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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1954)
OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Delinquent Tax List Notice is hereby given that on the first Monday in November, 1954, being November 1st, there will be a public auction of all lands and town lots in Holt County, Nebr., on which taxes are delinquent for the year 1953 or any prior years. That at said sale so much of the tracts of land or town lots will be sold as be necessary to pay all delinquent taxes, interest and costs thereon at date of sale. That said sale shall continue from day to day until all property has been offer* ed. Following is a list of all tracts of land and town lots on which taxes are delinquent for one year or more. The amount of the 1953 delin quent tax follows each descrip tion, but does not include interest or advertising charges. J. ED HANCOCK Courity Treasurer Antelope Precinct Township 29. Range 10 Sec. Tax SYz _ 10 45.72 __ 13 29.35 EVsSEVt.. 13 13.80 All_ 14 N%, SEy4__ 15 142.10 SEy4 _ 22 38,30 EViEVz _ 24 82.10 SEy4 _ 25 125.70 Pt. NWy4, swy4 28 74.26 swy4 _ 29 69.60 NWy4 _ 33 74.26 SM _33 82.38 NEVi _34 90.68 NWy4 _36 125.70 Atkinson Precinct Township 30. Range 14 Sec. Tax swy4 _ 9 118.92 EM _10 184.20 HM _ .14 187.76 SEy4 _ 20 53.03 swy4 _ 27 123.66 SEy4 _ 27 123.66 NEy4 - 28 47.11 E%swy4swy4, SEy4SWV4 28 74.36 NEVi- 29 48.09 Pt. SEy4SEy4 . 29 54.14 Dyson Add'n Lots Blk. Tax i, 2, 3, 4_ 2 30.02 Mathew's Add'n Lois Blk. Tax 1. 2, 11, 18 .... 37 3.24 Pt. SEVaSEM ... S3o’ no Pt. SWy4NW'/4 ... 33 11.38 Nondescripts No. 1, E 414 acres in N14, No. 2A _ 33 56.62 Pt. No. 3 ... . 33 26.10 Pt. No. 3 _33 3.54 No. 4 - 33 34.08 Pt. No. 8, Pt. No. 9, No. 10 . 33 33.02 No. 19 _ 33 30.72 No. 20 --33 43.84 No. 32 - 33 52.36 Pt. No. 34 - 33 58.22 V/M - 34 210.36 NE*/4 - 35 94.94 Township 31. Range 14 Sec. Tax SEy4 _ 19 82.92 NEy4_ 22 108.30 NEy4 - 23 99.20 SWy4 _ 26 100.82 NEy4 - 30 105.08 NWy4 ___ 30 71.96 NEy4.. 32 138 64 E%NWy4 _32 36.24 Township 30, Range 15 Sec. Tax SWy4SEy4 _ 1 14.34 SEy4 _23 NE*4 _ 26 142.46 SEy4 _26 84.32 NM>SWV„ _27 56.08 Atkinson City Lots Blk. Tax 5, 6_ 2 23.56 15 _ 2 62.74 South 3 7/10 ft. 9, all 10_ 6 239.24 6 except 8 inches & 7_ 7 65.84 Part 13_r_ 7 1.88 N 40 ft. 1, 2, 3, 15 1/5 ft. 4 _8 124.28 10, 11_8 129.78 8, 9___9 114.32 4 _10 12.50 5, WJ/2 6_10 103.02 8, 9, 10 _JO 173.64 E 24 ft. of W 48 ft. 11 & 12._10 73.32 14 _1—JO 126.76 15, 16, S 9 7/10 ft. 17 __10 210.60 W 25 ft. of W 57 ft. 9, 10, 11_11 83.86 20 feet 8, all 9_12 74.62 8. 9, pt. 10_15 18.61 8, 9, 10, 11, 12_16 47.12 neeieys ACtaiiion Lots Blk. Tax S^> 5, N 21 ft. 9_B 106.94 2 except N 5 ft., all 5 —C 67.09 2, 3 _D 142.96 Neeley's 2nd Addition Lots Blk. Tax 1, 2, 3 _*_E 134.18 2, 3 _-G 55.89 8, 9 _I 56.60 5 and Nte 6_K 45.96 8 _X 37.90 Pt. 5, all 6_JL. 98.16 7, 8, 9 _JL 202.52 Wixon's Addition Lots Blk. Tax 1 to 8 incl. _34 143.42 3 4, W% 5 _.35 60.98 E% 5 _35 15.94 7 _ _37 65.14 2 _38 16.40 3 _ 38 32.80 Bitney's Addition Lots Blk. Tax 7. 