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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1955)
. • FOR SALE LADIES FUR COATS: Restyled — relined — repaired. Coats — jackets — capes stoles. Write or call for free estimate. FELIX FUR SHOP 522 W. 1st St. — Phone 680 Grand Island, Nebr. 29th FOR SALE. Farmall F 20, good shape. — Inquire Babl’s Feed Store, O’Neill. 40p35 FOR SALE: Ayrshire milk cows, some milking now, a few to freshen soon. — Laurence Chipps, 21 miles south, y4 east of O’Neill, phone Chambers 2343. 39-40p FOR SALE: Used Firestone out board motor, 10 hp. See at Wil liam Krotter Co., West O’Neill. 40p35 FOR COMPLETE DETAILS, and free help in engineering your sprinkler system and informa tion on liberal credit terms, see BILL BOWKER Phones 207 & 468-W O’Neill, Nebr. 32c FOR SALE: 37-ft. Stewart trailer house, modern, 2 bedrooms. — CaU 221-W, O’Neill. 40-4 lp60 New Machinery 12-Ft. Easy Flow fertilizer spreader. J-D spreaders. Farmhand loaders, bulldozers, grapple forks. Crane drills. J-D-D oils, greases and batteries. Bale ties, cable. Plymouth baler and binder twine Comfort tractor covers and heat housers. Used Machinery 1850 John Deere B. 1948 JD G tractor, fully equipped. 1946 Model A John Deere. 1946 H John Deere. 15-Ft. John Deere disc. Wagon gear on rubber. J-D 4-wheel spreader. Wo. 5 J-D mower. Wo. 52 two 14” bottom plows. Hvdraulic manure loader. IHC No. 30 loader. We trade and give terms on John Deere Credit Plan. Come in and see us! Harry R. Smith Impls. Your John Deere Dealer Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: A Globe milking ma chine, double unit. — Thomas Kelly, Page. 40-4 lp60 CLEAN UP SALE GOOD USED HEATING STOVES $5 and up Shelhamer Equip. Co. Phone 570 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Aeromotor wind mills, and towers, galvanized stock tanks, 8- and 10-foot sizes. — John Sobotka, Inman, Nebr. 7tf '55 STUDEBAKERS ABE NOW ON DISPLAY! USED CARS 1P53 DeSoto club coupe. 1950 Ford tudor, custom, with overdrive. 1949 Chevrolet. 1946 4-dr. Studebaker Champion. 1946 Ford tudor. IHC %-ton pickup. SMITH MOTOR CO. "Home of Studebaker” -Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: 20 tons of hay and 300 bushels of barley.—Lloyd Gib son, phone 564-J12, O’Neill. 40-41p60 FOR SALE: 65-BTU space heat er, natural gas. — Phone 263, O'Neill. 30tf FOR SALE: 1941 Chevrolet, ex cellent running condition, heat er, clean, $100. — Call 427-W, O’Neill. 40c35 BUTTE LIVESTOCK MARKET Sale Every Wednesday Hogs at 12 — Cattle at 3 38-48 FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire bred sows and gilts. Bred to outstanding boars for Febr., March and Apr. farrowing. Vet erinary vaccinated. — Henry Stelling & Son, 2 mi. south and 1/4 west of Orchard. 36tf Used Cars — Jeeps Pickups All Bargains! J951 Kaiser Deluxe, 4-door, radio, overdrive. 1951 Henry J, overdrive. 1952 Chevrolet, Powerglide. 1949 Kaiser, overdrive, heater, radio, rebuilt motor. 1948 Kaiser. 3 Used Jeeps — 1947, 1849, 1951. 1952 Willys 4-wheel drive pickup. 1946 Hudson. Look These Over — Give Us a Bid on Them! SAVE MONEY! Outlaw Implement Co. O’Neill, Nebr. 39-40c Farm Machinery Gravely garden tractor. Mower for C tractor. Soo hydraulic loader. Mowers—all types. IHC lister. Plow for C tractor. No. 14 John Deere mill. No. 10 C IHC mill. No. 10 IHC mill. No. 9 trail mower. Farmall 14. Farmall 20. Farmall 30. 1947 gas M. 1946 M&M Model R. 1952 Super M fuel. 1950 Super A. IHC 15-ft. disc. Kelly Ryan one-way disc. 1954 C demonstrator. 1950 C. 1952 Super C. DON’T FORGET the FREE Family Party February 9—8 P.M High Schol Auditorium NOW is the time to bring in your tractor and machinery for re pairs and overhaul. New & Used Trucks 1952 IHC pickup. 1954 Chevrolet pickup. 1954 IHC demonstrator pickup. New 1954 cab-over at Special Price! Shelhamer Equip. Phone 570 — O’Neill WE ARE MOVING and have for sale: Combination wood and electric Majestic range; Maytag washer with electric motor, tub and stand; round oak table and chairs; Coleman oil - burning heater: 30-bu. self-feeder for hogs. See any day but Sunday. Fay A. Puckett, O’Neill. 