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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1954)
Future Subscribers GANNON— Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Gannon of Seattle, Wash., a son, Stephen Roy, weighing 7 pounds 15% ounces, born Friday, October 1, at Seattle. This is the couple’s first child. Mr. Gannon is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Gannon of Inman. SEHI— Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Sehi of Omaha, formerly of O’ Neill and Ewing, a son, Jerome Laurence, jr., weighing 7 pounds, bom Friday, September 24, at a hospital in Omaha. Mrs. Sehi is the former Dorothy Walter of Ewing. The Sehi family resided at O’Neill until recently, when they moved to Omaha. POLLOCK — Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pollock of Ewing, a daughter, Brenda Faye, born Tuesday, September 28, in the Tilden hospital! The Pollocks have another daughter, Debbie, who has been visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pol lock, at Ewing. M’CONNELL — Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer McConnell of Atkinson, a son, Victor Raymond, weighing 7 pounds 2 ounces, bom Satur day, October 2. in Atkinson Me morial hospital. TOOKER—Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tooker of Atkinson, a daughter, Mary Genell, weighing 6 pounds 12% ounces, born Sunday, Octo ber 3, in Atkinson Memorial hos pital. KILMURRY — Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilmurry of Atkinson, a son, weighing 11 pounds 4 ounc es, born Sunday, October 3, in Atkinson Memorial hospital. Mrs. Kilmurry is the former Rosemary Troshynski. The Kil murry have three daughters. TIENKEN—Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tienken, jr., of Naper, a daughter, Shelly Lynn, weighing 5 pounds 15 Vi ounces, bom Thursday, Sep tember 30, in St. Anthony’s hos pital, O’Neill. STERNS—Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stems of O’Neill, a daughter, Debra Lee, weighing 7 pounds 7% ounces, bom Thursday, Septem ber 30, in St Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. „ ^ HERMSEN—Mr. and Mrs. Den zel Hermsen of Iona, S. D., a daughter, Rhonda Sue, weighing 7 pounds 15 ounces, born Satur day, October 2, in St. Anthony s hospital, O’Neill. HARLEY—Mr. and Mrs. Dar win Harley of Santa Ana, Calif., a son, Daniel Keith, weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces, bom Monday, September 27, at Santa Ana. The father recently was separated from the marine corps after spending the past six years in the service—11 months of which were spent in Korea. The couple resides in Santa Ana where Mr. Harjey is employed. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harley of Ewing; the ma ternal grandmother is Mrs. Mar tha Stedman of Denver, Colo. SULLIVAN — Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sullivan of Wayne, a son, Timothy Robert, weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces, born Monday, October 4, at the Wakefield hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Sullivan of O’Neill are the paternal grandparents. This lS their first grandchild. WEICHMAN — Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weichman of Stuart, a daughter, Susan Marie, weighing 7 pounds 12 ounces, born Tues day, October 5, in Atkinson Me morial hospital. BECK — Mr. and Mrs. John Beck of Atkinson, a daughter, weighing 6 pounds, bom Tues day, October 5, in Atkinson Me morial hospital. KOENIG—Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Koenig