8_17 147.78 4 _19 70.78 E 63 ft. 4 and 5_21 39.04 1 _24 174.60 8_-24 9.24 3 _25 16.88 6, 7 ... 26 326.12 4, 5 _27 191.22 i _ 30 15.50 6 _ 31 150.34 Kimball & Blair's Addition Lots Blk. Tax 5 -13 8.82 4, N 4 ft. 5_34 47.26 7, S 28 ft. 8 _34 84.46 Pt 3, all_ 35 74.62 5 -35 42.96 6, 7, 8_35 42.96 S 46 ft. 2, N 18 ft. 3_36 47.80 5 32 ft. 3 _36 23.56 1 _ 37 124.28 I, 2, 3_39 58.90 7, 8, 9 . 39 181.26 10 _:_39 51.52 Western Townloi Co. Addition Lots Blk. Tax Pt. 11, all 12_41 4.88 6 _42 37.90 7, 8 _43 66.98 Tuller & McNichols' Addition Lots Blk. Tax N 82 ft. 4 inches 1, 2, 3 _ 1 129.78 7 -2 9.24 8 - 2 32.80 12, 13 _ 2 118.02 II, 12_ 3 80.84 15, 16_ 3 86.38 S& 16, 17, 18_4 6.83 N'% 16_4 3.74 Nondescripts Township 30, Range 14 Sec, Tax Pt. No. 15 _32 21.74 W 130 ft. No. 15_32 4.88 EM>S% No. 16 . 32 75.76 NMs No. 17_32 38.58 E 33 ft. No. 20B_32 9.24 No. 30 _32 46.55 No. 34-1_32 6.26 No. 38 . 32 6.26 No. 41 _32 96.32 Pt. No. 44A _32 56.60 No. 44_32 37.90 No. 42_32 9.24 Pt. No. 51_32 29.80 No. 55 _32 24.98 No. 55D-1 & 55D-2_32 9.98 Pt. No. 54_32 19.94 Vt No. B_32 34.90 Pt. No. 1_32 2.56 Pt. No. 1_32 7.42 Pt. No. 1_32 59.62 Pt. NWV4 No. 10_32 162.80 No. 7C-1 _32 8.82 Pt. No. 6_.32 6.26 Ft. NEy4NEy4> outlot A-32 204.94 No. 7 -32 18.74 Pioneer Townsite Co. Addition Lots Blk.. Tax 7, 8 _46 56.60 5, 6, 7 -48 51.52 18, 19, 20, 21 _48 51.51 Collins 2nd Addition Lots Blk. Tax 4, 5 ---1 59.01 Collins 1st Addition Lots Blk. Tax 3 - 2 43.46 6, 7. 8_ 2 43.46 9, 10_2 15.50 15, 16___ 2 21.02 17 - 2 36.06 18 -^_2 7.42 19, 20_2 12.50 23, 24 _ 2 40.90 25_ 2 46.66 W 10 ft. 4, all 5, E 10 ft. 6_3 129.10 W 30 ft. 6, all 7_ 3 72.06 N 75 ft. 1, pt. 13, aH 14.. 3 100.70 Ballon's Addition Lots Blk. Tax 1, 2, 3_1 56.60 15, 17, 18_1 39.04 23. 24, 25 _1 94.92 1, 2 _2 9.24 3 _2 4.88 4 _2 19.20 Ballon's Outlots Lots Blk. Tax N 47 ft. 4, 5 & 6, 45.67 ft. E side 7_1 20.56 A.V.W. Addition Lots Blk. Tax 3, 4_1 166.52 Chambers Precinct Township 26, Range 12 S©c« Tax w^nwi/4, wy>swy4, SEy4swy4_l N«i -I_2 172.04 NWy4__ 4 47.90 All _12 141.68 NW% _20 97.14 Nfi _26 44.18 SWy4 _„30 89.97 W^SE^i _30 26.44 NEy4 _31 73.56 Pt. NEViSEVi No. 14_30 6.26 NWy4 -_ 31 43.10 sy> _31 103.77 Township 26, Range 13 Sec. Tax -3 131.76 SEy„ _.25 79.51 NWy4 _ 30 81.64 SEy» -33 28.84 SWV4_34 25.84 Chambers Village Lots Blk. Tax 3, 4-C 81.36 11 -C 39.38 9, N 100 ft. 10 _D 44.60 Fluckey Addition Lots Blk. Tax 1. 2, 3-A 296.76 16 -C 113.90 Baker's Addition Lots Blk. Tax 1, 2. Pt. 3-1 77.78 8 -1 56.96 Nondescripts Township 26, Range 12 Sec. Tax Pt. No. 19_19 66.56 No. 4, No. 5-19 91.12 North Side Addition Township 26, Range 12 Cutlot A _ _20 38.42 WM> Outlot B_20 55.02 50x122 ft. C_20 35.79 Vt No. 14, all No. 15 -.20 66.38 W 60 ft. of W 125 ft. No. 26 _.20 E 46 ft. of W 125 ft. No. 26 -.20 89.82 No. 9, No. 9C_30 63.80 No. 8, No. 12, SW!4NEV4 _; .30 38.08 Pt. No. 10 —,-30 65.74 Pt. No. 10 -30 36.80 No. 13 -30 11.40 Cooke's Addition Lots