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Larson, Jessie Angus, Florence
Butler and Anna Van Zandt
were Sunday dinner guests at the
Carl Christon home.
The HEO club met last Thurs
day at the Henry Reimer home.
T'he next meeting will be May
12 at Frank Miller’s.
Joyce Demaray, Mrs. Green
and Elayne Reimer took their pu
pils to Bartlett Friday to take
part in the rural school music
Mrs. Henry Trennepohl’s sister,
Mrs. Sidletz of Nebraska City,
and Sandy May visited at the
Trennepohl home las tweek.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Maben vis
ited their son, Bill, and family in
Grand Island Sunday.
Mr. and TvTrs. B. A. Cratty
spent the Easter weekend at the
Harlan Cratty home in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer
and Elayne, Mr. and Mrs. John
ny Bauer and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Tom jack were Sun
day evening guests at the Ewald
Spahn home.
Henry Spahn celebrated his
83d birthday anniversary at the
Ewald Spahn home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson
called at the Henry Reimer home
Sunday evening.
Farm bureau will be at the
Frank Bohn home May 3.
Mr. and Mrfc. R. M. Tomjack
took Mrs. Jewell to her home in
Dallas, S.D., Sunday.
Roy Cole received word Sunday
of the death of his brother. Eu
gene, 71, in Nebraska City. Mr.
and Mrs. Cole attended the fu
' neral Wednesday in Nebraska
City. Services were held from
Porter’s Funeral home with
burial following in Camp Creek
cemetary. He is survived by his
brother, Roy of O’Neill, and a sis
ter, Mrs. Edward (Blanche) Mee
han of Sidney.
Mrs. Henry Benze and Nancy
Jeanne visited at the George
Winkler and Henry Winkler
homes Wednesday, April 13, Mrs.
G. D. Janzing of Emmet accom
panied them. Mary Helen, Car
men and Pat Benze visited at the
Leonard Dusatko home in Emmet
Wednesday while their mother
was at the Winklers.
Rites at Orchard
ORCHARD — Miss Neva Mae
Dempster, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Oliver Dempster of Or
chard, became the bride of Dean
C. Pearson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Pearson of Concord,
Saturday, April 16.
Rev. Walter Millett officiated
at the services which were held
at the Evangelical United Breth
ren church. Mrs. Cletus Sharer of
Wayne and Mrs. Harvey Hol
brook, sr., of Orchard provided
the music.
The bride wore a gown of
white Chantilly lace, tulle and
satin with a matching lace bolero.
Her tulle fingertip veil was held
by a jeweled crown. The bride
carried a colonial bouquet of
roses and a 50-year-old handker
chief belonging to her grand
mother, Mrs. Bertha Grove.
Mrs. Clifford Erb was matron
of-honor for her sister. She wore
a gown of green net and taffeta,
matching mitts and a half-cap.
Her bouquet was of feathered
yellow carnations.
Misses Arlene Pearson of Con
cord and Gloria Johnson of
Wayne, bridesmaids, were dress
ed in yellow taffeta and net.
They carried white feathered
carnations. Flower girls were
Barbara and Nancy Rastede.
Dale Johnson of Carrol was
bestman. Donald Johnson of
Wayne and Marlin Johnson of
Concord were groomsmen. James
Pearson, Clifford Erb and Loren
Wilson ushered.
The couple will make their
home in North Platte, where both
are employed.
Miss Sadie Kennedy of Omaha
visited Wednesday, April 13, un
til Sunday at the home of her
brother, John, and sisters, Mrs.
'Edna Coyne and Mrs. Nellie Ma
O’Neill, Nebraska
Complete X-Ray Equipment
% Block So. of Ford Garage
Mrs. Dean C. Pearson, nee Neva Mae Dempster . . . weds in
Orchard church rite.—O’Neill Photo Co.
Pennsylvanian Is
Speaker at Ewing
Min tier of Pittsburgh, Pa., spoke
at the United Presbyterian
church Thursday afternoon and
evening. She is director of Christ
ian education for children in the
denomination. She gave informa
tion and suggested material will
be helpful in the work with the
children and the youth in the
Other Riverside News
Mrs. Den Larson entertained
the Women’s Missionary society
of the Free Methodist church in
her home Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Scholl
meyer and children and Mrs. Ida
Calkins of Crofton were over
night guests of the Johnny Mil
ter family last Thursday. They
attended the funeral of Lewis
Schober on Friday.
Walter Hand, a Ewing senior,
enjoyed the senior sneak trip to
the Black Hills over the week
Rev. W. J. Bomer and Mrs.
Carl Christon attended a meeting
nf the Nebraska Presbytery of the
United Presbyterian church held
at Murray April 12 and 13.
They visited with Tom Christon
at Tarkio, Mo., Wednesday after
loon, April 13. They also visited
and were supper guests that eve
ning of Mrs. Alice Crellin, who
; head nurse at the Masonic
home in Plattsmouth. ’
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Raasch of
Omaha visited her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Pollock, Saturday
and Sunday.
On a recent trip to Hastings,
Mrs. Carl Christon saw two
white buck deer at a point a few
miles south of the Adolph Bartak
Mrs. Leo Schmitz was hostess
last Thursday at an all-day meet
ing of the Jolly Workers club.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Retke of
; Inman spent the weekend with
| Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry. Retkes
; recently returned from spending
; several months with their chil
dren on the West coast.
Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom
ery were accompanied to Norfolk j
Wednesday, April 13, by Mrs. '
DeWitt Hoke and Janell, ° Judy 1
Cloyd and Elvera Schilousky.
The girls attended the track
meet in which Ewing participat
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader
and family visited the Lee Fink
family Sunday evening.
Mrs. Jessie Angus, Miss Anna
Van Zandt, Mrs. Florence Butler,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Larson and
Mr. and Mrs*. Henry Reimer and
Elayne were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Henry Emsic of Omaha visited
a few days last week with the
Dale Napier and Bill Fry fami
Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier,
John and Russell were Sunday
*1 inner guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Glenn Harpster and sons.
Howard, Leo and Walter Mil
ler, Bill Lofquest, Wendell Swit
zer, Alfonse Woslager and Bill
Fry are sawing lumber with Ed
Urban at the Deke Lorenzon
Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson and
children visited Mrs. James Hen
derson and son at Ainsworth on
Sunday. The Ward Henderdsons
were also at his mother’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry, Julie
and Jody spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Jensen and
daughters at Newman Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier and
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier and
daughters called at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Napier and
Mrs. Daisy Miller Sunday eve- °
ling to help Ethel Napier cele
brate her birthday anniversary.
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