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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1954)
Valley Center Club to Witness 2 Films CHAMBERS—The Valley Center extension club met Friday at the home of Mrs. Ed Harvey with Mrs. Clarence Young as cohostess. Eighteen members answered roll call with “my pet peeve”. Present also were two visitors and two children Mrs. C. V. Robertson con ducted the music period and also presented the lesson on draperies The president. Mrs. H. C. Walter' was in charge of the business ses sion. The club voted to send $5 to the Nebraska Children’s Home at Omaha. The new president, Mrs. Harvey appointed committees for next year. Plans for the Christmas meeting were discussed. It was decided to show two pictures “Flight to Ceylon” and “The Christmas Story” at this meeting which will be held December 17, at the home of Mrs. Ray Hoffman! It was also decided to meet at 1 p m., instead of 1:30 to allow more time for the pictures. The hostesses served refresh ments of sandwiches, salad and coffee. Other Chambers News Mr. and Mrs. Art Carrol of Love land, Colo., visited her brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jungbluth, and family and Chester Jungbluth on Wednesday, November 17. On Thursday, November 18. Mr. and Mrs. Carrol and Mr. and Mrs. Er nest Jungbluth and children and Chester Jungbluth enjoyed an early Thanksgiving dinner at the home of their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Steskel, and family of Atkinson. Erwin Carpenter visited at the Mignery ranch west of Elgin on Thursday, November 18. Mrs. Orville Gillette and daugh ter-in-law, Mrs. Dale Gillette, and little daughter Vickie Lee of Bell Fouche, S.D., came Saturday, No vember 13, to attend the funeral services for Mrs. Alvin Gibson. They remained for a few days’ visit with the C. F. Gillette and Darrell Gillette families. Mrs. Lela Grubb and Mrs. John Win term ote were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. W. 0. Woods. The following went to Orchard Thursday to donate blood to the bloodmobile: Mrs. Ray Beed, Mrs. Steve Shavlik, Mrs. Kenneth Bar thel, Mrs. Anna Albers, Mrs. Vern on Smith and Ruth Ann Young. The following surprised Mrs. Nellie Starr by arriving Friday for a covered dish dinner with her: Mrs. Alma Farrier, Mrs. John Wintermote, Mrs. Valo Edwards, Mrs. Edith McClenahan, Mrs. Letha Cooke, Mrs. Mina Myers, Mrs. Jennie Gibson, Mrs. R. K. Platt, Mrs. Bert Lybolt, Mrs. Louis Neilson, Mrs. Halloway, Mrs. Sarah Adams and Mrs. Charlotte Honeywell. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Baker and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Elkins and sons and Ray Grubb went to Central City Sunday. Stanley Elkins drove to Norfolk Monday. The Happy Homemakers exten sion club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Richard Harley with Mrs. Bernard Hoffman as cohos tess. The lesson on “Draperies” was preesented By Mrs. Elwyn Robertson. Plans were discussed for the Christmas party to be held at the Bernard Hoffman home. They decided to invite their hus bands as guests at this party. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Black and fam ily of Atkinson were Sunday dinner guests in the Herman Cook home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harley and boys and Mrs. Anna Albers drove to Hastings Sunday to visit the latter’s son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. John Albers and sons. Mrs. Albers remained for a week’s visit. The others returned that evening after calling on his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Duke Struebing at Grand Island. Mrs. Nellie Starr plans to leave Thursday for Arnolds Park, la., to spend the winter with her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Starr. A son, Donald, of West Point plans to come for her and the Bill Starr family will meet them at West Point for Thanksgiving dinner be fore going to Arnolds Park. Ewing News Mr. and Mrs. Walter Christon accompanied by their son, Pfc. Richard D. Christon, and their daughter, Kathleen, of Yankton, S.D., left Wednesday, November 17, for Rockford, 111., where they will spend Thanksgiving and the week end with their daughter and son-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Chi chester. The annual thank offering din ner was held Sunday at the United Presbyterian church. Over 50 were in attendance. Long tables were ar ranged in the annex for this oc casion. