The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 02, 1954, Page 17, Image 17

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    Stuart News
WAF Esther Gans came from
Ft. Scott, 111., on Friday, No
vember 26, for a 10-day leave
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Gans. She is enroute to Colo
rado Springs, Colo., where she
will be pemanently located.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sweet and
daughter came from Lincoln on
Tuesday, November 23, to visit
Fere with his mother, Mrs. Elsie
Sweet, and in Valentine with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Mullen. They returned to Lincoln
Sunday where Mr. Sweet is a stu
dent in the University of Ne
Mr. and Mrs. Don Fox of Bas
sett were Sunday, November 28,
visitors at the James Nachtman
Mr. and Mrs. Don DeCosta
c. me from Franklin Wednesday
evening, November 24, and spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
M. J. Baack and other friends.
Mr. DeCosta was high school
coach here last year and is now
coach in the Franklin high
Mrs. Fred Braun and son,
“Butch,” of Atkinson accompan
ied Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shald
tc Omaha Wednesday, November
21, to spend Thanksgiving day
with Mr. and Mrs. Don Shald
end Miss Shirley Shald. They
returned home Friday.
Miss Nan Cowles, teacher in
Alliance high school, returned to
Alliance Sunday after spending
the Thanksgiving vacation here
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
liarry Cowles.
The Sisters of St. Peter’s and
Paul's parochial school in Butte
were Thanksgiving dinner guests
of the Sisters of St. Boniface
school here.
Miss Vesta Mitchell, beauty
operator in Butte, came last
Thursday and spent the weekend
v/ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Berlin Mitchell, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shearer
and family went to Council
Eluffs, la., Wednesday, Novem
be 24, to spend the weekend with
his brothers-in-law and sisters,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Grace and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ra
dar. and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sweet of
Lincoln spent Saturday and Sun
day, November 27-28, with his
mother, Mrs. Elsie Sweet.
Mr. and Mrs. Gail King and
family of Valentine spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Tom McVay and
Steven of Franklin came Wed
nesday evening, November 24, to
spend the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Mr. Mrs. Dean Hageneis
ter, Bill and Bob of Potter, Miss
uoan Hageneister of Lincoln and
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Richardson,
Bob and Mary of Ainsworth were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Krotter on Friday, November 26.
J. P. Gans and daughter, WAF
Esther Gans, went to Sioux Falls,
S.D., Monday, November 29, to
visit their daughter and sister,
Mrs. Evelyn Conn.
Mr. and Mrs. James Nachtman
rnd “Sonny” accompanied Mr.
and Mrs. Don Fox of Bassett to
Verdel for Thanksgiving dinner
at the Otto Veseley home.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rhodes
of Beemer came Wednesday eve
ning, November 24, for a visit
with his mother and sister, Mrs.
Etta Rhodes and Miss Ruth
Rhodes. They were Thanksgiving
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Mr. and Mrs. George Hytrek
and family of Hartville, Wyo.,
spent Wednesday evening, No
vember 24, with Mr. and Mrs.
John Hytrek.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom McVay
and Steven of Franklin accom
panied Mr. and Mrs. Donalci
Krotter to Ainsworth where they
were Thanksgiving day guests
at the Albert Richardson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Krotter,
Alice and Mark of Palisade were
Saturday guests at the Donald
Krotter home.
Guests at the Charles Moses
home from Wednesday, Novem
ber 24, until Sunday were their
daughters, Misses Barbara and
Faye Moses, who teach in Oma
ha, Donald Worley of Omaha and
Anthony Mata of Wayne.
Represent Inman
at MYF Rally—
INMAN—Misses Linelle Tomp
kins and Lucy Cunningham rep
resented the Inman MYF at a
subdistrict rally at the Methodist
church in O’Neill Sunday.
Linelle conducted the devo
tions for the afternoon. At the
e'ection of oficers she was elect
ed subdistrict vice-president.
GM Celebrates Greatest Production Record
Symbolic of General Motors’ 50,000,000th car produced in the
United States since 1908 is this 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air sport coupe.
T. H. Keating, general manager of the Chevrolet Motor Division (left)
is shown handing the key to the car to Harlow H. Curtice, president of
General Motors. Behind Mr. Curtice is the design of GM’s official
50,000,000th car medallion, emblematic of the greatest production
record in transportation history. Painted and plated with gold, the
car came off the Chevrolet assembly line at Flint, Michigan, on
November 23. At that time GM celebrated with an “open house to
America” in all of its 125 plants and training centers across the
Miss Watson Tells
About Wesleyan
INMAN—Miss Carolyn Watson
gave a talk on life at Nebraska
Wesleyan university, Lincoln,
during the church session at the
Inman Methodist church Sunday.
She discussed enrollment, stating
that students from 24 states, sev
en foreign countries and 21
church denominations are enroll
ed at the university. She also
discussed the religious and mu
sical opportunities offered.
