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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1954)
Future Subscribers GALLAGHER — Dr. and Mrs. Frank Gallagher of LaCrosse, Wise., a son, bom Friday, No vember 19, at St. Francis hospi tal in LaCrosse. Doctor Galla gher is a former O’Neill resident. PRELLWITZ — Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prellwitz of Omaha, a daughter, Janet Marie, weighing 7 pounds, born Monday, Novem ber 15, at an Omaha hospital. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn of Ewing. TOMJACK—Mr. and Mrs. Jer ry Tomjack of Ewing, a daugh ter, Kathleen Marie, weighing 7 pounds 12 ounces, bom Tuesday, November 16, at the Antelope Memorial hospital. HANSEN —Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Hansen of Norfolk, a son, Mark Edward, weighing 7 pounds, born Tuesday, Novem ber 16, at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk. The Hansens are the parents of another son, Anthony Joseph, 2. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Flood and the paternal grandfather is Carsten Hansen, all of O’Neill. HEMENWAY —Mr. and Mrs. George Hemenway of Clearwater, a daughter, Barbara Sue, weigh ing 7 pounds, born Wednesday, No vember 17, at St. Anthony’s hos pital, O’Neill. Mrs. Hemenway was the former Mildred Thiele. KRUGER—Mr. and Mrs. Arby Kruger of Stuart, a son, Thomas Gerard, weighing 7 pounds 3 3/4 ounces born Thursday, November lfi, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. EPPENBACH—Mr. ana mts. ur ville Eppenbach of O’Neill a son, Bruce, weighing 7 pounds 2 % ounces, born Sunday, November 21, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. WENKE—Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wenke of Spencer, a daughter, ■weighing 8 pounds 1% ounces bom Sunday, November 21, at St. An thony’s hospital, O’Neill. McCARVILLE—Mr. and Mrs. John McCarville, a daughter, Pa tricia Ann, weighing 8 pounds 9 3/4 ounces born Monday, November 22, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O'Neill. THE YE—Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Theye of O’Neill, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 13% ounces born Tuesday, November 23 at St. An thony’s hospital, O’Neill. YANTZIE—Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Yantzie of O’Neill, a daugh ter, born Tuesday, November 23, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’ Neill. KNOWLES — Mr. and Mrs. Richard Knowles of Atkinson, a daughter, Susan Faye, weighing 6 pounds 11 ounces, born Friday, November 19, in Atkinson Me morial hospital. ZISKA—Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Ziska of Stuart, a daughter, weighing 5 pounds 6 ounces, born Sunday, November 21, in Atkin son Memorial hospital. ANDERSEN — Mr. and Mrs. Harold Andersen of Niobrara, a son, weighing 8 pounds 3 ounces, bom Saturday, November 20, in Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. BESSERT—Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bessert of Redird, a son, weigh ing 7 pounds 8 ounces, bom Sat urday, November 20, in Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. BOETTCHER— Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boettcher of Spencer, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 14 ounces, born Friday, November 19, in Sacred Heart hospital. Lynch. CARSON—Mr. and Mrs. Ron ald Carson of Lynch, a daugh ter, weighing 8 pounds 13 ounc es, born Thursday, November 18, in Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. VIDRICKSEN—Mr. and Mrs. Ben Vidricksen of O’Neill, a son, weighing 7 pounds 4 ounces, born Monday, November 22, in O’Neill. Buffet Supper— The M&M club members met Friday evening at the home of Mrs. A. A. Hiatt. A 7 o’clock buf fet supper was served by the hostess followed by bridge. Mrs. C. E. Yantzi had the high bridge score and Mrs. D. C. Schaffer won the all-cut. Guests for the evening were Mrs. C. E. Yantzi, Mrs. C. W. Porter and Mrs. D. H. Clauson. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S (O’Neill) Admissions: November 17 — Mrs. George Hemenway, Clear water; John Kennedy, O’Neill; Clair Grimes, Chambers. 18 — Rosalia Boyle, O’Neill; Melvin Michaelis, Inman; John Miller, O'Neill. 19 — Carl Mitchell, Chambers; Guy Mueller, Stuart; Mrs. N. M. Ross, O’Neill; Eugene Krier, O’Neill; Mrs. Nels Lin quist, Star. 20—Barbara Miller, O'Neill; Donna Lee Bursell, Spencer; Mrs. Vernon Wenke, Spencer; Mrs. Ward J. Flanni gan, Stuart. 21—Ferdinand Kaup, Stuart; Mrs. Orville Eppenbach, O’Neill; Mrs. John H. McCarville, O’Neill; Herbert J. Hammond, O’Neill; Charisse Knight, Cham bers. 22—Mrs. Ralph Theye, O’ Neill; Mrs. Robert J. Yantzi, O’ Neill. 23— Karen Donohoe, O’ Neill. Dismissals: .November iv — Mrs. Fred Naslund, Page; Mrs. Rex Stowell and baby boy, O’ Neill; Mrs. Donald D. Summers and baby girl, Page; David Scott Matthews, O’Neill; Mrs. Archie Cleveland and baby boy, Star. 18 —Mrs. Ada Spangler, O’Neill; Mrs. William Elsasser, Lynch; Dennis Howard, Anoka. 19—Leon Faatz, Gregory, S.D.; Mrs. Har old Donohoe, O’Neill; Mrs. LeRoy Johnson, O’Neill. 20—John Mil ler, O’Neill; Guy Mueller, Stu art; Clair Grimes, Chambers; Robert Winkler, Emmet; Mrs. John Conard, Emmet; Megan Marie Meier, O’Neill; Mrs. Eliz abeth Howard, O’Neill. 21—Mrs. Herman J. Tollner, Bloomfield; Mrs. William Watson and baby boy, O’Neill; Mrs. George Hem cnway and baby girl, Clearwater; Eugene Krier, O’Neill (expired). 22—Donna Lee Bursell, Spencer, William Zimmerman, Ewing (ex pired); Mrs. Alfred Hamik, O’ Neill. 23—Melvin *lichaelis, In man; Rosalia Bdyie, O’Neill; Charisse Knight, Chambers. Hospitalized: Mrs. Orville Ep penbach, O’Neill; Mrs. Dale Fet row, O’Neill; Herbert J. Ham mond, O’Neill; Ferdinand Kaup, Stuart; Mrs. Arby Kruger, Stu art; William F. Kaczor, O’Neill; John Kennedy, O’Neill; Mrs. John H. McCarville, O’Neill; Ann McManus, O’Neill; Mrs. N. M. Ross, O’Neill; Mrs. Ralph Theye, C Neill; Mrs. Vernon Wenke, Spencer; Mrs. Nels Linquist, Star; Miss Mary Murphy, O. Neill; Mrs. Emma Miller, O’ Neill; Mrs. Alfred Maas, Cham bers; Carl Mitchell, Chambers; Mrs. Ed Murphy, O’Neill; Bar bara Miller, O’Neill; Mrs. Mary Mullen, O’Neill; Albert Otte, Winner, S.D.; Mrs. Elmer E. Smith, Ewing; Mrs. Addie Wrede, O’Neill; Mrs. Robert J. Yantzi, O’Neill; Mrs. Ward J. Flannigan, Stuart. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: November 16—Mrs. Gilbert Shald, Stuart, obstetrical. 18—Mrs. Glen Cadwallader, Stu art, medical; Charles Ostler, Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Raymond Velder. ★ ★ ★ * Couple Weds in Church Ceremony BUTTE — Miss Evelyn Marie Rosengren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Rosengren of Butte, and Daryl Raymond Velder of Spencer were united in marriage Saturday at St. Peter’s and Paul’s Catholic church in Butte. Rev. Edward B. Gill officiated at the nuptial ceremony. A wedding breakfast for the bridal couple, wedding party and relatives was served at the home of the bride’s parents following the wedding. A reception was held at the Legion club, starting at 12 noon. The bride is a teacher in the Bristow school system and Mr. Velder is employed by the North western Bell Telephone com pany. The couple will reside in Spencer. 