of Fairfax, S.D., a son, weighing 8 pounds 8 ounces, born Tuesday, October 5, in Sa cred Heart hospital, Lynch. Holt County Sheriff Leo Tom jack said this week the county’s radio communications installa tion has been expanded to in clude the Nebraska safety patrol frequency as well as the civil defense frequency. This enables the Holt office to gain instant contact with the district patrol office at Norfolk and communi i cate with Omaha and Lincoln. ~ -■* Mr. Gunler . . . his homemade machine prefers side walks and smooth roads.—The Frontier Photo. . . A /SV X ^ Hybrid Wheelchair Enables Amputee to Tour Ewing EWING — A familiar sight on the streets of Ewing each day is Dewitt Gunter and his “rocket” —a hybrid wheelchair with elec trically-powered bicycle mechan ism. Mr. Gunter, who has always led an active life, had the misfor tune to have a leg amputated above the knee in February of this year, after he had suffered for months with leg trouble. All of his trouble started when com plications set in after he had frozen his feet. For a time he was haptpy to get about his home with the aid of a walker. When his health im proved, his desire to get around by himself became more keen. He expressed this desire to his son, Melvin Gunter of Orchard. Together they worked out a plan, using frameworks of two dis carded bicycles and a wheelchair. This machine is electrically propelled and is operated easily in any part of town where there are sidewalks or smooth roads. During the summer, Mr. Gun ter whiled away many hours with his friends on the street from his “rocket” perch. 3 Escape Injury in Highway Mishap Three persons escaped injury about 8:30 p.m., last Thursday at a point nine miles north of O’ Neill. A machine owned by Hugh Carr of O’Neill and driven by his son, Hugh G., 20, headed north ward, struck a pickup truck driv en by Elmer Finningsmier of Hastings. The pickup was south bound, and had crossed in front of the Carr machine, according to the Holt county sheriff’s of fice, which conducted an investi gation. The Carr machine was nearly demolished. Young Carr, who received a black eye, was accom panied by his brother, James, 13. WEATHER SUMMARY: Hi Lo Prec. September 30 _52 40 .05 October 1 _58 35 -]01 October 2 . 62 42 .03 October 3 _67 47 October 4 _58 41 Ortober 5 _45 37 .17 October 6 _55 39 Total _ .26 The lessons taught by experi ence are final, but there are al ways a few who try to give ex perience a few pointers. ■ —. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY'S (O'Neill) Admissions: September 29 — Mrs. George Weingartner, O’ Neill. 30—Mrs. C. John Tienken, Naper; Mrs. Donald Sterns, O’ Neill; Mrs. Robert Asher, O’ Neill; Mrs. Josie Crumly, Page; Mrs. Roy Backhaus, O’Neill; Lawrence J. Murray, O’Neill. October 1—Edgar James Boyle, jr., O’Neill; Mrs. Denzel Herm sen, Iona, S.D. 2 — Mrs. Leslie Knepper, O’Neill; Gary Alton, O’Neill; Mrs. Frank McKenny, O’Neill. 3—Mrs. Carl Max, Page. 4—Mrs. M. F. Gribble, O’Neill; Tom Donlin, O’Neill; Mrs. Carl Lambert, Ewing; Harry Winings, Atkinson; Mrs. Arthur Avery, Lynch; William Zimmerman, Ewing; Mrs. Lester Walton, O’ Neill. 5—Mrs. George Brainard, Inman; Mrs. Ed Guthmiller, Fair fax, S.D.; Mrs. William F. Serck, Emmet; Mrs. Arby Kruger, Stu art; Mrs. John Hickey, O’Neill. 6 Mrs. George Winkler, Emmet. Dismissals: September 29 — Barbara Pyle, Inman; Mrs. Nor man Oberle and baby girl, O’ Neill; Carol Ann Peter, O’Neill October 1—Edgar James Boyle jr., O’Neill. 