PAGE 10.—THE FRONTIER. O'Neill. Nebr.. Thun.. Sept. 30. 1954. FOR SALE FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire spring boars and gilts. Many sired by Silver Meteor, Reserve Grand Champion Boar 1954 Nebr. State Fair; others by Defender and Sensation. 75 to choose from. Meat type, lots of size, stretch and doing ability. -John Raster, Clearwater ZZ'moC FOR SALE: Used cornpickers— Allis-Chalmers, New Idea, etc. _ Marcellus Impl. Co., West O’Neill, phone 5._22c FOR SALE: Used furnace and stoker in good condition; also Norge' 7^-cu. ft- refrigerator, 5S1.4 m°' _ 2™2pM FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire boars with outstanding meat type quality. —Henry Stellmg & Son, 2 miles south and. V* west of Orchard, Nebr. 21alt29 Farmrite & G.l. CORNPICKERS THESE pickers will husk either tall or short com. Will husk com yielding from 5 to 100 bu. Grease these in V4 the time the average picker takes. Fans di rectly over the husking rolls where they do most good. Will not clog in weeds or trash. No unnecessary moving parts. Smooth running “one man” operation. Excess weigni re moved, less bulky. Simple con trol. easy adjustments. Combi nation rubber, steel rolls. Costs 75% less to maintain. Stream lined, speedlined design. Rug ged built to last longer. Will pick up down corn where other pickers fail. Ask your neighbor how he likes his Farm.ite or G.I. Less than one-half the price of most other pickers. 1- Row pull type or 1-row semi mounted _$450.00 2- Row mounted _ $575.00 2-Row pull type —.— $695.00 Outlaw Implement Co. O’Neill, Nebr. 22tf FOR SALE: Like new ’53 Inter national 2-ton truck, combina tion 1516-foot box, 10,000 miles, radio, heater, directional sig nals.—Jack Barr, O’Neill. 20tf Raise Genuine CHINCHILLAS FOR REGISTERED and pedi greed breeding stock see or write— Gordon Thompson Neligh 22-30c GILL ELECTRIC: See John Gil strap for all your electrical wiring and equipment. I ser vice all makes of appliances.— O’Nerll, phone 527-LR. 45tf USED WASHING MACHINES WE HAVE Re-conditioned May tag Washers coming and going all the time. These machines carry a guarantee against all parts and workmanship. Also a few Used Coronado Wash ers priced from- $20 We also have reconditioned wringers to fit Maytags which we will trade on your present wringer. These wringers are also guaranteed against all parts and workmanship. FINANCING AVAILABLE MAYTAG SALES & SERVICE WM. KROTTER CO. OF O’NEILL Phone 531 — West O’Neill FOR SALE: Used storm windows and screens, good condition. A bargain. Call 409-J, O’Neill, af ter 6:00 p.m. 22c New Cornpicker Bargains! G-L. and FARMRITE 1- Row pull type or 1-row semi mounted _$450.00 2- Row mounted_$575.00 2-Row pull type-$695.00 Largest stock of parts for G.I.’s, Farmrite, David Bradley in Nebraska. Massey-Harris 2-row mounted or self-propelled pickers. Used pickers of all kinds. Cook's Miracle Shucking Beds for most all pickers _ $105.00 Kelly Ryan elevators. Duncan steel corn cribs. Outlaw Implement Ca. O’Neill, Nebraska 20ti STEEL CORNCRIB BARGAINS! Duncan, Walsh or Columbian steel com cribs. Complete with galvanized roof and heavy gal vanized wire siding. 1000 bu. size that holds 2000 bu. baskets of ear com. Priced at $327.00 delivered to O’Neill. Government storage rent will pay for these cribs in a trifle over two years time. Outlaw Implement Co. O’Neill, Nebr. 22tf FOR SALE: Heavy duty axle; three 8:25 tires and 2 new 7:60 x 15 tires, price $27.50 per pair. —Ted Strong, O’Neill. 22-23p60 PGR SALE: Heavy duty 2-wheel trailer with oak stock rack.— Harry E. Ressel, O'Neill. 20-21c p'OR SALE: Oil burner, stack control, thermostat and fit tings, $75.—Mrs. Lod Janou sek, phone 476-W, O'Neill. 17tf USED CARS 1949 FORD V-8 2-dr., “A clean car throughout.” 1953 PONTIAC CUSTOM CAT ALINA 8, “with a new-car guarantee.” 1952 PONTIAC 2-dr. 8 Deluxe, “16,000 actual miles, priced at one-half of new price. ’ 1951 PONTIAC 8, 4-dr„ good rubber all around. 