The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 17, 1955, Image 11
Founder of Lodge Honored at Inman INMAN — Arbutus Rebekah lodge m e t in regular session Wednesday evening, March 9, at thp I OOF hall. Karl Keyes, Noble Grand, presided. In honor of the birthday an niversary of Schyler Colfax founder of the Rebekah degree) the lodge entrtained 10 members’ from the Neligh lodge. In charge of the entertainment were Emma Moore, Blanche Mossman and Mareta Nielsen. Refreshments were served at the evening’s close by Anna Smith, Carrie McMahan, Maurine Smith, May Watson and Eunice Appleby. Other Inman News The Inman WSCS met Thurs day at the Moxcy Memorial addi tion for a regular session. Mrs. Lisle Mewmaw, President was in charge. She gave a report of the annual meeting of the WSCS which was held at Hastings on Thursday, March 3. A covered dish luncheon was enjoyed. On Sunday evening, a fellowship meeting was held at the church. A covered dish supper was served and Mr. Robbins of Lincoln show ed slides of his recent trip to Cal ifornia and old Mexico. M/Sgt. Cecil Keyes left Tues Legal Notices (First pub. Mar. 10, 1955) NOTICE WHEREAS, Donald H. Flans burgh, Convicted in Holt County, cm the 29th day of July, 1953, of the crime of Bigamy, has made appplicalion to the Board of Par dons for a Parole, and the Board of Pardons, pursuant to law set the hour of 9 a.m. on the 13th day of April, 1955, for hearing on said application, all persons interested are hereby notified that they may appear at the State Reformatory, at Lincoln, Nebraska, on said day and hour and show cause, if any there be, why said application should, or should not be granted. FRANK MARSH Secretary, Board of Pardons RICHARD C. MEISSNER Chief State Probation Officer 45-46c Save on Devetoping I to 12 Exp. REPRINTS 5c EACH DEAN’S^* 118 N. 15th St. — Dept. 5 Omaha, Nehr. Send 39c plus 3c for postage in stamps or coin. Films mailed back same day if received before 10 a.m. Money to Loan — on — , AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance Corp. C. E. Jones. Manager O'Neill : Nebraska j _ day, March 8, for New York where he will report for overseas duty. He was accompanied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Keyes, who will visit a nephew and family Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Keyes, at Motamoras, Pa. Postmaster and Mrs. B. H. Stevens of Page and Postmaster Francis Rotherham of Ewing were Tuesday evening, March 8, guests in the home of Postmaster and Mrs. James McMahan. Mrs. McMahan served lunch to the guests. Mrs. Virgil Stevens and sons of Rapid City, S.D., were Wednes day, March 9, guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Livelle Butter field. Cal Geary of Lyons arrived here Friday morning and is spending a few days with his bro thers, Reginald and Hadden. Mr. and Mrs. Dickie Femau of Neligh were Sunday callers in the David Morsbach home. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Morsbach and son of Neligh spent Sunday visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach and daugh ters. Mrs. Elizabeth Morsbach re turned Sunday from Neligh where she has spent several weeks visiting in the Levi Mors bach home. Miss Yvonne Smith of Norfolk spent the weekend here in the K. F. Smith home. A girl friend from Norfolk accompanied her home for the weekend. Douglas Jackson of Chadron spent the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jackson, and family. A number from Inman attend ed the Community Concert in O’Neill on Friday evening and “thoroughly enjoyed’’ The Carol ers. Mr. and Mrs. George Brainard and family, who have resided on the old Thomas Hartigan place the past year, left Monday for Atkinson where they will reside. Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder were Mr. and Mrs. Victor Snyder and family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder of Atkinson Mr. Robbins of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Kopecky and son. Mr. and Mrs. John Mattson en tertained Mr. and Mrs. James Mc Mahan at dinner on Sunday. The occasion was the birthday an niversary of Mrs. McMahan. Rock Falls News The Eagle Valley Card club met Saturday night, March 5, at the home of Frank Schultz, regardless of bad roads and the ’round-about way of getting there. There were four tables of progressive pitch with high scores going to Roy Johnson and Mrs. Floyd Johnson, lows to Pat Gallagher and Stanley Benson. Another meeting of the club was scheduled for March 11 at the John Schultz home. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Brown, Terry and Cindy called at the Don Hynes home Friday night, March 4. The Wesley Taylor family vis ited at Henry Vequist’s Friday night, March 4. Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and girls visited at the Frank Schultz home Tuesday, March 1. Alden Breiner and sons, Russell, Lonnie and Phillip, visited at Theresa and Lois Breiner’s Sun day, March 6. Lois had come from Grand Island where she had been employed for the past year, to stay with her mother. Melvin Johring called at Bill Claussen’s Saturday, March 5. The Raymond Vequist family of Omaha spent the March 5-6 week end at the Henry Vequist home. Mr. and Mrs. George Calkins were Sunday, March 6, visitors at the Don Hynes home. Frank Schultz helped John Schultz and Gordon Johnson haul corn Friday, March 4. Mr. and Mrs. James Curran and Ardell visited at Henry Vequist’s Sunday night, March 6. Phone us your news — 51. ** »• Official Proceedings Holt County Board of Supervisors Jan. 26, 1955 10:00 A.M. Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting was Ce lled to order by the Chairman. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Motion by Batenhorst, seconded by Tomlinson, that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Road Fund in payment of same. Motion car ried. Delbert Anson, road labor $209.9C Bergstrom Oil Co., gas 46.58 Harrison Bridge, gas & oil 8.10 Continental Oil Co., diesel fuel . 81.90 Glen Cobb, gas, fuel & re pairs .. 293.55 Alfred Dierking, road labor 17.30 Richard Fees, repair work 19.65 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., repair ... . 160.49 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., machinery rental .221.03 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., machinery rental .; ■ • 225.00 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., repairs & repairing . Foree Tire Co., repairs- 45.00 Galyen Motor Co., gas 53.32 Harley Hardware, repairs 27.89 Albert Holbrook, road la- _ bor . 207.90 Paul Kaup, road labor- 207.90 Knowles Chev. Co., auto repairs . 20.00 Wm. Krotter Co., Stuart, repairs . 18 S. A. Marcellus, gas. 5Ub Missouri Valley Machinery Co., repairs. 12i.4o Missouri Valley Machinery Co., machinery rental.. 200.00 Lyle McKim, road labor 200.00 Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co., repair & welding .. 65.70 Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co., repair .•_.. 22 28 Nebr. Tractor & Equipment repair ..... 4o.yo Frank Tracy, road labor .. 150.00 Clem Olberding, gravel .. 247.00 Vincent Osborne, machine nue .. Page Oil Co., gas, oil & tire repair . zo‘° Wm. Renninger, repairs & repairing . Art B. Sanders, road labor 152.50 Gilbert Shald, road labor. . 15.00 Shelhamer Equipment Co., repairs . Standard Oil Co., gas ■ • • 66.41 Clarence Tasler, road labor 12.50 Martin Van Conet, machine hire . 25UUU C. E. Wintermote & Son, repairs . ™ Ralph Beck, gravel . . •• • ■ 25.00 Borg & Worth, gas & fuel 33.8. Cobbs Mfg. Co., Auto cer tificate supplies . ruu.uu Dankert Service, gas & diesel fuel . 216.00 Earley Oil Co., gas, oil, & diesel fuel .; 89 66 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., repairs ...... 26.8b Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., repairs ...... 84.60 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., repair. 