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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1954)
Ewing Tigers Rate 8th in Class ‘C’ Pirates Roll to 46-0 Triumph Norman Kiasna Gets 4 Touchdowns SPENCER— The Spencer high Pirates started off their confer ence play Friday night with a 46-0 win over Bones tee 1, SD. In the fiist quarter, Spencer aooic advantage of three Bone steel fumbles to take the lead. Spencer’s running plays work ed smoothly thoughout the game, and the Spencer defense was good in the tight spots, holding Bonesteel scoreless through sev eral goal line stands. Outstanding defensive play was delivered by these Pirates: Norman Anderson, Richard Friedrich and Dennis Edwards. Pirate scorers were Norman Kiasna and four TD’s, Norman Anderson with two, and Dennis Eawards with one. Two drop kick conversions were made by Kenneth Rosengren. As defending champions of the Nebraska-South Dakota confer ence, the Spencer team puts its title on the block when the Pi rates meet a strong Fairfax, S.D., team Friday, October 8, 8 p.m., at Spencer. Former Holt Rail Agent Dies, Lincoln Albert B. Neuenswander, 62. former Chicago & North Western Stop Taking Harsh Drugs for Constipation Ivoid Intestinal Upset! Get Relief This Gentle Vegetable Laxative Way! for constipation, never take harsh drugs. They cause brutal cramps and griping, disrupt normal bowel action, make re peated doses seem needed. When you are temporarily consti pated, get sure but gentle "relief — wi rhout salts, without harsh drugs. Take Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative contained in Syrup Pepsin. The extract of Senna in Dr. Caldwell's is one «/ the ftneit matured Uxatevet known to medicine. Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative tastes good, gives gentle, comfortable, satis fying relief of temporary constipation rot every member of the family. Help* you get “oo schedule" without re peated doses. Even relieves stomach sourness that constipation often brings. Buy Dr. Caldwell'a. Money back if not satisfied. Mail bottle to Box 280, New York U. N. Y. * _________ EWING—The Ewing high Ti gers, sporting a fancy 26-0 vic tory over the Atkinson high Balers Friday night, rank in eighth position among the class C prep grid teams in the state, according to Gregg McBride of the Omaha World-Herald. The Tiers have owned the slot for the past two weeks. At Atkinson the Tigers were expecting a tough go, but the program for the evening turned out differently. After an exchange of punts. Soph Jack Sisson returned the bail to Atkinson's 30. Bob Hobbs. Kieth Gibson. Deb Carl and Sisson moved the oval to the 12 from where Sisson scor ed around right end. Sonny Carl booted the kickoff to the Atkinson 2. Atkinson fi nally had to kick out on their own 31. Gibson had a 22-yard sprint called back. Not to be denied, he carried on a succession of scrim mages and tallied his first TD of the season. The Balers completed a pass for their initial first down of the game, but finally had to kick to Ewing’s 40: Ewing led 13-0 at the half. Gibson intercepted an Atkin son flip in the third, taking the ball to Atkinson’s 25. Sisson hit Deb Carroll on a 19-yard pass for Ewing’s third TD. e.oacn luck Lane men negan to substitute freely, using all 24 men on his traveling squad. Deb Carl smashed 25 yards for Ewing’s fourth marker. The overall line play, end-to end, w'as highly satisfying to Ewing loyalists. Neal Scheer and Leo Spes look good at the tackle spots. .