\\\W '//////' * Hfi _ \ FOR SALE FOR SALE: We will sell four registered Hereford bulls at the Atkinson Livestock Market on Tuesday, February 15. Three coming 2-year-olds, Pioneer breeding; one Dec. yearling, double-bred, Mischief Mixer breeding. These are big, rugged bulls.—Edw. Krugman & Son, O’Neill. 41p55 LADIES FUR COATS: Ri-styled — relined — repaired. Coats — jackets — capes stoles. « Write or call for free estimate. FELIX FUR SHOP 522 W. 1st St. — Phone 680 Grand Island, Nebr. 29th FOR COMPLETE DETAILS, and free help in engineering your sprinkler system and informa tion on liberal credit terms, see BILL BOWKER Phones 207 & 468-W O’Neill, Nebr. 32c WILLOW, cottonwood, ash and boxelder wood, free for the cut ting.—William Storjohann, O’ Neill. 41p35 FOR SALE: Nearly new black studded stock saddle with tool ed tapaderos and bridle.—E. F. Quinn, O’Neill, phone 343-W. 41-42p60 New Machinery 12-Ft. Easy Flow fertilizer spreader. J-D spreaders. Farmhand loaders, bulldozers, grapple forks. Grain drills. J-D-D oils, greases and batteries. Bale ties, cable. Plymouth baler and binder twine. Comfort tractor covers and heat ho users. Used Machinery 1946 Model A John Deere. 1946 JD G tractor, fully equipped. 1946 H John Deere. 15-Ft. John Deere disc. Wagon gear on rubber. J-D 4-wheel spreader. No. 52 two 14” bottom plows. Hydraulic manure loader. IHC No. 30 loader. We trade and give terms on John Deere Credit Plan. Come in and see us! Harry R. Smith Impls. Your John Deere Dealer Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: A Globe milking ma chine, double unit. — Thomas Kelly, Page. 46-4lp60 WILL SELL 19 registered Here ford bulls at Butte Livestock Market on Wednesday, Febru ary 16. — A. M. Engelhaupt, Butte, Nebr. 41p50 FOR SALE: 1 milk cow, fresh for a week. See any day but Sun day.—Fay Puckett, O’Neill. 41c FOR SALE: Aeromotor wind mills, and towers, galvanized stock tanks, 8- and 10-foot sizes. — John Sobotka, Inman, Nebr, 7tf •55 STUDEBAKERS ARE NOW ON DISPLAY! USED CARS 1953 DeSoto club coupe. 1950 Ford tudor, custom, with overdrive. 1949 Chevrolet. 1P46 4-dr. Studebaker Champion. 1946 Ford tudor. IHC %-ton pickup. SMITH MOTOR CO. “Home of Studebaker” _Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: 20 tons of hay and 300 bushels of barley.—Lloyd Gib son, phone 564-J12, O’Neill. 40- 41p60 FOR SALE: 65-BTU space heat er, natural gas. — Phone 263, O’Neill. * 30tf BUTTE LIVESTOCK MARKET Sale Every Wednesday Hogs at 12 — Cattle at 3 38-48 FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire bred sows and gilts. Bred to outstanding boars for Febr., March and Apr. farrowing. Vet erinary vaccinated. — Henry Stelling & Son, 2 mi. south and 1/4 west of Orchard. 36tf FOR SALE: 80-gal. saddle tanks, excellent condition.—Don Line back, 135 Benson, O’ Neill. 41- 42p60 USED APPLIANCES 30-Gal. Gas Water Heater. 30-Gal. Gas Water Heater (same 3s new). 30-Gal. Oil Water Heater. Maytag Washing Machines — all reconditioned and ready to go. Guaranteed for 90 days or long er if you wish. Hoover upright Vacuum Cleaner with attachments. WM. KROTTER CO. Uptown Hdw. Phone 496 FOR SALE: Purebred Yorkshire gilts to farrow in May. Have been fed daily ration of protein, ground oats and corn since weaning. Also three purebred Yorkshire fall boars. See any day but Sunday. — Fay A. Puckett, O’Neill. 41c FOR SALE: Combination wood and electric Majestic range; round oak table and chairs; Coleman oil - burning heater; bed, springs, mattress and dresser. See any day but Sun day.—Fay A. Puckett, O’Neill. 41 For the Tickling Cough CHERROSOTE Gilligan s Rexall Drug Phone 87 — O’Neill 36tl FOR SALE: Insurance of all kinds.—See Virgil Laursen. O’ Neill, phone 434. 29tl BEST BUYS! 1953 Cranbrook, 4-door, radio, heater, overdrive. A bargain at . $1,045 1952 Dodge 2-door, in perfect condition . $995 i951 Plymouth 4 - door, radio, heater, very clean. New paint job. A bargain . $700 1949 Buick super. Very good con dition . $580 COME IN AND SEE US! We like to trade!! Shierk Motor Co. Phone 430 212 South 4th — O’Neill FOR SALE: Used 14-ft. truckbed with rack, fair condition. —M. M. Karo, Stuart. 