1949 CHEVROLET 2-dr. Special, “a good motor and a fair body, priced to selL” GMAC FINANCING WM. KROTTER CO. PONTIAC Phone 531 — West O’Neill IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured.—See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr._ 44tf ELEVATOR BARGAINS! NEW elevators for grain, ear corn, baled hay or ensilage. 32-ft. main elevator with 8-ft. drag hopper, total of 40 ft., all for_$285.00 Will elevate 300 bu. ear com or 500 bu. small grain in 10 min utes. Elevators in all sizes, 24 ft. to 60 ft. Outlaw Implement Co. O’Neill, Nebr. 22tf New ’54 STUDEBAKERS Passenger Cars and Trucks — On Display USED CARS 1949 Mercury 4-door. 1950 Ford tudor, custom, with overdrive. 1952 4-dr. Studebaker Champion. 1953 DeSoto club coupe. SMITH MOTOR CO. “Home of Studebaker’’ Phone 562 — O’Neill HOOVER Sales & Service B I G L I N ’ S Phone 38 — O’Neill New Machinery J-D 227 corn picker. J-D 200 corn picker. i2-ft. Easy Flow fertilizer spreader. 1-D spreaders. farmhand loaders, bulldozers, grapple forks. John Deere trailer wagons. Central and Bus Brown boxes. J-D 7x12 box. J-D 26” wide track box. J-D elevator. J-D-D oils, greases and batteries. Bale ties, cable. Plymouth baler and b i n d e i twine. Used Machinery 101 John Deere picker. Case 1-row snapper. 52-Ft. Galloway elevator. 1946 H John Deere. 1939 F20 IHC tractor. J-D 4-wheel spreader. No. 5 J-D mower. Used Farmhand. Hydraulic manure loader. No. 55 John Deere combine John Deere 12-ft. rake. We trade and give terms on John Deere Credit Plan. Come in and see us! Harry R. Smith Impls. Your John Deere Dealer Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: 200 AAA grade year ling hens.—Roy Dresher, Spen cer, Nebr. 22-23p6( BEST BUYS! ] 954 DeSoto Firedome V-8. 1952 DeSoto club coupe. 1950 Ford 2-dr., heater, overdrive seat covers. Bargain. 1947 Chevrolet 4-door. 1942 Ford 2-door, good school car COME IN AND SEE US! We like to trade!! Shierk Motor Co-£. 430 South 4th — O’Neill FOR SALE: Aeromotor wind mills, and towers, galvanized stock tanks, 8- and 10-foot sizes. — John Sobotka, Inman, Nebr. 7tf Farm Machinery 1950 Super A tractor. 1950 Ford tractor. 1949 Gas M tractor. 10C hammermill. Farm fuel tanks. Two-bottom plow for C tractor. 1947 gas M. 1950 C tractor. 2—Farmall 30’s. Farmall 12. Farmall 14. No. 4 IHC plow. No. 5 John Deere mower. 2—No. 9 IHC trail mowers. 50-T. baler with engine. 21-ft. May rath auger elevator, complete with engine. New underslung wagon. No. 8 two-bottom plow. 14-ft. Massey-Harris drill. 7-ft. Dempster drill. Kelly Ryan one-way disc. 25 V mower. Case home mower. Mower to fit Regular and F-20 x2-ft. rakes. Sargent hydraulic loader. Don’t forget to see our REFRIGERTOR and FREEZER SPECIALS! Shelhamer Eqpt. Co. O’Neill ROCK OF AGES MONUMENTS To Grow More Beautiful with the Passing Years * POTTHAST Monument Company NORFOLK Pre - Season CORN PICKER SPECIALS 2-Row GI mounted, to fit H or M. 2-Row GI mounted, to fit F-12. 2-Row New Idea pulL 2 No. 24 2-row IHC’s, mounted. Shelhamer Equip. Co. O’Neill FOR SALE: Auto guide and square turn 8-inch H-bearo. ready built cable racks. We trade.—Hoerle Service, 25 mi. south of O’Neill on highway 281. Write to Eugene Hoerle, Ewing. 20-31p365 NEW & USED MACHINERY NEW NI-Hom flare-top wagon boxes. MM Tractors (all sizes). Case 2-row snapper. N.I. 2-row picker. Case SC Tractor. Case and New Idea farm trailers. USED F-14 Farmall with mtd. 2-row G.I. picker (excellent condi tion). Used J-D Wheatland plows. Case SC tractor. Farmall Regular tractor. N.I. 2-row picker. Joliet com sheller, on rubber. WM. KROTTER CO. MM & NEW IDEA SALES AND SERVICE WEST O’NEILL — PHONE 531 FOR SALE: Some alfalfa and prairie hay.—Inquire of James Earley, sr., O’Neill. 22-23p MISCELLANEOUS L-O-A-N-S 4 % Federal Land Bank Long Term Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM ASS’N O’Neill. Nebr. LADIES’ FUR COATS: Restyled — relined — repaired. Coats — jackets — capes — stoles. Write or call for free estimate. FELIX FUR SHOP 522 W. 1st St.Ph. 680 _Grand Island, Nebr. 13-22c LET’S GO GET A “Travel Accident Policy” for yourself and family cover ing death and medical ex pense, at low cost. Contact: Geo. C. Robertson, phone 534, O’Neill. 