40c For the Tickling Cough CHERROSOTE Gilligan’s Rexall Drug Phone 87 — O’Neill 36tf FOR SALE: Insurance of all kinds.—See Virgil Laursen. O’ Neill, phone 434. 29tf TRUCKER SPECIALS 8.25x20 10-ply lug tires .... 52.10 9.00x20 10-ply 1st quality, Major Line . 63.36 10.00x20 12-ply 1st quality, Major Line . 72.26 10.00x20 12-ply Hi Tred Lugs . 104.04 — ALSO — 6.70x15 4-ply Major Line M-S . 19.50 7.10x15 4-ply Major Line M-S . 21.50 7.60x15 4-ply Major Line M-S . 23.00 NO SECONDS, ALL FIRST QUALITY Name Brand Tires Plus Federal Excise Tax Foree Tire & Supply CO. O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 289 39-40 FOR SALE: Combination coal and bottle gas range, $50. — Tele phone 420-W, O’Neill. 40p35 BEST BUYS! 1953 Cranbrook, 4-door, radio, heater, overdrive. A bargain at . $1,045 1953 Cranbrook 4-door, radio, heater, overdrive. A bargain at. $1,045 1950 Special, deluxe, 4-door Ply mouth. Very clean, radio, heat er . $625 1952 Dodge 2-door, in perfect condition . $995 1951 Plymouth 4 - door, radio, heater, very clean. New paint job. A bargain . $700 1949 Buick super. Very good con dition . $580 COME IN AND SEE US! We like to trade!! Shierk Motor Co. Phone 430 212 South 4th — O’Neill FOR SALE: Good purebred reg istered Hereford bulls, coming yearling and two - year - olds. Reasonably priced. — Albert Carson, Redbird. 38-42p FOR SALE: 60 bred gilts, out of registered hogs and bred to top registered registered boars. Priced under Omaha top. Spe cial prices in lots of 5 or more. Vaccinated for cholera and ery sipelas. All clean and in very healthy condition. — Outlaw Implement Co., West O’Neill, Nebr. 39-41c ATTENTION! FOR SALE: Two coming two year-old Polled Hereford Bulls. Have a look before you buy. Green Way Ranch Phone 2766 — Chambers, Nebr. 38-41p LOST and FOUND LOST: Black Persian cat with white back paws.—Mrs. Wayne Norman, phone 423-LR, O’Neill. 40c FOUND: A cow strayed to the Ernie Kloppenborg farm, O’ Neill. 40p35 Chase Fredrick of Ravenna spent the weekend in O’Neill visit ing at the home of his brother-in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. : Wayne Norman. WANTED WANTED: A used kitchen cab inet.—Mrs. Philip Lee, O’Neill. 40p35 WAITRESS WANTED: Baber’s Cafe, Plainview, Nebr. 39-40c WANTED TO RENT by March 1, 2- or 3-bedroom house or apartment.—C. R. Foree, phone 511-W, O’Neill. 39tf WANTED TO BUY: All kinds of horses. — Buv Wanser, Page, phone 13. 37-40p WANTED TO BUY: 110-V. auto matic light plant. — Wilbur Smith, Page, Nebr., or see at Marcellus Impl., O’Neill. 38tf WANTED: Washings and iron ings. Also will do house-clean ing.—Mrs. Joe Sobotka, phone 238-W, O’Nelil. 40-4lp60 EXPERIENCED SALES LADY WANTED: Middle-aged prefer red, must be able to sell ladies’ ready-to-wear.—Write box 508, O’Neill, Nebr. 40c WANTED: A good, reliable wom an to take care of invalid moth er and a boy 11 years and a girl 9 years. Modem home and no washing. — Verona Spencer, phone 167, Neligh. 39-40p 1 . __ WANTED: Alfalfa and sweet clo ver seed. — E. H. Medcalf, Chambers 21tf WANTED: Light trucking and drayage, all kinds. — Archie Ashby, O’Neill, phones 551-LJ or 125-J. 37tf HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf FOR CABINETS, upholstering and furniture repairing, see James P. Shanner, Page. 36-39pll0 GILL ELECTRIC: See John Gil strap for all your electrical wiring and equipment. I ser vice all makes of appliances.— O’Neill, phone 527-LR. 45tf INCOME TAX FOR assistance in filing your re ports call on Geo. C. Robertson, O’Neill, Nebr., Downey Build ing, phone 534. 35-44c IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured?—See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. _44tf WANTED TO BUY: A good used piano.—Phone 486-W, O’Neill. 40c MISCELLANEOUS BOWLING every afternoon and evening, Sunday incl. Tuesday nights are Couple Nights at Brooke Bowling Alley, Atkin son. Bring your date, wife or sister and win CASH prizes. Beginners have as good a chance to win CASH as the ex perienced bowler. 