Blk. Tax 6, 7, S 10 ft. 5, all 8__ 2 17.58 Robertson Annex Lots Blk. Tax w% 2- 31.90 Robertson Annex No. 2 L°ts Blk. Tax 1 - 1402 Perkins Annex Lots Blk. Tax 1 -E 1.00 2 E 1.00 Adams Homesile Addition Lots Blk. Tax L 2 -G 71.76 19, 20 -G 1.80 1 to 20 inc. -H 170.52 6 to 13 inc._I 73.56 14, 15 - I 47.20 Cleveland Precinct Township 32, Range 15 NEy4NEy4 -19 51.24 SWy4 -30 59.32 Township 32, Range 16 cv, Sec- Tax All --12 202.46 oi1,, ==--25 146.32 SE^SEyi _30 6 70 All -31 97 12 NEy4-35 58.18 Township 33. Range 16 Sec. Tax wwy4, NEy4swy4 sy>swy4 -26 166.24 SE^ --26 50.85 NEy4 . 26 63.42 Coleman Precinct Township 32. Range 12 Sec. Tax Sv SWV4 -4 141.56 SEV4NEy4 _1 5 N%Nwy4> swy4Nwy4 6 71.86 N%NEy4 - 5 40 06 SWy4NEy4 _5 8 g4 NV^Nwy4, SEy4Nwy4„ 5 44.72 E%SEy4 _5 E NE V4 _ 8 41.12 SEy4SWl4 SE V4_7 41 go W%NEy4 ..— 8 15.14 SEy4 -15 1735 NEy4, sy> -17 173.34 EV2, E^NWy4> NEy4SWy4_18 124.24 E& -19 191.12 W%E%, E%W% less 8 acres -27 35.08 £>Ey4 - 28 23.17 W%NWy4 _ 27 14 06 Pt. w%swy4 _27 L02 N^N1/^ -1-29 140.46 SWy4 -29 51.60 SEy4swy4) swy4SEy4.33 23.44 NEy4 -30 63.30 Nwy4- 30 49.88 N%swy4, sEy4swy4.30 33.86 NEy4swy4, pt. Nwy4swy4> NWy4SE% _33 19.46 EM>SEy4 -33 42.86 NEy4 -34 55.94 Township 33, Range 12 Sec. Tax Lots 3, 4, Sy.SEy4 _20 Pt. lot 1 _21 W%NW% -28 81.48 Pt. lot 1_21 NEy4NWy4 _28 10.16 Lots 1, 2 -27 34.13 Lot 2, SEy4NWy4, NEy4swy4, sEy4 . 28 44.72 NWV4SWy4 _28 7.14 5Ey4SWy4 _._28 7.36 swy»swy4 _28 EM>NEy4 _29 27.04 swy4NEy4) SEy4swy4> SEy4_29 45.78 EM> _____31 All _32 swy4_33 262.16 SEy4Nwy4, N%swy4, swy4swy4 _29 30.42 Nwy4 __30 Township 33, Range 13 2&c Tcix S%, S%N% _24* 164.98 Township 33, Range 12 Sec. Tax SEy4_33 34.70 ! swy4_34 39.84 | NWV4-34 35.40 Township 33. Range 13 Sec. Tax NV4, swy4_25 N%SEy4, swy4SEy4 .25 121.66 Conley Precinct Township 25, Range 12 Sec. Tax NWy4 -1 43.06 All -J18 195.02 SEy4 ___ 24 EVz -25 224.40 Sy>NWy4 -27 21.62 Township 25. Range 13 Tax NE>.4NWV4 _4 8.90 nwv4nwv4i S^NWy4, SWy4 - 4 78.84 nwy4 -19 i6.oo Nwy4NEy4, s%nev4> SVs _19 swy4, swy4Nwy4_20 17028 EVfe - .20 N%, SWy4 . 21 290.52 Ny>, swy4 __22 99.00 NWy4 . 28 SfcNE%, SEy4 . 29 92.78 WM> _ 29 All _30 N%NE>/4, NWy4 _31 232.36 N16NEy4 _29 26.78 E%, N%NWy4 _22 Wy>, SEV4 -.33 153.26 w%swy4 _.34 13.14 Deloit Precinct Sec. Tax Township 25, Range 9 Sec. Tax N%N% -1 65.04 sy.NEy4, Ny.SEy4 _n 97.13 SEy4swy4, sEy4 _12 191.42 NWy4 -11 77.69 NWy4 - 12 156.64 wy>Nwy4, SEy4Nwy4_i8 4578 swy4 _ is NEy4NWy4 -19 63.46 w%Nwy4, N^swy4_.i9 50.88 Ey> -24 206.08 NE’y4 - 25 125.88 sy>swy4 _ 29 31.12 W%NWy4 ..._33 50.93 SWy4 -34 137.36 Ny>sy> -.35 148.90 Township 25. Range 10 Ca/< Ta v E Vi> NE y4 _ .12' 18.82 E%SE% _12 NEV4NEy4 _13 54.56 SEy4 -24 120.68 W^SE% -34 29.26 SEy4 - 36 110.00 Dustin Precinct Township 33, Range 14 Sec. Tax swy4Nwy4 _ _ 14 sy-NEy,, Nwy4) sEy4, NEy4SWV4> swy4swy4 _15 99.14 n%nev4, sEy4NEy4, n y N w v4, NEy4SEy4, s%SEy4..2i W%, S^NEJj, N\vy4NEy4, N%SEy4 SWy4SEy4 _22 203.56 NEy4 _ 28 32.18 EV2NEy4, Wy-NW^i .31 37.53 w%nev4, Ey2Nwy4, S% ___,_31 vvy»NWy4, swy4 _32 115.97 Ey>NWy4> SWy4 _33 69.66 Township 33, Range 15 Sec. Tax Lots 1, 4, 5, 7 _22 3.50 Lot 6 -22 4.60 Emmet Precinct Township 28, Range 13 S%NE% __5? 