The Frontier Woman . . . Returns To "Good Ole Sandhills' IV BLWCHtl SPANN PEASE, Home makln# Editor One of the ways to save money is by serving meat stretcher dish es instead of straight meat So here are some recipes you may want to try. MEAT AND VEGETABLE PIE Two-thirds cup cubed carrots, 2/3 cup cubed potatoes, one small onion (sliced), one cup cooked cubed meat, % recipe for rich biscuit dough, meat gravy. Cook the vegetables in boiling salted water until almost tender Drain. Add some of the cooking liquid to the gravy if need to make about 1% cups. Combine vegetables, meat and gravy in a baking dish and use biscuit dough to cover. Bake in hot oven until biscuit covering is done. HAM WITH NOODLES One and one-half cups cooked noodles, two cups cooked ham, two cups thin white sauce, crumbs mixed with melted fat. Place half the noodles in a greased baking dish or pan and top with half the ham. Add anoth er layer of noodles and ham. Pour white sauce over mixture and top with crumbs. Bake at 350 F. in a moderate oven for 20 minutes. Serves four. — tfw — ‘Hill Billy’ Wins Subscription— Dear Blanche: Can I come back to your comer in The Frontier paper? We moved back to Holt county October 17. I surely like it up here. Former ly we had lived at Butte, then iroved south 150 miles, then back to the good ol’ sand hills. I’ve been busy cleaning house and putting up curtains and shades. I have 24 windows, so you can see it takes some doing. Lave it pretty well done now, so I’ll just relax and write and see if I can win a three-months’ sub scription. How do you like your new home by now? Read all about your trip out West. I went last year and surely enjoyed it—so many different things to see. We got 12 rolls of film taken, nearly all good, too, even took some out the car window driving along. I have a small Brownie camera. Aren’t we having beautiful weather? One really enjoys it. I hope it stays like this all winter. Could you give me the name and address of the lady from Alaska who won recently in The Frontier I’d like to write to her. I’ll enclose a favorite recipe of mine. SPANISH IY>RK CHOPS Five thick pork chops (1V4 pounds >, one tables pan fat, one oauvt (sliced), two cups tomatoes, teic teaspoon salt, teaspoon pepper, three tablespoons flour, thtee to four cups boiled rice. tUowu chops via both sides in a fvo: skillet. Remove chops from P**k hrown onions In same pan, add chops, tomatoes and season tt JfS. Cov rt and simmer 30 to 40 min I . '.os Remove meat and thicken ) the tomato mixture with flour j mixed to a smooth paste with Vi | cup cold water. Boil two to three minutes, stirring constantly. Place rice in center of a platter, arrange chops around rice and pour toma to sause ever all. Serves five. This is a whole meal for wash , day or a hurry-up meal. “HILL BILLY” I can’t give you the name of i the lady from Alaska as we don’t reveal pen names. However, if the I L.dy wants to write to you, she may send the letter to me and I’ll forward it to you. • _ SAYS SANDHILL SAL -- - - - - _ Little old new year can tell you for true that we live in a chang ing era. Slides Depicting Korean Life Shown CHAMBERS — Family night was observed on Sunday evening, January 16, at the Chambers Methodist church with a large crowd in attendance. There was a worship service and a short program followed by sbdes on Kor periences during her four nonth stay in Germany. She lived with the German people and people and learned about their way of living. She concluded that this was a wonderful experience, never to be forgotten. Application blanks for the 1955 IFYE student are available at the county agent’s office. After her talk, Miss Blaser join ed the group in games and danc ing. A lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bazelman and family spent Sunday at Picks town, S.D. Safe Driving Awards to 512 Employees— Five hundred and twelve em ployees of Consumers Public Pow er district are scheduled to receive safe driver award cards for the safe driving of Consumers motor vehicles in Nebraska during the year 1954. The awards, being made by the district’s safety department, stip ulate that an employee receiving an award must have been a regu lar and frequent driver for a period of one, or more, full years without a chargeable accident dur ing the period covered by the award. Club Hostess— Following dinner at the M&M last Thursday evening, Mrs. Win nie Barger entertained members of the Jeudi club at her home. Mrs Dale Kersenbrock and Mrs. Norman Gonderinger had the high bridge scores. --«RMVJ»tVSM1I.S5MSJW ... O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lanman of Verdel were Saturday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Mellor and Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Gre nier. