The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 19, 1954, Image 8
PAGE —THE FRONTIER, O'Neill. Nebr.. Thurs.. Aug. 19. 1954. SILL ** FOR SALE FOR SALE: Fryers, dressed and delivered, $1.25 each in orders of 20 or more.—Phone 46F12, Page. 16-17p60 USED CARS 1949 FORD V-8 2-dr., “A dean car throughout. ’ 1950 PONTIAC “8” 4-dr. A one-owner car with all the ex tras.” „ „ _ 1953 PONTIAC CUSTOM CAT ALINA ( “with a new-car lflf^PCiNTIAC 2-dr. 8 Deluxe “16,000 actual miles, priced at one-half of new price/’ ^ 1949 FORD V-8 CUSTOM 4-dr, “a good car throughout for a 1948WpORD ' V-8 CLUB COUPE “a dependable car with a lot of use left in it.” , 1952 WILLYS AERO „ 2 - dr. “Clean inside and out. 1947 WILLYS JEEP. 1940 2-DR- CHEVROLET. The cleanest ’40 in town." 1949 CHEVROLET 2-dr. Special, “a good motor and a fair body, priced to sell.” 1946 PONTIAC 4-dr. 6 Stream liner “a custom-lined interior with’a No. 1 body.” GMAC FINANCING WM. KROTTER CO. PONTIAC Phone 531 — West O’Neill Burival, 4% mi. N., % w Bazelman’s Station, 0 Neill. FOR SALE: Piano — small size spinet. $25.00 down, terms on balance to responsible person. Can be seen in O’Neill. For de tails write Eckert Piano Co., 4631 Dodge street, Omaha 3, Nebr. _ 16c6° BEST BUYS! 1950 Ford 2-dr„ heater, overdrive, seat covers. Bargain. 1950 Plymouth club coupe, radio, heater --— $745 1949 Chevrolet 2-dr., good clean car ___$595 COME IN AND SEE US! We like to trade!! Shierk Motor Co. 430 South 4th — O’Neill FOR SALE: A hardwood wind ing stairway, $25.00. — Glen’s Barber Shop, Atkinson. 15-18pll0 FOR SALE: Dressed fryers, weigh approximately 3 pounds or over. 1.25 each.—Mrs. Allen Miller, Emmet.16-17p60 FOR SALE: Aeromotor wind mills, and towers, galvanized stock tanks, 8- and 10-foot sizes. — John Sobotka, Inman, Nebr. 7tf FOR SALE: Nearly new Frigid aire home dehumidifier. If your basement is damp and has a musty odor, this is just what you need. Just 1/3 of the new cost.—Thorin-Bowker Agency, phone 207, O’Neill._ FOR SALE: My business, fully equipped for welding, lathe work and blacksmithing. A good opportuity for younger man.—J. P. Cans, Stuart, ph. 2581. 16-17p70 USED WASHING MACHINES WE HAVE Re-conditioned May tag Washers coming and going all the time. These machines carry a guarantee against all parts and workmanship. Also a few Used Coronado Wash ers priced from _$20 We also have reconditioned wringers to fit Maytags which we will trade on your present wringer. These wringers are also guaranteed against all parts and workmanship. FINANCING AVAILABLE MAYTAG SAI.ES & SERVICE WM. KROTTER CO. OF O'NEILL Phone 531 — West O’Neill HOOVER Sales & Service BIGLIN’S Phone 38 — O’Neill FOR SALE OR TRADE: Buck sheep. — Dick Clark, O’Neill, phone 21-F5. 16-17p60 FOR SALE: 9 used 1-horse drills, all kinds. One 5-ft. one way to use on Ford or Fergu son Good shape. — Outlaw Implement, O'Neill, Nebr. _15-16c FOR SALE: Oak dinette with extra center leaf. 4 chairs with plastic seats. — Phone O’Neill 538-R11 or 583-R3._ New ’54 STUDEBAKERS Passenger Cars and Trucks — On Display USED CARS 1952 4-dr. Studebaker Champion. 1953 DeSoto club coupe. 1950 Ford tudor, custom, with overdrive. SMITH MOTOR CO. “Home of Studebaker” Phone 562 — O’Neill GILL ELECTRIC: See John Gil strap for all vour electrical wiring and equipment. I ser vice all makes of appliances.— O’Neill, phone 527-LR. 45tf FOR SALE: Cornet suitable tor school band, complete with case, $25—H. E. Asher, 918 E. Everett, O’Neill, ph. 281. 16c USED SPINET FOR SALE: Schuamn make. 3-years-old. Inquire — Vance Anderson, Butte, Nebr._15tf Pre - Season CORN PICKER SPECIALS 1- Row IHC pull, like new. 2- Row GI mounted, to fit H or M. 2-Row Farmrite mounted, to fit H or M. 2-Row GI mounted, to fit F-12. 2-Row New Idea pull. 2-Row IHC pull. Shelhamer Equip. Co. O’Neill FOR SALE: Ann Arbor station ary hay baler, very good condi tion.