41-42p FOR SALE: Good purebred reg istered Hereford bulls, coming yearling and two - year - olds. Reasonably priced. — Albert Carson, Redbird. 38-42p USED CARS 1953 PONTIAC 2-Dr. Dlx. 8. 1952 PONTIAC 4-Dr. Dlx. 8. 1952 PONTIAC 2-Dr. Dlx. 8. 1950 DODGE l^-Ton Pickup. 1949 OLDSMOBILE 98 Sed. Cpe. 1951 KAISER 4-Dr. 1951 DESOTO Club Cpt. All of the above cars are clean and ready to give long trouble free service. All of our cars are guaranteed under the Pontiac Goodwill guarantee. GMAC Fi nancing available. WM. KROTTER CO. PONTIAC SALES & SERVICE WEST O’NEILL PHONE 531 FOR SALE: 60 bred gilts, out of registered hogs and bred to top registered registered boars. Priced under Omaha top. Spe cial prices in lots of 5 or more. Vaccinated for cholera and ery sipelas. All clean and in very healthy condition. — Outlaw Implement Co., West O’Neill, Nebr. 39-41c FOR SALE: Spotted Poland bred gilts to farrow in March and April.—Albert Loock, Spencer. 41-43p85 Farm Machinery Super C demonstrator. 1952 Super C. 1950 C. 1652 Super M fuel. 1947 gas M. 1950 Super A. Farmall 20. Farmall 30. Farmall 12. 1946 Minneapolis-Moline. Good used pull-type listers. Soo hydraulic loader. New Valley loader. No. 31 IHC loader. Mowers — all types. No. 10 C IHC miU. No. 10 IHC mill. Tractor winch. Massey-Harris drill. 12-ft. hydraulic dump box. Manure spreader. 15-ft. disc, IHC. Kelly-Ryan one-way disc. No. 9 trail mower. Cattle oiler. New Holland baler. Used refrigerators and cream separators. USED TRUCKS 1947 K6. 1949 K6. 1954 Chevy %-ton. 1946 IHC %-ton. 1942 IHC ^.-ton. 1940 Chevy 1%-ton. Shelhamer Equip. Phone 570 — O’Neill FOR SALE: 37-ft. Stewart trailer house, modem, 2 bedrooms. — Call 221-W, O’Neill. 40-41p60 SPRINKLER IRRIGATION Wade ’ Rain’s Free Planning Ser vice for sprinkler irrigation. If interested see us or write us. A special Wade ’ Rain field tech nician will gladly call and help you plan the right layout for your soil and crops. There is no obligation to you in connection with any part of Wade ’ Rain’s planning. It’s a service we are glad to render in the interests of better farming everywhere. J. F. BRADY CO. Atkinson, Nebraska 41-44c ATTENTION! FOR SALE: Two coming two year-old Polled Hereford Bulls. Have a look before you buy. Green Way Ranch Phone 2766 — Chambers, Nebr. ___ _ 38-4 lp Spends Weekend Here— Miss Patricia DeBolt, student at Wayne State college, visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs. D. D. DeBolt. MISCELLANEOUS BOWLING every afternoon and evening, Sunday incl. Tuesday nights are Couple Nights at Brooke Bowling Alley, Atkin son. Bring your date, wife or sister and win CASH prizes. Beginners have as good a chance to win CASH as the ex perienced bowler. 38-41p _ O. E. ("Oakie”) DAVIDSON Plumbing & Heating “The Best Work for the Least Money” GAS WATER HEATERS & FURNACES Phone 126 — O’Neill Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neil] HOOVER Sales & Service B I G L I N ’ S Phone 38 — O’Neill L-O-A-N-S 4% Federal Land Bank Long Term PRE-PAYMENT PRIVILEGES ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM ASS’N O’Neill, Nebr. HUNT’S PLUMBING & HEATING FARM & COMMERCIAL American Kitchens White Water Heaters (Next door Asimus Motors) of O’NEILL Phone 399 — O’Neill tf MAKE EXTRA money. Address, Mail postcards spare time ev ery week. Write Box Fourteen, Belmont, Mass. 39-42p L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. WANTED WANTED: Washings and iron ings. Also will do house-clean ing.—Mrs. Joe Sobotka, phone 238-W, O’Nelil. 40-4lp60 EXPERIENCED SALES LADY WANTED: Middle-aged prefer red, must be able to sell ladies’ ready-to-wear.—Write box 508, O’Neill, Nebr. 40-4 lc WANTED: Light trucking and drayage, all kinds. — Archie Ashby, O’Neill, phones 551-LJ or 125-J. 37tf HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf WANTED: Alfalfa and sweet clo ver seed.—E. H. Medcalf, Cham bers. 21tf GILL ELECTRIC: See John Gil strap for all your electrical wiring and equipment. I ser vice all makes of appliances.