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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1954)
Celia News Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease and Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickel re turned home Sunday evening from a 5,640-mile trip to the West coast. They visited Yellow stone park, Spokane, Wash., and visited Connie Frickel’s sister Mrs. Spalding, in Oregon. They drove through the redwood re gion of California and down the coast to San Francisco, returning home by the southern route. They were gone two weeks and visited 11 states. I^on Hendricks is the owner of a newr Belair Chevrolet. Mrs. Bob Cearns did the work for Mrs. Joe Hendricks Friday. Mrs. Hendricks is getting around a little with the aid of crutches. Sunday, October 3, was the first time she had been able to attend church services during 5% months of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Smith snd family were Friday evening visitors at the Lawrence Smith home. Ray Pease was a Friday after noon visitor at the O. A. Ham merberg home. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hupp were Sunday evening, September 26, visitors at the Joe Hendricks home. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith wer Friday visitors at the Leon ard Chaffin home. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammer berg, Mr. and Mrs. William Ma loun and son, Billy, were Sunday evening visitors at the Ray Pease home. Russell Hipke, Warren Berry, Lou Prange, Dorothy Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Smith helped the Charles Dobias family move into the Celia neighbor hood Monday morning. Gene Livingston and D. F. Scott were Friday supper guests at the Charles Dobias home. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammer berg, Mr. and Mrs. William Ma le un and son, Billy, went to Lake Andes and Randall dam in South Dakota Friday. They returned home by way of Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. David Rahn were Tuesday, September 28, visitors at the Joe Hendricks home. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and family were Friday evening vis itors at the Adolph Arp home in butte. Hillside chapel held a rally day service Sunday and enjoyed a basket dinner together. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schlotfeld and family went to Pender Sat urday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Schlotfeld’s grandmother. Bob Pease did their chores. Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickel and Caroline were Sunday after noon visitors at the Ray Pease home. Other visitors were Mr. and Mrs. William Spann and R. M. Pease of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilmurry, Patricia and Theresa and Delores Boyle were Tuesday evening, September 28, visitors at the O. A. Hammerberg home. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Orr were Saturday visitors at the Joe Hendricks home. Lawrence Smith was an O’ Neill visitor last Thursday. Byron and Raymond Obermire visited Bobby Knutson Saturday afternoon. Ira Lange was a Friday eve ning visitor at the Hans Laurid sen home. Alfred Schaaf and sons, George and Dick, were Sunday after noon visitors at the Hans Laur idsen home. Alex Forsythe was a Sunday afternoon visitor at the Emil Colfack home. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickel and family were Sunday after noon visitors at the LeRoy Hoff man home. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman were O’Neill visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman watched the world series on TV at the Connie Frickel home on Wednesday, September 29. Presbyterian rummage sale, Yanizi building, O'Neill, October 7, 8 and 9. 23p _____ I 1 4th Anniversary of WSCS Is Noted AMELIA—The Woman’s Soci ety of Christian Service met on Wednesday, September 22, at the home of Mrs. Pearl White. Six teen members and two visitors were present. Hazel Ott had charge of the worship service. Some interest ing features were given concern ing the people of India, Pakistan and Ceylon. The 14th anniversary of the society was observed by a report on Sarah Chauko. The offering was sent to Isabelle Thorburn college in India. The next meeting Ls to be held at the home of Bonnie Watson on Wednesday, October 27. Other Amelia News Mrs. Vern Sageser is visiting her mother, Mrs. Minter, in Council Bluffs, la. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman visited his mother, Mrs. Belle Widman, at Burwell last Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. William Raff and son, Albert, of Creighton, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Raff and son, Robert, of Venus and Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backaus visited Sun day at the home of Mrs. Lindsey and Florence. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kaiser and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Kaiser of Hardin, Mont., were here to at tend the funeral of their mother, Mrs. Richard Kaiser. Two new bathrooms are being installed at the Amelia school. Mrs. Elsie Doolitle is having a new barn built on her farm. The telephone operator, Mrs. Edith Andersen, is back on the job after a two weeks’ vacation with her daughters, Ardene and Norma, at Lincoln and at Alda witn ner son, noy. Mr. and Mrs. Gale Fix and family of Scottsbluff are here visiting at the E’lmer Fix and Mrs. Alice Prewitt homes. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fix and Leone attended a family reunion of Mrs. Fix’s relatives at Minden Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Young of Chambers were dinner guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrear. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Fryrear entertained Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss of Tilden and other rela tives at dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton and family attended the wedding of Mrs. Fullerton’s sister, Miss Angie Spath, in Omaha Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Robak and sons of Omaha spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Mar jorie Sammons, and Bill. Rae Dee Wickham accompanied them her and visited her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce. Mrs. Robak’s grandmother, Mrs. Mamie Sammons, returned to Omaha with the Robaks to visit, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White and Venita, Harry White, Misses My ra Adamson and Coral Stiekney, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barnett, Ardath and Connie were guests Monday evening at the S. C. Bar nett home. The occasion was a supper in honor of S. C. Barnett’s birthday anniversary. Tom Fort, who spent the past eight weeks at the William Fry rear home, returned to his home at DeWitt Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pierce and daughter, Mrs. Tommie Massey, and three children of Hot Springs, S.D., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce on Tuesday, September 28. Mr. and Mrs. George McGinnie of Nickerson were visiting at the Rees and Waldo homes Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rees and daughters, Marilyn and Julie, were in Omaha from Tuesday, September 28, until Friday where they visited at the Bill Rees home. James and Ruby Rees stayed with their grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Dierking and Cynthia visited relatives in Omaha and Fremont last week. Mrs. Ernie Johnston accompan ied them to Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bar nett, Ardath and Connie visited friends at Royal Sunday. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WD — Rosa Vandersnickt to Walter H Christon & wf 9-11-54 $3590- Lot 12 Blk 4- Ewing WD—Leon L Kaiser to County of Holt 9-14-54 $100- 1 acre in NWV4 Sec 23-30-14 WD— Joseph Rohde, et al to Mary London and husband 8-30 54 $3000- Lots 12 & 13 Blk I Fahy’s Park Add- O’Neill WD—Harold R. Strong to Jer ry Halva & wf 9-11-54 $7,750 Lot 2 Blk 5- Fahy’s Add- O’Neill Returns to Idaho— Miss Katherine McCarthy of Boise, Ida., left Monday for Rockford, Mich., where she will visit friends and relatives for a week. I .. i Miss Mary Lou Birmingham (above), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Birmingham of O’ Neill, is with an American Red Cross unit in Korea, helping provide servicemen with recre ation and relaxation during their off-hours. She has been In the Far East since last No vember. Miss Birmingham is a 1948 graduate of Barat college, Lake Forest, 111., and former employee of radio stations WOW-TV and KMTV of Oma ha.—U.S. Army Photo. Announce Daughter's Engagement— INMAN—Supt. and Mrs. W. J. McClurg of Bassett have an nounced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Marilyn, and Le land D. Wheeler, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Wheeler of Laramie, Wyo. Marilyn is a sophomore at Ne braska Wesleyan university and a member of Willard sorority. Mr. Wheeler is a student at the University of Wyoming at Lara mie. A summer wedding is plan ned. The MeClurgs are former In man residents, Mr. McClurg hav ing been school superintendent here for a number of years. Mrs. McClurg also taught in high school here before going to Rock county high school at Bassett. Mrs. Robert Berigan and Mr and Mrs. W. J. Froelich left Mon day for Chicago, 111., where the} will spend a week. Lynch News Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mulhair were Sunday, September 26, din ner guests at the George Martin son home at Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Keller re turned last Thursday from Gro ton, Conn., where they visited their son, Jack, and family. Mrs. Verna Kalkowski visited her daughter and granddaughter at the O’Neill hospital Thursday, September 28. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Mulhair visited at Dale Mulhair’s in Sioux City. Mrs. Madge Tonner <?f Norfolk visited her daughter, Mrs. Earl Pritchett, and family. Mrs. Myrtle Pickering of Dor sey visited at the Lawrence Hoy home last week. The Rebekah lodge held a reg ular meeting Tuesday, October 5, for a drill practice in prepara tion for assembly to be held at Norfolk on Wednesday, October 20. Mrs. Frank Weeder spent sev eral days the past week in Grand Island assisting in the care of her brother - in - law, Verle Fields, who is critically ill. Mrs. Earl Spencer of Califor nia is here visiting her son, Billy Spencer, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Court ney returned home Wednesday, September 29, after a two-weeks’ visit with their daughter and family. Donald Rohde and family of Lincoln are here visiting the pa rental Edmund Rohde home. Mr. Rohde is doing some electioneer ing in behalf of his candidacy for the unicameral. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kayl of Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weeder spent Sunday, Oc tober 3, in Grand Island. A/3c Billy Spelts left for an air force base in California after a 15-day stay here with his mother and other relatives. He had been stationed at the air force base in Amarillo, Tex., the past seven months. Bill Brewster of O’Neill was a business visitor here on Monday, September 27. Louis Novak motored to Nio brara after his mother on Tues day, September 28. His mother had spent several days there taking care of “Grandmother” Cerney, who had been ill. Clay Mashino of Redbird spent Wednesday, September 29, with his daughter, Mrs. Wallace Fred erickson, and her husband. Jim Novak left Friday for his home in Rapid City, SiD., after a few days’ visit at the Louis Novak. hoYne. Rev. Robert Lytle, missionary from Medellin, Columbia, S.A., spoke at the Lynch Wesleyan church last Thursday. He told of his experiences in South Amer ica where he had spent nine years. ONEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs Donald Enright attended the Nebraska-Iowa State football game in Lincoln Saturday. They spent Saturday evening and Sunday visiting their daughter, Mrs. Earl Bauld, and family, in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Gallagher entertained William McNichols of Hollywood, Calif., and Fred Pearlman at dinner at the Town House Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Parkins de parted Sunday for a three weeks’ visit with their daughter, Mrs. Charles Yarnall, and family in Lakewood, Calif. Mrs. H. J. Hammond enter tained at a breakfast honoring Mrs. Margaret McMillan ol Miami, Fla., Sunday morning al the M&M cafe. GET ESTIMATES AMELIA—Lawrence Barnett, Lloyd Waldo and Earnie John ston have been getting estimates on building materials for the new addition being planned at the Methodist church here. ; Royal Theater — O'NEILL. NE6r. — Thurs. OcL 7 FAMILY NIGHT! Howard Hughes presents Robert Mitchum, Jean Simmons and Arthur Hunnicutt in SHE COULDN'T SAY NO With Edgar Buchanan, Wallace Ford, Raymond Walbum. She tried to say “NO”, but not very hard! Family admitted for 2 adult tick ers—children under 12 admitted with parent 50c — adults 50c. children 12c Fri.-Sat. Oct. 8-9 TANGANYIKA Though supposedly set in Afri ca, this adventure story is a con verted Western, in which a mis guided tribe is stirred to war by an ornery white man. Lumber man Van Heflin, his business threatened, goes gunning for the renegade. Adults 50c; children 12c; matinee Sat. 2:30. All children under 12 free when accompanied by parent Suiu-Mon.-Tues. Oct. 10-11-12 It’s the funniest of the FRANCIS pictures! francis Joins the »»acs Starirng Donald O’Connor. Julia Adams, Chill Wills, Mamie Van Doren, Lynn Bari, Zazu Pitts, with Allison Hayes, Mara Corday, Karen Kadler and Fran cis the talking mule. Adults 50c; children 12c; matinee Sun. 2:30. All children unless in arms must have tickets • - - Money to Loan — on — AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance Corp. i C. E. Jones. Manager O'Neill : Nebraska [Pemey^ News in fabric, in styling! BOLIVIA WOOL COATS WITH A VELVET FEEL 1 i „ 29.75 ^ Others, 32.75 Bolivia — the news making wool with the elegant feel of velvet! At Penney’s now in coats that are setting the fashion pace for styling, details and colors. Many are Milium lined to as sure you of snug, all winter comfort; all are the best proof that Pen ney quality