—Roland Harvey, Cham bers. 16-18c FOR SALE: 1946 Fleetline 2-dr. Chevrolet, good shape, heater, fog lights, everything good. — Charles Maulding, O’Neill, ph. 518-R. 16-17c60 | ROCK OF AGES MONUMENTS To Grow More Beautiful with the Passing Years POTTHAST Monument Company NORFOLK FOR SALE: 1936 Chevrolet con verted into pickup truck. — Richard Strube, phone 419-W, O’Neill. 16tf New Machinery J-D disc tillers. J-D grain drills, 10-, 12-, 14-ft. 12-ft. Easy Flow fertilizer spreader. I-D spreaders. 10, 12 and 14-ft. J-D rakes. No. 5 J-D mowers. Farmhand loaders, bulldozers, grapple forks. J-D-D oils, greases and batteries. Bale ties, cable. Plymouth baler and binder twine. Used Machinery 1948 John Deere B tractor. 1946 H John Deere. 1946 G John Deere tractor, fully equipped. 1944 John Deere B. 1939 F20 IHC tractor. John Deere 12-ft. rake. J-D 4-wheel spreader. No. 5 J-D mower. Used Farmhand. Hydraulic manure loader. 6-Ft. Massey - Harris combine with motor. No. 55 John Deere combine. We trade and give terms on John Deere Credit Plan. Come in and see us! Harry R. Smith Impls. Your John Deere Dealer Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Combination storm and screen door. $8.00. — Joe Cunningham, O’Neill. 16p35 FOR SALE: Brome grass seed. — P. V. Hickey, O’Neill. 15-16p NEW & USED MACHINERY NEW MM Tractors (all sizes). MM and Case Wheatland plows. Case SC Tractor. MM, New Idea and Case mowers. MM and New Idea side del. rakes. Case and New Idea farm trailers. USED Used J-D Wheatland plows. MM mower (semi-mounted). Case SC tractor. Farmall Regular tractor. Case pickup wire baler. MM Model E com sheller. WM. KROTTER CO. MM & NEW IDEA SALES AND SERVICE WEST O’NEILL — PHONE 531 FOR SALE: Heavy duty under slungs, complete with or with out beds, also big truck tires, rims, etc. We deliver.—Gerald O’Connor, 8 mi. no., 5 east of Atkinson on No. 11. 12-21p New Cornpicker : t G.I., Farmrite and David Brad ley. Easy pulling, simplest to operate, easy greased end re paired. Will pick all of short and down com where other pickers fail. 1- Row pull type or 1-row semi mounted _ $495.00 2- Row mounted, will fit most tractors_$595.00 2-Row pull type__$695.00 Largest stock of parts for G.I.’s, Farmrites, David Bradleys in Nebraska. Massey-Harris 2-row mounted or self-propelled pickers. Used pickers of all kinds. Cook’s Miracle shucking beds for most all pickers_$105.00 Kelly Ryan elevators. Duncan steel corn cribs. Outlaw Implement Co. — West O’Neill — See our clearance window of summer items. 209c off.—Sco vie's Western Auto. O'Neill. 16c r arm Machinery 1950 Ford tractor. 1948 Massey-Harris No. 22 trac tor. IOC hammermill. D-2 IHC pickup. Case running gear on rubber. Farm fuel tanks. Two-bottom plow for C tractor. 1947 gas M. Farmall 30. Model A Ford car (good school car). No. 4 IHC plow. No. 5 John Deere mower. 50-T. baler with engine. 21-ft. Mayrath auger elevator, complete with engine. Tnnes pickup. New underslung wagon. Sweep to fit Ford tractor. No. 8 two-bottom plow. 14-ft. Massey-Harris drill. 7- ft. Dempsetr drill. 8- ft. truck bed with rack. Kelly Ryan one-way disc. Case horse mower. Native cedar posts. Mower to fit Regular and F-20 14-ft. rake, good. i2-ft. rakes. Overshot stacker. Allis Chalmers B tractor. Don’t forget to see our REFRIGERTOR and FREEZER SPECIALS! Shelhamer Eqpt. Co. O’Neill VEGETABLES FOR SALE: Cu cumbers and beans, for table or canning; comb honey and tomatoes by the the bushel and order. — Beilin’s Gardens, phone 338-J, O’Neill. CARDS of THANKS WE WISH to thank all the friends and neighbors for all the kind deeds they performed at the time of the illness and death of our mother, Mattie Johnson. —THE CHILDREN OF MATTIE JOHNSON 16p50 WE WANT to thank each and every one for kindness shown at the time of the death of our husband and father. During a time like this we realize how much our friends really mean to us. Your expression of sympathy will always be re membered by the family of Henry G. Eickhoff.—Mrs. Hen ry G. Eickhoff, • Mrs. Viola An derson, Mrs. Eileen Gallagher, Donald H. Eickhoff. 