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pruden were hosts at a dinner on Sunday at their home. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pruden of Clearwater, Miss Patricia Mullen of O’Neill, and Ben Larsen. Mrs. Larsen was ill and unable to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coleman of Neligh were guests at the Ben Larsen home on Saturday. Mr. Coleman attended the horse sale in the afternoon. Mrs. William Spence entertained the Women’s Society of Christian Service for a social meeting of the month at her home on Wednesday afternoon, November 17. All de partment secretaries made out the quarterly reports. Fancy work done includes many articles which are for the bazaar in the month of De c e m b e r . Refreshments were served. me vxenerai missionary society of the United Presbyterian church met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Archie Johnston. Seventeen members answered to roll call. Miss Alice Shrader was a guest. Mrs. Lee Fink presided over the business session. “Missionaries in Foreign Cities” was the lesson topic with Mrs. Carl Christon as leader. Special prayers were of fered for these missionaries during the prayer cycle led by Mrs. Ralph Shrader. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Johnston assisted by Mrs. R. Horde. The Lord’s acre auction, spon sored by the Ewing Methodist church, was held Saturday evening. The total sales amounted to ap proximately $800. This is the first Lord’s acre auction for the Ewing Methodist church. Chili, sand wiches, pie and coffee were served Dy the Women’s Society of Chris tian Service. Mrs. Kittie Fry returned to her home in Ewing recently after spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and family. Mrs. Kittie Fry returned home from McPherson, Kans., Saturday, November 20, after spending a few days at the home of her son, Elferd Fry, and family. She accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink, who also visited a daughter, Mrs. Dale Hall, and family at McPherson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Patras of Clearwater will be entertained at a dinner on Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies. Mrs. Wayne C. Kruntorad, nee Marilyn Delores Ries . . No vember bride.—O’Neill Photo Co. ■ ---—-—<S> Legion Picks Corn for Mrs. Heese— PAGE—On Thursday morning, Mrs. Louis Heese’s farm was the scene of considerable activ ity. Thirteen members of the Page American Legion post 315 were hired to pick her com and had the 38-acre tract put away by noon. Those who helped were: Ben Asher, James Finley, Calvin Harvey, Alvin Heese/ Roy Han sen, Marvin Snyder,’ George Wettlaufer, William Schienost. Lorenz Nissen, Ben Kornock. Gerald Wettlaufer, Donald Sum mers and William Sorensen. Mrs. Heese, with the help of Mrs. George Wettlaufer and Mrs. Roy Hansen, served a din ner. Also helping were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilson of Kansas City, Mo., houseguests at the George Wettlaufer and Henry Heese home at Page. METHODIST (Chambers) Rev. J. M. Hodgkin, pastor Sunday, November 28: Sun day - school, 10 a.m., Eugene Baker, superintendent; worship, 11 a.m. The Woman’s society will hold a bake sale at the Shavlik Hard ware. The proceeds will go to buy suits for the Methodist bas ketball team. WESLEYAN METHODIST (O’Neill) Rev. A. L. Nabholz, supply pastor Sunday, November 28: Sun day-school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.; youth meeting, 7:30 p.m.; evening service, 8 o’clock. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Farewell Dance Is Scheduled— PAGE!