— O’Neill, phone 527-LR. 45tf WANTED TO BUY: 10 head of young Hereford stock cows. State price and age in first let ter.—Peter V. Synovec, route 2, Pierce, Nebr. 41-42c INCOME TAX FOR assistance in filing your re ports call on Geo. C. Robertson, O’Neill, Nebr., Downey Build ing, phone 534. 35-44c IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured?—See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 44tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Sandwich shop. May 1 possession.—See Fred Apple by. O’Neill. 41-42c FOR SALE: One-story, 6-room modern house, with acreage, located on edge of Stuart. — Mrs. August Kramer, Stuart. 39-41p FOR SALE: Six-room house, 28 x 50, half basement, attached garage, located on North Sev enth st. — Everett Gorgen, ph. 524-M. 13-16p-tf FOR SALE- Nice home on the south edge of Page. Priced to seU. —Kieth Abart, O’Neill. 35c I HAVE opened an acreage ad jacent to O’Neill and will sell either in acreages or lots. — Harry E. Ressel, O’Neill lltf CARDS of THANKS WE WISH to express our sincere thanks to all our neighbors, friends and relatives for their kindness, sympathy and assist ance at the time of the death of our brother. MR. AND MRS. GEORGE HEROLD 41c WD — Walter Brown et al to Glen A Burge & wf 1-8-55 $10, 500- Part of Sec 29-26-12 FOR RENT FOR RENT: 3-room house. — Melvin Clyde, phone 448-M, O’Neill. 32tfc FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment — 4 rooms, private bath, heat, water. Close in.—Hagen sick Ladies Wear, O’Neill. 40tf FOR RENT: Four-room house, garage, large garden space, rea sonable rent, in Emmet.—John Conard, Emmet. 39-4 lc FOR RENT: Basement 4-room apartment and full bath. — Phone 322-J, O’Neill. 40tf FOR RENT: Partially fur nished 4-room apartment with bath. Heat, lights and water furnished.—Call phone 537, O’ Neill. 36c FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms, day or week. —Western Hotel, O’ Neill, Lenna Wolfe, mgr. 41-44p FOR RENT: Small apartment. — Phone 136-W, O’Neill. 37tf FOR RENT: Sanders for floor and furniture. — Spelts - Ray Lbr. Co. 47tf FOR RENT: Floor polisher and < waxer.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. FOR RENT: Business building, 116 S. Fourth st.—Kieth Abart, O’Neill. LOST and FOUND LOST: Black Sooner female dog, spayed, from place 9 miles southwest of O’Neill. — L. D. Putnam, O’Neill. 41c40 Redbird News Among those who drove to Lynch Monday evening to cha rivari the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. John Hurd, were Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. George Calkins, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pinkerman, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hiscocks, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carson, Mrs. Fay Pinker man, Mrs. Guy Hull, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pickering and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pinkerman. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aim and Jc Anne spent Wednesday evening, February 2, watching television in the George Calkins home. After the basketball game in Lynch Friday night, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Carson enjoyed home-made ice cream at the Albert Carson home. Nearly every evening Ronnie Witherwax, Bruce Sehollmeyer, Ronnie Hasenpflug and Dick Truax skate on the Redbird creek with a big bonfire blazing to light their way and keep them warm. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Schiessler of Sioux City spent the weekend with Pinkerman relatives. Guests in the Ray Wilson home Friday evening for ice cream and cake were Mrs. Willa Schollmey er, Bruce and Bardy, Dick Truax and Ronnie Hasenpflug. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Mitchell spent Sunday with relatives at Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carson were last Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Junior Wilson of near Verdel. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Halstead and family had as their supper guests Saturday the Albert Carson family. Mrs. Clay Mashino visited in the R. D. Yusten home near O’ Neill Tuesday, February 1. The T. J. and Howard Graham families were Sunday dinner guests of the Albert Carson fam ily. Shirley and Loraine Mashino of Spencer spent the weekend with their parents, the Clay Ma shinos. Bill Wilson and sons and Ron nie Whitman of Gregory, S.D., spent a short time Sunday at the Ray Wilson home. Mrs. Bill Wil son is in the Burke, S.D., hospital suffering from a heart attack. Newcomers to Stuart Community Surprised— STUART—Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dobrovolny were surprised when eight couples gathered at their home Sunday evening, February 6. The evening was spent playing pitch with George Minnig and Mrs. James White winning high and James White and Mrs. Evelyn Ohde low. The Dobrovolny’s, who recently moved to this community, were presented with a gift and the self invited guests furnished a lunch. ATKINSON — At a regular meeting of the Woman’s Society of Christian Service at the Meth odist church, the group voted to give two life memberships for service rendered to the society. The two memberships, valued at $25 each, were awarded to Mrs. Ivan Dickerson and Mrs. Maude Clifford. J. D. Fraber of Omaha spent the weekend visiting his wife and daughter and his mofher-in-law, Mrs. John J. Harrington. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gettert and family were Sunday afternoon guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Laible, in Atkinson. QCD—Mamie D O’Neill to Car roll O’Neill 12-28-54 $1- Lots 3 & 4 and S^SEti 20- Part of Lot 1 in wy>swry4 2i- wy>wy> 28 eyney4- s w y4 n e y4- SE14 NW%- Sy> 29-33-12 Lynch News Mr. and Mrs. Charles Courtney and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Webber returned home Saturday from a 10-day vacation trip to Arizona where they visited with the Court ney's son, Robert. Thomas Muller of Lake Andes, S.D., spent the weekend here with relatives. Martin Jehorek and Clarence Kolund were business visitors in Spencer Thursday. Ernest Vomacka of Gregory, S. D. spent Sunday at the Martin Je horek home. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hammon and family were Friday 6 o’clock dinner guests at the Chester Ham mon home north of Bristow. William Mahlendorf left Sunday morning via bus for Lincoln where he planned to get another checkup on his eyes. Mrs. Tillie Novak and son, Louis, were in Niobrara Friday to visit with “Grandmother” Cerney. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Spencer spent Thursday at the Veldon Lee home. The Gerald Lee family is moving to the Ed Johns acreage east of town. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Spencer, Mrs. William Stauffer and Mrs. Gladys Spencer were in Rapid City, S.D., the first of the week visiting a sick relative. Lt. and Mrs. Delbert Haselhorst of Texas arrived Saturday evening for a 10-day furlough with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Spencer and Bryan spent Friday evening at the William Stauffer home. Mr. and Mrs. George Lee and children spent Friday evening at the Lloyd Spencer home. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph David were O’Neill visitors on Thursday. Francis and Margaret Stenger visited at Petersburg and Hum phrey the first of last week. Rev. John Wieczorek left Mon day morning for Omaha to be a guest at the Creighton university luncheon for priests of the arch diocease and also attended a bas ketball game there. Lenten Retreat Set at Creighton EWING — “New Ventures on Old Roads” was the theme of the devotions in charge of Mrs. An drew Olson, and the lesson, pre sented by Mrs. Anna Van Zandt, when the Woman’s Society of Christian Service met Wednes day afternoon, February 2, at the church parlors of the Ewing Methodist church. Scriptures were read by Mrs. John Wunner and Mrs. Florence Butler. Mrs. Henry Fleming, spiritual life secretary, stressed the world day of prayer to be held on Febru ary 25. She also announced that the district lenten retreat will be held at Creighton on March 15. Mrs. R. G. Rockey presided. The