16p50 WE WISH to thank Doctor Brown and all the nurses for the wonderful care we received while in St. Anthony’s hospi tal, also all our friends and relatives for the cards and gifts we received while there. — Mrs. Raymond J. Schmidt and Margaret Ann. 16p50 W’E WISH to express our heart felt thanks to the many kind friends and neighbors for the ex pressions of sympathy and the many acts of kindness shown us following the death of our beloved wife, mother and Grandmother.—T. J. Donohoe and family, the grandchildren. 16c WE WISH to thank all our many friends and relatives for the flowers and services rendered and for the many acts of kind ness during the illness and death of our husband and fa ther. MRS. WILL HARTLAND AND FAMILY 16p50 WANTED HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WANTED: Rooms for rent. Call or write.—D. F. Temple meyer, O’Nelil, phone 566-J. _ 16c WANTED: Girl or middle-age woman for general housework on ranch.—Mrs. Lyle Watson, phone 2614, Chambers. _ 16p35 WANTED: New and used car salesman. Experience prefer red but not necessary. Contact —A. Marcellus, O’Neill, phone 370.4tf , WANTED: Light trucking and drayage, all kinds. — Archie Ashby, O’Neill, phones 551-LJ or 125-J. 37tf WANTED: Custom silage cutting for cash or share.—Jim Corkle, O’Neill. 15-18p WANTED: Auctioneering. Aug ust graduate Reisch School of Auctioneering. Will sell all types of sales. Reasonable terms. No sale too large or too small. — M. Grossnicklaus, Chambers, phone 2348. _ 16-23pl85 WANTED: Two men or women to do sales work in counties covered by this newspaper. Home nights. Must be willing to work at least seven hours a day. Car furnished or car ex pense to those accepted. Lib eral commission and bonus. For complete information write Earle C. Baillie, Loup City, Nebr., Phone 118. 15tf WANTED: Hay or alfalfa to bale, shares or cash. Round baler.—K. C. Hunt, O’Neill. _3tf Return From California— Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Shelhamer returned Monday from Liver Andre, Calif., where they had visited for two weeks with their son and daugh ter-in-law, A2/c and Mrs. Wally Shelhamer. Airman Shelhamer is stationed at Parks air force base. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: The Woody Grim residence, strictly modern and new. Ask me for key to look it over.—See R. H. Parker, O’ , Neill. _ 16c FOR SALE OR RENT: House two blocks south of Neighbor hood store.—C. A. Strong, O’ Neill. _16p35 FOR SALE: Six room house, 28 x 50, half basement, attached garage, located on North Sev enth st.—Everett Gorgen, ph. 524-M, O'Neill. 13-16p-tf PRICE REDUCED on the Durre 480-A. Ranch IMPROVED wet hay and pas ture land on Cache creek, SE of Chambers. Has 3 flowing wells. Priced for a short time at $67.50 an acre. Fisher Realty Co. Norfolk, Nebr. 16tf hEAL ESTATE: Nice home and 17 acres near Page. Priced to sell.— Keith A. Abart, phone 520, O’Neill. FOR SALE: 1,000 acre ranch 13 miles northeast of Atkinson. REA, telephone and water in house. Mail box at the door. % mile to school. Good set of buildings, some wild hay, 60 acres alfalfa. Brush creek runs through pasture, lots of posts and lumber.—J. W. Manhalter, Spencer. 15-18p FOR SALE: Modern house and property in good location in Page. — Mrs. H. G. Eickhoff, Page. 16-17c SANDHILL RANCHES WE HAVE them from 50 to 500 cow capacity. Contact us for descriptions of our listings. THORIN - BOWKER AGENCY Phone 207 O’Neill FOR SALE: 2-bedroom, all mod ern home, full basement, oil furnace. Garage, paved drive way. Fenced yard. — Lloyd Liedtke, 608 E. Benton, O’ Neill. phone 556-M. 5tf TERMS! SPECIAL OFFERING! TERMS! 