1__ J METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. W. B. Smith, pastor Fnday, November 5: Dorcat ah-day meeting at the home of Mr*. L. G. Gillespie; covered dish at noon, coffee and rolls fur nished. Sunday, November 7: Junior choir, 9:30 a.m.; church school,. 9:45 am.; Beil memorial dedica tion service, 11 a.m.; MYF cabinet meeting, 1:30 pm.; accredited leadership training school a t Flainview, 3:30 and 7:30 p.m. Monday, November 8: Training school continued at Plain view 7:30 pm Tuesday, November 9: Annual turkey dinner and bazaar, serving starts at 5:30 in church basement, training school at Plainview at 7:30 pun. Wednesday, November 10: WSCS study with Mrs. Lind berg 2 p.m.; choir, 7 p.m.; MYF, 8 p.m j CHRIST LLTHEEAN (CFNetll) Rev. E. G. Smith, pastor "The church of the Lutheran hour.” Today (Thursday); Young peo-j pie’s group will meet at the chruch at 7:30 pm. The youth group will attend the O'Neill-At V.mson football game in a body. Saturday; Conffr-mation class, j 1:30 p.m.; training class, 2:30 p.m. I Sunday; Sunday-school, 10 a.m.; divine service, 11 a.m. (holy com munion); sermon: “The King’s Way Must Be Ours." Tuesday: Adult instruction based upon the fundamental cbm, 8 p.m. A series of lectures teachings of our church. Everyone is invited to attend. Our Men's club meeting which ins originally scheduled for this Friday evening has been post poned until Friday, November 12. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frank of Norfolk were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. McKamy. METHODIST (Emmet; Rev. W E Smith, pastor Thursday, November 4: Bible study group, 8 p m Sunday, November 7; Churcft school and morning worship, 9 45 a m.; youth and adult church school, 10:45 am.; accredited leadership training school ^ at Plaisview, 3:30 pm., and 7:30 pm. . Monday, November 8: Training school continued at Plain view, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 9. Leader ship training school conclusion at Plain view, 7:30 pjn. ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN (Chambers) Rev. Howard E. Claycombe, pastor Sunday, November 7: Sunday school and congregation Bible study, 10 a.m.; divine worship with holy communion, 11 a.m. Lutheran hour, 8:30 a.m., KRVN; 4 p.m., WJAG. Holy Land lecture and slides by Mrs. Gladys Fittje, Sunday, 8 p.m. Monday, November 8; Sunday school teachers’ Bible study, 8 p.m Tuesday, November 9: Walther league meeting, 8 p m. WESLEYAN METHODIST (O’Neill) Rev. A. L Nabbolz, supply pastor Beginning tonight (Thursday;, there will be revival services each night at 7:30 o’clock with Rev. James Wade of Marshfield, Wise., as the evangelist. This is your special invitation to attend these services. The order of services on Sun day is as follows: Sunday-school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m. (this service will include the observ ance of the Lord’s supper); youth meeting, 7:30 p.m. evangelistic service, 8 p m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O’NeilJ; Sunday, November 7: Church' school at 'j:45 a m.; worship at 1! I a.m. Rev. and Mrs. J. Olen Kennell end feirujy have arrived in O’ Neill and Reverend Kennell wall deliver his first sermon this Sun day. We are most happy to wel come the Kennell family to First Presbyterian church and to O' Neill. The Women’s association will meet at 2:30 p.m., today (Thurs day) at the church. There will be a potluck dinner and reception at the church for Reverend Kennell and family on Tuesday, November 9, at 7 p.m. All memoers and friends of the church are invited. Bring a cov ered dish, your own table service and bread and butter or sand wiches. Presbytery will meet in the church on Sunday, November 14, at 7 p.m., to receive Reverend Kennell into Niobrara presbytery and the installation service will follow at 7:30. All members and friends of the church are invited attend the installation service and formally welcome and re ceive Reverend Kennell. The choir will practice on Wed nesday evening at 7 o’clock. METHODIST (Page-Inman) Rev. Lisle E Mewmaw, pastor Thursday, November 4: Page WSCS meeting; choir practice in each church at 7:30 p.m., follow ed oy MYF at Inman. Friday, November 5: Monthly district MYF skating party at the Plainview roller rink. Sunday, November 7: Inman worship service at 9:45 a.m., fol lowed by church school at 10:45 a m., Mrs. Vaden Kivett, super intendent; Page church school at 10 a.m.. Dale Stauffer, superin tendent; Page worship service at 11 a.m.; district leadership train ing school