\nderson and Butterfield were best for the losers. Ewing racked up 12 first downs; Atkinson sev en. The Tigers registered 225 yards at scrimmage, all but 19 on the ground. railroad agent at Atkinson, Em met, Superior, Norfolk, Oakdale, Neligh and Fairfax, S.D., died this week in Lincoln, where he had been making his home the past four years. He was bom in Kansas and came to Nebraska in 1897. He belonged to the Presbyteri an church and the Masonic lodge j —York rite and Shrine. The late Mr. Neuenswander i served in the navy during World ! War T. Survivors include: Widow — Lucile; daughters— Mrs. James D. Allen of Rockford, 111., Mrs. Donald A. Harvey of Omaha, Mrs. Irvin T. Beck of Louisville, Ky., and Mrs. Jack Greene of Lincoln; four grandchildren; brothers—Homer of Lodge Grass, Mont., and Otis of Palo Alto, Calif.; sister—Mrs. Hugh Smith of Arlington, Calif. Frontier for printing! Elgin Walks Away from CHS Coyotes Understaffed Holt Team No Match CHAMBERS—The Elgin high Eagles routed the Chambers high | Coyotes Friday night by scoring 50 points in a little over two quarters of play. Elgin, fielding virtually the same team that handed Cham bers its lone defeat last year, swamped the Coyotes, using practically every method in the book. The Eagles built up a 44-0 lead at halftime. After the second half kickoff, the receiving Coyotes lost the ball on a fumble. The Eagles promptly scored on a long pass to abruptly end the game. Coach Johnson of Elgin used every available substitute during the short game. Coach L. J. Ekdahl of Cham bers used every man of his 14 man squad in an unsuccessful ef fort to stop the flood of Elgin touchdowns. L^on Urban, crack Chambers senior end, suffered a badly bruised back in the second period of a game played Monday, Sep tember 18, with Bartlett The game was won by Bartlett, 34-18. Waterfowl Hunt Opens October 8 Holt to Be Open on Pheasants The waterfowl shooting season will open in Nebraska Friday, October 8, and close Monday, ! December 6. On opening day, shooting will dart at 12 o’clock noon. During the remainder of the season shooting hours will be from a half hour before sunrise to sun set. Regulations governing the kill ing of migratory waterfowl are as follows: DUCKS — Daily bag limit 5, possession limit 10. One wood duck may be included in daily bag limit. GEESE—Daily bag and posses sion limit 5, but bag must not in clude more than two Canadas or their sub-species or two white fronted geese, or one Canada or its sub-species and one white fronted goose. COOT — Daily and possession limit 10. SNIPE—No open season. PHEASANT—Opens Saturday, October 16, and continues through Monday, October 25. Bag and possession limit: Two j cocks. (Open counties include Holt. Rock, Boyd, Knox. Closed counties include Antelope, Mad ison and Pierce.) Cronin Retiring Bar President A distinguished commentator and columnist and a prominent United States judge will speak at the 55th annual meeting of the Nebraska State Bar associa tion to be held in Omaha on October 14-15. Julius D. Cronin of O’Neill is the retiring president of the association. John Daly, distinguished com mentator and news analyst, will address the association’s annual banquet on Thursday evening, October 14. His subject: “The | Thin Line.’’ Approximately 750 attorneys are expected to attend the con ; ver.tion. Mr. Daly is vice-president of the American Broadcasting com pany in charge of news and pub lic affairs. He also writes a syn dicated column and is the moder ator of several television pro grams. Born in Johannesburg, S. A., he came to the United States in 1923. He entered the field of journalism in 1937, serving as special events reporter and white house correspondent for CBS un til 1941. He was a correspondent in London, Africa, the Middle East and Italy from 1942 until 1944. Hon. Harold M. Stephens, chief judge of the United States court of appeals for the District of Columbia, will speak at a noon luncheon on Friday, October 15. Judge Stephens was born in ■ Crete, he attended school at the ' University of Utah, Cornell uni versity, Harvard law school and the University of California. He practiced law in Salt Lake City and Los Angeles and served on the district bench in Utah. In 1933 he was appointed assistant attorney-general of the United States. \ - —— Relative Dies in Truck Crash— Ernest Coufal, 53, of Strom burg, was killed