382.49 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., repairs . 30.81 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., repairs and re pairing .. • • 72.61 Fehrs Tractor & Equip repairs . H-73 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., repairs . 32.41 Floyd Frahm, road labor .. 200.00 Floyd Gettert, road labor 55.20 Lloyd Hoerle, road labor. 150.00 Island Supply Co., road supplies . 36.04 Keating Impl. Co., repair & supplies . 16.28 Leo Kramer, repairs & xirolriin 74.64 Gerald Lamason, labor, re pairs & supplies ........ 4.75 Missouri Valley Machinery Co., repairs & supplies.. 1054.86 Moore-Noble Lumber & Coal Co., coal . 40.88 Eli McConnell, road labor 200.00 Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co., machinery rental 640.02 Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co., repairs . 5.80 Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co., repairs. 37.81 Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co., machinery rental 646.82 Vincent Osborne, machine jiirg ..... 397.00 Lawrence Pacha, road la bor . 90.00 P. T. Stock Chute Co., kerosene & gas . 28.36 Fred Roberts, road labor. . 200.00 Calvin Sieger, road labor. 200.00 Shelhamer Equipment Co., oil & fuel . 12.99 Bennett Smith, machine hire . 451.00 R. D. Stevens, road labor 200.00 George Tracy, repairs & repairing . 24.10 West Lumber & Coal, coal 7.20 Motion by Flood, seconded by Tomlinson, that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Pari-Mu tual Fund in payment of same. Motion carried. Holt County Agri. Society $664.25 --— Good Food for You ••• Good Fun for the Youngsters I Packaged in the New "EASTER BASKET" Carton! .—' 12:00 Noon. On motion the board adjourned until 1:00 P.M. O’Neill, Nebraska Jan. 26, 1955 1:00 P.M. Holt County Bqard of Super visors met as per adjournment. All members present. Motion by Flood, seconded by Frickel, that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Mail Route Fund in payment of same. Motion carried. Les Andrus, hauling gravel .. .$ 62.40 Ed Humpal, gravel & haul ing gravel 292.50 Road Dist. No. 5, machinery rental . . . 470.00 Melvin Andrus, hauling gravel . ..... 52.00 Louis Prange, mail road la bor .... . 8.00 Motion made by Barthel, sec onded by Flood, that the follow ing claims be allowed and war rants ordered drawn on the Bridge Fund in payment of same. Motion carried. Ed Brandt, bridge labor. . $200.00 Joe Burda, bridge labor 86.45 Galyen Motor Co., repairs 16.33 Leo Kramer, repairs & welding .. 15.38 Earl Porter, bridge labor . 16.15 Lester Porter, bridge labor 93.10 Wm. Siebert, bridge labor 104.50 Anton Weichman, bridge labor . 200.00 Anton Weichman, bridge mileage . 70.44 Ed Brandt, bridge mileage 4.80 Finkbine Bros., bridge supplies.. ■ • 23.04 Floyd Gettert, mechanic work on machine . 144.50 Moore-Noble Lumber & Coal Co., bridge supplies 12.00 P. T. Stock Chute Co., gas 2.94 Harry R. Smith, repairs & unloading piling with loader . . . v. 52.35 Kxr Pnr+Viol ooonn^oH Kv Flood, that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Unemployment Re lief Fund in payment of same. Motion carried. Cleary Market .$ 30.00 Council Oak Store, O’Neill 34.93 Margaret Howard . 5.82 Nebr. Children’s Home Society . 40.00 Mrs. John Seger . 4.00 Stuart Locker System. . . . 10.00 Marie Wehrlv . 60.00 Council Oak Store, Atkin son . 18.00 Gerald Howard . 25.00 Lester Marks . 10.00 Pelcer & Spence . 20.00 Shelhamer Foods . 142.00 Mrs. Roy Thurlow . 25.00 Motion by Frickel, seconded by Flood, that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Medical Fund in payment of same. Motion carried. Atkinson Rx Pharmacy .. .$ 67.45 Drs. Brown & French .. 15.00 Clara Fuller . 31.36 Genoa Haven . 25.00 Christine Hoffmeister .... 21.20 Nora Maroney . 17.75 O'Neill Drug . 11.65 Dr. James Ramsay . 16.67 Thompson Nursing Home. 68.25 Anna Weller . 43.35 Mrs. Florien Gesiriech .... 112.13 Atkinson Rx Pharmacy .. 