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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1955)
Future Subscribers BOLL WITT — Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bollwitt of Ewing, a son, Gary Lynn, weighing 8 pounds 3 ounces, born Thursday, April 7, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill O’BRIEN—Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam O’Brien of Page, a daughter, Sally Jo, weighing 6 pounds 5% ounces, bom Friday, April 8, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. HIPKE—Mr. and Mrs. John Hipke of Springview a son, Ju lius Shawn, weighing 7 pounds 8>4 ounces, bom Sunday, April 10, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. BORG—Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Borg of O’Neill, a son, Steven Ray, weighing 6 pounds, 2% oun ces, born Monday April 11, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. McDERMOTT—Mr. and Mrs. Francis McDermott of Neligh, a son, Michael Francis, weighing 9 pounds 13% ounces, born Tues day, April ’2, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. NIELSEN—Mr. and Mrs. Del bert Nielsen of Lynch, a son, weighing 7 pounds 12 ounces, bom Friday, April 1, at the Sa cred Heart hospital, Lynch. RINEHART—Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Rinehart of Butte, a son, weighing 6 pounds 2 ounces,, born Friday, April 1, at the Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. ROBINSON — Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robinson of Lincoln, a daughter, weighing 8 pounds 6 ounces, born Tuesday, April 12, in a Lincoln hospital. The Rob insons are known at Page. BERGSTROM — Mr. and Mrs. Max Bergstrom of Ray, N.D., a daughter, weighing 8 pounds 11 ounces, born Good Friday, April 8, at Ray. The Bergstroms are known in the Page community. To Offer Tips for Building Fish Ponds Public meetings that will be of interest to all fisher men, farmers, ranchers and bus inessmen will be held in Cham bers Tuesday, April 19, at 8 p.m., at the American Legion auditori um and in O’Neill on Wednes day,,, April 20, at 8 p.m., in the soil conservation district office. Mr. MeMurtrey, biologist for the soil conservation service, will be the feature of these meetings. He will have tips on how to build a fish pond and precau tions to take. Guides to proper stocking of fish and the import ance of fertilization. He will show why it is important to have proper conservation practices on the drainage area above the fish ponds. This, according to C. R. Hill, work unit conservationist, is not a “dry lecture,” but an il lustrated talk in which Mr. Me Murtrey uses a planned board, colored pictures and a movie filmed under water showing fish behavior, to illustrate an import ant phase of fish management. All are invited to attend these meetings. Visit Bristow— Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cole spent Easter in the home of their son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Anson, and family in Bristow. Miss DeMaris Strong was also a guest at the Anson home. Too Late to Classify FOR SALE: Hereford bulls, com ing 2-yrs.-old.—George Syfie, O’Neill. 50-5 lp60 FOR SALE: Boy’s 24-in. bicycle, in good condition, $10. — Call 420-W, O’Neill. 50c DRS. BROWN & FRENCH Eyes Tested—Glasses Fitted Broken Lens Replaced In 24 Honrs Other Repairs While You Wait Complete X-Ray To East Coast— Mr. and Mrs. John Conard and Mrs. Esther Harris drove to Sioux City Monday morning from where Mrs. Conard and Mrs. Harris left for the Eastern states on a two weeks’ trip, sightseeing and vis iting relatives. In New York City they will visit Miss Ruth Harris, daughter of Mrs. Harris. They will also visit Chicago, 111., Bos ton, Mass., Philadelphia, Pa., and enroute home planned to visit Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bock at Burlington la. Sick & Injured CHAMBERS — Mr. and Mrs. William Turner drove to Lincoln Monday, April 11, to visit their son, Robert Turner, at the Lin coln General hospital. His condi tion is improved. He entered Fri day, April 8. . . Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Werner and family visit ed Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Henry Werner, who is a patient in the Atkinson hospital. . . Mrs. Helbert Hoge underwent major surgery at the Lutheran hospital in Norfolk on Wednesday, April 6. . . Mrs. Bernard Hoffman and infant son returned Wednesday, April 6, from St. Anthony’s hos pital. . . Mrs. Ed Dewey is a pa tient in St. Anthony’s. . . Ronnie Dean David, 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Verle David, was a patient in St. Anthony’s several days last week, after having fall en down a flight of stairs. . . L. W. Taggart entered St. Anthony’s hospital Thursday night and was released Saturday. O’NEILL—Ira H. Moss is “im proved” at St. Joseph’s hospital, Sioux City, where he has been a patient about two weeks. He is suffering a skin disease. . . May or-Elect Alva Marcellus was con fined to his home several days this week because of influenza. He returned to work Tuesday noon. . . C. E. A. Johnson re turned to his Consumers Public Power executive duties last week after having been confined to his home because of influenza. . . M. A. Schelkopf, who has been ill three w eeks, was “up and about the house” Tuesday for the first time since becoming ill. EWING—Mrs.0 James Boies ac companied Mrs. Vance Anson of Neligh to Grand Island on Friday, where they visited their hus bands, both patients at the Ve terans hospital. . . Mrs. Marcus Snyder and daughter Barbara went to O’Neill on ^Monday where they consulted a doctor for care and treatment of some ear trouble bothering Miss 0 Barbara, the result of a severe cold some ; time ago. RIVERSIDE—Mrs. W. M. Na pier was on the sick list re cently. . . Mrs. George Mont gomery spent time in Grand Island where George underwent surgery on Tuesday, March 29, in the Veteran’s hospital. . . Elwell Johnston had the misfortune to fall at the home of his son, Ralph, Friday and break his hip. He is in the Neligh hospital. DELOIT—Mrs. Fred Harpster was a patient in the Antelope Memorial hospital last week. She was suffering from a severe at tack of influenza. . . James Mc Donald underwent an appendec . tomy at the O’Neill hospital last week. O PAGE—Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey took their son, Gene, to Sioux City Friday where they consulted a specialist^ concerning an irregularity in the develop ment of the bones in his heel. Special shoes and a brace are ex pected^ to correct the condition. INMAN—Mr. and Mrs. Otto Retke and Mrs. Robert Retke drove to Omaha Sunday and spent the day with Robert Retke, a patient in an Omaha nospital. They report Bob to be “improv ing”. ROCK FALLS — Mrs. Floyd Johnson called on her mother and Lois Breiner fn O’Neill last Thursday afternoon. Lois has been quite ill with the influenza the past week. AMELIA—Delbert Edwards has been on the sick list since having some teeth extracted. o I Tune in “Voice of The Fron tier”, thrice weekly! Fri.-Sat. April 15-16 Double Feature “PRISONERS OF WAR” “BLACK FURY” Sun.-Mon.-Tues. April 17-18-19 Wed.-Thrus. April 20-21 “ABBOH AND COSTELLO MEET CAPTAIN KIDD” Family Night — Bring ’Em All $1.00 ,v * " ' 'i’.mMr. o ° Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY'S (O’Neill) Admissions: April 7 — G. H. Grimes, Chambers; Elizabeth Hickey, O’Neill; Mrs. Victor Boll witt, Ewing; Mrs. Julia Hinze, Inman. 8—LW. Taggart, Cham bers; Mrs. William O’Brien, Page; Merna Butterfield, O’Neill; Ron nie Dean David, Chambers; Mss. Ed Dewey, Chambers. 9—G. H. Grimes, Chambers; Mrs. John Vitt, O’Neill; Mrs. John Hipke, Springview. 10— Nels Schultz, O’Neill; Patrica Lorenz, O’Neill. 11—Mrs. Ronald Borg, O’Neill; Patrica Mattern, O’Neill. 12— Mrs. Francis McDermott, Neilgh; Mrs. Anson Closson, O’Neill; Mrs. Bessie Rotherham, Inman; San dra Funk, Ewing; Shirley H. Deines, Orchard; Gary Green, Chambers. 13—David Isaacson, Ewing; Harold W. Swanson, Bris tow. Dismissals: April 7—Mrs. Har mon Grunke and baby girl, O’Neill; Dewayne Harkins, O’Neill; Mrs. Cyril Peter, O’Neill; Helen Finch, Page; Mrs. Emil Adamson, O’Neill; Mrs. E. James Donohoe and baby boy, O'Neill. 8—Dwain Strong, O’Neill; Mrs. Roy Wayman, O’Neill; C. H. Grimes, Chambers; William Blitzkie, Spencer. 9—E. L Kelley, Chambers; Mrs. Donald Myers, Stuart; Ronnie Dean David, Chambers; Duane Winkler, Em met; David Winkler, Emmet; L. W. Taggart, Chambers. 10—Mrs. Gus Timmerman, O’Neill; John Turner, O’Neill; Mrs. Philip Cohn and baby boy, O’Neill. 