at Plainview, beginning at 3 p.m.; Page MYF at 7:30 p.m Monday, November 8: Page commission on education meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 10: Page young adult fellowship at 8 p.m. Thursday, November 11: Inman WSCS meeting at 2:30 p.m. We welcome all who are not attending elsewhere. Final Special Calf Sale of the Season! FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5th 800 to 900 Calves A number of load loU of rood-to-choice calves and many part Loads of rood quality calves. This will be an opportunity to buy some rood calves and it appears the calf run la about over. Our calf sale — the final of the season — will start at 1 P.M. O’Neill Livestock Market PHONE 2 - '1 — -—1 ■ — 11 '■ .. ..— New Rexall SUPER PLENAMINS 1 1 Vitamins Plus I 2 Minerals Try them, compare them. No other vitamin known gives you more for your money! The Buy of the Year! SAVE $13.00 LUXURY ELECTRIC BLANKET DUAL CONTItOL 36.95 Value ..Now 23.95 ■ " ''I ' —' ■ 4 INFRA RED HEAT LAMP.Now 1.19 Just the thing for those aches and pains! Acid Indigestion? Buy rhese Three and Save! Bis-Marex Mate*—Bottle of 75 89c Bis-Marex Antacid Powder 89c Pocket Tin — Buy All Three .. $1.49 Got a Cold? Take Anapac! Gives relief from sniffles to full-fledged cold Rexalls Cherresote Cough Syrup Sooths tickling throat, loosens phlegm and relivevs irritation. We Have Those New Plastic Perma Nursers in — 8-Oz. Bottle GILLIGAN'S" REXAU. DRUG Phone 87 O’Neill JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES Carl F. Andersen, presiding minister The Watchtowner Bible and Tract society of New York will sponsor a three-day assembly of Jr.hovah’s Witnesses in Hastings Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 5-7. The convention will be held in the city auditori um. Carl F. Andersen, presiding! minister of the Stuart congrega tion of Jehovah’s Witnesses, said that nine delegates from Stuart,■ O’Neill and Newport will be among one thousand or more at tending from 21 congregations in Nebraska circuit 1. The opening session will be on Friday at 7 p.m., with morning, afternoon and evening sessions Saturday and Sunday. The pro gram will consist of Bable talks, discussions and demonstrations. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie, jr., and family and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Revell were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie, sr., in Lynch. The oc cassion honored the birthday an niversary of Clyde McKenzie, sr. CHURCH or CHRIST (OKcffl) Corner of Sixth and Grant John Thomas, minister Sunday, November 7: Bible school, 10 a.m.; communion and preaching, 11 a.m.; youth fellow ship hour, 6.30 p.m.; evening wor ship at 7:30 o’clock. B.bie study and prayer session Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. In the name of Jesus Christ we bid you a sincere welcome to these services. METHODIST (Chambers) Rev. J. M. Hodgkin, pastor Sunday. November 7: Sunday school, 10 a.m., Eugene Baker, superintendent; worship, 11 a m. The members of the church and friends will observe family night at 7:30 o’clock Friday, No vember 19. There will be a pro gram and a film, also lunch. Ev eryone is asked to bring either cake or sandwiches. Celia News Hallowe’en spirits were active Sunday evening in Celia neigh borhood for “tricks or treats.” The teacher, Delores Boyle, had a party Friday at Celia for her pupils and pre-school children. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease went to Broken Bow Saturday to at tend the funeral of Bud Crawford, who was owner an manager of radio station KCNI. Mr. and Mrs. Broken of Brock were visitors at the Lee Terwilli £er home. While here they pur chased cattle from Stanley John son. They returned home Wednes day, October 27. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Kilmurry w’ere Friday evening supper guests at the Frank Kilmurry’s. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Focken and sons were Sunday evening supper guests at the Marvin Focken home. Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman and Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg were Monday afternoon visitors at the Fay Puckett home, north of O'Neill. Members of Celia Homemakers extension club met with Mrs. Leonard Chaffin Wednesday, Oc tober 27. Mrs. Inez Hayes was a visitor. Patterns were cut for the purses and members worked on their purses. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Frank Kilmurry on November 18. Roll call will be “What I’m Most Thankful For.” Steve Eausch was a last Thurs day overnight guest at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heiser and son, Gerald, were Friday after noon visitors at the Duane Beck home. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith were O’Neill visitors Friday and also attended the Fay Puckett farm sale. Earl Schlotfeld was a Sunday evening \isitor at the Rav Pease home. Harvey Groff was a Saturday afternoon visitor at the William Maloun home. Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun and Billy were Sunday dinner guests at the O. A. Hammerberg home. Other afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Scott and Mrs. Gene Livingston and evening visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Smith and family. The Wesleyan young people’s society held a Hallowe’en party at the Mark Hendricks home on Wednesday evening, October 27. Around 30 persons were present. Millie Ernst of O'Neill came for the party and Arlin Hendricks accompanied her home. Last Thursday evening she took him and her pupils far tricks or treats. Mrs. Victor Friekel was a Fri day afemoon visitor at the Ed - die Albrecht home. Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun and son. Billy, were Tuesday. Oc tober 26. visitors at the Charles Dobias home. Mr. and Mrs. O. A Hammer berg attended the Fay Puckett j farm sale near O’Neill and were sapper guests at the William Ma oun home. Their grandson. Billy Milner, accompanied them home and spent the weekend in town where he attended the Hallowe'en parade and party for children cm Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rausch and bis father, Steve Bausch. were Friday evening supper guests at the Stanley Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck at tended a family get-together at the Charles Mlinar home Sunday. Those present were Mrs. Joe Mli nar, Mr. and Mrs. George Beck, Mrs. Duane Lockmon, Glen and Gary of Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Batenhorst of Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mlinar, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and family. Alex Forsythe, Eddie Walnofer and Charles Dobias helped Wil iam Maloun cable in hay Wednes day, October 27. O. A. Hammer berg was out at the farm for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Merrill Smith home. Hillside chapel congregation held a Hallowe'e’n party at the church Friday evening with 40 persons present. Tom Tinsley of Omaha came to the Stanley Johnson home last Thursday to hunt. He returned Sunday. Albert Johnson of Lyons came last Thursday- for a visit at the Earl Schlotfeld home. Mr. Moody of Fremont was a Sunday visitor at the Stanley Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck spent last Thursday at the Henry Do brovolny home where Duane helped him with his work. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith and family were Monday after noon visitors at the Lee Terwilli ger home. Bob Pease took Mr. and Mrs. Ray I Pease and Mr. and Mrs. William Spann to Pickstown and Randall dam in South Dakota Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lare and Jim Schuey of Nebraska City j spent several days at the Lee Ter v illiger home, returning home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Ballon were Sunday dinner guests at the Perry Terwilliger home. ONEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Connors of Greeley visited Monday at the home of her mother, Mrs. M. J. Wallace. Mike and Eddie Connors, who had been visiting their grand mother since Saturday, returned to Greeley with their parents. Mrs. Jerry Spittler and Mrsi James J. Kelly drove Douglas Spit tler to Norfolk Saturday where he joined other newspaper carriers on a football trip to Lincoln. A1 Kruger of Rapid City, S. D., visited last Thursday with Curly Washechek, at the R. G. Shelhamer home. Whisker, Calico Royally lo Be Feted Chamber* Plan* Vet Day Celebration CHAMBERS —- Chambers will bo the sixmo of a pay eehtennnipl celebration on veterans' day — Thursday, November II Starting the festivities Will Ire a parade at 1:30 p.m Organisations, churches, busi ness places and individuals are entering floats which promise to give the town an exciting pio neer atmosphere. Novelty events for the kids will follow the parade and at 3 p.m.. a matinee show, Sea of Lost Ships," will be shown at the theater In the evening the scene of activities will shift to the American Legion hall where the third annual deer feed will be staged between 5:30 and 7:30. Hilarity will reign from 8:30 to 