2 sales Fremont, medical. 19 — Sharon Davis, Atkinson, surgical; Mrs. Richard Knowles, Atkinson, ob stetrical. 20 — Mrs. Lawrence Ziska, Stuart, obstetrical. 21 — Mrs. Eugene Hoffman, Stuart, medical. 22 — Mrs. Clarence Groff,. Atkinson, obstetrical; Douglas Joseph Schaaf, Stuart, surgical; Jonas Murphy, New port, medical. Dismissed: November 15 — Mrs. Duane Tasler, Atkinson; Mrs. V. J. Tielke and daughter; Ed Matousek, Atwkinson; Marvin Mitchell, Stuart. 16 — Mrs. Ed Jansen and son, Atkinson; Rus sell Heuton, Atkinson; Mrs. Don ald Chaney, Atkinson. 20—Char les Ostler, Fremont. 21— Mrs. Gilbert Shald and daughter, Stu art. SACRED HEART (Lynch) Hospitalized: Mrs. Harold An dersen and baby boy, Niobrara; Mrs. Dale Bessert and baby boy, Redbird; Mrs. Susanna Black, Verdel; Mrs. Walter Boettcher and baby girl, Spencer; Marion Eorrall, Butte; Mrs. Thomas Bowers, Bristow; Dr. Edwin Bradley, Spencer; Mrs. Ronald Carson and baby girl, Lynch; Mrs. George Classen, Spencer; Daniel H. Hansen, O’Neill; Miss Bonnie Hornback, Spencer; Baby Robert Gene Horst, Fairfax, S.D.; Baby Jo Arlne Lauree Kolund, Lynch; Lewis S. Martinson, Bris tow; Mrs. James Milacek, Lynch; Lillian Olson, Bristow; Mrs. Joe Schmitz, Anoka; Frank Vondika, Verdel; Miss Delores Zimmerle, Spencer. Dismissals: November 15 — Baby Peggy Mae and Baby Pam ela Kay Tienken, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tienken, Butte. 16 — Mrs. Emma Horst, Fairfax, S.D.; Kerry Fernau, Butte; Mrs. Harold Osborn, Dor sey. 17 — Frank Mott, Spencer, lb—Mrs. Richard Ducker, Lynch. 19—Louis Klasna, Spencer; Mrs. James Slechta, Verdel; Bennett Devall, O’Neill. 20—Baby Leah Ann Behrent, Butte; Ralph Ham mon, Gross; Guy Hull, Redbird. *21—Mrs. Barbara Vogt, Naper; Mrs. Max Williams, Bonesteel, S.D. COMMUNITY (Stuart) Rev. D. D. Su, pastor Sunday, November 28: Sun day-school, 10 a.m.; worship service, 11 a.m. The youth fellowship groups assisted Reverend Su with the worhsip service on Sunday, No vember 21. The responsive read ing was led by Alice Sweet and the scripture lesson was read by Kay Meyers. The national flag was presented and dedicated to the church by Ray Fairbanks of the senior high fellowship and the Christian flag by Douglas Cobb of the junior high fellow ship. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bichel became members of the church by transfer—Mr. Bichel from the Wakefield Presbyterian church and Mrs. Bichel from Wayne Presbyterian. There will be no choir practice this week. The junior high youth fellowship planned to meet Wed nesday night, November 24, at 7 o’clock. WEATHER SUMMARY: Hi Lo November 18 54 35 November 19 57 22 November 20 57 26 November 21 51 34 November 22 60 25 November 23 56 39 Mrs. Fred Clift and daughter, Metta, of Valsalia, Calif., visited last week at the C. J., Bill and Anna Gatz homes and ■with her son, George Clift. Union Thanksgiving Kite at Ewing— EWING — A community Thanksgiving service will be held Wednesday evening, November 24, at the United Presbyterian church. The sermon will be given by Rev. Lee Brigden of the Ew ing Methodist church. Special music in song will be presented by the United Presby terian quartet, which includes Rev. and Mrs. William J. Bomer, Mrs. Wayne Fry and Leo Miller, with Mrs. Wilbur Bennett at the piano. Everyone is invited to attend this service which will begin at 8 p.m. Sick & Injured EWING — Mrs. Robert Tams and family went to Norfolk on Saturday where the youngest daughter, Donna, had some