The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 31, 1955, SECTION 2, Page 15, Image 15

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    (Other Church News on page 6)
Rev. W. B. Smith, pastor
Thursday, March 31: WSCS
Player cell, Mrs. J. L. Jay, 10 a.m.;
WSCS mothers’ circle with Mrs.
\ irginia Perry, 3 p.m.; choir prac
tices cantata, 7 p.m.; pastoral re
lations committee, 8 p.m.
Friday, April 1; Dorcas society
Tneets with Mrs. Ruby Wayman 2
Saturday, April 2: Confirmation
class, 10 a.m.
Sunday, April 3: Junior choir
practice, 9:15 a.m.; church school
classes, 9:45 a.m.; Palm Sunday
worship service, 11 a.m.; MYF
cabinet meets, 1:30 p.m
Monday, April 4: O’Neill Minis
terial association, 8 a.m.
Tuesday, April 5: Adult fellow
ship, 8 p.m.
Wednesday, April 6: Choir prac
tice, 7 p.m.; MYF, 8 p.m.
Thursday, April 7: Maundy
Thursday communion, 8 p.m.
Rev. J. Olen Kennell, pastor
Sunday, April 3: Sunday-school,
9:45 a.m.; worship service, 11 a.m.
Monday, April 4: Spiritual life
group meeting in the sanctuary, 2
p.m. The study will be from John
18; Bible study hour for men,
7:30 p.m. .
Tuesday, April 5: Junior choir
practice, 4 p.m.
Wednesday, April 6: Westmin
ster fellowship meeting, 7 p.m.;
choir practice, 8 p.m.
Thursday, April 7: Women’s
association, 2:30 p.m., at the
church; membership training
class, 7 p.m.; meeting of the ses
sion; Maundy Thursday commun
ion service, 8 p.m.
Friday, April 8: Union Good
Friday service in the theater.
Rev. Wayne A. Hall, pastor
The revival meetings are in
progress this week, Tuesday
through Friday and on Sunday at
8 p.m., with Evangelist Leonard
Page of South Carolina. If you
like old-fashioned preaching you
will enjoy these messages from
night-to-night. We invite visitors
to each service.
Sunday, April 3: Sunday-school,
10 a.m.; worship service, 11 a.m.,
Evangelist Page will be minister
ing; boys’ and girls’ story time,
7:30 p.m.; evangelistic rally with
Reverend Page preaching at 8
You can show your appreciation
of freedom of religion by attend
ing church regularly.
Rev. Duane Lauber, supply pastor
Sunday, April 3: Sunday-school,
10 a.m., Carl Colfack, superintend
ent; worship service, 11 a.m,;
youth service, 7:30 p.m.; worship
service, 8 p.m.
Prayer service Thursday at 8
The public is invited to all ser
Rev. W. B. Smith, pastor
Thursday, March 31: Official
board, John Conard’s, 8 p.m.
Sunday, April 3: Palm Sunday
worship service and church
school, 9:30 a.m.; adult - youth
chruch school, 10:30 a.m.
Friday, April 8: Good Friday
service, O’Neill, 12:30 p.m.; com
munion service, 7:30 p.m.; nomi
nating committee, 8:30 p.m.
Tune in “Voice or Tne Fron
tier”, thrice weekly!
~ .- ...■■■■ ' —1
Insurance of All
Bus. Ph. 430
Res. Ph. 235
P'1" ' ~~~
. I w /
‘Xv/AvX'W'X'i'iv.vXw'A'K'X'CWdv-'v.-.^, ('.•.'.•*•.'■• .. » • .W4*XAwM«*vXvXyv^v]
Head Turning
i, ! Easter Hats
from Penney’s! Rich rough straws, fine Swis3
* straw braids in the very newest silhouettes.
Black, navy, white and dramatic high shades.
I 2,98 - 3.98
• ■••••Jw.'.v. .•>X<*.vXv.v.-A*.*.«>5<iXCC-.v
Washable Nylon
Styled in the favored boxy
silhouette, they’re fully
rayon lined, beautifully
washable — white, blue,
pink, aqua and maize.
Misses’ Sizes
Flirty Nylon
... in dainty florals, pastel
solids. Practical as they
are pretty, they wash in a
breeze, need little ironing!
Sizes 7-14.
Sizes 3-6X 2.98
Bluing For Bunnies—Too!
Proud as can be Mr. Bunny sits atop this unusual Easter centerpiece
which is made almost entirely of paper! Just two paper plates, a paper
cup, crepe paper and laundry bead-bluing . . . and for the eggs, an
assortment of gummed stars, dots and holiday seals . . . and it’s easy
as pie to make up this gay Easter decoration.
