Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1954)
Vernon Berry on 30-Day Leave AMELIA—Vernon Berry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Berry, is spending a 30-day furlough at home. Vernon was in Korea for many months. He will return to a camp in the states until April when he will receive his dis charge. Other Amelia News Several from her attended the funeral of Clair Grimes at Chambers Monday. Mrs. Edith Andersen visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Johnston on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus were Sunday dinner guests at George Thompson’s in Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown and family of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Thompson, Evelyn and Shirley. Mr. and Mrs. Tenus Madsen, Willamae and Neal were dinner guests Sunday at Ray mond Kenny’s. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott, Mrs. Gloria Landrum and Sally and the Asa Watson family were dinner guests Sunday at Mar jroie Sammons’. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. Glen White, Myrtle and Venita and H. S. White were Thanksgiving day guests at Lawrence Barnett’s. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fisher, Elaine and Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Glen White, Myrtle and Venita, the Ed White family, the Elmer Coolidge family, Mrs. Julia White, Mrs. Emma Lindsey, Mrs. Etta Ott, Mrs. Frank Backaus and Caroline were among the Amelia folks shopping in O Neill Friday. Mr and Mrs. Asa Watson and family, Mrs. Marjorie Sammons and son, Bill, and ^s. Mamie Sarnmons were among Thanks giving day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott. Mr and Mrs. Ivan Roth of Ponca were guests Thantegmng dav of her mother, Mrs. Ensie Doolittle. Other guests ^ludecl Mr and Mrs. Tom Doolittle, sr., Mr and Mrs. Clyde Doolittle, Mrs. Stella Sparks and Lonnie. _,_.J^^itisig*******^ Mr. and Mrs. Bob Adair, Mrs. Gertie Adair and Ralph spent Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Doolittle. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Butterfield and family moved to a ranch near Wood Lake Tuesday, November 23, where Dale is employed. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Robak and sons of Omaha spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Mar jorie Sammons and Bill. Miss Donna Rae Peterson of Lexington spent the Thanksgiv ing vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed White en tertained the following at dinner on Thanksgiving: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coolidge, Mr. and Mrs. El mer Coolidge, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ragland and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Young, Mrs. Julia White and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coolidge and Kenneth. Mrs. Julia White called on Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Baker Satur day afternoon. Mrs. Emma Lindsey and Flor ence were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schade. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Young. Mr. and Mrs. Ed White, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge were dinner guests Sunday of Mrs. Julia White. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Forbes and sons, Gerald and Leslie, were Thanksgiving weekend guests of Alvin’s sister and family at North Platte. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams and Donnel and Mrs. Etta Ott were ti nner guests Thanksgiving day at Ralph Barnes’. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce and Art Waldman spent last Thurs day evening at B. W. Waldo’s. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo en tertained the following at dinner on Thanksgiving: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Searles and family of O’ Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Sperling and family of Ord, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vescio and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sinclair, all of Omaha. (Jiyae .tsurge aruve iu ivicxtaaca - son, Kans., to bring the students from Amelia at Central college home for the Thanksgiving vaca tion. They included Carol and Lois Burge, Myrtle White, Elaine Fisher and Kenneth Luginsland. Mrs. Glen White and Dorothy Fisher took them back to Mc Pherson Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Withers were dinner guests on Thanksgiv ing day of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman and Marcia went to Ainsworth and visited Mrs. Widman’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Fancher, on Thanksgiving day, returning home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gilman and Sandra and Stanley Thomp son were dinner guests Thanks giving day at Harlan Dierking’s. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gruen borg of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gruenborg, Linda and Carol of Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. El mer Fix and Mr. and Mrs. Or land Fryrear were dinner guests Thanksgiving day of Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrear. Miss Leone Fix, accompanied by her brother and his wife, Mr and Mrs. Lyle Fix of Atkinson went to Scottsbluff and Bird City Kans., during the Thanksgiving weekend. They were guests a1 Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Dixson Mrs. Dixson is the former Peg gy Prewitt. Other guests at the Dixson home were Mr. and Mrs Gale Fix and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Cearns. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Anderser and son, Lloyd of Alda spenl the Thanksgiving weekend at the home of his mother, Mrs. Editt Andersen. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston oi Eagle visited their parents, Mr and Mrs. Oscar Peterson and Mr and Mrs. Silas Johnston, during the Thanksgiving holidays. College Set Home for Thanksgiving— STUART—Among the college students home for the Thanksgiv ing vacation were Maureen Bat enhorst and Marcia Bigelow, stu dent nurses at St. Joseph’s hos pital, Sharon Bigelow, busines college, and Dennis Brewster Omaha university, all of Omaha Mary Ann Allyn and Corinne Sweet of Hastings college a' Hastings; Grace Allyn of Norfolk Junior college, Norfolk; Rolanc Peterson and Fred Coats, both ol the University of Nebraska, Lin coln. Dinner guests Tuesday, No Ivember 23, at the home of Mr and Mrs. A. P. Jaszkowiak were Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Preston o: Wells, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs John Watson and family. John Graboski, Mr. and Mrs Henry VanErt and Mrs. Johi Underwood attended the funera Monday of a cousin, Peter Rut ten, 87, in Cedar Rapids. Wed in Butte Church Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harold Abbott of Butte were united in marriage Saturday, October 30, at the Butte Community church by Rev. Vem Eckerholm. The bride, given in marriage by her grandfather, Roy Stockwell, of Anoka, is the former Sharon An derson, daughter of Mrs. Ray Anderson of Butte.—O’Neill Photo Co. Karl Keyes Named Lodge Noble Grand INMAN — Arbutus Rebekah lodge 317 met Wednesday eve ning, November 23, at the IOOF hall for a regular session. Offi cers for the coming year were elected as follows: Karl Keyes, noble grand; Ma leta Nielson, vice-grand; Hazel Keyes, secretary, and Grace Lu ben, treasurer. Mildred Coventry and Hazel Keyes are the committee to plan Christmas for the IOOF home at York. Other Inman News Thanksgiving day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hut ton and Vicki Sue were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutton and daugh ter of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Hutton and daughter of Bas sett, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Berger, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Berger and son, Monte, Mrs. Stella Berger and Mrs. Cora Casselman, all of Ainsworth, Miss Mary Ann Win chell of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark and son, Tom. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson, daughter, Carolyn, and son, Sam, and Mr. Watson’s sister, Mrs. Verna Warner, a house guest in the Watson home, spent Thanks giving day in Valentine as guests in the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Slusher and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth LeRoy Moore of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore were Thanks giving day dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gallagher and children. Thanksgiving guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Tompkins were Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Tompkins and family of Omaha, Leslie C. Tomp i kins of Kelso, Wash., and Mr. and , Mrs. L. R. Tompkins. Evening guests in the Tompkins home were Supt. and Mrs. Gerald Nel son and sons. Friday evening supper guests in the Harvey A. Tompkins home were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson and daughter, Carolyn, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Caldwell of Utica were weekend guests in the Tompkins home. They are Mrs. Tompkins’ parents. Students home for the Thanks ■ giving holidays included: Miss Carolyn Watson of Nebraska Wesleyan university, Lincoln,; Douglas Jackson, Chadron State . Teachers college; Miss Imogene i Davis, Nebraska state university, [ Lincoln; Miss Yvonne Smith, Norfolk Junior college; Miss Marilyn Gallagher, Briar Cliff college, Sioux City. Miss Joan Cuventiy, who is employed in Omaha, was also home for the holidays. Mrs. Marye Hartigan, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore, Hadden Geary and son, LaVern, called on Mrs. Etta Geary at the nursing home in Osmond Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes spent Thanksgiving in Omaha at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James V irilak, and family. Tuesday guests in the home oi Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry v,ere Mrs. Esther Rapley of Wat sonville, Calif., Mrs. Ruby Bogie of San Cantas, Calif., and Mrs Gilbert Fox and daughter, Bar bara, of Emmet. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkin: end family were Saturday eve ning supper guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Neil Dawe; and sons at O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huttoi and daughter returned to Omatu Sunday. Miss Joan Coventry ac companied them. All had spen' the weekend here visiting 'rela tives. Albert Babbit of Lyons was £ business visitor here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynold: of Allen were looking after bus iness interests here Monday. Leslie C. Tompkins left Fridas for Hastings enroute to his hom< at Kelso, Wash., after spendinj the past week here visiting rela tives Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baker anc family of Sioux City came Wed nesday evening, November 24, t< spend Thanksgiving with Mrs Baker’s parents, Mr. and Mrs Fioyd DeLong. They returned t< Sioux City last Thursday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wrede an: family were Thanksgiving da; dinner guests in the home o Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller a Ewing. Mr. ana Mrs. uean ueuong am son of Kearney came Wednesday November 24, to spend Thanks giving with Mr. DeLong’s par eats, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLona They returned to Kearney las Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kieth McGrav and sons of Ft. Morgan, Colo, came Thanksgiving day to visi Mr. McGraw’s parents, Mr. anc Mrs. Harry McGraw. They re turned to Ft. Morgan Friday. Larry Sawyer, who teache: near Stuart, spent the holiday: visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs Clifford Sawyer. Dean Banks, who attends Mid land college at Fremont, spent thi holiday weekend visiting hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jame: Banks. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leid; and sons of Minturn, Colo., cam last Thursday to spend th weekend visiting in the home o Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGrav end with other relatives am friends. They returned to thei home Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Alexande left Tuesday for Mexico when they will spend the winter. Thanksgiving dinner and sup per guests in the country horn' of Mrs. Anna Kopejtka and Mar; Ann were Mr. and Mrs. Waite Kopejtka and family of Elgir Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hrbek ant sons of Dorsey, Mr. and Mrs. A1 bert Kopejtka and family ant Oscar Eaton of Inman. They alsi celebrated Norman Kopejtka': 13th birthday anniversary whicl occurred on that day. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Meyers ant family of Crawford spent Mon day afternoon with Mrs. Ann; Kopejtka and Mary Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kropp ant Mrs. Anna Rehfeld of Amherst Colo., arrived Wednesday after noon, November 24, at the horn' of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Spath for ; visit. Mrs. Rehfeld is a sister o Mrs. Spath and Mrs. Kropp is ; niece of the ladies. Mr. and Mrs Kropp left for Plainview las Thursday morning to visit witl other relatives and also to attent the Kuhlman-Spatz wedding a the Bloomfield Lutheran churcl that night. They also attend the Stark-Luehrs wedding Frida; inght at 7 o’clock at the Zioi Lutheran church in Plainview Mrs. Kropp is a sister of Mis: Stark. Harlan Nielsen of Martin, S.D. spen tthe weekend visiting hi: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herber Nielsen. Inman News Mr. and Mrs. Gus Spath and Mrs. Anna Rehfeld went to Plain view Friday evening to attend the wedding of the ladies’ niece, Martha Stark, to Norman Luehrs at 7 o’clock at the Zion Lutheran church. They also attended the reception at the church parlors. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kalina, jr., left Tuesday for Texas where they will spend two weeks visit ing Mrs. Kalina’s relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leidy and sons of Mintum, Colo., Floyd Manchester of Palo Alto, Calif., and Mrs. Harry McGraw of In man spent Saturday in Sheldon, la., visiting Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Crosser and family. Pvt. Harold Nielsen and Pvt. A1 Durante, who are stationed at Ft. Sill, Okla., spent a weekend leave visiting Harold's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nielsen, i Pvt. Lawrence Stevens, who is 1 stationed at Ft. Sill, Okla., spent , a weekend leave visiting his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Butterfield. The Misses Mary and Lois Morsbach spent Friday and Sat urday in Neligh visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Crosser, and sons. Floyd Manchester left Monday for his home in Palo Alto, Calif., after spending 10 days visiting his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGraw, and with other relatives and friends. Miss Lu Ella Watson, who teaches at Atkinson, spent the holiday weekend visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wat son. Mr. ana Mrs. nowara jacitsun and family spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Unkel at Meadow Grove. Other guests at the Unkel home were Mr. and Mrs. Julius Waechter and Askel Han sens of Verdigre, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Mulhair of Lynch, Miss Margaret Waechter of Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Prauner and family of Battle Creek and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Unkel and family of Meadow Grove. Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach and daughters were Thanksgiv ing day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conard at Clearwater. Mrs. Elizabeth Morsbach spent the weekend visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morsbach, and family at Clearwater. She returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach were Saturday evening visitors in Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLong had as their guests Thanksgiving day Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baker and family of Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. Dean DeLong and son of Kearney, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meyer and family of Emmet and Mr. and Mrs. Merle DeLong and son of Page. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Morrow ; and family were Thanksgiving 1 dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanford at O’ 1 Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Kobert Myer and f-.mily of Crawford came last Thursday to visit in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cunningham and family and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLong. ; Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Morrow and family were guests last Thursday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Mor i row and family at O’Neill. ! Thanksgiving dinner guests in ■ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGraw were Mr. and Mrs. 1 Leonard Leidy and sons of Min ■ turn, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. Kieth ’ McGraw and sons of Ft. Morgan, Colo., Floyd Manchester of Palo • Alto, Calif., and Miss Grayce > McGraw of Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Hutton and children of Creston were weekend guests in the home of [ Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton and t Vicki Sue. 1 Mrs. Sullivan Entertains— , Thanksgiving dinner guests of . Mrs. Pat Sullivan were Mr. and . Mrs. Raymond Sullivan and son of Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Will i Hanley, Robert and Edward and Miss Mary E. Sullivan. r ... »■■ , Tune in “Voice or Tne Fior. • tier”, thrice weekly!__ McDermott-Parks Nuptials at O’Neill Miss Marleen Claire McDer mott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dom McDermott of O’Neill, and Maurice Parks, son of Harold Parks of Stuart, were united in marriage Saturday morning, No vember 27, at St. Patrick’s Cath olic church in O’Neill. Very Rev. Timothy O’Sullivan officiated at the 9 o’clock ceremony. The bride wore a brown street length dress with black accessor ies and a blue corsage. Her maid - of - honor, Nadine McDermott, sister of the bride, wore a navy blue dress with matching accessories and a pink corsage. The bridegroom and his best man, Herbert Underwood, were attired in business suits and wore white carnation boutonnieres. Following their wedding trip, the couple will make their home in Scottsbluff. To Randall— M. E. Simonson left Sunday for Ft. Randall, S.D., to spend several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Donlin. ’Grandpa’ Berry Is 96-Years-Old AMELIA — “Grandpa” Berry celebrated his 96th birthday an niversary on Monday, November 22. He is in fair health but has “very poor” eyesight. ---— Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ray and Mary Lousie visited from Sat urday, November 20, until Tues day, November 23, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ray, in Loveland, Colo. I I ■ 1 'I ; I ! WE’VE UNPACKED the largest and finest selection of Gift jjj [ Merchandise in our history . . . exciting gifts for « g everyone on your list. Hurry in . . . while stocks are complete! | f ★ BATHROOM SCALES % ★ ATOMIZERS | ★ BEVERAGES ★ BIBLES ★ BILLFOLDS jj | ★ CAMERAS | BRUSH and COMB SETS ★ BRISTLE GOODS ★ BRIEF CASES ★ MONOPOLY ★ CANDY ★ BOOKS CIGARS and CIGARETTES ★ COMPACTS . ★ COLOGNES ★ CUTLERY ★ DECORATIONS ★ DOLLS ELECTRIC BLANKETS ★ GIFT TOILET SETS ★ GREETING CARDS ★ GIFT WRAPS ★ GLASSWARE ★ JEWELRY i )★ STEAM IRONS ★ LEATHER GOODS ★ OVERNIGHT CASES ★ MANICURE SETS ★ PIPES ; ★ PERFUMES > i ★ MUSICAL CHURCHES ! ★ NOVELTIES ★ PENS and PENCILS ★ PHOTO ALBUMS ★ POKER CHIPS I ★ LIGHTERS : ★ PLAYING CARDS ★ RAZORS and BLADES ★ SHAVING SUPPLIES ; ★ STATIONERY ★ TOILETRIES i ★ TOYS ★ DICTIONARIES ★ FLASH LIGHTS ★ TRAVEL KITS ★ BAROMETERS | WALLETS, ETC. GilUgan REXAtL MUG STORE ; Phone 87 S&H Green Stamps | Report of Monday, Nov. 29, Sale 190-250 lb. butchers, 17.60-18.50; top on 15 head. 90 head at 18.35, with 522 head 18.00 and up. Bulk, 17.85-18.35. 