3tf L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of autoniobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding WE NEVER SLEEP A PHONE CALL brings us on the run- Phone 404-W. Used car parts, car repairing, elec tric and acetylene welding, i body shop. Strong’s Repair Shop VERNON STRONG, Prop. North Seventh — O’Neill IF YOU WANT a loan on your residence or business building, I can furnish the money, eith er on monthly payment plan or on straight yearly payment plan.—See R. H. Parker, O’ Neill, Nebr. 50tf Real Estate Loans WE have unlimited funds to loan on Ranches. If you anticipate needing a loan, CALL US TO DAY. Ernie Weller Associates Phone 6231 or 5141 — Atkinson HUNT’S PLUMBING & HEATING FARM & COMMERCIAL American Kitchens White Water Heaters Next door Asimus Motors; of O’NEILL Phone 399 — O’Neill tf HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf Expert Watch Repairing • McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill WANTED: Two men or women to do sales work in counties covered by this newspaper. Home nights. Must be willing to work at least seven hours a day. Car furnished or car ex pense to those accepted. Lib eral commission and bonus. For complete information write Earle C. Baillie, Loup City, Nebr., Phone 118. 15tf FOR SALE: I have the agency for Strunk chain saws, 16- 19 and 24-inch blades. Priced to save your pocketbook. Regular and special models. Contact me before you buy. — Wilbur C. Smith, Page, Nebr. 22p35 1 HAVE unlimited insurance money to loan on big ranch es. — R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 50tf PIANO LESSONS: Given in my home. — Mrs. Lloyd Liedtke. phone 556-M, O’Neill. 16tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: We still have four homes for sale to settle the Mc Cartney estate. Don’t be dis appointed like a lot of others have been and come too late and find the home you wanted is sold. Sold two last week. This is the last week to buy direct from the executrix. 917 E. Grant—good 4 rooms and pantry, city water, 2 lots at $3,000. 814 E. Benton—60-ft. lot, 5-room stucco house, water heater and ^ bath, $3,000. 704 E. Adams — 6-room house, furnace, bath, water heater, 2 lots, $3,000. 406 N. 3rd—Nice little home, 5 rooms with solarium and bath. Near church and schools, $3,500. Also have an apt. house at Ne ligh with $200.00 a month in come. Will yield 15% on in vestment. For more information call 102 or 574-W, O’Neill.22c FOR SALE: The Charles B. Crook 5 acres adjoining town, 5-room house with natural gas heat, electric lights, water and sewer system, 5 rooms, lMs bath. Will sell at a bargain as being transferred out of the state. — See P. C. Donohoe, broker, O’Neill. 22tf FOR SALE: Residence property at Inman, Nebr., 6 acres ground and several buildings.—See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. FOR SALE: 8-room house 6 blocks from school; 6 - room house 2 blocks from school; several good building lots. — See P. C. Donohoe, broker, O’ Neill. 22tf I HAVE opened an acreage ad jacent to O’Neill and will sell either in acreages or lots. — Harry E. Ressel, O’Neill, lltf FOR SALE OR RENT: 24x90 ft. store building in good condi tion. near center of town. — F. J. Dishner, 625 E. Douglas st„ O’Neill. 18tf REAL ESTATE: Nice home and 17 acres near Page. Priced to sell. Additional 320 acres can be had if desired. — Keith A. Abart, phone 520, O’Neill. 22c FOR SALE; 2-bedroom modem home with basement on East Grant.—Thorin-Bowker Agen cy, phone 207, O’Neill. 19c FOR SALE- Six room house, 28 x 50, half basement, attached garage, located on North Sev enth st.—Everett Gorgen, ph. 524-M, O'Neill. 