31.86 Township 29, Range 13 Sec. Tax NE% - 6 94.50 N%SW% _ 8 32.50 NWy4 -19 1H.32 NEy4 - 21 111.76 Pt. SWy4NEy4 _23 7.46 Emmet Village Lots Blk. Tax Center 50 ft. 1-2 _ 2 3.36 North 50 ft. 1-2 _ 2 3.36 South 50 ft. 3-4 _ 2 3.36 N 50 ft. 3-4 _ 2 3.36 Center 50 ft. 3-4_2 3.36 5, 6, 7, 8 - 2 13.36 1 - 3 2.34 S. 70 ft. 5-6-7_3 6.70 S. 20 ft. of N 40 ft. 5-6-7 _ 3 3.36 N 20 ft. 5-6-7 _ 3 3.36 12, 13, 14 :. 3 22.52 9 ___8 1.68 10 .....8 1.68 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13 _ 9 56.72 Lyons Addition Lots Blk. Tax 5 -:A 2.34 2 - B 48.18 1, 2, S 32 ft. 3_ C 6.70 No. 3B, 4B -C 36.92 N 38 ft. 4 ___.C 3.36 5 34 ft. 5 -C 3.36 No. 3C, No. 4C 4 _C 48.18 1 to 10 -F 16.90 3 to 10 -G 8.38 1 to 12 - H 16.9-0 1 to 6 -1 10.02 1, 2 -J 39.20 3, 4, 5 -J 6.70 No. 5, No. 6_J 4.40 No. 7 -J 6.70 Township 29, Range 13 Sec. Tax Part No. 1 -23 38.16 Ewing Precinct Township 26, Range 9 Sec. Tax NEy4 -... 1 90.76 Pt. swy4Nwy4 No. 8, No. 9 - 2 6.36 i Pt. NWy4SWy4 No .13.. 2 11.30 \ Pt. SWy4SWy4 - 2 23.76 • Roll's Addition T , „ _ Sec. Tax Lots 6, 1- 2 22 06 NWy4NWy4 _3 3522 J Pt. E%NWy4 No. 5, No. 6, No. 7_3 91 os Pt. SEy,NWy4 No. 15.. 3 54 , Pt. NEV4NWy4 No. 2 3 3 08 Pt. NEy4NWy4 No. 3 _ 3 20 70 Pt. NEy4NWy4 No. 4 Pt. NEV4NWy4 No. 31 " 3 1 40 SWy4NWy4 _: 3 37 80 Pt. SE y4No. 28_ 3 258 ] Pt. NWy4SEy4 No. 20, Pt. Sy>SEy4_ 3 6 36 Pt. Ny.SEy4 NO. 24 _ 3 6 36 SWt4NEy4, S%NW^_ 4 45 30 6 acres SWy4SWy4 _ 4 3 08 sy>Nwy4, swy4_: 5 4530 1 SEy4, Nwy4sEy4, 1 sy>NEy4-5 7216 ] N%SEy4, se%se% __ 6 2274 r NEy4NWy4, S14NWy4_ 8 7a62 « Sta, NE%_8 t All _______ 9 478 04 Pt. NE%NWV4 __ n ai Qj, < W%SE%, NEy4,swy4_n 94:52 NEy4SEy4-_11 35.90 { E^NWyi-12 47.70 I NEj4 -17 30 08 S Nwy4, N^swy4, SEttS Wy4 -17 3330 SE%-._17 30.08 1 EJ^E%-20 66.42 ( / NEy4, SEy4Nwy4, swy4 _23 181.30 SEy4 _23 58.22 W^NEy4, SM>_25 76.82 NWVi _25 59.32 NM-NEV4 _26 24.32 NWy4 _26 29.26 sy>swy4, swy4(SEy4 -28 9.29 SW1/4 __.29 34.27 29 21 SI N%NW%,“ SEy4NWy4-32 10’. 11 Wy>SEV4 __34 15.73 SWy4NEy4_34 6.46 Township 26, Range 10 N%swy4, w^SEy4 __ 2 26.26 E^SEVi _2 13.62 s%Nwy4, swy4, S%SEy4 _34 180.86 Ewing Village Lots Blk. Tax 7, 8, 9_ 3 94.46 7, 8_ 4 201.12 11_5 105.54 14_ 5 253.32 15, 16_ 5 397.64 8 _ 6 68.36 9 _ 6 80.82 Wy>E% 11, 12 & 13 _ 6 118.00 14, 15, 16 _6 12.94 17, 18_ 6 42.96, 21, 22 _ 6 70.90 4 _ 7 41.58 N 100 ft. 1_8 5 75 ft. 2 _8 155.18 3, 4_8 211.30 1 __ 9 118.00 2 _ 9 37.20 6 _ 9 30.96 7, Pt. 8_9 31.06 13 _ 9 66.54 Kimball 8c Blairs Addition Lots Blk. Tax 8. 10 50.80 3 _11 34.18 S Vi 11_11 64.66 5, 6_12 62.12 Nte 10, all 11, 12 _12 15.50 Pioneer Townsite Co. Addition Lots Blk. Tax 5, 6_13 96.98 4, 5, 6_15 105.54 5 -16 74.58 1-17 105.54 8 -19 55.90 6 -21 111.78 10, 11_21 88.24 2, 9, 10_22 124.24 I to 7 inc.