The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 23, 1954, Page 7, Image 7

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    Frosh Obliged to
Bow for
High Seniors
EWING—Monday, September
20, the freshmen of Ewing were
initiated into high school. They
wore outfits requested by the
seniors and had to bow when
meeting them. An all-high school
party was held in the evening
Honoring the frosh at which they
were put through their stunts. Ice
cream and cake were served by
the seniors, who were the hosts.
Freshman class officers elected
are Beverly Rotherham, president;
Dennis Scheer, vice-president;
Delbert Carl, secretary; David
Baum, treasurer; Marilyn Finley,
On Thursday, September 16, a
national assembly program was
conducted in the gymnasium. Ray
Dixson entertained for an hour
with “Portraits in Makeup”.
Some of the portraits reviewed
were “The Barbershop Quartet”
and “Robert E. Lee”.
Other Ewing News
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Schroeder
and Peggy Elaine are on vacation
in the Black Hills. Enroute there
they will stop at Bonesteel, S. D.
to visit Dwight’s grandmother,
Mrs. Eva Schroeder, and other
Mr. and Mrs. James Mlnarik,
Karen and Larry were Sunday
afternoon callers at the Joe
Mlnarik home
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Woslager
and family were Sunday evening
visitors at the James Mlnarik
Lunch guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bergstrom
following the football game Fri
day evening were Mr. and Mrs.
Pat Lambert, their daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Brady and family of Newman
Grove, and Mr. and Mrs. Vern
Finley and family of Ewing.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bergstrom
were entertained at dinner Sun
day at the home of Mr and Mrs.
"Pat T amKprt
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bergstrom
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Pat
Lambert attended the fight
in Norfolk Tuesday evening. They
were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Brady at Meadow Grove.
Dwelling Listed
for Benefit Sale
AMELIA — The Methodist
church of Amelia is sponsoring a
combination sale Saturday, Sep
tember 25, at 10 a.m., for the
benefit of the building fund.
Some of the items listed are a
16x24 two-story frame building,
another small building, furniture,
__ cream separator, garden prod
ucts, canned goods and many
other articles.
Pancakes and sausage will be
served. There will be a ball
game between the Amelia and
Loyal church teams. The sale be
gins at 10 a.m.
Son. Son-in-Law
Honored at Dinner —
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Froelich
entertained Saturday evening at
their home, honoring their son,
William J. Froelich, jr., and
and their son-in-law, Lt. Rob
ert Berigan. Their son departed
Monday for Washington, D.C.,
where he will enroll in law col
lege at Georgetown univrsity.
caeutenant Berigan left Sunday
for Oakland, Calif. From Oak
land he will be sent to the Far
East by the air force.
Weekend guests at the Froelich
home included Thomas Poy of
Rapid City, S.D., and Arthur
Nessur of Rochester, N.Y.
Ralph Leidy Here—
Ralph N. Leidy of Bentonville,
Ark., arrived Monday for a week’s
business stay here. Mrs. Leidy
stayed behind with the two child
ren who are in school. The Leidys
are completing a new three-bed
room house at Bentonville. Mr.
Leidy declared conditions have
been “very dry” this year in
Honors Husband —
Mrs. John Grutsch entertained
at dinner Sunday honoring the
birthday anniversary of Mr.
Grutsch. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Drickey of
Bristow, Mr. and .Mrs. William
^Claussen, Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Moler, Mrs. Tess Murray and
her grandaughter, and Maurice
and Elwin Grutsch.
Returns from West—
Mrs. Margaret McMillan of
Miami, Fla., arrived Saturday
from Long Beach and Stockton
Calif., where she has been visit
ing relatives and friends since
June. She is a guest at the home
of her niece, Mrs. M. J. Golden,
and Mr. Golden.
Hi Lo Prec.
September 16 .87 60 .10
September 17 -74 58 .35
September 18.— 77 55
September 19-81 42
September 20— 70 45
September 21 64 36
September 22 —79 33
Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Towle re
turned Thursday, September 16,
from a two-weeks’ vacation in
the South.__
Emmet News
Mrs. W. M. Newton called on
Mrs. Dean Perry and family on
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Georgianna McGinnis
held a dinner in honor of her
granddaughter, Mary Lou Con
ord, on Sunday. Guests were Mr.
and Mrs. John Conard and
daughter, Mary Lou. The occa
sion was Mary Lou’s birthday
The WSCS met with Mrs. Gil
bert Fox last Thursday. The next
meeting will be held at the home
of Mrs. Leon Beckwith.
Mi's. Vera Barnes visited Mrs.
Paul Newton Wednesday after
noon, September 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex McConnell
were guests at the Howard Mc
Connell home last Thursday.