is your greatest saving. Sizes 3 to 18. easy-entry double zippers . . . TODDLERS’ QUILT LINED NYLON SNOWSU1T t 8.90 ( sizes lVi-4 Sized right—by weight and height—to fit your snow-bunny perfectly! On and off in a jiffy, easy to wash by hand. Warm intercel lining, snug wool-cotton knit cuffs. Water repellent, wind - resistant. Red, gfeen, eopen for girls; brown, green, royal or red for boys. . Do Not Forget! FREE DAY AND HOME COMING AT WHITE HORSE RANCH Sunday, Oct. 10th. Enter tainment for all. Amateur contests, etc. Free picnic ground. A Blonde to receive a White colt. Oldest couple, King and Queen for a day. [ Car parking $1.00. All are invited. INSURANCE Insurance of All Kinds Bonds — Notary Public 20% SAVINGS ON YOUR PREMIUMS RELIABLE COMPANIES PROMPT SETTLEMENTS Office in Gillespie Radio Bldg. PHONE 114 or 218 — O'NEILL — L. G. GILLESPIE AGENCY Established in 1893 BIGLIN' S Funeral Directors O’NEILL Day Ph. Night Ph. 38 487-R or 200 . r-, c o o ' '"foHlul^own and j^exatt RUBBING ALCOHOL COMPOUND PINT Reg. 69‘ wiss o 7ft( S?ESr« /for / v 1/Multi-purpose | forcooismotksh** ANTISEPTIC & 9 lavender MOUTHW I Mentholated I SHAVE Mi 31 I cream Kills contacted germs I <lou when used full strength. I coo, nfr;htd* ##f" FUll PINT n O Ac I «2SS 9 1 Reg. 79‘ Z for OU I *eg. 59c Tub. Z h Elite LINEN ( POUND PAPER 50 large flat sheets or pack of 50 envelopes s 2hr86c LAVENDER Push-Button Lather SHAVE CREAM ft quick, smooth shave*. Regular or Mentholated. "%*■ 0 , 126 1.25 L for I Lavender DUSTING POWDER Generous size boxes of fragrant, leng-ciinging powder, with puff. S 2 h, l51, Sticks Better j^xaU ADHESIVE TAPE The amazing new Piastk Tape that doesn’t need a cutter. •/,"«srd..rt QA( REG. 29c ZforOU l?exalf Rexillana COUGH SYRUP Helps quiet coughs due te colds. 2<.,60t T?*xa£t t^Klenzo NYLON J TOOTHBRUSHES Choose from four medically approved styles. ^ 2».,40‘ IfciE NYLONS ! I K ~Yrr t 1 \ F>«it polity - 51 gaug.. 15 dtniir. ■? T-yJr/\V\ Nr».«l Ml thadai. i ^ A„s;i., ^ PA|«$ V PI | v A $2.59 Vatin! M F0« I PEANUT BUTTER KITS, bag of 60.2 for 45c | _ MINT BREEZES, Jane Winslow's Mint puffs, 44 oz. bag...2 for 43c ■ | AMMONIATED TOOTH PASTE. Rexall. 34 oz. tube.2 for 61c I ■ "6480” NAIL POLISH REMOVER, 4 oz.2 for 40c I I MILK of MAGNESIA TABLETS, tin of 36.2 for 29c * I LEAD FOIL ICICLES..2 packs for 13c | - ELKAYS AIR REFRESHER, 5 oz. in aerosol bn.2for 1.29 | I CASCADE FILLER PAPER, 180 sheets, 50c value.2 for 79c ■ | “Festival" CUT GLASS TUMBLERS.2 for 23c or 6 for 69c I I REXALL MINERAL OIL, Puretest. Pint.2 for 86c ■ ■ CANNON TURKISH TOWEL, 20'x 40'.2 for 75c | ! CANNON KNIT DISH CLOTH, 17'x 17'.2 for 26c I I TINY TOT ANTISEPTIC BABY CREAM. 2 oz,..2 for 58c ■ | TINY TOT ANTISEPTIC BABY OIL,6oz.2 for 58c I If fpLiMedford FACIAL TISSUES I I tea l a aa i I_Jtzm L for Q7C I LOO HAIR BRUSH Professional or Half-round styles A"Cd. 2 for 1.01 43* SUPPOSITORIES Rexall—Glycerin—Adults’ or Infants’ m2 for 44* 1.49 COD LIVER OIL High Potency Pint.2 for 1.50 1.26 SACCHARIN TABLETS 1/2 grain; .2 for 1.27 1.25 READY-SHAVE SHAVING CREAM Rexall iooz.2 for 1.26 79* KLENZO ANTISEPTIC Ruby-red mouthwash Pin,.2 for 80* 25* CURLING TIE RIBBON Gold, silver, many colors 55-. 2 for 26* 25* Deluxe CHRISTMAS PAPER .JrJEiE,.2 pks. for 26* 1.00 TOWN & COUNTRY WRITING PAPER14 IT:" 'Ztr 2 boxes 1.01 6.95 5X MULTI-VITAMINS >.d vitamin ■„ 50 tablets.... .2 for 6.96 33* TINCTURE of IODINE Antiseptic and germicidal 1 oz.2 for 34* 2.89 VICTORIA HOT WATER BOTTLE 2-Heat Style 2 for 2.90 ALCO-REX RUBBING ALCOHOL 0 Cfl, Monacet Compound ARC Tablets 0 Qfl, too-. .