on Wednesday, September 29, when the gravel truck he was driving upset on highway 38 near Osceola. Mr. Coufal was employed by the Ne braska state highway depart ment. Funeral services were held Saturday at Shelby from the Catholic church there. He is sur vived by his wife, two daughters and one son. Those attending the funeral from O’Neill were Mrs. Lod Jan ousek, Mrs. Edward Schmit and Mrs. Joseph Beckwith and fam ily. Mrs. Coufal is a sister of the late Lod Janousek. Miss Lorraine Simonson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Simon son was elected vice-president, of the senior class at Duchesne college, Omaha. Youth Overcomes Polio; Now a Star LYNCH — Dean Femau of Lynch is among those prep ath letes overcoming a handicap to shine on the football field. A polio victim two years ago, young Femau is a standout on Coach James F. Walz’s Lynch sextet In the homecoming game with Butte, Dean ran 51, 63 and 69 yards to touchdowns and place kicked a conversion as his team won, 32-24. Eagles Fashion Easy 46-18 Win ‘Converted’ Lineman Scores 3 TD’s Duane Alton, a lineman until a fortnight ago, blossomed in the backfield again Friday night as the O’Neill high Eagles rolled to an easy 46-18 victory over the Creighton Maroons in Carney I park. A medium-sized crowd wit nessed the proceedings as the Eagles knocked-off their first win of the season in four starts. Alton’s first scoring sprint came in the first quarter when he skirted right end for 15 yards. He added two more touchdowns in the fourth—one on a 6-vard plunge and the other an 'off tackle slant from the 20. The Eagles were in front 20 6 al the half, and they outpro duced the Maroons, 19-5, in the matter c£ first downs. Creigh ton was obliged to punt four times; O'Neill once. Coach Marvin Miller singled out Alton’s ofensive and defen sive play for special praise, also the work of Bob Sanders, Frank Fetrow and Eddie Ritts. Bonge, Creighton fullback, was Dest for the visitors. Both teams were quite evenly matched in weight. Creighton holds wins ov er Hartington high and Tilden. The Eagles lost to Plainview, Bassett and Burwell. O'Neill will be host to Ains worth Friday night under the lights here, and this one prom ises to be a good one, both teams sporting comparable records.; Ainsworth played a scoreless tie with Atkinson, lost to Bassett 12 26 and lost to Valentise 6-19. Last year the Eagles finished on top, 34-12, when Ainsworth and O’Neill collided at Ains worth. Greeley Team Raps Cardinals But Nubbins Score Win Over Orchard The St. Mary’s academy Card inals dropped their fourth game in a row Friday night under the lights at Greeley. The Sacred Heart six-manners defeated the O’Neill crew, 40-6. Greeley blocked a punt in the end zone and scored early in the game, and punched across an other TD before the half ended. The Irish managed a touch down in the third period and added misery to the Cardinal cause with three quickies in the final stanza. The plucky Cardinals threat ened often but the Greeley de fense always stiffened. I’erry Wanser hit Cuddy in the end zone with a 22-yard pass in the final minute of the game, saving the Cards from a shutout. The Cards will make their fi nal showing at home tonight (Thursday) by entertaining the Indians of Marty Mission, S.D. The St. Mary’s nubbins ex hibited what the future holds in store by rolling to an easy 21-12 victory over Orchard in a fresh man-sophomore game played at Orchard Tuesday afternoon. The Cardinals built a 21-0 lead then eased up and allowed the Or chard Orioles two touchdowns in the final four minutes. Coach Don Templemeyer cleared the bench, giving all 15 men plenty of action. Froelich got the ball rolling, driving for a touchdown the third scrimmage play for the Cards. Holly set the play up with a 30 - yard punt return. Schneider and Slaight then add ed two points to the academy to tal when they trapped an Oriole runner in his own end zone. Schneider took