Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, m an Action pending in said Court, wherein the County of Holt is Plaintiff and S. A. Mur phy et al are Defendants, this !>emg Case No. 14920, I will sell to the highest Bidder for Cash at the front door of the Court House in O’Neill, Nebraska, on the 14th day of September, 1954, at 10 o’clock A.M., the following Premises in Holt County, Nebras ka, to-wit: Against Lots 3 and 4 in Block 1 of Town of Page, Holt County, Ne braska. Being the real estate involved in the 27th cause of action, for the following sums; 991.90 with interest at 7% per annum, from October 20, 1953 to gether with costs Taxed in the sum of $26.44, plus accruing costs: Against Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Block 3 of the Town of Page, Holt Coun ty, Nebraska. Being the real estate involved in the 28th cause of action, for the following sums; $159.95 with interest at 7% per annum, from October 20. 1953 to gether with costs Taxed in the turn of $33.24, plus accruing torts: Against Lot 15 in Block 8 of Town of Page, Holt County, Nebraska. Being the real estate involved in the 29th cause of action, for the following sums; $65.80 with interest thereon at 77® per annum, from October 20, 1953 together with costs taxed in the sum of $23.33, plus accru ing costs: Against Lot 16 In Block 8 of Town of Page, Holt County, Nebraska. Being the real estate involved jri the 30th cause of action, for the following sums; $51.85 with interest thereon at 77c per annum, from October 20, 1953 together with costs taxed m the sum of $22.43, plus accru ing costs: Against Lot 17 in Block 8 of Town of Page, Holt County. Nebraska. Being the real estate involved in the 31st cause of action, for the following sums; $47.55 with interest thereon at 77® per annum, from October 20, 1953 together with costs taxed in the sum of $22.00, plus accru mg costs: Against Lot 18 in Block 8 of Town of Page, Holt County, Nebraska. Being the real estate involved in the 32nd cause of action, for the following sums; $86.39 with interest thereon at 7% per annum, from October 20, 1953 together with costs taxed in the sum of $25.88, plus acru ing costs: Against Lots 7 and 8 in Block 19 of Town of Page, Holt County, Ne liTdSlCH Being the real estate involved in the 34th cause of action, for the following sums; $33.65 with interest thereon at 7% per annum, from October 20, 1953 together with costs taxed in the sum of $20.61, plus accru :s*so3 3ut Against Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Block 3, East Side Addition to Town of Page, Holt County, Nebraska. . Being the real estate involved iu the 35th cause of action, for the following sums; $182.45 with interest thereon at 79e per annum, from October 20, 1953 together with costs taxed m the sum of $35.49, plus accru ing costs: Against Center 50 feet of Lots 1 and 2 of Block 2 in Town of Emmet, Holt County, Nebraska. Being the real estate involved in the 40th cause of action, for ihe following sums; $69.25 with interest thereon at 7f/c per annum, from October 20, 1953 together with costs taxed in the sum of $24.17, plus accru ing costs: Against North 50 feet of Lots 1 and 2 in Block 2, in Town of Emmet, Holt County, Nebraska. Being the real estate involved in the 41st cause of action, for the following sums; $46.60 with interest at 77® per together with costs taxed in the annum, from October 20, 1953, sum of $21.91, plus accruing costs: Against South 50 feet of Lots 3 and 4 in Block 2, of Town of Emmet, Holt County, Nebraska. . Being the real estate involved in the 42nd cause of action, for the following sums; amp. mm :iL Internet at i v7 J-D Tractor, B, 1949 J-D Tractor, B, 1935, with power lift IHC Tractor, F12, 1937, with scoop IHC Disc, 9-ft. Harrow, 12-ft. One-Horse Drill J-D Endgate Seeder J-D Plow, 2-bottom, 14-in. 2—J-D Com Planters, 999 J-D Cultivator, like new, for tractor IHC Grain Binder, 8-ft., power driven Harvey Hammermill; Drive Belt, 40-ft. Chev. Truck Sweep J-D Power Mower, 7-ft. IHC Trail Mower, 7-ft. 2—IHC 12-Ft. Hay Rakes, with 2-Rake Hitch Slide Hay Stacker 2—Wagons on Rubber, with Boxes Hay Rack and Gears Wood Wheel Wagon Gear Wood Bros. Compicker, 1950 Dehorning Chute Loading Chute Duncan Loader Snow Plow to fit Duncan Loader J-D Manure Spreader Winch to fit J-D B, new type Underslung Autoguide, on Rubber IHC Cream Separator and Motor Roll Cribbing Stack of Cobs A-C 2-Bottom, 14-ln. Plow 3-Gal. Spray Gun Acetylene Welder Air Pump with Tractor Fittings Water Tank, 8-ft. Steel Water Tank, 16-ft. Post Hole Digger to fit J-D B Tractor t w wmmm m m*. -A. Walking Plow Tank Heater (wood or cobs) Chicken Waterer, electric, 7-gal. Pump Jack Salt Box—Hog Troughs Feed Bunks, Etc. Lariat Rope Block and Tackle 80-Ft. Preformed Cable 50-Ft. Cable Set Tire Chains, 10- 11- 12x38 Set Tire Chains, 10- 11- 15x38 Comfort Cover for A or B Tractor Shop Tools, Etc. AL5U M/mi nUUotnULU (>UUUb Including Cook Stove, Vene tian Blinds, Other Articles 25—Acres of Corn in Reid About 65 Tons Good Hay in Stack, 15 Tons Alfalfa in Stack Look this corn orer before sale lime _ ALSO 35 HENS — MANY OTHER ITEMS Terms. Cash. No property to be removed until settled for. HENRY W. I COL ED THOR1N, O'Neill, Auct.