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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1954)
Page News Mr. and Mrs. Harry Undine and family of Sioux City spent from last Thursday unitl Satur day with Mrs. Undine’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Wood. Other guests for Thanksgiving dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Wood and family of Elm Creek, Mrs. Celestine Williamson and Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Leach. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith of Eugene, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sterner and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Henderson and family were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stewart and family. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Young and family of Wood Lake and Fred Carey and Ralph of O’Neill. A/3c LeRoy Leist, who is sta tioned at Lincoln, spent Thanks giving and the weekend with his father, Earl Leist, and brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Caskey and daughter, Betty, of Bassett ar.d Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth War ing were supper guests and spent the evening Sunday with Mrs. Alta Finch. Mrs. Caskey is a niece of Mrs. Finch. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller and son, Glen, of Chambers and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart and Uoren, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray and Veldon and Vernie Hunter enjoyed a no-host Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Gray. Mr. and Mrs. u. u. i^ampsnire of Polk visited from Wednesday, November 24, until Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Spann of Atkinson and Willis Russell were also Thanksgiving day guests. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Clyde and family of Sioux Falls, S.D., spent 4 Wednesday night, November 24, with their grandparents, Mr. and 4 Mrs. Clarence Stewart. They • were going to North Platte to spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Clyde’s relatives. Mrs. George Fink and son, Wil liam Zempel, of Grand Island visited from last Thursday until Sunday at the Frank Snyder home. The group were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Kemper Saturday evening. A no-host dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Stewart Sunday. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith of Eugene, Ore., Mr. and Mrs, Paul Krugman and family of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stew art and two sons and Edd Stew art and Mickie. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Townsend left Wednesday, November 24, for Columbus to visit their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Townsend, and their grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Blocker and family. Mrs. Blocker came to Page to take them to Columbus. Mrs. Alva Townsend, accompanied by Mrs. Frank Chmeler of Norfolk, brought them home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krugman and family of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mudloff and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart and Sherry and Mickie spent Thanks giving at the Elmer Juracek he me. Mr. and Mrs. L. Nielsen and Bill spent Thanksgiving at the Alan Alexander home at Plain view. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Allen and family and Mrs. Grace Edson of Lynch and Mr. and Mrs. Erroll Held and family of Star were Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. rnd Mrs. Melvin Held. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Nissen and family of Ogallala, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen, Mr. and Mrs. Lor enz Nissen and Otto Wahletz spent Thanksgiving at the Don Nissen home. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Asher, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stevens were guests at'a card party on Friday evening at the Clarence Dobbin home. Mr. and Mrs. L. Nielsen and Bill visited at the Robert Spen cer home at Norfolk Friday. Betty Wilson Weds Jack W. H. Crouch Mrs. Betty Wilson, daughter of George Carter of O’Neill, former ly of Lynch, and Jack W. H. Crouch were united in marriage Wednesday, November 20, at the Methodist chapel in Norfolk. Mrs. Crouch is employed at the New Outlaw and Mr. Crouch is an employee of the state of Nebras ka department of roads and irri gation. The couple will make their home in O’Neill. College Set Home for Thanksgiving— Among the college set home for Thanksgiving vacation were Don na Crabb, David Eby, Pat DeBolt and Richard Graham, all from Wayne State Teachers college; Bernadete Hynes from St. Mary college, Xavier, Kans.; Helen Harty, St. Mary’s college, Omaha; Lorraine Simonson, Marde Birm ingham and Mary Louise Wilson, all from Duchesne college, Om aha; Robert Carroll, Jack Gatz, Warren Seger, Robert Becken hauer, Donald Petersen, Marilyn J< hnson and Elizabeth Schaffer, all from the University of Ne braska; Barbara Becker, X-ray technician school, Kansas City, Mo. and Lois Harder, Hastings college. ONEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Eby and twins spent from Wednesday, No vember 24, until Friday visiting at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lem Webb in Mitchell. Other guests were her brother-in-law and twin sister, Mr. and Mrs. Esmond Weber and daughters of Denver, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Stuart of Co zad were Thanksgiving guests of Mrs. E. J. Eby. Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mrs. Jenny French and Miss Alice were Dr. and Mrs. O. W. French and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford French, Gregg and Colleen of Lamberton, Minn. Charlotte Estenson of Fremont was a weekend guest in the E. E. Gaskill home. Mr. and Mrs. John Laible of At kinson had as their Thanksgiving guests their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gettert and family. Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Gil lespie celebrated their 52nd wed ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grage were Thanksgiving dinner guests of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Regan, and family near Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grenier, Carroll and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schmidt spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Saw yer in Ainsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanman, Mrs. Neil Clark and Mrs. Vern Grenier spent Monday afternoon in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Herley and family were last Thursday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Herley in Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunt and family spent the Thanksgiving holidays at the home of her mother, Mrs. E. W. Devereux and other re latives in Omaha Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones were her brother and sister, Ben Peterson and Ester Morgan, both of Polk. District Judge D. R. Mounts and Ted McElhaney went to Valentine Tuesday where he is holding court for District Judge Myers of Al liance in the latters absence. Becomes Engaged | Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Naber of Atkinson announce the engage- | ment of their daughter, Miss Shirley Ann (above), to C. Dale | Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. ' M. Wilson of Butte. Miss Naber i is a graduate of Butte high ‘ school and is attending the Lin- i coin School of Commerce in [ Lincoln. Mr. Wilson is serving I with the navy. Before entering | { the service, he attended the University of Denver in Den- i ver, Colo., where he was affil- \ iated with the Sigma Phi Ep- , silon fraternity. | O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Everett Gorgan and family were Thanksgiving din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Urban in Ewing. Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Dishner were Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Golden, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Miller and family and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Golden. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gettert and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gettert and family. C. J. Gatz spent the three days following Thanksgiving at Duck lore lodge near Lisco as a guest of Arthur Storz. • Vernon Johnson was a dinner guest last Thursday at the E. E. j Gaskill home. Miss Shirley Alderson of Neligh and Mr. and Mrs. William Gal-; lagher and family were Thanks giving dinner guests of Mrs. John C. Gallagher, Jerome and James. ; Last Thursday and Friday guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. O. W. French were his brother and sister in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford French, Gregg and Colleen of Lamberton, Minn. Mrs. Alma Eby was a Saturday overnight guest at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Raymond Eby. Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Gal lagher returned Sunday from Chi cago, Til i with William Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher had visited over the holidays with their son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Larson. Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Bosn were Mr. and Mrs. George Brainard and family of Inman, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Belzer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fox and family of Emmet, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and family of Emmet, Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly and Mrs. Stella Ken dall of Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Enright spent last weekend in Omaha visiting their daughter, Mrs. Janet Bauld and family. Mrs. Catherine Pribil and Harold and Mrs. Leona Shoemaker and family spent Thanksgiving in West Point at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomlinson. I MILL CHAIN SAW Model OMG • Out cuts, out performs other chain saws costing $25 to $100 more! THIS IS ANOTHER great saw in the famous MALL “MG” Series. Complete with 1 2-inch bar. PACKED WITH VALUE, this all-new, bantam-weight 3 hp., 24-pound saw gives you more for your dollar than any other chain saw ever built. It’s the first full 3 jay hp. chain saw ever made to sell under $200 ... a high W quality machine that is 100 percent MALL-built frcm §/ stem to stern. g THIS NEW SAW will give you smoother performance, g If faster, easier cutting, longer life and more saw ser- J J fj vice for less money. The horsepower and sizes of the m , § new Model OMG are extemely effective for all phases ' Sf of farm woodlot cutting . . . cutting saw-logs, cord wood, § g fence posts and trimming trees. g | ... Ask for Details ... | I MARCELLUS IMPLEMENT § | Phone 5 West O’Neill || K ALL POPULAR BRANDS _ W _ _ HOMOGENIZED 1 COFFEE Lb ... 98- I cod y 3 u. 70 I CHASE and SANBORN_ Lb. 91c ■ ** ' ** # ** Ca"-• /C C DEL MONTE PEACHES - Large No. 2\ Cans_aam | DEL MONTE PEARS — 303 Size Cans-mM ^ I DEL MONTE TOMATO JUICE-Large46-Oz.Cans_0 J BEET b SPRING VALLEY If SUGAR 10 Lli 89c I OLEO 5 Lbs._89c I BEL MONTE CATSUP — Large 14-Oz. Bottles_ I DEL MON IE PEACHES — 303 Size Cans_ ^#r g BLEACH ■ CINCH I m CLOROX 2 £■ 35c | CAKE MIX 3 tv ..99c || IEL MONTE FKiT COCKTAIL - 303 S» Cm_ { DEL MONTE WHOLE TOMATOES - 303 Size Cm_ j BEL MONTE CUT BREEN BEANS — 303 Size Cans_ I I I BILL'S BEST, 100% PURE — Remember^ l7 Your Sto mach^too,Tlas aJPric^TrgTnTt V. 1 1 ERlUilSS REEF 3 Lk-89^11 PORK LIVER--2 lbs. 35c | OCEAN PERCH FISH_Lb. 33c 11 OH $<§ f HOC LEAN and END OUTS-Lb 39c 11 "u m *■ u“3 MEATY CENTER CUTS__Lb. 59c If LAKEVIEW SLICED BACON_Lb. 39c | CUDAHY? PICNIC HAMS_Lb. 39c 11 ALL MEAT!! MINCER HAM »r RING B3L0GNA-Lb. 39c ft. FANCY | SALMON ^ Cans _75c|| E-Z POP CORN_Pkg. 39c - ARMOUR’S MILK_2 cans 27c I MA BROWN GRAPE JAM_2 jars 30c ■ BON TON } FLOUR ISb 3.39 | VAN CAMP PORK & BEANS. 3 300 cans 30c f PLANTERS PEANUT BUTTER ..... Jar 35c J CANNED POP-5cans 29c I North Dakota No. 1 Reds 100-Lb. Sack__ GRAPEFRUIT -10 large size 39c I f APPLES - ROMES-Bu. 3.98 ) \ GRANGES - JUICE-Dozen 19c I l GELERY-2 for 29c 1