And—yes, you did. read correctly among the list of essentials ... it
said laundry bluing! It’s certainly true the home laundry shelf isn’t
anywhere near as dull as you might expect. Take this bead-bluing, for
example—it promises new and shining life to your white and pastel
nylons ... it keeps your stockings from fading, too—but whoever in this
Springtime world would expect it to provide a glamorous trimming for
Easter! Mixed with water (*1 cup of the blue beads and *4 cup water)
and applied sparingly to the edges of ruffled crepe paper, it provides an
exquisite color—very like a bit of bright Easter sky peeping thru the
Lower Plate: Cut 3* strip thru entire fold of yellow crepe paper. Gather
as you paste it around edge of 8" paper plate. Cut strip ox Spring green
crepe 2%" x 20” , .. cut 1%" points on one side. Paste the points around
center of the yellow ruffle and cover the center with a circle of yellow
crepe. •
Upper Plate: Cut m” strip thru entire fold of yellow crepe . . . paste
around 6" plate, gathering and pasting. Cover center with circle of
green crepe.
Middle: Cut 1* strip thru entire fold of yellow crepe . . . wind around
4" paper cup, stretching and pasting as you go. Trim edge of cup with
2strip green crepe, cut into points.
Tiered Plate: Paste cup upside on larger plate: paste smaller
plate on top of cup. Brush edges of all ruffles with Easter Sunday Blue.*
Nutcup: Stretch green crepe around souffle cup. Cut 5" circle of yellow
crepe; fold in half 3 times and cut out a “V.” Open out and cut small
circle from center; slip over cup from bottom^ paste at rim. Brush
petals with Easter Sunday Blue.*
Rev. Howard Claycombe, jr.,
Thursday, March 31: Choir re
hearsal, 8 p.m.; communion an
nouncement, 3-5, 7-8 p.m.; voter’s
meeting, 8 p.m.
Friday, April 1: Planning coun
cil, 8 p.m.
Saturday, April 2: Confirmation
class, 9:15 a.m.
Palm Sunday, April 3: Sunday
school and adult Bible class, 10
a.m.; nursery class in the parson
age basement, 10 a.m.; divine
worship with holy communion, 11
Monday, April 4: Lutheran Lay
men’s league, 8 p.m.
Wednesday, April 6: Adult
class, 8 p.m.
Maundy Thursday, April 7:
Lenten service with holy commun
ion, 8 p.m.
Good Friday, April 8: Divine
worship, 8 p.m.
Easter Sunday, April 10: Festi
val service, 11 a.m.; Sunday
school, nursery class and adult
Bible class, 10 a.m.
Starting Palm Sunday, the nurs
ery class of St. Paul’s will he
conducted as a regular portion of
the Sunday morning worship pro
gram. Chilldren from 2- to 4V>
years-old will make up this spe
cial class. A large basement room
of the parsonage has been com
pletely remodeled and refurnish
ed for this purpose. The room in
cludes a specially built sandtable,
a teaching table, cabinets, wall
boards, window drapes, a minia
ture altar with dossal curtain,
small folding chairs, a rebuilt reed
oigan and the latest visual aid
material adapted for the teaching
of children of this age group.
Mrs.( J. W. Walter, Mrs. Duane
Grossnicklaus and Mrs. Victor
Harley will lead the group. The
class will meet at 10 a.m., during
the regular Sunday-school hour.
Mothers are welcome to stay with
their children in the nursery class
as long as they wish.
(RFD, Ewing)
Rev. J. Olen Kennell, pastor
Sunday, April 3: Worship ser
vice, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday-school,
r--— ■
10:30 a.m.; fellowship, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, April 6: Women’s
society meeting, 2 p.m.
Californians Are
Feted in Reunion
EWING—A family reunion was
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
C. C. H a h 1 b e c k on Tuesday,
March 22. The honored guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Japp
and children of San Francisco,
Calif. Roast turkey and goose
with all the trimmings made up
the dinner menu.
Other guests were Mrs. Maud
Boies of Orchard Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Boies and daughter, Norma,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Anson and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell
Steinkrause and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Vernon Joehansen and
family, all from Plainview; Mr.
and Mrs. Basil Boies and family
of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Hahlbeck and family, Robert
Kritesinger and Mr. and Mrs.
Gail Boies, all from Ewing.
Returns from Florida—
Dr. H. L. Bennett returned late
Frio’ay from a six weeks’ vaca
tion, most of which was spent in
Florida. Doctor Bennett reported
he traveled seven thousand miles
during his absence and managed
to do considerable fishing in the
INMAN — Sgt. Harlan Mors
bach returned home Friday
morning from Korea where he
has spent several months. He is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. David
Morsbach. Harlan had received
his discharge.
Eyes Tested—Glasses Fitted
Broken Lens Replaced in
24 Hours
Other Repairs While You
Complete X-Ray
2500 TO 3000 HEAD
Stocker - Feeder - Breeding Cattle
Tuesday, April 5th
12 O’CLOCK NOON, 1955
1100—Fancy short yearlings from Ernie Weller’s Robertson
Ranch. 400 Hereford heifers, 100 Angus heifers (guaranteed
open), weights 550 to 625 lbs. average. 450 Hereford steers; 150
Angus steers, strictly green, weights 500 to 550 lbs. average.
175—Choice 2- and 3-year-old Hereford steers, strictly green,
from the Andy Qualm Ranch, weights 750 to 1000 lbs. average.
475—Hereford and Angus calves, weights 400 to 450 lbs., from
Mass, Prussa, Jones, Irwin and Burke Bros. Ranches.