38-4 lp L-O-A-N-S 4% Federal Land Bank Long Term PRE-PAYMENT PRIVILEGES ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM ASS’N O’Neill, Nebr. HUNT’S PLUMBING & HEATING FARM & COMMERCIAL American Kitchens White Water Heaters (Next door Asimus Motors) of O’NEILL Phone 399 — O’Neill tf MAKE EXTRA money. Address, Mail postcards spare time ev ery week. Write Box Fourteen, Belmont, Mass. 39-42p L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck* and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill HOOVER Sales & Service B I G L I N ’ S Phone 38 — O’Neill O. E. (“Oakie”) DAVIDSON Plumbing & Heating “The Best Work for the Least Money” GAS WATER HEATERS & FURNACES Phone 126 — O'Neil! Guests Here— Miss Lois Michols, Miss Ethelyne Platt, Donald Beckenbauer and Beryl Hicks, all of Norfolk, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peck of Ver del were Sunday dinner guests at the Donald Franklin home. Arrives from Polk— Mrs. Esther Morgan of Polk ar rived Wednesday to spend several days visiting at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones. CARDS of THANKS WITH A DEEP sense of gratitude and appreciation we wish to thank the staff of St. Anthony’s hospital, Doctor Brown, and friends and relatives for all the flowers, gifts, deeds of kindness and the many cards and letters received during the long illness and passing of our beloved wife and mother. May God’s richest blessing be on each and every one who so kindly helped in any way. — Fred Lorenz, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lorenz, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lorenz, Leon ard Lorenz. 40p50 WE WISH to express our sincere thanks to all our relatives, friends and neighbors who gave comfort and assistance during the illness and death of our be loved wife, mother and grand mother. Your kindness will nev er be forgotten.—Peter C. Rou dybush, Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Hobbs and family. 40p50 WE WISH to thank all our friends for the cards, visits, flowers and other kindnesses during the ill ness and death of our beloved mother, sister, grandmother and aunt, Mrs. Emma Maring; with especial thanks to Ralph Frit ton, Joe Ziska and Clayton Burge for taking care of our stock. Also Rev. W. B. Smith, Doctor Brown and the Sisters and staff of St. Anthony’s. — Oliver Maring, Homer Maring, J. S. Hoffman, Mrs. Eva Ken nedy, Mr. anrd Mrs. P. J. Hoff man, Florence and Dorothy Sun dell, Ruth Brau, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lamberty, Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Hiatt. WE WISH to express our most sincere thanks to all for their kindness, sympathy and assist ance during the illness and death of our beloved mother. MR. AND MRS. EDWARD KACZOR AND GERALD 40p50 A SINCERE “thank-you” to all who sent cards, flowers, gifts and prayers for my recovery while I was in the hospital at Rochester, Minn.; also for the many things that have been done for me since I have been home. Again I say “Thank-you all.” JULIA GALLAGHER 4()p50 THE WIFE and children of the late Neil A. Asher wish to ex press their sincere appreciation for help, cards and beautiful floral offerings extended to them by their relatives, friends and neighbors during his recent illness and death. 40c I WISH to thank all my friends and relatives for the cards, letters, handkerchiefs and other gifts I received while in the University hospital. It was so nice to be remembered. MRS. ROY LANMAN 40c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: One-story, 6-room modern house, with acreage, located on edge of Stuart. — Mrs. August Kramer, Stuart. 39-41p FOR SALE: Six-room house, 28 x 50, half basement, attached garage, located on North Sev enth st. — Everett Gorgen, ph. 524-M. 13-16p-tf FOR SALE: Another property owned by people who have moved from O’Neill. Three bed rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath and utility all on one floor. Full basement, 2-car garage, paved drive. This home is equipped with all the EXTRAS that mean so much to COMFORTABLE LIVING. — Thorin - Bowker Agency, O’ Neill, phone 207. 