11— Mrs. William O’Brien and baby girl, Page; Mrs. Victor Bollwitt and baby boy, Ewing. 12—Mema Butterfield, O’Neill; Elizabeth Hickey, O’Neill. 13—Patrick Mat tern, O’Neill; Mrs. John Vitt, O’Neill; Patrica Lorenz, O’Neill; Mrs. Anson Closson, O’Neill. Hospitalized: Mrs. Lois Adams, Chambers; Mrs. Ronald Borg, O’Neill; Bernadette Brennan, O’Neill; Mrs. George Bay, O’Neill; Shirley H. Deines, Orchard; Mrs. Eld Dewey, Chambers; Sandra Funk, Ewing; Gary Green, Cham bers; Mrs. John Hipke, Spring view; Mrs. Albert K a c z o r , O’Neill; Mrs. Francis McDermott, Neligh; William McKathnie, At kinson; Albert Otte, Winner, S.D.; Mrs. Bessie Rotherham, Inman; Nels Schultz, O’Neill; Mrs. Julia Hinze, Inman. SACRED HEART (Lynch) Hospitalized: Leonard Ander son, Bristow; Dr. Edwin B. Brad ley, Spencer; Lawrence Burley, Spencer; C. W'. Christensen, Lynch; Mrs. Daniel Reiser, Spencer; Baby Larry Haun, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Haun, Spencer; Baby Daryl Robert Krugman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Krugman, Lynch; Mrs. Annie Lewis, Spencer; Harold McRoberts, Lynch; Mrs. M. B. Nelson, Bristow; Miss Lillian Ol son, Bristow; Mrs. Barbara Pek lo, Lynch; Mrs. Barbara Prchal, Spencer; Romald Remter, Spen cer; Baby Gerald Rossmeier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Rossmeier, Bristow; C. A. Rutledge, Lynch; Mrs. Esther' Tomlinson, Spencer; Mrs. William Zeisler, Naper. o Dismissals: April 5—Mrs. Ver non Rinehart and baby, Butte; Mrs. Evan Lewis and baby, Spencer; George Lueken, Lynch. 6— Mrs. Delbert Nielsen, Lynch. 7— Mrs. George Prokop and ba by, Spencer; Mrs. William Boet tcher, Fairfax, S.D. 8—Mrs. Min nie Halbur, Butte; L. L. Keeler, Anoka. 9—Mrs. Robert Ander son and baby, Spencer; Miss Barbara Hoffman, Lynch; Mrs. Howard Graham, Dorsey. 10.— Mrs. Harold Krugman, Lynch. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: April 4— Mrs. Eu gene Batenhorst, Stuart, obstet rical; Artha Lea Pacha, Atkin son, surgical. 5—Andrew John son, Stuart, medical; Mrs. Wil liam Black, Atkinson, obstetrical; Mrs. Don Marcellus, Atkinson, obstetrical. 6—Mrs. Henry Wer ner, Atkinson, medical. 8—Susan Marie Weichman, Stuart, med ical. 9—Mrs. Arice Johnson, Cres ton, obstetrical. 11 — Mrs. Jim Davis, Stuart, obstetrical; Miss Mable Adams, Atkinson, med ical. Dismissed: April 7—Mrs. F. E. Skrdla, Atkinson. 8—Mrs. Cora Tasler, Stuart. 9—Mrs. Herman Kaup, Atkinson. 10 — Mrs. A. Johnson, Creston. 11 — Andy Johnson, Stuart. ° Hospitalized: Herbert Stevens, Mrs. Van Humphrey, Mrs. Mary Timmerman. Write-In Effort * Fails at Stuart STUART—One hundred sixty seven Stuart voters went to the polls Tuesday, April 5, and oust ed two veteran members of the board of education. Incumbents defeated were J. G. Brewster, with 71 votes, and Norris W. Coats, with 44. Elect ed to the school board were R. A. Mueller wi'^t 102 and John Newman with 95. Other members of the board are Mahlon Shearer, Donald Krotter, Dale Henderson and T. E. McGuire. The school terms are three years each. John Newman collected 137 votes for the village board of trustees; Walt Smith, 95 votes, and F. P. Murphy, 91. A write-in candidate, Robert O. Brayton, received 65 votes in an unsuccessful bid. Smith be comes a new member. Newman and Murphy are incumbents. Other members of the village board are A. Max Karo and R. A. Mueller. Cub Scouts Meet— Cub Scouts of den number III met at 4 o’clock. First we said the promise, then we all heard a story about Thunder Hill Tree farm, “Keeper of the Buckskin.” —By Jimmy Sullivan, troop scribe. —■■■' ... » 1 • Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rouse, Mrs. Edith Young and Miss Maude Rouse visited Sunday at the home of Mrs. Young’s son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young, in Mankato, Kans. Mrs. Don Petersen and Pamela visited from Sunday until Wed nesday at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Padmos, in Lake Andes, S.D. o Kennedy Home . Scene of Dinner AMELIA—Mr. and Mrs. Ber nie Kennedy entertained the fol lowing relatives on Easter: Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Roth of Ponca; Mrs. Jerry Teseh and girls of Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Slaymaker of O’Neill; Miss Leonetta Skulla of Howells; Mrs. Elsie Doolittle