___23 60.86 II -23 34.18 12, 13, 14 -23 30.96 5, 6 -24 37.29 I, 2--—25 12.48 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10_25 149.18 II, 12_ 25 87.08 I, 2, 3 -26 24.96 II, 12_26 93.06 7 to 12_27 142.94 Subdivision Ouiiots A 8c B Blk. 28 to 33 Lots Blk. Tax 1, 2, 3 -1-28 49.66 5, 6_30 27.38 7, 8 —- 33 37.20 Nondescripts Lots Blk. Tax Lot 1, outlot B_ 111.78 Lot 5, Outlot B_ 6.26 Rolls Addition Lots Blk. Tax 1 to 5 —.. 118.00 Township 27, Range 9 Sec. Tax Mo. 8 _34 89.38 Township 26, Range 9 Sec. Tax Mo. 13_2 152.48 Mo. 3-2 120.24 Pt. No. 10_ 2 69.54 Pt. No. 10A_ 2 93.06 Pt. No. 10A_2 4.83 Pt. 17, 18, 20, 21_ 3 79.00 Pt. 20, pt. 19-3 21.72 No. 24 - 3 27.26 Pt. 28 __ 3 136.70 No. 21, lot B_3 12.48 Fail-view Precinct NONE Francis Precinct Township 27, Range 15 See Tax 5EViswy4, swy4SEy4, SEy4sEy4 _ H swy4swy4 _13 15.54 VVI/2NW1/4_17 swy4, nev4 _is W;/4 .—. 19 90.06 NEy4, Ey2Nwy4, s%_23 103.02 NTWy4 --__30 8.14 Township 28, Range 15 Sec. Tax MWy4 -30 85.26 iW!4 - 30 KWy4 --31 147.16 NEy4 - 31 37.8O swy4 -32 12J18 Golden Precinct Township 27. Range 9 Sec. Tax 'EV4 -1 157.38 ^Wy4 __ 2 87.27 ^%NW14 - 4 22 44 -— 5 53:20 =WV4 - 5 37.78 5Ey4 ---5 37.78 Sy>NEy4 -7 36.64 ^SWy4_7 42.78 3wy4swy4 _7 17.56 ^y>SEy4 _7 34.52 3y>SEy4_7 64.72 - 8 65.98 >V% - 8 65.98 Yy>W%_9 30.66 'JE-/4-14 183.74 E1.^ -13 148.83 SEy4 -14 142.42 >wy4 _15 41.07 Yy>Nwy4, Nwy4swy4 __i7 54.68 >t%ne%, SEy4NEy4 68.32 STEy4SEy4 _18 22.78 'JEVi -23 118.64 jy>SEV4 -27 38.14 Vy>NE%_34 77.46 n. N%SE%SEy4 _34 16.60 3t. SWy4SEy4 No. 6_34 4.56 'Jo. 8, No. 9 in swy4swy4 _35 25.64 Township 27, Range 10 Sec. Tax 3t. SWy4_11 82.52 Jt. NWy4_11 17.54 >t. NEy4SWy4 _11 6.54 3t. NEy4SWy4 _11 .38 n. NEy4swy4 _11 5.98 ^wy4NEy4, NEy4NWy4_14 51.28 (Continued on page 11) BAG 3 BUCK DEER Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bartos re amed Sunday from Glenrock, Vyo., where they visited Mrs. lartos’ brother, Everitt Siders. The Bartos and Mrs. Siders bag id three buck deer on a hunting rip. luests of Mrs. Ross— Monday afternoon coffee luests of Mrs. Martha Ross were Itate Sen. and Mrs. Frank Nel on. Sunday evening guests of Mrs. lartha Ross were Mr. and Mrs. )liver Ross and family. Emmet School Scene of Clinic Arithmetic Class Methods Discussed EMMET — A group of Holt county teachers attended a meet ing at the district 20 school on Monday afternoon, September 27, to watch Dr. Rosalie Farley of the University of Nebraska dem onstrate arithmetic teaching methods. The teachers attending were LaVonne Rieck, Alice Young, Lucille Mitchell, Ardath Coday, Genevieve Forbes, Rachel Van Conet, Janet Fryrear, Patty Sny der, Rinnie Gans, Etta Serck, Alpha Kirkland, Lida Medcalf, Mildred Tams, Mary Ann Kah ler, Leah Serck, Gene Closson, Leona Johnson, Velma Micanek, Joan Rosicky, Theresa Ullrich, Hilda Snyder, Ethyl Linville, Dorothy Sanders and Mrs. E. V. Ruby. Miss Alice French, Holt county superintendent of schools, was also present. A lunch of coffee, cookies and cup cakes was served by Miss Helen Martens after the meet ing. The school children participat ing