business session consisted chiefly of routine affairs. Mes dames J. L. Pruden, Earl Billings and Mrs. John Wunner were re appointed as table committee to purchase tablecloths for the four new tables recently purchased by the society. A sum of money was voted to be sent to the Holding Institute at Laredo, Tex. The society also voted to have a valentine party on Monday, Feb ruary 14, with a 6:30 o’clock cov ered dish dinner. Husbands of the members of the society will be the guests. Mrs. Albert Larson and Mrs. Ralph Eacker were ap pointed as table committee. Mrs. Harold Harris, Mrs. Earl Bullings and Mrs. Andrew Olson will have charge of the program. Mrs. Perry Saiser and Mrs. Rockey, hostesses, served a lunch eon. A valentine theme was used in the table decorations. Mrs. Eacker was surprised when members of the society sang “Happy Birthday” on her arrival. At tne iuncneon, mis. r,acK.ei presented a decorated birthday cake as a surprise but the society, not to be outdone, presented Mrs. Eacker two cakes with the tradi tional birthday decorations—one made by her daughter, Mrs. Gene Ruby, the other by Mrs. Benjamin Larsen. The cakes were cut and served as a part of the refresh ments. The following guests were pres ent: Mrs. Ray Sedivy, Mrs. Louis Pofahl, Mrs. Earl Pierson, Mrs. Charles Grim, Mrs. Watson Mc Donald, Mrs. Dewitt Hoke, Mrs. Dewitt Gunter, Mrs. Ed Hoag, Miss Fern Pruden, Mrs. Harriet Welke, Mrs. James Tinsley and Mrs. Stott, who became members of the society. Other Ewing News The Christian Mothers of St. Peter’s church met Tuesday eve ning, February 1. The group gath ered at the church for instruction by Rev. P. F. Burke, then went to the Stockmen’s cafe where the business session was conducted by the president, Mrs. Gail Boies. A social hour with card games and refreshments followed. Host esses were Mrs. Jerry Tomjack, Mrs. Lester Bergstrom, Mrs. Ag nes Bartak and Mrs. Martin Van I Conet. Mrs. Edna Lofquest was a din ner guest at the home of her aunt, Mrs. George Myer, of Clearwater, Wednesday, February 2. The la dies spent the afternoon in Neligh and called on Mrs. Rueben Myers, daughte- of Mrs. Lofquest. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk and children were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thoendel. The occasion was in honor of their son, Jerome, who was celebrating a birthday anniversary. ( ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN (Chambers) Rev. Howard E. Claycombe, pastor Thursday, February 10: Ladies Aid, 2 p.m.; senior Walther league, 8 p.m. Friday, February 11: Special finance and stewardship commit tee meeting in the parsonage base ment, 8 p.m. Saturday, February 12: Con firmation class, 10 a.m., until noon. Sunday, February 13: Adult Bi ble class, 10 a.m.; divine worship, 11 a.m.; senior Walther league so cial, 6:15 p.m.; Lutheran hour, KRVN, 8:30 a.m.; WJAG, 4 p.m. Tuesday, February 15: Sunday school teachers’ training, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, February 16: Adult class, 8 p.m. Thursday, February 17: Junior Walther league, 7:30 p.m. Starting next Sunday the adult Bible class will study a series of four topics on “You and Per sonal Evangelism.” The topics are “May I Come In?” “Our Witness,” “How Jesus Dealt with Individ uals” and “Serving Your Com munity.” METHODIST (Page-Imnan) Rev. Lisle E. Mewmaw, pastor Thursday, Feburary 10: Inman WSCS meeting at 2:30 p.m.; of ficial board meeting at 8 p.m. in the Herbert Nielsen home; Page choir practice at 7:30 p.m.; WSCS executive meeting at 8 p.m. in the Raymond Heiss home. Race Relations Sunday, Feb ruary 13: Special offering for Phi lander Smith college in each church; Inman worship service at 9:45 a.m.; church school at 10:45 p.m., with a special piano solo by Marilyn Siders; Page church school at 10 a.m.; worship service at 11; MYF at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, February 16: Inman choir practice and MYF at 7:30 p. m.; Page young adult meeting at 8 p.m., postponed from February 9. Thursday, February 17: Page WSCS meeting. “We welcome