dent al work done. . . Archie Tuttle, who has been a patient at the Antelope Memorial hospital, was able to come home Sunday. . . R. G. Rockey, who became ill last week, was taken to a Nor folk hospital for treatment. He is back home again and able to be at his place of business. . . Mrs. Herman Schroeder, accom panied by Mrs. Lester Gamel and Mrs. Theodore Schueth, went to O’Neill on Friday after noon to visit with Mrs. Elmer Smith, a patient at St. Anthony’s hospital. . . Miss Fern Pruden underwent a tonsilectomy at the Antelpoe Memorial hospital on Monday. Rev. W. J. Bomer is substituting for her in the Ew ing high school. . . Mrs. Agnes Eartak received word Friday of the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Bessie Misek of Fremont. She left at once to be with her sister. PAGE—Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stevens were Norfolk visitors on Monday. Mrs. Stevens went for a medical ' checkup. . . Rev. and Mrs. Harry Johnson and Mrs. Belle Mott drove to O’Neill Fri day where Mrs. Johnson went for a medical checkup. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fussleman spent from last Thursday until Saturday in Omaha where Mrs. Fussleman went for a medical checkup and care. They visited at the Ken neth Braddock home while there. They were accompanied by Mrs. Bill Sorensen, who visited her father, J. M. Kennedy of Ains worth, who was a patient in a hospital there, and Mrs. William Simmons, who visited her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hardin and baby. . . Mrs. Fred Naslund was a patient in St. Anthony’s hospital from Monday until Wednesday, No vember 15-17. She then went to the Roy Cole home and stayed until Friday when she returned to her home here. INMAN — Miss Grace Mc Graw, who has been hospitalized the past four months, returned to her home Tuesday evening, November 16, from Omaha. . . Melvin Michaelis entered St. Anthony’s hospital last Thurs day as a medical patient. LYNCH — Mrs. C. A. Moody, sr., underwent surgery at an Omaha hospital last Thursday. .. Mrs. Harold Osborn is “much improved” after a week’s illness at the Lynch hospital. . . Mrs. Leta Kruse and Hershel Miles visited with Walter Kruse at a Lincoln hospital. . . William Mahlendorf is in the Veterans hospital at Lincoln where he will undergo eye surgery. EMMET— Mrs. John Qonard came home Saturday morning from St. Anthony’s hospital at O’Neill. She had been a patient there a week and underwent sur gery Monday, November 15. . . Chipper Cole, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cole, has the mumps. . . Mrs. Wayne Bates took her mother, Mrs. John Kee, home on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Kee was recovering from an illness and was staymg at the Wayne Bates home last week. . . Robert Winkler was a patient at St. Anthony’s hospital from Mon day, November 15, until Satur day. CHAMBERS — Carl Mitchell was taken ot St. Anthony’s hospi tal last Thursday night for med ical care. . . Clair Grimes was taken by ambulance to Omaha on Saturday to conuslt heart spe cialists. He had been a patient in St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill a few days. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Hubbard and Mrs. Raymond Walter drove to Grand Island on Sunday to visit the latter’s hus I band in the Veterans hospital. . . I \irgil David returned home on Wednesday, November 17, from the Veterans hospital at Grand Island O’NEILL— Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanman spent Friday and Sat urday in Omaha where she con sulted an eye specialist. . . Mrs. Clarence Sauser underwent a tonsilectomy at Our Lady of Lurdes hospital Friday in Nor folk. DELOIT—Mrs. Kallhoff, sr., visited at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. John Sehi, last week. While there she became ill with a cold and was taken to the Neligh hospital. She was able to return to the Miller home in Ewing in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanman visit ed with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gray in Norfolk Saturday on their return trip from Omaha. The Gray’s and the Lanman’s were neighbors in Norfolk 35 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Halva will spend Thanksgiving with relatives in Verdigre. They will have dinner Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Emil Jedlicka. Free-Throw Rules Are Juggled Again There is one major rule change in basketball that spectators will be witnessing this year. The number of free throws again has been juggled. This year the rule states, “Second (bonus) free throw if the first free throw for a common personal foul which occurs prior to the last three minutes is successful.” This means that during the first 29 minutes of a ball game, if a boy makes his first free shot, on all one-shot fouls, he is awarded another shot as a bonus. If he misses his first shot, the ball is in play. Last year the boy was given a second shot if the first was un successful, thus rewarding slop py play. This year the rule was revised to reward accuracy and eliminate fouling. All two-shot fouls will still be treated as in years past. Also all fouls in the last three minutes will still be two-shot fouls. There are other minor changes in the wording of different rules but the rule is basically the same. One rule has never been changed: That is to play the game squarely and yell for the home team. REIMERS LEADS INMAN—Bob Reimers scored 25 points in leading Inman to a 54-34 win over St. Ludger of Creighton. Trv Frontier want ads! DR. J. L. SHERBAHN O’Neill, Nebraska Complete X-Ray Equipment Vi Block So. of Ford Garage For Your Land’s Sake . . . IRRIGATE Now is the time to plan the sprinkler irrigation system you will put into use next spring. Get the full story on the extra profits realized this past growing season by irrigators in this area. For full details on — SPRINKLER SYSTEMS . . . CONTACT . . . BILL BOWKER Phones 207 & 468-W O’Neill, Nebraska fcS- M ! . I AaaaJLamjGi ffl I •M* V« « borino* MHm «ard e? « color cotolog. bo mm b comob wMi n bo*. ^rV$ t THE FRONTIER ■RMiMriwaiMBaiaMoaMiaaMOHaimmMMi f o c o o 1 O I i. ^- --- - .Jr HOLIDAY SPECIALS WEDNESDAY ONLY FRIDAY - SATURDAY November 26th - 27th O AT SHELHAMER FOODS O SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS 2 Lbs. FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES 2 Do* ROASTING CHICKENS Lb. 33c BUTTER-NUT COFFEE-u> 99c HARDING’S BUTTER--ia 63« MAYBELLE OLEO-2»^39c VANILI A ICE CREAM .% s»l 59c OUR FAMILY PUMPKIN ------ 2 303 cam 25c BEET SUOAR .10 fe. 89c SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 10 f®f49c BULK RAISINS 2 Lbs_35c PURE, FRESH GROUND BEEF 3 Lbs FINE QUALITY RIB STEAKS Per Lb._49c OUR FAMILY CORN ... 3 303 cans 49c NEBR. RED POTATOES 10 Lbs_29c SANDWICH COOKIES 2 Lbs._59c SKINLESS WIENERS 3 Lbs-SI .00 WILSON’S PICNIC HAMS Per Lb._39c OUR FAMILY R.S.P. CHERRIES, 2 No. 2 cns. 65c WHILE SUPPLY LASTS: Fresh Dressed Oven Ready GEESE OR DUCKS Lb. ■ ' «■ *' » -■ -*“»■ . x to -"v* ». •, _ -r‘t1,I^to ^■■ NEBRASKA RED Potatoes 50-Lb. Bag $1.19 OUR FAMILY Orange Juice 2 S2!l_ 69c .. miai