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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1954)
Legal Notices (First pub. Dec. 2, 1954) NOTICE OF SUIT TO: George Brewer; Lyle Smith; The heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in. the estate of Nancy A. Smith, deceased, real names unknown; The heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Bart Smith, deceased, ital names unknown; All per sons having or claiming any in terest in Lots Five and Six in Block Twenty-seven in the Sub division Entitled Blocks Twenty five, Twenty-six and Twenty seven and Subdivision of Outlot “B” of Ewing, Holt County, Ne braska, real names unknown, de fendants. You and each of you are here by notified that on the 29th day of November, 1954, Josephine E. Stott as plaintiff, filed her pe tition in the District court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you as defendants, the object and pray er of which is to quiet and con firm the title in her, the said Josephine E. Stott, to the real estate hereinabove specifically described, as against you and each of you and to secure a De cree of Court that you have no interest in, right or title to or lien upon said real estate or any part thereof, and for general equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 10th day of January, 1955. Dated this 29th day of Novem ber, 1954. JOSEPHONE E. STOTT, Plaintiff By: JULIUS D. CRONIN, Her Attorney 31-34 Perfect Attendance Awards Given— EWING—Those having perfect attendance in the Live Wire teenage class of the Methodist Sunday-school for the month of November were: Marcus Pierson, Eonnie Jo Jefferies, Barbara Snyder, Janelle Hoke, Lila Woep pel, Patricia Wright. Others who missed but one Sunday are: Dor rence Hobbs, Bob Hobbs, Judy Cloyd. Other members of the class are: Russell Woeppel, Lyle Spence, Iris Van Ostrand, Rob ert Tams, jr., Dean Kimes, Al vera Shilousky, Maryetta Pet erson, Patricia Hahloeck. Mrs. Harold Harris has charge of the teenagers. Neighbors Pick Com for Hoke EWING— Neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke near Ewing arrived at their farm home on Tuesday, Novem ber 23, with all the necessary equipment to complete the corn picking job. The picking had just been begun by Mr. Hoke, when he became ill of a virus in fection. The illness confined him to his home much of November. His condition is improved, but he is not able to do his picking. Those who participated were: Mr. and • Mrs. Roland Horde, Howard Miller, Wendel Switzer, Alfans Woslager, Walter Miller, Leo Miller, John Napier, Richard Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Webb Na pier, Robert Montgomery, Lor raine Montgomery, Dale Napier, Lynn Fry, William Lofquest, Lee Fink and Earl Pierson. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Brittell spent Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dickie Femau in Neligh. 2 Youths Rapped j on Dr nking Charge LYNCH— Walter Rhodman of Gross and Cecil Milacek of Bris tow, both 18, were arrested on the streets of Lynch Saturday, November 20, and pleaded guilty in Boyd county court to charges of consumption of liquor on a public highway. They were fined $10 each and assessed $G costs by County Judge John P. Classen. Other Lynch News Mrs. Charles Sinclair and son of Gross visited at Mrs. Nata Ejomsen’s Saturday, November 20. Mr. and Mrs. Deloss Malcolm and children of Bristow were Thanksgiving dinner guests at the parental Josephine Boska home. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jehorek and son, Martin, jr., spent Thanksgiving day in Omaha with Maxine Jehorek. Mr. and Mrs. William Hambek and family of Spencer and Rev. John Wieczorek were Thanks giving day visitors at the Vincent Jehorek home. Mrs. John Duff and daughters of Gering visited at the Vince Jehorek home Wednesday eve ning, November 24. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalkowski and son, Lawrence, were dinner guests at the Dale Barta home near Verdigre on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Ludvig Placek and sons were Thanksgiving day guests of the Ober families in Wagner, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moody vis ited at the Bunny Landholm home at Bristow Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Samuelson and family of Hartington visited relatives here recently. Mr. ana Mrs. Henry Vonasek and daughter of Verdigre visit ed relatives here Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Wurtz and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harrison James and family of Spencer vis ited at the parental Fred Wurtz home