a 20-yard pass from Holly, reversed his field and went 50 yards to score. Holly ran for the extra point and St. Mary’s lead 15-0. Holly circled right end for the final touchdown to round out St. Mary’s scoring. Autumn Special: "Chcez-It Ham Pie” A sure sign of autumn that’s universally known to every homemaker is the return of hearty cool-weather appetites to all the family. Here’s a recipe for a nourishing meal-in-itself dish, specially developed for wel coming the new season. Its delicious blending of two old-time flavor favorites—cheese and ham—will delight small-fry and grown-ups alike. Called Cheez-It Ham Pie, this tasty new main dish is made with a crumb crust of inch-square cheese crackers, and a filling of ground cooked ham seasoned with minced onion and green pepper, horseradish and mustard. Prepare it this easy way: Cheez-It Ham Pie ’4 cup melted butter 1 teaspoon salt 114 cups crushed Cheez-It 2 tablespoons grated Cracker crumbs horseradish 1 lb. ground ready-to-eat 14 cup minced onion lean ham 14 cup minced green pepper 1 cup milk 14 teaspoon prepared 2 eggs, slightly beaten mustard Combine melted butter and 11 s cups crushed cracker crumbs. Press crumb mixture firmly into bottom and around sides of 9-inch pie pan. Bake crust 10 minutes at 350eF. (moderate oven). Meanwhile, combine ground ham, milk, beaten eggs, salt, horseradish, onion, green pepper and mustard. Blend well. Pour into baked Cheez-It crust. Sprinkle with remaining crumbs and bake at 350'F. for 40 to 50 minutes, or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Cut into wedges to serve. Makes 6 generous servings. Note: To make crumbs for pie crust, roll Cheez-It Crackers on waxed paper with rolling pin. Stale Capitol News .... Flood Control Principal Topic Governor Draws 11 Man Committee LINCOLN—State government this week moved into a new field, watershed development and flood control. Gov. Robert Crosby continued drawing up an 11-man interim committee to advise him on watershed development and to write legislation so the state can assume more responsibilty in this area. The committee will advise Governor Crosby on four ap plications he has received from potential watershed districts which want surveys under the new federal Hope-Aiken act pas sed by the recent session of con gress. Under the new law the govern or, or an agency designated by him, may approve or disapprove these applications. If he approves one—or does not disapprove it in 45 days—it goes to the U. S. secretary of agriculture. The sec retary may then authorize a survey. Eventual work on the water shed would be on a cost sharing basis between the federal govem Hurt is Accident— Dale Butterfield, 32, of O’Neill, who currently is residing at Nor folk, suffered a jaw fracture and severe cuts, and Miss Jean Ken ny, 21, of Norfolk, cuts and bruises in an accident Tuesday near Norfolk. STATEMENT Required by the act of August 24, 1912, as amended by the acts of March 3, 1933, and July 2, 1946 (Title 39, United States Code, Section 233) showing the owner ship, management, and circula tion of The Frontier, published weekly at O’Neill, Nebraska, for October 1, 1954. 1. The names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: — Carroll W. Stewart, 122 South Fourth st., O’Neill, Nebr. 2. The owners are Carroll W. Stewart, O’Neill, Nebr., and Margaret O- Stewart, O’Neill, Nebr. 3. The known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, motgages, or other secur ities are: Bank of Hartington, Hartington, Nebr. 5. The average number of copies of each issue of this pub lication sold or distributed through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers during the 12 months preceding the date shown above was: 2,645. CARROLL W. STEWART, Publisher Sworn to and subscribed be fore me this 4th day of October, 1954. (SEAL) J. B. GRADY (My commission expires July 14, 1956.) merit and state or local agencies. Governor Crosby said the