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Golden re turned over the weekend from Miami, Fla., where they had spent the past month vacationing. They had spent Christmas with their son-in-law and daughter, Capt. and Mrs. James Butcher, at Nash vile, Tenn. Mrs. Butcher returned to O’Neill with her parents, and will visit here while Captain Butcher is at Anchorage, Alaska, participating in “Operation Snow bird.” Mr. and Mrs. Dale Norman of Ord were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Harding. Mrs. Fred Appleby, Mrs. Fran cis Belzer, Mrs. James Earley and Mrs. William Kelly spent Tues day, November 11, in Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Herley and family of Atkinson were Sun day afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beckwith. Monuments of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . monu ments from the factory to the -onsumeT. — Emmet Crabb. O' Neill. phone 139-J. 37tf Mr. and Mrs. William J. Froe lich returned Sunday to O’Neill from Chicago, 111. James McKenny and Emmy Gregory, both of Omaha, were weekend guests at the home of James McKenny’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Harding. Winnie Barger and Bernice Elk ins left Sunday for Omaha where they will attend market this week. nywWH JJLIl ixvtba l t ‘X * © • . • e if]' r ; * Kellys Hosts— Sunday evening supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Kelly were Charles Fox and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Belzer and family. < DR. H. D. GILDERSLEEVE OPTOMETRIST Northeast Corner of 4th St Douglas O’NEILL. NEBR Phone 167 Bye** Examined _ Ulaaaea hit tad Office Hours: #.5 Mon. thru Bat _ — --——_ ■—" -1 HEKEFORDS AND POLLED HEREFORDS at the Northeast Nebraska Hereford SHOW and SALE Monday. Jan. 24 NORFOLK, NEBRASKA 63 Bulls-11 Females Show 9:00 — Sale 12:00 FFA and 4-H Judging Contest 9:00 Chalmer T. Wilkerson, Mgr. Coleridge, Nebr. Charles Corkle, Auctioneer Rural & City PHILLIPS “66” PRODUCTS New & Used Tires Greasing & Washing BORG WORTH Prompt Tankwagon SERVICE Phillips "66" Station Phone 362 __—__—___„ Money to Loan — on — AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance Corp. C. E. Jones, Manager O'Neill : Nebraska .. DANCE.. AT O’NEILL American Legion Auditorium & BALLROOM ' Saturday, January 22d ACES OF RHYTHM ORCHESTRA Adm.: Adults $1; Students 50c Nu Lac Yeaston Co. Announces the Appointment of J. B. Ryan Hay Co. O’Neill, Nebr. . . . distributor of . . . NU LAC and MOR LAC Vitamin — Mineral — Yeast FEED SUPPLEMENTS for Livestock and Poultry .. . 1 CHIU 68AW.... 23430^^ KIDNEY BEANS... ts 30'f?5^ im&BEANS.... &gS?t SUPERB CUT GREEN Oft CWKWJMW.. SUPERB CREAM STYLE W|Ya^60Sa^X SUPERB LARUE SWEET PEAS.. ffifjj&tiKVSrAL GEM SUsA&W: Pf COOKIES giip«uya mi Old^ttldwe je4W« PURE GRAPE on 4ft e-oz. tfAl CRABAPPLE. ^g? y T ggggasrjto4S« Bulk— 2-Lb. Bag ' Pitted Dates_49c SPRY <**...34$ RINSO 2 LUX^lr.4?^35i SURF 22gf£l$ LUX LIQUID. S5?37« BREEZE 2 *SSf.63< JANUARY BARGAINS in Better Lamps for BETTER SEEING Mrs. Homemaker, here’s a wonderful opportunity to start the New Year r right! Redecorate your home with Light from modern Certified and Beauty plus floor and table lamps — at January Bargain prices! The latest word in styling, construction, and lighting performance of Certified and Beauty-plus lamps is your assurance of new glamour for your home, new enjoyment for the whole family — with Better Light from Better Lamps for Better Living — at truly budget-saving prices! I WHILE THEY LAST— See These Better-Seeing for Better-Living Values Now on Display in Our Local OfficeL l| > 9 LOW DOWN-PAYMENTS . • EASY MONTHLY TERMS V ! MORWmUGHT TOMATOES.. 5MKB8 MMBff THREAD SAUERKRAUT..... CARNATION MILK. SUPERB mrr cocktail.. DOLE CRUSHED PINEAPPLE.. SUPERS HEARTS OF GRAPEFRUIT.. I PR/CFS FOR yJAN. Zt i, zz QUANTITY RlOm RESERVED ) c 0 I &VLYMOUTH MA/D i y i o \ Swift's Premium Fully Co eked iHAMSirT ■ WHOLE HAM or END PIECES, lb. ■,T-r i • Frozen Foods • FLAV-B-BAC STRAWBERRIES ^29* ADAMS ORANGE JUICE 2 £ 27c BOOTH'S HADDOCK FILLETS rkg'-. ....39c I FRESH SHOULDER A A* 1 PORK ROASTS u, Z9 FRESH PORK HOCKS x* Z5 SUCED 4—4 PORK UVERl,.15 sliced AAe BIG BOLOGNAl,.Z9 BRAUNSCHWEIGER Lb.39 100% Pure Fresh Ground A £4 GROUND BEEF L I Washington Extra-Fancy Delicious and Winesap APPLES 3 lK49c JUICY SUNKIST NAVEL m Ax ORANGES .43 Plump, Juicy, Large 96 Size M m* GRAPEFRUIT.10** 45 RED PONTIAC GREEN PASCAL ' POTATOES CELERY 1004b, ^49 10.29“ I T 19* ctynM i o «1 c IT 3 QUALITY THAT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE . . . Quality in lighting performance and lamp styling enhance the natural charm of these rooms. Certified and Beauty-plus floor and table lamps will make a big difference in your home too!