you.” FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O’Neill) Rev. J. Olen Kennell, pastor Sunday, February 13: Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; worship service, 11 a.m. Monday, February 14: Spiritual life group meets in the pastor’s study, 1:30 p.m. Circle leaders are urged to attend this study of He brews. Wednesday, February 16: Youth fellowship meeting, 6:30 p.m.; choir practice, 8 p.m. Thursday, February 17: Circle I meets with Mrs. J. P. Brown at 2:30 p.m., with Mrs. Coker as as sisting hostess. Circle II meets with Mrs. John Harbottle at 2:30 p.m., with Mrs. L. A. Nelson as assisting hostess. Circle III meets with Mrs. Harry Petersen at 7:45 p.m. Mrs. D. W. Melena is the assisting hostess. COMMUNITY (Stuart) Rev. D. D. Su, pastor Sunday, February 13: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship service, II a.m. Intermediate youth fellowship meets every Wendesday, 7 p.m. Senior youth fellowship will meet tonight (Thursday), at 7 o’ clock. Missionary supper will fol low this meeting. Choir practice tonight (Thurs day), 8 o’clock. There will be a church officers’ institute for elders, deacons and trustees held at the Norfolk Pres byterian church on Sunday, Feb ruary 20, from 3 to 8 p.m. CHRIST LUTHERAN (O’Neill) Seventh and Clay sts. Rev. E. G. Smith, pastor “The church of the Lutheran Hour.” Thursday, February 10: Adult studying the Gospel according to Bible study, 8 p.m. The group is St. Luke. Everyone is invited to attend. Bring your Bibles. Saturday, February 12: Con firmation class, 1:30 p.m.; train ing class, 2:30 p.m. Sunday, February 13: Worship, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m. Monday, February 14: Adult Bibl| study, 8 p.m. CENTER UNION (O’Neill) Rev. C. P. Turner, pastor Sunday, February 13: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; preaching, 11 a.m ; young people’s meeting, 7:30 p.m., evening preaching service follow ing the young people’s meeting. Midweek prayer meeting and Bible study will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dick tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. CHURCH OF CHRIST (O’Neill) Corner of Sixth and Grant John Thomas, minister Sunday, February 13: Bible school, 10 a.m.; communion and preaching, 11 a.m.; youth fellow ship hour, 6:30 p.m.; evening wor ship at 7:30 o’clock. Bible study and prayer session Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. In the name of Jesus Christ we bid you a sincere welcome to these services. BETIIANY PRESBYTERIAN (RFD, Ewing) Rev. J. Olen Kennell, pastor Sunday, February 13: Worship service, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m.; family night, 7 o’clock, covered dish supper. Wednesday, February 16: Wom en’s society meeting, 2 p.m. METHODIST (Chambers) Rev. J. M. Hodgkin, pastor Sunday, February 13: Sunday school, 10 a.m., Eugene Baker, superintendent; worship, 11 a.m. Star News Mr. and Mrs. Nels Lindquist and Donnie spent Wednesday evening, February 2, at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Ewalt Miller and Bar bara. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Timmerman were supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller and family last Thursday evening. Irma Juracek spent Monday night, January 31, with Patty Za krzewski. Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson and family were visitors at the Ewalt Miller home Friday evening. Miss Joyce Miller, Creighton, spent the weekend with homefolks. Dawn Johnson visited at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Miller, Glen and Freddie, Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller and Barbara were Sunday dinner guests at the Lysle Johnson home. Afternoon callers were Dave, Marvin and Howard Johnson, Wilbert and Wendell Wid halm. Kay no Die ana Joseph called on Ewalt Miller Friday. The Star Get-Together club meets this week with Mrs. Ben Miller. Mrs. Bob Tomlinson and Mrs. Lysle Johnson will demon strate the lesson on broiler meals. Between five and six inches of snow fell here in the last