Frontier for printing!
i 3 Army Enlistments
Are Announced—
The army recruiting office at
O’Neill has announced the fol
lowing recent enlistments:
Calvin L. Day of Johnstown,
for airplane mechanic school;
Donald E. Gordon of Newport,
for airplane mechanic school;
James R. Linenbrink of Eli, for
welding school.
These men went to Ft. Bliss,
near El Paso, Tex., for process
ing, training and reassignment.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary and
family were Sunday breakfast
euests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Lorna Stevens Is
Bride in Sunday
Church Ceremony
PAGE — In the presence of
members of the families and a
small group of friends and rela
tives, the marriage of Miss Lor
na Stevens, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. M. B. Stevens of Page, and
Dennis La Fave, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene La Fave of Pierre,
S.D., was solemnized in a dou
ble-ring ceremony Sunday after
noon, November 28, at the Page
Methodist church. Rev. Lisle E.
Mewmaw, church pastor, offici
Preceding the ceremony, a
prelude of piano music was pre
sented by Miss Ruth Parks, who
also played the wedding march
and accompanied Mrs. Paul Rob
inson as she sang “Oh Promise
The bride, given in marriage
fcy her father, chose an after
noon dress of cream brocaded
faille with scoop neck, tight fit
ting bodice and full standout
skirt. She wore a gold cross, a
gift from the bridegroom, a small
black velvet hat with tiny veil
and carried a bouquet of crimson
The bridesmaid, Miss Wanda
Stevens, the bride’s sister and
only attendant, wore a medium
blue silk dress, made similar to
the bride’s, and a small black
velvet hat with veil. Her bouquet
v/as of pink carnations.
Serving as bestman was Virgil
Kofer of Onida, S.D., a friend of
the bridegroom. Seating the
guests was Wayne La Fave, the
Iridegioom’s brother.
The mother of the bride chose
for her daughter’s wedding a
dress of black crepe with pink
accessories, and the bridegroom’s
rt other wore a dress of blue
crepe with brown accessories.
Both wore pink corsages.
A reception for the guests was
held in the church parlors with
Mrs. Gerald Lamason, Mrs. A. G.
Braddock and Mrs. C. E. Walker
in charge.
Miss Audrey Braddock had
charge of the guest and gift
book, assisted by Miss Sherry
Stewart and Mrs. Jerry Asher.
Miss Jo Ann Braddock cut the
served the wedding cake and
Mrs. Clovis Wood, sister of the
bridegroom, poured.
The bride was graduated from
Page high school and Grand Is
land business college. She has
been employed the past eight
months as secretary for Spears
& Spears, realtors, at Onida.
The bridegroom was graduated
from Onida high school and is
employed with the Sully county
ASG at Onida.
After a short wedding trip, the
couple will make their home in
Out-of-town guests for the
wedding and reception were from
Onida and Pierre, S.D., Omaha,
Lincoln, Atkinson, Orchard and
9 Veterans Return
to Page Hardwood
PAGE—Nine lettermen are re
porting to Coach Glenn Blezek
in the Page high school basket
ball camp. The veterans include:
Dick Stewart, Hugh Troshyn
ski, Eddie Walker, Gary Kemp
er, Jerry White, Larry Roach,
Marlin Frahm, Lorance Edmis
ten, Larry Parks.
Other promising material in
Elmer Saltz, Lloyd Fussleman,
Richard Heggemeyer, L o r a n
Parks, Dick Cork, Lyle Heiss,
Veldon Gray, Walter McIntosh.
December 7—At Orchard.
December 10—Inman.
December 14—Ewing.
December 17—Clearwater.
January 3-7—Elkhorn Valley
Sandhill Gateway tournament at
January 14—At Chambers.
January 19-21 — Holt county
tournament at O’Neill.
January 28—At Brunswick.
February 1—At Creighton (St.
February 4—At Inman.
February 8—Oakdale.
February 11—Stuart.
February 15—At Elgin.
February 22-25—Class C tour
New Off-Campus
Classes to Form
Wayne State Teachers college
is planning to bring physical sci
ence survey, 1 or 2, as an off
campus course at O’Neill to con
vene on Friday evenings, accord
ing to Miss Alice L. French, Holt
county superintendent of public
instruction. Doctor Dennis will
teach the class.
There is also a possibility of
having a dual class in crafts, half
the group beginners and the oth
er half advanced students in im
provement in teaching crafts.
This advanced course is educa
tion. The class will meet on Sat
urday with Mr. Schriner as
teacher. *
Registration for xhese dwo
classes will be held December 11
at 10 o’clock.
From the -University of Ne
braska will be sociology 53, prin
ciples of sociology. The descrip
tin of the course is: Association
and communications, the nature
and types of human groups, the
basic elements affecting them,
collective human behavior, the
nature and growth of culture,
social institutions. The prerequi
site is at least 12 college hours.