3— BEDROOMS —3 LIVING ROOM, Dining Room, Kitchen, and Utility Room all on one floor. Full basement. Hot water baseboard RADI ANT heat. Completely equip ped with aluminum storm doors and windows — EASY change aluminum screens, nat ural gas and 220-volt electricity. Hardwood cabinets in kitchen. New copper lined hot water tank. Both walls and ceilings completely insulated. Double garage, 2 large lots. Beautiful lawn, shrubs, and lots of love ly garden. If you are looking for a truly fine ranch style home that is conveniently lo cated, priced reasonably, and full of comfortable living, be sure to call us today for an ap pointment to inspect. Thorin - Bowker Agency Phone 207 — O’Neill SPECIAL TERMS! FOR SALE: 320-acre farm, 7 miles out. 140 cultivated, fair bldgs., 60 meadow, 120 pas ture. Price, $35 per acre. —R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 5tf I HAVE opened an acreage ad jacent to O’Neill and will sell either in acreages or lots. — Harry E. Ressel, O’Neill, lltf I HAVE Unlimited insurance money to loan on big ranch- i es. — R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 50tf IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured.—See Ed Thorin, ‘ agt., [ O’Neill, Nebr. 44tf ; Depart for Indiana— Mr. and Mrs. Ira N. Nugen de parted last Thursday for their j home in Winchester, Ind. They i had visited for six weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Shelhamer. The Nugen’s son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Nug en and Betty of Farmland, Ind., visited from Tuesday, August 10, until Thursday with the Shel- ; hamer’s. They drove his parents home. THANK YOU I wish to thank the voters of the Third Supervisors District for their support at the primary election. CLARENCE ERNST MISCELLANEOUS L-O-A-N-S 4% Federal Land Bank Long Term Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM ASS’N O’Neill. Nebr. STOCK CAR RACES, Atkinson, August 22-23, 8 races daily, starting time, 2 p.m. 16c LADIES’ FUR COATS: Restyled — relined — repaired. Coats — jackets — capes — stoics. Write or call for free estimate. FELIX FUR SHOP 522 W. 1st St.,—Ph. 680 Grand Island, Nebr. 13-22c SELLING is our business: Will arrange for advertising, selling and clerking at your sale, pri vately or public auction.—Ed Thorin and Bill Bowker, O’ Neill, phone 207, licensed real estate auctioneer and brokers. 13tf L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of autonlobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding WE NEVER SLEEP A PHONE CALL brings us on the run- Phone 404-W. Used car parts, car repairing, elec tric and acetylene welding, body shop. Strong’s Repair Shop VERNON STRONG, Prop. North Seventh — O'Neill IF YOU WANT a loan on your residence or business building, I can furnish the money, eith er on monthly payment plan or on straight yearly payment plan.—See R. H. Parker, O’ Neill, Nebr. 50tf NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES Sales and Service We repair all makes. Let us give you a free estimate on your repair work. Midwest Furniture & Appliance _— West O’Neill — LET’S GO GET A “Travel Accident Policy” for yourself and family cover ing death and medical ex pense, at low cost. Contact: Geo. C. Robertson, phone 534, O’Neill. 3tf Real Estate Loans WE have unlimited funds to loan on Ranches, if you anticipate needing a loan, CALL US TO DAY. Ernie Weller Associates Phone 6231 or 5141 — Atkinson HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf HUNT’S PLUMBING & HEATING FARM &£ COMMERCIAL American Kitchens White Water Heaters Next door Asimus Motors) of O’NEILL Phone 399 — O’Neill tf Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neil] ~~0. E. (“Oakie”) DAVIDSON Plumbing & Heating “The Best Work for the Least Money”_ GAS WATER HEATERS & FURNACES Phone 126 — O’Neill FOR INDIVIDUALLY designed Spencer supports, call 316, O’ Neill, Mrs. R. Kurtz. ll-19p Airman Engaged to Scotch Girl— LYNCH — Recent announce ments have been received by Mr. and Mrs. James Maly, sr., stating their son, A/2c James Maly, jr., of Prestwick, Scotland^ and Cissie Morrison of Ayrshire, Scotland, are engaged to be married in the near future. FOR RENT FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment.—A. E. Bowen, O’Neill, phone 322-W. 16c FOR RENT: Sanders for floor and furniture. — Spelts - Ray Lbr. Co. 47tf FOR RENT: Business bldg., 116 So. Fourth st. —Kieth Abart, O’Neill. FOR RENT: Floor polisher and waxer.