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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1955)
Foreman, Perry, Wills Elected Small Voter Turnout at Emmet EMMET — The Emmet town election was held Tuesday, Ap ril 5. Dean Perry, Mrs. Jess Wills and Mrs Frank Foreman were reelected to serve on the village board for terms of two years. Mrs. Foreman received 17 votes, Dean Perry and Mrs. Wills, 15 each; Paul Newton, Geary Enbody and George Skopec, two each. Other Emmet News The Howard Newton family and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Clouse, all of O’Neill, were dinner guests at the William Newton home on Easter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold McMillan and daughters of Newport were guests at the Cecil McMillan home on Sunday. Lila Jean Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Miller, is spending this week at the Gil bert Fox home. Mary Holliday visited at the the Charlie Abart home Friday evening. Mrs. Harvey Hanson, Mrs. Bob Clifford and Mrs. Ervin Forbes and daughter were guests of Mrs. Larry Schaffer for coffee Wed nesday, April 6. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cole and sons were dinner guest*.' at the Arthur Humpal home at Atkin son on Easter. Other guests were Jim Humpal, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schaaf and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gaylor and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fox and children, Steven, Ray and Sher ry, and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and her brother, Veldon Tomlinson, and Duane Derrold Beckwith were baptized at the Methodist church at Emmet Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Abart and son, Dercy, were dinner guests at the Kieth Abart home on Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tomlinson and son, Veldon, visited at the Gilbert Fox home Sunday morn ing. ° Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bates and children and Mr. and Mrs. James Foreman and sons, Byron and Craig, visited at the Claude Bates home at O’Neill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dusatko and sons, Jim Schmitz and Mr. and Mrs. Wendall Babl were din ner guests at the Joe Babl home Easter. , Mrs. Wayne Bates visited Mrs. Charlie Abart last Thursday. The Vernon Hoxsie family were guests at the Fred Prawitz home at Royal Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Michaelson and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hieter and Max were also guests at the Prawitz home Sunday. The G. Owen Cole family and Mrs. Guy Cole and daughter, Jeanie, ate Easter dinner at the MM cafe. Miss Mabel Perkins and Dick Heerton, both of Ainsworth, were dinner guests at the Jim O’Con nor home Easter. The Leo Weichman family of Stuart, Charlie Winkler family of Atkinson and Harold Winkler of Omaha were dinner guests at the Joe Winkler home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geary Enbody were dinner guests at the Law rence Tenborg home Sunday. ivir. ana Mrs. jonn Alien and Julie of Lincoln and Bob Allen of Omaha were guests at the Jer rold Dusatko home for the Eas ter holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Je rome Allen and Jennell and Ricky of Page were Easter din ner guests at the Dusatko home. Misses Marybelle O’Connor and Norma Lou Foreman and Harold Winkler, all of Omaha, arrived home Friday night to spend the Easter holidays with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim O’Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foreman and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler, :> respectively. They returned to Omaha Monday, accompanied by Mrs. Leo Weichman and baby danghter. Mr. and Mrs. John Conard and daughter, Mary Lou, were Easter supper guests at the R. B. South home , at Inman. Mr. and Mrs. George Skopec and sons, Donald and Duane, were dinner guests at the Char lie Skopec, sr., home Easter. Mrs. Leo Wortman of West Point and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wortman of Lincoln were guests at the A1 Kloppenborg home over the weekend. <- Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pongratz and children were guests at a family reunion dinner held at the John Grutsch jr., home at O’Neill on Easter. Mrs. Paul Newton clerked in the John Conard store Monday. The South Side club met on "Tuesday, April 5, at the Floyd Butterfield home, 13 members and 1 guest were present, the lesson was on table setting, illus trated by Mrs. John Tenborg. Mrs. Price and Mrs. Floyd But terfield served lunch the latter part of the afternoon. The next meeting will be at the Henry Patterson home on May 3. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Burge and family of Omaha were Saturday night guests at the Bessie Burge home. On Easter Sunday the Dean Burge family, Mrs. Bessie Burge, June and Harold, were guests at the Clyde Burge home at Amelia. Mr. and Mrs. Don Locken and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Brainard and family were Easter Sunday guests at the Floyd Brainard home. Lew Meyers of Lynch was a Saturday overnight guest at the Don Meyers home. On Easter Sunday the Don Meyers family and Lew Meyers were guests at the Merl& DeLong home at Page. Mrs. Henry Patterson visited at Norfolk and Omaha from Sunday, April 3, to 'Thursday. April 7. Mr. and Mrs. John Kee of O’Neill were supper guests at the Wayne Bates home on Easter Sunday. Many people of the Emmet community attended the stock car race at Stuart on Easter Sun day. Wayne Fox won the B fea ture race. He drove car number 50. The A feature race was won by a man from Mitchell S.D., driving car number 20. They each received a medal. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Calkins and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Osborne were dinner guests at the Dean Perry home on Sunday. Mrs. Gilbert Fox and daughter, Barbara and Mickey Tomlinson of Nebraska City were supper guests at the Max Griener home at O’Neill Saturday evening. Miss Helen Martens, teacher of district 20, gave an Easter par ty last Thursday afternoon for her pupils and little guests. The children made Easter baskets which the teacher filled with candy eggs. They also dyed eggs. Mrs. Elmer Schaaf and Mrs. Herman Grothe hid the eggs for the children to find. Prize eggs were found by Betty and Derold Perry and Ruthie Schaaf. The little guests were Jack and Chip Cole, Billie Jean and Beverly Perry, Kent and Candy Cole, Carroll and Jerry Richards, Bar bara Fox, Graydon Bates, Judy and Janet Newton, Gene Schaaf, Duane and Joan Grothe, Joe and ! Dennie Schaaf. Mr. and Mrs. James Foreman and sons, Byron and Craig, of Battle Creek and Norma Lou Foreman of Omaha were dinner guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foreman, Easter. Mrs. Edith White of Long Beach, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Leo McCafferty and Mrs. Hazel Cleveland of Boulder, Colo., vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Richards and Mrs. Agnes Gaffney and other relatives in Atkinson Tuesday, April 5. Mrs. Agnes Gaffney visited Mrs. Clara Jennings in Atkinson Monday, April 4. Range Market Report Cattle trade in the sandhills has been limited the last couple of weeks with no direct sales be ing reported. Auction bams have been hav ing moderate runs of both native and shipped in cattle. Prices have been steady to strong with de mand for replacement cattle high. Both feeders and ranchers have been bidding on cattle with a good demand locally from ranchers wanting cattle to go on grass. Prices have ranged on stock steers weighing around 500 pounds from $23.50 up to $27 on the top kinds. Heifer mates have been selling from $5 to $6 less per hundred weight. A limited supply of 650- to 750-pound cattle were offered with prices bulking at about $23.50 on the steers and $18 on the heifer end. Cows remain in good demand with supply lim ited. Top quality young cows to calve in the next few weeks have been going from $155-$165 per head. One Hundred Hear School Finance Talk— Paul Seidel, director of finance of the state department of educa tion, spoke on public school ac counting at a meeting held Wed nesday morning at the O’Neill public school auditorium. Over one hundred school board members, both city and rural, from Holt and Boyd counties at tended the session. The meeting had been held to explain the phases of the new method of accounting which has been changed recently. COUSIN DIES Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rouse, Mrs. Edith Young and Miss Maude Rouse attended the funer al of their cousin, Mrs. John Griffith, 63, at Newton, Kans. Mrs. Griffith died Wednesday, April 6, at Newton. Funeral ser vices were conducted Saturday morning from the Methodist church there. Mr. and Mrs. William Hinze were Easter guests at the home of their daughter and her family in Sioux City. Miss Daas to Wed Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daas of Chambers have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Joanne (above), and Herbert Penner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Penner of Trenton, i A May wedding is planned. 1 . 3l guest-of-honor at an Easter din- i ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. \ Carl Miller. The occasion was to i celebrate her birthday anniver- j sary. She was also presented sev eral gifts and a birthday cake. | Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. * Walter Finley, Mrs. i Bertha Miller | and Mr. and Mrs. Casey Jones and ' daughter from Lincoln. j Holiday weekend guests at the * home of Mrs. Grace Briggs are t her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. \ and Mrs. Thomas King, and fam- i ily from Lincoln. I Pvt. Eugene K. Lee, who is . taking his basic training in the I medical corps at Ft. Riley, Kans., ' has been awarded the “soldier of | the week” trophy. He earned the " honor four consecutive weeks, i Qualifications to receive this hon- * or includes the best shined boots, i cleanest rifle, cleanest brass, best " marching and best with rifle in i the manual of arms. Private Lee \ is the son of Mrs. Anita Lee of i Ewing. I --O- # ^ Mrs. Lee and son, Virtus, drove to Ft. Riley, where they spent the Easter weekend with Eugene. They returned home Monday. j Mrs. Scott Clow of Denver, Colo., who has been visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Minnie Reimer, returned to her home Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies spent Easter Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith and son, Myron, were holiday weekend guests at the home of her aunt, Miss Vina Wood, and other relatives in the Ewing vi cinity. Easter dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Tin- | sley were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ’ Bennett and family of Elgin, Mr. j and Mrs. Edwin Wink and family 1 of Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Grant i Fink and family of Clearwater, i Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Huston, Mr. and Mrs. Bid Dietz and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bennett, jr., and William Sanne, all of Neligh, and Mrs Anna Hawley of Brock. The children enjoyed an Easter egg hunt in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Tinsley and family of Clearwater were afternoon callers. Mrs. Agnes Bartak entertained the following guests at a family dinner party on Sunday at her home: Mr. and Mrs. Howard An drews and family of North Platte, ■ Mr. and Mrs. Vance Bennett and J family of Plainview, Mr. and Mrs. I Adolph Bartak and daughter, ] Janice, of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. J Richard Sunraan and daughter, 1 Shirley, from Georgia, where Mr. | Sunman is stationed. I i Mrs. Edna Lofquest had as 6 i o’clock dinner guests on Monday, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Browning of J Madison. 1 ivirs. tuna umquesi was sur- i prised Saturday afternoon when I relatives arrived to join her in j celebrating a birthday anniver- fl sary. A birthday cake and gifts ] were presented to her. Refresh ments were served by the self-in vited guests. Present were her i daughter, Mrs. Rueben Myers, and Beverly of Neligh, Mrs. Wil liam Lofquest and family, Mrs. Myrtle Kimes and Mrs. Earl Bil lings, all of Ewing and Lillie Myers of Clearwater. Mrs. Daisy Miller and Mrs. Ethel Napier were callers Satin day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Edna Lofquest. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Murphy returned to their home at Blair after spending from Thursday to Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pruden. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Claussen have moved to the Reimer pro perty from the Bertha Stum baugh apartments in east Ewing. Mrs. Harriet Welke, daughter, Miss Vaulda, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. | Shain and son, Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schmiser and fam ily, all of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Welke and family of Star were guests on Easter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schmidt. Guests on Easter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Munn were Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Arch er and family of Grand Island, Mrs. Maud Bowers of Neligh, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bergstrom and daughter, Kay, Mr. and Mrs. John Archer of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tuttle and daughter, Leonora, entertained the following guests at dinner on Easter, her mother, Mrs. Vera • Anson, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Roc key of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Vance Butler and family of Ne ligh. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Andrews and family of North Platte were weekend guests at the home of her mother, Mrs. Agnes Bartak. Sunday night Mrs. Bartak and the Andrews family were over night guests at the home of Mr. . and Mrs. Vance Bennett at Plain view. Mrs. Lena Kirschmier accom panied her grandson, Ronald Niesius, to Pilger to spend the Easter weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Niesius and family. WD—Joseph Ballon to Truman G & Bernard C Rossman 4-4-55 $2000- Part of Sec 32-30-14 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS • April 20 is the deadline for assessment schedules. • All individual and business schedules must be in by this time or they will be subject to the penalty provided by law. • Anyone who resided in the county on the I 0th of March, who owns property or is 21 years of age, must make out the in dividual assessment schedule. W. F. (BILL) WEFSO Holt County Assessor ii^»fc ,^|^ ,^m*. Mtm ifiiiriii unfiiifc i-Miii wm n-T1, |||yOU ASKED FOR IT-SO HERE GOES OUR I CHECK THESE UNHEARD OF PRICES! - Buy it by the pound - piece - quarter or ton! | I Fil! that locker with gov’t inspected meats. So come on down and SAVE while you SPEND! ( GUARANTEED TENDER PRIME RIB Lb. 43c SHORT CUTS_Lb. 49c SIRLOINS _ Lb. 59c T-BONES _ __Lb. 69c BOILING BEEF — Lean and Mealy__ ._ 3 lbs 49c RIVAL SLICED BACON 3 Lbs. $1 BRAUNSCHW EIGER SUMMER SAUSAGE ALL MEAT RING BOLOGNA, Lb. LONGHORN CHEESE Lb 39* BEEF BRAINS_” -i , ■ h' * » : PORK ROAST Lb. ..39c PORK HOCKS 3 Lbs... 6 9C SMOKED HAM SHANKS Lb 25c CUDAHY’S SLICED BACON ENDS 3 Lbs. ...69c -5-lb. box 49c BEET SUGAR W lbs._95C SUGAR CHOC. COVERED WAFERS, full lb. pkg. 49c CHERRIES..... Lb. 69c } . ■■ DUNCAN HINES VAN CAMPS — No. ZV2 Cans f ANGEL FOOD. Pkg. 49c PORK - BEANS, 4 for 98c J CHOCOLATE LIQUID 4 DROPS_Lb. 19c LUX_Can 35c TASTE GOOD JERSEY CREAM WALDORF CHEESE , FfooR I CRACKERS 2-Lb. Box I 50.Lb. Sack | 2'Lb‘ Box 65c 339 39c , I ARMOUR MILK_2 cans 27c FANCY TUNA FISH. 2 cans 39c GALLON PRUNES Gal. 59c BIG TOP JAR » l _ 1 BOSTONIAN DOG FOOD 3 cans 29c \ -- H BROOKS ' 2 CANS j Chicken-Noodle Soup 25c ' DELRICH MEADOW GOLD D AlfTDTlT Holland Dutch D AlUllU I £, #U0 - ICE CREAM | 4 Lbs. I Half Gal. | 1 98c 69c 65c _ " ■ " ..."—-I ♦ FANCY SALMON- 3S„ SI STOKELY’S FROZEN I PIES = 4 n» ..89c i > FRESH PRODUCE , V ' ^ ^ PASCAL CELERY -. 2 stalks 29c TOMATOES - Tube 19c JUICE ORANGES t>oz. 25c FINK GRAPEFRUIT io f»r 45c We Have a Full Selection of SEED POTATOES :■ '■ t I PILLSBURY | CAKE MIX 3Pkg$ 89c zr ' HUIMUJHIII III imiT-HT—l!■