each received a treat from Miss French. Other Emmet News Mr. and Mrs. Harold McMillan and daughters of Newport were guests at the Cecil McMillan home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kieth Abart and family of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abart and Dercy spent Sunday at Pickstown, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. John Kee visited Mrs. Wayne Bates and family on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Lewis and Henry Claussen visited at the John Claussen home at O’Neill Sun day. The Altar society of the Epiph any church served dinner to 10 visiting priests ana Father Price Tuesday evening, September 28. Mr. and Mrs. Kieth DeLash mutt and daughters, Martha and Ann, of Burwell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cole and sons for a few days. They arrived on Friday and departed for home late Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Clouse of O’Neill were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Newton. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and Barbara were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tomlinson and son, Veldon, on Friday evening. Veldon returned home with the Fox family to spend the week end with them. A/3c Jack O’Connell of the air force, son of Mr. and Mrs. John O’Connell, left on Saturday by plane for Alaska where he will be stationed. He had been home cn a 26-day leave. Mr. and Mrs. John Conard went to Seward on Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. McGrew. They returned home Monday. Mrs. Frank Foreman called at the Dean Perry home Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. P. W. McGinnis and Mrs. Agnes Gaffney visited Mrs. Jen nings, Mrs. Julia Samples and Mr. and Mrs. James O’Donnell, all of Atkinson, Sunday after noon. They attended the chicken dinner at St. Joseph’s church. Also attending the dinner were Mrs. Josie Ash and Francis Ten borg. Rev. Francis Price, Mrs. Ram el, Mrs. Josie Ash and Mrs. John ny Babl left on Monday morning to attend the NCCW convention being held Tuesday in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Olson of Omaha spent last Thursday and Friday at the Bud Cole home. Mrs. Bud Cole, Mrs. Robert Cole, Mrs. Larry Schaffer, Mrs. Lavern Olson of Omaha and Mrs. Kieth DeLashmutt of Bur well attended a social coffee hour given by Mrs. Guy Cole of O’Neill Friday afternoon. Bob Hanus of Omaha came on Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler and to get his wife, Le ona, who had spent the week visiting her sister, Mrs. Leo Weichman, at Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Troshyn ski visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler on Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Geary Enbody visited Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beck with on Saturday evening. Dick Enbody of Kelso, Wash., is visiting at the Geary Enbody home. He is a nephew of Geary Enbody. Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Hiatt and daughter of O’Neill were dinner guests of Mrs. Emma Maring and sons on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meiers and baby daughter and Francis Tenborg were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geary Enbody. Cpl. and Mrs. Gerald Ashton of Neligh visited Mrs. Emma Mar ing and sons, Oliver and Homer, on Wednesday, September 29. They were enroute Washington state from where he will leave for duty overseas. Rev. W. B. Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. Geary Enbody Satur day forenoon. Mrs. Wayne Fox and children, Sherry and Roy, visited Mrs. El win Rubeck on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cole and sons entertained the following guests at a wiener roast on Sun day evening: Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schaffer and son, Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. Keith DeLashmutt and daughters, Martha and Ann. Mrs. Paul Newton clerked in the John Conard store Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Patterson attended the Ak-Sar-Ben at Om aha over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. James O’Connor visited at the Hugh O’Connor home at Atkinson Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Wills and son, Arthur, attended the chicken dinner at Atkinson which was held at the St. Joseph’s church. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Skopec of Stuart visited at the George Skopec home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Griffin of O’Neill visited Mrs. James O’ Connor on Friday afternoon. Paul Ziska visited the two lit tle Skopec boys Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith visited at the Carl Lorenz home at O’Neill Sunday evening. Enlistments in Army Announced Among the recent enlistments, announced by Sfc. James R. Ly! ons of the O’Neill army recruit ing office are: For quartermaster corps; Wil liam G. Phillips of Ainsworth Richard R. Cozad of Wood Lake! Raymond D. McAndrew of Wood Lake. For ordnance corps: Edward W. Tate of Spencer. For engineer corps: John F. Tate of Spencer, Ernest D. Are! hart of Elgin, Frank J. Zacek of Niobrara, Collins F. Horse Look ing of Valentine, Russell A. Hack of Crawford, Vem D. Ferguson of Bloomfield. For artillery corps: Roland G. Green of Bassett. For regular army (unassigned): William E. Osborn of O’Neill. 1 These men have been sent to Ft. Bliss, near El Paso, Tex., for processing, training and re-’ assignment. Green and Ferguson were reenlistees. Sergeant Lyons says he is in O’Neill all day on Tuesdays and * during the forenoons on Fridays and Saturdays. James Barnes, son of Mrs. Ruth Barnes of Atkinson; Dudley Hovey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Her rison Hovey of Stuart, and LeRoy Frohman, son of Mrs. Frances Frohman, have enlisted in the navy for four years. They left on Sunday, September 26, for phys ical examinations in Omaha All passed and were sent to the Great Lakes naval base, Chicago, 111. 