■•g.rec A for OU Rexall Antihistamine Tablets 0 Cfl, REXALL PABIZOL 0 Cfl, CHERRY BARK COUGH SYRUP 0 Qfl, to.. «,g 89c L for JU REXALL FUNGI-REX 0 7fl, i Vi «..«.g 75c Afor/O REXALL PETROFOl 0, flfl, pint .. Reg. 59c im for UU SPEEDLINES AIRMAIL 0 1 fll SO air moil sheets & 30 envs. Reg. 1.00 L for | j v I PARK LANE WRITING PAPER O 1 Cl 36 sheets with 34 match, envs. Reg. 1.50 fcforlaUI BALL POINT PEN 9 1 Qfl retroctable, ossorted colors . Reg. 1.29 £» for I a 0 U WHITE VELLUM NOTES O 7flc bo* of 20 notes and 20 envs. ««g. 75c L for / U ALUMINUM FOIL GIFT PAPER 0 C1c 20" . 94'roll «.g 50c L for J I PANOVITE CAPSULES O 0 11 multiple vitamins. 100's . Reg. 3.10 L f0r 0* I I DICALCIUM PHOSPHATE CAPS O 1 OC with viosterol, 100‘s Reg. 1.24 L for I ■ L J A, B, D & G CAPSULES O 1 flfl 100.. leg. 1.59 Afor I.UU REXALL HYGIENIC POWDER O 7fl, 6 oz. . Reg. 75c lm for / 0 REXALL WITCH HAZEL O CQC pint .. leg. 57c A for JO Maximum Hard Rubber Combs O Qfl, . Reg 29c L for OU LAVENDER SHAMPOO ft 1 ftl ‘ « »•*. 1.00 A for I.UI MASCAL'S HAND LOTION ft 1(11 Theatrical Cleans, or Cold Cream ft IOC ■ .tag. A fori. AU FLORAL FOAM COLOGNE ft ft Cl , by Adrienne, 5 ox. oerosot . teg 2.50 L for L • J I j ADRIENNE FACE POWDER ft 1 ni regular or campra.iad.l.g. 100 A for I.UI ADRIENNE COLOGNE ft ion t.allc, Waadiy. ar floral. 4 01. lag. 1.13 A for I .AU CHLOROPHYLL TOOTH PASTE ft AQ. , i'/t at. tuba. «.g 47c A for tO' I DAINTY DEODORANT CREAM ft Cflt I 'Vi at..lug. 49c A for Ju I REXALL STORK NURSER ft on. I • at. boftla, nippla, cap.tag. 35c A for 0 V ' POLYMULSION o o nn I Children*, vitamin formula, pint lag l.S9AfOrd.0U I PLASTIC BILLFOLDS ft 1 ni I Man . and lodia.* .lag. 1.00 A for I . U I FLASHLIGHT ft nn I .londord 3 call ilia ..lag 89c AforUU ’ IMPORTED PIPES * o 1 ftl I papular ityla. . . lag. 1 00 A for I. U I ’ Cologne & Perfume Atomizers ft 1 ci | lag. 1 SO A for l.dl , FOUNTAIN PEN O 1 ni I streamlined, assorted colors . Reg. 1.00 L for I.UI I KLENZO CELLULITE SPONGES ft on. I SH'ndVi'.Rag. 35c L for vO' I WICKSTYLE DEODORANT ft nn. 1 t iit*.. Sat. . ... . Rag 59c A for Uu I DEFENDER HOUSEHOLD GLOVES ft Qft. 1 lata, rubbar. Rag. 79c AforOU I r ght reserved >o limit quantities. Prices subject to Federal Tas where applicable ■ ---. i GILLIGAN'S REXALL DRUG STORE Phone 87 — O’Neill 1?gxatf CHILDREN’S ASPIRIN Orange-flavored 1-grain tablets. 5° * O Q ILt REG. 35c ZfortJO INDELO "Magic Red LIPSTICK by Adrienne A now "magic" tlvado for all complexions . , . contains lanolin. 9 / loi i.oo Mm for I i —& CHRISTMAS GIFT PAPERS Two JO" > JO" (hoot* por pkg. light dotigm, including gold and •ilvor. RiG.lOc Q lit PKG. ^ for I Helen Cornell BOBBY/^ar C Handmode Weave WRITING PAPER | IN CABINET 160 sheets; 41 envelope! to be ivti. let gift package. I 2.50 VALUE NOW | ?exalf pH7 ^ I TOOTH PASTE I New anti-enzyme formula. 0 Reg. 47c tube* 1.41 Valve | NOW 3 for \~4 HOMEMAIU* CHOCOLATES Delicious assortment with dork or 1 milk chocolate coatings. | 2-LB. BOX 1 4A I 1.89 VALUE ONLY lee# Y Clifton FEVER /) THERMOMETERS/ Accurate, eosy to read. Oral or Rectol types. 1.35 Value 4LT ONLY V# PLUSH CUDDLE BEAR Soft, cuddly, lit-vp | beor with molded rubber note. IS' I toll. *r 1.871 | CHRISTMAS I TREE o LIGHT SETS ll.L oppro«ed I 7 light*, eoch bum* independently. I .a 1.69 { ?exoi{ f ^ PLASTIC quik-bosHI Woferproof adhesive | **^*^^J| bandagei. Flexible. I Plain or Mercwrochrome! J ”-"'.r,»dlc 1 VALUE NOW *#■ Defender Latex .• FOLDING \\\ SYRINGE With waterproof carrying cate. 2-qt. ™ m capacity. 2.25 Value 1 0||' NOW ONLY Ie07