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. Norman Walter to Organize Church Parents Go With Him to Eastern Seaboard CHAMBERS—Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walter and son, Norman, left Wednesday, August 18, on a two weeks’ trip through the Eastern states. They will visit the for mer’s son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Irven Walter, and family at Mapleton, la.; another son and daughter - in - law, Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Walter, and fam ily at Detroit, Mich.; also plan to visit in Philadelphia, Pa.; Balti more, Md.; Washington, D.C., and other cities of interest before go ing to Seaford, Dela., where Nor man begins his work as a mis sionary on September 1. Mr. Walter has been attending a theological seminary at St. Louis, Mo. He will spend 12 months at the assignment at Seaford, where his work will in clude the organizing of a congre gation and starting a new church. At the end of a year he will re turn to St. Louis for another year at the seminary. Other Chambers News Robert Hodge of Round Lake, 111., Lanette Hodge and Mrs. Har ried Iliss, both of Los Angeles, Calif., visited Friday night in the .John Honeywell home. They are son and daughters of the late De Witt Hodge and came to attend the funeral services at Elgin and Norfolk on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cooper, Mrs. Ed Runyon and daughter, June, of Riverton, Wyo., came on Friday, August 13, to visit his sister, Mrs. Clarence Tibbets; brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Cooper, and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blair and daughter of Omaha came last Thursday and visited until Sun day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Blair. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter visited their niece, Mrs. William Carpenter, and four daughters of Bakersfield, Calif., at the Legion Fink home southwest of Elgin on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Richards of Chadron came last Thursday to visit their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Duane K. Mil ler. They returned home Satur day. Some of the members of the Woman’s society have been busy the past few weeks painting and redecorating the basement of the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Hoerle and children left Sunday for a trip through the Yellowstone .park and a visit with her sisters, Mrs. Merle Hansen and Mrs. Lee Mitchell, and families at Boise, Ida., and with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cle tus Hoerle, and family at Seattle, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Gross nicklaus and children returned Saturday, August 14, from Ma son City and Clear Lake, la., where they had spent the past two weeks. Mr. Grossnicklaus at tended an auctioneering school and is now a qualified auction eer. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tange man, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Peltzer, left Friday, August 13, for Denver, Colo., where the Tangemans will visit their daughter, Doreen Tange man. Peltzers will visit relatives. They plan to return the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Walter and sons, Duane and Roger, drove to Seward Friday to get their oaughter, Marilyn, who has been attending the teachers’ college there. They drove from Seward to Central City where Miss Walt er has conrtacted to teach a rural school for the coming term. On Monday, August 9, Mrs. T. E. Newhouse and daughter, Katheryn, drove to Lexington where Miss Katheryn Newhouse has been engaged to teach music in the public school. Mr. and Mrs. John Harley of Grand Island returned to their home Tuesday, August 10, after spending a week with Mrs. Har ley’s brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Carson. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cooper, Mrs. Ed Runyon and daughter, June, of Riverton, Wyo., Mrs. Clarence Tibbets and Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Cooper of Chambers drove to Winner, S.D., Sunday, August 15, to visit their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cooper, and nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Hale Os borne. and Sharon. Weekend visitors in the Clair Grimes home were their daugh ter, Mrs. Loren Coppac, and two children of Ottumwa, la., and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gritnes of Omaha. Also in the Grimes home were their other daughter, Mrs. H. Conery, and two sons. The family gathering was in honor of Milton Grimes, who left Wednes day to serve in the armed forces. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens, Cherilyn and Terry of Atkinson were callers in the Floyd Whit aker home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Fagan drove to Kinsington, Kans., Sat urday to visit relatives and to get their children, Judy and Gary, who have been visiting their uncle and aunt there. Mrs. Nellie Starr and Mrs. Valo Ed wards accompanied them as far as Grand Island. The former re mained for a visit in the Bob Starr home. The latter accompan ied the Fagans back on Sunday, j Visiting Mrs. Charlotte Honey- 1 well on Sunday were Mr, and I Mrs. Frank Urban, Mr. and Mrs. Seymore Harkins, Mrs. Alber* Harkins and girls of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Gorgen of O’Neill. 1 Receives Commission Second Lt. and Mrs. John P. Obermire (above) arrived in Stuart Friday from Lincoln to spend a few days with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Ober mire, before they leave for Ft. Sill, Okla., where he will be stationed for 17 weeks. He was graduated from the Uni versity of Nebraska in June with a bachelor of science de gree in agriculture and receiv ed his second lieutenant com mission in the army reserves, field artillery corps Citywide Swim Meeting Planned The O’Neill city park board will sponsor a swim meet on Sunday, September 5. “All inter ested in entering must register for the different events at the pool before September 1,” ac cording to Pool Mgr. Don Tfctn plemeyer. The meet will be divided into three different age brackets: 1. Grade school (up to and includ ing the sixth grade); 2. junior high (includes the seventh, eighth and ninth grades); 3. high school. Each bracket will be di vided into boys’ and girls’ groups. Medals and ribbons will be awarded to the different win ners. The exact time wnl be an nounced later, depending upon the number of entries received, Templemeyer added. Tune in? Voice of The Fron tier” . . Mon.. Wed., Sat., 9:45 a.m. WJAG (780 k.c.) Finest Beverages I ALWAYS COME I IN BOTTLES I Announcement We have re-entered the insurance business in the O’Neill territory and have been designated as authorized agent for the well-known MAYNARD V. MILLS CO., of Lincoln, Nebr., General Insurance Un derwriters. We are pleased to represent this fine firm once more and will be very happy to be given an opportunity to care for your insurance needs. PAUL SHIERK INSURANCE AGENCY (Shierk Motor Co. Bldg.) 212 South Fourth St. Office Phone 430 Res. Phone 235 - John Deere Disk Tillers have every essential feature for better tillage work and some extras that make handling easier, speed work, and cut costs. Their uniform penetration, light draft, exceptional clearance, easy adjust ments, and simple, convenient controls make outstanding work the rule in all soil and field conditions. John Deere Tillers are available in sizes from 2-1/3 to 20 feet. They're carefully designed for maximum strength and long life with low upkeep costs. Strong, rigid frames . . , high carbon steel, heat-treated disks ... rugged, square gangshafts . . . and self-aligning, high-grade bearings are c long life features. Stop in. See us for complete details. Harry R. Smith Impls. “Your JOHN DEERE Dealer” ^ Phone 562 — O’Neill C ... _