9 o’clock as the final session of the kangaroo court will be held. Prior “convictions" of such men as J. W. Walter. E. A. Wink, George Fullerton and Eric Dank ert give testimony to the “se verity” of the court. At 9 p.m., the whisker king and calico queen will be present ed and crowned in a fitting cere mony. A dance in the Legion hall wall then climax the day-long celebration wheih is under the sponsorship of the Chambers Am erican Legion and the Legion auxiliary. O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Dean H. Jeffery visited at the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Foreman in Creighton, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry DeWolfe of Gordon returned to their home Saturday. They had visited since Tuesday, October 28, at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Jaszkowiak. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Babl and and daughters of Holdrege were weekend guests of her mother, Mrs. Vannie B. Newman. Miss Diane DeBacker, student PONTON INSURANCE Florence Ponton, Prop. Insurance of All Kinds & Bonds , i Phone 106 — Golden Bldg. JOHN R. GALLAGHER Attorney-at-Law First Nat’l Bank Bldg. O’NEILL PHONE 11 ......■-i. ..... ....... REX W. WILSON, M.D. ROBT. M. LANGDON, M.D. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS 128 W. Douglas St, O’Neill Phone 138 | The following personal property will be offered at public auction, on the premises lo- I cated on the Lawrence place, one-half mile south of the O’Neill Livestock Market, on— FRIDAY, NOV. I2TH Sale Will Start at 1 O’Clock 99 - Head of Cattle - 99 23—Whiteface Stock COWS with Calves 12—CALVES 35-Stock COWS 3—Milk COWS, to calve in spring 12-COWS 14-Yearling STEERS and HEIFERS SADDLE HORSE ,5-years-old Mach., Household Goods, Etc. Oil Barrels Feed Grinder Oil Space Heater I Grapple Fork Endgate Seeder [ Pair Boat Oars DeLaval Cream Separator Some Furniture Cabling Rack 3-Bumer Oil Stove ——— 3 Wagons 2 Saddles Other items too numerous Hay Rake 2—Sets of Harness and . .. ., c n „ to mention Hay Sweep Collars TERMS: Cash. No property removed until settled for. ------ RALPH STOWELL and HOMER DAVIS -OWNERS — Cols. Wally O’Connell, Buv Wanser, Verne Reynoldson, Auctioneers ! Carl Lorenz, Clerk at Briar Cliffe college, Sioux City, spent from Friday until Monday visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. DeBacker. Miss Lorraine Simonson, student | at Duschesne college, Omaha, visit ed from Friday until Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M C, j Simonson. Houseguests at the Marvin Mil- ! ler home from Wednesday, October 27. until Sunday were Harold Hus ton and Ronnie of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Streeter and family of Lincoln visited his parents, Mr. and Mr.*.. Clyde Streeter and other relatives and friends over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wetzler and family and Mrs. Mary Wetzler spent Sunday in Gregory. S. D.. visiting at the home of Mr. and tp Mrs. Adolph Wctzler and family. Rural & City PHILLIPS “66” PRODUCTS New & Used Tires Greasing & Washing BORG & WORTH Prompt Tankwagon SERVICE Phillips “NT Station Phone 362 THANK YOU! Just a few words to express my most sincere feetin* «/ appreciation to the voters of the 28th Unicameral District for the vote of confidence riven me at the election November 2nd. Frank Nelson . \ 1—■—■»— *. slashes prices (or its big 5smr.: tiy 1, Save! 2, Save more! 3, Save even more! Washable Gabardine Sport shirts for men! Each 4.98 < 2 for 9.50 3 for $14 Trim rayon gabardine sport shirts have lined collars and cuffs for longer wear. Free ’nJ easy fit. Rainbow of tubfast colors in men’s sizes S - M - L - XL. Come save! Easy - care Beauties! Wrinkl-Shed* cotton! Each _ 3.98 2 for_7.50 3 for $H Sport shirts of Wrinkl Shed* cotton stay clean longer, can’t shrink out of fit or fade. Easy to wash and iron as handker chiefs. Hosts of colors. Men’s S-M-L-XL. ♦Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. Non • curl Collars! Tubfast Teca* shirts! Each __ 2.98 \ 2 for_5.50 3 for.... $8 Teca* rayon sport shirts have flexible metal in collar points to keep you looking neat. Washable as your hands. Pink, grey, maize, or blue. Men’s sizes S-M-L XL. ♦Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. Soft, Warm Flannels of Sanforized cotton! / Each ...... 1.98 ' 2 for __3.75 3 for. $5,50 Wear - packed cotton suede flannel sport shirts are Sanforized for lasting fit. Full-cut for your comfort. Many tubfast designs and colors. Men’s S M-L-XL.