13-16p-tf FOR SALE: 320-acre farm, 7 miles out. 140 cultivated, fair bldgs., 60 meadow, 120 pas ture. Price, $35 per acre. —R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 5tf SANDHILL RANCHES WE HAVE them from 50 to 500 cow capacity. Contact us for descriptions of our listings. THORIN - BOWKER AGENCY Phone 207 O’Neill FOR SALE: House and lot on sewer. — Ann Asimus, phone 210, O’Neill. I8tf FOR SALE: 2-bedroom, all mod em home, full basement, oil furnace. Garage, paved drive way. Fenced yard. — Lloyd Liedtke, 608 E. Benton, O’ NeilL phone 556-M. 5tf WANTED HELP WANTED. Position open in doctor’s office, O’Neill, for combination receptionist-book keeper. State qualifications in letter. Only mail applications will be received. Write Box Q, c/o The Frontier. 22c WANTED: Alfalfa and sweet clo ver seed. — E. H. Medcalf, Chambers 21tf O. E. (“Oakie”) DAVIDSON Plumbing & Heating “The Best Work for the Least Money” GAS WATER HEATERS & FURNACES Phone 126 — O’Neil! WANTED: Light trucking and drayage, all kinds. — Archie Ashby, O’Neill, phones 551-LJ or 125-J. 37tf WANTED: Auctioneering. Aug ust graduate of Reisch School of Auctioneering. Will sell all types of sales. Reasonable terms. No sale too large or too small. — M. Grossnicklaus, Chambers, phone 2348. 16-23pl85 Frontier for printing! FOR RENT FOR RENT; 5-room all modern apartment in new home.—Ph. 508-M, O’Neill. FOR RENT: Sanders for floor and furniture. — Spelts - Ray Lbr. Co. 47tf FOR RENT; Furnished apt., 3 rooms and bath; also sleeping rooms Call 102 or 509-W, O’ Neill. 22c FOR RENT; Business bldg., 116 So. Fourth st. —Kieth Abart, O’Neill. FOR RENT: Floor polisher and waxer.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. HOUSE FOR RENT: Contact Ann Asimus, O’Neill. 21c HOUSE FOR RENT: Six-rooms, modern except heat. — Keith Abart, O’Neill. 22c CARDS of THANKS ACKNOWLEDGING with grate ful appreciation to everyone, your very kind and thoughtful expressions of sympathy dur ing the loss of our dear son and brother. MR. AND MRS. GEORGE P. COLMAN and Family 22c I WISH to express my sincere thanks to my relatives and friends who sent cards and let ters and visited me while I was in St. Anthony’s hospital. Also a special thanks to the staff, nurses and doctors for the wonderful care I received. 22c RALPH STOWELL MY MOST sincere thanks to all who were so kind and thought ful while I was a patient in St. Anthony’s hospital. The lovely flowers, gifts, cards, letters and visits as well as prayers and assistance rendered in so many ways were truly appre ciated. Thanks again. MRS. E. R. CARPENTER 22p50 O'NEILL LOCALS Mrs. W. S. Coyne of Spalding was a guest from Sunday until Wednesday at the homes of Mrs. Edna Coyne and Mr. and Mrs. James Earley, sr. Mrs. Hugh O’Neill spent from Saturday until Monday visiting at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis of Om aha and Dr. and Mrs. Brown of Dennison, la., were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reimer, jr. ... Mrs. Glenn Stewart, Long 111, Expires Rites Held Tuesday at Lynch LYNCH — Funeral services were conducted at 10 a.m., Tues day, September 28, from the Methodist church in Lynch for Mrs. Glenn Stewart, 46, who died Friday, September 24, in Sacred Heart hospital at Lynch following a lingering illness. Rev. Anna Nelson, church pastor, offi ficiated. Burial was in Pleasant Hill cemetery south of Lynch. The late Mrs. Stewart, whose maiden name was Grace Tinker, was born in June, 1908, at Wag ner, S.D. Her mother died when she was a small girl. She resided with her grandmother until she was 12, at which time her grand mother died. After that she made her home at Lynch with relatives, attended the Lynch school, and was married to Glenn Stewart of Lynch in 1930. Survivors include: Widower; son—Ronald, who is in the navy and is stationed at Norfolk, Va.; one granddaughter; father—Phil ip Tinker of Avan, S.D.; broth ers—Roy, Ralph and Frank Tink-1 er, all of Wagner. Burial was in the Lynch ceme tery beside the grave of an infant .daughter, who died 17 years ago. Dinner Guests— Mrs. John Spencer of South Sioux City, Mrs. Christene Wil liams and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Patterson of Emmet were dinner guests at the H. D. Clauson home on Friday evening. Attend Meeting— Dr. L. A. Burgess attended a northwest Iowa District Dental association meeting in Sioux City Monday and Tuesday. VERDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET Report of September 27 Sale 190 to 250 lb., $19.50 to $19.95; 429 head selling in this narrow price range. 