and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Doolittle, sr., and Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Art Doolittle and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Doolittle and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Doolittle and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fullerton, Joan and Beth and Mr. and Mrs. Rob Adair and son. Other Amelia News Mrs. Mamie Sammons, Mrs. Marjorie Sammons and son, Bill, j were dinner guests Sunday of j Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott. Easter was a lovely day in this ! vicinity. Both the Methodist and Catholic churches were well filled with worshipers. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston of Eagle came Friday to spend the Easter holidays at the par ental Silas Johnston and Dunk Peterson homes. They are driv ing a new car. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rees and family of Burwell spent Easter at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees. Gene Hansen was one of the participants in the stock car races at Stuart Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bus Gilman were supper guests Wednesday, April 6, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Oetter and girls. Mrs. Glen White and daughter, Venita, went to McPherson, Kans., Monday. They took the Central college pupils back to school after they had spent the spring holiday at their respective homes—Glen White, Rev. Alfred Luginsland, Paul Fisher and Clyde Burge. Paul Fisher went to McPherson the latter part of last week to bring the group home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ott of O’Neill were Easter guests at the Floyd Adams home. Mrs. Bessie Burge, Harold, Clayton and June and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Burge and family of Chambers were Easter guests at the Clyde Burge home. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnett and Miss Ardath Barnett were dinner guests Sunday at Glen White’s. Mr. ;and Mrs. Bill Boettcher will be the occupants on the ranch formerly occupied by the Bob Rees family. The Boettchers are employed by John Mohr, jr., who rented the place. Prof, and Mrs. Bower Sageser and daughter, Sandra, of Manhat tan, Kans., spent the Easter hol iday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Link Sageser, and on Sat urday they visited Mrs. Sageser’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Fan cher, at Ainsworth. , Mr. and Mrs. Earnie Johnston were dinner guests Sunday at Mrs. Edith Andersen’s. Easter dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lew Back haus were Mr. and Mrs. George Thomson and Mr. and Mrs. Mer lin Grossnicklaus arid family, all of Chambers; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Backhaus and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boshart and family, all of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKathnie and family, Mrs. Em ma McKathnie, Mrs. Celia Back haus and Ted, all of Atkinson. Miss Leonetta Skulla of How ells was1 a weekend guest of Mrs. Elsie Doolittle and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Roth of Ponca visited Easter with Mr. Roth’s parents in Atkinson and with Mrs. Roth’s mother, Mrs. Elsie Doolittle, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo were hosts at a family dinner Sunday. Besides the Easter din ner, Lloyd was also celebrating his birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Waldo, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Searles and family of O’ Neill were among the guests. Mrs. Stella Sparks and Lonnie and Mrs. Gertie Adair attended the stock car races in Stuart on Sunday. They also called on the Henry Travers family in Atkin son. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Fryrear attended the stock car races in Stuart Sunday. Art Waldman and Mrs. Delia Ernst attended the Easter dinner at the home of their nephew, M. B. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Backaus and Caroline accompanied the Jack Winings to Butte Sunday to attend church services. Calvin Coolidge wrote to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge, saying he expected to be sent to Germany soon. Ed Adams of Lincoln visited at the home,of his sister, Mrs. S. C. Barnett, and Mr. Barnett this week. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Burge and family of Omaha spent the Eas ter at the Clyde Burge home. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bergan and family of Ponca City, Okla., spent the Easter weekend with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Albert Luginsland, and Kenneth. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fisher, Elaine and Dorothy visited Mrs. Fisher’s parents at Clearwater Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed White were dinner guests Sunday of Mrs. Julia White. Mr. and Mrs. Link Sageser. Mr. and Mrs. Bower Sageser and San dra and Mrs. Julia White were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sageser Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge went to Stanton to visit Julius Belew and son, Marlin. The Blake families gathered at the Ray Coolidge home for their Easter dinner. Mrs. Emma Lindsey and Flor ence called at the Vern Stewart home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Krutz and family of Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Shellhase and Don na of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Shellhase and daughters of Atkinson were Easter dinner guests at Hienie Frahm’s. JOHN R. GALLAGHER Attomey-at-Law First Nafl Bank Bldg. O’NEILL PHONE 11 c. Rod Fails News o Mrs. Florence Schultz and John Kersenbrock of O’Neill vis ited at the John Schultz home Tuesday evening, April 5. Francis and Ray Johnson and their sister, Mrs. Charley Saide of Sioux City, called at Floyd Johnson’s Wednesday, April 6. Sam Derickson attended the funeral of an aunt at Marysville, Mo., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Yantzie spent last Thursday evening at the Levi Yantzie home. Their son, Joe, spent the week with his grandparents. John Richardson spent last Thursday evening at the Albert Sterns home. Ray Johnson was a Friday eve ning visitor at Floyd Johnson’s. Mrs. Albert Sterns and Mrs. i Donald Sterns visited at the James Curran home last Thurs I day afternoon. Floyd Johnson assisted James Curran on Wednesday forenoon, April 6, in* caring for a sick cow. Wednesday, April 6, supper guests at the Orville Miller Home were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cur ran and Mary Jo, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Felver and Carl Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Karel were last Thursday night visitors of the Orville Miller family. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sterns and Mrs. Albert Sterns motored to Norfolk Saturday to meet Miss Doris of Lincoln who spent Easter - at home, returning on Sunday afternoon. Blake Benson was a last Thurs day caller at Lyle Vequist’s. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derickson and son spent Sunday at the Daryl Heese home in Randolph. Alden Breiner and sons, Rus sell, Lonnie and Phillip, spent Easter at the John Cleary home. Other visitors were Theresa and Lois Breiner. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vequist spent Easter at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Orville Morrow. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Duane Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sanders and son, Melvin. Sunday dinner guests at the John Schultz home were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Gor don Johnson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and Lynda, Mr. and Mrs. George Calkins and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brown and children were guests in the Austin Hynes home in O’ Neill Sunday. There was an Easter family gathering at the John Grutsch home in O’Neill. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNul ty and LaDonna, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lansworth and Jo Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and children, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grutsch and children, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pongratz and chil dren, Mrs. Cecelia Grutsch, Mrs. Protivinsky and son, Don and Gene Bauman. In the afternoon the young folks attended the movie at the Royal while the grown-ups relaxed for awhile. Linda Johnson and Cecily Spaulding called at Blake Ben son’s Saturday afternoon. Dinner guests on Sunday at the Earl Bauld home were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran and girts, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ott, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ott and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Bob McNichols and Ita Bauld. Cecily Spaulding left for Wa seca, Minn., Sunday morning af ter having spent a week at the Floyd Johnson home. She was to resume her teaching duties Tues day. Linda drove there with her and will remain for awhile. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sterns and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. El mer Slaymaker and children and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sterns and children spent Easter at the Al bert Sterns home. Mr. and Mrs. James Curran and Ardell and Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Sterns attended the James O’Donnell funeral in Atkinson Monday. The Hugh Benson family of O’ Neill spent Easter at the Blake Benson home. Mr. and Mrs. William Claussen attended Easter services in Bris tow Sunday with the Don Drick ey family and spent the remain der of the day at their home. Other guests there were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bigler and Janice and Charles Drickey of Butte and Mr. and Mrs. John Grutsch of O’Neill and their son, Elwin. Mrs. Drickey and Mr. Bigler are niece and nephew of Mrs. Claus sen and Mrs. Grutsch. Monday evening visitors at the Frank Schultz home were Mr, and Mrs. William Steskal and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and girls. Mr1, and Mrs. James Curran and Ardeli spent last Thursday eve ning, March 31, at Francis Cur ran’s. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schultz called at the John Schultz home Tuesday evening, March 29. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist en tertained at a supper Wednesday, March 30, in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Vequist’s sis ter, Mrs. Jim McNulty. Other guests were Jim McNulty and daughter, LaDonna, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miller and children and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran and Mary Jo. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vequist and family of Omaha spent April 2 and 3 here with his parents and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Langan and baby were Wednesday, March 30, callers at the William Claussen home. The Langans recently mov ed to the Ed Earley place. Lynda Hynes spent from April 1 to April 3 at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Calkins. They all spent Sunday at the Don Hynes home and celebrated Don’s birthday anniversary. ^ Sunday, April 3, guests at the Floyd Johnson home were Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and girls and Cecily Spaulding. Stanley Benson came in the afternoon. ^siStr/A/' *m. •'* EFFECTIVE Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday I VANILLA ICE CREAM 1/2 Gal...... 69c ' BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIX ANGEL FOOD Per Pkg._49c DAVID HARUM FLOUR 50-Lb. Bg. $3.39 MAYFAIR TOILET TISSUE 4 Roll Pkg.... 23c SANDWICH COOKIES Lb. pkg. 29c PURE LflOD-2 Ik 35c MINCED HAM.3 lbs. $1.00 WIENERS __3 lbs. $1.00 LAMB SHOULDER ROAST T__Lb. 39c Over sausage Lb. 39c PURE GROUND BEEF_3 lbs. SI .00 LONGHORN CHEESE__ Lb. 45c BRAUNSCHWEIG !. Lb. 39c GOLDEN VALLEY Crushed or Sliced PINEAPPLE 2 No. 303 Cans 49c MESQUITE CUT GREEN BEANS 2 No. 303 Cans 10c GOLDEN VALLEY Cream CORN 3 No. 303 Cans 39c MISSION PEAS 3 No. 303 Cans 39c OUR FAMILY PINEAPPLE JUICE. 2 46-oz. cans 65c OUR FAMILY STRAWBERRY PRESERVES....... 2 12-oz. jars 59c __ o _ BULK YELLOW POPCORN....:_4 lb. cello 43c FRESH CARROTS_2 cello pkgs. 19c PINK GRAPEFRUIT_i„„ 10 for 49c SNOW GIRL FROZEN STRAWBERRIES_Per pkg. 29c QUAKER cu El II A MED I BEET I OATMEAL intlnAWlEK SUGAR Free FOODS Grocery I ^ I 37C Delivery_O’NEILL Phone No. 593 | 9qC I PLACE YOUR ORDER J TODAY I BABY CHICKS ^ $12.50 White Rocks — White Leghorns — Leg. Rocks — Aust. Whites I We have a limited supply of STARTED CHICKS. See us for price if you I __ are ready to buy! _ ,, ■ NUTRENA FEEOS ’ DAVID HARUM , I We Carry a Complete Line of Stock Feeds | CASH FOR YOUR B _man - POULTRY - EGOS | . o .