2 O'Neill Servicemen axn Promotions— Paul W. Moseman, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Moseman. sr., recently was promoted from private first-class to corporal at Ft. Monmouth, N.J., where he js stationed. ?■ Allan Martin, son of Mrs. Hen ry Martin, was promoted Sep tember 15 from private first-class to corporal. Corporal Martin has been in Korea nine months. Mrs. Maliern Hostess— Mrs. William Mattern enter tained at two tables of bridge at her home Wednesday evening, September 29. Mrs. Robert M. < Langdon was a guest. Stop Taking Harsh Drugs for Constipation Avoid Intestinal Upset! Get Relief This Gentle Vegetable Laxative Way I For constipation, iwrrtake harsh drags. They cause brutal cramps and griping, disrupt normal bowel action, make re peated doses seem needed. When you are tem^prily consti pated, get sure but gentl^lief—without salts, without harsh drugs. Take Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative contained in Syrup Pepsin. The extract of Senna in Dr. Caldwell’s is one of the finest natural laxatives known to medicine. Dr. Caldwell’s Senna Laxative tastes good, gives gentle, comfortable, satis fying relief of temporary constipation for every member of the family. Heips you get “on schedule” without re peated doses. Even relieves stomach sourness that constipation often brings. Buy Dr. Caldwell’s. Money back if not satisfied. Mail bottle to Box 28Q, New York 18, N. Y. HOUSEHOLD GOODS AT AUCTION The following household items will be sold at public auction in Page, Nebr., on the premises, across the street from the D-X station, on — Saturday, Oct. 9 — 2 P.M. Preway oil space heater; dining room table and chairs; China closet; two full-size beds; studio couch; two chests of draw ers; lawn mower; oil space heater without jacket; garden plow: hose, tools, etc.; lawn chair; rocker; wardrobe. Many other items. Terms: Cash. MRS. HATTIE STEWART, Owner F'RANK BEELAERT, Auction©€T . e < i V. c e* October Bargain Time Days Prices Like You’ve Never Seen Before! WE LIKE TO TRADE . . . Used Refrigerators — Freezers — Farm Machinery or What Have You? ° ° v See One of Our c j WORLD'S LEADING i FREEZERS j On Display at Your COUNCIL OAK FOOD t' STORE Get all these advantages with a new IH Refrigerator We’re trading high! We want your busi ness! So come in and get the best deal in town on a new IH Refrigerator with all these features... • Push-button automatic defrosting • Automatic all-weather temperature c control c • Big, full-width freezer chest • Super Pantry-Dor with extra shelves • Adjustable shelf and glide-out shelf • Sunshine Yellow interior • "Tight-Wad"* unit with , 5-year warranty \ Come in and get the most for your money I in the only refrigerators you can decorate I to match your kitchen. Easy terms. From INTERMAT1CNAL | harvester j ^mer[ca^s Smartest Refrigerators SHELHAMER EQUIP. CO. Phone 570 — O’Neill *