2—Mrs. Ray Siders, Inman; Mrs. Charles Tasler and baby girl, Atkinson; Mrs. Ber nard Miller and baby girl, Ew ing; Mrs. Vernon Lorenz, O’Neill 3—Mrs. Lloyd Collins and babj girl, O’Neill; Mrs. Leslie Knep per, O’Neill; Ruby Carl, Ewing Mrs. Richard Hoerle, Chambers Lawrence J. Murray, O’Neill Mrs. Robert Asher, O’Neill; Mrs Ben Oetter, Ewing; Mrs. Wendel Nelson and baby boy, O’Neill, k —Mrs. Frank McKenny, O’Neill Mrs. C. John Tienken and babj girl, Naper; Mrs. Don Myers anc baby boy, Stuart; Mrs. Georgf Weingartner, O’Neill. 5 — Mrs Donald Stems and baby girl, O’ Neill; Mrs. Lester Walton, O’ Neill. Hospitalized: Gary Alton, O’ Neill; Mrs. Arthur Avery, Lynch Mrs. George Brainard, Inman Rev. Eugene Buechel, S.J., St Francis, S.D.; Mrs. Roy Back liaus, O’Neill; Mrs. Josie Crum ly. Page; Tom Donlin, O’Neill Clyde Johnson, O’Neill; Mrs Carl Lambert, Ewing; Mrs. Ad nan Mitchell, Atkinson; Mrs Mary Mullen, O’Neill; Mrs. Jirr Regal, O’Neill; Harry Winings Atkinson; Mrs. Ed Guthmiller Fairfax, S.D.; Mrs. M. F. Gribble O’Neill; Mrs. Mary Graham, O’ Neill; Mrs. John Hickey, O’Neill Evelyn Cavanaugh, Chambers Mrs. Denzel Hermsen, Iona, S.D. Mrs. George Winkler, Emmet Mrs. Arby Kruger, Stuart; Mrs Fred Lorenz, Inman; Mrs. Car Max, Page; Albert Otte, Winner S.D.; Mrs. William Serck. Em met; William Zimmerman, Ew ing. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: September 28—Mrs. Clyde Nilson, Atkinson, surgical; Mrs. Robert Thomas, Ft. Collins, Colo., obstetrical. 29—Mrs. John Jardee, Stuart, medical; Edward Murray, -Boston, Mass., medical. 30 — Rev. Asa Wood, Mears, Mich., medical; Paul Marsoun, Atkinson, medical. October 1 — Mrs. Wilmer McConnell, Atkin son, obstetrical. 2—Henry Heu ton, Atkinson, medical; Edward Deseive, Atkinson, medical; Joe Heeb, Atkinson, medical; Mrs. Leo Weichman, Stuart, medical. 3—Mrs. Gene Tooker, Atkinson, obstetrical; Mrs. Frank Kilmur ry, Atkinson, obstetrical. Dismissed: September 28 — George Hytrek, Joe Bartos, Ar thur Miller, Mrs. Frank Dister haupt. 30 — Mrs. Clyde Nilson, Mrs. John Jardee. October 1— Edward Murray. 2— Mrs. John Forrestal and daughter, Mrs. Ro manus Kaup and daughter. Hospitalized: Dr. A. M. Wurtz. Expired: October 2 — Henry Heuton. SACRED HEART (Lynch) Hospitalized; Marion Borrall, Butte; Mrs. L. I. Hines, Spencer; Mrs. Jannettie Nelson, Center; Mrs. Lillian Olson, Bristow; Er nest Peterson, Bristow; Ronald Remter, Spencer. Dismissals: September 27—Gale Reinoehl, Verdel. 28—Mrs. Mar tin DeVall, Spencer; Baby Leo Otto Cuhel, Verdel; Mrs. Louis Kortmeyer, Naper. 29—Mrs. Wil liam Green, Niobrara; Johnny Miller, Spencer; Baby Lu Ann Suing, Butte; Baby Larry Haun, Spencer. 30— Mrs. Harry Hood, Stuart. October 1—Lumir Cizek, Spencer; Mrs. Joseph Lechten berg, Anoka. Z—Frank Benash, O’Neill; Mrs. Wilmer Landholm, Spencer. 3—Mrs. Lawrence Aid ers, Naper; Jerry Kaplan, Verdel (died). Sunday Guest in Ott Home— Mr. and Mrs. Fred Colemar and Ronnie of Spencer, Mr. anc Mrs. Alvin Ott and boys and Mr and Mrs. Francis Curran anc girls were Sunday dinner guest; at the Bert Ott home. The oc casion being Mr. Ott’s birthday anniversary. An angel food cake baked by Mrs. Alvin Ott servec as the centerpiece. Sick & Injured O’NEILL— Mrs. Gladys Cun ningham entered Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk on Tuesday and underwent major surgery there Wednesday. . . Little David Charles Melena, 10 months-old-son of Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Melena, returned Wed nesday, September 29. from Children’s Memorial hospital, Omaha. David, O’Neill’s first