32c TO BUY REAL ESTATE, CALL THORIN-BOWKER AGENCY INVESTING? You can’t find an other property with so much potential as this. Living room, dining room, kitchen, one bed room and half bath down; four bedrooms and full bath up stairs. Full basement. Just 2 blocks from the stop light. Ideally located and arranged to rent rooms to high school stu dents, tourists, or pepole desir ing to live close to work. IN VESTIGATE THIS! —Thorin Bowker Agency, O’Neill, phone 207._ 3&: FOR SALE- Nice home on the south edge of Page. Priced to sell. —Kieth Abart, O’Neill. 35c I HAVE opened an acreage ad jacent to O’Neill and will sell either in acreages or lots. — Harry E. Ressel, O’Neill, lltf FOR RENT FOR RENT: Large house, excel lent condition, fully modem. 14-F3, O’Neill. FOR RENT: Four-room house, garage, large garden space, rea sonable rent, in Emmet.—John Conard, Emmet. 39-4 lc FOR RENT: Basement 4-room apartment and full bath. — Phone 322-J, O’Neill. 40tf FOR RENT: Partially fur nished 4-room apartment with bath. Heat, lights and water furnished.—Call phone 537, O’ Neill. 36c Try The Frontier want advs.! FOR RENT: Small apartment. —4 Phone 136-W, O’Neill. 37tf FOR RENT: Sanders for floor and furniture. — Spelts - Ray Lbr. Co._47tf FOR RENT: Floor polisher and waxer.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. FOR RENT: Business building, 116 S. Fourth st.—Kieth Abart, O’Neill. FOR RENT: 3-room house. — Melvin Clyde, phone 448-M, O’Neill. 32tfc FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment — 4 rooms, private bath, heat, water. Close in.—Hagen sick Ladies Wear, O’Neill. 40tf Riverside News The Orchard farm bureau unit met in the Ralph Shrader school house Thursday night. Timely issues were discussed. It was de cided the unit would meet Feb ruary 24 with the Frenchtown unit in the Frenchtown school. Bring cake or sandwiches. Mrs. Daisy Miller recently spent a few days visiting in the Sylves ter Reed home in Brunswick. Mrs. Jessie Angus, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier were Wednes day evening, January 26, supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry and Lester Fry. Thursday evening supper guests of Frys were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Retke of Inman and the Wayne Fry family. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Switzer and children called at the Bill Lofquest home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Mont gomery and family visited the Willie Shrader’s Saturday night. Ladies of the Free Methodist congregation held a second quilt ing bee at Mrs. Grant Mott’s home Tuesday, January 25. This quilt goes to the Coe Children’s Home. Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Retke took Lester Fry to Sioux City Friday where he boarded a train for his home at Hinkeley, Minn. Several from this community attended the Henry Heese sale, 12 miles north of Ewing on Friday. This is the farm recently pur chased by Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink. Norman Pollock is doing some electrical wiring for Loren Libby of Page this week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller were Sunday dinner guests of the Leo Miller’s, helping Mrs. H. Mil ler observe her birthday anniver sary. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kurp geweit and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and daughters visited the Harold Mlinar family Sunday night. Mr. ana Mrs. newm noKe ana family and Mr. and Mrs. Buford Carlson and Danny were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Rockey. They attended the wedding of Rozetta McDonald and Jerry Miller in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston and daughters were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elwell Johnston in Ewing. A fireplace weiner roast and supper was enjoyed in the base ment of the Z. H. Fry home Sa turday evening, after which colored slides were shown of the families activities at Christmas time. Those present were: Rev. and Mrs. William Bomer and children, Mrs. Kittie Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and girls, Mr. called on Harold Mlinar’s Friday daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christon. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson called on Harold Mlinars Friday night. The Wendell Switzer family call er on the Wayne Olmsteds Satur day evening helping Mrs. Olm sted celebrate her birthday an niversary. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and children and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christon called on the Willie Shrader’s Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Harpster and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Napier and daughters were Sunday dinner guests at the W. M. Napier home. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and sons included, Mrs. Kittie Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Wil lie Shrader and family and Mr. and Mrs. C. Christon. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter were honored at an oyster supper Sunday evening at the Alfred Na pier home. Paul Gunter, Jim Gun-, ter and Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Hord and Duane were other guests. The Gunters were celebrat ing a wedding anniversary. i Christian Mothers Sponsor Card Party EWING — Pinochle and pitch were played last Thursday eve ning at the polio benefit card party sponsored by the Christia i Mothers of St. Peter’s Catholic church. The party was held in the Ewing public school auditorium. High score winners for pinochle were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thiele; low score went to Mrs. Lester Bergstrom and Joe Funk; high score in pitch went to Earl Pier son for the men, and Mrs. Eva Kaczor, for the ladies; low, to Mrs. Earl Pierson and Marcus Pierson. The door prize went to Mrs. Leo Vandersnick. Refreshments were served. Committees of Christian Moth ers were: Mrs. Pat Knapp, tickets; Mrs. Gail Boies and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack, tables, cards and chairs; Mrs. Arthur Kropp, Mrs. Frank Schrad, Mrs. Joe Sturbaum and Mrs. Arthur Sanders, kitchen ccmmittee. > 2 Ewing Youths Army Enlistees EWING—Kenneth E. Lee has enlisted in the army at Denver, Colo. After his physical examina tion he was assigned to the med ical corps in the 10th division. He was sent to Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., for his eight weeks of basic training. From there he will be sent to Ft. Riley, Kans., for an other eight-weeks period. On completion, he will attend the boston (Mass.) medical school for six weeks. Kenneth is the son of Mrs. Anita Lee of Ewing. He was graduated from Ewing high school in 1954. During the sum mer vacation and until recently he was a truck driver for L. A. Hobbs. Stanley Allen of Paxton, for merly of Ewing, also enlisted at the same time at Denver. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Allen, who formerly operated the Gamble store at Ewing. Mrs. McGinnis Home After Western Trip EMMET— Mrs. Georgiana Mc Ginnis returned home on Satur day after spending the past four weeks in California, where she visited friends and relatives. She visited at the homes of Mrs. Dean Cole and family of Richman and met a schoolmate whom she hadn’t seen for 57 years. Her name is Mrs. Ethel, formerly of Ewing but who now resides in Sacramento. Mrs. McGinnis also visited the Howard and Clyde LaRue families at Pasadena, the William Hammond family, former ly of O’Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. John Dailey of Hollywood. Mrs. McGinnis also had an opportuni ty to reunite with Mr. and Mrs. Edmond O’Donnell of Los Angeles and her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Updike, formerly of Ewing but now living at Arcadia. Tit Frontier want ads! Helen Vitt Named Riverside President— The Riverside 4-II club met at the John Vitt home on Sunday, January 30, to reorganize for this year The following officers were elected: Helen M. Vitt, president; Theresa Boyle, vice-president; Mary Frances Vitt, secretary; Charlene Mahoney, treasurer; Ma ry Agnes Boyle, news reporter; Dorothea Vitt, song leader; Rita Boyle, recreation leader. The leaders and project