21.50 Drs. Brown & French.... 7.00 Rosalie Goldfuss . 20.00 H. C. Henderson, M.D. . . 31.00 Knudson Pharmacy . 5.75 Dr. N. P. McKee . 9.00 Mrs. Ryllie Paxton . 5.00 Thompson Nursing Home. . 25.00 Mrs. Roy Thurlow. 25.00 Wilson Drug Store . 2.33 Motion by Batenhorst, second ed by Frickel, that Beha Electtric be instructed to draw up the plans for rewiring the Courthouse An nex to be submitted for bids. Mo tion carried. The Board accepted the offer from Tomjack to do the washing for the County Jail for $50.00 per year. “CORRECTION NOTICE” — In the minutes of the Supervis ors Proceedings of January 11, 1955, the wage scale for Ex perienced Drag Line & Ele grader Operator stated $1.10 per hour instead of $1.50 per hour, which it is. 5:00 P.M. On motion the board adjourned until Feb. 23, 1955 at 10:00 A.M. KENNETH WARING County Clerk FRANK CRONK Chairman O’Neill, Nebraska Feb. 11, 1935 ’ 1:30 P.M. Holt County Board of Supervis ors met in special session. Motion by Frickel, seconded by Batenhorst, that the board accept the recommendation of the Ap praisal Committee to set the val uation at 70% of the valuation made by the Appraisal Company. Motion carried. 5:00 P.M. On motion the Board adjourned until Feb. 23, 1955 at 10:00 A.M. KENNETH WARING County Clerk FRANK CRONK Chairman O’Neill, Nebraska Feb. 23, 1955 10:00 A.M. Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Min utes of previous meetings were read and approved as read. Motion by Batenhorst, seconded by Tomlinson, that the following bonds be approved. Motion car ried. Lyle P. Dierks, Member County Service Committee, County of Holt. Roy M. Gannon, Justice of Peace, Township of Inman. Norris C. George, Treasurer, Township of Paddock. Neven D. Ickes, Jr., Justice of Peace, Verdigris Township. George J. Roby, Treasurer, Township of Lake. The Finance Committee report ed that all fees from various County Offices for the month of January have been remitted to the County Treasurer as required by law. Motion by Batenhorst, seconded by Barthel, that the following claims be allowed and warrants Dr. Lucille Cypreansen . . . speaks in phrases to teach hard-of hearing child. ordered drawn on the General Fund in payment of same. Motion carried. Margaret Aim, salary . $ 166.66 A. M. Batenhorst, salary 118.75 A. M. Batenhorst, mileage 43.22 Kenneth Barthel, mileage 38.75 Charles E. Chace, ser vices on Appraisal Com mittee .. .... 121.60 Consumers Public Power District, electric ser vice . 227.69 Frank Cronk, mileage .. 25.52 Clarence Ernst, salary .. 118.75 Edw. N. Flood, salary .. 118.75 Alice L. French, salary.. 300.00 Alex Frickel, salary .... 118.75 Friden Calculating Ma chine Co., calculating machine . 345.00 Wm. W. Griffin, postage 15.00 Wm. W. Griffin, court costs for county tax foreclosure actions .... 5.45 J Ed Hancock, salary .. 300.00 Mildred Hancock, salary. 140.00 Esther Harris, postage, re cording fee for sheriff’s deed . 10.75 Holt County Extension Service . 195.09 M. B. Huffman, bond fees . 5.00 Esther E. Kaiser, salary . 166.66 Virgil L. Laursen, insur ance premium . 48.32 Howard D. Manson, sal . 266.66 Virginia Morrow, salary. 166.66 James Mullen, salary .... 191.66 Nora Mullen, salary .... 200.00 Norfolk Daily News, of fice supplies .- 30.30 Northwest Products Co., courthouse supplies 19.00 Redfield & Co., office supplies . 15.90 Redfield & Co., office supplies . 69.04 Louis W. Reimer, salary 325.00 Charles Richter, salaiy . 225.00 Arlene Ruroede, salary.. 166.66 Servall Towel & Linen Co., laundry services . 10.34 Spelts-Ray Lumber Co., courthouse annex re pairs . 916 The T. Toro l,o., oi fice supplies . 204.06 Mrs. Leo Tomjack, matron fees . 10.00 Leo S. Tomjack, telephone 4.29 Leo S. Tomjack, prisoner board & fee. 52.25 Arthur W. Tomlinson, mileage . 45.78 Kenneth Waring, Co. Clerk, postage . 8.00 Wm. F. Wefso, Co. Asses sor, postage, supplies; expenses to assessor meeting . 