170-190 lb. butchers, 16.75-17.50. 250-335 lb. butchers, 16.30-17.80. Sows, 500-600 lb., 13.50-14.30. Feeders, 120-150 lb., 18.00-20.00. Pigs by head, 15.25. Breeding sow's, 36.00-82.00 each. FOR TOP MARKET PRICES — FOR SALES & SERVICE CONSIGN TO ! VERDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET SALE EVERY MONDAY W. LLOYD BRADY, Owner & Mgr. Vexdigre, Nebr. Phone 86 “OLD RELIABLE” SALE REPORT Atkinson Livestock Market Tuesday, Nov. 30th Auction * Storm conditions held cattle receipts to 764 head. In spite r of -these adverse conditions, : sufficient buyers were on hand to absorb the offering at fully steady to strong prices. Year ling and 2-year-old steers @ 18.00 to 21.00 a hundred; steer • calves @ 19.00 to 23.50 a 1 hundred; heifer calves @ 17.00 j to 18.50 a hundred. Cows gen j erally 50c to 100 higher. i If weather and road condi tions improve, we look for a l good auction next Tuesday, Dec. 7th. If you still have cat 1 tie to sell in 1954 — better I have them here next week. Phone 5141 and list them, please. & | Phone 5141 i “The Old Reliable” I Atkinson Livestock > Market Atkinson, Nebr. ; Elmer McClurg & Ed Thorin, Auctioneers ; Dean Fleming, Ass’t Manager Ernie Weller, Owner .■■■ SWITCH TO SQUIRT Never An Afier-Thirsi v © © c -— AN ABSOLUTE AUCTION To the Highest Bidder Without Reserve ESTATE OF VERA M. HICKMAN ATKINSON, NEBR. Mon., Dec. 13th o 12:30 O’CLOCK P.M. LOCATION OF SALE: On the home place, located miles' southeast of Galyen’s Ford Garage, Atkinson, Nebraska, on U.S. Highway No. 20, and 20 rods south, on West side of road. | 400-Acre Elkhorn Valley Farm j LEGAL DESCRIPTION: North ^ of Section 14 and the North > Vi of the SE1/4 of Section 15, Twp. 29, Range 14, West of 6th P.M., Holt County, Nebraska. Located just 3*6 miles Southeast of Atkinson, off U.S. Highway N. 20. THE LAND: Generally level except for a few swales. Good producing soil, subirrigated, on the Elkhorn River. 97 aeres crop land, 35 acres brome and alfalfa, 65 acres native hay meadow, 200 acres good river pasture, 3 acres in lots and im- ° provements. THE IMPROVEMENTS: A world of them! But they are generally in need of reconditioning. Three wells at improve ments. 1-story bungalow type house 24x45 ft., 7 rooms, lots of closet space, bath, running water, electric lights. A good c house—needs paint and a little repair. 2 very good poultry houses; large cement cave; 16x16 shed; 12x40 granary and utility building; 24x84 hog barn with cement feeding area; 20x64 cattle shed; 18x40 ft. barn with full hayloft; 16x24 ga rage; numerous small buildings. Served by REA; daily mail c delivery; 40 acres new hog-tight fencing. AN OPPORTUNITY: Real soil, an excellent location, lots of improvements. All it needs is an owner willing to clean it up. It has the potential of one of the truly good farms in that neighborhood. WTiether you be an investor or a prospective farm operator, give this place a close inspection before sale time. It positively sells. TERMS ON FARM: 25% cash day of sale, balance March 1, 1955, time of possession. Warranty deed and abstract furnished. ALSO SELLING ON THE SAME DAY At the farm, following the sale of the personal property and land: Atkinson Residence Lots 10, 11, 12 in Block 3, Original Town of Atkinson, Ne braska. Located 1 block south of the Stockman Hotel—a fine, close-in location. 4-room house, semi-modern, half bath, lights and water. Part basement. Needs repairing. TERMS: 25% cash day of sale. Possession and balance of purchase price March 1, 1955. Personal Property 40 HEAD OF CATTLE 7 milk cows; 32 head of young Hereford breeding cows; 1 registered 2-year-old Hereford bull (George Rowse breeding). 1 Saddle Horse 4 Work Horses 6 Stacks Prairie Hay 1,000 Bushels Yellow Ear Corn 13 Acres of Fodder Some Cornstalks •o Machinery 1946 IHC Model H tractor, a good one; No. 9 trail mower; Int power mower; 14-ft. rake; feed grinder; P-T stock chute; buzz saw and belt; No. 30 Int. manure loader; tractor cultivator; hay sweep; lister and field cultivator; Case 2-bottom 16-inch plow; stacker; rack and wagon; manure spreader; harrow; wagon and box; 2 Jamesway hog,feeders; waterers; feed bunks; tan^ heater; gas engine; supply tank; a lot of good used lumber, tools and equipment Household Goods A complete home full of furniture, including: New Majestic combination electric range; Servel gas refrigerator; McD. cream separator; 4 beds; 2 tables; 4 dressers; kitchen cabinet; old organ; cupboards: cots; heating stoves; dishes; utensils, etc. LUNCH WILL BE SERVED ALL AFTERNOON TERMS ON PERSONAL PROPERTY: CASH Heirs of Vera M. Hickman, Owners Franklin Hickman, Administrator Ernie Weller and Dean Fleming, Auctioners Charles E. Chace, Attorney for Estate Phone 5141, Atkinson, for Information ALSO SELLING FOR THE ESTATE ON SATURDAY, DEC. 11th, on the premises 6 miles south of Auburn, Nebraska: 2 choice unimproved 80-acre tracts of Nemaha County farm land.