Paul Newton, Robert Cole, Bud
Qote and Duke Kersenbrock mo
tored to the Missouri river Sun
day to build a goose blind.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Etherton and
children left Thursday, Septem
ber 9, for a trip to the West
coast. Henry Claussen is doing
the chores for them while they
are away.
The South club met at the
home of Mrs. Bob Fox Tuesday,
September 7. Eleven members
and one guest, Mrs. Maude Goos
of Taylor, were present. Roll call
was giving of the maiden name
and where each was born. A i
guessing game was played and
was won by Mrs. P. W. McGin
nis. A lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Little of
Omaha were weekend guests of
Mrs. Little’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alex McConnell.
Mrs. Paul Newton and children
and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fox spent
last Thursday at O’Neill visiting
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kramer and
Patricia Kloppenborg, small
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A1
Kloppenborg, celebrated her first
birthday anniversary on Friday
vith a little party. Guests were
Mrs Frank Foreman and daugh
ter, Jeanie Kay, Mrs. Gilbert Fox
and daughter, Barbara, and Art
Mrs. John Conard took Mary
Lou to Wayne State college at
Wayne. While there she visited
at the Cobb Olson home.
Mrs. Dean Beckwith called on
Mrs. Georgianna McGinnis Sun
The Altar society will hold a
card party at the Church of the
Epiphany at Emmet on Sunday
evening, September 26.
Mrs. Rex Oberle of Montana
visitied Mrs. Charles Abart on
Friday afternoon, September 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bates and
family were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Bates at O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. John Claussen of
O’Neill were dinner guests of
Mrs. Mary Lewis and Rudy
Claussen on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winkler
and family of Atkinson were vis
itors of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abart
were dinner guests of Mrs.
Abart’s sister, Mrs. Schultz of
Atkinson, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Brown
of Nampa, Ida., were weekend
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Kee.
.The Browns and Kees are old
friends. *
Mrs. Mary Lewis attended the
; Live and Learn project club
! meeting at Schaffer’s last Thurs
day afternoon.
Mrs. Joe Winkler and Alice
Hill recently visited at the Leo
Weichman home at Stuart.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burge and
family of Inman visited at the
Bessie Burge home on Tuseday
evening, September 14.
On Tuesday afternoon, Sep
tember 14, J. S. Hoffman. Mrs.
Ray Hoffman and Mrs. Donald
Hotfman and baby son visited
Mrs. Emma Maring and sons,
Oliver and Homer. J. S. Hoffman
is a brother of Mrs. Maring.
Mrs. Bessie Burge and daugh
ter, June, last Thursday called
on Mrs. Nona Bedford of Troy,
O., who is visiting at the home
of her son, Lee Taylor of Page.
Mrs. Fritz Brockman called on
Mrs. Mary Dusatko on Saturday
Mrs. James O’Connor and Tom
Perkins drove Miss Mabel Per
kins back to her home at Ains
worth Sunday afternoon. Miss
Perkins had been visiting at the
O’Connor home for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gaylor and
daughters and Jim Humpal, all
of Atkinson, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Cole and sons last Thurs
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fritton
visited Mr. and Mrs. James
Smelson of Atkinson Tuesday,
September 14.
Little Sheryl Schaaf, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schaaf of
Atkinson, is spending a few days
at the Robert Cole home.
Mrs. Paul Newton worked at
the John Conard store Monday
while John Conard attended a
grocery dealers’ convention at
Norfolk. Mrs. Bob Fox stayed at
the Paul Neton home Monday
caring for the Newton children
v hile their mother worked at the
Mrs. Don Meyers and children
were weekend guests of Mrs.
Meyers’ parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Merle DeLong of Page.
Don Meyers went to Picks
town, S.D., on Sunday with the
O’Neill Saddle club. The group
joined other saddle clubs there
and went on a trail ride through
the canyons. There were 162
hferses in the crowd.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tomlin
son and son, Veldon of Star
were supper guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Gilbert Fox and daughter,
Barbara, Sunday.
Don Meyers and Henry Patter
son went to Albion Saturday
with the O'Neill Saddle club,
where they performed at the
Boone county fair.
Miss Mabel Perkins of Ains
worth and Mir Jim O’Connor
were evening guests of Mrs.
Frank Foreman on Wednesday,
September 15.
Guy Isom of Crookston and
pis grandson from Missouri were
overnight guests of Mrs. Agnes
Gaffney on Friday.
Return from East—
Mrs. W. H. Harty and daugh
ter, Miss Helen, and Mrs. P. B.
Harty returned Wednesday from
Chester, Pa., where they had
gone to attend the wedding of
Jack Harty, son of Mrs. W. H.
David Eby, student at Wayne
State Teachers college, visited his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Eby, over the weekend.
Californian Honored
al Sunday Picnic—
There was a family gathering
on Sunday, September 12, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hull
at Johnstown in honor of Mrs.
Hull’s daughter, Mrs. Leota Rick
ard, who came from California
to visit Nebraska relatives.