46.57 E. T. Wilkins & Associ ates, appraisal services 1000.00 E. T. Wilkins & Associ ates, appraisal services 1050.00 The Augustine Co., office supplies for County Judge . 28.21 Kenneth Barthel, salary. . 118.75 Rosalia Boyle, salary .. 41.66 Clark Bros., freight charges . 2.50 Consumers Public Power District, electric ser services . 16.65 Frank Cronk, salary .... 118.75 Helen Engler, salary .... 166.66 Clarence Ernst, mileage .. 4.50 Alice L. French, mileage 22.59 Alice L. French, postage & express charges .... 22.16 Alex Frickel, mileage. . 32.82 The Frontier, publishing fees and office supplies 183.49 Wm. W. Griffin, salary. . 208.33 John Grutsch, salary .... 233.33 H. J. Hammond, insur ance premium . 21.60 J. Ed Hancock, Co. Treas., postage . 20.00 Esther Harris, salary .... 200.00 Jim Holsclaw, fuse block & work on courthouse annex . 10.35 Carolyn Hiatt, salary .... 200.00 M. B. Huffman, bond fees 2.50 Kansas-Nebraska Natur al Gas Co., gas services 287.25 Milbum & Scott Co., di rectories of national & state officials . 10.84 James Mullen, mileage .. 52.00 Mabel McKenna, salary .. 166.66 Northwestern Bell Tele- J -, A single injection of Globe Erysipelas Bacterin is all that ts required. A sterile product. Contains no living organisms. Swine of all ages may be vac cinated. Use Globe Anti-Swine-Erysip elas Serum to control an out break, and vaccinate with Globe Erysipelas Bacterin about 3 weeks later for more lasting immunity. Gilligan’s Rexall DRUG Phone 87 — O’Neill U of N Teacher Wins Recognition for Work with Handicapped The “Who’s Crippled Award” of the National Society for Crippled Children and Adults, Inc., Tues day was presented at a luncheon in' Omaha to Dr. Lucille Cyprean sen of Lincoln, supervisor of the speech and hearing laboratories at the University of Nebraska. Announcement of the award given for outstanding achievement in surmounting a physical handi cap has been received by Oscar D. Mardis, president of the state so ciety, the organization in charge of the luncheon. In spite of a hearing loss which was responsible for several set backs during the early years of her education, she was never dis couraged in her pursuit of a ca reer. Her work has brought her recognition and affection among those with whom she works. Her hearing was impaired as the result of a childhood case of scarlet fe ver. Miss Cypreansen modestly mini mizes the importance of her hear ing loss, but its presence may have influenced her career to some de gree. Her first application for a job as a teacher was denied be cause of her hearing loss. It was shortly after this jolt that she de cided to concentrate her education on speech correction. She uses a hearing device. phone Co., telephone service . 209.60 Omaha Compound Co., courthouse supplies .. 10.90 Redfield & Co., office supplies . 69.90 Redfield & Co., office supplies . 19.09 Louis W. Reimer, Co. Judge, postage & mar riage certificate forms 5.40 Thad E. Saunders, court house annex supplies .. 2.45 Ophelia Sessions, salary. . 200.00 Ed C. Smith, salary, sup plies . 26.84 The Stuart Advocate, pub lishing fees . 1.26 The Stuart Advocate, pub lishing fees . 12.60 Thte T. C. Lord Co., of PLAY... BUT PLAY IT SAFE/ Donf_ fly your kite near power fjnes[ . ii I il i III il i I'tttm n i H w ttMimSSHmaniittii 4 ■ i n» ~ ,,,-n, Sure, Kids, we want you to fly ' your kites and have lots of fun . . . but keep them away from power I lines! Flying kites near electric wires can, in a split-second, turn a good sport into a terrible tragedy! So, when you take your kites out, play it safe — don’t take foolish | i chances! Remember — KITES iMe" AND ELECTRIC WIRES DON’T GO TOGETHER! FLY YOUR KITES IN A WIDE-OPEN AREA —NEVER NEAR ELECTRIC WIRES! Your safety is of the greatest concern to us! Help us to help you have all of the good, safe fun you can by following the simple rules listed below. \ .j • USE A GOOD STRONG STRING, BUT NEVER A WIRE OR METALLIC CORD! • KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE TRAFFIC WHEN CROSSING ROADS OR STREETS! • IF YOUR KITE GETS INTO TREES OR WIRES, BE SENSIBLE—CALL FOR HELP TO GET IT DOWN! ► I _ o fice supplies. 