Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1954)
Riverside News _ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christon were supper guests of Mr. and ; Mre. Harrison Bridge and family of O’Neill Friday evening, Octo ber 1. They helped Harrison cele brate his birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Primus and sons were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mott and chil dren on Sunday. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Vandersnick were Mrs. Kittie Fry and the Lee Fink family. Linda Larson was a Sunday guest of Janet Hand. Mrs. Art Bussnarat and daugh ters and Mrs. Kenneth Pollock and Debbie surprised Mrs. Anna Koehler the afternoon of her Lirthday anniversary, September 28, when they brought lunch and paid her a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Switzer had as their guests for Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer and Jay Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar and daughters called at the Leonard Larson home Wednes day evening, September 29. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christon visited their son, Tom, at Tarkio college, Tarkio, Mo., Saturday. They all spent Saturday night and Sunday with friends in Lin coln. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dusatko at Emmet Sunday. Legal Notice {First pub. Sept. 23, 1954) NOTICE TO BIDDERS CONSUMERS PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT Contract No. E-54-15 Sealed proposals for the fur nishing of one Steel Tainter Gate for Spencer Hydro Plant, will be received until 10:00 A.M. CST— October 18, 1954 in the office of the Assistant Secretary in the District’s Office in Columbus, Nebraska, at which time propos als will be opened and read. Plans, Specifications and In structions to Bidders are avail able at the office of W. P. Ven able, Superintendent of Power Supply for the District at Co lumbus, Nebraska, by depositing the sum of $15.00 for a set of three (3) Contract Documents, which sum will be returned upon return of said Plans and Specifi cations. Proposals must be submitted on forms supplied by the District and in Accordance with Instruc tions to Bidders. All proposals must be occompanied by a cer- - tified check payable to Consum ers Public Power District in an amount of 5% of the bid, or by a Bidder’s Bond, in a like amount, on the form supplied by the Dis trict District will award the con tract to the lowest and best re sponsible bidder as may be most ( advantageous to the District, or < at its sole discretion may reject t any or all bids, or may waive any \ informalities in bids. ( By Order of the Board of Di- < rectors of Consumers Pubiie [ Power District. . By R. L. SCHACHT , General Manager , 21-23c , (First pub. Sept. 23, 1954) NOTICE OF SCHOOL LAND LEASE SALE ] Notice is hereby given that the , Board of Educational Lands and i Funds of the State orf Nebraska, ' or its authorized representative, will offer for lease at public auc- ] tion on the 21st day of October, ] 1954, at 2:30 o’clock P.M., at the ] office of the County Treasurer of Holt County, in O’Neill, Nebraska, , the following educational lands ; within said county: Description Sec. Twp. Rge. NMsSEtt- 1 SEy4sEy4- \ NViNEVi _16 28 13 SM> _.16 25 16 ! NEV4 _ 36 25 15 Ml_36 27 10 « All _36 33 14 < Said sale may be adjourned ] from day to day until all lands have been offered. No sale will be final until approved by the Board of Educational Lands and Funds, and the Board reserves 1 the right to reject any and all I bids. 1 BOARD OF EDUCATIONAL > LANDS AND FUNDS < Robert D. Hiatt, Secretary. y 21-23 1 .n Rev. Ernest Smith and bride . . . wed in Albuquerque. Perfect Attenders Honored by Ewing Sunday - School EWING—Bibles were present ed by Supt. Dewitt Hoke to Kar n Woeppel, Clayton Hoke and immie Tams on Sunday, Octo >er 3, when promotion day was bserved at the Ewing Methodist junday-school. Each had complet ed four years of Bible memory vork. These students were pro noted from the primary depart nent to the intermediate grade aught by Mrs. Florence Butler. A year’s Bible memory work vas completed by the following n the primary department under drs. R. G. Rockey’s supervision: lanelle Tams, Evelyn True, Lon iie Eacker, Donald Lane, Ronald Puttie and Jimmie Elliot. Other students promoted to ugher classes were Jerry Tams, £aryetta Peterson, Patricia lahlbeck and Patricia Wright. Karen Tuttle completed five 'ears of perfect attendance at Junday-school and the following sad one-year perfect attendance ecords: Bonnie Jo Jefferies, Ja ielle Hoke and Patricia Wright, i-ach was presented a gift by superintendent Hoke. Miss Anna Van Zandt had •harge of the program for this ervice. A saxophone solo was >layed by Jerry Tams. Other Ewing News Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Larsen vere hosts at a 6 o’clock dinner •arty on Sunday evening at their lome, honoring the birthday an liversary of Mr. Larsen. Two lecorated birthday cakes which vere baked by Mrs. Larsen and ilrs. Zeims, made up the center piece. The evening’s entertain ment consisted of card games and watching television. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pruden and family, Mr. and Mrs. Will Conner, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zeims, Mrs. Clara Tucker, Mrs. Agnes Bartak, all of Ewing, and Miss Patricia Mullen of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Black and family were 6 o’clock dinner and evening guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robley Sisson, sr., and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hickman left for their home at White River, S.D., on Friday after spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lar sen. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zeims were guests at a birthday dinner on Saturday at the home of Mrs. Zeim’s brother-i-nlaw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Van Horn, at O’Neill, honoring their daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee re turned home Monday from a few days’ visit with relatives at Ful lerton, Genoa and Chapman. Weekend guests at the home of Mrs Pauline Noffke were her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Noffke, and family of Albion and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wagoner of Fairfax, S.D. Leonard Larson of Lincoln was a guest at the home of his par ents Tuesday and Wednesday, September 28 and 29. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris and daughter, Bertha, were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson and familv. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Allen and daughter, Pamela, Kay, of Pax ton were overnight guests Satur day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bauer and family. They also visited Mrs. Allen’s parents at O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Wright and children spent Sunday visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Peltzer at Chambers. Oth er guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard Mosel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Will Lehman, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lehman and Ed Herley. In the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn and family of Madison stopped in. At the sale of the Emmet Wright residential lots last Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pollock were the buyers. Their plans are to build a residence. Tommy Sisson celebrated his 11th birthday anniversary Sun day. In honor of the occasion, his mother, Mrs. Robley Sisson, sr., invited 18 of his friends to a party from 2 to 5 o’clock. Out door games provided the group entertainment. Cake, ice cream and hot chocolate were served for refreshments. Mrs. Mary Snyder of Elgin was a weekend guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Rob ley Sisson, sr., and family. Oth er guests were Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Trowbridge and Mrs. Nancy Trowbridge, all of Elgin. Mrs. Harold Leise and her mother, Mrs. Jennie Eppenbach of O’Neill were recent guests at the home of Mrs. Wima Eppen bach. Mrs. Maud Lawrence of Ben ton. Tex., was an overnight guest at the home of Mrs. Wilma Eppen bach on Monday, September 27, and Mrs. Hattie Cole was an overnight guest at the Eppenbach home on Tuesday, September 28. A party of friends charvaried Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ruggles,' newlweds, at their home in Ewing Thursday evening. Treats were; passed to the guests and a gen eral good time was had. Mrs. Ruggles is the teacher of the third and fourth grades in the: Ewing public schrol. Mr. and Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard! were guests Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Steven at Clearwater. Mrs. Martha Hill returned Sun day from York where she had spent a few days on business and pleasure. Mr s. John Wanner left Friday for Stanton where she will spend the weekend with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs and family spent Sunday at Nor folk visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Shiff bauer, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grim were 6 o’clock dinner guests Wednes day evening, September 29, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mastalin at Verdigre. Mrs. Manson Mortz of Stanton was a recent guest at the home I of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kropp and family. Cpl. Donald Ruroede and Clem Schrad went to Ft. Logan, Colo., on Friday where Cpl. Ruroede will recieve his papers for a 30 day leave. He had been stationed in Korea and Guam for several months and arrived in Ewing on September 29. Mrs. Gail Boies, accompanied by Mrs. Ralph Munn, Mrs. Ray Funk, Mrs. Frank Schrad, Mrs. James Bartak and Mrs. Allen Pollock went to Omaha to attend the National Council of Catholic Women State convention October 5. Mrs. Pat Knapp also was in attendance and text witn ner husband on conclusion of the session for a visit with relatives and friends in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies were Sunday visitors at the country home of Frank Bohn family. In the evening, all went to Clear water for a chicken dinner served by the ladies of St. Theresa parish. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Carter went to Wayne September 25 where they attended the Wayne- Peru football game. Supt. and Mrs. L. M. Carter at tended the reception for the teachers held at Page on Tuesday evening, September 28, sponsored by the Kings Daughters and the Women’s Society of Christian Service. Mrs. Carter is a member of the Page faculty. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Klipphaln returned to their home at Port land, Ore., on Friday after at tending the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Rosetta Fridley, on Thurs day. They were overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hahlbeck. Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies and Bonnie Jo entertained a din ner on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Cratty, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ma ben, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fil- 1 singer, Judy, Karen and Lois, j Miss Minnie Neiderheide, all of Clearwater, and Mr. and Mrs. William Wulf of Ewing. Mrs Wilma Daniels and Mrs. George Jefferies, accompanied by Mrs. Mark Muff of O’Neill, were Neligh visitors on Saturday. Mrs. Roy Wright and Mrs* Wilma Daniels were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Finely and family. Try Frontier want ads! Rev. Ernest Smith Takes Bride in New Mexico Rite (Photo at left) Miss Katherine Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Williams of Albuquerque, N.M., and Rev. Ernest Smith of O’Neill, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Smith of Napanoch, N.Y., were united in marriage at the Im manuel Lutheran church in Al buquerque Monday, September 25. Rev. Carl Schmid, pastor, of ficiated at the 7:30 p.m., double ring rite. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a dress of pleated nylon net and Chantilly lace over satin. Her finger-tip veil of French illusion net fell trom a half-hat of lace and net trimmed with seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of white fea thered carnations. Miss Frances Williams of Al buquerque, maid-of-honor for her sister, wore a dress of pink crystalette and carried a bouquet of bronze feathered mums. Miss Roberta Williams was the flowergirl. She wore a dress of green satin and carried a nosegay bouquet of bronze mums. The bestman was Edward Massey and Russell Reinecke was the usher. A reception was held in the auditorium of the church follow ing the ceremony. The bride’s grandmother and Mrs. Martin Fritze were in charge. For traveling, the bride wore a beige ensemble with avocado accessories. Following a wedding trip to Santa Fe, N.M., and Colorado the couple will be at home in O’Neill where the bride groom is the newly-installed pas tor of the Christ Lutheran church. He also is pastor of Im manuel Lutheran church in At kinson. The bride attended high school in Albuquerque, N.M., and the Lutheran school of nursing in St. Louis, Mo. Before her marriage she was employed by the Presby terian hospital as a surgical nurse in Albuquerque. Reverend Smith was graduated from Con cordia Lutheran seminary in St. Louis, Mo., and came to O’Neill —his first pastorate—in July. The Smiths arrived in O’Neill Saturday, October 2. GETS PROMOTION Clarence Worth, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Worth, was pro moted to airman first-class on September 1. He is stationed at Keesler air force base in Missis sippi. He will graduate in five weeks from radar school. He en listed on November 19, 1953. Miss Cain Plans November Riie— Mr. and Mrs. William Bryan Cain of Greeley have announced the engagement of their daugh ter, Miss Patricia Anne of Oma ha, and John Fredrick Lammers, also of Greeley. The bride-elect is a graduate of the College of St. Mary and Mercy hospital school of med ical technology in Council Bluffs, la. The couple will be married on November 13 in Sacred Heart church in Greeley. Miss Cain for a time was em ployed as a technician at St. An thony’s hospital in O’Neill. She was graduated from St. Mary’s amademy in May, 1949. O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Harold Benson and Paula visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gilbert at Burke, S. D. Miss Helen Harty and Miss Rita Mattingly of Independence, Mo., both students at St. Mary college, Omaha, spent the weekend in O’Neill visiting Miss Harty’s mother, Mrs. W. H. Harty. Miss Linda Hamik, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Hamik, spent the weekend visit ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamik in Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bright and Mr. and Mrs Al Hamik spent the weekend in Omaha and Lincoln. Friday evening they attended the wedding of Miss Barbara Peter son and Donald R. Huser in Sioux City. Presbyterian rummage sale. Yanlzi building, O'Neill, October 7, 8 and 9. 