170 to 190 lb., $18.25 to $19.45. Sows to 325 lb.. $18.55 to $19.00; 325 to 400 lb.. $18.30 to $18.45; 400 up. $16.60 to $17.25. Heavy feeders. $17.50 to $18.00. Feeder pigs by head, $3.00 up. Will have 50 feeder pigs—weaned, thrifty and ready to go— Monday. October 4. Raised and consigned by one owner. CONSIGN TO VERDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET FOR SALES AND SERVICE W. LLOYD BRADY, Owner & Mgr. Verdigre, Nebr. Phone 86 ! Stock Car Races ! ! PORT SPEEDWAY - O’NEILL | | — Races Start at 2 P.M. — | < Sunday, October 3rd ► ( 20-30 Cars from North Central Nebraska and Southern I g South Dakota — 7 Races k ™ Competitive Racing by the Top Drivers of North Central Nebr. " RACES INCLUDE: " 9 Time Trials—4 Heat Races—Consolation Race—Feature Race ) 4 MONEY PAID ON ALL EVENTS | 4 Lunch and Coffee on Grounds! | g Adm.: Adults $1; high school 50c; children 12 and under when a accompanied by parents FREE! " | For Entries—Interested Parties Call 582-R2, O’Neill ) t THRILLS — SPILLS — CHILLS > Iwwwwwwwww__,J o O Market Report I t. Tuesday, Sept. .28th CATTLE AUCTION Atkinson, Nebr. The cattle market caught fire at the “Old Reliable” Tuesday. A good offering of 1,467 cattle found new homes in six states. The most active market of the season reflected the following price changes over last week’s auction: Yearling steers fully 50c to $1.00 higher; yearling heifers 50c up; steer and heifer calves 75c to $1.00 up. REPRESENTATIVE SALES No. Price Wgt. 15 Steers 21.10 570 15 Steers 21.10 570 39 Steers _. 18.55 1190 9 Steers . -22.20 410 18 Steers . _19.90 t>45 9 Steers 21.50 530 16 Steers _22.00 390 18 Steers .. 22.00 530 21 Steers __19.60 710 14 Steers . _21.45 625 14 Steers -19.25 795 50 Steers _19.95 645 36 Steers _19.70 750 35 Steers -19.75 570 15 Heifers _17.65 570 34 Heifers -17.00 655 10 Heifers -18.25 410 11 Heifers _16.95 575 11 Heifers -15.90 510 26 Heifers -16.75 600 22 Heifers -17.65 535 17 Heifers -16.80 560 14 Heifers-16.45 530 10 Heifers _18.05 415 A few select calves sold up to 24.00. Canners, cutters, beef cows ruled fully 75c lower in keeping with the break at packing centers. First Calf Auction: Next Monday, Oct. 4. promises to be a dandy and we urge you to get in on it with your con signment. Regular Stocker - Feeder Sale: Tuesday, Oct. 5th. Here too, early listings indicate a good offering and a fine sale. Buyers are now very plentiful —don’t overstay a good mar ket—sell ’em while they want them! Phone 5141 “The Old Reliable” Atkinson Livestock Market c Elmer McClurg & Ed Thonn. Auctioneers Dean Fleming, Asst. Manager Ernie Weller, Owner One of Nebraska's Richest Marketing Areas •« B § H M • . 1 1 § served by North Nebraska's fastest-growing newspaper * I O’Neill is North-Central Nebraska’s largest city (pop. 3,050). It is situated at the gateway to the sandhills and is the biggest re tail, wholesale, communica tions, hay, bluegrass and farm produce center in all North Nebraska; also one of the ranking cattle and hog markets in the state. The FRONTIER’S circulation has been grow ing by leaps and bounds, because of its well edited news and edi torial policies and because, in a single year, it has published more pictures than jJ many other papers in the area combined! g ♦♦ Your message in The K FRONTIER will enter ranch, farm and city homes where folks enjoy far-above H average purchasing pow er .. . where your story is welcomed and wanted. H * Biggest ABC circulation in nine counties. Details, marketing in formational and promotional as sistance gladly furnished. »♦ M M 1 1 5 i if ■■aaaaa>s>>»>n«ta«ml»tie>een>eet>e«e»e»e>tst»nm»asaaaei c