last Thursday. The Jack Passieux family of O’Neill spent Sunday, November 21, at the G. L. Mulhair home. Agnes Sinkula visited her brother, James Svatos, and fam ily recently. Mrs. Mary Fusch of Bristow visited at the parental James Svatos home Sunday, November 21. Mrs. William Mahlendorf and daughters were Thanksgiving dinner guests at the Harry Mah lendorf home near Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. John Duff and three daughters of Gering came Wednesday, Novemebr 24, to vis it relatives here. They were Thanksgiving dinner guests at the Ernest Darnell home. Mr. and Mrs. Boone Darnell of St. Lawrence, S.D., were also Thanksgiving day dinner guests there. The Boone Darnell and John Duff families returned to their homes on Friday. Mrs. Jo sie Mannen and son, Herbert, were also Thanksgiving dinner guests at Ernest Darnell’s Mrs. Allan Koscan and chil dren of Butte spent Saturday at the parental Wallace Courtney home. Mr. and Mrs. George Sedlacek oi Butte and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Schienost of Butte were Lynch visitors Saturday. Mrs. William Mahlendorf and daughters were Butte visitors on Wednesday, November 24. Joe Waskowiak of Gregory, S.D., spent Sunday with his cou sin, Mrs. Vince Jehorek, and Mr. Jehorek. 1200 Top 4-H’ers To Attend Club Congress These 4-H members, planning a group discussion with a leader, are typical of serious-minded 4-H|ers everywhere. Their capacity for leadership, well developed through local club organ isations, enables them to share responsibility for many of the educational events of the 4-H Congress. THE Nation’s top 4-H Club members, 1,200 strong, will be honored delegates to the 33rd National 4-H Congress in Chi cago, November 28 - December 2, 1954. The delegates—mostly farm boys and girls—will come from the 48 states, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico, and will represent more than 2 million members. Most of the all-expense trips to Congress for the state, sectional and national ■winners are provided through the National Committee on Boys and Girls Club Work, a citizens group which has been helping 4-H work 33 years. In 1954, a record year, the Com mittee spent $1,000,000 to help the Cooperative Extension Service further the influence and member ship of the 4-H Club program. Grants from private sources are used for merit awards such as trips, medals, scholarships, sav ings bonds and leader training. Among the corporations and foundations providing grants are Allis-Chalmers, American Forest Products Industries, Carnation Co., Chicago Board of Trade, Coats and Clark, Inc., Cudahy Packing, Elgin Watch Co., Ford Motor Co. and Ford Tractor and Implement Division, General Mo tors, Hercules Powder, Interna tional Harvester, Kellogg Co., Kelvinator, Kerr Glass, Massey Harris, Montgomery Ward, Agri cultural Chemicals Division of Olin Mathieson Chemical Corpo ration, Sears - Roebuck Founda tion, Simplicity Pattern, Stand ard Brands, Toni Co., United States Rubber, Westinghouse Ed ucational Foundation, and Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co. and Gene Autry. Railroads cooperating include Burlington, Illinois Central, North Western, Rock Island, Milwaukee, and Santa Fe. Nine oil companies collaborate in the program, including Ameri can Oil, General Petroleum, Pan Am Southern, Pure Oil, Standard Oil Foundation, Inc. (Chicago), Standard Oil Co. (Kentucky), The Standard Oil Co. (Ohio), Stano lind Oil and Gas Co. and Utah Oil Refining Co. Individual donors include The President of the United States, Mrs. Charles R. Walgreen, Thom as E. Wilson, Edward Foss Wil son, and Conrad Hilton. “A modem farmer, to be suc cessful, must be an economist, engineer, mechanic, chemist, bi ologist, as well as a practical person with a love of the soil and growing plants and animals,” points out G. L. Noble, director of the National Committee. “Likewise, today’s homemaker must be a nutritionist, interior decorator, textile specialist, hor ticulturist, and an operating en gineer if her home is to be mod em and efficient, and her family healthy, happy and well dressed. 4-H Club members, by training in agriculture and homemaking, are ready to engage in a practical and profitable farm and home life. “Too, each 4-H Club is a tiny democracy, and club members, trained in the operation of the club, are potentially our most solid citizens of the future. For these reasons, 4-H is receiving wide-spread support from many organizations and civic leaders.” LYNCH NEWS Pauline Mulhair was a business visitor in Spencer last Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Ludvig Placek and sons visited relatives in Springfield, S.D., Sunday, No vember 21. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moody and family of Osmond visited rela tives here this week. Leo Brunmeier of Butte and Duane Brunmeier of Lincoln were business visitors in Lynch Saturday. O’Neill News Mrs. Marlin Wichman and Mrs. Fred Appleby spent Tuesday, November 23, in Omaha. Miss Pat Sutherland was a holiday guest of Miss Marde Birmingham and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Birmingham. Miss Birmingham and Miss Suth erland are roommates at Du chesne college, Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Wanser and family of Hartington spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Wanser in Ew ing and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Froelich, in O’Neill. Mrs. Mildred Wyant spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Voght of Co lumbus. Venetian blinds, prompt deliv ery. made to measure, metal or wood, all colors.—J. M. McDon aids. if Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Carroll, Marilyn and Robert spent Wed nesday, November 24, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Carroll, in Hornick, la., and Thanksgiving day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac DeHamer, in Sibley, la. , Dr. and Mrs. Harry D. Gilder- J sleeve entertained at a family party Wednesday, November 24, honoring the birthday anniver sary of their son, Philip, 1. Thanksgiving guests at the D. L. Moler home were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sullivan and Peggy, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Appleby and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Baker of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Asher and Susan of Valentine were Thanksgiving guests at the H. E. Asher home. Monuments of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer. — Emmet Crabb. O'* Neill, phone 139-J. 37if Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Castle of Norfolk visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Halva Sat urday evening. Mrs. Robert Parks, Dennis Lee and Lynda of Scottsbluff visited from Saturday, November 20, un til Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sar gent. _ 1mm • \ I y i y i m i | i m i M J gff 1 y 1 y i y i ' w S y i y 1 M j u X 1 5 t y 1 y 1 *t 1 • It 1 i :V. ' — ' Tickets Will Be Distributed Simultaneously on the Streets at 4:30 P.M. Lucky Ticket Holders May Claim Fowl Until 6 P.M. Saturday at the Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. Yards g O’Neill Stores Will Be Jam-Packed with TURKEY DAY SPECIALS I SPONSORED BY I O’Neill Business & Professional Firms § (In Cooperation with the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE) | Names of Contributing Firms Will be Published Next Week I -- Your Attention, Please - O’NEIILL STORES OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS — Dec. 2, 9, 16, 23_Til 9 P.M. OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS — Dec. 4, II, 18-Til 10 P.M. * m mmmmm Money to Loan — on — AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance Corp. G. E. Jones, Manager O'Neill : Nebraska Christmas | I TREES I Now on Sale j Yantzie Building j (Next Door to Biglin’s) l L CHOICE OF SIZES i Sale Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. || Weekdays: Open ’Til 10 ^ Saturday Evenings Simonson Post 93 f American Legion — O’NEILL — Siaa»asSj3sSsSi35»s>a-»!»ia*gsa!ai3iS!3i3>a»s»»)5)&asi3)i_ j g p, j 0 >: Join Your Friends and Neighbors in Saying— “fHrrnj (Christmas” m&t Ciglft! | Your home can add to the charm and enchantment of the Yuletide Season with inexpensive Christmas decorations | that express your wishes for a truly Merry Christmas for all to see. Lighted Christmas decorations in the homes of your community will transform the mystical Spirit of jj Christmas into a glowing tribute to this Day of Days! Plan this year to wish a Merry Christmas to all— with Light! | Ask us for your FREE 8 | ” Christmas Lighting | | IDEA PAMPHLET | To assist you in planning appropri- # ate lighted Christmas decorations for g JOIN IN YOUR COMMUNITY | 5* yZ\£l7coZn~$i< | CHRISTMAS LIGHTING PROGRAMI Power District office and ask for g j£ yQur community is one of the many spon 8 m c,°^ 5 soring Christmas Home Lighting Programs, we ® LIGHTING IDEA PAMPHLET. _ urge you to join in and say, “Merry Christmas” AMiMixtSdtMMixaiSdJ with Light! I | Yours for a Merry Electrical Christmas! ;>2'5'22>,2 2 2 2 2 2.2.2 22 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 22 3 2 2 2 2 3 2.2 3 2 3.3 > ? 3 2 2 2 3 3 2.3 2 “• 2 3 2 2 ? a