The organization meeting of the
class will be Saturday, January
15, and this class will meet on
Claude Johnson of Sioux Falls,
S.D., visited Monday evening at
the homes of his mother-in-law,
Mrs. J. P. Protivinsky, his broth
er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
John Grutsch, and his mother,
Mrs. Clara Johnson.
Idahoans Arrive in
Chambers Locality—
CHAMBERS— Mr. and Mrs.
Emerson Smock and two daugh
ters, Connie and Vickie, of Boise,
Ida., came Friday, Novemebr 19,
for a two-weeks’ visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Wood, and Dale.
On Thanksgiving day, the
Woods’ son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Howe, and
two chlidren of Fremont and
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Harley Larson, and three
children of Burwell were also
Called by Father’s
Serious Illness—
CHAMBERS — Mr. and Mrs.
Emerson Mitchell and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mitchell
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Lyle Mitchell and family, all of
Wichita, Kans., Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Mitchell and children and Miss
Lorraine Mitchell of Boise, Ida.,
arrived the first of the week.
They were called here by the
serious illness of their father,
Carl Mitchell.
Visit Iowa—
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kirkpat
rick and family and Mrs. Cora
Kirkpatrick were Thanksgiving
guests in Council Bluffs, la., at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
VanNess and family.
The Frontier for printing.
Justice Court
November 12, Harold Lam
brecht, for W. L. Ferris, over
weight, pending, Jack Crouch.
November 13, George Brainard,
speeding at night, $10, Curtis
November 13, Engelbert Ull
rich, speeding at night, $10, Curt
is Cochran.
November 15, Ernest Frank, for
Madison Creamery, over on ca
pacity plates, $10, Harold Cramer.
November 16, Glen Montgom
ery, bound over to district court
for breaking and entering.
November 17, J. B. Burson,
overweight, fined $50, Kenneth
November 18, Glen Young
blood, intoxication, second of
fense, 30 days in jail.
November 18, Ralph J. Riley,
overweight on truck, $50, Harold
November 19, Matt Latang, for
Nick Latang, no reciprocity, $10,
Kenneth Kirk.
Novemoer 22. Charles J. Nix,
for James T. Douglas, overload
on truck, pending, Jack Crouch.
November 22, Jack Wolf, for
Wafford & Unmack, gross over
weight on truck, pending, Don
ald Richardson.
November 22, Quintin Ramold,
gross overload, overweight on
capacity plates, pending.
November 22. Edward Rollins^
speeding, $10, Skinner.
November 23, Chas. D. Hen
derson, speeding, pending, Skin
November 23, Eddie Walnofer,
no license plates, pending, Skin
November 23, Gene Baumen,
drunken driving, fined $100,
driving privilege suspended for
six months.
District 11 Pupils
Present Program—
STUART—Miss Lucille Mitch
ell and her seven pupils of Holt
school district 11 presented a
Thanksgiving program followed
by a pie social in the Cleveland
church basement Friday evening,
November 26. Thirty-two pies
were auctioned to the highest
bidders for $57, which will be
used for school equipment.
Read the want advs.l
2d Floor Gilligan
Rexall Bldg.
Ph. 240 - Box 149 - Hrs. 8:30-5
/vuien te? Th/S semi-porcelain dinneroara £3
« undera/Qzed and pattern u><U |jg
*P^?^i*?EnI^'ATTER ffi never udar off-fade off - uash S?
• VEGETABLE BOWL j off - or crackte. f
With $5°°purcha3*
*> ^ ~ rrrr
| 251b. bag. 2.39 f
5? _ \
mice good [A
THRU Dec. Uth \
in st
1 1*
1 TOILET TISSUE_12 rolls $1
| PANCAKE FLOUR ____ 3L-lb. bag 39c
f SWEET PEAS2 No. 303 cans 20c
1 CHEESE_2-lb. box 79c
f — 7 / / / I II I till l_1_MIL 1 11 i u js
FLOUR_50-lb. bag 3.89 I
ICE CREAM_i/2 gal. 65c
COOKIES_1 lb. 29c l
| Watch our window for specials on Monday, luesday and Wednesday
* *,
Eyes Examined
Glasses Fitted
Phone 2101, Spencer, Nebr.
I 0
; ' C
8-Diamond Covered Vegetable
| Wedding Duet Dish of Gold Plate
sj? set in gold famous silver Bracelets
I 85 00 I Too !
if 2
| 5-Diamond
5f Ring Pen & Pencil
(Sterling Silver
1 00.00 Sugar & Cream
1 M
% 24.75 Choose now while I
l» ' selections are com
j \ plete. We’ll gladly
\ f hold any item on 2
]| our Layaway Plan!
McIntosh !
one special... at a tiny price that HBBHSS^BH tt#
| makes it easy. Famous make watches I E Ul E I U W
ifor men and ladies, sale priced! V E WW E L II I |
19.95 up — O’Neill — 1
s Where Price and Quality Meet” n