snowfall, beginning Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Nelson and family near Walnut will move this month to the farm they pur chased from Mr. and Mrs. Fora Knight now residing in O’Neill. Their daughter will attend the Gibson school. Pvt. Arnold Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller, is now sta tioned at Ft. Ord, Galif. His ad dress is: Pvt. Arnold Miller, US55480688 Svc. Co. 20th Inf. Regt. Ft. Ord, Calif. Bridge Club Meets— Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vequist entertained the Sunday Night Card club January 30. Four tables of pitch were played. Bill Serck and Ruth Claussen won high; Ar dell Curran and Duane Sanders, low; Gus Karel, traveling. A lunch was served. Frontier for printing! Ewing News Sunday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ol son, and family of Clearwater. Mrs. Kittie Fry spent Sunday at the home of her daughter and son in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shra der, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack entertained at a 6:30 o’clock din ner Sunday evening the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sie vers and son, Mike, of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. James Bartak and son, Timmy, of Inman. Later even ing guests were Mrs. Tomjack’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Taylor of Oakdale. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack and daughter were evening guests on Monday at the home of Mr. aad Mrs. Richard Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pollock re turned home Thursday evening from a trip through the South, covering approximately 5000 miles. Their first stop was Beau mont, Tex., where they visited with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Niui, and fam ily. At Boynton Beach, Fla., they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard of Ewing, who are spending the winter in the South. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jacobsen and family at Intercession City, Fla., also for mer residents of Ewing. At Tam pa, Fla., they were guests of rela tives. On their return trip, they ran into stormy weather which created considerable trouble in driving. Mrs. Lyle Dierks celebrated a birthday anniversary on Sunday. In honor of the occasion, a family dinner party was enjoyed in Nor folk Where her daughters, Mary Alys and Sandra Dierks, accom panied by Judy Jefferies, all of Omaha, joined Mr. and Mrs. Dierks and their son, Lt. Merton Dierks. Lieutenant Dierks returned Sunday to Smoky Hill air base at Salina, Kans., after spending the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan and sons were entertained at a 6 o’ clock dinner Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WiUiajn Hobbs. DR H. L. BENNETT VETERINARIAN Phones 316 and 304 PONTON INSURANCE Florence Ponton, Prop. Insurance of All Kinds & Bonds Phone 106 — Golden Bldg. - . enjoy FREEDOM from hours of backbreaking work Why lug heavy, wet loads? Stoop, lift, stretch? Trudge back and forth? Endure raw, chapped hands? Wash and dry the Maytag way ... any lime For clean, dry clothes, just load and set the dials. any weather Rain, snow, dust, fog can’t upset your work any fabric Cotton, silk, man made fabrics—white or colored. any place Install upstairs or down. Nothing to mar your room. FREE 6 Quarts of Gillette's Pasteurized & Homogenized Milk o ... to the parents whose names are in the Birth Column in this paper Fill out this coupon and take it to any O’Neill store or use it as credit on the route. BOB ERWIN Phone 320 Name . Addreses . tf ■> Check these features MAYTAG Dryer • exclusive Waterftlm action •llminates lint, moisture and venting problems • safety door stops action when opened • heat, time controls O double insulation • porcelain-finish drum MAYTAG Washer O exclusive Gyrafoam action cleans safely e automatic —washes# rinses, spins, steps e no bolting down e action stops when safety rlid is raised e time, heat controls , I WM. KROTTER CO. Two Stores: West O’Neill and Downtown “Serving North-Central Nebraska Since 1889” O