The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 10, 1955, Section I, Image 4
< I THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 11, 12 I I I NEW GLAMOR jj ^ comes to Gas Ranges I r.'.HUH ' •" The completely new, completely automatic GAS RANGE Only Caloric brings you this ulti mate in kitchen styling. Choose the color handles that harmonize with your kitchen color scheme; . . .. . ,, we simply snap them on! See all the etachuble handles new efficiency features in the new, In 12 gay decorator colors em backguard design that pro- . \ n Mar°°V vides convenient, carefree ?"* ^P8" Gr.en • Royal Blu. cooking... the miracle automat- S'* t Go°i7 \ ^ ic features that banish matches, ° GoId Chrome-ton* cook for you while you shop. America's Easiest Ranges la Reap deaa CALORIC COMBINATION Still like a combination range for your kitchen? CALORIC has it . . . with all the modem conveniences of gas . . . plus the economy of wood or coal. * • Modem Styling • Good, Old-Fashioned Utility Your FREE I PANCAKES and COFFEE . . . will be prepared for you on a — STANDARD CALORIC RANGE . We Want You To See The REVOLUTIONARY NEW CONCEPTION * 0 2 AUTOMATIC fine (I WASHERS BY .. . HrCIl • Absolutely no other washer uses this APEX patented Spiral Washer Action. • No gears to wear out... no agitators to thump and twist your clothes... yet APEX does a better job in less time and with less water. You don’t believe it? Simply bring us a tubful of your soiled clothes and linens, let us prove it! • While we prove our statements concerning the APEX, we invite you to have pan cakes and coffee... FREE... with our warmest compliments. (Children must be accompanied by their parents.) • 1 ~ . _ ) Come... Bring a Friend or Neighbor ■ 1■ : , m c A Few Words About « APEX Laundry Equipment (No APEX illustrations on this page for a reason) APEX is announcing their revolutionary NEW Automatic Washer Action absolutely no gears to wear out; fiber glass tub guaranteed for life against chipping or cracking. APEX uses less water, both hot and cold. Thorough washing action without any agitator wear whatsoever on your clothes. We cordially invite you to bring )h your w ashing to us. Let us show you how and why this fully automatic washer can and does do a better job in less time and with less wear on your clothes. A glass-enclosed model is here on our floor for you to watch in operation. You will in stantly recognize its basic improvements as it washes your laundry. Sincerely, we want you to bring a tubful of your soiled clothes ... let us prove the basic superiority of APEX. And, when you see it, you will know why illustrations simply can’t do justice to its beauty nor to its basic mechanical superiorities in its miracle de sign. Let us prove this in a manner that wi 11 leave absolutely no doubt in your mind LET US DO A TUBFUL OF YOUR SOILED CLOTHES! “O’NEILL’S BIG APPLIANCE STORE” (NEXT DOOR TO THE O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK) 112 South Fourth St. Phone 415 mrnmmamnm; 1 Hi m Of Course, Budget Terms for the Asking! I Bring in Your Laundry... Eat While We Do Your Washing! I “VOICE OF THE FRONTIER’’ RADIO PROGRAM WILL ORIGINATE FROM ODR STORE I SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 9:30 — 10 A.M. (HALF-HOUR PROGRAM) ‘