—As Mr. and Mrs. Lor enz Nissen and famliv are mov ing from Page to South Carolina, the Page Legion post 315 is hav ing a farewell dance on Satur day. Mr. Nissen has been very active in the Legion avtivities and has been adjutant for a num ber of years. AAA Marilyn Ries Weds Ewing Man in Church Rite Miss Marilyn Delores Ries, dr lighter of Mr. aind Mrs. George J. Ries of Atkinson, and Sgt. Wayne C. Kruntorad, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kruntorad of Ewing, were united in marriage at a 1 o’clock ceremony Satur day afternoon, November 30, in St. Patrick’s Catholic church in O’Neill. Very Rev. Timothy O’ Sullivan officiated at the double ring ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a chapel length gown of chantilly lace and nylon tulle. The bodice of lace was styled with a “V” neckline formed by a standing Queen Ann collar. The bouffant double ny lon tulle skirt over satin was highlighted by scattered applique cascading down the length of the gown. Her fingertip veil of il lusion fell from a halo of seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of red roses and a crystal rosary, a gift from the bridegroom. The maid-of-honor, Miss Pa tricia Dexter of Eldorado, Kans., cousin of the bride, wore a coral waltz-length gown of net and lace with a matching flower tiara. She carried a colonial bouquet. The bridesmaid, Mrs. Vance Anson of Neligh, sister of the brideiroom, wore a waltz-length gown of nile green net and lace with a matching flower tiara and carried a colonial bouquet. The junior bridesmaid, Miss Carol Jeanne Ries of Atkinson, sister of the bride, wore a white lace and nylon chapel-length gown styled similarly to the bride’s with a standing lace col lar, lace hat and matching gloves. She carried a colonial bouquet. The bestman was James Ries of Eldorado, Kans., brother of the bride. Lyle Kruntorad of Ewing, cousin of the bridegroom, was groomsman. Robert Ries and Jackie Ries, both of Atkinson, ushered. The men were attired in navy blue business suits with white boutonnieres. The Misses Kay Martin and Sandra Harper, vocalists, sang “On This Day,” “Ave Maria” and “Panis Angelicus,” accom panied by Mother M. Agnesine, organist. Following the wedding a re ception was held at the Town House. The wedding cake, baked and decorated by the bride’s aunt, Mrs. Hans Bogue of At kinson, centered the bridal table. Mrs. Ivan Pruss assisted with the punch. Miss Louann Fritton had charge of the gifts. Miss Lois Mullen had charge of the guest book and Miss Patricia Mullen poured. t or traveling, the bride wore a pink suit with black acces sories with a white mum cor sage.. The couple will be at home at Junction City, Kans. Mrs. Kruntorad was graduated from St. Joseph’s hall in Atkinson and until her marriage was employed as a secretary for the Consum ers Public Power district in O’ Neill. The bridegroom is serving with the army at Ft. Riley, Kans. Edward Sterns as ‘Lady’ Is Winner— Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sterns entertained the Pinochle Pirates at their home Saturday evening. Edward Sterns played as a “lady” and won high. Francis Curran won high for men. Mr. and Mrs. James McNulty received low while the traveling prize went to Cecil Falter. A family gathering of 35 persons was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Kaiser Sunday. The occasion honored the birthday anniversaries of their son, Ivan, 16, his uncle, Ivan Kliment of At kinson, and a cousin, Cpl. Joey Dobias of Atkinson, who recently returned from Korea and who will leave soon after a 30-day leave. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Herley enter tained at a dinner Tuesday evening, November 16, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aim, who left Friday for California and the west coast, where they will spend the winter. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bettenhausen and daughter and Miss Peggy Aim. i Mrs. H. J. Birmingham left Sun j day for Omaha where she will i spend several days. Return from Health Trip to California INMAN—Mrs. James R. Gal lagher and son, Eddie, arrived home Monday night from Cal ifornia after spend the past three months there in hopes of benfit ing Eddie’s health. Eddie suffers from asthma. Mr. Gallagher met Mrs. Galla gher and Eddie in Columbus. Other Inman News Mr. and Mrs. Robert Geary and Mr. and Mrs.atBnz- Ch-hibA(.r Hadedn Geary went to Gordon on Tuesday, November 16, where they attended the funeral of Charles Tnrnbull on Wednesday, November 17. Mr. and Mrs. James McMahan were Tuesday evening, Novem ber 16, visitors in the home of Postmaster and Mrs. B. H. Ste vens at Page. Kenneth and James Coventry were business callers in Herman Tuesday, November 16, where they delivered some Angus calves to a buyer there. Miss Margaret Pruss of O’Neill spent Sunday visiting at the ohme of Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach. The Misses Lois and Mary Morsbach spent Sunday visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs Pruss and girls at O’Neill. Larry Sawyer, who teaches near Stuart, spent the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sawyer. Miss Lu Ella Watson, who teaches at Atkinson, spen t the weekend visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Watson. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Alexander spent the weekend visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Noe and family at Allen. Fred Schaum, who has been employed at Elk Point, S.D., came Sunday to visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan If" — Couch and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Couch and family spent Sunday at Elk Point and Yankton, S.D. Mrs. James Coventry was a Spencer and Lynch visitor last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miner and daughter, Barbara, of Laurel wer Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray rSiders and Marilyn. Miss Joan Coventry of OAaha is expected to spend the Thanks giving holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry, and family. Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Tompkins and family of Omaha were to arrive Wednesday eve nnig, November 24, to spend the "thanksgiving holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins. All will enjoy Thanksgiving at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Tompkins and family. E. E. Clark, rural mail carrier, attended a meeting of the Holt Boyd carriers at Lynch on Wed nesday evening, November 17. A turkey dinner was enjoyed by the group. Mrs. H. E. Smith was hostess to the Inman Workers’ project club at her home on Wednesday, November 17. A covered dish luncheon was served at noon. The lesson on “Making Drap eries’’ was given. Mrs. Melvin Michaelis enter tained the Coffee club at her home on Wednesday, November 17. A covered dish luncheon was served at noon. Following a short business session, the group en joyed a social time. Last Thursday, about 14 mem bers of the Inman WSCS jour neyed to Page where they met with the Page WSCS in -enter taining the district officers. James Pinkerman, sr., who spent a few days visiting his son-i-nlaw and daughter, Mr. ancf Mrs. Kenneth Coventry, and son, has returned to his home in Hanford, Calif. Floyd Manchester of Palo Alto Calif., arrived last Thursday to visit his sister, Mrs. Harry Mc Graw, and other relatives. It has been over 30 years since Floyd left here. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins and Miss Elsie Krueger drove to Albion on Sunday where they met Mr. Tompkins’ brother, Les lie of Kelso, Wash., who return ed with them and will visit in the Tompkins home. Kenneth Coventry had cattle on the Sioux City market Mon day. He accompanied the ship ment to Sioux City. Mrs. F. E. Keyes, recorder of the local RNA camp, attended a school of instruction at the Gold en hotel on Monday. Miss Mar garet Walker of Rock Ieland, 111., was the instructor. Complete Plans for December 4 Bazaar INMAN—On Friday afternoon the Inman WSCS met at the Maxcy Memorial addition for a regular session. Mrs. L. Mew maw, president, was in charge. Mrs. Ruth Watson led the devo tionals. Final arrangements were made for the bazaar to be held on De cember 4 at the church. The bazaar selling will start at 2 30 o’clock and supper will be served at 5:30 o’clock. Going to Denver— Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clements were to leave Wednesday for Den ver, Colo., where they will visit their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clements, and family over the Thanksgiving holi