polio victim this year, has no movement in his left foot and his left leg is weak. His first birthday anniversary will be No vember 12. . . Miss Zittella Kes tenholtz returned to her duties at the M&M Monday after hav ing been absent about six weeks due to illness and hospitalization. LYNCH—Mrs. Art Retzlaff is recuperating at home, having recently undergone surgery at a Norfolk hospital. . . Mrs. R. M, Ducker underwent surgery at a Norfolk hospital Thursday, Sep tember 30. . . Gordon Keller, who has been a patient at a Grand Island hospital, is now. home and “feeling good.” . Mrs. Josephine Boska accidentlj spilled a kettle of boiling watei over her lower leg and foot. She is now undergoing a great dea of suffering from the severe scald. Mrs. Roska is 72-years-olc 1 and is keeping house for her son | Joe. CHAMBERS — Herman Cook suffered a heart attack while en route to the home of his son-in law and daughter at Ord on Fri day, October 1. They returned to Chambers and he was taken to O’Neill for medical care. At pres ent he is resting at his home northeast of town. . . Earl David returned the latter part of last week from Grand Island where he had been a patient for nine weeks in the Veterans hospital. . . . Mrs. Richard Hoerle return ed home Saturday from St. An thony’s hospital where she had undergone surgery. . . Mrs. Carl Lambert is a patient in St. An thony’s hospital. PAGE—Carl Max, accompan ied by Otto Wahletz, took Mrs. Helen Kcudson to Manning, la., Sunday. She was called there by the illness of her son, Leland Knudson, who had suffered an other heart attack. . . Mrs. Rob ert Nissen suffered severe burns from her neck to her waist Wed nesday, September 29, when a pressure cooker sent a spray of not water over her as she remov ed the lid. . . Mrs. Carl Max en tered St. Anthony’s hospital Sun day evening for medical atten tion. AMELIA—S. C. Barnett went to Sioux City Fridaiy for a med ical checkup. . . Mrs. Ernie John ston went to Omaha last week to be near a sister who submitted to surgery in an Omaha hospital. EMMET — Wayne Bates has been quite ill with a virus infec tion and was a patient a few days at the home ot his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bates, in O’ Neill, under a doctor’s care. He is “improved” and was able to return home on Sunday. . . Karen Bates, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bates, Lila Jean and Earl Miller, children of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Miller, and DeWayne Per ry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Perry, have been ill with mumps the past week. CELIA — Mr. and Mrs. Gene Livingston returned home Wed nesday, September 29, from Om aha where Mrs. Livingston had been a patient in Clarkson hos pital. They are staying in town with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. j D. F. Scott. . . Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks took her moth er, Mrs. Omer Poynts, to Sioux City Friday for a medical check up. —/ INMAN—Mr. and Mrs. How ard Jackson were called to Nor folk Wednesday evening, Sep tember 29, by the serious illness of Mr. Jackson’s father, Isaac Jackson, who is a patient in a Norfolk .hospital. His condition remains “poorly.” . . Mrs- Ray Siders, who has been a patient in St. Anthony’s hospital the past two weeks, was able to re turn home Saturday morning. DELOIT — Ralph Potter, who teaches near Chadron, became iH with a kidney ailment Sunday and was taken to the Chadron hospital. EWING—Mrs. Willie Shrader and son, David