leaders have not yet been chosen. After the meeting everyone went skating. Lunch was served. The club rosary will be Febru ary 8 at John Vitt’s. After the rosary, the oldest club member from each family will help to fill out the year book for the entire year. — By Mary Agnes Boyle, news reporter. Mashinos Note Silver Wedding REDBIRD—The 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Mashino was observed Sunday at the Mashino home when many of the relatives from South Dakota and O’Neill and neighbors from the Redbird area gathered there for open-house from 2 to 6 o’ clock. Sandwiches, ice cream and cake were served to the guests. The honored couple received many gifts, especially silver dollars. Mrs. Mashino is the former Blanche Yusten. Other Redbird News Miss Beverly Carson was host ess to a group of ladies at a party in her home last Thursday eve ning. Bardy Schollmeyer was hon ored at a birthday anniversary supper Tuesday, January 25. A pink-and-white cake v/ith six candles centered the table. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson and Ronnie Hasenpflug. Mrs. Lillian Baker of Lynch called in the Nick Baker and Ray __:-: Wilson homes late Sunday. Mr. and Mr. Ronnie Carson and Rhonda of Lynch spent Sat urday afternoon and evening with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Carson. Mrs. Nora Pinkerman and friends from Iowa visited Friday “c in the Claude Pickering home. Bardy Schollmeyer was a Sat urday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert White and Sharlene at O’Neill. Rexford Carson entertained the sophomore class of Lynch at a skating party Saturday night. Mrs. Fay Pinkerman has been visiting several days with Mrs. Nora Pinkerman at Lynch. Several families from here at tended either the wedding Mon day morning of Mrs. Nora Pinker man to John Hurd of Iowa at the Catholic church in Lynch or the wedding of Mrs. Lillian Baker to Ben Nelson of Bristow at the Methodist church at Lynch. Both brides are former residents of Redbird. New Yorker Arrives— D. D. Miles of BaUston Spa, N. Y„ visited Monday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson. Mr. Miles formerly lived in the Dorsey community. Spends Weekend— Miss Mary Louise Wilson, stu dent at Duchesne college, Omaha, visited from Friday until Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson. Scovie Sez Relatives’ Sale “The following discounts, us ually accorded only a dear, dear mother-in-law, or other close relatives, are now in ef fect. Inasmuch as I have no relatives hereabouts, we’ll make the RELATIVES’ DIS COUNT available to ALL our customers.’’ All Electric LIGHT FIXTURES Off_20% Some of These As Much As— 50% Off FARMERS: We carry a com plete line of REA wiring supplies. Western Auto — O’Neill — Report of Monday, January 31, Sale SHIPPING SEX CARS BY RAIL Total January sales by rail fifty-one cars; semi long; hauls of equal amount. 190-250- lb., 16.50-17.55; 250-300 lb., 15.00-17.35; 300-370 lb., 14.00-14.60. Sows to 400 lb., 13.90-15.00. Sows, 400-630 lb., 12.65-13.20. If you have pigs and feeders, let us know so we can advertise them. Have inquiries also for bred sows. STOCK SOLD IN ORDER OF ARRIVAL FOR TOP MARKET PRICES — FOR SALES & SERVICE CONSIGN TO VERD1GRE LIVESTOCK MARKET SALE EVERY MONDAY W. LLOYD BRADY, Owner & Mgr. Verdigre, Nebr. Phone 86 ————SSJ————————— ROUND BALES never break in handling • •• Drop it... twist it... throw it — the twine wrapped ROLLED bale will not buckle or come apart! Round bales nest compactly —on the wagon, truck and in haymow or stack. The diagram shows why they stay put. They're SELF-LOCKING! And with this ease of handling and storing, you get and keep more quality. Leaves are left intact... rolled in, not shattered and lost. Only round bales give “thatched-roof” pro tection. They repel moisture ... in the field, in outdoor feedlots, or for self-feeding when left on the range. Let us show you the only machine that makes the round bale — the ROTO-BALER built by Allis-Chalmers. HATAB 111 El> I. ant illl. rinlnan trnA^mnrL MARCELLOS IMPL. CO. Phone 5 West O Neill o