pro gram was of special intrest to him because it had been largely pro moted in congress by Nebraskans t t • Go to Washington— On the other side of the ledger it appeared that Nebraska was once more “going to Washington” for help in another area. This concerned the purchase of land for public recreation areas for boating, fishing, and picnick ing around the new Gavin’s point dam reservoir on the Missouri river. The Eisenhower administration, on grounds of economy, has re duced the amount of land it will purchase around these man-made lakes to 300 feet from the five year average high water mark. In the past the government has bought anywhere from one-quart er to one-half a mile away from the lake shore. i Nebraska officials, led by Governor Crosby and the mem bers of the U. S. senate and con gress, have worked to get more land purchased by the federal government. TheyTiave not been successful. • • • Who'll Serve?— State officials were wrestling with the question of who will be representing Nebraska in the U. S. senate when it reconvenes Nov. 8 to conside censure. Water Tower Gets Emergency Repair (Continued from page 1.) about 32 years ago. It has been painted several times. A city council spokesman said the tower repair is an emergency expense. There has been leakage around the legs and serious rust ing. Weaknesses in tanks are made serious in winter by the strain of ice. The council was told the O’ k ——— o Neill tower might hold out for five or 10 years without repair on the other hand, they learned it might give away totnonow The council decided to post pone until the n&ct session the adoption of assessments in con nection with street improvement districts nine. 10. 11, 14 and 55 These were the districts in which c paving was completed during the c past summer. *5 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Renner and family of Niobrara visited Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs Louis Reimer, jr. * teshion’s favorite WmL . . . the dress with its WmX own jacket. Our choice shown here in a wool and rabbit hair casual with a tweedy wool jacket. 10.98 and up \ Ladies, young ladies . . . visit our shop real soon. ALL MERCHANDISE is factory - fresh, only the latest fashions. O’Neill Style Shop Leona Hynes — Mrs. Mark Schelkopf (2nd door west of bus depot) Lov QuuaJUXjf. I 'TaavOOma WVolfcor b*i « bvsinotft mr4 or « color catalog, b« Nr« to consvtt with n H *oro r*« pl oca f THE FRONTIER • ■aaiaaaBtwaanaiaaiaati 4th Street MARKET -— Strawberry— 10-Oz. Tumbler 4 Pure Preserves 33c ^ Crabapple or Grape— Jelly „ 8-oz. tumb. 19c Campbell's TOMATO SOUP 3 cn. 31c fl ] : U.S MO I MAR*H&e£DLE$5 It, GPAPEFPUIT! J t 1^2$ | v. I m poNTmssfa&o | j 1«3»K Is _10 LBS.37c_ ! ■■ EXTRA FANCY ■ f) fg JONATHAN APPLES l. 12c j 8 HEAD LETTUCE lb 12c i \ CARROTS . .. CELLO BAG ; . s LA. YAMS N°'■ • • lb ioc s Gerber's— BABY FOODS .... 3 cans 25c (Strained or Chopped Fruits & Vegetables) Sunmaid Seedless— RAISINS 2-lb. pkg^35c Maine— Vi Oil OIL SARDINES 3 cans 25c | -— i Quick or Regular— Quaker OATS 3-Ib. pkg. 35c 14 Colors, White— DELSEY TISSUE 2 rolls 25c ..i n I M 0 o READY-TO-EAT HAMS^wX lb55< BUTT HALF . . . 65c SIRLOIN STEAK lb 59c ALL MEAT SKINLESS FRANKFURTERS lb 45c CERVELAT SUMMER SAUSAGE u 49c Stokely’s Honor Brand FROZEN FOODS • Chopped Broccoli SALE • Cut Golden Corn • French Fries inlLt • Mixed Vegetables m • Chopped Spinach llOW ^. r ROBIN COFFEE Mp « fen*.H. $1 # ^ _ * O , © r c . • ® c t £ t r t * Duck and Goose Decoys * Duck and Goose Calls • Shells (all wanted sizes) PETERS & AMERICAN EAGLE • Pants — Coats — Boots ‘ • € | • Gun Cases c Hunter’s Calendar: DUCKS AND GEESE — Oct. 8 to Dec. 6 PHEASANTS — Oct. 16-25 We sell licenses and carry duck stamps. P.S.: Mother, while Dad buys his hunting supplies, why not look over our new 1955 wallpaper line? Just arrived! “SCOVIE’S” o c o Phone 98 — O’Neill _ (c V o i‘ (•_ L ji I I I I ■ | I 11 | I f B jp BflHp IILj ji