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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1955)
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Krugman . . . wed at O’Neill; to reside in Lynch.—O’Neill Photo Co. Sons, Daughters Visit Their Mother— PAGE— All of the children of Mrs. Neil Asher spent Sunday at her home. Present were Mrs. Al bert Snoeck of Van Nuys, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kemper and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher and family, Mr. and Mis'. Kenneth Asher and family, all of Page; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ash er and family of Powell, Wy.>.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Asher and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher, all of O’Neill. All the grandchildren were present except the three children of Mrs. Snoeck. Newly-Married Couple Honored at Bristow— BRISTOW—Mr. and Mrs. Ed married recently, were honored by relatives here Sunday after noon at the Frank Prookp, sr., home. Refreshments were served which were featured by a five-tier wedding cake, baked and decorat ed by Mrs. Jerome Prokop and Mrs. Rudolf Prokop. The newly weds received many gifts. Relatives were present from Spencer, Lynch, Gregory, S.D., and Bristow. * Dakota Couple Weds at O’Neill— ORCHARD—Mrs. Cora Buxton, Orchard, has recieved announce ment of the wedding of her son, Edwin C. Buxton, and Mrs. Jose phine Tomic, both of Lake An des, S.D., The couple were married Mon day, January 24, at O’Neill. Mr. Buxton, formerly of Royal and Orchard, operates a fishing resort at Lake Andes where the couple will live. Spencer Navy Man Gets Advancement— SPENCER—Among those ad vanced in rating January 16 while serving at the U.S. naval air sta tion at Alamenda, Calif., was Don ald D. Cizek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cizek of route 1, Spencer. He was advanced to aviation store keeper third class, USN. Before entering the navy in Feb ruary, 1953, he was graduated from Spencer high school. HOWARD AT CARSON Pvt. Joseph Floyd Howard, son of Mrs. Troy Howard of O’Neill, has arrived at mile-high Ft. Car son, Colo., at the foot of Pike’s peak, where he will undergo eight weeks of basic infantry training. He has been assigned for training with company D of the famed Eighth infantry “Golden Arrow” division’s 28th regiment. Mrs Howard Beckenbauer and daughter of Albion were Sunday dinner guests at the John T. Thomas home. y ■ - ■ Judge-Krugman Nuptials Read St. Patrick’s Catholic church v/as the scene of a wedding Tues day, February 1, at 10 o’clock when Miss Margaret Judge, daughter of Mrs. Roy Judge of O’Neill, became the bride of Har old Krugman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Krugman of O’Neill. Rev. Thomas Hitch performed the ceremony. Music was furnish ed by Mrs. Charles Davlin, friend of the bride and bridegroom. The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother-in-law, Edward Winkler of Emmet, ap peared in a wool jersey suit dress of aqua, complimented with a jeweled white satin hat and white kid gloves. She carried a white orchid on a white prayer book. Miss Kathryn Judge was maid of-honor for her sister. She wore a shantung suit dress of light pink. Her hat was jeweled white satin and she also wore white kid gloves. Charles Davlin of O’Neill, a friend, was bestman. James Coker a.-d William Petsche, both of O’ Neill, ushered. A breakfast was served at the home of the bride, followed later by a reception for 75 guests at the Town House. The bride was graduated from St. Mary’s academy in O’Neill and was employed as a book keeper by the J. C. Penney Co. before her marriage. Mr. Krugman served in England and Germany with the air force as an airplane mechanic. The bridegroom is employed by the Sixta Implement firm in Lynch. The couple will reside in Lynch. ' Fifth Son Joins; Goes to Texas— PAGE — Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr., received a card fiom their son, Robert, <while he was at Omaha, telling them he had enlisted for three years in the adjutant general corps and would go to Ft. Bliss, Tex. Robert is the fifth son of the Sorensen’s to be in the army. Russell, Char les, Bill and Soren, jr., were in service in World War II. A dinner was held at his par ents’ home before he left. The af fair was attended by all of the Sorensen children and their fam ilies, except Mrs. Edith Connery of Chadron. Another sister, Mrs. Robert Nissen, resides at Page. Harold Johnson Leaves for Service— A farewell party honoring Har old Johnson, was held Friday evening at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd John son. Harold left Tuesday for the armed services. Gala Deviled Rice Platter A fast favorite for big-family meals is this deviled ham and rice combination. Hearty and company-pretty, this thrifty dish features a zestfully seasoned creamed vegetable sauce, spooned over fluffy rice. The family size can of deviled ham adds a pert, perky taste to many everyday favorites—macaroni, rice, potatoes, eggs—and so simply glori fies these dishes. Try this deviled rice platter for a family size treat: 2 cups cream sauce 1 Family Size Underwood 1 cup cooked green peas* Deviled Ham cup sliced sauteed 4 cups hot freshly cooked mushrooms rice In a saucepan, combine and heat sauce, vegetables and deviled ham. Mound hot rice on a large platter, leaving a deep depression in center of mound. Fill center with creamed mixture and let flow over sides. •Or use other cooked vegetables such as carrots, asparagus tips, onion rings, etc. Page News Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony and family of Bloomfield visited from Saturday until Sunday at the home of her brother, Dale Mat schullat, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony attended the fu neral services for Neil Asher. Mrs. George Winkler and two children of Emmet were guests last Thursday of her mother, Mrs. Emma Kemper. Mr. Winkler at tended the Braddock sale. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Gray and family of O’Neill were Saturday evening dinner guests of his moth er, Mrs. Evelyn Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kopejtka and family of Clearwater have moved to Page to the Gibson house recently purchased by Clarence Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Asher and ^ _ . sons of Logan, la., and Walter Asher of Woodbine, la., and Mrs. Ethel Park came Friday evening to attend the Neil Asher funeral on Saturday. They visited at the Roliie Snell and Edd Stewart homes. Mrs. Albert Snoeck of Van Nuys, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Davenport, who came for the Neil Asher funeral, spent from last Thursday until Monday morning with relatives here. Mrs. Snoeck stayed at the home of her mother, Mrs. Neil Asher. The Davenports also visited the Mad sens at Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Asher o{ Minnesota came last Thursday fa? his uncle’s funeral and left Sun day for Oakland, Calif., to visit his brother, Donald Asher, and family and other relatives. They also visited the Madsens at Nor folk. A snower was held at the Methodist church parlors Monday evening for Mrs. Richard Buxton, a recent bride. Mrs. C. E. Walker had charge of the entertainment, Mrs. Neven Ickes, jr., the gift book, ana the Misses Sherry Stewart and Wanda Stevens as sisted with the gifts. Lunch was served by a committee. Attend Parents’ Golden Wedding— Mrs. Claude Wiley and 6ons spent from Sunday, January 23, until Monday, January 31, in St. Paul, Minn. She attended the golden wedding celebrations of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson, while there. With the exception of one daugh ter, who is in the air force, all of the Anderson’s children, three daughters and two sons, were present for the celebration. Redbird News Ray Wilsons visited Monday, January 17, in the Howard Wells home. Claranna Carson entertained 13 members of the freshman class of Lynch high school at a skating party Monday night, January 17. Larry, Doris and Helen Halstead and Rexford, June and Kay Car son were also guests. Harlan Holz, Albert McDonald and Mr. and and Mrs. Guy Hull brought the young folks and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carson. Chili soup and cupcakes were served by the hostess. Bobby Jenkins of O’Neill was a January 22 weekend guest in the Roger Jtosenkrans home. The Gordon Barta family vis ited in the Tom Alder home on Thursday evening, January 20. The Claude Pickering family End Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pink erman and Veldeen visited in the Nora Pmkerman home at Lynch Sunday, January 23. Mrs. Frank McDonald visited Mrs. Joe Schollmeyer at O’Neill Saturday, January 22. Many from here attended the coyote hunt near Lynch on Sun day, January 23. Kay Carson of Lynch was a January 22 weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Carson. Mrs. Bud Carsten was called to Lynch Saturday night, January 22, due to the serious illness of her father, Harold McRoberts. Mr. and Mrs. Alien Miller and family of Emmet were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kramer. O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartlett of Fullerton were Sunday guests of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Reynoldson. Mr. and Mrs. John Schmit of Nenzel visited from Saturday until Monday at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr*. Edward Schmit and family - Michael returned to Nenzel witSi them and will visit his grand parents for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Benson and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Juran and son spent Sunday in Naper. Mrs. Dale Kersenbrock and Mrs. M. J. Wallace spent Saturday af ternoon and night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Connors in. Greeley. I Breaded Giant 2*/2-lb. pkg. FISH STICKS 9 Sc SWANSON’S Beef — Chicken or Turkey PIES 3nt.79c£ V I ORANGE JUICE 2 Cans_29c DAMORE BLACK PEPPER 2-oz, CHIFFON f*A SOAP POWDER, 2 for 39c Q CAMPBELL’S CONSOMME SOUP_2 cans 3Jc LIQUID UNIT _2 Gal. 45c SUNSHINE t HYDROX — Lg. pkg. 39c MANCHESTER CLUB CRACKERS.39c (Jj SUPREME CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES . Mb. pkg. 49c DIAL Bath Size 1 Reg. Size SOAP. 2 for 39c FREE II NORTH DAKOTA J tPOTATOSS rLb /.99 y | CRISP, FRESH \ I CABBAGE Lb_7c / I | CELLO 11 CARROTS 2 Pkp._/9c ( I | JUICE j lORANGES Dozen_ 27c ( I I RUBY RED or WHITE | IGRAPEFRUIT 10 f.r 39c f JERSEY CREAM ■ “CRACKIN’ GOOD” 1 FLOUR CRACKERS 150 .3.39K2'"" . 95c I - We join the community in saluting the American Scout during BOY SCOUT WEEK ■w Yes . . . she buys those delicious foods that you need to work better and play better, and saves ^ f | ■ ■ HF a \ money on every item! See that the ^ Mom in your family does her pi GOOD DEED today! ^ OUR REGULAR HD 4^99' ALL MEAT MINCED HAM __'_Lb. 39c SKINLESS DUUIEI1ERS 3 “* 891 ^ U.S. GOOD H RIB STEAK _Lb. 49c PF ARMOUR _ _ pkiiic nnms 33* ■V BEEF HEARTS _ Lb. 19c ■ J RIVAL BBCCI! 2 *■. 75t P PORK CHM WHITING FfSH )End Cuts Center Cuts 10-Lb. Box 1%-Lb. Pkg. 39c Lb. 59c Lb. 1.95 25c t BEET SUGAR 10 Pounds t : SPRING VALLEY OLGO 4 Pounds 79 ^ DUNCAN HINES 1 ^IRKE m.X 3 >V ggf GIANT SIZE I i)JO V 591 2 PURER sl 251 FANCY C Plums s-— 591 i RIPRAP 1 UIHX PAPER isstrigi j _ ___ ^—- .J o