day. O'Neill News Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Brittell and daughters were last Thursday guests at the Earl Miller home in Inman. Mrs. Robert Berigan and James Froelieh attended the Notre Dame Iowa football game at Iowa City, la., Saturday. Monuments of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F, Bloom Co. . , monu ments from the factory to the consumer. — Emmet Crabb, O' Neill. phone 139-J. 37tf Mrs. E. J. Eby entertained at a family dinner Sunday honoring the birthday anniversary of L. G. Gillespie. Miss Dorothy Donohoe of Omaha visited from Friday until Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Donohoe. Venetian blinds, prompt deliv ery, made to measure, metal or wood, all colors.—J. M. McDon alds. If Mrs. P. B. Harty and Mother M. Bertrand attended a district hos pital meeting held in Neligh Tues day. -, _-r - — T rma W. F. FINLEY, M.D. O’NEILL Downey Building OFFICE PHONE: 28 - ------ . - PONTON INSURANCE ] Florence Ponton, Prop. Insurance of All Kinds & Bonds • Phone 106 — Golden Bldg. 1 - -r -r w t ■■ -r ■ ■ i. ■■■■■ ,. JOHN R. GALLAGHER Attomey-at-Law First Nat’l Bank Bldg. : O’NEILL PHONE 11 DRS. BROWN & FRENCH Eyes Tested—Glasses Eitted Broken Lens Replaced in 24 Hours Other Repairs While You Wait Complete X-Ray EXECUTOR'S SALE DECEMBER 7TH, 1954, 1:00 P.M. Courthouse O’Neill, Nebraska Southwest Quarter Section 27, and East Half of Southeast Quarter Section 33, in Township 29, North, Range 9, West 6th P.M. in Holt County. | To settle the estate of Vema E. Harris, Deceased, the under | signed Executor will offer the above described real estate at \ public auction, and sell the same to high bidder, subject to con firmation of owners. Terms of sale: 20% of bid at sale, balance « in cash upon confirmation and delivery of deed. Possession given March 1, 1955. Abstracts of title furnished to show mer chantable title. This farm is situated 5Y2 mi. north and 3 mi. east of Page, Ne | braska. Land consists of good hard grass pasture, spring water J ed; cultivated land runs medium to good; 40 acres of hay. Build i ings and improvements are in fair condition. REA available. Standard School on premises. Situated in a good community and served by good roads. Glenn Harris, Executor Page, Nebraska 4 DUE TO POOR health I am leaving the farm, and will offer the following described property at public auction, on the premises, located 21 miles south of O’Neill and Yl mile west; OR 4 miles east and 3 miles south of Chambers; OR 3 miles south of Brady’s Corner and % mile west, on— MONDAY, DECEMBER 6TH Sale Starts at 12 Noon Bethany Ladies Will Serve * 75 - Head of CATTLE - 75 25—Whiteface COWS, 2, 3, 4-yrs.-oId 4—Good MILK COWS 23-Lightweight CALVES 12—Mixed COWS 3— Angus HEIFERS 2—Brown-Swiss HEIFERS 4— Roan COWS 3—Registered BULLS, 2, 3, 5-yrs.-old — | Machinery and Equipment | 1954 John Deere Tractor Model 60 1942 John Deere Tractor Model B 1947 John Deere Tractor Model H IHC 3-Bottom Plow J-D 3-Bottom Plow J-D 2-Bottom Plow | J-D Tractor Cultivator J-D Tractor Cultivator with Quick Hitch J-D 15-Ft. Disc J-D 11-Ft. Tractor Disc J-D Com Planter with Tractor Hitch J-D Trail Mower J-D Power Mower with Quick Hitch IHC Mower IHC Com Planter 2—IHC 14-Ft. Hay Rakes Rubber-Tired Rake Hitch Tractor Sweep 12-Ft. Rake Hay Stacker Stacker Cage J-D Stacker 11-Ft. Grain Drill 8-Ft. Grain Drill New Winch Wood Bros. Threshing Machine, good Cable Rack, dual tires, heavy duty New Idea 4-Wheel Spreader, new Hammermill Rubber-Tired Wagon and Flare Box. 7x14 Rubber Tire Wagon J-D 2-Row Go-Devil IHC 2-Row Go-Devil, 1-year-old Dempster Lister on rubber 2-Row IHC Com Picker — Miscellaneous Items 8-In., I OO-Ft. Belt, good IHC Cream Separator DeLaval Cream Separator Buzz Saw 3-Horse J-D Engine Heavy Duty Grinder Stock Saddle and Bridle 3—Sets of Harness and Collars Some Hand Tools 3—Log Chains Hand Com Sheller 300-Gal. Fuel Barrel on stand 4—Geese Several Oil Barrels Many Other Articles too numerous to mention Some Household G TERMS: Strictly Cash. No property to be removed until settled for. ' w. H. DAVID Owner I - rn^L^o,!, DaAVP and CHAMBERS STATE BANK, ED THOR1N, Auctioneers Clerk o c