100—Very choice 2-year-old bred Hereford heifers from the
Dewey Schaffer herd, officially Bangs vaccinated.
150—Hereford breeding cows, running ages, from Dvorak Bros.
40—Select Aberdeen-Angus breeding cows, 4- and 5-years-old.
from Sandhills Angus Ranch.
60—Head of Hereford steer calves, average weight 475 lbs.,
from the George Wright Ranch of Ewing, Nebr.
500 to 750 head more by sale time of various classes and kinds.
NO Southern Cattle—All strictly native Sandhills Cattle of
choice quality. If you like good ones—Be Here—Tuesday, Apr. 5.
You are welcome to consign cattle to this big Special Auction.
Just phone 5141 Atkinson.
“The Old Reliable” Atkinson, Nebr.
Men’s Council Stages
Annual Oyster Supper
CELIA—The Men’s council of
the Atkinson Presbyterian church
held the annual oyster supper
party for the women’s organiza
tion Monday evening, March 21.
Those attending from Celia in
cluded Mr. and Mrg. Clarence
Focken and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Connie Frickel and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Hans Lauridsen and
sons, Jim Lauridsen and Alex
Other Celia News
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks
and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chaf
fin were Sunday dinner guests at
the Omer Poynts home.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks
and family were Spencer and
Butte visitors on Saturday. In
Butte they visited several rela
Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun
and son were Sunday evening vis
itors at the Emil Colfack home.
Isla Ruda and Bobby Knudson
were last Thursday evening visit
ors at the Alvin Heiser home.
Mrs. Bill Obermire was a Tues
day, March 22, visitor at the Hans
Lauridsen home.
Mr. Tunink and son, Raymond,
of Butte were Sunday afternoon
visitors at the Hans Lauridsen
Saturday evening, March 19,
Mrs. Marvin Focken stayed with
the Eugene Poessnecker children
v/hile their parents attended the
FFA banquet in Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Focken
and Marjorie were Gregory, S.D.,
Mr. and Mrs. August Troshyn
ski and sons, Leonard and Ber
nard, also Mary Catherine Kil
murry were Monday evening sup
per guests at the Frank Kilmurry
Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickel
and family were Sunday dinner
guests at the LeRoy Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnson
and Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Kilmurry
and Mary Catherine were Sunday
evening visitors at the O. A. Ham
merberg home.
Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun
and son were Sunday dinner
guests at the Duane Beck home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease and
Bob took dinner and went to O’
Neill Sunday to help Ray’s father,
R. M. Pease, celebrate his birth
day anniversary. Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Pease and family were
also present.
Gus Obermire of Stuart, Bill
Obermire and Jim Lauridsen went
to Ogallala Tuesday, March 22,
returning last Thursday night.
Bobby Knudson accompanied
his teacher. Isla Ruda, to her
home at Bristow for the weekend.
Celia Homemakers extension
club met at the home of Mrs. Lee
Terwilliger Wednesday afternoon
March 23, with 17 members pres
ent. The leaders, Mrs. Connie
Frickel and Mrs. Byrl Beck, pre
sented the second lesson on broil
er meals. The club members vot
ed to give $10 to the Red Cross.
The next meeing will be with
Mrs. Connie Frickel and there
will be a Chinese auction.
Mrs. D. F. Scott visited from
Wednesday, March 23, until Fri
day at the Charles Dobias home.
Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun
were last Thursday O’Neill visit
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman
attended a supper in the Legion
hall Wednesday evening, March
23, in honor of the 36th anniver
sary of the Atkinson Legion.
Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun
spent Friday at the O. A. Ham
merberg home.
Clarence Focken was a Butte
visitor Wednesday, March 23.
Reverend Phipps, Leonard
Chaffin and Joe Hendricks helped
Mark Hendricks with cattle on
Tuesday morning, March 22. In
tile afternoon they all worked
with cattle for Joe Hendricks.
Dale and Darrell Focken visit
ed school on Wednesday, March
Ivan Wayman and Iona Ernst
of O’Neill, Charles Phipps and
Frances Chaffin were Sunday af
r-.‘ -.
ternoon visitors at the Mark Hen
dricks home.
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman
and sons were Monday evening
visitors at the Duane Beck home.
The Wesleyan young people and
their sponsors met at the David
Rahn home on Monday evening,
March 21, for a party. About 35
were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focsen,
the twins and Danny were last
Thursday dinner guests at the
Marvin Focken home. In the af
ternoon they visited the Donald
Focken family.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack at
tended a party at the William
Wefso home in Atkinson last
Thursday evening honoring Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Siegle of Rich
land, Wash. Other guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hipke and
Mr. and Mrs. Art Runnels of Stu
art. Mrs. Siegle was formerly
a resident of the Dustin commun
ity and a neighbor of the others
present at the party. She moved
from Dustin in 1946. Mr. and Mrs.
Siegle arrived last Thursday
morning at the Wefso home and
left Saturday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Braun and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Theo
dore Braun and family were Sun
day evening visitors at the Mar
vin Focken home.
First Natl Bank Bldg.
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