Mrs. Hull is the former Mrs.
Rose Cady. The group was sur
prised when an oldtime neighbor
of the Cadys drove in for the pic
nic dinner.
Present were: Mrs. Leota Rick
ard of Ontario, Calif.; Mrs. Pearl
Smith of Des Moines, la.; Mr.
and Mis. Everett Johnson and
sons of Smithland, la.; Mr and
Mrs. George Cady and family of
Valentine: Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Cady and family of Valentine;
Mr. and Mrs. Myrl Cady and
family of Ainsworth; Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Kazda of Atkinson;
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kazda and
Cathy of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs.
Marion Byington of Riverview.
Grattan township republican
caucus will be held at the assem
bly room of the Holt county
courthouse on Tuesday, Sep
tember 28, 8 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sundull
of Wakefield spent Saturday at
the home of his uncle and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Robertson.
Mr. and Mrs. Sundull were re
turning to their home after va
cationing in California for several
Mrs. Harry Dempsey and Phil
lip spent Friday in Osmond at
.e iarm hom-p oi Mr. and Mrs.
Burton Kimball.
Page News
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smith, who
had spent about 10 days visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Smith, and other relatives here
and at Orchard, left Wdenesday,
September 15, for Oakland for a
short visit with his brother, Don
ald Smith, and family before go
ing to their home at Washington,
The Royal Neighbors held a
picnic at the Page park Sunday.
A 1 o’clock basket dinner was
enjoyed and a lunch in the late
afternoon. About 23 families
were represented with about 60
in attendance.
The Nifty Needlers 4-H club
entertained the Eagle Hustlers
4-H club Friday evening in the
Methodist church basement.
County Agent A. Neil Dawes and
Harr*' Stoklely, assistant agent,
showed two films, “Home at the
Wheel” and “Hunting in Alas
ka.” There was group singing.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerhardt Luebke
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beelaert,
leaders for 4*H Eagle Hustlers,
and Mrs. A. T. Crumly and Mrs.
J. O. Ballantyne, leaders for the
Nifty Needlers, were present. The
Nifty Need leys* served lunch.
O’Neill News
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bryan of
Hebron were Friday and Satur
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mr. and Mrs. William White,
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Wichmanr
Mr. and Mrs. Deraid Graham, and
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Morrow at
tended the Joe Lewis-Larry
Hamilton fight in Norfolk Tues
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred T. Drayton
spent Friday in Sioux City.
The Misses Beverly and Mar
jorie Norman of Omaha spent the
Weekend here visiting their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKim spent
the weekend in Omaha.
Too Late to Classify
I WISH to thank all my custom
ers and friends who sent card»
and letters and visited me
while I was confined in the
FOR SALE: A Skelgas range,
used very little.—Phone 499-J,
O’Neill. 21-22p60
FOR SALE: Used compickers—
Allis-Chalmers, New Idea, etc.
— Marcellus Impl. Co., West
O’Neill, phone 5. 21c
W. F. FINLEY, M.D. ,
Downey Building
office Rhone. 28
— ■ --— M ,1
Tuesday, Sept. 28
Music by —
Little John Bucher
and His Orchestra
I-'i - ..
All out for saving! This is your stop to save
more . . . yes, more time, more energy . . . CTA . __ ^
and lost but not least, more money! You'll find STOKELY S TOMATO
a tremendous variety of fresh, delicious meats,
produce, groceries, bakery items, dairy items, $ B ® jn
frozen food, and other food needs; you'll like m B « Mm jv®
our quick easy to find departments; fast, cour- or a V w
teous checkout; and tremendous selection!
And you can go all out for saving, now ... AC f\- T +
because you get more everyway and you poy ‘iO"UZ. L<U1 . M M 7
less for it here! W I
Strawberry 1
Blackberry or a
Currant m
9-Oz. Jars 1
5 Jars.$1 I
PEAS Rosedale I
No. 303 Cans J§
4 lor. .. 49c I
I SLICED DRIED BEEF ... _ Half lb. 39c
€ LEAN SPARE RIBS ... Lb. 39c
bacoa (SQUARES) Lb. 291
I Pickle Pimento — Minced Ham — Braunschweiger
130-Lb. Avg.
TOKAY - LUS.. !69
GRAPES u>..iOt
Tissues 25 f
Rex LARD 2u» 39(
COO Kies 21%. 49 f
SOUP 3Cans.291
SUGAR 5 it. 49^
I 198 '
pkgs.# 51
OLEO.3 lbs. 69c
BLACK PEPPER, 2 oz. 39c
KOOL-ADE.. 0 pkgs. 25c
YES TISSUE.. 2 pkgs. 49c
MILK.2 tab cms 27c
SURF.. Pkg. 49c
SOAP.4 bar deal 29c
PINEAPPLE, No. 2 cn. 29c