5.17 Leo S. Tomjack, salary.. 233.33 Leo S. Tomjack, mileage 142.30 Arthur W. Tomlinson, sal ary . 118.75 John J. Underwood, sal ary . 116.54 Kenneth Waring, salary.. 300.00 Wm. F. Wefso, salary . . 300.00 E. T. Wilkins & Associ ates, appraisal services 2780.00 E. T. Wilkins & Associ ates, appraisal services 375.00 Ailene Wilkinson, salary 166.66 Zep Manufacturing Corp oration, courthouse supplies . 30.95 Motion by Frickel, seconded by Ernst, that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Road Fund in pay ment of same. Motion carried. Ankney & Schaaf, repair ing .$ 3.50 Bernts Auto Service, re pairing on county pickup and truck . 40.73 Bill Brewster, kerosene.. 37.80 Burge Farm Supply, road supplies . 12.10 Continental Oil Co., die sel fuel. 117.11 Fees Repair, repairs & re pairing .. 19.00 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., repairs &. re pairing . 200.55 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., machinery rental . 221.08 Foree Tire Suply Co., tire & tube . 52.87 T~\ „ 1 1 A _3 t _ 3. AAA A A ! i—^viuvi i. iuiouu, iuuu lauui xuv.uu Borg & Worth, gas, oil & oil change . 81.49 Ed Brandt, road labor.... 113.40 Harrison Bridge, gas & oil 6.80 Glen Cobb, road supplies & repairing. 295.65 Dankert Service, gas & supplies . 181.18 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., machinery rental . 225.00 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., repairs . 222.34 Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co. repairs, & re pairing .,. 284.47 Floyd Frahm, road labor. 200.00 Grasslands Oil Co., gas. . . . 60.00 Heuton Transfer, express charges . 11.80 Albert Hollbrook, road la bor . 46.70 The Island Supply Co., sup plies . 1.29 Paul Kaup, road labor .... 77.15 A1 Kloppenborg, gas . 20.45 Wm. Krotter Co., supplies & repairs. 19.10 Marcellus Implement Co., welding & road supplies 39.85 Missouri Valley Machinery Co., repairs . 9.87 Morgan Hardware, repairs 3.80 Eli McConnell, road labor. 200.55 Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co., repairs. 164.93 Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co., machinery rental .. 57.48 Nebraska Tractor & Equip ment Co., repairs . 24.26 Nebraska Tractor & Equip ment Co., repairs . 79.23 Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co., repairs . 12.85 Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co., repairs & ’dozer blade . 181.59 Niobrara Valley Electric Membership Corporation, electric service . 2.20 O’Neill Auto Supply, re pairs & supplies ...... 62.90 P. T. Stock Chute Co., gas & kerosene . 12.97 Art B. Sanders, road labor 175.00 Calvin Seger, road labor. . 200.00 Shelhamer Equipment Co., supplies & repairs .... 32.05 R. D. Stevens, road labor 200.00 West Lumber & Coal, sup plies . 6.72 Western Auto Store, sup plies & repairs . 69.12 Ivan Gilg, welding & re pairing . 33.50 Harley Hardware, supplies & repairs. 25.44 Lloyd Hoerle, road labor 146.00 Arthur Humpal, gravel . 171.00 Island Supply Welding Co., supplies . 9.00 Wm. Kelly, Jr., road labor 18.90 Leo Kramer, repairs & re pairing . 35.91 Wm. Krotter Co., O’Neill, repairs . 8.11 Clark Mattson, supplies & repairs . 53.06 P. M. Mentzer, supplies & repairing . 27.75 Missouri Valley Machinery Co., machinery rental .. 200.00 Lyle McKim, road labor . 200*00 Nebraska Tractor & Equip ment Co., road supplies 5.16 Nebraska Tractor & Equip ment Co., machinery rental . 589.34 Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co., repairs & repairing 66.50 Nelson-Brayton, supplies . 85.11 (Continued on last page) MILLER THEATER — Atkinson — Fri.-Sat. Mar. 18-19 — also — fleo Goacev wauurz. haXlI MmT Sunu-Mon.-Tues. Mar. 20-21-22 11 unHpfl ririfnini Wed.-Thurs. Mar. 23-24 [Mv/S lamiwi • mu bib