23p Mrs. Henry Martin spent Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vem Wrede in Inman. Other guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. John Hipke, both of Springview. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lofflin and daughter spent Sunday in Sioux City. Mrs. John J. Harrington and Marlene, Mrs. Thomas Donlin and Mrs. Anthony Staton were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. John Murray in Spencer. It was the 27th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Murray. Kenneth Herley of Norfolk was a dinner guest Sunday of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Herley. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Houser were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Allen P. Jaszkow iak and Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Cro nin attended a housewarming party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Brewster in Stuart last Thursday. July 9 Nuptials Are Announced STUART— Friends here have t eceived word of the marriage of Miss Virginia (“Matie”) White head. Miss Whitehead and Wil-1 liam R. O’Bryan were married in Ventura, Calif., at the home of the bridegroom’s mother on July, 9. The couple is making their home in Inglewood, Calif. Mrs. O’Bryan is a registered nurse and a daughter of the late Oscar Whitehead. Recently she has been making her home in California. Othex Stuart News P. A. Engler of Worthington, la., came Thursday, September 30, to visit with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Engler. Melvin Engler and daughters, Debbie and Christi, of Omaha came Saturday, October 2, for a visit at the B. C. Engler home. Melvin returned to Omaha on Sunday. Debbie and Christi are spending the week with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Porter of Bassett were Sunday, October 3, dinner guests at the Berlin Mit chell home. Mrs. B. C. Engler entertained the Bridge club Tuesday after noon, September 28. Mrs. Orville Paxton and Mrs. Art Givens won prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Coffman and daughter, Kristen, came on Thursday, September 30, from Colorado Springs, Colo,, and are visiting at the home of his par ---- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Caff man.. Mr. Coffman has received his release from the army. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Goodwin and daughter, Lynn, of Amarillo, Tex., are spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Char les Moses, and family. The Mus es Barbara and Faye Moses of Omaha spent the weekend here. -— o , Troops Plan Joint Hallowe'en Party— Brownie troop I met Tuesday, October 5, at the library. We had our business meeting and voted to have a Hallowe’en party with troop II on Tuesday. October 19, at the library. Kathy Bosn fur nished refreshments. We had a wonderful time visiting the Mer ri Bottling Co. and The Fron tier.—Sharon Hartman, scribe. VERDIGRE UVESTOCK MARKET Report of the October 4th Sale 190 to 250 lb.. $18.70 to $19.15; top on 22 head with 94 head selling at $19.00 to $19.15. Sows to 350 lb„ $17.70 to $18.00. 350 to 400 lb., $16.80 to $17.70; 400 lb. up. $15.80 to $16.80. Feeders by head, $17.00 to $23.00; 125 to 160 lb. feeders, $17.75 to $19.30. Demand for feeders and bred sows. If you have any and will let me know on sale day, I will advertise them for the follow ing week. CONSIGN TO VERDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET FOR SALES AND SERVICE W. LLOYD BRADY, Owner & Mgr. Verdigre. Nebr. Phone 86 — _ . O O Dr. Edw. J. Norwood, O.D. Optometrist, from Crawford, Nebraska, will be in O'Neill on FRIDAY. OCTOBER 15 9 A.M. to 5 PJM. At the Hotel Golden Glasses Properly Fitted Eyes Scientifically Examined O J \ c l' o a ; __j ♦ high FASHION ... for low TEMPERATURES! AT MODERATE PRICES We’ve coats of every description to fit your highest fashion to your most casual needs .... and still keep you well protected from winter’s bitterest winds! Hurry in! Make your selection today! . ° V L f NEWEST FABRICS ALPACAS — TWEEDS — ZIBELINES CHINCHILLAS — FLEECES The Season’s Smartest Colors Are Here! *39-95 •. S79.95 |*l r\ ' _ I l i o .) . o