Earl, came home rhursday from Our Lady of Lourdes hospital at Norfolk. Mrs. Rasley Entertains— Mrs. Charles Downey and son James, of Scottsbluff visited from Friday, October 1, until Monday with Mrs. Downey’s mother, Mrs. Georgia Rasley Too Late to Classify CARD OF THANKS I WISH to thank all my friends and relatives for their prayers, cards and visits while I was in St. Anthony’s hospital. Also a very special “thank you” to George Janousek and Thomas Schoberg for their donation of blood. Your kindness will nev er be forgotten. MRS. RAY SIDERS 23p50 Inman, Netbr. WANTED: Washing and stretch ing of curtains.—Phone 448-M O’Neill._ 23p FOR SALE: Oil space heater, 13 in. burner, circulating fan, good condition.—Phone 360-W, O’Neill. 23-24p6G SWITCH TO SQUIRT Never An Afler-Thirsl ■ - HEREFORD DISPERSION and Farm Close-Out Sale On premises, 16 miles north of O’Neill on U.S. 281, 4 west, % north, % east, on — Friday, October 8th — 12:30 P.M. 104 Registered Herefords: From Sire herd, founded in 1931, many show triumps. Bloodlines: Paladin Domino L., VIA Bozato 9th, WHR Proud Princeps 9th, Pioneer Shadow. Includes aged herd bull, bull 4-yrs.-old, 6 ylg. bulls, 38 cows 3-yrs. and up, 11 heifers 2 yrs., 7 ylg. heifers, 15 heifer calves, 20 bull calves. 73 Commercial Cattle: 18 grade cows under 6 yrs., 18 steer and heifer calves, 4 reg. cows, Hereford bull 2-yrs., 7 ylg. steers, 10 bucket calves, 9 ylg. Hereford hfrs., 6 milk cows. Also 5 horses, mowers, rake, stacker, drills, hammermill, plows, bunks, etc. Terms: Cash. ROY MARGRITZ & W. G. (Walt) SIRE, OWNERS Weller, McClurg, Fleming, Aucts.; Bulle Stale Bank, Clerk (Write W. G. Sire, Butte, for Catalog) Emmet's Lord's Acre FESTIVAL WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13TH Supper: 6:00 P.M. - 7:30 P.M. Served by the Women’s Society at $1.00 per plate \ Auction: 7:30 P.M. — Col. Dean Fleming Corn — Swine — Wheat — Baled Hay — Vetch Oats — Canned Goods — Honey — Fancy Work | Case of Coffee — Garments — Misc. Items Closing Service of Dedication REV. ANNA NELSON, speaker (Following Auction) Everyone Is Welcome Proceeds Go to Work of Emmet Methodist Church * W. F. FINLEY, M.D. O’NEILL Downey Building OFFICE PHONE: 28 I ~ Prices Effective Thursday Friday - Saturday OCTOBER 7th — 8th — 9th TRY OUR PURE, FRESH A GROUND UL- beef — V~ rlWWM It’s the BEST! | SEE US FOR OUR PRICE ON 1 BEEF by the QUARTER 1 tb’Al FOR YOUR LOCKER OR DEEP FREEZE || O|| Come In — Make Your Own Selection s®i ■ FRESH PORK WIENERS NECK BONES 3 lbs. Only.... $1.00 3 lbs. Only 50c | AGAIN THIS WEEK — Fresh Killed ~ | Roasting Hens2Q< u. | DRESSED — DRAWN Ready for the Pan Table Ready OLEO 2 Pounds 45c KARO SYRUP great on pancakes! < \ [ And it makes ) l ■ so many other j delicious treats i KARO Syrup DARK \\ lbs... 19c KRAUT CABBAGE too n» $2.89 SEEDLESS RAISINS - 2 Ik 33c BULK, DRY BEANS 4 lbs. 55c WILSON'S CHOPPER BEEF 3«. 99c COLORADO RED POTATOES 10 lbs. 29c SPRINGTIME FROZEN STRAWBERRIES 2 Pkgs. 49c OUR FAMILY STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 2 jars 59c BULK MACARONI.2-lb. Pkg. 41c NORTHERN TOILET TISSUE 3r*25c MRS. TUCKER'S SHORTENING 3-lb. can 39c PLUS ONE-POUND CAN FREE! OUR FAMILY GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 — 46-Oz. Cans 49c WE HANDLE A COMPLETE LINE OF HUTREHA and FOXBILT FEEDS CALL OR SEE US FOR BOOKINGS ON RANGE CUBES FOR OCT. - NOV. - DEC. DELIVERY 25c PER COT. DISC0III1T Thursday through Saturday ■ SHELHAMER EGGS foods POULTRY Call or See Us for COUNTRY PICKUP on POULTRY —m—mmmmmm , &